Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Artistic and aesthetic senior preschool age сhild
development: Organizational and management block
Desarrollo educativo artístico y estético edad preescolar superior: Bloque
organizativo y de gestión
Tetiana Zhytnik
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Stuff Member, Department of Preschool Education and Social
Work, Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine
Valentyna Liapunova
DSc. in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Preschool Education and Social
Work, Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine
Hanna Varina
Master of Psychology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Bogdan Khmelnytsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Zaporizhia region, Ukraine
Liliia Kobylnik
PhD in Psychology, Docent, Department of Psychology, Bogdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State
Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine
Recibido: 30/05/22
Aceptado: 29/08/22
The timeliness of the problem is caused by the contradiction between need for artistic and
aesthetic development of the child, who has a desire to learn, be creatively realized and
insufficient organizational and methodological support in art schools. The purpose of research
work is determining the stages of artistic and aesthetic development of older preschool
children in primary art school. The research methodology consisted of the research works by
Greene S., Hill M., Green B., Hall E., Turner C., Zyazyun I., Zlatyeva A., Otich O., Padalka
H., Rudnytska O., McLeod N., Wright D., McCall K., Fujii M., Muzyka O., Lopatiuk Y., Belinska
T., Belozerskaya A., Shvets I., Legkostup P., Kopylkovska I., Tikhomirova T. Results. The
following actions are necessary for the successful implementation of the basic provisions of
the modern art school: content and methodological blocks substantiation; logical and
consistent definition and implementation of artistic and aesthetic development of senior
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
preschool age child complex stages; providing organizational and managerial, control and
evaluation units.
Keywords: education, art pedagogy, preschool pedagogy, primary art education, artistic and
aesthetic development.
La actualidad del problema es causada por la contradicción entre la necesidad de desarrollo
artístico y estético del niño, que tiene el deseo de aprender, realizarse creativamente y el
apoyo organizativo y metodológico insuficiente en las escuelas de arte. El propósito del
trabajo de investigación es determinar las etapas del desarrollo artístico y estético de los
niños preescolares mayores en la escuela primaria de arte. La metodología de investigación
consistió en los trabajos de investigación de Greene S., Hill M., Green B., Hall E., Turner C.,
Zyazyun I., Zlatyeva A., Otich O., Padalka H., Rudnytska O., McLeod N., Wright D., McCall
K., Fujii M., Muzyka O., Lopatiuk Y., Belinska T., Belozerskaya A., Shvets I., Legkostup P.,
Kopylkovska I., Tikhomirova T. Resultados. Las siguientes acciones son necesarias para la
implementación exitosa de las disposiciones básicas de la escuela de arte moderno:
sustanciación de contenido y bloques metodológicos; definición e implementación lógica y
consistente del desarrollo artístico y estético de las etapas complejas del niño en edad
preescolar superior; proporcionando unidades organizativas y de gestión, control y
Palabras clave: educación, pedagogía del arte, pedagogía preescolar, educación artística
primaria, desarrollo artístico y estético.
1. Introduction
Art, as a component of culture, influences the consciousness of the people and enriches
the society spirituality. Its nature is a creative activity, which embodies the human desire
to change the world for the better. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of modern
art education is to improve the methods of aesthetic education. Primary art education,
according to the Concept of Modern Art Education, is aimed at gaining aesthetic
experience and value orientations in the artistic activity process, professional
competencies of the primary level in the chosen art form, artistic and creative self-
realization. The main general artistic competencies are to determine the knowledge and
ability to analyze and evaluate: “key achievements of national and world art, artistic
traditions of their people, etc., understanding of cultural diversity, creativity, initiative,
ability to recognize aesthetic categories and apply it in evaluating works of art, cultural
and artistic events , environment, the ability to express their thoughts, think figuratively,
be creative in performing tasks, collaborate with other people” (Order of the Ministry of
Culture of Ukraine 1433, 2017).
Tetiana Zhytnik, Valentyna Liapunova, Hanna Varina, Liliia Kobylnik
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
2. Formulation of the problem
The urgency of the research problem is due to the existing contradictions between:
objective demands of society for intellectually educated, creative, aesthetically developed
personality, purposeful development of which can optimize the formation of culture in
society, and lack of theoretical understanding of this social problem; significant
educational potential of art in terms aesthetic and artistic development of the individual
and insufficient organizational, methodological, organizational and managerial support of
the educational process in art education for children of this age.
