DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.03.22
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity
and a factor of influence on the career strategies of youth
El voluntariado como tecnología social de implicación en la actividad pública y
factor de influencia en las estrategias individuales de carrera de los jóvenes
Valeriia Ovcharova
Master’s Degree in Social Work, Postgraduate Student, Department of Social Philosophy and Public
Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Management, Zaporizhzhia National
University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Ganna Boiko
Phd in Psychology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Philosophy and
Public Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Management, Zaporizhzhia National
University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Mariia Kulyk
Phd in Sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences
and Public Management, Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Taras Ivanovich Butchenko
Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Department of Social Philosophy and Public
Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Management, Zaporizhzhia National
University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Lidiia Kupina
Lecturer, Department of General Law and Political Science, Faculty of Law, National University
‘‘Zaporizhzhia Polytechnicˮ, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Recibido: 31/05/22
Aceptado: 29/08/22
The article is devoted to the study of volunteering as a social technology through which young
people are involved in public activity, and as a factor that affects the individual career
strategies of its representatives. The world, all-Ukrainian and local tendencies of changes in
the level of interest of young people in volunteering are compared, based on the results of a
sociological survey of the attitude towards volunteering of students from one of the leading
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
universities in Southern Ukraine and the results of other scientific studies on this issue. The
results obtained confirm national trends. Thus, the most popular areas of volunteering among
the youth coincide: helping children (74%), animals (66%), ATO soldiers (64%). The data on
the motivational specifics of youth volunteering demonstrate a variety of perceptions of the
value of volunteer experience even within the same age group of youth. The factor of student
youth having free time is not a key factor in terms of their involvement in volunteering. The
established interdependence between the self-identification of student youth and the
presence of volunteer experience seems to be important. The obtained data and conclusions
regarding age-related motivational characteristics and stereotypes about barriers to
volunteering will help to correctly plan activities to involve young people in volunteering. In
addition, the study will be useful for the development and improvement of educational
programs aimed at training specialists in working with youth, organizing the involvement of
its representatives in participating in the volunteer movement.
Keywords: volunteering, social technology, public activity, career strategy, youth.
El artículo está dedicado al estudio del voluntariado como tecnología social a través de la
cual los jóvenes se involucran en la actividad pública, y como factor que incide en las
estrategias individuales de carrera de sus representantes. Se comparan las tendencias
mundiales, ucranianas y locales de cambios en el nivel de interés de los venes en el
voluntariado, en base a los resultados de una encuesta sociológica de la actitud hacia el
voluntariado de los estudiantes de una de las principales universidades del sur de Ucrania y
el resultado de otros estudios científicos sobre este tema. Los resultados obtenidos
confirman las tendencias nacionales. Así, las áreas de voluntariado más populares entre los
jóvenes coinciden: ayudar a niños (74%), animales (66%), soldados ATO (64%). Los datos
sobre las motivaciones específicas del voluntariado juvenil demuestran una variedad de
percepciones del valor de la experiencia del voluntariado, incluso dentro del mismo grupo de
edad de jóvenes. El hecho de que los jóvenes estudiantes dispongan de tiempo libre no es
un factor clave para su implicación en el voluntariado. Parece importante la interdependencia
establecida entre la autoidentificación de los jóvenes estudiantes y la presencia de
experiencia de voluntariado. trabajar como voluntario. Además, el estudio será útil para el
desarrollo y mejora de programas educativos destinados a formar especialistas en el trabajo
con jóvenes, organizando la implicación de sus representantes en la participación en el
movimiento voluntario.
