DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.03.10
Development of the concept of training students with
special educational needs in institutions of higher education
Desarrollo del concepto de formación de estudiantes con necesidades
educativas especiales en instituciones de educación superior
Marian Tripak
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Inclusive Economics, Cybernetics and
Computer Sciences, ERIHE «Kamianets-Podilsky State Institute» (Podisky Special Education and
Rehabilitation Socio-Economic College), Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine.
Tamara Vasyliuk
Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Head teacher, Department of Social Pedagogy and Social
Work, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih,
Olena Pysarevska
Doctor of Philosophy, Assistant Professor, Department of French Philology, Faculty of Foreign
Languages, Lviv National University of Ivan Franko, Lviv, Ukraine.
Ivanna Razmolodchykova
Doctor in Pedagogy, Associate Pprofessor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work,
Faculty of Psychology and Education, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
Roman Melnyk
Ph. D in History, Associate Professor, Department of History, Museology and Cultural Heritage,
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 16/05/22
Aceptado: 27/08/22
The aim of the article is to identify the characteristics of the different teaching strategies
used in higher education for students with developmental disabilities based on a review
of the academic literature on higher education for students with special educational needs
and a study of the practical aspects of the issue. Methodology. To conduct the research,
analytical and bibliographical methods were applied in reviewing scientific literature on
Development of the concept of training students with special educational needs in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /134-145
Marian Tripak, Tamara Vasyliuk, Olena Pysarevska, Ivanna Razmolodchykova, Roman Melnyk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
the application of different learning strategies in higher education for students with special
educational needs. In addition, an online questionnaire survey of educators and
methodologists working with students with special educational needs was used. Results.
The main characteristics of modern learning strategies for students with special
educational needs have been analysed as a result of the work.
Key words: inclusive education, students with special needs, learning strategies,
pedagogical inclusion strategies, pedagogical approach.
El objetivo del artículo es identificar las características de las diferentes estrategias
didácticas utilizadas en la educación superior para estudiantes con discapacidades del
desarrollo a partir de una revisión de la literatura académica sobre educación superior
para estudiantes con necesidades educativas especiales y un estudio de los aspectos
prácticos del tema. Metodología. Para realizar la investigación se aplicaron métodos
analíticos y bibliográficos en la revisión de literatura científica sobre la aplicación de
diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje en la educación superior para estudiantes con
necesidades educativas especiales. Además, se utilizó una encuesta de cuestionario en
línea de educadores y metodólogos que trabajan con estudiantes con necesidades
educativas especiales. Resultados. Como resultado del trabajo se han analizado las
principales características de las modernas estrategias de aprendizaje para alumnos con
necesidades educativas especiales.
Palabras clave: educación inclusiva, estudiantes con necesidades especiales,
estrategias de aprendizaje, estrategias de inclusión pedagógica, enfoque pedagógico.
1. Introduction
Educational international trends, initiated in recent decades by many international and
intergovernmental organisations, have gained the support of education systems in many
countries around the world. According to these trends, it is the primary responsibility of
civil society to ensure and guarantee the right to educational needs in order to obtain a
quality basic education.
Reforms and the use of new technologies in inclusive education contribute to the
implementation of educational innovations in line with the modern worldview model of the
social system.
Accordingly, research into the effectiveness of using various learning strategies for
students with special educational needs is particularly relevant in terms of the need to
select and apply the best possible forms of educational organisation for this category of
educational applicants.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The theoretical part of this study highlights the views of scholars on the organisation of
learning strategies in higher education for students with special educational needs. In
addition, a brief overview of differentiated, problem-based, programmed and personalised
learning strategies has been presented. The advantages of inclusive education have also
been identified and the basic principles for developing learning strategies for such
individuals have been examined, taking into account patterns and characteristics of
intellectual development of students with special needs, their skills and ability to absorb
The practical part of the research includes assessment of pedagogical employees’ level
of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in teaching students with special educational
needs, study of the effectiveness of applying individual modern strategies for organizing
work with students who have special educational needs. The survey has investigated the
spread of certain types of educational strategies for working with students, as well as
established the main problems of studying and applying new strategies for teaching
students with special educational needs.
