DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.03.14
Training future pre-school professionals in psycho-
pedagogical support for early childhood development
Formación de futuros profesionales de preescolar en apoyo psicopedagógico al
desarrollo infantil
Antonina Karnaukhova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent, Department of Preschool Education, Pedagogical
Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Olena Polovina
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Preschool Education,
Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Larysa Harashchenko
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Preschool Education,
Pedagogical Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Inna Kondratets
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior lecturer, Department of Preschool Education,
Pedagogical Institute Boris Grinchenko University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Tatyana Ponomarenko
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Preschool Education, Pedagogical
Institute, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 20/05/22
Aceptado: 23/08/22
The main tasks of pre-school education specialists become the formation of a favourable
educational environment for children’s development, effecient organization of time and
interaction with children. The training of future specialists should be focused on their
personal and professional maturity in order to develop the child’s personality and improve
the quality of preschool education. The aim of the article was to empirically study the
approaches to preparing future specialists of preschool education for psychological and
pedagogical support of early childhood development. The research methodology includes
Antonina Karnaukhova, Olena Polovina, Larysa Harashchenko, Inna Kondratets, Tatyana Ponomarenko
Training future pre-school professionals in psycho-pedagogical support for early childhood development. -
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /190-204
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
content analysis of regulatory documents and standards in the preschool education
subsystem, analysis of secondary data from a survey of Ukrainian university students
regarding satisfaction with the disciplines that provide training in early childhood
psychological and pedagogical support. The results indicate the use of the competent
approach in the training of specialists embedded in the main standards of the preschool
education subsystem. The standards define the requirements for the child’s mandatory
competencies and educational outcomes as well as the competencies of the child’s
educator. The need for alignment and revision of the professional standard for educator
as well as the standard for higher education in the context of the alignment of
competencies acquired by students in the process of education has been identified. The
results of the survey indicate a high level of student satisfaction with the training in the
discipline “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of early childhood”.
Keywords: psychological and pedagogical support, early childhood development,
preschool professionals, competent approach.
Las tareas principales de los especialistas en educación preescolar se convierten en la
formación de un entorno educativo favorable para el desarrollo de los niños, la
organización eficiente del tiempo y la interacción con los niños. La formación de los
futuros especialistas debe estar enfocada a su madurez personal y profesional para
desarrollar la personalidad del niño y mejorar la calidad de la educación preescolar. El
objetivo del artículo fue estudiar empíricamente los enfoques para preparar a los futuros
especialistas de educación preescolar para el apoyo psicológico y pedagógico del
desarrollo infantil temprano. La metodología de investigación incluye el análisis de
contenido de los documentos reglamentarios y las normas en el subsistema de
educación preescolar, el análisis de datos secundarios de una encuesta a estudiantes
universitarios ucranianos sobre la satisfacción con las disciplinas que brindan formación
en apoyo psicológico y pedagógico a la primera infancia. Los resultados indican el uso
del enfoque competente en la formación de especialistas inserto en los principales
estándares del subsistema de educación preescolar. Los estándares definen los
requisitos para las competencias obligatorias del niño y los resultados educativos, así
como las competencias del educador del niño. Se ha identificado la necesidad de
alineamiento y revisión del estándar profesional del educador así como del estándar para
la educación superior en el contexto del alineamiento de competencias adquiridas por
los estudiantes en el proceso de formación. Los resultados de la encuesta indican un alto
nivel de satisfacción de los estudiantes con la formación en la disciplina “Fundamentos
psicológicos y pedagógicos de la primera infancia”.
Palabras clave: apoyo psicológico y pedagógico, desarrollo infantil temprano,
profesionales de preescolar, enfoque competente.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
1. Introduction
The preschool education subsystem, as a socio-state form, carries out professional and
pedagogical work with the younger generation, in particular dealing with the early
childhood development. The development of human resources is therefore one of the
most fundamental areas for optimizing the activities of professionals in the modernization
of preschool education. Normative documents, particularly those of a strategic nature,
recognize the priority given to this area of education (the Preschool Education
Development Concept, amendments to the Preschool Education Law, and the
introduction of the basic component of preschool education). The main tasks of preschool
education specialists are the formation of a favourable educational environment for the
development of children, the effective time organization and interaction with children. The
processes of pre-school education modernization prioritize the personal position of the
educator to form a positive attitude towards psychological and pedagogical work.