Palabras clave: voluntariado, tecnología social, actividad pública, estrategia de carrera,
1. Introduction
The relevance of work with youth in Ukraine is due to many factors: starting with the ultra-
high rates of youth migration, ending with the need of communities for local leaders and
managers among young people as a result of the decentralization reform. One of the main
problems at the personal level is that young people, instead of planning career strategies,
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
are too preoccupied with the negative practices of their own parents and older comrades
who have not been able to become successful in Ukraine, and begin to orient themselves
towards the labor market of neighboring countries and Western countries. Europe Of
course, in most cases they are faced with ignorance of the peculiarities of the local labor
market and the socio-cultural characteristics of the functioning of societies, within which
they plan to implement both a career strategy and individual career scenarios. Given
certain challenges, the role and value of volunteering as a technology for working with
youth is increasing. First of all, this is due to the peculiarity of volunteering, which solves
a set of tasks in such a context. Firstly, it is an activating influence on the youngest person
- a volunteer, and secondly, the influence directly on the social situation or a problem
solved through volunteering. On the other hand, volunteering provides an opportunity to
gain practical experience in many areas and get an idea of the possibility of implementing
career scenarios and career strategies. In addition, volunteering provides an opportunity
to gain invaluable experience and latent connections, which, in the realities of Ukraine
and other countries of Eastern Europe, provide significant preferences for a person who
is first or secondarily employed in the labor market. Therefore, in our opinion, there is a
need to continue the scientific discussion around the issues of youth volunteering in order
to understand how to fully use its potential to effectively attract young people.
Analysis of the concept of social technology is important for our research. The study of
social technologies in the field of socio-humanitarian sciences traces its history from
R. Henderson's justification of the structure and functions of sociological knowledge and
the allocation of social technologies in this structure. By social technology, he
understands a set of techniques and means of solving a social problem or movement that
require interdisciplinary research and should serve as the basis for social reforms
(Henderson, 1901). This form significantly affects the career scenarios implemented by
people, entering the active phase of mastering roles within the framework of their own
professional implementation. Further development of multidisciplinary and sociological
research, in particular, leads researchers to the conclusion that social technologies
should be the basis for government decisions and represent a new form of thinking
(Leibetseder, 2011).
In the field of social work, the concept of social technology is well-grounded and popular
in application. A. I. Kapskaya made a significant contribution to the substantiation of the
concept of technology of social work. Under the technology of social work, she
understands the totality of forms, methods and techniques used by social services,
individual social service institutions, social workers in order to achieve the success of
social work. In a broader sense, social technology is understood as an effective and
purposeful social influence that gives the desired result (Kapskaya, 2004).
Social technologies are actively used both in social work and social policy. One of the
elements of an effective social policy of the state is the creation of conditions for the
maximum realization of the individual, including in the professional sphere. In the absence
of such an opportunity, a person finds himself in a situation where his professional
strategy is inhibited, and she is forced to contact an employment center in order to receive
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
employment or retraining services. Often, retraining and performing volunteer work
contributes to re-planning a career strategy.
“Citizen Engagement” is one of the popular categories used in various fields of modern
scientific knowledge. So, in public administration, the concept of attraction is used “to
define political processes at the local level, in particular, to characterize a possible
mechanism for activating citizens to solve the political problems of the territories”. The
concept of “citizen engagement” is usually associated with the formation and
implementation of a policy of active participation, partnership, the right to participate,
decision-making, influence, transparency (Stasishin, 2015). At the same time, the
attraction of citizens can be understood as any influence, as a result of which residents
carry out activities outside working hours, involving interaction with local authorities and
implementing activities aimed at the development of the community (Williams, 2003).
The concept of “attraction” in the phrase “social attraction” gets new meanings. “From an
economic perspective, social inclusion is a way to remove barriers (such as poverty and
economic inequality) to participation in decision-making and implementation of
community development and access to resources and opportunities. According to the
sociological approach, the phenomenon under study is a process aimed at overcoming
limitations in the exercise of generally accepted rights. The philosophical approach
considers social attraction as an opportunity for a social subject to return to active social
activity (Popova, 2013).
In modern normative legal acts on youth policy, the phrase “attracting young people” is
actively used. One of the priority tasks of the Concept of the State Social Target Program
“Youth of Ukraine 2021-2025” (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 579,
2021) is “to activate the involvement of youth in decision-making processes”, and in the
National Youth Strategy by 2030 (Decree of the President of Ukraine dated №. 94/2021,
2022), one of the priorities is determined by the ability (of youth), understood as “attracting
youth for participation in public life, increasing its independence, competitiveness, the
formation of civic competencies among young people”.
Within the framework of this work, we will understand the involvement of young people in
a broad sense as a process of involving young people in social activity, that is, active
interaction aimed at forming the readiness of its representatives to carry out certain
planned social activities through the formation of a sense of interest in achieving the set
goals of this activity. We consider volunteering as one of the social technologies that can
be used to involve young people in active interaction at the state level.
