DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.03.11
Development of online and offline academic mobility of
students in modern conditions
Desarrollo de la movilidad académica en línea y fuera de línea de los estudiantes
en condiciones modernas
Oleh Bakhmat
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Department of Ecology and General Biological Subjects,
Faculty of Agrotechnology and Nature Management, Higher Educational Institution “Podillia State
University”, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine.
Larysa Lisina
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of pedagogy, Faculty of Psychological and
Pedagogical Education and Arts, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Berdyansk, Ukraine.
Iryna Udovenko
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Geodesy, Cartography and
Cadastre, Faculty of Forestry and Horticulture, Uman National University of Horticulture, Uman,
Liudmyla Nikolenko
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent, Department of Pedagogy and Special Education,
Faculty of Psychology and Special Education, Оles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro,
Natalia Buhlai
Doctor of Science in History, Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Pedagogy and
Psychology, Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 16/05/22
Aceptado: 22/08/22
The purpose of the research lies in identifying the problematic aspects of ensuring
academic mobility of students in the conditions of distance learning. The research
methodology consists of the methods as follows: statistical, scientific abstraction,
analogy, comparison, analysis, synthesis, graphic, tabular, systematization,
Oleh Bakhmat, Larysa Lisina, Iryna Udovenko, Liudmyla Nikolenko, Natalia Buhlai
Development of online and offline academic mobility of students in modern conditions. - Eduweb, 2022,
julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /146-159
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
generalization. The results of the research prove that the academic mobility of students
is one of the effective methods of exchanging experience, knowledge and professional
skills in order to increase the competitiveness of the future specialist and his ability to
meet the requirements of the globalized labour market. In the course of the research, the
problems of ensuring the academic mobility of students have been identified, namely: a
low level of awareness of the possibilities of academic mobility, motivation and their
financial capacity, the lack of interrelationship between the level of education and income,
low rates of development of virtual academic mobility. Taking into consideration the
downward trends in the participation of students from Ukraine in EU projects on academic
mobility (969 in 2018, 852 in 2019, 1191 in 2020, respectively), it is proposed to intensify
the process of obtaining a double diploma by students; to form a mechanism for
guaranteeing further employment with a high level of remuneration; to introduce programs
of educational crediting of academic mobility by commercial banks.
Key words: higher education seekers, educational process, distance learning, academic
mobility, single educational space.
El propósito de la investigación radica en identificar los aspectos problemáticos para
garantizar la movilidad académica de los estudiantes en las condiciones de la educación
a distancia. La metodología de la investigación consta de los siguientes todos:
estadístico, abstracción científica, analogía, comparación, análisis, síntesis, gráfica,
tabular, sistematización, generalización. Los resultados de la investigación prueban que
la movilidad académica de los estudiantes es uno de los métodos efectivos de
intercambio de experiencias, conocimientos y habilidades profesionales con el fin de
incrementar la competitividad del futuro especialista y su capacidad para atender los
requerimientos del mercado laboral globalizado. En el transcurso de la investigación, se
han identificado los problemas para garantizar la movilidad académica de los
estudiantes, a saber: un bajo nivel de conciencia de las posibilidades de movilidad
académica, motivación y su capacidad financiera, la falta de interrelación entre el nivel
de educación y ingresos, bajos índices de desarrollo de la movilidad académica virtual.
Teniendo en cuenta las tendencias a la baja en la participación de estudiantes de Ucrania
en proyectos de la UE sobre movilidad académica (969 en 2018, 852 en 2019, 1191 en
2020, respectivamente), se propone intensificar el proceso de obtención de una doble
titulación por parte de los estudiantes; formar un mecanismo para garantizar más empleo
con un alto nivel de remuneración; introducir programas de acreditación educativa de
movilidad académica por parte de la banca comercial.
Palabras clave: buscadores de educación superior, proceso educativo, educación a
distancia, movilidad académica, espacio único educativo.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
1. Introduction
Achieving the goals of the Bologna process and the formation of a single global
educational space are considered among the priority tasks and directions of development
of national educational systems. Ensuring effective exchange of experience, knowledge,
national values, interactive networks, implementation of joint research projects and
conducting scientific investigations contribute to the development of international
educational integration and allow improving the quality and accessibility of education.
Under such conditions, academic mobility becomes of particular importance, which
involves obtaining opportunities to study, teach, undergo internships and carry out
scientific activities in institutions of higher education or in scientific institutions both on the
territory of a certain country and outside its borders on the conditions of preserving the
place of study of students and the teachers’ main work place.
