Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The use of english as Lingua Franca to overcome language
barriers and raise the level of education in modern
El uso del inglés como lengua franca para superar las barreras del idioma y
elevar el nivel de educación en las condiciones modernas
Liliia Kopchak
Senior Instructor, Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies, Faculty of Tourism, Vasyl
Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
Marianna Zhumbei
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Country Studies, Faculty of
Tourism, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
Liubov Terletska
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign languages and
Methodology, Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Kateryna Konchovych
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Teacher, Department of the English Language,
Literature with Teaching Methodologies, Faculty of Humanities, Mukachevo State University,
Mukachevo, Ukraine.
Nataliia Kanonik
Candidate of Science, Senior Teacher (Lecturer), Department of Faculty of Foreign Philology,
Faculty of Foreign Philology, Conversational English, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University,
Rivne, Ukraine.
Recibido: 14/05/22
Aceptado: 25/08/22
The present research considers the thesis about the determining role of English as a
lingua franca. The purpose of the academic paper lies in establishing the features of
teaching English as a lingua franca in educational university practices, as well as
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
determining the mediation level of the Ukrainian educational environment in
communication in English. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive
approach, where a descriptive method is used to describe the theoretical material;
statistical methods and the questionnaire method are used for implementation,
processing and analysis of research results. The central place is devoted to the
pedagogical experiment. The result of the research has shown the effectiveness of the
using English as a lingua franca in the educational process; such practices have received
positive feedback on the part of the participants of the educational process. Along with
this, the evolution of English as a lingua franca in convergence has been revealed, as
well as in the communication process of the participants of the educational process. In
prospect, it is expedient to continue systematic studies of the evolution of educational
discourse in the era of globalization, to determine the transformations of English as a
lingua franca, cultural identity on communication.
Key words: lingua franca, intercultural communication, English, national identity.
La presente investigación considera la tesis sobre el papel determinante del inglés como
lingua franca, que es condición esencial para una comunicación exitosa en el marco de
los procesos de globalización, y se reduce la mediación del espacio comunicativo
ucraniano. El propósito del trabajo académico radica en establecer las características de
la enseñanza del inglés como lingua franca en las prácticas educativas universitarias, así
como determinar el nivel de mediación del entorno educativo ucraniano en la
comunicación en inglés. La metodología de investigación se basa en un enfoque integral,
donde se utiliza un método descriptivo para describir el material teórico; Los métodos
estadísticos y el método del cuestionario se utilizan para la aplicación, el procesamiento
y el análisis de los resultados de la investigación. El lugar central está dedicado al
experimento pedagógico. El resultado de la investigación ha demostrado la efectividad
del uso del inglés como lingua franca en el proceso educativo; dichas prácticas han
recibido retroalimentación positiva por parte de los participantes del proceso educativo.
Junto a ello, también se ha puesto de manifiesto la evolución del inglés como lengua
franca en convergencia, así como en el proceso de comunicación de los participantes
del proceso educativo. En perspectiva, es conveniente continuar estudios sistemáticos
de la evolución del discurso educativo en la era de la globalización, para determinar las
transformaciones del inglés como lengua franca, teniendo en cuenta la influencia de la
identidad cultural en la comunicación.
Palabras clave: lengua franca, comunicación intercultural, inglés, identidad nacional.
1. Introduction
Globalization processes in the modern educational process have led to the intensification
of studying English, which has given students the opportunity to choose the most effective
Liliia Kopchak, Marianna Zhumbei, Liubov Terletska, Kateryna Konchovych, Nataliia Kanonik
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
and modern technologies for future professional activities (AL-Mansouri, 2021;
Bramschreiber, 2012; Ko et al., 2013).
The modern interpretation of the lingua franca concept, which is presented in scientific
investigations and practical developments, is used to designate a special sociolinguistic
category, that is, a functional type of language that is used in modern conditions as a
means of communication and interaction between speakers of different languages in
different spheres of interaction (Jenkins & Leung, 2014). Globalization processes have
created a requirement for humanity to define and develop a universal communication tool
that would allow effective communication between representatives of different countries,
regions, and continents. This is precisely the position of English it is the language of
global communication. Such status of English has had a significant impact on pedagogical
programs (curricula), teaching techniques as a lingua franca in educational activities.
Changes in the approaches of teachers to teaching this language, ways to improve the
teachers’ skills, the development of new methodological materials and educational
complexes have become the scientific issues of recent years. A number of studies in this
direction have contributed to the reconfiguration in the teaching English as a lingua
franca, the creation of models for the education of teachers who constantly conduct
training based on English language programs (Deniz et al., 2016).