Modernization processes imply the creation of conditions for the child’s all-round
development, the display of initiative and creativity, the provision and creation of
opportunities for their self-expression and activity. a specialist’s most positive attitude
towards his or her own work will facilitate effective interaction with children and the
educator’s understanding of the motives and methods of such interaction. Therefore, the
training of future specialists should be focused on their personal and professional maturity
in order to develop the child’s personality and to improve the quality of preschool
education. Taking into account the processes of modernization of preschool education in
Ukraine, it is crucial to study in detail the process of preparing future specialists in
preschool education for psychological and pedagogical support of early childhood
The aim of the article is to empirically investigate approaches to preparing future
preschool professionals for psychological and pedagogical support for early childhood
2. Literature review
As a result of a theoretical analysis of scientific literature, psychological and pedagogical
support is seen as a holistic, systematically organised activity. It creates the socio-
psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful learning and development of
each child in the educational environment (Rubtsov & Judina, 2010; Korotaeva &
Svyattseva, 2016; Meyliyevna, 2019; Qosimovna, 2021; Mirzamaxmudovna, 2022). A
special feature of psychological and pedagogical support in preschool education is to
meet the current professional needs of the educator and to ensure conditions for their
involvement in the creative search for optimal models of interaction with the students
(Babunova et al., 2017). In general, the effectiveness of teacher training for such activities
is ensured by the creation and implementation of a set of conditions (Stephen, 2012;
Isroildjanovna, 2019; Qizi & Sattorovich, 2022):
Training future pre-school professionals in psycho-pedagogical support for early childhood development. -
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /190-204
Antonina Karnaukhova, Olena Polovina, Larysa Harashchenko, Inna Kondratets, Tatyana Ponomarenko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
1) formation of motivation of pedagogical activity, actualization and enrichment of
educator’s experience (presentation of own activity, professional development
courses, open revisions);
2) organization of interaction of a psychologist with educators of preschool education
institutions (providing reflection of their professional activity);
3) organization of methodological support creation of self-education programme as an
important factor in the development of each educator (School of Young Educator,
information and communication technologies), mastering of educational technologies
(seminars, trainings, coaching consultations);
4) organization of a system of comprehensive support for teachers
5) existence of an administrative incentive system for preschool teachers;
6) development and implementation of information and methodological aids.
Thus, the essence of psychological and pedagogical support for future ECE teachers is
to provide assistance and support in making decisions in difficult situations of professional
choice based on the study of their interests, potential development field, peculiarities of
interaction of subjects of educational process (Mirzajonova & Parpiyeva, 2022). This
understanding allows to build support from the educator as well as from other interaction
subjects. Such psychological and pedagogical support contributes to the professional
development of future ECE teachers, their personal and professional development, as
well as solving the problems of preschool education organization (Dilshod, 2021). The
main components of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of professional
training of future ECE teachers are psychological and organizational-educational
(pedagogical). The psychological component of support is represented by the systematic
activity of future educators using the principle of interconnection of diagnostic,
correctional and developmental activities (Esonova, 2021; Mirzajonova & Parpiyeva,
2022). Organizational and educational (pedagogical) component provides a unified
information field for all participants of psychological and pedagogical support, as well as
its analysis and actual evaluation. This component is implemented in the activities of the
ECE teacher through educational work with the teaching staff and administration of the
preschool organization based on the use of various forms of active multi-subject
interaction of all participants (Korotaeva & Chugaeva, 2019; Dilshod, 2021). The analysis
and evaluation of the existing support system allows the development and improvement
of the system, ensuring its most important characteristics openness and developmental
character (synergy). The training of future specialists should include the development of
psychological and pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in the training
programmes framework, the implementation of which involves several stages:
motivational and constitutive, practice-oriented, prognostic. (Telychko, 2020).
