Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The impact of digital and internet technologies on language
El impacto de las tecnologías digitales e internet en el desarrollo del lenguaje
Lidiia Oliinyk
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory, Practice and
Translation of German, Faculty of Linguistics, National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky
Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Nataliia Romaniuk
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Publishing and Editing, Faculty of
Journalism, Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Halyna Kuznetsova
Vice rector, Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Ukrainian Language,
Literature and Teaching Methods Department, Faculty of Philology and History, Oleksandr
Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv, Ukraine.
Inna Horbenko
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Publishing and Editing, Faculty of
Journalism, Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Nadiia Senchylo-Tatlilioglu
Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language and
Literature, Faculty of Literature, Ataturk University, Yakutiye, Turkey.
Recibido: 12/05/22
Aceptado: 26/08/22
The article is devoted to studying the development of languages under the influence of
computer technology. The article aims to determine the impact of digitalization and other
factors on the development of Ukrainian and English languages. The study's central
hypothesis is that digital technology has significant language development. To empirically
confirm this hypothesis, a survey of Internet users was organized, who expressed their
opinions about the use of new words (words of foreign origin and slang words) in the
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
process of communication. The study results showed that digital technology impacts
language development, but users' vocabulary is expanding following the scope of digital
technology. In particular, young people, even having a good knowledge of English, do not
know business slang, while the mature generation has almost no knowledge of youth
slang originating from entertainment. This study has practical significance for philologists
and digital technology professionals who are looking for accessible methods of
communication by expanding the speech vocabulary with words of computer origin.
Keywords: neologism, slang, digitalization, communication, social media, language.
El artículo está dedicado a estudiar el desarrollo de los idiomas bajo la influencia de la
tecnología informática. El artículo tiene como objetivo determinar el impacto de la
digitalización y otros factores en el desarrollo de los idiomas ucraniano e inglés. La
hipótesis central del estudio es que la tecnología digital tiene un desarrollo significativo
del lenguaje. Para confirmar empíricamente esta hipótesis, se organizó una encuesta a
usuarios de Internet, quienes expresaron sus opiniones sobre el uso de nuevas palabras
(palabras de origen extranjero y palabras de la jerga) en el proceso de comunicación.
Los resultados del estudio mostraron que la tecnología digital afecta el desarrollo del
lenguaje, pero el vocabulario de los usuarios se está expandiendo siguiendo el alcance
de la tecnología digital. En particular, los jóvenes, aún teniendo un buen conocimiento
del inglés, no conocen la jerga de negocios, mientras que la generación madura casi no
conoce la jerga juvenil proveniente del entretenimiento. Este estudio tiene un significado
práctico para los filólogos y profesionales de la tecnología digital que buscan todos
accesibles de comunicación mediante la ampliación del vocabulario del habla con
palabras de origen informático.
Palabras clave: neologismo, argot, digitalización, comunicación, redes sociales,
1. Introduction
No language in the world is a constant, unchanging construction of words and phrases.
Therefore, it develops and is supplemented with new words and changes under various
factors. This is influenced both by languages of international use, such as English, and
by national languages of any country that is not popular worldwide - such as Ukrainian.
Language development today is most determined by digitalization, which has permeated
all spheres of life. Today, the majority of the population of any developed or developing
country uses social networks for entertainment and the Internet for work. Global
processes promoting international trade development lead to the spread of international
communication languages in business processes. Nowadays, knowledge of a foreign
language, particularly English, is an essential factor for Ukrainians to get a highly paid
job. Therefore, it is not surprising that under the influence of global processes, both
The impact of digital and internet technologies on language development. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /41-54
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
foreign language and digital technologies are used in the organization of international
communications, which directly impact the development of language. Such
communication processes use a vocabulary of common words that become
understandable to all participants in business relations or communications. Phrases
become shorter, and grammatical and syntactical rules of sentence formation change.
Undoubtedly, we can say that digitalization affects language development, but it is only a
hypothesis that requires empirical research and evidence.
