Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Fundamental cognitive-semantic theories in linguistics
Teorías cognitivo-semánticas fundamentales en lingüística
Nataliia Mushyrovska
Candidate of Physiological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Stylistics and Culture of
the Ukrainian Language, Faculty of Philology, Rivne State University оf Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.
Inna Kholod
Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Ukrainian and Foreign
Languages, Faculty of Manegement and Law, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia,
Oksana Neher
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Ukrainian Language,
Faculty of Philology, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine.
Iryna Zozulia
Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistic, Faculty of
Information Electronic Systems, Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Iryna Pavliuk
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor, Department of English Philology, Faculty of
Foreign Languages, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
Recibido: 24/05/22
Aceptado: 26/08/22
The article studies fundamental cognitive-semantic theories (Langacker, Lakoff, Fillmore,
Croft) used in linguistics. The paper shows the use of ideas that can change the educational
system with the aim of improving the teaching of linguistic disciplines in higher education. The
relevance of the study is to improve the education quality for linguistics specialists and the
possibility of implementing the study results to improve the teaching methodology. Particular
focus is on the theories, tools, and methods of teaching foreign languages, which are
essential components of quality learning and the formation of knowledge and skills among
students of linguistic specialties. The study aims to systematize the theoretical foundations
and directions of the cognitive-semantic theory in linguistics to determine the relevance of
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
teaching this theory to the educational process. In the course of the study, general scientific
methods of knowledge are applied, in particular analysis and synthesis of theoretical and
practical information, as well as methods of questioning and statistical methods of analysis.
The hypothesis of the study: the system of basic theoretical innovations used in the complex
of cognitive-semantic theories is effective in the field of humanities research. It is an effective
tool in the learning process in process of learning foreign languages. The result of the study
is to determine the need to study theories of linguistics, which represent effective directions
in the postmodern mainstream. The article shows the place of cognitive-semantic theories in
the modern practice of teaching foreign languages. The study’s practical significance lies in
the possibility of applying the results in constructing foreign language learning methodologies
in higher education institutions.
Keywords: linguistic theory, cognitive semantics, cognitive linguistics, concepts,
categorization, frames, semantic fields, prototypes, metaphor.
El artículo estudia teorías cognitivo-semánticas fundamentales (Langacker, Lakoff, Fillmore,
Croft) utilizadas en lingüística. El artículo muestra el uso de ideas que pueden cambiar el
sistema educativo con el objetivo de mejorar la enseñanza de las disciplinas lingüísticas en
la educación superior. La relevancia del estudio es mejorar la calidad de la educación de los
especialistas en lingüística y la posibilidad de implementar los resultados del estudio para
mejorar la metodología de enseñanza. Se presta especial atención a las teorías,
herramientas y métodos de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, que son componentes
esenciales del aprendizaje de calidad y la formación de conocimientos y habilidades entre
los estudiantes de especialidades lingüísticas. El estudio tiene como objetivo sistematizar los
fundamentos teóricos y las direcciones de la teoría cognitivo-semántica en lingüística para
determinar la relevancia de la enseñanza de esta teoría para el proceso educativo. En el
curso del estudio, se aplican métodos científicos generales de conocimiento, en particular
análisis y síntesis de información teórica y práctica, así como métodos de cuestionamiento y
métodos estadísticos de análisis. La hipótesis del estudio: el sistema de innovaciones
teóricas básicas utilizado en el complejo de teorías cognitivo-semánticas es efectivo en el
campo de la investigación en humanidades. Es una herramienta eficaz en el proceso de
aprendizaje en el proceso de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. El resultado del estudio es
determinar la necesidad de estudiar teorías de la lingüística, que representan direcciones
efectivas en la corriente principal posmoderna. El artículo muestra el lugar de las teorías
cognitivo-semánticas en la práctica moderna de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. La
importancia práctica del estudio radica en la posibilidad de aplicar los resultados en la
construcción de metodologías de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras en instituciones de
educación superior.
Palabras clave: teoría lingüística, semántica cognitiva, lingüística cognitiva, conceptos,
categorización, marcos, campos semánticos, prototipos, metáfora.
Nataliia Mushyrovska, Inna Kholod, Oksana Neher, Iryna Zozulia, Iryna Pavliuk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
1. Introduction
One of the essential subjects of cognitive semantic theory is meaning. The concept of
cognitive linguistics is conventional, and it summarizes several theories that belong to this
term: semantics, phonology, metaphor theory, cognitive grammar, semantic prototype
theory, frame semantics, etc. Each of the ideas listed above has its characteristics, but
they also share many features. In particular, they all adhere to common cognitive-
functional positions and views on the nature of language, where the main criterion of its
application are algorithms and sequences. Moreover, this approach to foreign language
learning is conceptually new and innovative in the organization of translations, rapid
learning of phrases, frames, cultural scripts, and other forms of expression of thought.