2. The purpose of the article is to define the essence of volunteering as a social
technology of involvement in social activity and aspects of its influence on the
individual career strategies of young people.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
In Ukraine, the concept of “volunteer” did not exist until the 90s of the XX century. People
engaged in socially useful work were called benefactors, altruists, public figures, patrons
of the arts. The stage of “Soviet volunteering” significantly influenced the public perception
of volunteering. This stage is defined differently in Russian and Ukrainian studies of
volunteering. In particular, Russian researchers of volunteering consider student
construction brigades, patronage help and the so-called “brigades” to be historical facts
of the development of the youth volunteer movement (Velikanova, 2015). One of the
problems of the spread of volunteer projects on the territory of Ukraine is that potential
volunteers consider the futility of volunteering due to the free labor and lack of career
prospects. In such cases, potential volunteers do not take into account the intangible
benefits of volunteering, which may be more beneficial to their career strategy than a
small salary. Ukrainian researchers are convinced that such activity does not correspond
to the principles of volunteerism, since it manifests itself in the readiness to “serve the
interests of not just some individual citizens in need of help (caring for the sick, helping
orphans, infirm, elderly people, etc.), but to fulfill the requests of the party, to serve the
communist idea, the socialist state” (Lyakh, 2013). For example, a group of Ukrainian
researchers believes that “subbotniks”, the work of “Timurov's” detachments and other
types of activity that were carried out free of charge in Soviet times should not be
considered forms of volunteering, since they mostly did not correspond to the principle of
goodwill” (Griga et al., 2000). Moreover, this stage, according to V. Apukhtin and A.
Bogomolov, became a brake on the development of the volunteer movement in the post-
Soviet space, and also contributed to the formation of a negative perception of volunteer
activities in society (Aptukhin & Bogomolov, 2015). Western researchers share the same
opinion (Haski-Leventhal et al., 2008; Dean, 2014). For example, in their work on
volunteering in the cross-national dimension, they note: “In the former socialist countries
of Central and Eastern Europe, the very concept of volunteering had become suddenly
obsolete, being contaminated by decades of state and party-led requirements to
contribute time and efforts freely for some common social, cultural or political cause”
(Helmut and Salamon, 1999).
Volunteering is a fairly popular activity among young people. This is due to the fact that
young people have not only the necessary resources to carry out such activities (time,
energy). For young people, basic social and psychological needs are also relevant, which
can be realized in volunteering. These are: being and communicating among peers, as
well as the need to be taken seriously, i.e. to implement tasks that are significant,
important “adults” (Flanagan & Van Horn, 2001). These needs of young people are due
to the age characteristics of socialization and personal development. In addition,
volunteer activity is an important factor in professional training and helps young people to
get the first experience of professional activity (Andolina et al., 2002). On the other hand,
the result of volunteering is social benefit, therefore youth volunteering is actively
practiced and supported by various actors of local development.
Volunteering can be viewed as a special case of praxeological career practice (Zoska et
al., 2020). In this case, volunteering performs an important function of approbation of
professional knowledge acquired by student youth during training, which actualizes the
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
problem of further study of volunteering as a factor in the implementation of personal
career scenarios.
The high potential of volunteering in the framework of mastering additional professional
knowledge can be significantly higher if this is due to the specifics of the specialty. A
similar specificity exists within the framework of educational programs such as social work
and psychology, where volunteering in the framework of training sessions allows you to
get practice for students, young teachers and disseminate socially significant knowledge
(Kuzmina et al., 2020).
Volunteering can be characterized by the complexity of solving a wide range of pressing
issues and an effective social technology for working with youth.
3. Method and methodology
The result of the study of the state of youth volunteering in Ukraine is rather ambiguous.
A number of studies demonstrate different views on the content of youth volunteering in
Ukraine. In our opinion, this is due to the different interpretation of volunteering by both
researchers and respondents. For example, some researchers attribute the provision of
donations to volunteering, while others consider volunteering only “participation by
personal labor” (Yurchenko, 2009a).