Thus, the urgency of the problem and the need to eliminate these contradictions
determined the purpose of research work characterize the organizational and
managerial unit content; to determine the stages of older preschool children’s artistic and
aesthetic development by means of fine arts in the conditions of primary art school.
The research methodology consisted of the research works by Greene S., Hill M.,
Green B., Hall E., Turner C., Zyazyun I. (aesthetic education as an important component
of personal culture); Zlatyeva A., Otich O., Padalka H., Rudnytska O. (research on art
pedagogy); McLeod N., Wright D., McCall K., Fujii M., Muzyka O., Lopatiuk Y.,
Belinska T., Belozerskaya A., Shvets I. (children’s aesthetic education by means of fine
arts); Legkostup P., Kopylkovska I., Tikhomirova T. (artistic and aesthetic development of
senior preschoolers by means of fine arts in primary art education).
3. Results of the research
Substantiation and further study of the problem makes it possible to determine the
effective stages of older preschoolers’ artistic and aesthetic development by means of
fine arts. In particular, it is important to solve this problem in older preschool children in
the educational process of art schools. Substantiation of older preschoolers’ artistic and
aesthetic development stages by means of fine arts during art education includes logical
sequence, systematic, interconnection and complementarity. In our opinion, the main
stages are the following:
I. Emotional and motivating stage: awakening the ability to enjoy art, interest in works
of art.
The purpose of this stage is: to ensure interest and interest in art in general, the
development of value orientations for aesthetic needs; motivation to communicate and
learn about art.
The tasks are: the formation of older preschool children’s interest in art, including art, art
of music, dance and theater; formation of the inner emotional need to communicate with
art by involving the child in the study of art objects.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Partial resolution of contradictions: taking into account the psychophysiological
characteristics of the older preschool age child, his interests in creative activities,
preferences, needs; taking into account its new formation and the game nature of the
activity will contribute to the effective conditions creation for the realization of this stage
purpose (Hall & Turner, 2021).
Stimulating interest in art involves the use of various educational incentives. Among them
are the following: teacher’s interactive action and pedagogical skills, teacher’s artistic and
pedagogical support, regulation of motivational and volitional efforts of the child.
Teacher’s artistic and psychological support of the involves consciously ensuring the
nature of educational interaction with children, which relieves psychological stress and
creates a positive atmosphere. Regulation of motivational and volitional efforts, as a
method, includes tasks the implementation of artistic, educational and creative tasks,
ensuring the learning regularity, demonstration of artistic achievements. The methods are
aimed at creating and maintaining a child’s sense of enthusiasm and interest in the
process of artistic activity, the mobilization of its energy resources for learning and
creative activities.
II. Enriching and aesthetic stage: the development of art perception in the process of
isolating aesthetically significant, artistically expressive.
The purpose of the stage is: enrichment of aesthetic experience. It is important to note
that this stage is focused on providing knowledge about art, but the acquired knowledge
acts as a condition for sensory, spiritual connection with the values of art culture and art.
The objectives are: mastering basic knowledge of art history, basic concepts of art history,
the concept of artistic image, types and genres in art, as a basis for enriching aesthetic
experience; mastering information about works of art of different styles and its authors in
order to enrich the aesthetic experience and increase the child’s interest in the ability to
enjoy art, including art.
Partial resolution of contradictions: taking into account the cognitive and speech
characteristics of older preschool children, its own active vocabulary will help create a
dialogue between teacher and child; the effectiveness of the process depends on the
provision of conditions, in particular, on the creation of information and aesthetic space
and information and aesthetic fund, the differentiation of tasks, methods and techniques
of influencing the child. We consider the constant self-improvement of art education
specialists and their scientific and pedagogical support to be important for the successful
implementation of the enrichment and aesthetic stage.
We consider the information and aesthetic fund as several key components: aesthetic
space (art school, museum, art space), aesthetic orientation of the process of acquainting
children with works of art (approaches, principles, aspects; pedagogical conditions),
systematically built information material), synthesis of arts as an auxiliary source for
child’s aesthetic enrichment (methods, techniques, form of work).
