DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.04.5
Cómo citar:
Samodumska, O., Pushkarova, T., Hrytsenko, O., Zahorulko, M., & Pshenychna, I. (2022). Professional and pedagogical training of
future students of higher education with elements of gamification. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 52-64.
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of
higher education with elements of gamification
Formación profesional y pedagógica de futuros estudiantes de educación
superior con elementos de gamificación
Olena Samodumska
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Department of Education and Management of an Educational
institution Сlassic private university, Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
Tamara Pushkarova
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, member of the Board of Directors. NAPN, Head of Department of
Project Activities Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education, Ukraine.
Oleksandr Hrytsenko
Director LLC "Rostok A.V.T.", Sumy, Ukraine.
Maryna Zahorulko
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Researcher Department of International Relations and Scientific
Cooperation Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Iryna Pshenychna
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Philology and Translation,
Institute of Law and Modern Technologies Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 02/11/22
Aceptado: 02/12/22
In particular, in order to comprehensively provide applicants with the necessary didactic
and developmental materials, to create a functional educational space, it is advisable to
use gamification as a promising method to improve the educational process. This paper
reviews research publications reflecting the degree of effectiveness and functional
possibilities of game mechanics application in the educational environment. It has been
established that the application of game mechanics has a particularly effective effect on
Olena Samodumska, Tamara Pushkarova, Oleksandr Hrytsenko, Maryna Zahorulko, Iryna Pshenychna
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /52-64
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
career guidance processes. The augmented reality technology contributes to the learning
material assimilation, and the game learning environment allows future students to realize
their creative potential.
Keywords: pre-university training, gamification, game-based learning.
En particular, con el fin de proporcionar de forma integral a los aspirantes los materiales
didácticos y de desarrollo necesarios, para crear un espacio educativo funcional, es
aconsejable utilizar la gamificación como un método prometedor para mejorar el proceso
educativo. En este trabajo se revisan las publicaciones de investigación que reflejan el
grado de eficacia y las posibilidades funcionales de la aplicación de la mecánica del juego
en el entorno educativo. Al mismo tiempo, la aplicación de la mecánica del juego tiene
un efecto especialmente eficaz en los procesos de orientación profesional. La tecnología
de realidad aumentada contribuye a la asimilación del material de aprendizaje, y el
entorno de aprendizaje del juego ofrece a los futuros estudiantes la oportunidad de
desarrollar su potencial creativo.
Palabras clave: formación preuniversitaria, gamificación, entorno educativo.
1. Introduction
Gamification in professional pedagogical training is a method of significantly expanding
the functionality of this process. Preparation of future applicants for higher education is a
complex task that confronts higher education professionals. In the context of this stage of
professional development of the latter, it is necessary to create a qualitatively new
environment, which will provide applicants with the necessary skills, and moreover, the
formation of a new style of thinking and learning, which is necessary for them in the future.
Content-based training within higher education involves professionally-oriented learning
activities, which are quite different from the usual educational strategies of secondary
school (Anastasiadis, Lampropoulos & Siakas, 2018). Accordingly, the transition phase
is an important component of ensuring the proper quality of professional training. We can
notice that gamification in this context is an auxiliary resource that expands the
interventions of specialists in this direction. In particular, gamification can help to create
a unified system of methods that will meet the goals of university preparation and combine
the content of the material provided to applicants.
Currently, the implementation of game-based mechanics in the learning environment is
widespread, which is due to the need to find options for solving educational challenges
facing the participants of educational interaction in a new social context. Most such
challenges and constraints are due to the socio-economic and political transformations of
recent years. We can observe significant changes in didactic practice caused by
quarantine restrictions due to the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
COVID-19 (Teräs, Suoranta, Teräs & Curcher, 2020; Daniel, 2020; Pérez-Calderón,
Prieto-Ballester & Miguel-Barrado, 2021). Based on the experience of this period, we can
talk about the feasibility of digitalization of the educational process. The use of information
and communication technologies in higher education has significant advantages, but it is
necessary to consider the need for systemic innovation in education, given the sensitivity
of students' academic performance to a number of factors that are influenced in this case.