According to the results of the study, it was found out that the most pedagogical staff have
personified and problem-based approaches to teaching persons with special educational
needs. At the same time, according to teachers and methodologists, the most effective
for working with students with special needs are socio-game technologies, personified
and problem-based types of teaching. According to the results of the survey, the most
common are technologies related to the individualization of the educational process,
technological solutions aimed at the correction of educational and behavioural difficulties,
as well as teaching strategies that provide a special mechanism for assessing the
educational performance of special students.
The results of the analysis highlight the problems associated with the introduction of new
strategies for teaching students with special educational needs.
2. Literature Review
Any learning strategy in higher education for students with special educational needs
should be based on a pedagogical system that is able to maintain a balance between
what is needed for successful learning tasks and what teachers can provide, given the
limited capacity of education applicants (Zavaraki & Schneider, 2019).
Pedagogical interaction, the role of which is recognised globally, acts as a key and most
humanistic principle. It is essential to meet the cognitive needs of each student and to
maximise positive learning outcomes within the diversity of abilities, interests and
individual psychophysical developmental characteristics of students in the same group
(Cameron, Matre & Canrinus, 2022).
Among student learning strategies there is differentiation, which is based on some form
of consideration of the individual characteristics of higher education applicants with
Marian Tripak, Tamara Vasyliuk, Olena Pysarevska, Ivanna Razmolodchykova, Roman Melnyk
Development of the concept of training students with special educational needs in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /134-145
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
special needs when grouping them for the purpose of separate learning in the classroom.
Differentiation can be seen as one of the means of implementing person-centred learning,
providing for the construction of individual educational trajectories taking into account the
child’s subjective experiences, preferences and values, as well as the actualisation of
personal physical and mental functions in the process of solving learning tasks. On the
basis of this principle, differentiated teaching takes place, allowing for maximum
approximation to the cognitive needs of the students and their individual characteristics.
In terms of the differentiation approach, the educator modifies the learning process in
such a way that each student has the opportunity to improve his/her skills as much as
possible, working in a group that takes into account the similarities in the individual-
typological development characteristics of several classmates (Rodríguez-Cano, Cuesta-
Gómez, Delgado-Benito & Fuente-Anuncibay, 2022), (Smith, Tani, Yates & Dickinson,
Problem-based learning strategy is a type of learning organisation in which the
assimilation of scientific knowledge is aligned with the student’s independent exploratory
activities. The system of methods is based on problem solving (Morley, Banks &
Haslingden, 2020).
This type of teaching structures the learning process in such a way that it is transformed
from informational to personal. This is possible through the teacher’s conscious creation
of problem situations certain psychological states arising in the process of performing
tasks and requiring the discovery (assimilation) of new knowledge about the subject,
methods and conditions of performance. The use of elements of problem-based learning
in pedagogical practice of higher education requires the educator to have the technique
of identifying challenges and constructing their solution system (Maher, Morley &
Fimusanmi, 2019).
Programmed learning is learning with material implemented from a programmed source
(a textbook designed according to specific requirements or a computer programme)
(Smith & McGannon, 2018).
The major premise of personalised learning is to focus on the individuality of the student,
the development of his personality in the learning process (Reyes, Meneses & Melián,
However, a review of the literature on the topic of research has demonstrated that the
issue of developing special strategies for working with higher education applicants with
special educational needs remains unresolved, since there are no specialised strategic
systems for working with students that take into account their specific development and
educational needs.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
3. Aims
The aim of the research is to determine the position of methodologists and educators
working with students with special needs in higher education regarding the application of
various learning strategies that would be effective for such education applicants.
4. Materials and Methods
Practical research on current approaches to the application of different teaching
strategies for students with special educational needs was conducted by interviewing
719 people. The respondents were methodologists from education departments of oblast
state administrations, educators and pedagogical staff who carry out teaching activities
working with students with special educational needs in higher education institutions in
Lviv, Kyiv, Khmelnytskyi and Ternopil oblasts of Ukraine. The survey was organized by
means of a questionnaire survey through the Typeform service.
In the survey, respondents were asked a number of questions on the prior aspects of
applying learning strategies for students with special educational needs. Survey
participants were asked to express their position on each question as a percentage
between 0 and 100 %.
5. Results and Discussion
The first set of research questions concerned establishing the degree of preparedness of
the educational process participants to implement the latest types of technologies and
strategic directions of special needs students’ education. The participants of the survey
were asked to assess the level of mastery of different strategic directions in teaching
students with special needs (Figure 1).
