DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.03.12
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management
specialists training for public administration bodies on the
blended learning
Tecnologías digitales innovadoras en la formación de especialistas de gestión de
relaciones públicas para organismos de la administración pública en el
aprendizaje combinado
Tetiana Mamatova
Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Department of Public Administration and
Local Sself-Government, Education and Research Institute of Public Administration, Dnipro
University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Iryna Chykarenko
Doctor of sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Department of Public Administration and
Local Self-Government, Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration, Dnipro
University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Oleksii Chykarenko
PhD in Public Administration, Аssociate professor, Department of Journalism, Management Faculty,
University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Тetiana Kravtsova
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and
Local Self-Government, Education and Research Institute of Public Administration, Dnipro
University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Oleg Kravtsov
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and
Local Self-Government, Education and Research Institute of Public Administration, Dnipro
University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/05/22
Aceptado: 20/08/22
Objective. The paper examined the information digital technologies effectiveness in the
PR-management specialists training for public administration bodies on the blended learning
Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management specialists training for public administration bodies on
the blended learning. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /160-176
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
model. The research methodology is based on a mixed-methods approach and a combination
of qualitative and quantitative design to fully cover the use of digital technology in the training
of professionals under martial law. Results. It has been demonstrated that through a
combination of different digital technologies in the higher education institutions of Ukraine,
depending on the stage of training and type of lesson, a flexible inclusive approach was used,
making provision for the creation of common standards for teaching through digital
technology. Innovative digital technologies were used depending on the stage of the
educational process (communication and interaction; conducting lectures and seminars;
transferring learning materials and exchanging them; digital content development; knowledge
evaluation and academic performance rating). As the higher education institutions of Ukraine
significantly improved the asynchronous learning models, the preparation level of both
educators and students for the complete transition to asynchronous learning given the war
was markedly higher. It is deemed that the flexible self-study model during the war ensures
the general competencies development, however students have not mastered a sufficient
level of professional practical competencies.
Keywords: digital technologies of higher education institutions, professionals training under
crisis conditions, PR-management expert training, public administration.
Objetivo. El documento examinó la eficacia de las tecnologías digitales de la información en
la formación de especialistas en gestión de relaciones públicas para los órganos de la
administración pública en el modelo de aprendizaje combinado asíncrono bajo la ley marcial.
La metodología de investigación se basa en un enfoque de métodos mixtos y una
combinación de diseño cualitativo y cuantitativo para cubrir completamente el uso de la
tecnología digital en la formación de profesionales bajo la ley marcial. Resultados. Se ha
demostrado que a través de una combinación de diferentes tecnologías digitales en las
instituciones de educación superior de Ucrania, según la etapa de formación y el tipo de
lección, se utilizó un enfoque inclusivo flexible, previendo la creación de estándares comunes
para la enseñanza a través de medios digitales. tecnología. El modelo de aprendizaje
asincrónico ha hecho posible que profesores y alumnos elijan el momento, el lugar de
interacción y los métodos de aprendizaje. Se utilizaron tecnologías digitales innovadoras
según la etapa del proceso educativo (comunicación e interacción; realización de
conferencias y seminarios; transferencia e intercambio de materiales de aprendizaje;
desarrollo de contenidos digitales; evaluación de conocimientos y calificación del rendimiento
académico). A medida que las instituciones de educación superior de Ucrania mejoraron
significativamente los modelos de aprendizaje asincrónico durante la pandemia, el nivel de
preparación tanto de los educadores como de los estudiantes para la transición completa al
aprendizaje asincrónico dada la guerra fue notablemente mayor. Se considera que el modelo
de autoaprendizaje flexible durante la guerra asegura el desarrollo de competencias
generales, sin embargo los estudiantes no han dominado un nivel suficiente de competencias
prácticas profesionales. Por lo tanto, es necesario encontrar formas de desarrollar
competencias profesionales en medio de la crisis y, por lo tanto, la selección de tecnologías
digitales innovadoras y efectivas que contribuyan a la formación de habilidades prácticas de
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
los especialistas en gestión de relaciones públicas para los organismos de la administración
Palabras clave: tecnologías digitales de instituciones de educación superior, formación de
profesionales en condiciones de crisis, formación de expertos en gestión de relaciones
públicas, administración pública.