The way of systemic innovation is analyzed in the theoretical treatment of the problem,
given the wide representation in the research sources. On the contrary, we can note that
the creation of a single model that meets the needs of educators in different sociocultural
contexts is impossible, given the characteristic differences of educational strategies.
Accordingly, the proposed model requires refinement in each particular case of
At the same time, an urgent task for specialists in this sector is the development of
comprehensive educational projects aimed specifically at applicants. In this case, it is
necessary to integrate such fundamental components of professional and pedagogical
training as assimilation of educational material, development of multi-context skills (in
particular learning skills), adaptation to a new social and simultaneously learning
environment, mastering digital literacy. A separate component is to ensure the principles
of lifelong learning underlying this stage of professional training (Guerreiro-Santalla,
Bellas & Duro, 2020). An attempt to solve this problem is embodied in the empirical stage
of this work. The development of professional-pedagogical training program for future
higher education applicants involves taking into account the above categories and
conducting pilot studies.
2. Theoretical Framework
The currently available research works summarizing the experience of researchers of the
twentieth century on the effectiveness of game technologies application in the process of
students' training reveal this issue within the framework of a comprehensive approach. In
particular, the cataloging and categorization of publications in this area gives us an
opportunity to give certain conclusions regarding the appropriateness of such an
intervention in the training of future applicants for higher education. Yes, gamification is
predominantly used as a method of increasing students' motivation to perform academic
tasks (Putz, Hofbauer & Treiblmaier, 2020). Techniques focused on tracking students'
progress and learning achievements are widespread. The leading motive of the latter
application is a modification of quantitative indicators of the educational process.
Turning to the question about the feasibility of this method of educational process
innovation, it is necessary to take into account the results of relevant meta-analyses and
literature reviews on the topic. Thus, it was found that research works aimed at evaluating
the effectiveness of the application of these techniques are predominantly characterized
by a positive orientation (Majuri, Koivisto & Hamari, 2018). The predominant design in
these works is quasi-experimental and experimental plans. According to the results,
Olena Samodumska, Tamara Pushkarova, Oleksandr Hrytsenko, Maryna Zahorulko, Iryna Pshenychna
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /52-64
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
gamification promotes academic success, motivation of students to fulfill academic plans
(Manzano-León et al., 2021).
We can notice an insufficient representation of gamification methods in pedagogical
practice, which promote the qualitative study of educational material, in-depth study of
individual academic topics. In this case, specialists of higher education institutions more
often turn to traditional technologies that correspond to the existing strategies. It is
necessary to research and, in particular, to implement new variations of gamification
embodiment in educational tradition, to solve the problem of comprehensive improvement
of the learning process, which will include not only the increase in rating success and
curriculum implementation but also substantive creative processing of key topics in each
discipline (Kim, Song, Lockee & Burton, 2018). In particular, a promising direction is the
implementation of gamification technology in the field of research papers, which is often
an integral part of the professional training of higher education applicants.
It is noteworthy that gamification has pronounced demographic and psychosocial
dynamics. At this stage of topic processing, there is evidence of differences in the level
of learning effectiveness of students of different genders under the conditions of game
component implementation in the learning environment. Moreover, the type of game
intervention introduced is significant. So, classical game mechanics has a more
pronounced influence on male students' performance (in particular, control of success
and competition), for groups of female students, it is reasonable to apply techniques
aimed at social components (cooperation, recognition). Personality dispositions are also
significant, modifying the measure of gamification's impact on student success (Denden
et al., 2021). The use of gamification techniques in different student communities requires
a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of such an intervention and a prediction of the
resulting effect. In this context, the use of LMS systems is appropriate as having a
perspective in assessing the learning progress of significant groups of students without
the need for additional assessment and testing (Riestra-González, del Puerto Paule-Ruíz
& Ortin, 2021).
