DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.03.8
Creating a digital institution of higher education:
theory and practice
Creación de una institución digital de educación superior: teoría y práctica
Anastasiia Bessarab
Doctor of Sciences in Social Communications, Professor, Department of Special Education and
Psychology, Faculty of Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social Work; Municipal Institution of Higher
EducationKhortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academyof Zaporizhzhia Regional Council,
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Anastasiia Turubarova
Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education and Psychology, Faculty of
Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social Work; Municipal Institution of Higher Education “Khortytsia National
Educational Rehabilitation Academy” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Galyna Gorshkova
Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Teacher, Department of Special Education and Psychology, Faculty of
Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social Work; Municipal Institution of Higher Education “Khortytsia National
Educational Rehabilitation Academy” of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Iryna Antonenko
Сandidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Special Education and
Psychology, Faculty of Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social Work; Municipal Institution of Higher
EducationKhortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academyof Zaporizhzhia Regional Council,
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Nataliya Rukolyanska
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education and
Psychology, Faculty of Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social Work; Municipal Institution of Higher
EducationKhortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academyof Zaporizhzhia Regional Council,
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Recibido: 11/05/22
Aceptado: 25/08/22
The transfer of activities to the virtual space under modern conditions is recognized as an
important factor in the success of political, economic, social and cultural relations in the
Anastasiia Bessarab, Anastasiia Turubarova, Galyna Gorshkova, Iryna Antonenko, Nataliya Rukolyanska
Creating a digital institution of higher education: theory and practice. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /106-120
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
society. Currently, social challenges and strategic directions of professional and personal
development of the young generation require the creation of an effective educational
system that would take into account the conditions of the digital reality in which the
general economic, business and social spheres around the world function. Taking into
account the above-mentioned, nowadays, the goal of higher education lies in coordinating
the actions of its various subjects for the most effective educational influence on children
and youth in the digital space, combining the efforts of the state, education, family and
the real economy, creating a safe digital environment conducive to the development of
the student’s personality. The issue of organizing the successful operation of digital
institutions of higher education is extremely urgent, taking into consideration the global
trends of the transition of the educational sphere to blended and distance learning. The
purpose of the academic paper lies in analysing the various standpoints of scientists
regarding the functioning of a modern digital institution of higher education, as well as
investigating the practical aspects of organizing the educational process in higher
education by virtue of digital tools. Methodology. In the course of conducting the research,
bibliographic and analytical methods have been used in order to analyse the scientific
literature on the activities of digital institutions of higher education, as well as an online
survey for the practical clarifying the individual features of the activities of a digital
institution of higher education. Results. Based on the results of the research, the principal
aspects of the operation of digital institutions of higher education have been analysed and
the preferences of students of such institutions in the areas of improving the virtual
educational process have been established.
Key words: digitization, digital institution of higher education, online education, digital
educational technologies, virtualization of the educational process.
La transferencia de actividades al espacio virtual en las condiciones modernas se
reconoce como un factor importante en el éxito de las relaciones políticas, económicas,
sociales y culturales en la sociedad. Actualmente, los desafíos sociales y las direcciones
estratégicas del desarrollo profesional y personal de la generación joven requieren la
creación de un sistema educativo efectivo que tenga en cuenta las condiciones de la
realidad digital en la que funcionan las esferas económicas, empresariales y sociales en
general en todo el mundo. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, hoy en día, el objetivo de la
educación superior radica en articular las acciones de sus diversas asignaturas para la
más efectiva incidencia educativa de los niños y jóvenes en el espacio digital, aunando
los esfuerzos del estado, la educación, la familia y la economía real, creando un entorno
digital seguro y propicio para el desarrollo de la personalidad del alumno. El tema de
organizar el funcionamiento exitoso de las instituciones digitales de educación superior
es extremadamente urgente, teniendo en cuenta las tendencias globales de la transición
de la esfera educativa a la educación semipresencial y a distancia. El propósito del
trabajo académico radica en analizar los diversos puntos de vista de los científicos sobre
el funcionamiento de una institución de educación superior digital moderna, así como
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
investigar los aspectos prácticos de la organización del proceso educativo en la
educación superior en virtud de las herramientas digitales. Metodología. En el curso de
la realización de la investigación, se han utilizado métodos bibliográficos y analíticos para
analizar la literatura científica sobre las actividades de las instituciones digitales de
educación superior, así como una encuesta en línea para la práctica que aclara las
características individuales de las actividades de una institución digital de educación
superior. Resultados. Con base en los resultados de la investigación, se han analizado
los principales aspectos del funcionamiento de las instituciones digitales de educación
superior y se han establecido las preferencias de los estudiantes de dichas instituciones
en las áreas de mejora del proceso educativo virtual.