The current challenges facing Ukraine and the insufficient number of sociological studies
on youth volunteering demonstrate the need for further research in this area in order to
understand ways to increase the level of youth engagement through volunteering. For
this purpose, a sociological study of the participation of student youth in volunteering was
carried out to determine the level of interest of young people in volunteering and the
prospects for its activation, as well as a comparison of world and all-Ukrainian trends
reflected in the results of scientific research on this issue with the characteristics of
student volunteering at one of the leading universities in the South region of Ukraine. The
study, in addition to everything, is useful for the development of specific educational
programs that will be taken into account by applicants when deciding whether or not to
enter the specialty of higher education in the framework of a particular career scenario,
which will become part of the career strategy of the individual.
In the author's research, a quantitative methodology for the study of social processes was
used using the method of a formalized individual survey. The survey was conducted
online using the Google forms platform from December 2020 to March 2021. 403
university students took part in the survey. Of these: 259 students of 1-3 years of study
and 144 senior students (4 years of study and master's). The proportional representation
of the groups of junior and senior students made it possible, within the framework of this
study, to analyze the specifics of attracting students of different ages to volunteering. The
statistical data obtained were processed using the SPSS Version: 10.0.5 software.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
4. Discussion
The results of all-Ukrainian sociological studies of the peculiarities of attracting young
people to volunteering indicate a high level of involvement of young people in volunteering
in comparison with representatives of other age groups. In particular, at the end of 2014,
the GfK company, commissioned by the United Nations, conducted an all-Ukrainian study
of the state of volunteering in Ukraine. About a quarter of the respondents (23%) noted
that they have experience in volunteering. The age distribution of the respondents'
answers shows that among those who have experience of volunteering, most of all are
young people (persons 16-35 years old), both among women and among men 19% and
20%, respectively. However, according to the results of the sociological research “Youth
of Ukraine 2018”, only 4.1% of young people took part in volunteer activities. In a third
of the cases, the main motive for participating in volunteering was the opportunity to gain
practical work experience, which could be entered into a resume and used as part of
tactical or strategic actions in the implementation of one's career strategy.
During 2012-2019, the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation systematically
studied the level of volunteer participation of Ukrainians. For example, in 2012, 10% of
Ukrainians were engaged in volunteering, in 2015 13%, and in 2016 14%. Research
by this foundation in 2018 fixes an increase in the percentage of those who volunteered
in Ukraine during the year up to 18%. Separately, it is determined here that the highest
level of volunteering is observed among young people (24%). In the regional context of
volunteer activity, the west (21%) and the center (22%) continue to dominate. Research
2019 р. demonstrates a significant drop in the level of volunteer participation (almost
twofold): only 9% of respondents noted that they were engaged in volunteering during
2019. This is mainly explained by a decrease in public demand for this form of activity, as
well as the inability to implement the acquired practical skills in the implementation of
one's own career strategy. It should not be forgotten that the surge in the popularity of
volunteer activities came in 2014, when the anti-terrorist operation was launched.
However, by 2019, this wave had naturally diminished. It should be noted that for many
young people who volunteered, helping the National Guard of Ukraine and the Armed
Forces of Ukraine, this turned into a full-fledged job in the army ranks. At the same time,
a large number of volunteers became recognizable in the media space, which allowed
them to get new positions and even some of them to become people's deputies of Ukraine
and representatives of local government representatives.
The results of the level of active participation of young people in volunteering, obtained in
the author's research, confirm and continue the national trends. Namely, the youth of
Zaporizhzhya National University is actively involved in volunteering and from 23 to 40%
of the respondents took part in various types of volunteer activities during the current
year. The overall indicators of student participation in volunteering are, accordingly, even
higher, and from 40% to 74% of the respondents took part in various forms of volunteer
activity at least once in their life. The data presented in Table 1 demonstrate the frequency
of youth involvement in volunteer activities of various directions.
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Table 1.
In which areas of volunteering do you have experience of participation? Note the
frequency of your participation from 0 to 4 in various areas of volunteering (where 0 -
never participated, 1 - one-time participation, 2 - inconsistent activity every six months, 3
- constant and systematic activity several times a year and 4 - systematic activity at least
1 hour per week)?