It is noteworthy that gamification is closely related to the digitalization of education. Due
to the amount of preparation of educational material by educators, the use of off-the-shelf
digital platforms for gamification interventions is a pronounced trend in current practice.
Existing templates and digital environments simplify the process of retranslation of
educational material without the need to create the latest didactic developments, which
in particular is of great importance in the context of the crisis conditions of today.
Simplification of the process of transformation of the information array for students'
assimilation provides more space for implementation of tangential teaching and
educational tasks within the framework of professional and pedagogical training. In fact,
it may be noted that the proliferation of game mechanics in the educational tradition is a
direct consequence of the introduction of ICT into the learning process (Saleem, Noori &
Ozdamli, 2022). Separately, the spread of augmented and virtual environment
technologies should be noted. The latter, in particular, have significant potential for
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
application in the traditional learning paradigm. Currently, researchers have established
that AR- and VR-technologies can be helpful in implementing STEM education principles
(Tsekhmister, Kotyk, Matviienko, Rudenko & Ilchuk, 2021). At the same time, they serve
as additional material for solving applied and visual learning tasks. For a broader
treatment of the presented topic, it was decided to take this category into account when
collecting empirical material.
The research developments indicate significant changes in teachers' self-perception of
their own digital literacy, which reflects the social transformations of recent years. For
example, students rate their own instrumental abilities quite highly, while at the same time
they rate the critical processing of information arrays offered by the ICT environment quite
low. The issue of the moral and reflective components of this process also remains open.
Pedagogical workers are faced with the task of mastering the students' skills in
transferring their own skills of interaction with the digital environment to the learning space
(Toma, Diaconu & Popescu, 2021). Thus, the problem of systemic transformation
accompanying the gamification of the educational process is also relevant. The
introduction of game mechanics requires substantive justification of their use in the
system of higher education, which is limited to STEM-education modeling and is not
presented in the scientific discourse of Ukrainian space (Järvis, Tambovceva & Virovere,
2021). Nevertheless, it should be noted that gamification so far has an additional meaning
in relation to the educational model of modernity (Prokopenko, 2021). At this stage of the
development of educational traditions, the digital resource does not act as a full-fledged
replacement but serves more as a space to maintain the proper level of quality of
educational services provided in crisis conditions. Thus, we remain within the
methodological dilemma, since the situation of wide implementation of the latest
educational technologies makes it impossible to develop a full-fledged model of this
process in time, while the applied dimension of this problem is realized and provides the
functionality of education in the world. The continuation of research activities in this
direction will likely contribute to solving the existing problems of digitalization of education
and the search for new tools to improve the educational process, in which most countries
exist. Deepening the process of gamification, in particular, in our opinion, allows us to
form a new vision of the integrated application of innovative technologies (Monroy García,
Llamas-Salguero, Fernández-Sánchez & Carrión del Campo, 2020).
3. Methodology
The presented research work is based on the method of formative experiment. A program
of professional and pedagogical training for future higher education students was
developed, which corresponds to the basic principles identified in the literature review. A
short-term program was chosen, designed to be delivered in weekly three-day intensives
over a period of one month. Each intensive, lasting an average of 5 hours, includes a
separate theoretical block for students to work through, presented in different didactic
techniques. In particular, the general program includes separate game mechanics,
augmented environment technologies, and game-based learning environment. The
program involves 425 high school students who are planning to enter higher education
Olena Samodumska, Tamara Pushkarova, Oleksandr Hrytsenko, Maryna Zahorulko, Iryna Pshenychna
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /52-64
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
institutions this year. The formative experiment was implemented based on educational
institutions of different regions of Ukraine, which makes it possible to evaluate the
effectiveness of these interventions in the conditions of a heterogeneous socio-
psychological, demographic and educational base of future students. In particular, the
program involved students of Zhytomyr City Gymnasium №3 (Zhytomyr), Ternopil
Secondary School №11 (Ternopil), Samchyky Secondary School №11 (Samchyky,
Khmelnytsky region), Bagachan Secondary School 1 (Velyka Bagachka, Poltava
region) and Rivne Secondary School №20 (Rivne). The content of the proposed program
can be provided by the authors upon request. Now we present the plan-program of this
cycle of intensives, which highlights the applied teaching techniques integrated into the
process of training future students (Table 1).