The following varieties of support in the professional training of future specialists of
preschool education institutions are delineated by Nepomniashcha (2019): psychological,
pedagogical, communicative, speech, methodological, social, monitoring, etc. The overall
goal of psychological and pedagogical support is to ensure comprehensive development
of future ECE specialist (subject) based on a combination of scientific-theoretical,
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
methodological and practical components of training future ECE teachers, which is
reflected in curricula. The prior role in the professional training belongs to the cycle of
disciplines of professional and practical training, pedagogical practice, which is the main
component and result of forming professional preparedness of future ECE specialists.
Ivakh (2016) focuses on an interdisciplinary approach to the training of early childhood
education specialists. It provides an optimal combination of normative knowledge, skills,
formation of personal-professional qualities, the real level of development of future
educators’ readiness to work with young children.
As a result of a theoretical analysis of scientific literature, psychological and pedagogical
support is seen as a holistic, systematically organized activity in the course of which socio-
psychological and pedagogical conditions are created for the successful learning and
development of each child in the educational environment. Psychological and
pedagogical support in preschool education is characterized by the satisfaction of
teachers’ actual professional needs and by the provision of conditions for their
involvement in the creative search for optimal models of interaction with their students.
The essence of psychological and pedagogical support for future ECE teachers is to
provide assistance, support in making decisions in difficult situations of professional
choice based on the study of their interests, potential development field, peculiarities of
interaction of subjects of the educational process. This understanding allows building
support from the educator as well as from other subjects of interaction. Such
psychological and pedagogical support contributes to the professional development of
future ECE teachers, their personal and professional development, as well as solving the
problems of preschool education organization.
3. Methodology
The study used content analysis methods to examine strategic documents in the
preschool education subsystem, which form the conceptual, theoretical and practical, and
methodological basis for the training of specialists in preschool education. In particular,
the Concept of Preschool Education Development, amendments to the Law of Ukraine
“On Preschool Education”, the Basic Component of Preschool Education, Professional
Standard “Early Childhood Educator”, Standards of Higher Education of Ukraine: first
(bachelor) and second (master) level of knowledge 01 “Education / Pedagogy”, specialty
012 “Preschool Education” were considered. The comparative method was used to
assess the correspondence between the professional standard defining the key
competencies of educators and the higher education standards for training educators of
the first and second educational qualification levels.
The second part of the study uses secondary data from a survey of student satisfaction
with the discipline “Psychological and pedagogical foundations of early childhoodin the
educational programme “Preschool education” of the bachelor degree of full-time
education. The sample of students was formed on the basis of secondary data on the
Training future pre-school professionals in psycho-pedagogical support for early childhood development. -
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /190-204
Antonina Karnaukhova, Olena Polovina, Larysa Harashchenko, Inna Kondratets, Tatyana Ponomarenko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
quality of teaching and learning in this discipline of such HEIs of Ukraine: Vinnytsia
Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Ivan Franko National University of
Lviv, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University.
Secondary survey data are available on the website of the National Agency for Education
Quality Assurance (2022 a; 2022 b; 2022 c).
The alumni survey took place on the e-resource Google Forms. In total, the secondary
survey results of 108 full-time students were processed. The survey results contain
answers to questions related to determining the level of satisfaction with the discipline
“Psychological and pedagogical foundations of early childhood”.
4. Results
Pre-school education is an integral component and the first level in the education system
the starting platform for the child’s personal development. Approved in January 2021,
the Basic Component of Preschool Education, which is the State Standard for Preschool
Education in Ukraine, will improve the quality of preschool education in Ukraine and bring
it into line with international standards. It is based on the ideas of humanistic pedagogy,
patriotic and civic education and the shared responsibility of the state, community, family,
teacher educators and other professions involved in the care, care and development of
pre-school children (Ministry of Education and Science, 2022 a). The state standard for
preschool education reflects the relationship between the values of preschool education,
the areas of education (content) and the process of shaping the child’s experience in
various activity types. This will ensure the educational result the competence of the pre-
school child, and the conditions under which these competences can be achieved. The
basic component of preschool education is based on the competence approach, the key
competencies of which are continued in the State Standard of Elementary Education for
specific educational areas. The continuity between preschool and primary education can
also be traced through the development of cross-curricular skills common to preschool
and primary education: to demonstrate creativity and initiative, to manage emotions, to
express and justify one’s opinion, to think critically, to make decisions, to solve problems
and to cooperate in a team.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 1. Competencies of a preschool teacher in accordance with the professional
standard “Early Childhood Educator”.
Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2022 b).
The professional standard “Early Childhood Educator” (Figure 1) defines the main goal of
the educator’s activity as the organization of training, education and development of
children in pre-school education by developing key competencies in accordance with the
state standard (Ministry of Education and Science, 2022). In comparison, the learning
objectives of higher education standards define the training of specialists in the
development, training and education of children of early childhood and preschool age in
the educational system and the family, who are able to solve specialized tasks in the
warehouse, characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of the conditions of
application of the theory and methodology of preschool education. Consequently, the
higher education standards do not include targets for shaping the major competencies of
the pupils. The basic component of preschool education also provides for the use of the
competence approach and defines the requirements for compulsory competencies of the
child and the child’s educational outcomes.
Evaluative and analytical
Subject and methodological
Health Saving
Psychological and emotional
Pedagogical partnership
Moral and ethical
Capacity for lifelong learning
Information and communication
Training future pre-school professionals in psycho-pedagogical support for early childhood development. -
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /190-204
Antonina Karnaukhova, Olena Polovina, Larysa Harashchenko, Inna Kondratets, Tatyana Ponomarenko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The competencies defined in the Professional Standard correspond to the educator
competencies defined in the Standards of Higher Education for Early Childhood
Education at the first (Bachelor) and second (Master) levels of education (Table 1). For
example, social competence corresponds to professional competence CS-19 the ability
to interact communicatively with children, parents, colleagues, and general competence
CG-6 the ability to interact interpersonally. Cultural competence corresponds to the
general competence of preserving and enhancing cultural values. Leadership
competence corresponds to professional CS-17 the ability to take responsibility for
decision making in unforeseen work conditions.
Table 1.
List of competencies of a first-level education specialist
The ability to solve complex specialised problems and practical problems in pre-
school education for the development, learning and education of young and
preschool children. It involves the application of general psychological and
pedagogical theories and professional methodologies of preschool education and
is characterised by a complex and uncertain environment.
CG-1. Ability to realise his/her rights and obligations as a member of society, to
realise the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable
development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.
CG-2. Ability to preserve and enhance moral, cultural, scientific values and
achievements of society, based on the understanding of history and patterns of
development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge
about nature and society and in the development of society, equipment and
technologies, use different types and forms of active leisure and leading a healthy
CG-3. An ability to think abstractly, analyse and synthesise.
CG-4. An ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in
CG-5. Ability to assess and ensure the quality of work performed.
CG-6. Ability to interact interpersonally.
CG-7. Ability to learn and master modern knowledge.
CG-8. Ability to use knowledge in practical situations.
CG-9. Performance of safe activities.
CS-1. Ability to work with sources of educational and scientific information.
CS-2. Ability to develop basic qualities of personality (autonomy, independence,
creativity, initiative, freedom of behaviour, self-awareness, self-esteem, self-respect)
in young and pre-school children.
CS-3. Ability to develop curiosity, cognitive motivation and cognitive activities in
young and preschool children.
CS-4. Ability to form primary ideas of object, natural, social environment, properties
and relations of objects; development of self-consciousness (“I” of the child and its
place in the environment).
CS-5. Ability to develop speech as a means of communication and interaction with
peers and adults in the early and preschool years.
CS-6. An ability to teach young and preschool children the skills of conscientious
following of socially recognized moral norms and behavior rules.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
CS-7. An ability to promote national patriotism among young children and preschool
CS-8. The ability to form the skills of ecologically safe behavior and activities in the
home, nature and environment in early childhood and preschool age children.
CS-9. Ability to develop perceptual, mnemic processes, different forms of thinking
and consciousness in young and preschool children.
CS-10. Ability to prepare Individual Development Program and documents
necessary for the education of children with special educational needs, familiarity
with universal design in education and reasonable accommodation.