1. Introduction
Under modern conditions, the training of PR- management experts for public
administration bodies is carried out on the basis of the latest approaches, methods and
tools. Innovative digital learning technologies are one of the training tools used by
educators, which provides the possibility for the organization of asynchronous hybrid
learning model, especially relevant during the period of martial law. Asynchronous
learning style involves the use of different digital technologies for interaction between
educators and students, learning strategies are based on a combination of digital
technologies. Innovative strategies include solving the problem of effective
communication, interaction, interactivity, and students’ active involvement in the
educational process. During the pandemic, the use of digital tools in the educational
process increased considerably, and blended learning models were improved by
integrating innovative digital tools (Goudeau et al., 2021). Therefore, Flexible and
Inclusive Teaching models are emerging and evolving. Different technologies are
combined here to deliver classes. These new strategies include learning scheduling
based on hybrid, virtual, personalized courses developed by management.
The aim of the article was to assess the efficiency of information digital technologies in
training PR-management experts for public administration bodies on the asynchronous
blended learning model under martial law.
2. Literature review
Innovative Digital Technology in the Training of Public Administration Professionals
The effects, benefits, and results of using digital technology in the training of professionals
are actively discussed in the literature. Through the review of theoretical and empirical
research, the main digital tools used in teaching activities were classified and highlighted:
1) digital technologies of information presentation;
2) digital technologies of educational process management, including communication,
student involvement in debate, discussion, teamwork, assessment, monitoring and
knowledge checks;
3) digital technologies of teachers’ technical support; 4) digital technologies.
Innovative digital technologies also provide centralized technical support for faculty using
a suite of digital tools during lectures, seminars, discussions, and student group
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management specialists training for public administration bodies on
the blended learning. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /160-176
Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
collaboration (Bao, 2020). ICTs facilitate the integration of active learning strategies, in
particular, the active use of learning platforms, online services (Student response
systems’ (SRS), social media, video conferencing technologies. The common
technologies used by educators include a website based on the most widely applied
learning management system (LMS) (Google Class and Edmodo), while video
conferencing is the second most powerful and frequent tool (Zoom and Skype).
These digital media contribute to the implementation of active learning strategies. The
effectiveness of digital technologies is to increase students’ motivation, interactivity, and
engagement, contributes to the productivity of this performance through the ability to tailor
courses to students’ interests (Kopcha et al., 2016; Subhash & Cudney, 2018).
The introduction of technology affects the teaching strategy. Depending on the type of
digital tool and its use in a particular learning context, it corresponds to the current and
strategic learning activities and actions of the educator. For instance, the use of
presenting information technologies will indicate a digital content oriented learning
strategy and the transfer of knowledge from an educator to a pupil, a student. The use of
technology to engage pupils and students in debate, discussion, teamwork, for knowledge
checks means implementing student-centered knowledge generation strategies
(individual centered strategies and conclusion formation) (Kirkwood & Price, 2013).
Therefore, it is important for educators to perceive the use of technology as a part of
student-centered learning to obtain better learning results (Kim et al., 2013).
Asynchronous blended learning model
The asynchronous blended learning model is one of the hybrid learning models that
flourished in the 2000s (Graham, 2009; Graham, 2013). Blended learning includes any
combination of methods, including common educational practices of face-to-face
instruction with asynchronous or synchronous learning styles using technology (Zhang et
al, 2021). Synonymous with blended learning is hybrid learning using digital technologies
(Dang et al., 2016). Digital technology is used as a strategic tool to ensure unrestricted
access to learning materials and improve student performance.
With the onset of the pandemic, innovative digital technologies have made asynchronous
learning styles one of the predominant styles in different higher education institutions,
contributing to institutional transformation. Despite trends in the growing role of various
blended learning models, higher education institutions still need to improve concepts,
theories, and practices in this context (Graham, 2018).
Hybrid learning involves a combination of face-to-face (traditional teaching) and digital
learning formats, a convergence of two archetypal environments of learning activities:
traditional face-to-face (F2F) and technology-mediated environments (Graham, 2009).
Blended learning also involves a combination of various methods, pedagogical
approaches, and technologies (Smith & Hill, 2019; Hrastinski, 2019). Blended learning
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
models are a form of distance learning, in particular the following types of the latter have
been identified in the literature (Tirziu & Vrabie, 2015; Thai, De Wever & Valcke, 2017;
Asarta & Schmidt, 2020; Ożadowicz, 2020). Among the latter there are conservative
traditional face to face courses (f2f), supplemented with digital technologies and tools for
knowledge transfer and assessment (Power Point or Prezi presentations, online tests,
quizzes). Hybrid (blended) models, combining various types of online learning, offline
traditional courses with possible student access to virtual sessions based on learning
management systems can also be found there. The asynchronous learning model is a
form of hybrid learning, which involves interaction between participants in the educational
process based on group and individual activities, an active approach to learning activities.