Palabras clave: digitalización, institución digital de educación superior, educación en
línea, tecnologías digitales educativas, virtualización del proceso educativo.
1. Introduction
Digitization as a way of including a person in the social environment is a feature of
nowadays and an important prerequisite for successful functioning in a civilized society,
forasmuch as this means of communication makes it possible to level out geographical,
social-cultural, demographic and other types of barriers to information exchange and
provides additional opportunities for intellectual, social, communicative and other types
of personality development.
Under such conditions of global digital consumption, the focus of attention of both
scientists and all other members of the society as potential participants in the educational
process is the digitization of higher education as an environment where relations
regarding the creation and development of an intellectual product accumulate.
The theoretical part of the present research represents the viewpoints of scientists
regarding the relevance of digitalization of the educational environment, the essence of
the process of virtualization of a higher educational institution; it provides an overview of
the challenges facing higher educational institutions in connection with the organization
of the learning system using electronic educational tools, characterizes the essence of
development and meaningfulness of virtual educational process.
The practical part of the research includes clarifying the advantages of using Internet tools
in the educational process of a digital university, identifying the priority of skills that
students would like to improve thanks to the use of virtual tools in the course of acquiring
education, highlighting the desired areas of work of public organizations and international
educational structures regarding the development of digital institutions of higher
education, as well determining the basic development problems of this type of higher
educational institutions and the desired directions of improving the training of their
Anastasiia Bessarab, Anastasiia Turubarova, Galyna Gorshkova, Iryna Antonenko, Nataliya Rukolyanska
Creating a digital institution of higher education: theory and practice. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /106-120
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
According to the results of the research, it has been established that the main advantages
of the digitalization of the educational process based on students’ standpoint are as
follows: the creation of favourable conditions for the development of independent learning
skills, the opportunity to choose material for self-development, the formation of personal
mobility, and the increase of motivation for self-education and self-development. In the
course of the research, it has been revealed that the degree-seeking students consider
the improvement of psychological, digital abilities and public speaking skills should be the
priority areas of professional training for teachers. As the survey has shown, by the aid of
using virtual tools during training in digital institutions of higher education, in addition to
the acquired knowledge in the speciality, students would like to improve such skills as the
ability to apply the knowledge acquired in online education, to master the algorithm for
solving typical technical problems in distance learning, as well as to acquire
communication skills of organizing the educational process in the online educational
environment. Respondents consider training the potential higher education seekers the
skills of working with digital technologies and electronic resources and increasing the level
of access to electronic resources of all strata of the population to be the desired directions
of the work of public organizations and international educational structures. As the survey
has shown, the principal problems faced by degree-seeking students in digital institutions
of higher education are the formalization of education, the very high pressure on students
in the educational process and the low level of teachers’ skills on working with digital
2. Literature Review
Taking into account the complication of the economic, political and social conditions that
have developed around the world, primarily due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic
and the intensification of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against
Ukraine, the education system faces complex challenges related to the ability of higher
educational institutions to ensure quality, sustainability and continuity of education and
professional development of its education seekers.
The above-mentioned makes it necessary to use blended and distance forms of
education, which contributes to the strengthening of reforms in the field of education
related to the digitalization of the educational environment, ensuring high-speed access
of educational institutions to the Internet, providing education seekers, scientists and
teachers with the opportunity to work with digital tools.
Currently, scientists pay considerable attention in their work to various aspects of the
activities of higher educational institutions in the conditions of digitalization of the
educational process (Alenezi, 2021), (Rodríguez-Abitia & Correa, 2021).
In particular, Castro, M.L., Tamayo, J.A., Arango, M.D., Branch, J.W., & Burgos
emphasize that digitalization reflects the modern paradigm of the society development,
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
when the competitiveness and effectiveness of online learning turn up as vital qualities
for specialists in all fields of activity (Castro, Tamayo, Arango, Branch, & Burgos, 2020).
Digitization facilitates the simplification of the educational process, making it more flexible
and adapting it to the realities of today, which ensures the training of competitive
specialists (Marks & Al-Ali, 2020).
Taking into account the successful international experience of educational activity in the
online mode and the creation of network of digital higher educational institutions, the need
and possibility of digitalization of higher education in current conditions is obvious
(Areshonkov, 2020).