It is worth considering the methods of teaching English as a lingua franca, which
emphasize the cultural component of communication, on a separate basis. This is a focus
on the representation of language as an effective means of intercultural communication.
There is also a research standpoint, according to which the effectiveness of teaching
English can only be guaranteed in the absence of a single closed culture as a carrier of
specific language norms that are directive for their observance (Bowles, 2015). Flexibility
and modernity in ELF teaching can be ensured through the development of cultural-
linguistic awareness and sensitivity as a main component of the educational process in
the context of considering English as a lingua franca. The specificity of teaching is also
significantly influenced by the fact that a large number of representatives of different
cultures, traditions, linguistic experience use a common language, transforming it in a
certain way (Dombi, 2011).
As a result, the lingua franca is influenced by the context in which it is used, and such
additional influence should be taken into account in the initial process, choosing certain
approaches in teaching and learning the language. The specificity of English as a lingua
franca, respectively, is the fact that this language is actively used not by one or a few
native-speaking cultures, but by many more people around the world. That is precisely
why the method of teaching this language should be changed based on the image of a
single cultural space of a limited circle of speakers; in today’s global world, English is a
means of intercultural communication. Changing the context of language perception,
methods of its teaching require changes, scientific explorations and pedagogical
searches both at the level of students and at the level of training teachers for practical
activities. It is necessary to work on the development of new programs for the training of
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
specialists who use the lingua franca language, as well as apply new technics to training
teachers who are not afraid to change their approaches to the process of teaching English
as a lingua franca.
Cavalheiro (2015) in his scientific work argues that it is also necessary to work on training
programs for teachers that provide new approaches to English as a lingua franca,
forasmuch as practical skills combined with theory play a decisive role in the quality
preparation of a modern specialist.
2. Aims
The purpose of the research lies in establishing the features of teaching English as a
lingua franca in educational university practices, as well as to determining the mediation
level of the Ukrainian educational environment in communication in English. The purpose
outlined has involved the solution of a number of tasks as follows:
to establish the main and additional features of English as a lingua franca;
to determine the components of cultural and linguistic identity of the respondents;
to characterize the respondents’ perception of cultural identity in the space of English
as a lingua franca;
to determine the assessment of learning English as a lingua franca by participants of
the educational process.
3. Materials and Methods
In order to effectively implement the research purpose concerning determining the basic
principles and effective methods of teaching English in the conditions of globalization,
theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as a descriptive method were used.
The pedagogical experiment was the main method of the research, which also involved
the application of survey and observation methods. This method is empirical;
consequently, the research group was not able to define the proposed educational and
methodological complex as universal, the basis for systemic changes in the educational
The foreign students in the direction of information technologies who studied English as
a lingua franca at Khmelnytskyi National University (Ukraine), at the Faculty of Information
Technologies during the 2021 - 2022 academic year were the objects of the present
research. The total number of respondents amounted to 20 people studying at the first
(bachelor’s) level of higher education. All students were grouped into a study group that
used the method of learning English as a lingua franca.
A variable in the group is the introduction and approval of the educational and
methodological complex, where English is taught as a lingua franca. All students
expressed their consent to participate in the experiment; an additional agreement was
The use of english as Lingua Franca to overcome language barriers and raise the level of education in modern
conditions. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /121-133
Liliia Kopchak, Marianna Zhumbei, Liubov Terletska, Kateryna Konchovych, Nataliia Kanonik
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
signed on the desire to participate in the educational and research project. Having
received the consent of the university administration, the research group signed a
memorandum guaranteeing the privacy and anonymity of all participants.
The experiment consisted of 3 stages.
At the stage I, the investigation of the components of cultural and linguistic identity was
carried out; the place of the principal and additional features of English as a lingua franca
was determined; methodical settings were developed; organizational work of teachers
and students with methodical and educational material was conducted; consultations of
teachers and students were organized. Materials for the survey were prepared based on
the theory of cultural identity (Jameson, 2007).
At the stage II, the general picture of the cultural and national identity of the respondents
was determined; students’ biological, social, cultural and educational data were presented
and studied as important parameters for the organization of foreign language learning.
The questionnaire conducted at the (final) stage III contained a block of closed-ended
questions designed to demonstrate the respondents’ assessment of the features of the
proposed learning of English as a lingua franca.
The questionnaire was devoted to the attitude of students to educational materials, their
motivation and attitude to learning English language as a lingua franca; the main didactic
positions that were involved in the educational process in order to increase the motivation
towards learning a foreign language were considered.