Flipped classroom (FC) is the most innovative blended learning model (BL), which allows
students to access learning materials, technical content offline at any time through virtual
platforms, exchange through cloud services, online learning management systems
(LMS). Traditional lectures in this model are replaced by classroom meetings organized
in the form of discussions, brainstorming on problem solving in the presence of the
Hrastinski (2019) defines hybrid learning models, which include the asynchronous
(flexible) model of content transfer, knowledge through an online environment on an
individualized student schedule. Hrastinski (2019) also identifies models such as:
1) the community of inquiry framework involves the cognitive, instructional, social
presence of researchers as the foundation of learning;
2) the rotation model involves alternating teaching methods (online, group or individual
projects, classroom-based learning);
3) the self study mixed model in addition to traditional courses students can also take
one or more courses by choice;
4) the extended virtual model students can allocate time to participate in courses and
distance learning online.
Petronzi & Petronzi (2020) explore innovative blended learning models, distinguishing
between synchronous and asynchronous (flexible, autonomous) styles that interact
between the main actors of the educational process in higher education institutions.
Mentioning ‘synchronous’, Petronzi & Petronzi (2020) refer to a learning environment in
which students are in the same place (Internet, campus) at the same time with access to
the same materials. Asynchronous refers to flexible, autonomos learning by students
using digital technology.
3. Methodology
The research is based on a qualitative and quantitative assessment (Papastylianou &
Alyfantis, 2021) of the effectiveness of using innovative digital technologies in the training
of public administration professionals. Qualitative assessment involved the analysis of the
educational process of training specialists, their competencies in the higher education
institutions of Ukraine that offer educational training programs for specialists in public
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management specialists training for public administration bodies on
the blended learning. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /160-176
Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
administration and management. For the qualitative analysis we have used educational
programs in the field of knowledge Public Administration and Management and working
programs of the training discipline PR-technologies and communications in public
administration of the leading higher education institutions of Ukraine according to the
rating of the Center for International Projects Euro Education and international expert
group IREG Observatory on Academic and Excellence (the sixteenth academic rating of
Ukrainian higher education institutions Top 200 Ukraine 2022) (Ministry of Education and
Science of Ukraine, 2022). Content analysis of educational training programs and work
programs of academic discipline allowed to form the main competences of specialists.
These competences were further included in the quantitative assessment by students to
identify the perception of their competencies development level during the period of
training under martial law. The content analysis also made it possible to reveal the most
common innovative digital technologies used by higher education institutions during
martial law and to determine students’ perception of such technologies.
Quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the use of innovative digital technologies
in the training of specialists in public administration is based on the method of structured
interviews of selected students for qualitative analysis of higher education institutions
training programs. For this purpose, using the Google Form, a questionnaire was formed
that included questions on:
1) the types of digital information technologies used by higher education institutions for
communication and interaction processes, lectures and seminar sessions, transfer of
training materials, materials exchange, assessment and knowledge checks;
2) students’ perception of their own competencies level acquired in training using the
asynchronous blended learning model under martial law. Web questionnaires were
sent out to 120 students who participated in the course PR-technologies and
communications in public administration of the leading higher education institutions
of Ukraine. The survey was conducted in June 2022.
A questionnaire adapted from previous studies (Raven & Park, 2015) was used to
conduct the survey. The questionnaire includes characteristics (constructs) of learning
technologies to assess their quality and effectiveness. Specifically, the effectiveness of
digital technologies depended on the following characteristics:
1) students’ prior experience in digital technologies;
2) technology characteristics of lectures and seminars held with various types of digital
3) perceived usefulness;
4) perceived ease of use of technologies;
5) attitudes toward digital technologies as tools for developing competencies under
martial law.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Students rated each construct on a scale of 15, where 1 = strongly disagree,
2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree. Previous experiences were also
rated on a scale of 15, where 1 is low, 5 is high.
Table 1.
Characteristics (constructs) of students’ performance in using digital technology
Prior Experience
Please evaluate your digital experience before taking the PR Technology and
Communications in Public Administration course
The content of the video lectures, seminars is accurate.