This study aims to assess the impact of digitalization on the development of Ukrainian
and English.
2. Literature overview
The problem of digital technology's impact on language development overall, and
individual world languages, in particular, is relatively new in linguistics and has not yet
been sufficiently studied. However, we can already identify several significant studies on
this and related topics. The first works in this field began to appear in the 1980s. In
particular, the article by Baron N. S (1984), a well-known researcher from Brown
University, "Computer Communication as a Force Changing Language. "Later, Baron
devoted several full-fledged monographic studies to this problem, among which it is worth
mentioning "Always connected: language in the world of Internet and mobile
communication" (Baron, 2010).
The work of Gao L. (2006) on the changes in the Chinese language under the influence
of computer communication and the Internet deserves attention. Another interesting, in
our opinion, work is the article by Panyushkina O. (2014). "Language change under the
influence of social networks (on the material of Spanish) ."Although this study considers
only the Spanish language and reveals several specific features of communication in
Spanish-language social networks, the author still makes several interesting generalizing
Language is not a static set of words and depends on many processes occurring in the
society of its speakers. The development of language is a natural process.
Digitalization plays a significant role in language development. The main consequence of
digitalization is the formation of neologisms that form new concepts (Internet, e-mail,
browser, server).
The emergence of neologisms affects both phonetic and grammatical aspects of the
language, abbreviations, orthography, punctuation, etc., become widespread.
The most significant influence of information technology on the development of languages
is in the formation of neologisms directly related to the computer sphere (Chatfield, 2013).
So in the last few decades, such new words as avatar, hashtag, trolling, meme, spam,
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
lol, geek, etc., have appeared in the English vocabulary. All these words are slang not
only in English but also in Ukrainian, especially among people who actively use social
networks or work in the field of digitalization.
Thus, we can talk about the determining role of the extralinguistic factor - the development
and mass distribution of information technology in the formation of language.
New digital words can be called differently in the scientific literature. In addition,
researchers take different approaches to dividing the entire vocabulary into components:
historical, formed by social networks, and remote work.
A chronology of digital neologisms:
words and phrases that have existed since the advent of digital technology and are
ingrained in each of these languages (computer, program, data, language, keyboard,
words and phrases that have appeared relatively recently (in the last 10-20 years) as
a result of the emergence of new concepts (social networks, content, selfies, like);
obsolete lexical units, connected with technologies that have gone out of use (diskette,
ICQ, modem).
Neologisms of social networks:
Internet memes are one of the most used sources of neologisms' appearance in both
English and Ukrainian languages (Shchurina, 2012; Bauckhage, 2011). In addition,
researchers of this phenomenon note that the ironic culture of Internet communication
generates a vast number of new vocabularies, the use of which often goes beyond
the Internet (in particular, most young people use such words as cringe, thrash, and
slay in their usual environment).
Abbreviations and emojis deserve a separate mention. They emerged under the
influence of the widespread development of mobile communications and the rapid
input of messages, for the exchange of which there are now many popular services
(WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.). Among the consequences of this influence
are the emergence of new acronyms, the widespread use of symbols, hashtags,
emoticons instead of letters and words, etc. Furthermore, the desire to save time in
everyday communication by typing leads to severe changes in the structure of
orthography, punctuation, and grammar of the language. And this applies to the
English and Ukrainian languages.
The neologisms of remote work. The development of digital technologies allowed the
whole world to survive the Covid-19 quarantine restrictions successfully. A few months
later, many production processes were switched to remote, which influenced the
emergence of a new culture of communication via video conferencing. In this aspect,
digitalization helped people quickly establish communications through meetings and calls
The impact of digital and internet technologies on language development. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /41-54
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
and set clear work deadlines and the amount of work to be done at home. That is how
words such as meeting, call, and estimate without their Ukrainianized translation
appeared in the active use of Ukrainian vocabulary.