The basic difficulties faced by the researchers, include as follows: the relatively short
duration of the experiment (within one academic year); the lack of an opportunity to
conduct an in-depth qualitative study that would explain the motivation of the respondents’
decision-making. All participants of the experiment gave written consent to participate in
it; the questionnaire was conducted with preservation of privacy and anonymity of the
4. Literature Review
Successful communication between representatives of different cultures and nations
requires the use of a common language that is, lingua franca. English is one of such
languages; consequently, numerous studies are devoted to considering the important role
of this language in communication processes and intercultural communication (Deniz et
al., 2016). Communication between representatives of different cultures can be ensured
by means of English, despite the fact that not all participants of the communication are
authentic speakers of this language (Köktürk, 2012; Bilal et al., 2019). In such cases,
English should be used in a different way; this way of using it affects the quality of
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
interaction and understanding, forasmuch as the knowledge level of the interlocutor’s
language may be far from native, and it does not imply its free use.
In a number of studies (Tashakori & Haghighat, 2019; Rababah, 2020; Kaur & Birlik,
2021), cultural identity is presented as a multidimensional, complex feature, which in the
dynamic context of learning is a useful perspective for considering the need to introduce
methods of learning English as a lingua franca into university education. A separate
position is the consideration of intracultural aspects of being in mastering English as a
lingua franca (Kramsch, 2014; Sifakis, 2014).
Taking into consideration the main positions of the theory of cultural identity (Jameson,
2007), a methodology has been developed for working in experimental groups that help
to find out the influence of cultural identity on the communication in English of foreign
students studying in the Ukrainian higher educational institutions. According to Jameson’s
theory (Jameson, 2007), cultural identity manifests itself at the verbal level through six
components as follows: social affiliation, profession, geography, life philosophy, linguistic
and biological traits in the cultural aspect.
The studies were carried out on the features of intercultural communication in Finnish -
Swedish business communication (Kankaanranta & Lu, 2013; Grazzi, 2015). It was
revealed that while using English as a lingua franca, all respondents did not allow more
frank, simple, more private communication; on the other hand, while communication took
place in their native language, it was more informal, easy and open. In continuation of
such studies, a hypothesis was put forward that differences may decrease in case of long-
term interethnic communication in English. By the way, the signs of convergence were
mentioned in some scientific works, which sometimes occurred during intercultural
communication between Finns and Koreans (Jung, Louhiala-Salminen, 2012).
The problems of teaching English as a lingua franca are also part of the research
paradigm in pedagogy, linguistics and teaching methodology (Tawafak et al., 2018;
Kuzmina et al., 2020). Representation of a language as an effective means of intercultural
communication is based on methods of teaching English as a lingua franca. In particular,
flexibility in teaching EFL should be ensured by the rejection of a single target culture as
a bearer of specific language norms, which should be strictly observed (Grazzi, 2015).
The development of cultural competence and sensitivity towards a language should be
the main focus of education in the context of considering English as a lingua franca.
Specific features of English as a lingua franca were studied. It is also influenced by the
fact that this language is used by many speakers who influence it through the knowledge
of their languages and cultures and the introduction of their peculiarities into the language
being studied. Thus, the number of non-native English speakers exceeds the number of
native English speakers (Dombi, 2011; López-Barrios & Debat, 2014).
Liliia Kopchak, Marianna Zhumbei, Liubov Terletska, Kateryna Konchovych, Nataliia Kanonik
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
5. Results
Let’s consider educational practices where English is taught taking into account its
position as a lingua franca, where the motivation to learn English, the formation of
communicative and professional skills, the creation of texts in oral and written form in the
conditions of a multinational professional environment is presented.
The core position of the language of the globalized world is its widespread use in various
communicative situations, various discourses, by speakers of different languages and
cultures, and pronunciation, lexical composition and syntagmatic relations depend on this.
This factor was taken into account during the 1st (preparatory stage) of the project.
The English language has basic and additional features, as a lingua franca, necessary
for its wide use and assimilation by non-native speakers. Attention to the features of
grammatical constructions and pronunciation is necessary in order to ensure the
intelligibility of the language between speakers in the conditions of international
The main features should be taken into account in the development of teaching methods,
preparation of the educational and methodological complex for the course. Non-core
features will not play a significant role in successful international communication with a
lingua franca; however, in our opinion, they should be discussed within the framework of
the language learning program. Lexical stress and features of vowel pronunciation can
be presented as particular qualities of English. It is also possible to present grammatical
variations in different forms of English as a lingua franca; consequently, this has been
introduced during the first preparatory stage of the experiment.
Table 1.