The content of the video lectures, seminars is accurate. The content of the video
lectures and seminars is concise and relevant.
The content of the video lectures and seminars is clear
I believe that the use of video lectures, tutorials, and seminars conducted has improved
my performance in the course.
I believe that the use of video lectures of learning materials, tutorials and the seminars
conducted have improved my performance in the course.
I believe that the use of video lectures of study materials and the seminars conducted
made it easier to do homework.
In general, I find the video lectures, training materials, and seminars conducted useful
for my future activities
Perceived Ease of
It was easy to access the video lectures and register for the seminar to attend it.
It was easy for me to watch the video lectures and materials presented at the seminars.
My interactions with the video (e. g., play/pause, forward/backward) were clear and
In my opinion the most effective way is to use video lectures, video seminars and
teaching materials at the same time.
I believe that the course in general contributed to the development of general
competencies (communication, search, processing and analysis of information;
cooperation in a team and autonomously; use of information and communication
I feel that taking the course in general contributed to the development of professional
(vocational) competencies:
a) communication with representatives of other professional groups at different levels;
b) organizing and conducting communication events that promote public relations
(press conferences, presentations, briefings, round tables, etc.);
c) the ability to conclude relevant information documents;
d) ensuring readability and proper audio perception of prepared PR texts with the help
of special professional tools;
e) development of image strategies and tactics to create an image of the organization,
the person;
f) identification and assessment of the image qualities of a person (individual, leader,
politician, manager);
g) study of the image demands of different population groups; explanation of the image
management principles;
h) modeling and justifying one’s own opinion on the methodology of building an image;
i) creating a positive image of the institution, organization, firm, enterprise in the Internet
Source: designed by the author using the basic characteristics of digital technologies
developed in Park et al., (2018).
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management specialists training for public administration bodies on
the blended learning. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /160-176
Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
4. Results
Analysis of educational programs for training specialists in public administration and
The curricula of Ukrainian higher education institutions provide education, the formation
of professional skills of public administration specialists in accordance with the
requirements of employers and critical skills needed in future career development.
Training is based on a combination of problem-based and student-centered approaches
to learning; blended learning technologies; lectures, practical and seminar classes,
laboratory work; coursework; field trips to government and local authorities; creative
works and assignments in the form of home-tests, calculation assignment and papers;
performing case-study, project activities, business games, academic round tables.
Training of specialists in PR-management involves the passage of training courses
integrated into the educational and professional programs administrative management
in the field of knowledge, specialty of public administration and management. The study
discipline is characterized by the following indicators: the number of credits 4, the total
number of hours. 120, 2 modules, 20 hours of lectures and 20 hours of seminars. The
PR-technologies and communications in public administration course is a separate
academic discipline of educational programs for training specialists in public
administration. Through the training of this discipline, specialists have to form professional
(vocational) competence directly related to PR-management. Among these
competences, there is the ability to establish social interaction, cooperation. Furthermore,
it is crucial to develop the ability to organize information and analytical support of
management processes using information technology and resources (in particular the
development of measures to implement electronic government) and the ability to use
digital and smart technologies. The last but not least important is the ability to represent
public administration bodies in relations with other state bodies, local self-government
bodies, public associations, organizations, enterprises, institutions regardless of
ownership, and citizens, to establish effective communication with them. Therefore, in the
training of public relations management specialists, it is important to cultivate
competencies to use digital technology in order to effectively communicate with different
stakeholders. After completing the course, students should form general and professional
competencies (Table 2), in particular, among the general, the ability of autonomy and
teamwork, the use of digital technology are worth noting. Professional competencies are
highly specialized and form the skills of the future specialist in PR-management.
The purpose of teaching the discipline of PR-technology is to familiarize students with the
history of formation and development of public relations, leading PR-technologies in
various activities of modern society; forming their skills and abilities to organize effective
public relations institution, enterprise, firm, as well as holding various PR-actions;
ensuring their mastery of professional tools PR-textualist.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Under martial law, higher education institutions have predominantly set up flexible
blended learning models. The interaction phases during lectures and seminars have been
asynchronous due to the different locations of students. For the safety of students, the
administration of higher education institutions provided teaching and learning
opportunities at any convenient time for most students. Not only seminars, but also
lectures were conducted asynchronously: video lectures and seminars were uploaded to
the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle for students to work through
Table 2.