Possible answer
Number of
responses (N)
Сivic activism
Help to ATO soldiers
Help for children
Help for animals
Work with young people
Provision of social services to
at-risk groups
The data in Table 1 indicate that more than half of the surveyed respondents have
experience of participating in volunteer activities. The results of our research on the areas
of volunteer activity fully correlate with the results of the research carried out by the Ilko
Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation, which showed that since 2016, aid to the
army remains a priority, but volunteering is also “returning” to traditional areas, such as
helping children. orphans (assistance to orphans increased from 12% in 2015 to 23% in
2016), assistance to the sick and people with disabilities (increased from 21% in 2015 to
35% in 2016), as well as assistance to elderly people (grew from 6% in 2015 to 12% in
2016). According to the results of our research, the most popular spheres of volunteering
in which student youth tried themselves were helping children (74%), helping animals
(66%) and helping soldiers of the anti-terrorist operation ATO (64%). The trend of
gradual withdrawal of volunteering from the military sphere is reflected by the fact of the
popularity of volunteering in the field of helping animals. Of these three areas of
volunteering, this type of assistance was noted by volunteers as more permanent. 43%
of respondents took part in volunteer events in this area more than once. The indicators
of student youth participation in volunteer activities to help children are slightly lower
40.4% of the respondents took part more than once. Youth work also has one of the
highest average indicators (mean = 2.0), but we see that such a high motivation to
participate is more heterogeneous (Std = 1.05), and already from the data in Table 2 we
see that it is achieved through the fact that out of 40% of those who took part in such
events, 5% do it systematically. Based on these primary data, we see that the traditional
and priority areas of volunteer activity among young people for many years has been
helping children and helping ATO soldiers. In addition, there is a gender correlation, when
girls are directed to volunteer in the field of work with children, and young men gravitate
to volunteering in the field of ATO. However, these figures are not total, as evidenced by
women's initiatives to weave camouflage nets and other necessary supplies for the
military. It should be said that there are a sufficient number of cases when volunteers of
the ATO and the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) opened a business, relying on the skills
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
acquired during volunteering. And this is no coincidence, because ensuring the
functioning of the army requires a variety of infrastructural activities that may be required
during civilian life.
We consider it important to pay attention to the analysis of the level of systematic
participation of young people in volunteering (results of Table 2).
Table 2.
In what areas of volunteering do you have experience of participation? Please note the
frequency of your participation in various areas of volunteering (never participated, single
participation, non-permanent and constant participation)? (Data are given as percentages
per line)
Possible answer
Сivic activism
Help to ATO soldiers
Help for children
Help for animals
Work with young
Provision of social
services to at-risk
groups (elderly
people, low-income
people, Romany, etc.)
Among the spheres of volunteering, in which student youth are less involved, work with
young people stands out. This fact attracts attention. Indeed, within the framework of
student life and the activities of student self-government, there are enough realizable
activities that students could attribute to volunteering. In particular, these are activities for
the adaptation of freshmen to student life (preparation for the meeting of freshmen at the
beginning of the academic year, organization of initiation into students, assistance in
adaptation to the daily requirements of the educational process and preparation for the
session, work on improving the life of freshmen in hostels, assistance in preparation of
performances at university-wide and city competitions for freshmen, etc.). This situation
is mainly due to the fact that students do not see a career benefit in this form of
volunteering, because they do not see career prospects in the field of youth work.
However, students do not perceive this as volunteering, perhaps they regard it as a
manifestation of student interaction, a joint pastime.
Another area of volunteering that is not of interest to students is the provision of social
services to risk groups (60% never participated). The reasons for the low level of activity
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
of youth volunteering in the field of social work, in our opinion, are associated with the
reform of the decentralization of social services and the change in the functionality of the
structures of social work, as already noted in one of the previous publications (Boyko et
al., 2021).
The rest of the spheres of volunteering analyzed in our study are more attracting student
youth to active participation. Namely, more than half of the respondents participated at
least once in public activities, helping ATO soldiers, helping children, helping animals and
eco-volunteering. Note that no more than 5% of the surveyed students regularly
participate in volunteer activities. These results are associated, in our opinion, with the
fact that young people generally perceive any areas of volunteering, but there is an acute
issue of the quality of youth involvement, by which we mean the systematic nature of
youth volunteering. By the way, researchers of the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives
Foundation note that as of 2016 volunteers began to spend more time on volunteering
compared to 2012: At the same time, compared to 2012, volunteers now spend more time
on volunteering. activity: then only about 6% of volunteers devoted several hours a week
to such activities, and the option for daily volunteer work was not even included in the
questionnaire; and in 2016, about 5% of volunteers were engaged in daily volunteering
activities, and another 11% devoted several hours a week to this. True, in 2015 volunteers
worked much more intensively: 5% of volunteers also worked daily, but 23% worked
several hours a week. This trend is directly related to a decrease in the social demand for
volunteering and the popularity of volunteering in comparison with other types of social
It is also important to analyze the motivational aspects that underlie youth volunteering.