Table 1.
Program of professional and pedagogical training of applicants with elements of
Thematic training modules (the
length of each module varies
depending on the needs of the
Learning technologies used
Group 1 (control)
Group 2 (exp.)
Group 3 (exp.).
Module 1: Routine assessment of
students' knowledge, skills, and
abilities. Learning style
Knowledge testing
method, workshop,
Knowledge test
method (Quizziz)
Knowledge test
method (quest
Module 2. Diagnosis and
development of students' creative
skills. Divergence
Group and
individual visual
environment (role
Game design
Module 3. Vocational guidance.
Motivation. The idea of “related
work” by H. Skovoroda
Model of the
situation of
emotional and
moral experience
(progress line)
Role play
Module 4. Multi-contextual skills,
soft-skills. Digital Literacy
individual work
Cognitive game
Module 5. The concept of lifelong
learning. Mastering the educational
model of higher education.
The ready-made
knowledge method
The method of
ready knowledge,
case analysis
Role Playing
Module 6. Self-education.
Development of the skills of
independent learning
Case analysis,
knowledge method
independent work
Game Learning
Module 7. A healthy level of
competition in educational
activities. Testing
Frontal questioning,
graphic work
Business game
(narrative, points)
Business game
Module 8. Preparing to pass the
MST and NMT. Mastering the
educational material
cognitive game
AR technology
Authors’ development
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Since the classes were conducted in the online format, taking into account the current
situation in the country and the territorial dispersion of the respondents, the subjects were
distributed into groups: the first training group was implemented in the traditional
educational model (without the use of the above-mentioned technologies), the training
model for the second and third training groups is presented above. It should be noted that
during the first session a diagnosis of the educational capabilities of applicants, a socio-
psychological assessment were carried out and information on gender, age, and
demographic features of established study groups was collected. To measure the above
characteristics, training tests used to prepare for the NMT were applied, in addition, a
psychological survey according to the model proposed by Kostruba (2018) was
conducted to assess the socio-psychological features of the formation of students of
different specialties. In this case, we take into account a number of key aspects of the
psychological profile of future higher education applicants, which is presented in the next
section of the presented work.
Note that it was decided to use digital resources to implement game components, as we
consider the process of gamification as a possible resource to solve the methodological
crisis of digitalization of our time. Thus, the proposed program for the training of the
second training group used the Quizziz platform (https://quizizz.com), providing the
possibility to track progress throughout the training program, as well as to evaluate the
effectiveness of virtual currency technology. For the third training group, it was decided
to choose several different ICT platforms, which would provide the opportunity to evaluate
the effectiveness of different types of interventions. In particular, we used Classcraft
learning and game environment (https://www.classcraft.com), a resource for team games,
and designing Classtime (https://www.classtime.com/ru), an application for AR
visualizations of geometric objects. Cleverbooks (https://www.cleverbooks.eu) and
Kahoot (https://kahoot.com), a common resource for competitive testing in the Ukrainian
educational tradition. In Table 2 we will provide details on the applied technologies and
their functional significance according to the taxonomy developed by Toda et al., (2019).
Table 2.
Functional significance of the gamification techniques used in this program
Social Components
Cognitive Game
Progress, scores
Economics, choice
Puzzles, competitions
Business Game
Progress, Statistics
Choice, time
Puzzles, competitions
AR Technology
Game Environment
Progress, Statistics,
Economy, choice,
Game Design
Getting there
Choice, time
Cooperation, narrative.