One of the main approaches of cognitive theory is the assumption that speech is not a
separately isolated and inborn characteristic. Instead, it is a mode of expression acquired,
even though the genetic manifestations of the need to communicate are weighty enough.
But at the same time, mastering language to express one’s needs is an acquired
characteristic that involves learning. Language acquisition completes many factors,
including physiological and socio-cultural factors.
This understanding of the communication nature forms the empirical question if learning
grammar is a natural or acquired property (Tomasello, 1995; Levinson, 2003) or if it is
related to the acquisition of collective experience, a set of cognitive abilities justifies
cognitive-semantic theories.
If we talk about the methodological study of a foreign language, cognitive semantics is
used in the pedagogical process to make the study of vocabulary and phraseology easier.
The works of some researchers (Langacker, 1991; Lakoff, 1993; Taylor, 2012; Lemmens,
2015) aim to develop such language learning practices. In general, however, cognitive
semantics is used in education to study semantics, poetics, and stylistics.
But there is another view, in particular, that the theory of cognitive semantics is at the root
of cognitive linguistics, which denies the traditional formal pressure of linguistics on
phonology, pragmatics, and syntax. Semantics, in this case, as the study of words’
meaning, is perceived through constructed content that is conveyed verbally to convey
perceptions of the world. This breadth of scientific interest in cognitive semantics is why
such areas, which traditionally belong to pragmatics and semantics, are studied from a
new perspective. For example, Tendahl, Gibbs (2008), and Fried (2010) point out the
importance of using cognitive to simplify the study of stylistic and phraseological language
features, which should be actively used in educational materials. This approach is
currently unconventional, modern, and innovative.
In general, cognitive-semantic theories are based on the thesis that the lexical meaning
is basic. The lexical meaning is not an explanation of reality; it can be related to reality,
explain or express it. The connection is not assumed to be with reality but human
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
consciousness, experience, or attitude to the phenomenon. It means that semantics is
not objective by itself, but semantic meaning allows us to explain meaning in terms of an
encyclopedic dictionary. In this light, semantic theories are based on the idea that
semantics is not a constant or a standard but changes according to the development of
human thinking. Thus, the views acquire an interdisciplinary basis and are connected with
cognitive anthropology and psychology. On the same basis, the prototype theory and the
mental model appear, which interpret the meaning of a word not as a primary but as a
secondary and changeable phenomenon.
Thus, a new approach in education is created, based not on the purely theoretical and
narrowly sectoral study of language but on the possibility of applying linguistic tools in
interdisciplinary research.
2. Objectives
This study aims to determine the main theoretical foundations and directions of cognitive-
semantic theory in linguistics, as well as the effectiveness of studying the basics of
cognitive logistics, the feasibility of applying cognitive-semantic methods, and higher
philological education:
to achieve the goal in the course of the study, the following tasks will be solved;
to determine the main cognitive-semantic theories within the framework of the course
“Cognitive approaches to the semantics of linguistic units” relevant for modern
to evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology application through the study of
changes in students’ academic performance;
to determine the degree of interest and positive evaluations of respondents involved
in learning a foreign language using the cognitive-semantic approach.
3. Materials and Methods
For the purpose of empirical research, an experiment was set within the framework of the
pedagogical process among first-year students studying the specialty 035 Philology.
Seventy-two students took part in the study. Data collection took place between
September 2020 and April 2021. Coverage of the audience from different universities
of Ukraine, in particular Kamyanets-Podolsky National University named after Ivan
Ogienko (Faculty of Foreign Philology), Kharkiv National University named after
G. Skovoroda (Faculty of Foreign Philology).
The pedagogical experiment was conducted in three stages. First, the teaching process
involves a lecture, “Cognitive approaches to the semantics of linguistic units”, where the
emphasis is placed on the practical application of the methods of cognitive-semantic
theory in metamodernist linguistics.
Fundamental cognitive-semantic theories in linguistics. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /261-273
Nataliia Mushyrovska, Inna Kholod, Oksana Neher, Iryna Zozulia, Iryna Pavliuk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
The preparatory stage consisted of testing students to ascertain students initial
knowledge of cognitive linguistics.
The first stage involved:
Collecting personal data and determining the students’ involvement in the study.