The issue of studying the academic mobility of students has become particularly acute
during the transition to mixed and distance learning mode, caused by the challenges of
the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation on
the territory of Ukraine. It is obvious that the specified topic is extremely relevant and
requires the study and detailing of the features and problems of ensuring the academic
mobility of students in current conditions.
The purpose of the research lies in identifying the problematic aspects of ensuring
academic mobility of students in the conditions of distance learning.
2. Literature Review
The processes of integration into the world educational space intensify the need for
standardization and development of international academic mobility, which is especially
relevant in the conditions of modern challenges and dangers necessitating the transition
to a distance form of obtaining education. In this context, Silva et al. (2020) defines the
strategies of distance education and are convinced that it is the distance form of learning
that contributes to the development of academic mobility of students, as it provides a
possibility for active participation in projects using a virtual environment and does not
require students to stay outside the country.
Vovchuk et al. (2021) consider the academic mobility of students in the conditions of
distance learning as one of the effective ways to exchange knowledge and increase the
competitiveness of future specialists, while highlighting both its positive and negative
factors. In particular, scientists identify the following positive aspects, namely: the ability
and skills of students to freely choose ways of interacting with the environment,
establishing intercultural communication, the ability to consider their country through the
prism of cross-culture and comparison with the cultures of other countries. From among
the main problems of academic mobility of students, the following should be highlighted,
namely: the lack of proper material, technical and financial support, insufficient number
of specialists coordinating activities in this direction, lack of appropriate infrastructure that
Development of online and offline academic mobility of students in modern conditions. - Eduweb, 2022,
julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /146-159
Oleh Bakhmat, Larysa Lisina, Iryna Udovenko, Liudmyla Nikolenko, Natalia Buhlai
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
allows effective exchange of students, insufficient development of the system of informing
about programs of academic mobility of students, as well as low level of students’ legal
knowledge about the possibilities of their participation in academic mobility. Therefore,
Kovbatiuk & Shevchuk (2020) claim that the constant development of educational
integration, which allows implementing the basic principles of academic mobility of
students, including in the conditions of distance learning, is of great importance.
Gopaul & Pifer (2016) also follow a similar standpoint and consider academic mobility as
a promising direction of educational integration into a single world space, and Shvydun
(2021) believes that it as a tool for the modernization of national educational systems and
the professional success of future specialists.
In the conditions of 20192022, the issue of access of higher education seekers to the
educational process became more acute as a result of the spread of the COVID-19
pandemic and military operations on the territory of Ukraine; consequently, this has led
to the actualization of the issue of the development of virtual academic mobility in the
context of the informatization of social life, which has become the subject of scientific
studies of Savitska & Livitska (2022).
At the same time, Liu, Che et al. (2022) emphasize the dominant influence of the factor
of globalization on the academic mobility of students, forasmuch as the dissemination of
knowledge in the international dimension is an extremely necessary and important task
of our time; after all, academic mobility stimulates the internationalization of higher
education, and, according to the viewpoint of Pedersen (2021), is professionally
significant for future specialists; therefore, it should be implemented within the framework
of specific educational programs.
Moreover, Van der Wende (2015) has investigated that the academic mobility of students
activates the process of attracting international talents, which guarantees the innovative
development of the country, and intercontinental mobility allows reducing disparities
between countries in terms of skill shortages. However, Liu, Liang et al. (2022) believe
that the European model of education and ensuring the academic mobility of students is
more perfect, and the educational process in institutions of higher education in the
countries of the European Union is more effective than in the countries of Asia; therefore,
tendencies are observed towards activating the academic mobility of students in
compliance with the European direction of development.
Stoicheva (2022) considers academic mobility as a condition for the modernization of
higher education in the countries of the European Union; the scholar is convinced that the
COVID-19 pandemic has caused the development of international cooperation in the
direction of distance format and accelerated those changes that were inevitable in the
development of education and innovative technologies. At the same time, the scientist
claims that such countries as Great Britain (15 %), France (10 %) and Germany (10 %)
have the highest share of foreign students.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Undoubtedly, the European educational space is highly developed and capable of
providing support to developing countries. A clear example of such international
cooperation is the European Union’s Erasmus+ educational program, which is effectively
implemented in an online learning environment, and since 2020, it is a response to the
challenge of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, Koris et al. (2021)
consider the international academic mobility of students as a tool for the
internationalization of higher educational institutions, which allows acquiring, in addition
to professional and language skills, digital communication skills. However, scientists
assess certain risks of academic mobility of students in the conditions of distance
learning, which are manifested in the increase in the level of outflow of intellectual capital
from countries with a lower level of development and its inflow into highly developed
countries. As a result, structural deformations occur in both national and international
educational systems. In addition, significant differences in the social-economic status of
students also significantly affect their academic mobility, which is confirmed by the level
of access of students to academic mobility.