Role Play
Choice, time, economy,
Olena Samodumska, Tamara Pushkarova, Oleksandr Hrytsenko, Maryna Zahorulko, Iryna Pshenychna
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /52-64
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
competition, social
pressure, narrative,
Business Game
Progress, scores
Quest System
Economy, Choice
Narrative, competition,
Developed from Toda et al., 2019
Accordingly, we can talk about the broader functionality of game mechanics in the
direction of multi-context skills development in future higher education applicants, which
contributes to the overall preparation for further professional development
(Kalogiannakis, Papadakis & Zourmpakis, 2021). In particular, role-playing game
mechanics is the most functional, contributing to the development of soft-skills, as well as
the quest-system, which is effective for processing learning material. Preliminarily it can
be noted that the use of digital resources often causes the creation of a new barrier in the
interaction of teachers, which prevents the establishment of interpersonal contacts.
Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account this aspect in planning the curriculum.
At each stage of the above-presented professional-pedagogical training program for
applicants, a group discussion was held to identify the obstacles and limitations caused
by the chosen form of educational interaction. Accordingly, the results of group
conversations were analyzed using quantitative methods and corresponding
generalizations are given below. Let us also note that at the end of the preparatory
program a final test was conducted two weeks after the last session. Based on the results
of the testing, the effectiveness of the implementation of these interventions was
determined. Mathematical and statistical analysis was carried out using R Studio
software, the following methods of quantitative analysis were embodied: testing of the
hypothesis of equality of mean values of two dependent samples by Wilcoxon criterion,
two independent samples by Student's t-criterion and one-factor dispersion analysis
4. Results and Discussion
According to the results of preliminary and final diagnostics, we managed to establish
characteristic regularities reflecting the degree of efficiency of game mechanics influence
on the learning material and formation of multi-contextual skills by future students. In
particular, we can speak about the correspondence of this innovation to the tasks of
professional-pedagogical training of the latter. The corresponding results of mathematical
and statistical analysis are presented in the extended visualization in figure 1.
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 1. Visualization of statistically significant differences in the diagnostic results of
the studied groups before and after the training program
The diagram shows a statistically significant difference in the test results of each of the
training groups at the beginning of the training program and the end. The corresponding
indicators are labeled as follows: Mot - learning motivation index, PrS - professional self-
determination, AcP - academic achievement, EdS - learning skills, Div - divergent
thinking, Com - communication skills, SEf - self-efficacy, Dig - digital literacy. In
accordance with the results obtained, it can be noted that the use of game technology is
effective with regard to such characteristics of future students as learning motivation
(p<0.01), professional self-determination, divergent thinking, and digital literacy (p<0.05).
Let us also note that according to the results of the one-factor analysis of variance it was
determined that to a greater extent the dynamics is traced on these indicators in group 3,
which indicates the effectiveness of the selected methods (in particular, the use of game
learning environment, conducting role-playing games and game design). Complementing
the results obtained, we present below the generalized results of the discussion with the
respondents of the implemented educational techniques (Table 3).
Olena Samodumska, Tamara Pushkarova, Oleksandr Hrytsenko, Maryna Zahorulko, Iryna Pshenychna
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /52-64
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Table 3.
Results of applicants' assessment of the gamification of the training process
[1; 10]
Cognitive Game
Assimilation of material,
knowledge control
Lack of interactive aspect
Business Game
Time constraints, competition
AR Technology
knowledge control
Sectoral limitations
Game Environment
Visibility, interactivity
Gameplay, lack of communication
Game Design
Relevance, increase in
Insufficiency of the interface
Role Play
Requires skills from the teacher,
Learning Discussion
The plot, inclusion in the
process, motivation
Prior training, low motivation
Business Game
Processing of the
Complexity, prior training
Quest System
Mastering practical skills
The need to perform tasks
Authors’ development
According to the applicants' assessments, it can be noted that role-playing game
mechanics and AR-technologies are most easily perceived, while the business game and
tutorial discussion approximating the traditional form of educational interaction are
evaluated sharply negatively. At the same time, we note that students most often
emphasize such disadvantages of gamification systems as: time limitations, lack of
interactive components, and communication. Accordingly, we can conclude that it is
necessary to introduce technologies that will provide direct interaction with the teacher
and other participants in the learning process. Gamification, given the grades, should
perform a sensemaking role and give learning a new connotation, which will stimulate
students to independent cognitive activity. At the same time, we repeatedly face
significant limitations: the need for long-term training of teachers, the development of
methodological materials and programs that meet the current requirements of the
educational institution, and the needs of teachers. Currently, we can note that the best
option is the use of hybrid systems that modify the process of assessment and applied
learning, as well as the development of narrative designs that can be used for a wide
range of educational programs.