Artistic and aesthetic senior preschool age сhild development: Organizational and management block. -
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /285-293
Tetiana Zhytnik, Valentyna Liapunova, Hanna Varina, Liliia Kobylnik
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Systematically structured material can be obtained by teacher, referring to a typical
curriculum. The current program defines the “purpose, objectives and principles of
teaching, due to the discipline peculiarities, forms and means of current and final control,
recommendations for their implementation, criteria for assessing the achievement level,
features of the program material study and more. Normative content and normative
learning outcomes are distributed with a logical sequence of presentation and
determination of the approximate distribution of hours on the material (Kopylkowska,
Tikhomirova, Zhytnik (Ed.) 2020).
The program promotes the formation of new knowledge about art, recognition of highly
artistic examples of folk art, expression and justification of their own attitude to works of
art, understanding the manifestations of cultural diversity. The normative content of the
discipline is focused on the activation of children’s mental and speech activity, preparation
for mastering the theory and history of art at the basic level, development of worldview
orientation through acquaintance with works of art and participation in art projects; takes
into account the current needs of the individual in artistic and creative activity, is based
on a comprehensive, consistent and targeted impact on the formation of aesthetic
consciousness” (Kopylkowska, Tikhomirova, Zhytnik (Ed.), 2020).
The form of classes is a group lesson dialogue, when the teacher encourages children
to focus on their own feelings, express personal impressions, provide comments and
explanations, analyze, discuss proposed topics, draw independent conclusions, form a
personal attitude to art as a special human activity, distinguish basic structural elements
of art (artistic image, form, content, theme, idea, etc.). During an active conversation, the
skills of independent thinking, the ability to dialogue, the ability to lead a discussion,
awareness and understanding that everyone’s opinion is important are formed. Work
forms: meetings with artists, visits to museums and exhibitions, cultural and artistic events
and presentations, open classes, workshops, concerts and festivals; participation in
theatrical performances, online exhibitions, etc. Control forms: active dialogue,
discussion, quiz, art laboratory (with an emphasis on a particular art form), quest, art
detective, online chat / forum (exchange of ideas and impressions) or other forms and
combinations thereof” (Kopylkowska, Tikhomirova, Zhytnik, (Ed.), 2020).
The program is the basis for developing a teacher’s own curriculum, where “the teacher
detailizing, specifies and adapts the normative content of discipline provided by the
standard curriculum, according to local conditions and needs of the child, determines
organizational forms and types of classes, art and pedagogical technologies and teaching
methods, the necessary methodological support, forms and means of quality control of
knowledge, taking into account the individual approach. Also, the teacher can implement
their own teaching algorithm by redistributing the normative content of teaching and
changing the sequence of teaching material, clarifying additional volumes of educational
material and learning outcomes beyond those defined by the standard curriculum”
(Kopylkowska, Tikhomirova, Zhytnik (Ed.) 2020).
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
III. Value-intellectual stage: admiring works of art, reflection in the process of including
of older preschool age child in the perception of art works, understanding the artistic
value of the work.
The purpose is: the ability to analyze, interpret, creatively explain their preferences, taking
into account the psycho-physiological and speech characteristics of age.
The objectives of the stage are: improving knowledge of art history and continuing to
enrich aesthetic experience; understanding the artistic values of the work, in particular
through acquaintance and inclusion, immersion of the child in the admiration process,
consideration of art works, reflection; the ability to have their own point of view, aesthetic
tastes and ideals and to defend their aesthetic preferences, using vocabulary, according
to their age and psychophysical development, understanding the sense of beauty;
development of emotional intelligence, associative and artistic thinking, artistic and
creative activity, imagination, fantasy; formation of emotional and evaluative attitude to
art works, phenomena, actions and activities in general (Padalka, 2008; Ponimanska,
Partial solution of contradictions: the ability to associatively and artistically think, analyze,
describe, defend their own opinion about art works is possible with the use of art
synthesis; successful completion of the value-intellectual stage is possible with the
educational and informational support of competencies of older preschool children on
children’s parents.