Yıldırım et al. (2021) note a decrease in cooperation between institutions of higher
education and business structures, which affects the decrease in the level of students’
acquisition of practical skills in the learning process. At the same time, the transition to
distance learning has intensified the development of online education and created new
learning methods. The comments of Kercher, J. (2021) are relevant, who argues that the
academic mobility of students in distance learning conditions leads to a decrease in the
number of higher education seekers who seek to study in other countries, forasmuch as
most of them seek to combine study abroad with employment, which becomes impossible
with distance learning. This theory is shared by Kim (2017), who claims that academic
mobility of students is a way of crossing international borders for the purpose of further
employment abroad.
The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have stimulated the beginning of the process
of reformatting the global educational system and necessitated structural changes in
national educational systems. The problems that have arisen in the process of such
restructuring were supplemented by risks and threats to the world education system
caused by the military confrontation of Ukraine against the armed aggression of the
Russian Federation, forasmuch as a significant number of higher education seekers,
whose share is estimated at 43,71 % of the total number (World Migration Report, 2022),
were forcibly relocated to the territory of European countries, where they continue their
studies and do not plan to return to Ukraine.
Thus, the issue of investigating the academic mobility of students in the conditions of
distance learning acquires special importance and requires in-depth study.
3. Materials and Methods
The research methodology consists of the following methods of economic analysis,
namely: a statistical method used to study the dynamics of the number of foreign students
Development of online and offline academic mobility of students in modern conditions. - Eduweb, 2022,
julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /146-159
Oleh Bakhmat, Larysa Lisina, Iryna Udovenko, Liudmyla Nikolenko, Natalia Buhlai
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
in Ukraine and Ukrainian students abroad; method of scientific abstraction, analogies and
comparison in order to identify the main problems of academic mobility of students under
conditions of distance learning; the method of analysis and synthesis in order to
determine the essence of the “academic mobility of students” concept; graphical and
tabular analysis in order to display the obtained research results; method of
systematization and generalization for the purpose of formulating conclusions.
The information base of the research includes the works of domestic and foreign
scientists, reports of international organizations, in particular as follows: World Migration
Report, 2022; IIE Center for Academic Mobility Research and Impact, 2018; National
Office Erasmus, 2021; National Office Erasmus+UA, 2021.
4. Results
The strengthening of the influence of modern challenges and threats intensifies the need
to make transformational changes in the development of the existing education system,
review approaches, methods and models of education, as well as ensure proper
conditions of access to the educational process. The COVID-19 pandemic and the
aggravation of the military conflict on the territory of Ukraine has made it impossible for
education seekers to get access to the educational process and intensified the necessity
of transition to the implementation of the educational process in a digital environment. It
becomes obvious that traditional methods, forms and models of education have lost their
relevance, and the transfer of a significant share of higher education seekers from Ukraine
to the territory of other countries and the need for access to the educational process in
non-standard conditions has exacerbated the problem of harmonizing the national system
of higher education with the European one.
Undoubtedly, the academic mobility of students for a long period of time has been in the
centre of attention and is one of the strategic directions of the development of higher
education institutions and the organization of the educational process in these
establishments, forasmuch as it provides an opportunity for students to establish an
effective cultural dialogue, expand the boundaries of their horizons, acquire new unique
professional skills, and that is not least importantly, to improve knowledge and skills in
foreign languages. In addition, academic mobility contributes to increasing the
competitiveness of future specialists both on the domestic and international labour market
and, at the same time, significantly affects the improvement of the quality indicators of
education and science in the country, which brings national educational systems closer
to the requirements of international educational standards, and also increases the general
level of education of the population.
