Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The application of communicative linguistics in the study of
foreign languages (an example of the english language)
La aplicación de la lingüística comunicativa en el estudio de lenguas extranjeras
(un ejemplo de la lengua inglesa)
Natalia Кosharna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Languages and
Methodology Department, Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ilona Ordynska
PhD in Philology, Senior Instructor, Foreign Language Department, Faculty of Operational and
Service Activities, B. Khmelnytsky National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine,
Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine.
Nataliia Hlushkovetska
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreing Languages, Kamianets-
Polskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Kamianets-Podіlskyi, Ukraine.
Nataliia Nehrych
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of the English Language,
Faculty of Foreign Languages, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Tetiana Lysenko
Senior Teacher, Department of Eng lish for Technical Purposes, Faculty of Linguistics, National
Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnical Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 11/05/22
Aceptado: 25/08/22
The present research examines a set of methods and approaches concerning using
modern linguistic innovations in teaching English as a foreign language. Communicative
linguistics is among the priority directions in this field. The purpose of the research lies in
establishing the efficiency of using a communicative approach for learning English in the
framework of university education; the attitude of Ukrainian students to the
communicative method, the involvement of the possibilities of communicative linguistics
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
in mastering English is determined. The methodology of the research is complex, based
on the pedagogical experiment. Descriptive method, synthesis and analysis have been
used to determine the theoretical fundamentals of the research. Statistical methods have
been used to measure the achievements and attitudes of the experiment participants.
The main hypothesis lies in the fact that the methods and tools of communicative
linguistics facilitate and speed up the process of mastering English. The results of the
research have shown that despite a number of difficulties, the participants of the
experiment approve the introduction of a communicative approach in learning English;
their academic results and communication skills have increased. Moving forward, there
should be experimental research involving linguistic innovations in the practice of learning
foreign languages.
Key words: communicative linguistics, English, communicative approach, speaking,
English as a foreign language.
La presente investigación examina un conjunto de métodos y enfoques relacionados con
el uso de innovaciones lingüísticas modernas en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua
extranjera. La lingüística comunicativa se encuentra entre las direcciones prioritarias en
este campo. El propósito de la investigación radica en establecer la eficiencia del uso de
un enfoque comunicativo para el aprendizaje del inglés en el marco de la educación
universitaria; se determina la actitud de los estudiantes ucranianos hacia el método
comunicativo, la participación de las posibilidades de la lingüística comunicativa en el
dominio del inglés. La metodología de la investigación es compleja, basada en la
experiencia pedagógica. Se ha utilizado el método descriptivo, la síntesis y el análisis
para determinar los fundamentos teóricos de la investigación. Se han utilizado métodos
estadísticos para medir los logros y actitudes de los participantes del experimento. La
hipótesis principal radica en que los métodos y herramientas de la lingüística
comunicativa facilitan y agilizan el proceso de dominio del inglés. Los resultados de la
investigación han demostrado que, a pesar de una serie de dificultades, los participantes
del experimento aprueban la introducción de un enfoque comunicativo en el aprendizaje
del inglés; sus resultados académicos y habilidades de comunicación han aumentado.
En el futuro, debería haber una investigación experimental que involucre innovaciones
lingüísticas en la práctica del aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.
Palabras clave: lingüística comunicativa, inglés, enfoque comunicativo, habla, inglés
como lengua extranjera.
1. Introduction
In the modern educational process, it is natural to work on the intensification and
improvement of methods of learning foreign languages. The resources of communicative
linguistics, which provide an opportunity to choose the most effective and modern
technologies in the educational process, are no exception (Zhernova, 2018).
Natalia Кosharna, Ilona Ordynska, Nataliia Hlushkovetska, Nataliia Nehrych, Tetiana Lysenko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The communicative approach in language teaching is one of the basic approaches to
teaching foreign languages; the main focus of this approach is on interaction in various
forms of communication for learning, which turns out to be the final goal of language
learning. In a number of studies, such approaches are called as the audio-lingual methods
(Leong & Ahmadi, 2016), involving the development and expansion of a conditional-
functional curriculum. Learning English with the help of such a method is extremely
popular in the world and deserves its introduction and implementation in the field of
Ukrainian university education.
According to a number of scientific investigations (Lin & Hsieh, 2001), the toolkit of
communicative linguistics is designed to formulate an educational complex that supports
such positions as discursive competence, psychomotor skills and competencies, strategic
competencies. Discursive competence includes linguistic competence, textual
competence and pragmatic competence. The practical principles of using the contents
and means of communicative linguistics can be used in the formation of linguistic
competence, textual competence and pragmatic competence.
