Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2022
owadays, the educational sphere is in the conditions of radical changes that have been observed in
all aspects of social life. These changes lead to the emergence of the latest trends and directions in
the development of the educational process.
It should be noted that modern transformations have affected all parts of the educational system, from
preschool and general education to the system of higher educational institutions.
The tendencies of modern transformations concern both institutional changes and information support of
educational processes, which are designed to optimize and rationalize the process of acquiring knowledge
by the education seekers.
The application of the latest methods and training aids, which correspond to the current trends of rapid
development of the scientific and technical sphere, is gaining considerable relevance. This encourages
teachers to implement innovative methods, adapt these technologies as fully as possible for their effective
use in the educational process.
Orientation towards innovative trends in updating the educational system requires significant changes in
the content, structure and individual organizational components of the educational process. After all, these
changes determine the modernization of the traditional education system; they impose the development
and implementation of the latest pedagogical methods and technologies, focused on creativity and
innovation, which ensure high rates of professional and personal development of the education seekers,
promoting their self-fulfilment and the formation of personal skills of independent educational activities.
In particular, within the framework of implementing the principles of tolerance, respect for the individual
features of children, in order to achieve impartiality and prevent students’ discrimination, an important
direction in the development of modern education is the active introduction of inclusive classes for training
and socializing children and youth.
The rapid development of information technology is an important feature of modernity, which to a great
extent determines the further development of social relations. Currently, high-quality teaching cannot be
conducted without using the available information and computer technologies, resources and multimedia
One of the main trends of the educational system nowadays lies in ensuring the digital transformation of
higher education, in accordance with the requirements and opportunities of the market and in compliance
with the integration processes in the global information and open educational space. This implies expanding
the access of all participants to global digital resources, the fullest possible satisfaction of the educational
needs of students in digital products, as well as effective electronic communication and cooperation of all
those involved in the educational process.
Taking into account the current realities, in connection with a thorough modernization of the goals, forms,
methods and means of training in institutions of both secondary and higher education, an important direction
in the transformation of the educational system is the digitalization of the educational sphere, which is an
important prerequisite for the competitiveness of educational institutions.
In connection with the issues outlined, transformational processes are of particular importance, providing
for an increase in academic mobility of learning in order to ensure the possibility of participants in the
educational process to study, teach, train or conduct scientific activities in various educational institutions,
and, in particular, to increase the mobility of education seekers in the labour market in the future.
Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
It should be emphasized that special attention is paid to the introduction of online education, the use of the
latest electronic means, Internet platforms and other electronic and multimedia tools, which involves a
significant modernization of the educational system and puts forward new requirements for the quality of
training of teachers, psychologists, and social workers. The newest aspect of the electronic transformation
of education is the organization of the work of digital educational institutions, which involves taking into
account internal and external factors influencing the development and efficiency of the institution, for the
satisfaction of all participants in the educational process and ensuring its maximum efficiency.
In the context of the above-mentioned trends, increasing the intercultural competence of teachers and other
pedagogical workers, taking into account the peculiarities of the existing international integration processes,
is of particular importance.
Taking into account the multifaceted nature of current trends in the field of preschool and general education,
nowadays, considerable attention in the scientific and pedagogical field is devoted to the search for tools
in order to ensure high quality of psychological support, as well as to the study of psychological and
pedagogical features of the training of social service workers, who are important participants in the
educational process.
The development of the newest tools of asynchronous and mixed learning, which can be used in martial
law conditions to create the safest possible conditions for all participants in the educational process, has
become of particular relevance.
The existing tendencies in the development of the educational field have led to the activation of certain
aspects of the linguistic sphere, in particular, the development of certain issues of cognitive-semantic
theory, the study of the formation features of education seekers’ translation competence, etc. have gained
It is worth noting that pedagogical innovations have been reflected in the theory and practice of music
education, causing the emergence of the latest theories in choreography. They have formed innovative
concepts of musical education taking into account the scientific fundamentals of developing the innovative
teacher’s personal potential and new methodological aspects of modelling musical and educational
activities for the formation of readiness for innovative activities of future music teachers.
Modern information and transformational changes in the educational sphere make it possible to implement
flexible and effective educational and managerial programs, optimize the organizational and educational
processes of the educational sphere, as well as change the principle of educational activities for the
accumulation and transfer of knowledge to practical training and innovative personal development of
education seekers.
Buryk Myroslav
Candidate of science in public administration (PhD)
Docent Department of Public Administration interregional academy of personnel management
Ukraine, Kyiv.
Buryk Myroslav
Editorial. - Eduweb, 2022, julio-septiembre, v.16, n.3. /7-8