It is worth noting that Ukraine has taken significant steps in the direction of activating the
academic mobility of students, in particular, the participation of Ukraine in the Erasmus+
Program of the European Union deserves particular attention, according to which, during
20152020, more than 11 532 students had the opportunity to study in institutions of
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
higher education in Europe and 5 474 foreign students acquire knowledge and
professional skills in higher education institutions of Ukraine (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Dynamics of academic mobility of students in 20152020.
Source: it has been complied based on Participation of Ukrainian organizations in the EU-
Funded Programme Erasmus+ 20142020. (National Office Erasmus+UA, 2021)
In general, as evidenced by the results of the conducted studies, the dynamics of mobility
is characterized by a growing trend in the period 20152018. In 2019, a slight decrease
was observed from 3040 to 2816, however, in 2020, a sharp increase to 3905 was
recorded. At the same time, the analysis shows that the external academic mobility has
an advantage over the internal ones, which confirms the predominance of the number of
students leaving for European countries over those moving to Ukraine. However, it should
be noted that the flow of students to Europe cannot be characterized as stable throughout
the analysed period, as evidenced by certain cyclical changes. As for the flow of foreign
students into Ukraine, there is a clear and stable upward trend, even in the crisis period
of 2019.
In general, assessing the trends of student mobility, it can be stated that the period 2015
2018 is characterized by upward trends; in 2019 a decrease in the number of Ukrainian
students abroad was recorded, however, in 2020 the situation improved (Figure 2).
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Total mobilities
In general, from Ukraine to Europe
In general, from Europe to Ukraine
Students to Europe
Students to Ukraine
2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Development of online and offline academic mobility of students in modern conditions. - Eduweb, 2022,
julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /146-159
Oleh Bakhmat, Larysa Lisina, Iryna Udovenko, Liudmyla Nikolenko, Natalia Buhlai
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Poland, Germany, Spain, Lithuania and Romania are among the most active countries of
the European Union cooperating with Ukraine within the framework of projects on
academic mobility of students. It should be noted that from among foreign students
studying in Ukraine as of 2020, the majority are from India (18 095 persons), Morocco
(8 832 persons) and Turkmenistan (5 322 persons).
At the same time, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Program implemented by the
European Union, the number of submitted projects on the organization of academic
mobility of students increases every year (Figure 3).
Figure 2. Dynamics of the number of foreign students in Ukraine and Ukrainian students
abroad in 20152020.
Source: it has been complied based on Foreign students in Ukraine (Ministry of Education
and Science of Ukraine, 2021)
63906 64066
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Number of foreign students in Ukraine, persons
Number of Ukrainian students abroad, persons
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 3. Dynamics of the number of submitted projects within the framework of the
Erasmus+ Program and the number of selected ones implemented with the participation
of Ukraine.
Source: it has been complied based on Participation of Ukrainian organizations in the EU-
Funded Programme Erasmus+ 20142020. (National Office Erasmus+UA, 2021)
At the same time, in the conditions of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, a
significant number of new challenges and unforeseen circumstances have arisen
regarding ensuring the appropriate level of academic mobility of students. Taking into
account the destabilizing factors, on March 2, 2022, Commissioner Maria Gabriel has
announced the possibility of maximum flexibility in the implementation of Erasmus+
projects, in which students of Ukraine are involved, in order to ensure continuity of
activities and guarantee safety. Accordingly, the lion’s share of students, participating in
various academic mobility projects, are located in such countries of the European Union
as Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Figure 4), which requires special
attention to them on the part of the respective country.
299 317
394 414
268 272
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Number, pcs.
Number of submitted projects, pcs. Number of selected projects with the participation of Ukraine, units
Development of online and offline academic mobility of students in modern conditions. - Eduweb, 2022,
julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /146-159
Oleh Bakhmat, Larysa Lisina, Iryna Udovenko, Liudmyla Nikolenko, Natalia Buhlai
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Figure 4. The number of students from Ukraine studying in higher education institutions
of the European Union countries in 2020, persons.
Source: it has been complied based on Russia's war against Ukraine: Ukrainian students
in the EU (European Parliament, 2022)
Particular attention should be paid to the interaction between Ukraine and Poland
regarding the academic mobility of students, the number of which in this country of the
European Union is 55 % of the number of foreign students, because, from the Polish point
of view, Ukrainian students bring significant amounts of investment to the country. A
similar situation exists in Slovakia, where Ukrainian students make up 30 % of the total
number of foreign students.