Nowadays, the global Internet space creates a special multilingual and multicultural
environment, where neologisms and new words and phrases are actively forming. The
study of the Internet language is a separate scientific direction initiated by British
researcher David Crystal (2001) and actively developed in Ukraine and other countries
on the example of national languages. The international Internet community takes an
active part in analyzing, disseminating, and popularizing these words. There are even
constantly updated dictionaries of neologisms and Internet slang in the online space,
which explain the meaning of words that are popular among young people (Pyrkalo, 1998;
Stavytska, 2003).
Our research on scientific literature about the digital influence on language has led us to
several conclusions:
The emergence of new words is due to the emergence of new objects, phenomena,
and concepts.
Simplification of languages occurs for the sake of the economy of linguistic means in
communication through the use of Internet messaging services, mobile
communications, video telephony, etc.
Globalization and internationalization of the world's languages occur through the
Internet, which simplifies international communication.
The spread of Internet culture, the popularity of memes, and cultural phenomena
specific to the Internet community impact language as a tool of online and offline
At the same time, it is still debatable whether the emergence of new words is a
consequence of digitalization or globalization. The question of whether digital technology
can enrich the language or whether it becomes more universal and international remains
also open. All these questions will be explored in this study by an empirical method.
3. Methods and methodology
The methodological basis of the work was the research of scientists devoted to English
and Ukrainian lexicology. During the study, descriptive, structural, and comparative
methods were used. In determining the meanings of words, component analysis was
The study aims to test the empirical way of the hypothesis that digital technology affects
the formation of language. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were carried out during
the study:
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
tested whether new slang words emerge more through digitalization than through
globalization processes;
determined the attitude of society to the problem of the impact of computer technology
on language;
verified whether the use of new slang words occurs more by the younger generation
rather than the mature generation;
identified the primary sources of vocabulary formation of everyday speech;
it was checked whether the knowledge of English influences the understanding and
use of slang language.
To conduct an empirical study, an online survey was organized, which was conducted
from August 10-20, 2022. Fifty residents of Ukraine, who use the Internet, took part in the
survey. Google Forms were used to organize the study, and links to the survey were
distributed through social networks and messengers. The study's main audience was
people aged 30 to 50 years. As a rule, people of this age form a sample of the employed
Since participation in the survey was voluntary and unobtrusive, we can conclude that the
respondents' answers reflect the part of society for which this topic is essential. Other
Internet users, who did not want to respond to this survey, are not socially active in
networks or are not interested in sociological opinion.
The author's survey methodology highlighted common behavioral phenomena among
people using social networks. In creating the methodology, several complex
methodological problems were solved. First, a list of questions was formed, which had to
be exciting and not alienate the average user from the survey. Specifically, Internet users
were asked 12 questions:
Your age?
How do you rate your vocabulary?
Do you often read fiction?
Do you know one or more foreign languages at least at an average level?
How often do you use social media to communicate?
Do you use slang words in your everyday life?
Do you use foreign language words in your everyday life?
How do you feel about foreign and slang words in everyday language?
Where do you get your vocabulary of foreign and slang words from?
Do you know the meaning of the following slang words: trash (треш), crunch (крінж),
slay (слей)?
Do you know the meaning of the following words: feature (фіча), backup (бекап),
update (апдейт)?
Do you know the following business words: meeting (мітінг), call (кол), estimate
The impact of digital and internet technologies on language development. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /41-54
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Selecting these questions would answer the following questions:
Identify the primary audience of individuals concerned about the issue of slang words
and, in particular, determine how acute the problem is in the community. To do this,
the results of the study should be based on the distribution of the audience by age
(question #1) and the number of responses "Indifferent" or "Negative" to question #8,
as well as the rate of use of slang words in normal conversation (question #6,7).
Identify the main sources of language formation in society and determine the
importance of social networks in forming vocabulary. To do this, it is necessary to rely
on the indicator of the activity of reading fiction (question #3), which is certainly a
source of language formation, as well as the answers to question #9.
To determine the extent to which knowledge of a foreign language affects vocabulary
formation. To do this, rely on the answers to questions #2,3,4,5,7.
