Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Cómo citar:
Viznіuk, I., Dzekan, O., Dolynnyi, S., Fomin, O., Fomina, N., & Ordatii, N. (2022). Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of
medical specialists in the context of European integration processes. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 65-77.
Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical
specialists in the context of European integration processes
Experiencia ucraniana de formación pedagógica de médicos especialistas en el
contexto de los procesos de integración europea
Inessa Viznіuk
Doctor of psychological sciences, professor Department of Psychology and Social Work Vinnytsia Mykhailo
Kotsiubinskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Olga Dzekan
Associate professor of internal medicine department No. 1 of Vinnytsia National Medical University M.I.
Pirogov, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Serhii Dolynnyi
Doctor of Philosophy (Phd), assistant Department of Psychology and Social Work Vinnytsia Mykhailo
Kotsiubinskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Oleksandr Fomin
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery No. 1 National Pirogov Memorial Medical University,
Head of the Injury Clinic of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Central Region, сolonel of the Medical
Service, Vinnytsya, Ukraine.
Nadiia Fomina
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of microbiology National Pirogov Memorial Medical University,
Vinnytsya, Ukraine.
Nataliia Ordatii
Assistant National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, postgraduate VSPU named after Mykhailo
Kotsiubyskyi, Vinnytsya, Ukraine.
Recibido: 02/11/22
Aceptado: 02/12/22
Modern European integration aspirations of Ukraine cover various aspects of social
development, in particular medicine. Research the newest methods of training medical
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
workers for the Ukrainian system of training medical workers is an extremely relevant
topic. The purpose of the article is to analyze the Ukrainian experience of the peculiarities
of pedagogical training of medical workers in the context of European integration
processes. The main methods used in the work are general scientific methods (synthesis,
analysis, deduction, and induction). The results determined the essence of the main
pedagogical components used in the structure of the professional education of medical
The peculiarities of the formation of the pedagogical competence of medical workers in
the light of European integration were separately investigated, attention was paid to its
main elements, which are important to introduce into the Ukrainian training system and
which meet the requirements of the Bologna system. The social and practical aspects of
pedagogical training of medical workers, which are already applied as a result of
European integration processes in the education of Ukraine, are characterized. The
conclusions emphasize the need for further transformations in the field of training medical
workers, in connection with the further use of European experience.
Keywords: pedagogical competence, formation, medical workers, Ukraine, European
Las modernas aspiraciones de integración europea de Ucrania abarcan varios aspectos
del desarrollo social, en particular la medicina. La investigación de los métodos más
novedosos de formación de trabajadores médicos para el sistema ucraniano de
formación de trabajadores médicos es un tema de gran relevancia. El propósito del
artículo es analizar la experiencia ucraniana de las peculiaridades de la formación
pedagógica de los trabajadores médicos en el contexto de los procesos de integración
europea. Los principales métodos utilizados en el trabajo son los métodos científicos
generales (síntesis, análisis, deducción e inducción). Los resultados determinaron la
esencia de los principales componentes pedagógicos utilizados en la estructura de la
formación profesional de los trabajadores médicos. Se investigaron por separado las
peculiaridades de la formación de la competencia pedagógica de los trabajadores
médicos a la luz de la integración europea, se prestó atención a sus principales
elementos, que son importantes para introducir en el sistema de formación ucraniano y
que cumplen los requisitos del sistema de Bolonia. Se caracterizan los aspectos sociales
y prácticos de la formación pedagógica de los trabajadores médicos, que ya se aplican
como resultado de los procesos de integración europea en la educación de Ucrania.Las
conclusiones subrayan la necesidad de nuevas transformaciones en el ámbito de la
formación de los trabajadores médicos, en relación con el mayor uso de la experiencia
Palabras clave: competencia pedagógica, formación, trabajadores médicos, Ucrania,
integración europea.
Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration
processes - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /65-77
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
1. Introduction
The development of modern medicine implies a permanent renewal of educational
approaches since new treatment methods require appropriate coverage for future
specialists. Obviously, the main reference point on the way to the transformation of the
educational sector in Ukraine will be the European experience, arising from the European
integration policy of Ukrainian governments in the XXI century. Integration of Ukrainian
medical science in the world community is accompanied by the processes of international
convergence, combined with the preservation of national notable features that determine
the features of national cultural and educational tradition. Accordingly, the study of
peculiarities of the application of this experience in Ukrainian realities is extremely
relevant, as well as the reverse process, designed to determine how integration
processes positively influence the possibility to apply some forms of training of medical
students in European countries. Posing such a question has its basis since the use of
various methods of pedagogical training under martial law is an understudied practice.
The article aims to analyze the Ukrainian experience of peculiarities of pedagogical
training of medical workers in the context of European integration processes. The
realization of this goal requires the study of certain aspects related to the functioning of
medical education in Ukraine. Accordingly, the main objectives of this research are as
1. Defining the content of the pedagogical component in the structure of medical
professionals' professional activities
2. Study of peculiarities of formation of pedagogical competence of medical workers in
the light of European integration
3. Characteristics of social and practical aspects of pedagogical training of medical
workers on the background of Euro-integration processes in Ukraine
2. Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
A content analysis of contemporary scientific literature is an important part of this
theoretical study, the methodological basis of which is drawn mainly from European and
American authors. Custers & Cate (2018) characterized the development of medicine in
Europe and the United States through the lens of historiosophic reflection. In particular,
Laufer et al., (2021) investigated the main contemporary innovations in the medical
education environment, pointed out the peculiarities of the use of some distance models
in the training of higher education applicants. Lekic et al., (2019) described the meaning
and role of evidence-based medicine in education and characterized major
transformations in medical practice through the lens of contemporary global challenges.