Making a curriculum and collecting teaching and learning materials.
Creating thematic sessions that allow for a better practical understanding of the
To systematize the analytical data, students were divided into four groups. KG1 and KG2
control groups that did not have the course “Cognitive approaches to the semantics of
language units” in their programs, so the hours were used to study the theory of
translation and the basics of language communication.
The groups EG1 and EG2 are experimental groups with the course “Cognitive
approaches to the semantics of language units” in their curricula.
Respondents’ answers were voluntary; the research team provided written assurances of
survey confidentiality. The information collected was provided anonymously and was not
shared with others nor distributed or disclosed by the research team.
The second phase of the experiment took place at the end of the first semester. This
phase measured respondents’ success in the theory and practice of using cognitive
approaches and language learning, particularly in the course of foreign language
translation. The test consisted of 20 questions, five dealing with translation skills and
knowledge of phraseology, and 15 having a theoretical and methodological aspect. At
this stage, observation and questioning methods were used. The research team collected
and analyzed data on students’ successful learning in the experimental and control
groups. According to the study’s results, the data were collected, which allows for making
a conclusion about the program’s effectiveness.
The third stage is the final stage, which consists of evaluating the success of knowledge
acquisition in the control and experimental groups; final analysis of the results is carried
out, which involves processing the data and forming conclusions about the problematic
issues that show the effectiveness of the program. To get a complete picture of the
analysis, the group resorted to several theoretical studies and the use of the statistical
analysis methodology, the results of which are shown in this study.
4. Literature Review
Researchers began actively studying cognitive-semantic theories in the middle of the 20th
century. General features of the theory development are described by the researchers:
Croft (2015), Fillmore (1988), Fried (2010), and Goldberg (1995). This theory’s root is that
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
language provides a system of constructions, which are perceived as conditional
language signs. The combination of these forms explains their meaning and use. Each
structure is the holder of a specific meaning, which is not always the sum of the meanings
of the component words. For example, A. Goldberg (1995) indicated that any type of
construction is valuable for understanding the nature of language and types of social
behavior. Such an assumption allows the development of unique methods of studying
idioms, party, and phraseology. In learning a foreign language, the cognitive-semantic
approach will enable building phrase semantic fields not according to the nuclear and
peripheral principle but based on a deeper understanding of speech. This approach, in
general, makes it possible to simplify significantly learning a foreign language, as
confirmed by researchers Hapsari, Wirawan (2018), and Ko et al., (2013). If we talk about
the research context, this approach is used to construct atypical constructions (Fillmore
et al., 1988).
Separate from the other theories stand out the experimental direction, which is associated
with the prototype theory and natural categorization, which is provided in the studies of
Croft (2015) and Perek (2015). This direction is based on standard features of cognition
through language and describes cognitive activity and human capabilities. The approach
centers on concepts such as categorization and conceptualization. Categorization
provides the intuitive ability to group words and speech components and use them to form
a definite network based on the human experience. Categorization makes it easier to
understand grammar, morphology, and phonology when learning foreign languages.
Furthermore, the definition of categorization in linguistic knowledge allows us to form
notions of effective mechanisms of language use depending on the situation.
Model of cognitive semantics is also based on the idea of prototypical meaning and
emphasizes the basis of schema networks. Such constructed structures are low-level,
involving attributes and relationships between them. Each constructed schema leads to
prototypes. Such studies stand at the base of the field of cognition (Fuchs et al., 2019),
and cognitive linguistics (Hapsari & Wirawan, 2018). They allow the building of
constructions that have unifying characteristics for categories. Separately, algorithms are
being developed to use such theories to create methodological materials for foreign
language learning in international university programs (Kiki-Papadakis & Chaimala,
Recent research shows that generalization as a way of language learning can be applied
within high-level schemas and at a lower level, which allows for determining the content
and nature of generalization in a language construct (Perek, 2015; Vykhrushch et al,
2019). There are also cognitive constructions that can combine elements into one type.
For example, an utterance like Tanya caught a ball; she ate an apple; Dan opened a
window, semantically generalized verbs and are integral units of the utterance, having
their semantic properties.
Nataliia Mushyrovska, Inna Kholod, Oksana Neher, Iryna Zozulia, Iryna Pavliuk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
5. Results
The main theories of new age linguistics are based on the relationships between human
consciousness and mental characteristics, which are represented by the structure of the
collective mind, and are also the collective experience and constituent elements of the
linguistic system. Educational materials, which are devoted to cognitive-semantic
theories, allow systematizing new linguistic research problems and successfully applying
them in educational programs. Therefore, the theoretical and practical orientation of the
course has a systematic nature, which students should perceive as a holistic project.