Determine which slang words are common to people of all ages. To do this, compare
the results of answers to questions 1, 10, 11, and 12.
The questions were composed to cross-check the truthfulness of the results and exclude
those answers that contradicted each other.
4. Research results
For empirical research, the author's team initiated an Internet audience survey. It is
important to note that the form of the survey was made public on social networks with a
wide age audience. Still, the adult population was more willing to participate in the study
of the computer's impact on language. It indicates that this issue is not significant among
young people, as it does not cause conflicting feelings and, consequently, a heightened
As a result, most of the audience is represented by people from 30 to 50 years, formed
by part of the employed population (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Age structure of the audience participating in the survey.
up to 18 18-30 30-50 50-100
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
According to the classical theory of human speech development, regular communication
and fiction reading are of great importance in vocabulary formation. Moreover, the more
people read fiction, the wider is their vocabulary (Hoover & Gough, 1990; Vellutino et al.,
2007). This study verified the hypothesis that reading books contribute to vocabulary
expansion, and therefore most of the fiction readers interviewed have no problem with
finding words on any topic (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Dependencies between language skills and reading fiction.
The study found that 71.4% of respondents regularly read fiction, and about 28.6% noted
that they get the necessary information from the Internet. Accordingly, 78.6% of
respondents do not have problems with the dictionary and do not lack words in
At the same time, the majority of Ukrainians (85,7%) actively communicate on social
networks. However, only 14.3% of respondents rarely use social networks to
communicate (Figure 3). Analysis of the survey results shows that to a greater extent,
these answers are represented by the audience of the older generation.
Figure 3. The use of social networks in everyday life.
Good vocabulary / Regular fiction reading Not enough vocabulary / No fiction reading
The impact of digital and internet technologies on language development. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /41-54
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
In the context of globalization, the population's business activity is determined by the need
to learn a foreign language, including English. The people of Ukraine actively migrate to
work in different countries and works remotely in international companies. Hence, a
significant part has an average knowledge of at least some language. Among the
respondents, 57.1% answered that they have at least an intermediate understanding of
a foreign language, which is the primary source of slang words and words of foreign origin
(Figure 4).
Figure 4. Assessment of foreign language skills.
Vocabulary enrichment with slang (non-literary) words happens to a greater extent in the
process of live communication with young people, as well as through the information
consumption from social networks (Figure 5). Many adults learn new words in the process
of communication with their children, who overwhelmingly know most of the slang words
used in social networks.
Figure 5. Sources of vocabulary enrichment with slang and foreign words.
Given that most of the audience is formed by the adult generation, it was interesting to
confirm their attitude toward the use of slang words in everyday life. The majority of
respondents showed that they have a positive attitude towards the addition of slang words
to their speech. At the same time, some respondents (22%) believe it is a negative
Yes No
From social media In the process of communication I don't use these words
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
phenomenon associated with excessive Americanization. About 36% of respondents do
not consider the appearance of new slang words and words from the digital world as a
problem (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Attitudes toward the use of slang and foreign words in everyday life.
Respondents were asked if they knew some slang words used in youth, computer, and
business environments that helped to test the survey results (Figure 7).
Figure 7. Understanding and using slang words in everyday life.
The study's results showed that, in general, young people know and use youth slang as
they actively use social networks. As for the adult population, they mostly understand the
words of business speech and partially understand the specific words of computer
5. Discussions
The study investigated whether the emergence of new words is a consequence of
digitalization or other processes. Empirical research has shown that the primary source
of new words is more social networks than foreign languages because there are
Fascinating Negative Neutral
Trash, Cringe, Slay Featute, Backup, Update Meeting, Call, Estimate
Yes No Partly
The impact of digital and internet technologies on language development. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /41-54
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
significantly more people who use social networks than people who speak foreign
languages. Kuznetsova & Vahromova (2009) believe that no other area of human activity,
except medicine, can compete with the sphere of computer technology regarding
neologisms emerging. Both Ukrainian and English are significantly affected by
informatization. Today English is not just an international language but the main language
of the Internet and the most significant "supplier" of neologisms, connected with
information technologies (to google - in Ukrainian "гуглити"; to log in "залогінитись"; to
photoshop, "відфотошопити", to friend- "зафрендити", to tweet "твітнути" (Urban
Dictionary (n/d); Collot & Belmore, 1996; Havlyuk, 2003). Souza et al. (2018) believe that
the formation of such words is so great that they can form their digital language, which
has long been the object of research by many software linguists looking for effective ways
to interact with each other.