Basic and additional features of the English language as a lingua franca (author’s
Basic features
Additional features
initial clusters of consonants;
all consonant sounds apart from [θ], [ð] and [ɫ];
distinctions between lengths of vowels;
mid-central NURSE vowel
linguistic stress
consonant sounds [θ], [ð] and [ɫ];
final clusters of consonants;
reduced and weak forms of vowels;
intonational tones;
stress-based rhythm;
the individual vowel quality
lexical stress
At the 2nd stage of the program, respondents were surveyed about their cultural and
linguistic identity in the context of learning English as a lingua franca.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 2.
Components of cultural and linguistic identity (author’s development).
Profession, occupation
Social status
Sociocultural data
Philosophical and religious beliefs
Linguistic aspect
Biological and cultural characteristics
Educational field, future profession, place of study
Economic, social, educational level
Nationality, region, city (village)
Religious and political identity
Language, mother tongue, dialect, polylingualism
Race, ethnicity, gender, age
Taking into account the main positions of the theory of cultural identity (Jameson, 2007),
it is possible to find out the influence of cultural identity on the features of communication
in English by foreign students in joint study groups. The broad and multidimensional
context of cultural identity, into which a new language is gradually interwoven, is a useful
perspective for the implementation of successful intercultural communication.
In the process of interviewing, parameters of cultural identity were established in groups
of respondents.
In the course of the survey, it has been established that all respondents have the same
educational level, study in two related specialties; the group has a large number of
respondents who are bilingual. Such people usually find it easier to perceive foreign
languages. In addition, students from Nigeria use English as a second language, while
students from Morocco use French as a second language. Therefore, the practice of using
the language as lingua franca is familiar to more than 50% of respondents. Such kind of
the survey contributed to the creation of educational programs and tasks that would take
into account the professional features, social and linguistic realities of the group.
Table 3.
Map of cultural identity (according to Jameson, 2007) in groups, which are taught in
English (author’s development).
Educational direction,
future profession, place
of study
122 Computer science - 8 people
126 Information systems and technologies - 12 people
Nationality, ethnicity,
region, city (village)
Hausa (4 people), Igbo (2 people) - Nigeria
Arabs (3), Jews (1) the city of Rabat (3), the city of Sale (1) (Morocco)
Arabs (3) the city of Amman (2), the city of Irbid (1), Jordan
Arabs (1) the city of Tyre, Lebanon
Chinese (2) - Gansu Province, China
Uighurs (4) - Hunan Province, China
Language, mother tongue,
Polylinguals 14 people: second language is English (6 people); the
second language is French (4 persons); the second language is Chinese
(4 people).
Only Chinese (2 persons);
Only Arabic (4 people)
The use of english as Lingua Franca to overcome language barriers and raise the level of education in modern
conditions. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /121-133
Liliia Kopchak, Marianna Zhumbei, Liubov Terletska, Kateryna Konchovych, Nataliia Kanonik
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Gender, age
Females - 6 people, males - 14 people.
20 years old (16 people), 22 years old (3 people), 24 years old (1 person)
Religious and political
Muslims - 11 people
Buddhists - 2 persons
Christians - 6 people
Jews - 1 person
Economic, social,
educational level
Incomplete higher education - 20 people
Representatives of the middle class - 20 people
At this stage, the respondents’ vision of cultural identity in the space of using English as
a lingua franca was also presented. The results are presented in percentages.
As it can be observed from the results of the table, the study group is multinational;
consequently, this makes it possible to see how the respondents perceive themselves
and others in the process of communication in English. By the way, another positive point
was revealed while interviewing respondents for the collection of such data: the project
participants were able to speak and analyse the purpose and features of their own
perception of intercultural communication, as well as the motivation for using English as
a lingua franca. Only 33% of all respondents consider it a priority to understand the
language of their interlocutors. From among the respondents, 80% of the Chinese and
the Uyghurs have prioritized the situation of communication when you are understood.
That is, work on high-quality pronunciation has become the most important aspect.
Table 4.
Summary data of respondents’ perception of cultural identity in the space of using English
as a lingua franca (author’s development).