The educational components should provide an overview of the main cognitive-semantic
theories of contemporary linguistics. In particular, students should understand the basics
of categorization, frames, semantic fields, dominants, prototypes, metonymies,
metaphors, and semantic relations. An essential element of basic knowledge is an
introduction to cognitive grammar (Langacker), metaphor theory (Lakoff), frame
semantics (Fillmore), and constructive grammar (Croft). These theories can be used in
systemic statutes in the structure of language and cross-lingual systems. A significant
component of such learning is the application of knowledge to independent and practical
work. Such assignments take the form of brief research based on specific outgoing data
that students receive as a result of processing fiction texts, translations, and other text
assignments, which have a comparative nature and are chosen by students.
Before beginning the experiment, the research team assessed students’ level of
understanding of the main cognitive-semantic approaches that are used in linguistics. For
this purpose, students were offered a test.
Table 1.
Awareness level of students in the experimental and control groups based on the author’s
2 %
58 %
29 %
10 %
72 %
20 %
8 %
2 %
65 %
23 %
10 %
1 %
63 %
25 %
11 %
According to the study results, we can see that the first test result is relatively low, and
the majority of respondents directly understand the subject of the study. The average
score for the two groups is 65 %, which corresponds to a “satisfactory” grade. However,
it should be noted that some students do not have a basic understanding of the
methodology at all. Therefore, approximately 1.5 % of students have an unsatisfactory
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
At the first stage of the educational program, students got acquainted with the course’s
objectives, main tasks, and components “Cognitive approaches to the semantics of
language units”. According to the authors’ team, this part of the education is quite
essential, as students learn about the role of the verbalization process in the structure of
communicative and speech development courses. It is especially important for linguistics
students who develop so-called soft skills based on character formation and approach to
acquiring new knowledge. Since this approach is a priority part of this course, the teaching
relies on several essential components of cognitive semantics, which are presented in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. The components of cognitive semantics
The second stage of the study involved testing students’ knowledge of the main theories
of cognitive linguistics, as well as their ability to use them on a practical level. Based on
the testing results, which falls at the end of the first semester, there was a control of
knowledge and analysis of success rates.
Table 2.
Success rates in the experimental and control groups
0 %
50 %
34 %
16 %
62 %
26 %
12 %
0 %
63 %
26 %
11 %
0 %
60 %
28 %
11 %
According to the data in Table 2, we can see that the performance of the experimental
group after the students passed half of the course on average is higher than the
performance of the control group. For EG1, the highest marks rate is 50 %, and for EG2
38 %, there are no unsatisfactory marks in the group. According to the second stage
Semantic structure
Fundamental cognitive-semantic theories in linguistics. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /261-273
Nataliia Mushyrovska, Inna Kholod, Oksana Neher, Iryna Zozulia, Iryna Pavliuk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
results, we can see positive dynamics in academic performance in the groups which took
the course Cognitive Approaches to Semantics of Linguistic Units.
The third or final stage is devoted to evaluating productive knowledge, which includes
several indicators. The control tests made it possible to evaluate the theoretical
knowledge level and the students’ ability to apply it in practice. Thus, the main criteria for
the quality of education are students’ ability to make a high-quality translation,
independent text editing, selection of lexical and stylistic features of the text, and analysis
of the artistic and stylistic components. Also, an important criterion is the ability to
implement different cultural scenarios and discursive practices using various statements
and the whole arsenal of text-forming means. Finally, the use of idioms is an important
criterion of success, confirming theoretical knowledge and a high level of practical use.
Table 3.
Progress in the experimental and control groups
0 %
48 %
36 %
16 %
58 %
26 %
16 %
0 %
60 %
28 %
12 %
0 %
59 %
30 %
11 %
According to the results of the completion of the pedagogical experiment in order to
evaluate the effectiveness of the cognitive-semantic theory course, we can conclude
about a high level of success among students. In particular, high scores received 52 % in
the first experimental group and 42 % in the second experimental group. On the other
hand, the control group received 40 % and 43 %; at the same time, it should be noted
that the success rate on average increased by 6 %.
The final stage of the study is devoted to which of the proposed techniques and
pedagogical materials were the most effective and exciting for students. To determine the
most effective methods, students put a plus or minus next to the line with the question.
The resulting figure is provided as a percentage.
Thus, during the discipline, students were asked to focus on the possibility of obtaining
several skills and assess how important they are for students’ practical activities. For this
purpose, we created a survey, the results of which are systematized in Table 4.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 4.