CS-11. The ability to form an elementary understanding of different forms of art and
means of artistic expression (word, sound, paint, etc.) and the experience of
independent creative activity in young and pre-school children.
CS-12. The ability to develop young and preschool children physically, to correct and
improve their health by means of physical exercises and motor activity.
CS-13. The ability to organize and supervise play (conducting), art, speech, and art-
productive (visual, musical, theatrical) activities of early childhood and preschool age
CS-14. The ability to form healthy lifestyle skills of preschool and early childhood
children as a basis of health culture (valeological culture) of the individual.
CS-15. Ability to individual and differentiated development of early childhood and
preschool children with special educational needs, according to their abilities.
CS-16. Ability to educate early childhood and preschool children in tolerant attitude
and respect for others, preventing and counteracting bullying.
CS-17. The ability to take responsibility for decision-making in unforeseen work
CS-18. The ability to find and elaborate the necessary educational information and
apply it in the work with children, parents.
CS-19. The ability to communicate with children, parents and colleagues.
CS-20. The ability for self-education, self-development, continuity in education for
constant deepening of general and vocational training, making education a lifelong
Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2022 с).
At the same time, competencies that correlate with entrepreneurial competence as the
ability to creatively search for and implement new ideas, self-presentation and results of
own activities, ability to plan own career, management of cultural and social projects are
missing in the Standard of Higher Education. Integral competence in solving complex
problems in practice can partially correlate with entrepreneurial competence. This
requires alignment and revision of the standards with the requirements of the educator
and specialist whose training takes place according to the approved standards of higher
The training of pre-school education specialists in psychological and pedagogical support
of early childhood development includes the study, knowledge acquisition and skills
formation within the discipline "Psychological and pedagogical principles of early
childhood". The quality of training is assessed on the basis of a questionnaire on the
discipline, where the overall level of student satisfaction is determined.
Training future pre-school professionals in psycho-pedagogical support for early childhood development. -
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /190-204
Antonina Karnaukhova, Olena Polovina, Larysa Harashchenko, Inna Kondratets, Tatyana Ponomarenko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Table 2.
Results of a student satisfaction survey on the discipline “Psychological and pedagogical
principles of early childhood”
Answer options
1) Rate the level of workload of
the discipline ...., where 1 is
the absence of tasks for
independent study of the
discipline, 5 is an excessive
load of additional tasks
100 %
2) I’ve had enough time to
master the learning discipline
100 %
100 %
3) I have had enough
extracurricular time to
complete the self-study tasks
of the course
100 %
100 %
4) Rate the level of compliance
of the content of the course
with the chosen speciality on a
scale of 1 not compliant at
all, 5 fully compliant
100 %
5) The content of the
educational discipline provides
an opportunity to acquire the
competencies needed for
further professional activity
100 %
100 %
6) The content of the academic
discipline is relevant and
Satisfaction 100 %
7) Have you had the
opportunity to develop “soft
skills” (debating and public
speaking skills, communication
with colleagues and
supervisors, interpersonal
communication, negotiating,
teamwork, time management,
creativity, ability to organise
and conduct classes, writing
grant proposals, managing
research projects, etc.) while
studying this discipline?
Satisfaction 100 %
8) Rate the level of teaching in
the subject and the methods
used by the educator to
improve learning, on a scale
where 1 is low, 5 is high
50 %
50 %
Satisfaction 100 %
9) I have always had feedback
from the educator while
studying the subject and have
100 %
Satisfaction 100 %
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
had the opportunity to consult
(get help from) him/her on
various substantive and
organisational issues.
10) During the course, I and
other students had the
opportunity to choose certain
tasks, topics (subtopics,
individual substantive issues of
the topic), topics of coursework
or to propose our own topics,
forms and methods of
performing the chosen tasks,
100 %
Satisfaction 100 %
11) Specialised laboratory
equipment and specialised
software were used in the
study of the discipline
Satisfaction 50 %
50 % A
psychodiagnostic and
laboratory is available
for the educational
12) The discipline is
adequately provided with
teaching materials available in
the electronic library and on
the university’s distance
learning platform
100 %
Satisfaction 100 %
13) Rate the quality of a
distance learning course in an
academic discipline, where 1 is
a poor course, 5 is a course
that is informative and as full of
learning material as possible
100 %
Satisfaction 100 %
14) I have been informed in
advance about the criteria,
procedures, forms and
deadlines for the current and
final control of knowledge in
the discipline
Satisfaction 100 %
15) I consider the current
assessment of knowledge in
this subject to be objective
Satisfaction 100 %
16) Rate the overall level of
satisfaction with the quality of
teaching in the discipline on a
scale where 1 is low teaching
quality, 5 is a high one
Satisfaction 100 %
Source: National Agency for Education Quality Assurance (2022 a; 2022 b; 2022 c).