The main abilities (competences) of students after taking the discipline
Ability (competence)
communicate in the state language both orally and in writing; search, process
and analyze information from different sources; identify, set and resolve
problems; cooperate in a team and autonomously; use information and
communication technologies
communication with representatives of other professional groups of different
levels (with experts from other branches of knowledge/types of economic
activity); organizing and conducting communication events that promote
public relations (press conferences, presentations, briefings, round tables,
etc.); ability to conclude relevant information documents: press releases,
press bulletins, backgrouds, case histories, fact sheets, editions and other
materials for publication in the press, greetings, etc.; ensuring readability and
proper audio perception of prepared PR texts with the help of special
professional tools; development of image strategies and tactics for creating
an image of an organization, person; identification and assessment of the
image qualities of a person (individual, leader, politician, manager); study of
image requests from different population groups; explanation of image
management principles; modeling and justification of one’s own opinion on
the methodology of building an image; creating a positive style of the
institution, organization, company, enterprise in the web space
Source: systematized by the author based on.
The organization process of the lectures included presentation of materials to students
through LMS Moodle in the form of presentations, videos, references and resources
where learning materials are located. Various digital technologies were used at each
stage of the lecture organization. At the presentation stage of lecture materials educators
used LMS Moodle and Panopto software, which allows to record a lecture and place it on
LMS Moodle. At the discussion stage of lecture materials, Telegram, Viber, Microsoft
Teams programs were used, where students could ask questions and discuss homework
posted on LMS Moodle for each lecture in real time after processing each lecture. In order
to maintain effective communication processes educators were adjusted through
programs Telegram, Viber, Microsoft Teams. Moreover, educators were advised to use
Canvas templates to develop presentations of lecture materials and digital content.
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management specialists training for public administration bodies on
the blended learning. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /160-176
Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Figure 1. The process of lecture arrangement during martial law
Source: compiled by the author.
In the higher education institutions of Ukraine in general, educators were offered standard
digital technology as part of asynchronous blended learning. Technical support for
educators was provided using the FIT Canvas resource. The administration of higher
education institutions offered educators to use Canvas templates to create presentations,
which were perceived by students as the most interactive tools in teaching and learning
lecture materials. In this way, the higher education institutions provided a teaching
unification. At the same time, by combining different digital technologies depending on
the stage of learning and the type of class, a flexible inclusive approach was used,
providing for the creation of common teaching standards through the digital technologies
used in teaching, supplemented by the ability of educators and students to choose the
time, place of interaction, teaching methods.
The process of organizing seminars within the framework of the course is also based on
a flexible, inclusive approach, asynchronous learning. For seminars the instructors used
Microsoft Teams and Panopto software, which allows students to view video seminars
asynchronously and to download them via other digital technologies. Video seminars
created through Panopto could be integrated into LMS Moodle. At the stage of the actual
seminar in a hybrid or virtual environment, Microsoft Teams program was mainly used; at
the stages of discussing the results of seminars, discussions, assigning homework
programs, Telegram, Viber, Microsoft Teams.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 2. Seminar organizational process according to the asynchronous blended
learning model during martial law
Source: compiled by the author.
The main innovative digital technologies used by teachers in the process of teaching the
educational subject:
1) for communication and cooperation processes: Telegram, Viber, Microsoft Teams;
2) for lectures and seminars: LMS Moodle, Microsoft Teams;
3) for the teaching materials transfer, exchange of materials: LMS Moodle, lecture
material or seminars video recording with program Panopto, which allows
asynchronous viewing of video recorded by the educator during a lecture, seminar
and uploaded to the LMS; for the digital content development application Canvas,
which contains templates for presentations of materials;
4) to assess and check knowledge: LMS Moodle.
As the higher education institutions of Ukraine have improved asynchronous learning
models significantly during the pandemic, the preparation level of educators and students
for a full transition to asynchronous learning under war conditions has been noticeably
Evaluating the effectiveness of innovative digital technologies in the training of public
administration professionals
Students’ evaluations of digital technology perception revealed that 8 % used technology
to some extent, 50 % used technology frequently in education, and 42 % were regular
users of technology (Table 3).