Scientists claim that taking into account the motivational needs of volunteers when
planning activities has a positive effect on the quality, effectiveness and long-term
cooperation (Yurchenko, 2009a). Many foreign (Trumbauer, 1995; Clary & Snyder, 2002;
Dolcinar & Randle, 2007) and domestic researchers study the motivational aspects of
volunteering (Yurchenko, 2009b; Lyakh, 2011; Ivanik, 2013). The multifactorial Clary and
Snyder model, which is based on the idea of multidimensionality and structural complexity
of motivation (Clary et al., 1998), has been recognized by most European and American
Clary E.G and Snyder M. identified six social functions that stimulate volunteer activity
value function, understanding, self-development, career growth, social, protection (Clary
et al., 1998). Australian researchers have expanded this theory of motivation with
additional functions, such as reciprocity, recognition, self-esteem and reactivity (Dolcinar
& Randle, 2007). Another group of researchers who studied the tools of inspiring young
people with volunteering identified five program practices "authorizing, creating safe
relational spaces, reflecting, revealing privilege, and simplifying" that help involve young
people in volunteering (Nordstrom et al., 2021).
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
In our opinion, the function of career growth and professional socialization prevails over
others in terms of relevance. And as practice shows, it is the applied knowledge gained
during volunteering together with informal connections that is actively used by girls and
boys in the implementation of their own career strategy and as an area in which they can
realize themselves if their career plans fail.
The results of the motivational specifics of student volunteering are presented in Table 3.
Table 3.
If you have volunteering experience, rate your satisfaction with the following
characteristics (rate on a scale from 0 to 3, where 0 is not satisfied and 3 is fully satisfied)
Possible answer
Average value
from 0 to 3
Activities of the person coordinating the activities of
General process of organization, training of volunteers
Your functionality or role that you had to fulfill as a
Relationships with other volunteers with whom you
worked as a team
The result that you managed to achieve thanks to
The data obtained, presented in Table 3, indicate that student youth are more satisfied
with their own experience of volunteering (indicators are above average - namely, the
minimum value is 2.14 points out of 3 possible).
However, it was possible to determine some age characteristics of determining the level
of significance of its components by student youth (Table 4). The result, which the
interviewed students managed to achieve thanks to volunteering, are more satisfied with
the junior students the average value is 2.32 points out of 3 possible. Senior students
are more satisfied with the functionality that they performed as a volunteer and with the
relationships that they managed to build in the team of volunteers. As you can see, if
junior students are focused on improving their own social status through involvement in
volunteering, senior students are critical of volunteering as a social action, and see the
potential of using volunteer practices in the field of building their own career. These data
once again confirm the presence of age-related motivational characteristics even within
the youth student group. If we follow the sociological approach to age distribution within
the youth community (Andrushenko et al., 1998), then the motivational characteristics of
each outlined age group may look like this:
14 16 years old adolescents (continued puberty, imbalances in the pace of
psychological and physiological development). As V. A. Koblyk notes, “for adolescents,
the main motive for participating in volunteer activities is the opportunity to assert
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
themselves in the eyes of their peers, parents, teachers, the desire to find new friends,
the opportunity to communicate with peers, the desire to acquire new skills and
knowledge and to spend their own leisure time. The issue of providing specific charitable
assistance is usually not decisive for them” (Koblyk, 2017). That is, the main motive at
this age to engage in volunteer activities is to establish social ties.
17 19 years old youth (age of self-determination) and 20 24 years old youth
(adulthood in the physiological sense, starting a family, professionalization). The theme
of the peculiarities of motivating student youth to volunteer activity is reflected in many
scientific works. Among the main motivational needs of students, scientists determine
communication with peers and the realization of their own creative potential, the
opportunity to try themselves in different fields, the satisfaction of their own interests (for
example, the opportunity to practice their hobbies drawing, singing, photographing,
dancing, etc.), getting the first professional experience and development of their
professional abilities and competencies (Olikh & Matviychuk, 2013; Demida & Nosok,
2016). That is, for this age, it is more important to put into practice one's own professional
skills and learn new ones during the implementation of direct volunteer practices.