The communicative method of teaching English is aimed at forming a number of micro
skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. Those who learn a foreign language often
do not have the opportunity to gradually enter the context of the language. Sometimes a
foreign language is available to students only at lectures and practical classes;
consequently, one of the tasks of the teacher is to encourage them to communicate in the
classroom, work in pairs and in a group. Such measures in a number of practical
investigations and theoretical studies (Sim & Pop, 2014) have been identified as valuable
for the formation and improvement of students’ communicative competence. This
provides students with greater opportunities for communication and builds confidence in
their own speaking skills. Developing confidence and getting rid of the fear of speaking a
new language contributes to better language acquisition (Kiki-Papadakis & Chaimala,
2016). Methods of developing confidence in one’s own speech activity, removing
speaking anxiety are called the most significant negative factors of the communicative
nature (Hyesook & Lee, 2005).
Research work on improving the quality of educational opportunities of universities in
teaching English is in the prospect. Communicative methods, which should remain an
active component of education, are no exception.
2. Aims
The purpose of the research lies in collecting, reviewing and analysing the data of the
experiment on improving the effectiveness of learning communicative skills in English by
students of Ukrainian universities. An important component of the work is establishing the
usefulness of using a communicative approach for teaching English within the framework
of university education, investigating the attitude of Ukrainian students to the involvement
of communicative linguistics opportunities in the process of mastering English.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The research purpose outlined involves solving a number of tasks as follows:
to determine the evolution of the success of EG students through preliminary and final
to identify the main fundamentals that make up the communicative approach in
learning English;
to establish the respondents’ assessment of the introduction of a communicative
approach for learning English.
3. Materials and Methods
40 students of business specialities (073 “Management”, 241 “Hotel and restaurant
business”) of Kamianets-Podіlskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University were involved in the
experiment; they studied English and voluntarily agreed to participate in the experiment.
Data collection was carried out from September 2021 to December 2022 (1 semester of
the academic year).
All participants of the experiment were divided into 2 groups: the experimental group (EG),
which chose to study English with the active use of the communicative linguistics tools,
and the control group (CG), in which standard curricula and materials were used that were
the basis for learning English for several years. For each group, the academic
performance was measured at each stage of the experiment.
The present research has a complex nature; it combines both qualitative and quantitative
methods of analysis with the use of descriptive methods, which is necessary for almost
all social studies. This is due to the fact that social studies cannot be represented only by
quantitative approaches, without evaluation by members of a certain group, the society.
The descriptive method is used to present theoretical material.
In order to obtain data, the main tools in the scientific work are questionnaires, surveys
and observations, which are used to find out answers to research questions. The research
consisted of III stages.
The first stage is the organizational one. Training and methodological materials are
prepared, questionnaires are compiled, the questioning process is organized, and groups
of students are formed who agree to participate in the experimental study. Respondents
give their consent voluntarily, and the research team guarantees privacy; the information
received will not go beyond the data collected for the experiment.
At the second stage, a preliminary assessment of the success level of the respondents
and their assessment of the proposed program is carried out; thematic priorities are
considered in terms of the communicative approach. At this stage, observation and
survey methods are used; researchers collect and perform data analysis, which is then
used as a basis for answering the research questions.
Natalia Кosharna, Ilona Ordynska, Nataliia Hlushkovetska, Nataliia Nehrych, Tetiana Lysenko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
At the third (final) stage, a final assessment of the academic performance level and an
assessment of respondents’ priorities in learning English is carried out. At this stage of
the research, the obtained data are processed and used in such a way that they can be
used to obtain answers to the problematic research questions.
In order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the analysis, researchers use some
theoretical studies as a reference in order to determine the problematic research
questions, namely, the concept of communicative components of educational technology,
communicative competence, difficulties in mastering English, the specificity of the
communicative approach for language teaching.
The results of the analysis and description, which have been taken from the questionnaire
data on the basis of the respondents’ responses, are presented in the form of a
description of statistics.
From among the difficulties and risks of the experiment, it is worth mentioning the
insufficient time period of the experiment, which would provide an opportunity to carry out
an in-depth qualitative study; consequently, it is not possible to determine the reasons for
changes in the respondents’ assessments.
4. Literature Review
The theory and practice of communicative linguistics contain those tools and methods
that will contribute to the active formation of students’ communicative competence. It is
from such positions that researchers consider innovative approaches in mastering foreign
languages (Kiki-Papadakis, & Chaimala, 2016; Sim, Pop, 2014). The methods of learning
successful communication are studied, namely: the skills of conducting an eristic
dialogue, participating in debates (Goh, & Burns, 2012; Patil, 2008), forming linguistic and
cultural competences through communication (Jeong, 2006; Arbol del, 2018).