Training future pre-school professionals in psycho-pedagogical support for early childhood development. -
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /190-204
Antonina Karnaukhova, Olena Polovina, Larysa Harashchenko, Inna Kondratets, Tatyana Ponomarenko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
5. Discussion
Within the framework of a certain study programme, students acquire general
competences, which are also of a universal nature. This category includes knowledge,
understanding, skills and the ability to apply them in practice. The list of recommended
special (professional, subject-specific) competences correlates with the description of the
corresponding qualification level of the NQF (Kravets, 2018).
Professional training is a process of students’ active assimilation of knowledge, skills and
abilities in the relevant area, as well as a system of various activities focused on the
student’s personal development, where the result is the readiness to perform their
professional duties (Avramenko, 2018). This study identifies a certain level of
inconsistency between the competencies defined in the professional standard of a pre-
school teacher and the standards of teacher training. As defined by the Basic Component
of Preschool Education, practitioners in the preschool sector are required to provide
psychological and pedagogical support for child development during the preschool years.
The higher education system instead is not sufficiently aligned with the needs of pre-
school educational institutions in the context of the abilities and skills of professionals.
The gradual system of education implemented in Ukraine is aimed at continuous
improvement of the professional competence of a specialist, which should be carried out
by him/her both in educational institutions and in the process of independent work on
oneself in practical activities (Melnyk, 2015). The competencies of preschool education
specialists formed in the process of training should meet the professional requirements
defined in the professional standard of an educator based on the competency-based
approach. In addition, the skills and abilities of the specialist necessary for psychological
and pedagogical support should take into account the features of preschool children.
Characteristic features of modern preschool children are emotional sensitivity,
unbalanced nervous system; mental activity and considerable intellectual awareness;
steady interest and attraction to computer games, household appliances; differences in
value orientations, which is caused by their belonging to families with different levels of
well-being (Melnyk, 2015). As in the work of other specialists, this article reveals a
mismatch between the abilities of specialists who are formed in the process of learning
and the requirements of pre-school education institutions. Therefore, most pre-school
educators lack preparedness to take these children’s characteristics into account in the
pre-school educational process. The professional knowledge and skills they have
acquired through basic vocational training and practical experience of working with
children do not fully meet the child development goals. The professional competences of
educators need to be revised and improved according to the challenges of modern society
and the needs of children. Undoubtedly, professional competence is not a constant value.
The process of professional competence formation is never finished and can be
constantly improved (Konovalchuk, 2015; Myskova, 2018).
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
6. Conclusion
The results of the study indicate the use of a competency-based approach in the training
of professionals, which is embedded in the core standards of the preschool education
subsystem. The standards define requirements for the child’s compulsory competencies
and educational outcomes, as well as the competencies of the educator. At the same
time, there is a mismatch between the abilities of the professionals being formed in the
process of training and the skills requirements for early childhood educators. Thus, the
professional knowledge and skills acquired by them in the process of basic professional
training and practical work experience with children do not provide full implementation of
the child development objectives. The need for harmonization and revision of the
professional standard for educators and the standard for higher education in the context
of harmonization of the competences acquired by students in the process of training has
been revealed. The results of the survey demonstrate a high level of student satisfaction
with the training in the discipline “Psycho-pedagogical foundations of early childhood”.
7. Bibliographic references
Avramenko, O. (2018). Training of future specialists in preschool education to accompany
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Antonina Karnaukhova, Olena Polovina, Larysa Harashchenko, Inna Kondratets, Tatyana Ponomarenko