Thus, the situation in the field of academic mobility of students in the countries of the
European Union and in Ukraine indicates the presence of a significant number of
problems of ensuring its effectiveness and requires the development of effective
mechanisms for solving it. Under such conditions, the establishment of international
cooperation between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union on the basis of
integration into a single global educational space becomes of primary importance.
5. Discussion
The presence of destabilizing factors in the development of world and national
educational systems necessitates reformatting methods and forms of education and
actualizes the development of distance education. Taking into account all the challenges
of today, at the moment, appropriate conditions have been created for the formation of a
single global educational space and the appropriate level of access of students to
academic mobility has been ensured. It should be noted that in relation to the countries
Number of students
Number of students from Ukraine, persons
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
of the European Union, the legal framework for academic mobility of students is more
developed than in Ukraine, and students of foreign higher educational institutions receive
a wider range of educational services. Domestic legislation is characterized by a
significant level of declarativeness and does not contribute to ensuring a stable growing
rate of academic mobility of students, forasmuch as there is still no mechanism for
systematizing data on the components of academic mobility, the scientific base for
forecasting its state and trends, as well as consequences for the society, has not been
formed yet. Moreover, in modern conditions, it is possible to single out a number of issues
of academic mobility of students, which have become particularly acute during the
transition to distance learning, in particular as follows:
1) a low level of awareness among students concerning the possibilities of academic
mobility and about the terms of enrolment in specific programs, financing of the
mobility period, about living conditions and about the possibilities of receiving grants
and scholarships, which requires the activation of the activities of higher educational
institutions in the direction of strengthening informational support for students
regarding participation in academic mobility programs;
2) low level of student motivation; after all, most academic mobility programs involve
simultaneous study in two institutions of higher education, which increases the load
on students. The solution to the mentioned problem can be achieved by providing
students with the opportunity to receive a double diploma and guaranteeing future
employment prospects;
3) low level of financial capacity of students, forasmuch as current expenses, travel and
accommodation expenses are paid by students’ parents, which involves
substantiating the possibility of full or partial state financing of academic mobility
programs and the introduction of a system of crediting educational programs related
to academic mobility on affordable terms;
4) the low level of virtual academic mobility, which has been slightly increased by the
introduction of distance learning in the process of countering the challenges of the
COVID-19 pandemic and the war between Ukraine and the Russian Federation.
Virtual academic mobility is an effective tool for providing access to students and
international projects and programs; along with this, it eliminates a number of
limitations, in particular, regarding the number of participants involved in the
educational process, attachment to a certain place and time, as well as regarding
simultaneous study in several higher educational institutions;
5) the absence of a relationship between the level of education of specialists and their
income, which turns the acquisition of higher education into a desire to receive a
diploma as a formal confirmation of one’s education, which requires an increase in the
level of wages, especially for young specialists in order to stimulate them to positive
Solving the issues outlined will make it possible to increase the indicators of academic
mobility of students and will allow implementing their opportunities in the conditions of
distance learning as effectively as possible.
Development of online and offline academic mobility of students in modern conditions. - Eduweb, 2022,
julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /146-159
Oleh Bakhmat, Larysa Lisina, Iryna Udovenko, Liudmyla Nikolenko, Natalia Buhlai
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
6. Conclusions
Therefore, the obtained results of the studies conducted on the problematic aspects of
ensuring the academic mobility of students in the conditions of distance learning provide
grounds for the conclusion that the processes of ensuring international educational
integration require the activation of effective academic mobility of students. It has been
established that the academic mobility of students significantly depends on the model of
the national education system; in particular, the countries of the European Union are more
attractive towards the implementation of educational projects than countries of the
transitive type, including Ukraine, which establishes international educational cooperation
within the framework of academic mobility, mainly with such countries as India, Morocco,
Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, China, Turkey and Egypt. The main problems of academic
mobility of students have been identified, which include the low level of awareness of
students regarding the possibilities of academic mobility, the lack of motivation to
participate in projects and the relationship between the level of education and the income
of specialists, and the low level of financial solvency of students. In the conditions of
distance learning, the possibilities of academic mobility are significantly strengthened by
innovative digital technologies that allow implementing the main principles, functions and
tasks of academic mobility in a virtual environment and contribute to the avoidance of
such limitations as the number of participants simultaneously participating in the
educational process, time and place limitations of educational classes, etc.
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julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /146-159
Oleh Bakhmat, Larysa Lisina, Iryna Udovenko, Liudmyla Nikolenko, Natalia Buhlai
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
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Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576