In conclusion, we note that according to the learning outcomes of the respondents,
depending on their demographic and psychosocial characteristics, we can provide
predictive conclusions. The results of the presented analysis allow us to take this aspect
into account when developing training programs for applicants in each study group, taking
into account its specificity. In particular, for future male students it is more effective to
introduce game mechanics relying on the productive component (rating, progress,
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
achievements, and scores), while for women social games are more effective (p<0.05).
No characteristic patterns of age, socioeconomic and regional differences among
applicants have been established. Accordingly, we can talk about the probability of
developing a unified national program of professional and pedagogical training of future
applicants for higher education. According to the results of the analysis of the
psychoemotional and psychosocial profile, we can note that the level of social adaptation
does not play an important role in the context of involvement in game mechanics. Thus,
gamification can serve as a basis for the modernization of inclusive education as well as
a resource for students' socialization. Basic personality dispositions are an important
factor in this direction: introverted students are less inclined to engage in game interaction
with productive components, preferring environmental and social (p<0.005). Neuroticism
is a suppressive factor, which makes it impossible for future students to fully realize their
creative potential (p<0.05). In addition, the openness of experience has the strongest
effect on the effectiveness of such interventions (p<0.005). Consequently, preliminary
psychodiagnostics of the study group is advisable in order to develop the most productive
5. Conclusions
The introduction of game mechanics in the learning process is an innovative method to
improve the latter, which allows not only to increase students' motivation but also solves
urgent methodological problems of higher education. In particular, the proliferation of ICTs
in educational practice requires specialists to be able to adapt to the new context of
educational interaction in a systematic way. Gamification may serve as an important
resource in this context. In addition, the task of ensuring lifelong learning, which requires
the development of a state-of-the-art program of professional-pedagogical training for
future higher education applicants, is relevant. To innovate this program, it is advisable
to use game methods in the learning environment, taking into account the need to solve
a set of tasks that a specialist faces under time and financial resource constraints.
The idea of combining game mechanics and a learning-game environment taking into
account the possibility of independent learning of future students without the need to
provide direct interaction with the teacher has a significant perspective. Digitalized
learning games serve as an important auxiliary resource for learning material assimilation,
while social games (role-playing, business, and game design) contribute to the multi-
contextual skills of applicants. In addition, it is advisable to use AR-technologies for
practical classes, which contributes to the assimilation of the material by future students.
Gamification increases the level of motivation for learning, improves the dynamics of
career guidance processes.
In practice, the specialists of this direction should take into account the peculiarities of the
training group, in which the implementation of game methods is planned. In particular, it
is necessary to take into account the gender and age peculiarities of the group, the
personal dispositions of students, and their educational motives. The system approach to
Olena Samodumska, Tamara Pushkarova, Oleksandr Hrytsenko, Maryna Zahorulko, Iryna Pshenychna
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /52-64
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
the implementation of educational innovations provides the most possible effective
influence within the set task.
6. Bibliographic references
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Olena Samodumska, Tamara Pushkarova, Oleksandr Hrytsenko, Maryna Zahorulko, Iryna Pshenychna
Professional and pedagogical training of future students of higher education with elements of gamification -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /52-64