However, the concept of “digitization of a higher educational institution” is much more
voluminous in content than simply introducing modern information and communication
technologies into the educational process of universities. A modern digital university is an
educational institution that has undergone fundamental changes in the structure, content
of education, approaches to management, the process of human capital development,
scientific activity, and the education quality management system (Luk’yanenko &
Stepanenko, 2018).
F. Rampelt, D. Orr and A. Knoth agree with this view point, noting that digitalization of
higher education is a complex and ambiguous process. Along with this, scientists
emphasize that digitalization of higher education also has negative aspects that should
be taken into account when planning transformations (Rampelt, Orr & Knoth, 2019).
In this regard, V. Areshonkov points to a reduction in the number of higher education
seekers in the conditions of open and online education, as well as to a real increase in
the load on teachers in the conditions of digitalization of the educational process, certain
aspects of which have not normatively taken into account in the system of standardization
of labour remuneration yet. In addition, the function of socialization of education seekers,
who, to a certain extent, are not included in the micro society of the university and are
individualized in the digital environment, is levelled, while there is a potential threat of
destruction of the traditional educational model, which is expressed in a decrease in the
quality of the educational process and a partial loss of the content of humanitarian
knowledge in the process of digitalization of education (Areshonkov, 2020).
Starting from 2020, in the framework of introducing mass blended and distance learning,
the universities of the world were forced to quickly enter the environment of digital
education (Saputra, Onyemaechi & Sutanto, 2022).
Higher educational institutions have faced a number of challenges, namely:
search for the optimal model of digitalization by every particular university;
the need to establish a convenient structure of the university and combine the
components of this structure into an effective system;
Anastasiia Bessarab, Anastasiia Turubarova, Galyna Gorshkova, Iryna Antonenko, Nataliya Rukolyanska
Creating a digital institution of higher education: theory and practice. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /106-120
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
combining the elements of information and communication technologies available in
each university into a system on the basis of which a digital university emerges, and
transforming technical means of education into effective network tools;
determination of the role, tasks and types of activities of scientific, scientific-
pedagogical and pedagogical workers of such an educational institution;
replacing the traditional educational space with a virtual network space;
search for distance learning methods and techniques suitable for educational goals;
establishment of effective communication of all participants of the educational process
in the network environment (Areshonkov, 2020).
The process of digitalization of education involves substantiating the legality of its main
provisions, establishing ways of implementing the approved pedagogical concept within
the framework of its effective use, regulating regulatory and methodological aspects,
determination of the place of digital technologies in didactics and the system of integrative
knowledge, delimiting the areas to which these provisions relate, conditions for the
effective functioning and development of the sphere under study, the introduction of
training the teachers and the establishment and implementation of the standards of their
professional activity (Brdesee, 2021), (Vidor & Budde, 2022).
3. Aims
The purpose of the research lies in figuring out the principal aspects of the work of a
modern digital higher educational institution from the point of view of students, namely:
establishing the advantages of using digital tools in the educational process of a digital
university, the priority of skills that students would like to improve thanks to the use of
virtual tools in the course of training, identifying the desired areas of work of public
organizations and international educational structures regarding the popularization and
promotion of the development of digital institutions of higher education, outlining the main
problems of the development of this type of higher educational institutions and the desired
directions for improving the training of their teachers.
4. Materials and Methods
A practical study of the features of the functioning of a modern digital institution of higher
education was conducted in 2022 by surveying 173 students of 12 higher educational
institutions located in Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Lviv and Khmelnytskyi regions of Ukraine.
Respondents acquire higher education in humanitarian and technical specialities with the
use of the latest digital technologies.
The survey was conducted through an online questionnaire using the Simpoll service.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
5. Results and Discussion
In the course of conducting the research, the viewpoints of the respondents regarding the
general advantages of the digital transformation of education were figured out. Students
of institutions of higher education participating in the survey had the opportunity to be
participants in the educational process both offline and under the conditions of the
institution operation by virtue of using digital services; consequently, they can assess the
advantages and disadvantages of virtual tools applied to ensure the educational process.
Figure 1 reflects the distribution of survey participants’ responses regarding the basic
positive features of digital learning as follows.
As it can be observed from Figure 1, the principal advantages of the digitalization of the
educational process for students of both humanitarian and technical specialities include
the creation of favourable conditions for the development of independent learning skills,
the opportunity to choose the most valuable material for self-development, the formation
of personal mobility, the ability to quickly adapt to unpredictable and rapidly changing
conditions, increasing motivation for self-education and self-development.