Professional problems arising from insufficient communication skills in English are
considered on a separate basis (Qing, 2011). For instance, issues in the tourism industry
connected with insufficient English language skills of employees (Lee, Son, 2006);
educational problems related to insufficiently high-quality teaching of the English
language of communication in universities and the need to change curricula in the
direction of activating communication skills (Еrazo et al. (2019) are of particular
One of the main goals of modern education is the formation of the correct motivation of
students to communicate in English in the professional field (Bayram-Jacobs, 2015). The
researchers noted that the traditional educational and pedagogical methods used to train
speaking skills were ignored by most of the students who were involved in the research
program. Therefore, in a number of similar scientific works, the importance of using
innovations, the application of interactive, stimulating, those actualizing the
communicative capabilities of a person for learning a foreign language are determined.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The investigation of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is being conducted in the
context of teachers’ and students’ attitude towards it, the method of teaching in the
communicative learning environment. Communicative Language Teaching of a foreign
language involves participants in authentic communication, it develops communicative
abilities, communicative competence. Students are more engaged; the learning process
is more effective and accelerated, assuming that teachers provide the relevant
opportunities in communicative activities at different levels and act in the interests and in
accordance with the needs of education seekers (Littlewood et al., 1981). Such studies
were carried out in connection with the involvement of high technologies in mastering a
foreign language (Bruin et al., 2014). These are important developments of action
algorithms, methods of their implementation in the communicative environment. Their
improvement and technological know-how is the subject of further scientific investigation
and appear to be a real research problem (Fujita et al., 2017). From among the difficulties
of the practical implementation of the communicative approach, the following ones should
be outlined, namely: the difference between the levels of mastery of a foreign language
among students; the insufficient number and quality of educational materials that use the
communicative principles of learning a foreign language this is also relevant for non-
native English speakers who are determined to improve communication changes.
The attitude of the participants of the educational process to the communicative method
of teaching English with the involvement of information technologies was actively
considered (Synorub, Medynska, 2019). Weaknesses and strengths of this approach
were identified; further development prospects were determined.
5. Results
In the course of the research experiment, a number of organizational, teaching-
methodical and educational measures were introduced, which were supposed to promote
the use of communicative methods for teaching English. Its efficiency and usefulness
were to be evaluated by the participants of the experiment.
The educational program with application of the communicative approach is based on the
use of categorization and the functional potential of language and its structures. A
communicative approach to learning involves the consideration of three positions, as
work on the constant use of the English language as a means of communication;
using language to perform important educational tasks;
student-centred approach, where the needs of the student are a priority.
At the first (preparatory) stage of the research, preliminary preparation was carried out
for the implementation of the English language learning program based on the
communicative linguistics tools. A set of educational and methodological materials was
prepared; preliminary consultations were held with teachers who agreed to participate in
the experiment.
Natalia Кosharna, Ilona Ordynska, Nataliia Hlushkovetska, Nataliia Nehrych, Tetiana Lysenko
The application of communicative linguistics in the study of foreign languages (an example of the english
language). - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /67-78
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
At the second stage of the research, control testing was conducted at the beginning of
the semester, which showed the level of mastery of communicative skills and theoretical
fundamentals of English. Along with this, it was suggested to separately define such a
topic, which hasn’t been categorically perceived; the respondent hasn’t coped with it. The
results are represented in percentages.
Table 1.
Results of preliminary testing of groups (author’s development).
Number of
Average score
(based on a 100-
point scale)
I categorically do
not perceive it
Speaking in the
The results of testing have revealed that the level of students’ speaking skills is at the
level of 45 points according to the 100-point rating scale in both groups, while writing skills
and vocabulary on average are 68 points and 68 points respectively. This indicates a
potential readiness to intensify communicative activity; however, there are certain
communication difficulties, the fear of communicating in a foreign language, which has
become an obstacle and requires the use of communicative linguistics methods.
During the semester, training was conducted in the EG, which involved the active use of
a communicative approach; listening was actively implemented; with the help of
interactive methods and dramatization as a pedagogical technology of teaching a foreign
language, communication skills are activated in order to conduct dialogues, conversations
in a group, to pronounce monologues on professional topics. At the end of the semester,
control testing was conducted. The result was measured in percentage.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 2.
Results of final testing of groups (author’s development).
Number of
Average score
(based on a 100-
point scale)
I categorically do
not perceive it
Speaking in the
Based on the results assessing knowledge and skills acquired by respondents in the EG
and CG, the academic performance in the experimental group was higher by 8%, and the
negative perception of the communicative approach and difficulties in communicating in
English in the experimental group was less by 12% than at the beginning. The greatest
improvement in the academic performance in the EG is related to the study of
phraseology in the experimental group; the academic performance in this topic increased
by 13%.
At the final stage, an analysis of students’ academic performance was conducted, as well
as the level of their positive and negative attitude towards the program implemented. At
the beginning and at the end of the academic semester, students in CG and EG were
asked to evaluate the curriculum according to which they were studying. It was necessary
to choose only one of three positions: positive, medium and negative attitude.