As can be seen from Figure 1, pedagogical staff are most proficient in personalised and
problem-based approaches to teaching persons with special educational needs. At the
same time, methodologists rated the degree of mastery of these approaches higher than
pedagogical staff by 34 per cent.
A crucial aspect of effective education for students with special needs is the issue of the
effectiveness of applying selected modern teaching strategies in the educational
institution where the interviewees work or with which they cooperate (Figure 2).
As the study has shown, the most effective, according to teachers and methodologists,
for working with students with special needs are socio-game technologies (the
effectiveness of this type of strategies is estimated at 39 and 42 per cent respectively),
personalised learning (5257 per cent) and problem-based learning (4346 per cent).
Development of the concept of training students with special educational needs in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /134-145
Marian Tripak, Tamara Vasyliuk, Olena Pysarevska, Ivanna Razmolodchykova, Roman Melnyk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Figure 1. The level of proficiency of survey participants in theoretical knowledge and
practical skills for using selected training strategies for students with special educational
needs in professional life, %.
Source: constructed by the authors.
Figure 2. Effectiveness of applying selected modern training strategies to the
organisation of work with students with special educational needs at the educational
institution, the respondents work at or cooperate with, %.
Source: constructed by the authors.
A didactic
system for
personal growth
43 38
From a higher education teachers' perspective
A didactic system
for personal
43 38
From a higher education teachers' perspective
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The interviewees emphasise that through socio-game strategies, the didactic tasks of co-
operative learning are accessible to all actors in the educational process. Their use makes
it possible to successfully involve students with special educational needs in collaborative
learning, allows all participants to acquire the skills of interaction with peers and at the
same time creates a different development strategy for each subject of the educational
An important step in the research is to establish the issue of the spread of individual
educational strategies for working with students with special educational needs in higher
education institutions. Highlighting the most common technologies is necessary in order
to further plan the implementation of new learning strategies (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Extent to which certain types of educational strategies for working with students
with special educational needs are disseminated in higher education institutions, %.
Source: constructed by the authors.
Figure 3 shows that the most common technologies, according to the respondents, are
those related to individualisation of the educational process, technological solutions
aimed at correcting educational and behavioural difficulties, and learning strategies that
provide a specific mechanism to assess the performance of the educational process.
Based on this analysis, the following challenges related to the implementation of new
strategies for teaching students with special educational needs are highlighted (Figure 4).
Technology for
differentiated learning
Technologies for
individualisation of the
educational process
Techniques for dealing
with educational and
behavioural difficulties
encountered by those
involved in the
educational process
Social skills
techniques (including
acceptance, tolerance)
Technology for
assessing education
47 42
44 41 36
From a higher education teachers' perspective
Development of the concept of training students with special educational needs in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /134-145
Marian Tripak, Tamara Vasyliuk, Olena Pysarevska, Ivanna Razmolodchykova, Roman Melnyk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Figure 4. Main challenges in exploring and applying new strategies for teaching students
with special educational needs, %.
Source: constructed by the authors.
Research on the system of organising education for students with special needs in higher
education institutions reveals a number of problemі. Firstly, there is a lack of trained
professionals to work with students with special educational needs. Secondly, there is low
family and peer support for “special students” and insufficient special equipment for
classrooms, classrooms and the barrier-free educational environment of higher education
institutions (Zanobini & Viterbori, 2020).
Thus, the results of the study of scientific literature on the topic of research allow us to
state that in the modern system of higher education provision for students with special
educational needs different approaches are used. They involve learning in the general
education environment and consider the accessibility, taking into account the individual
characteristics of each student, in particular the level of psycho-physical development.
Any discrimination becomes impossible through this (Molina Rolda’n, Marauri, Aubert &
Flecha, 2021).