In the process of the survey, the preferences of the education seekers regarding the
directions of training the pedagogical workers, which should precede the involvement of
teachers in the organization of the educational process in a digital institution of higher
education, were figured out (Figure 2).
The study has revealed that the education seekers consider the improvement of their
psychological and pedagogical, digital abilities and public speaking skills to be the most
significant directions of professional training of teachers.
In the course of the survey, the prioritization of skills that students would like to improve
by virtue of using the virtual tools while studying in digital institutions of higher education
was studied (Figure 3).
Anastasiia Bessarab, Anastasiia Turubarova, Galyna Gorshkova, Iryna Antonenko, Nataliya Rukolyanska
Creating a digital institution of higher education: theory and practice. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /106-120
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Figure 1. Advantages of using digital tools in the educational process in institutions of
higher education, %.
Source: it has been compiled by the authors.
Figure 2. The preferences of education seekers regarding the directions of training the
pedagogical workers prior to their involvement into the educational process, %.
Source: it has been compiled by the authors.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 3. The prioritization of skills that students would like to improve by virtue of using
the virtual tools while studying in digital institutions of higher education, %.
Source: it has been compiled by the authors.
As the analysis of the answers of the survey participants has shown, by virtue of using
the virtual tools when studying in digital institutions of higher education, the degree-
seeking students, in addition to the acquired knowledge in their specialty, would like to
improve the skills as follows: the ability to apply the knowledge gained in online education,
to comprehend the essence of typical technical problems that may arise during distance
learning, and to establish the algorithm for solving them, as well as to acquire
communication skills in order to organize the educational process in the educational
information environment of the educational institution.
An important question posed to the respondents was to find out the desired, from the
point of view of education seekers, directions of work of public organizations and
international educational structures regarding the popularization and promotion of the
development of virtual education (Figure 4).
Creating a digital institution of higher education: theory and practice. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /106-120
Anastasiia Bessarab, Anastasiia Turubarova, Galyna Gorshkova, Iryna Antonenko, Nataliya Rukolyanska
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Figure 4. The desired directions of work of public organizations and international
educational structures regarding the popularization and promotion of the development of
digital institutions of higher education, %.
Source: it has been compiled by the authors.
As it can be observed from Figure 4, the desired areas of work of public organizations
and international educational structures in the direction of popularization and promotion
of the development of digital institutions of higher education are as follows: training
potential education seekers the skills of working with digital technologies and electronic
resources, increasing the level of access to electronic resources of all segments of the
population and providing financial assistance to digital educational institutions in order to
improve the software of the educational process.
The basic problems of the development of digital institutions of higher education, which,
according to the survey participants’ viewpoints, need an urgent solution, include as
follows (Figure 5).
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 5. The basic problems of the development of digital institutions of higher
education, %.
Source: it has been compiled by the authors.
As the survey has shown, the basic problems faced by education seekers in digital higher
educational institutions are the formalization of education and the very high pressure on
students in the educational process, as well as the low level of skills of teachers in using
and applying the digital tools.
According to the standpoint of Y. B. Rajabalee and M. I. Santally, qualitative changes in
the global educational space are impossible without global digitalization the
organization of the educational process by virtue of modern digital technologies. Taking
the outlined into consideration, in order to achieve qualitative transformations in the
educational sphere, it is necessary to organize the preparatory process, as well as to
introduce digital transformation as a new educational paradigm (Rajabalee & Santally,
At the same time, H. Q. Yousaf, S. Rehman, M. Ahmed and S. Munawar believe that the
organization of independent work of students, their effective interaction with teachers
have become the main issues that require the use of modern methods and technologies
of learning. For teachers, the main challenges related to the digitalization of education
have become the following ones, namely: acquisition of skills and abilities to methodically
competently and technically optimally select the content of the educational material, to be
able to visualize the essential parts of this content, to create cases for independent work
of students, to organize interactive activities during mastering the new material, to apply
the innovative methods, while combining elements of mixed and distance learning
(Yousaf, Rehman, Ahmed & Munawar, 2022).
Anastasiia Bessarab, Anastasiia Turubarova, Galyna Gorshkova, Iryna Antonenko, Nataliya Rukolyanska
Creating a digital institution of higher education: theory and practice. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /106-120
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The development of digital education is taking place due to the improvement of
technologies contributing to the creation of virtual and real links between education,
science, society, government, business and innovation. It is the digital education that
promotes the effective cooperation of a wide range of lecturers, students, pupils, teachers
in the field of acquiring new knowledge and acquiring digital skills (Fischer, Imgrund,
Janiesch & Winkelmann, 2020).