At the same time, computerization and digitalization have a direct and indirect impact on
language. In particular, the indirect ways of influencing language are through globalization
and the popularization of the American language globally (Hans, 2017).
Analysis of people's attitudes towards the emergence of new words showed that it is
mostly positive, but some consider words from the digital world a negative phenomenon
(Liu et al., 2019). According to the study by Maulidiya et al. (2021) and Golovanova &
Yakimenko (2019), most of the younger generation actively uses slang in everyday life.
At the same time, young people use slang not only during communication on social
networks but also when they hang out with friends. Most young people believe that slang
is better perceived by their peers than literary language, and the use of such words helps
to form a reputation of a modern person and friendly relations. This fact confirms that
communication in social networks stimulates speech development through the
appearance of slang words. At the same time, literary language in everyday life becomes
a sign of non-modernity and conservatism (Maulidiya et al., 2021).
In this case, there is a discursive moment when a certain part of the population and
scientific researchers believe that using martial words weakens the value of the national
culture and language (Semeniuk et al., 2020). There is a so-called process of
Americanization of a weaker language, which can be seen not only in the Ukrainian
language but also in other languages worldwide (Chaoyuan, 2016; Hjarvard, 2003). In
general, the Ukrainian language, through rapid globalization, is losing its identity under
the influence of information technology, and literary language in correspondence is used
quite rarely - only as business correspondence.
It should be noted that the use of slang words generally does not depend on a person's
social status or age. However, the list of these words is determined by the type of activity
of the person on the Internet. In particular, people of working age, who have a regular
jobs, have in their vocabulary foreign-language words necessary for the organization of
work. In turn, young people practically do not understand business slang words and
partially understand computer slang words. To know and understand certain slang words,
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
people need to be in the appropriate environment where they are used or to use slang
word interpreters.
Most Ukrainian neologisms are formed by adding suffixes and endings to an existing
English word, so they can often be recognized and understood in conversation. But there
are also cases when it is impossible to understand their meanings without special
interpretation, even with an average knowledge of English. The most widespread way of
enriching the Ukrainian language with the vocabulary of information technology is
borrowing, mainly from English. However, there is also a certain share of originally formed
words and phrases, many of which act as synonyms.
6. Conclusions
According to the results of the study, we can conclude that digital technology does affect
the development of speech. However, this is not the only influential factor. The factor of
globalization is also essential, which manifests itself in the spread of English in all spheres
of life, in particular business processes and the sphere of entertainment. The study's
results showed that, in general, the young population is neutral to the emergence of new
words, while older people have an ambiguous attitude. It happens because American
words gradually displace the national, so the so-called process of Americanization of
national languages takes place. The study's results also show that the use of slang words
does not depend on age but more on the environment in which a person is. In particular,
young people who use social media for entertainment have youth entertainment slang in
their vocabulary. While the adult generation more often uses business slang, which is
incomprehensible to young people. As for the direct impact of digitalization on language
development, it is carried out through the emergence of new concepts, objects, objects,
and phenomena in the computer sphere. These words change the English language, and
then they are borrowed in other languages. At the same time, the words or phrases can
remain unchanged or be modified according to the rules of construction of the
corresponding part of speech responsible for the state of the object, its description, action,
or characteristic. International communication, carried out using digitalization, is also
important in language development. People who know foreign languages use in
conversation words of foreign-language origin.
The practical significance of the research lies in its use by philologists and programmers
to build unified communication dictionaries.
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The impact of digital and internet technologies on language development. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /41-54