Methods of work (open trainings and exhibitions, online presentations and open
educational areas, etc.) should guide parents to the fact that family education should pay
attention to acquainting children with different arts, gaining their own aesthetic
experience, forming a positive and emotional attitude to art as an integral part of the
existence of the individual and society; acquaintance with folk art works (watching
cartoons, videos of aesthetic orientation, attending cultural events, etc.) (Zyazyun, 2006;
McLeod, Wright, McCall & Fujii, 2017).
IV. Creative and aesthetic stage: creative and aesthetic decisions, aesthetic actions,
actions, behavior, activity.
The purpose of the stage is: child’s artistic and aesthetic development, system-complex
formations of personality, which are related, on the one hand, the internal sensory-
spiritual component of personality (needs, attitudes, assessments), and on the other,
subjectively perceived meaning and the significance of a art work that has a strong
influence on the consciousness of the recipient’s personality, regardless of temporal and
cultural boundaries. “Aesthoecology can be described as an ‘onto-epistemology’ which
fuses a theory of being with a theory of knowledge and deals with the affective, connected
and temporal aspects of education. Where the aesthetic aspect of aesthoecology
appearance and feelings/ sensation concerns the affective domain, the ecological
aspect spaces, places and relationships concerns connectedness. In our title,
Tetiana Zhytnik, Valentyna Liapunova, Hanna Varina, Liliia Kobylnik
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
‘foundations’ refers both to the foundations of aesthoecology and the foundations of art
and design education” (Hall & Turner 2021, 761).
The task of the stage is to improve the enrichment of aesthetic experience, which is, on
the one hand, a condition for improving the sensory-spiritual component of personality,
and on the other hand, acts as a need for constant replenishment of aesthetic experience
after “aesthetically good” deeds, actions and activities.
Partial solution of contradictions: intellectually-educated, creative, aesthetically-
developed personality, purposeful development of which is able to optimize the culture
formation in society can be brought up with a conscious purposeful influence on this
4. Discussion
In order to successfully implement the basic modern art school principals, all interest
groups should unite their efforts to create the necessary tools and mechanisms to ensure
its activities, in particular, substantive, methodological, organizational and managerial and
control and evaluation blocks (content, approaches, principles), aspects, stages,
pedagogical conditions, forms, methods of work, criteria, indicators and levels). In the
process of implementing the stages of older preschool children’s artistic and aesthetic
development during primary art education, it is important to consider the following
(Zlatyeva, 2019).
First, the differentiation of program topics should be based on the principles of system,
continuity, innovation and integration, which allows to adapt their own pedagogical
experience, apply methods and forms of work that meet the specifics of the region and
art education.
Secondly, the study of the peculiarities of Ukrainian folk art should permeate the
curriculum, authenticity should be considered in a single context with the varieties and
types of art. The desire to cover the directions of world art civilization without a strong
reliance on the national artistic basis involves the superficiality danger in perception and
creation of artistic images, mosaics, lack of breadth of life, impoverishment of artistic
expression. It is known from the history of art development that, whatever artistic methods
or stylistic directions the artist followed, the strength of its talent, the depth of world artistic
knowledge directly and depend on the national roots of artistic talent and creative abilities”
(Otich, 2011).
Third, educational and demonstration material shouldn’t be differentiated by time (ancient,
classical, modern art) and type of culture. Examples of demonstration material the teacher
must determine independently, taking into account the objectivity of the artistic value of
the art work. A clear definition stages of artistic and aesthetic older preschoolers’
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
development by means of fine arts and their justification will allow the accumulation of
ideas in terms of educational reform and decentralization.
5. Conclusions
The problem of artistic and aesthetic development of children in primary art education is
not limited to this research work. In addition to the analysis of the implementation stages
in art education of the methodological and managerial unit, we consider promising the
research work, analysis and justification of the content, control and evaluation units. The
following issues need further study: criteria, indicators and levels of older preschool
children’s artistic and aesthetic development in primary art education, methods of their
diagnosis. of foreign experience issues in innovative methods of working with children of
this age on artistic, aesthetic development and aesthetic culture formation remain
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Tetiana Zhytnik, Valentyna Liapunova, Hanna Varina, Liliia Kobylnik
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Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576