Years of
Country of
Country of
Purpose of communication
The Chinese
The Uyghurs
2020 -2022
I am understood (80%)
I understand (20%)
The Moroccans
2020 -2022
I am understood (50%)
I understand (50%)
The Nigerians
2020 -2022
I am understood (60%)
I understand (40%)
The Jordanians
2020 -2022
I am understood (80%)
I understand (20%)
At the III stage of the research, a survey was conducted regarding the respondents’
assessment of using the methodology of teaching English as a lingua franca. The results
of work and training on the project were collected and systematized; the conclusions of
the effectiveness of the implemented measures were summarized. Respondents were
offered a series of statements with which they had to agree by placing a ‘+’ sign opposite
the statement. The respondents were allocated as follows: table G1 - Nigerian students,
G2 - Chinese students; G3 - Moroccan students; G4 - students of Lebanon, Jordan. For
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
80% of Chinese students (Chinese and Uyghurs), the priority is correct pronunciation, a
situation where you are understood.
Table 5.
The result of the participants’ assessment of the experiment of learning English as a
lingua franca (author’s development).
English is an international language that helps students communicate
and learn
English becomes a tool for professional growth
Communication in English is a means of increasing the communication
capabilities of a professional
Students can get additional knowledge of the profession, more
opportunities to win a grant, competition, project
Communicative English proficiency affects the possibility to find a
better job on the labour market
Knowledge of phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, conversational ability,
listening skills affect the success of communication and conversation
Learning a foreign language is faster in the process of active
English language skills contribute to the development of students’
professional skills
The approach to the respondents’ perception of cultural identity in the space of English
as a lingua franca will provide a real picture of the respondents’ motivation; this will
contribute to the effective learning of a foreign language in the context of acquiring
professional, intercultural skills, and improve the ability to communicate in an international
environment. These skills are necessary for working in a global world, where people of
many nationalities and languages can work coincidently in the same structure. The
statement about the need to know and use knowledge of phonetics, grammar,
vocabulary, speaking ability, and listening skills for successful communication has
received the greatest approval from the respondents (75% of the respondents in total).
On average, 64% of students have identified English as the language of international
communication, which is necessary for study and work.
6. Discussion
A number of studies have considered the problems of effective learning of English as a
lingua franca (Kankaanranta, Lu, 2013; Bayyurt, Akcan, (2015). Along with this, the
search for pedagogical technologies continues that can be effectively applied in the
educational environment and affect the motivation of learning English. As the conducted
research shows, the demand for using English as an international language is growing
steadily (75% in total). 55% of students turned out to be bilingual; that is, they have
experience of using the language as lingua franca (English, French) for interethnic
communication. For the majority of respondents (75%), for controlled motivation, it is
important to understand that the success of international communication with the help of
Liliia Kopchak, Marianna Zhumbei, Liubov Terletska, Kateryna Konchovych, Nataliia Kanonik
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
lingua franca is related to knowledge of phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, speaking ability,
listening. Mastering the means of implementing knowledge of the language of
international communication provides opportunities for quality education, including
mastering a profession in international groups. This makes it possible to improve one’s
professional level and be easily involved in the educational process. In this regard, our
research notes a general positive assessment of the approach to teaching English as a
means of international communication.
In the study of communicative features of communication in English as a lingua franca
(Kankaanranta, Louhiala-Salminen, 2010); Kankaanranta, Lu, 2013), specific features of
communication in the business environment between representatives of international
Finnish companies located in Beijing and Shanghai are considered. The scholar has
found that the evolution of English as a business lingua franca can be detected in the
signs of convergence shown by the respondents when evaluating Chinese - Finnish
professional communication in English (Vettorel, 2014). Three components of cultural
identity were also highlighted, which were defined as particularly relevant in professional
communication in English and stimulated openness and directness, namely:
professionalism, young age, use of English as a lingua franca. In our research, more than
64% of students have identified English as the language of international communication,
which is necessary in further professional activities.
7. Conclusion
Based on the results of the research conducted, on a practical level, international
communication using English as a lingua franca is a dynamic hybrid that significantly
depends on discursive practices and contexts in which it is implemented. It is important
to understand that the lingua franca is not a monolithic stable system in the educational
process, it is a communication resource, changes in which depend on the social-cultural
and economic and political changes of the global world.
The demand among students towards using English in education and professional work
practice is steadily growing. Therefore, the development of methods of teaching English
as a lingua franca is relevant. This will also influence the motivation to learn foreign
languages. The majority of students (a total of 54%) have identified the importance of
learning English as a lingua franca for further professional development.
The choice of an English language curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning
are strongly influenced by the context in which the resource will be used. This aspect also
affects approaches to the motivation of participants in the educational process.
English in the global world should not be perceived as the product of only one native-
speaking nation, one culture. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to work on the
development of new forms and methods of teaching, where the image of not a single
carrier culture is used, but a focus on language as a means of international
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
communication. These changes in the context of the perception and use of English as a
lingua franca require changes in the methods and content of the teaching and training of
English language teachers at the global level.
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