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management specialists training for public administration bodies on
the blended learning. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /160-176
Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The assessment of technological characteristics of multimedia by students shows that
most students agree with the relevance of video lectures and seminars (a score of 4
5 was given by 70 % of students), the accuracy, conciseness, relevance of lecture
materials, seminars (a score of 45 was given by 65 % of students), the understandability
of lectures, seminars (a score of 45 was given by 58 % of students).
Table 3.
Distribution of students’ responses to digital technology use experience, technology
characteristics, perceived usefulness, ease of use, %
Prior Experience
Please evaluate your digital experience
before taking the PR Technology and
Communications in Public
Administration course
0 %
0 %
8 %
50 %
42 %
The content of the video lectures,
seminars is relevant
0 %
9 %
22 %
38 %
32 %
The content of the video lectures and
seminars is accurate, concise, and
4 %
8 %
23 %
46 %
19 %
The content of the video lectures and
seminars is clear
9 %
12 %
22 %
35 %
23 %
I believe that the use of video lectures,
learning materials and seminars
conducted have improved my
academic performance in the course
14 %
18 %
24 %
32 %
12 %
I believe that the use of video lectures
of training materials and the seminars
conducted have increased my
effectiveness in the course
12 %
21 %
30 %
18 %
20 %
I believe that the use of video lectures
of study materials and the seminars
conducted made it easier to do
9 %
20 %
28 %
19 %
23 %
In general, I find the video lectures,
training materials, and seminars
conducted useful for my future activities
8 %
14 %
33 %
27 %
19 %
Perceived Ease
of Use
It was easy to access the video
lectures and register for the seminar to
attend it
2 %
4 %
6 %
21 %
68 %
It was easy for me to watch the video
lectures and materials presented at the
4 %
7 %
18 %
30 %
42 %
My interactions with the video (e. g.,
play/pause, forward/backward) were
clear and understandable
1 %
3 %
8 %
19 %
69 %
Source: estimated by the author.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Among the respondents 44 % consider that the use of video lectures, learning materials
and seminars conducted improved their progress in the course, 32 % disagreed and 24 %
were neutral about the statement. 38 % of students believe the use of video lectures,
tutorials, and seminars conducted are a tool to enhance their own performance, 33 %
disagree with the effectiveness of digital technology, and 30 % are neutral on this
statement. 46 % of students surveyed believe that video lectures, learning materials, and
conducted seminars are useful for future activities, 22 % disagree, and 33 % are neutral
on this statement.
The assessed level of perceived ease of use of video lectures, passing seminars in online
learning also varies. 68 % rated a high level of ease of access to videos and seminars.
42 % indicated ease of viewing videos and materials presented during seminars. 69 %
indicated a high level of interaction, clarity, and comprehensibility.
Students’ attitudes toward lectures, video seminars, and study materials are generally
effective (76 % gave a grade of 45) (Table 4). At the same time, the attitude towards the
acquired competences in the conditions of asynchronous learning during the martial law
significantly differs. 9 % of students noted that taking the course did not contribute to the
development of general competencies, 15 % assessed the impact of the course on the
development of abilities neutrally, while the majority of students noted the effectiveness
of the course in the development of general competencies (76 %). The assessment of the
development of professional competencies was different, because under martial law it
was impossible to conduct practical training activities, in particular activities to
communicate with representatives of other professional groups of different levels or to
conduct communicative activities that promote public relations. Accordingly, the
assessment of the positive impact of the course on practical skills was generally negative.
5 % of students noted that the course in general contributed to the development of
competence of communication with representatives of other professional groups of
different levels; 8 % of students noted the formation of competence of organizing and
conducting communication events; 46 % of students noted the development of the ability
to prepare relevant information documents; 43 % noted the formation of the ability to
ensure readability and proper audio perception of prepared PR texts with the help of
special professional tools; 43 % noted the development of knowledge in the development
of image strategies and tactics to create an image of the organization, person; 58 % of
students noted that the course helped to develop the ability to study the image requests
of different population groups, an explanation of the principles of image management;
68 % developed the ability to model and justify their own opinion on the method of building
an image; 58 % increased the ability to create a positive style of the institution,
organization, company in the web space.
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management specialists training for public administration bodies on
the blended learning. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /160-176
Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Table 4.