K. Sandkuhl and H. Lehmann emphasize that digital educational technologies allow
designing the learning process in such a way that it is mobile, differentiated, individual,
interesting and diverse (Sandkuhl, & Lehmann, 2017).
At the same time, such scholars as J. Selingo, C. Clark, D. Noone and A. Wittmayer note
that modern virtual educational technologies provide the opportunity for the teacher to
automate most of his work, free up human resources for searching, communication and
individual work with students, get instant feedback communication from them and
increase the efficiency of management of the educational process (Selingo, Clark, Noone
& Wittmayer, 2020).
Therefore, the digitalization of education involves the use of mobile and Internet
technologies by students, thereby increasing the horizons of their knowledge, expanding
their boundaries. The productive use of digital technologies, the involvement of education
seekers into independent research, the selection of information, participation in project
activities form in students new competencies necessary for success in the XXI century.
Recently, open online resources have been actively created and used, implementing
numerous tools, starting with individual tasks and tests and ending with complex courses
(modules) with the formation of the necessary skills (Al-araibi, Mahrin & Yusoff, 2019).
This tendency is confirmed by S. Karpliuk, who, in particular, notes that the dynamics of
the development of online education is reflected in increasing the availability of online
courses (Karpliuk, 2019).
The development and meaningfulness of the virtual educational process is carried out
with the help of software solutions that provides an opportunity to construct training
courses from available sources of information and in specialized software environments,
systems of author development and automated design. The system of virtual education
makes it possible to effectively apply new technological means and unlimited information
resources in the educational process. Online courses and blended learning create a field
of unlimited educational opportunities, focusing on the specific needs of each person,
regardless of their place of residence, but in accordance with their interests and abilities.
Such changes require the teacher to be proficient in the digital educational environment.
Against this background, the future task of all universities lies in improving the
qualifications of teachers in terms of digital competencies, focusing not only on the
development of courses, but also on using and applying the digital environment in the
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
educational process. The digital environment requires teachers to possess a different
mentality, a different worldview, the use of more progressive means of working with
students (Karpliuk, 2019).
In addition to traditional educational tools, nowadays, non-traditional software tools are
used in the society, which can be explained by the growth of innovative competence of
participants in the educational process (Barna & Kuzminska, 2020).
The basic changes that can be observed in the educational system of the world today are
the changing role of higher educational institutions, which should not only ensure the
educational process, but also become a platform for creating innovations with the
constant use of the latest scientific developments, combining resources to implement joint
projects, creating scientific and educational online platforms (Yehorchenkova, Teslia,
Khlevna & Kychan, 2020).
As the results of the conducted survey have shown, the digitalization of the educational
environment in higher educational institutions is aimed at the comprehensive
development of the student’s personality; it contributes to increasing the overall
effectiveness of training due to the individualization and differentiation of the educational
As V. Huzhva notes, digital tools facilitate communication between students and help
organize joint learning, contributing to the reduction of social inequality, free access to
open educational systems and a global array of information in a digital educational
environment (Huzhva, 2019).
6. Conclusions
Therefore, the conducted research makes it possible to conclude that nowadays
digitalization is a key factor in improving the system of higher education in the world. In
addition to the direct impact on the efficiency of the educational process, the use of virtual
tools in higher education has a number of indirect advantages forasmuch as thanks to
digitalization, the educational process becomes more accessible and flexible. The present
research has confirmed the relevance of the virtualization of the educational space, in
particular, the search for more effective ways of implementing electronic tools as a set of
means that optimize learning, ensure personalization and automation of routine
educational processes.
The conducted survey has proven that the digitization of the educational environment in
higher educational institutions is one of the driving forces for developing an effective
society based on the “digital economy” and training educated future specialists; after all,
it is impossible to fully integrate into the modern economic and social system without skills
in working with information and digital technologies. At the same time, the main problems
faced by higher educational institutions during the transition of the educational
environment to the virtual space are the low digital literacy of teachers and students, the
Creating a digital institution of higher education: theory and practice. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre,
v.16, n.3. /106-120
Anastasiia Bessarab, Anastasiia Turubarova, Galyna Gorshkova, Iryna Antonenko, Nataliya Rukolyanska
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
excessive workload of students with formal tasks and the lack of experience and the
necessary educational tools that would allow them mastering the necessary learning
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