25 - 35 years old older youth (the formation of a mature personality). At this age, a
person has usually already formed a system of values, following which a person can join
one or another direction of volunteering. However, the motivational needs for public
recognition, the search for like-minded people, the realization of their own creative
potential also do not disappear anywhere and may well affect the attraction of older youth
to volunteering. At this age, volunteering begins to play the role of an additional resource
for personal self-realization and new career achievements.
Taking into account the indicated features, this is why, in our opinion, junior students are
satisfied with the result of their volunteer activities. For their age, the opportunity to try
themselves in different fields and realize their potential is very important. Senior students,
on the other hand, pay attention to exactly the functionality that they performed within the
framework of volunteering, because they are already beginning to consider volunteering
as a source of accumulating professional experience and the formation of professionally
important skills and competencies.
An important functionality of volunteering is the ability not only to master new
competencies, but also to test one's own capabilities within the framework of previously
acquired competencies. Therefore, students who start volunteering in their senior years
have a purposeful and responsible attitude to their own career strategy (Kuzmina et al.,
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 4.
Features of the assessment by student youth of their volunteering experience
Average values in the data table (scale from 0 to 3)
Possible answer
17-19 years old,
20-22 years old
Activities of the person coordinating
the activities of volunteers
General process of organization,
training of volunteers
Your functionality or role that you had
to fulfill as a volunteer
Relationships with other volunteers
with whom you worked as a team
The result that you managed to
achieve thanks to volunteering
Returning to the data in Table 4, it should be noted that, in comparison with other studied
characteristics, the indicators of student satisfaction with the general process of
organizing and training volunteers are slightly lower. Therefore, it is the training and
education of volunteers that require special attention from the organizers of volunteer
Organizational issues are important issues in activating youth in the field of volunteering.
Volunteering should be properly organized like any other activity (Bystrova et al., 2018).
The issue of management of volunteer activities was thoroughly analyzed by the
Ukrainian researcher T. V. Lyakh, who researched and developed an integral system of
volunteer management. T.V Lyakh notes the importance of developing and implementing
volunteer programs, which should be comprehensive, that is, describe and regulate the
full cycle of work with volunteers. Such programs should include: planning and recruiting
volunteers, training them, introducing volunteer positions with clearly defined functional
responsibilities of volunteers, introducing a volunteer time tracking system and rewarding
volunteers. The researcher also notes that if an organization has decided to work with
volunteers, it must determine the person who will be responsible for this (Lyakh, 2013).
Therefore, we can conclude that without responsible management in the field of
organizing volunteer activities, it is impossible to attract a significant number of students.
If students do not receive good offers of volunteering from higher education
representatives, they will be involved in projects of other higher education institutions and
may even create their own volunteer movement. On the other hand, in this case,
representatives of higher education will lose an additional opportunity to influence the
process of forming career strategies of students.
Interesting results are obtained from the analysis of the comparison of the survey results
concerning student employment and their volunteer activity.
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
Table 5.
Features of attracting working and non-working students to volunteering
Do you work in
your free time
from school?
Help to
Help for
Help for
of social
services to
The results of the two-dimensional distribution of the data on the dependence of the
indicator of employment of student youth on the indicator of average values of the
frequency of their activity in volunteering make it possible to assert the following:
representatives of student youth who found a job in part-time, temporary or full-time
employment have more experience of volunteering than those who do not work anywhere
apart from training. Thus, only the factor of free time among students is not a sufficient
leverage to join volunteering. Rather, it is about the presence of an active social position
associated with both the desire for employment and participation in volunteer activities.
The possibility of further employment at the place of volunteering is a desirable scenario
for any young person, regardless of age and gender. At the same time, today an
insufficient number of young people understand the possibilities of combining
volunteering with their own career strategy and even individual career scenarios.