At the same time, quality inclusive education is not only a broader process than
integration, which involves making education accessible to everyone. It is also a system
that includes the development of a child-centred methodology that recognises that all
Lack of a sufficient number of
trained professionals to work
with students with special
educational needs
Insufficient competence of
teaching staff
Insignificant support for
"special students" from state
Insufficient special equipment
for classrooms, and formation
of barrier-free educational
Insufficient involvement of the
student community in
supporting and facilitating the
socialisation of students with
special educational needs
Lack of conditions for the
creative personal
development of students with
special educational needs
39 41
From a higher education teachers' perspective
From the perspective of the methodologists in the education departments of the regional state
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
children are individuals with different learning needs. Therefore, education needs to be
flexible enough to meet different educational needs (Kefallinou, Symeonidou & Meijer,
Based on a rethinking of traditional paradigms of the education system for people with
special needs as well as the goals and values of education for such students, ways and
means to improve it are actively sought. Moreover, new methodologies for teaching,
educating and developing students with special needs are justified (Anderson & Boyle,
Considering the regularities and peculiarities of the intellectual development of students
with special needs and the existing ability to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, when
developing educational strategies for such persons, educational researchers adhere to
the fundamental principles, namely:
the use of indirect methods that are not used in the education of children with normal-
typical development and have a corrective and compensatory effect of the impaired
function through other mental processes;
the systematic selection of techniques and methods that provide comprehensive
action and provide not only information within the educational programme, but also
corrective and physical and mental functions in general;
nurture the applicant’s confidence in retained forms of verbal and non-verbal activity,
especially at an early stage of the educational programme, and provide for the
development of a personalised system for applying the acquired knowledge in the
future, taking into account the student’s developmental peculiarities (Brown, Te Riele,
Shelley & Woodroffe, 2020), (Cavioni, Grazzani & Ornaghi, 2017).
The education of students with special needs in higher education places increased
demands on all participants in the educational process. It requires an increased effort on
the part of students with special educational needs the psychological and intellectual
resources of the individual. Understanding, tolerance as well as physical and moral
assistance are required from other students. When it comes to educators working in
groups with students with special needs, they need professionalism, special knowledge,
and specific personal qualities. This, in turn, leads to the need to provide all participants
in the educational process with the necessary psychological, medical and social support
(Hulvershorn & Mulholland, 2018).
As emphasized by A. Kart and M. Kart, (2021), a crucial component of inclusive-
environmental approaches is the adherence to a strategy of psychological and
pedagogical support of inclusive education in higher education from the perspective of
organised system of reflective, cognitive, activity, affective-volitional aspects. They aim to
develop all components of the personal potential of the educational process subjects,
depending on their abilities.
Development of the concept of training students with special educational needs in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /134-145
Marian Tripak, Tamara Vasyliuk, Olena Pysarevska, Ivanna Razmolodchykova, Roman Melnyk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The tasks related to the staffing of educational institutions are solved by developing and
implementing competency-context strategies in a specially created educational
environment of professional training, which aims to develop the preparedness of future
educators to work in educational institutions where students with special educational
needs will study. The procedural level of training such specialists includes:
developing a criteria-diagnostic toolkit to investigate the status and development of
future educators’ readiness to inclusive education for children with special educational
developing and implementing a practical component of education in the practical
training centres for specialists in different disciplines, taking into account their future
work in groups where students with special needs will study;
developing and implementing research training;
monitoring the formation of professional preparedness of future defectologists in an
inclusive environment (Tai, Mahoney, Ajjawi, Bearman, Dargusch & Dracup, 2022),
(Davis & Watson, 2001), (Harris & Dargusch, 2020).
Today, experts in educational provision in inclusive settings around the world point to the
value diversity of such learning. They see it as a major resource for developing
multidirectional collaboration, which helps to generate different perspectives on decision-
making in exceptional situations (Kilpatrick, Johns, Barnes, Fischer, McLennan &
Magnussen, 2017).
6. Conclusions
Consequently, a review of the literature on the topic of the study leads to the conclusion
that the policy of the state and higher education institutions to educate students with
special needs should not only focus on motivating people with disabilities to study
specifically in higher education institutions, but also consider social environment factors
and their impact on the development of higher education in general. Therefore, higher
education institutions that develop an inclusive educational environment attract students
with special needs who are highly motivated to train, whose potential and skills are often
higher than those of other students, and as a consequence, the state will not only receive
a diploma but above all a motivated specialist over time.
Research on the system of organisation of education for students with special needs in
higher education institutions reveals a lack of sufficiently trained specialists to work with
students with special educational needs, low family and peer support for “special
students” and insufficient special equipment for classrooms, classrooms and the barrier-
free educational environment of higher education institutions.
As a result of a range of effective learning strategies to address the different challenges
of special needs education, higher education institutions should become inclusive, where
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
every student receives support and necessary services according to his or her individual
educational path.
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Marian Tripak, Tamara Vasyliuk, Olena Pysarevska, Ivanna Razmolodchykova, Roman Melnyk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
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