Table 3.
Comparative table of students’ academic performance and their evaluation of the program
(curriculum) negative.
Number of students
As a result, the rejection of the communicative approach to learning English in the
experimental group decreased by 5%, and the rejection of communication activity in the
CG remained within the margin of error of 2%. The positive attitude towards applying the
communicative approach in the EG increased by 18%, while the CG, which followed the
Natalia Кosharna, Ilona Ordynska, Nataliia Hlushkovetska, Nataliia Nehrych, Tetiana Lysenko
The application of communicative linguistics in the study of foreign languages (an example of the english
language). - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /67-78
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
traditional curriculum, continues to be sceptical concerning using the communicative
linguistics tools.
At the final stage, a survey was also conducted regarding the respondents’ assessment
of the introduced learning technology.
Table 4.
Assessment of respondents’ priorities in mastering English (author’s development).
Communication in English in a group is a
real communication that promotes learning
and mastering the language
Support of learning processes
English is a valuable asset for me
The ability to communicate in English
accelerates the learning process
As the results show, the majority of respondents value the ability to communicate in
English 70 % in EG, 52% in CG, respectively. By the way, students have rated the
importance of mastering English as a language of professional communication (EG
68 %, and CG 63 %). The importance of internal communication in the group as a
language of learning has also given high results (EG 80 % and CG 72 %). In general,
the value of the communicative component in mastering English in EG is 7 % higher than
in CG.
The data obtained have shown that communicative competence is an active request of
future specialists; consequently, further work should be done towards improving the
educational process related to development and active implementation of communication
6. Discussion
The importance of applying the methods of communicative linguistics in the process of
learning English has been determined in a number of scientific studies (Gilakjani, 2016;
Ampatuan, San Jose, 2016). In fact, active communication activity is of great importance
for successful interaction in business communication and private interaction with people.
The activation of communication activity is considered as a way of transmitting messages,
forms of embodiment of ideas and meanings in a simple, clear and understandable form
(Aronin, Singleton, 2018). A study was also conducted on the necessity to include
mastering English to the educational curriculum of students studying at tourism and
business direction in Asian countries, forasmuch as it was the communication skills that
were insufficient for university graduates of this speciality (Ho, Ya-Yu, 2020). Actually, the
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
participants of our experiment have indicated the need to consider and study such
positions as “communication in context” (71% of respondents), “understanding” (68% of
respondents) with the involvement of a communicative approach.
The results obtained in the study (Summaira et al., 2015) indicate to the fact that the
attitude of teachers and students towards the communicative approach in learning
English is generally positive. However, the researchers have highlighted difficulties in
communication, unwillingness to actively use English in communication; it is suggested
to work on educational programs (curricula) in the future, updating an individual approach
to communication (Summaira et al., 2015). According to the results of the present
research, respondents from the control group consider communication in English to be
an important component of successful learning (68%). Along with this, respondents in the
control group (67%) believe that English is a valuable asset for students. The necessity
to involve students in language situations of professional communication should provide
them with the experience of using English as a language of communication in the context
of another language. It is also worth paying particular attention to the practice of turning
to watching news in English, films, reading books and newspapers, watching electronic
news media, etc. Active work with the communicative component of the language
existence will help not only to acquire new knowledge, but also to develop communicative
competence, to get acquainted with different types of texts, to maintain a connection with
English outside the educational process. The communicative approach in teaching the
language should be based on free choice and effectively achieve a decent level of
language proficiency.
7. Conclusion
During the experiment, the research group has obtained a number of results, which
provide the conclusions as follows: it is possible to facilitate mastering English by applying
the approaches of communicative linguistics to the activation of students’ speaking skills.
In the course of the research, it has been established that students who used the tools
and the possibilities of the communicative approach in their studies had higher academic
results in the sections of activation of communication activity, the ability to conduct a
dialogue, understand and communicate successfully: the academic performance rate in
the experimental group was higher by 8%, and the negative perception of the
communicative approach and difficulties in communicating in English in the experimental
group was lower by 12%. The growing demand for professionals, who can communicate
in English in their professional activities, has drawn particular attention to English as the
language of professional communication, the need to intensify communication activities.
Educational support of English as a foreign language in business, science and culture
should be well implemented; it should use the best acquisitions of linguistics, psychology
and pedagogy.
Therefore, practical experimental investigations should be continued in the development
of new teaching technologies in mastering English; as a result, this would help teachers,
Natalia Кosharna, Ilona Ordynska, Nataliia Hlushkovetska, Nataliia Nehrych, Tetiana Lysenko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
students and researchers to gain more knowledge and operational opportunities in
teaching a foreign language in order to develop students’ communicative competencies.
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Natalia Кosharna, Ilona Ordynska, Nataliia Hlushkovetska, Nataliia Nehrych, Tetiana Lysenko