Survey results on teaching method effectiveness
Main thematic blocks
yes (+)
yes (+)
yes (+)
yes (+)
Cognitive grammar: theory, case studies
42 %
38 %
24 %
18 %
Frame semantics: theory, case studies
58 %
57 %
27 %
32 %
Radical construction grammar: theory, case studies
48 %
42 %
23 %
20 %
Metaphor theories: theory, case studies
52 %
50 %
41 %
44 %
Processing of the survey results showed that the received knowledge is positively
evaluated by 16 % of the respondents, who believe that the provided material is effective.
Therefore, it is possible and convenient to use it in practice. Active implementation of
technologies allows to realize the full pedagogical potential and create a platform for high-
level training professionals with critical thinking skills and developed communicative
competencies. As a way of human mental activity verbalization, the cognitive-
communicative approach contributes to the development of knowledge and obtaining high
results in the course of learning. This approach solves a number of problems related to
foreign languages and is especially valuable in acquiring the skills of text translation and
literary creativity.
6. Discussion
The meaning of cognitive semantics theories is a well-studied issue (Lemmens, 2015;
Findik & Ozkan, 2013) but, in turn, remains debatable. All published theories rely on a set
of basic concepts of conceptualization, categorization, and construction, and the
generalization of theories is implemented in a system of prototypes. This
conceptualization is based on encyclopedic knowledge, which provides an explanation of
a word. Categorization allows us to understand a word through its alternative
explanations. Constructing will enable one to understand variants of use on the basis of
patterns of models of practical experience. The above principles should not be limited to
the consideration of lexical units, they should work at the core of language structures at
the level of lexeme, morpheme, and idiom. In their research, Goh & Burns (2012) shows
many different projects in the field of cognitive semantics, where the methods of activation
and improvement, translation skills acquisition, comparable research, in which the main
components are verbalism, which allows finding meaning by applying experience,
cognitive and communicative skills, etc.
The use of drawer-type schemes and dependency trees is a positive experience. They
allow focusing not only on the form of the linguistic unit but also on prosodic, semantics,
and pragmatics (Sytar, 2015). The results of this study show the effectiveness of
introducing the main theories of cognitive semantics into the foundation of linguistics
students’ education. The basic concepts, techniques and attitudes were positively
evaluated by both experimental and control groups. Furthermore, the development of
cognitive semantics theory, along with cognitive pragmatics and relevance theory
Fundamental cognitive-semantic theories in linguistics. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /261-273
Nataliia Mushyrovska, Inna Kholod, Oksana Neher, Iryna Zozulia, Iryna Pavliuk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
(Tendahl & Gibbs, 2008), allows the evaluation of the compatibility of stylistic labeling
patterns of metaphors. Such views form a new approach in understanding metaphors and
its relation to real-life situations (Takimoto, 2020). Thus, a separate area of application of
the course is textual formation, text translation, comparative research, and the formation
of students’ own research projects.
7. Conclusion
Active application of the ideas of cognitive-semantic theory is an essential component of
the professional development of a linguistic specialist, as well as an important component
of the pedagogical process, which aims to educate professionals in linguistics. The course
Cognitive approaches to the semantics of linguistic units address the following theories
in linguistics: cognitive grammar, metaphor theories, frame semantics, and construction
To define the essence of the cognitive-semantic theory, we first studied the concepts of
the frame, metaphor, categorization, conceptualization, prototype, and concept. Then, to
apply cognitive-semantic ideas in practice, several methods allow the specialist to form
texts, study texts and correctly interpret metaphors, metonymies, and semantic fields. As
a result of the new course, students have improved the dynamics of their performance in
mastering the program with the application of cognitive linguistics theory and successfully
began to apply the theory in solving practical assignments. According to the results of the
application of this course, the academic performance in the experimental group increased
by 16 % due to the increase in good and excellent grades. At the same time, there were
no unsatisfactory grades in all groups after the end of the course.
In general, students were optimistic about the fundamental theories of the course. The
conducted seminars were aimed at developing skills to enhance the professional level of
future specialists. Especially the students appreciated the thematic blocks to improve
translation skills, the basics of editing, and the use of phraseology. In the future, the theory
methods will be improved and directed to practical application in work with foreign
languages. This contributes to preparing highly qualified specialists among university
graduates and pedagogy specialists who can achieve high-efficiency results.
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Nataliia Mushyrovska, Inna Kholod, Oksana Neher, Iryna Zozulia, Iryna Pavliuk
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
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