Students’ attitudes toward the effectiveness of different formats of asynchronous learning,
competency development during blended learning
In my opinion the most effective way is to
use video lectures, video seminars and
teaching materials at the same time
4 %
8 %
13 %
37 %
39 %
I believe that the course in general
contributed to the development of general
competencies (communication, search,
processing and analysis of information;
cooperation in a team and autonomously;
use of information and communication
3 %
6 %
15 %
37 %
39 %
I feel that taking the course in general
contributed to the development of
professional (vocational) competencies:
a) communication with representatives of
other professional groups at different levels;
38 %
30 %
28 %
3 %
2 %
b) organizing and conducting
communication events that promote public
relations (press conferences, presentations,
briefings, round tables, etc.);
41 %
39 %
13 %
5 %
3 %
c) the ability to conclude relevant
information documents;
8 %
15 %
32 %
36 %
10 %
d) ensuring readability and proper audio
perception of prepared PR texts with the
help of special professional tools;
9 %
19 %
29 %
28 %
15 %
e) development of image strategies and
tactics to create an image of the
organization, the person;
11 %
20 %
27 %
26 %
17 %
f) identification and assessment of the
image qualities of a person (individual,
leader, politician, manager);
5 %
7 %
20 %
35 %
33 %
g) study of the image demands of different
population groups; explanation of the image
management principles;
9 %
12 %
22 %
32 %
26 %
h) modeling and justifying one’s own
opinion on the methodology of building an
8 %
9 %
15 %
30 %
38 %
i) creating a positive image of the institution,
organization, firm, enterprise in the Internet
10 %
13 %
19 %
30 %
28 %
Source: estimated by the author.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
5. Discussion
This study reveals the effectiveness of innovative digital technologies in the training of
public administration and management professionals under martial law. Higher education
institutions were forced to create conditions for a complete transition to an asynchronous
blended learning model. Given the high level of technology use in higher education
institutions during the pandemic, the study found a high level of user experience in the
use of technology in training. At the same time, due to martial law, students were deprived
of the opportunity to develop practical competencies, in particular communication skills,
communication with representatives of other professional groups of different levels or
conducting communication activities that promote public relations, most important for PR
managers. Therefore, most assessments of skill development were assessed neutrally or
negatively by students. Similar findings are also found in De Guzman (2020), where
students in the College of Business and Public Administration expressed neutral views of
skill development, abilities during instruction. De Guzman (2020) noted a lack of
readiness for the synchronous mode of teaching students, requiring the college to find
additional ways to teach in the event of an emergency. This study found a high level of
user experience and readiness for asynchronous instruction. Harris & Nikitenko (2014)
also found a high level of readiness of public administration students for online learning.
Harris & Nikitenko (2014) explain the success of asynchronous technology-based
learning in an online environment by the Theory of Self-Directed Learning (SDL) and the
Theory of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). This view is also expressed in Umek et al.,
(2015), e-learning requires high student self-regulation and independence or their e-
learning effectiveness may be low.
To improve the asynchronous learning model under martial law, it is appropriate to
(Selvanathan, Hussin & Azazi, 2020): review current programs; establish clear goals and
expected program outcomes; identify training methods and activities that can be
organized online to develop practical competencies for PR managers; determine
organization and presentation of activities, identify training material for each activity;
select appropriate assessment models; identify skills and other requirements for access
and establish requirements related to resources and infrastructure.
6. Conclusion
Through a combination of different digital technologies, a flexible, inclusive approach was
used in higher education institutions of Ukraine, depending on the stage of learning and
the type of class, providing for the creation of common standards of teaching through
digital technologies. The asynchronous learning model provided the opportunity for
teachers and students to choose the time, place of interaction, and teaching methods.
Innovative digital technologies were used depending on the stage of the learning process
(communication and interaction; conducting lectures and seminars; transfer of learning
materials, exchange of materials; development of digital content; assessment and control
of knowledge). Since the Ukrainian higher education institutions have improved
asynchronous learning models remarkably during the pandemic, the preparedness level
Innovative digital technologies in the pr-management specialists training for public administration bodies on
the blended learning. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /160-176
Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
of educators and students for the full transition to asynchronous learning under martial
law was significantly higher.
It was stated that during the war the flexible self-study model provided the development
of general competencies, however students have not mastered a sufficient level of
professional practical competencies. Thus, there is an urge to search for ways to develop
professional competencies in a crisis, and therefore the selection of effective innovative
digital technologies that will contribute to the formation of practical abilities of specialists
in PR-management for public administration bodies.
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Tetiana Mamatova, Iryna Chykarenko, Oleksii Chykarenko, Тetiana Kravtsova, Oleg Kravtsov