We believe that the results obtained regarding the interdependence of self-identification
of student youth on the experience of participating in volunteering are especially important
for understanding volunteering as a social technology for attracting young people. By self-
identification we mean self-determination by student youth of their belonging to a certain
territorial community. Within the framework of this study, 7 types of territorial communities
were considered: self-identification with residents of a city or village (local identity), with
residents of the region, residents of the southern region of Ukraine, residents of Ukraine
(civil identity), representatives of an ethnic group and nation, with residents of Europe and
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
residents of the world. According to the results of the study, respondents feel most of
themselves as representatives of the city (village) 30% and residents of Ukraine 36%.
The definition of self-identification of respondents within the framework of our study is
significant, because many of them are from rural areas, but within the framework of the
study they define themselves as residents of the city, and their participation in volunteer
activities also increases their social status, and it is they who are inclined to the formation
and implementation of career strategies already in his student years.
Table 6.
Features of self-identification of student youth involved and not involved in volunteering
(N = 403, data are presented in frequency distribution)
Possible answer
Local identity
Civic identity
Take part in
Do not take
part in
Take part in
Do not take part in
Сivic activism
Help to ATO soldiers
Help for children
Help for animals
Work with young people
Provision of social
services to at-risk groups
(elderly people, low-
income people, Romany,
A more detailed analysis of the features of territorial self-identification of the studied
student youth, presented in Table 6, shows the following. Young people participating in
volunteering define themselves to a greater extent as representatives of the local
community and feel like citizens of the state. At the same time, the difference is observed
among those young people who noted such types of volunteering as working with young
people and providing social services to risk groups. The described tendencies are not
typical for these groups of involved youth. The dependence of the local and civil self-
identification of student youth on the experience of participation in volunteering in such
areas is statistically significant: Helping ATO soldiers, helping children and helping
Thus, volunteering seems to be an effective social technology for attracting young people
to participate in social activity, especially if the types of volunteer participation are
identified. This suggests that if a young person has an active social and civic position,
then he is more inclined to volunteer activities aimed at helping the army, and then has a
high level of likelihood of implementation in the military sphere.
Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
5. Conclusion
As a result of the review of scientific publications, theoretical justification, a sociological
survey and analysis of its results, we can note the following. The publication analyzes the
development and current state of scientific use of such concepts as volunteering, youth,
involvement in social activity, social technologies, identifies the main trends in scientific
discussions on their understanding and use. A sociological study among students made
it possible to identify the main trends in the motivation of volunteering and its connection
as a social technology with manifestations of public interest, activity and possible use in
the formation and implementation of career strategies.
When planning volunteering, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of
young people who are invited to take part in volunteering, because young people of early
adolescence are more motivated by the result of their participation in volunteering. It is
also important to motivate future volunteers about the importance of their participation in
order to improve their professional skills and use the experience gained in their careers.
For older adolescents, other tendencies turned out to be characteristic. They pay more
attention to the content of the activity, the functional responsibilities that they perform,
their proximity to the area of professional activity they are interested in, which they master
in the process of professional training, therefore, among this youth cohort, the
professional content of volunteer activity comes out on top. Thus, for them, volunteering
is a source of accumulation of volunteer experience and activities, allowing them to
develop professionally important skills and competencies. It was also revealed that the
very often used argument on the barrier to participation in public activities is actually not
significant. Namely, the lack of free time will not interfere with volunteering. It was
revealed that working students are more active participants in volunteer activities than
non-working students, because they are interested in mastering new professional
competencies and implementing those previously acquired.
The organizational aspects of volunteering are of great importance. Volunteer programs
should be comprehensive, i.e. well-planned, well-grounded, with a carefully defined
distribution of functions and powers of volunteers, fixed by the titles of positions that
correspond to the functions performed by volunteers and taking into account the
professional skills of persons performing volunteer functions. The study also managed to
identify the spheres of volunteering that are most associated with local (local) and civic
identification: assistance to OOS soldiers (ATO), assistance to children, animals who, in
comparison with other volunteering spheres, show and consolidate a sense of pride in
their territory, for their land and Ukraine as a whole, which is connected with the solution
of important tasks of reducing the migration flows of young people through identity with
their native land, rootedness and connection of their future with their home country.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
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Volunteering as a technology for involving public activity and a factor of influence on the career strategies of
youth. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /294-312
Valeriia Ovcharova, Ganna Boiko, Mariia Kulyk, Taras Ivanovich Butchenko, Lidiia Kupina