Of value to this study is the work of Roberts (2020), which traced the impact of the Covid-
19 pandemic on medical education. Roberts (2020) described key relevant and in-
demand medical pedagogical competencies that, in general, can contribute to
overcoming various threats. This researcher points out that in higher medical school it is
important to introduce the help of volunteer medical students to practical clinical support
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
as “medical assistants” (p. 241-242). In his opinion, this will not only improve the practical
skills of students but also help to increase the workforce in various medical facilities. Ayaz
& Ismail (2022) examined key innovative methods and technologies that should be used
in medical education. The focus of these experts was on integrating stimulation
technology into training programs. Ayaz & Ismail (2022) note that simulation technologies
will become especially important in medical education by providing funds for practice and
supervised learning by qualified professionals (p. 301).
At the same time, Succar et al., (2021) described the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
on the development of postgraduate medical education in ophthalmology. The authors
note that although the pandemic disrupted medical education worldwide, ophthalmology
educators quickly transformed their curricula into new and effective virtual platforms.
Consequently, although Covid-19 was one of the massive challenges in the history of
medical education, it also provided the impetus for new and innovative teaching methods,
including those in the ophthalmology field. Mishra et al., (2020) investigated the renewal
of medical education curricula as a result of the pandemic. Consequently, the coronavirus
outbreak has entailed a rethinking of previously accepted concepts in pedagogical and
medical opinion. The leading place in the educational process began to be taken by
distance learning. So, many new author's ideas on modern education transformation
appeared in scientific literature.
Features of the formation of pedagogical competence of students of medical specialties
were characterized by an English researcher (Houldsworth, 2016). At the same time, a
team of authors led by Srinivasan et al., (2011) in the study “Learning as competence”
investigated the key conditions for the formation of pedagogical skills of future doctors.
Ukrainian researchers have repeatedly addressed the problem of the use of actual
methods of training medical students, the application of European experience, and
training in medical universities. In particular, Tsekhmister et al., (2021) analyzed the
peculiarities of the use of virtual learning technologies in Ukraine against the background
of the pandemic’s spread. Ukrainian researchers led by Kulbashna et al., (2019)
characterized the key relevant competencies of modern medical professionals. The
authors focused on the formation of the professional competence of future dentists with
the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies. At the same time, Stechak (2017)
thoroughly defined the main conditions for the formation of pedagogical competence in
future family doctors, characterized the structure of the pedagogical component, and
outlined medical recommendations for the preparation of future family doctors. Sherman
et al., (2022) investigated the debatable problem of future distance education.
Tsekhmisteretal (2022) justified the importance of studying artifacts in the training of
health professionals.
The above-mentioned works provide a valuable basis for this study. Taking into account
the European experience of medical education reforming, it is possible to characterize
the possible perspectives of medical education development in Ukraine through both
theoretical and practical planes.
Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration
processes - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /65-77
Inessa Viznіuk, Olga Dzekan, Serhii Dolynnyi, Oleksandr Fomin, Nadiia Fomina, Nataliia Ordatii
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
3. Methodology
The study of the problem of pedagogical training of medical workers through the prism of
European integration processes in Ukraine is formed on the use of general theoretical
research methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction. Based on the analysis
the research subject is divided into smaller parts: defining the content of the pedagogical
component in the system of professional activity of medical workers, defining the main
elements of pedagogical competence, characterizing social and practical aspects of
pedagogical training of medical workers, researching the main conditions of formation of
pedagogical competence, etc. By means of synthesis, these issues are combined and
conclusions are formed. Based onthe axiological method the transition from general
theoretical statements to the formation of our concept of pedagogical training of
specialists of medical specialties is made. As a result of using content-analysis, the study
of modern scientific sources on the problem was made, the little-studied and topical
issues of Ukrainian medical education were characterized.
With the help of the prognostic method of research, it was possible to characterize the
main directions of the development of structural training of medical workers in the context
of the European integration aspirations of Ukraine.
The results of the study are based on the use of official materials:
1. Law of Ukraine on Higher Education of 2014 (Law No. 1556-VII, 2014).
2. Strategy for the Development of Medical Education of Ukraine from 2019 (Ministry of
Health of Ukraine, 2019)
4. Results and Discussion
In order to highlight the Ukrainian experience of training medical workers for pedagogical
activity, it is important to clarify the content of the pedagogical component in the structure
of the professional activity of medical workers. On the other hand, a more detailed
analysis will be required to investigate the peculiarities of the formation of pedagogical
competence of medical workers in the light of European integration and the
characteristics of socio-practical aspects of pedagogical training of medical workers
against the background of European integration processes in Ukraine. The specified
aspects are partially covered, they will also be explained in the results of the article.
The content of the pedagogical component in the professional activity of medical
According to modern European standards, one of the types of medical and preventive
work of medical personnel is the education of patients and their families on health support
issues at different ages (Das et al., 2022). Separate in this system are counseling and
education on care (or self-care), prevention of certain diseases, formation and
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
implementation of educational programs on healthy lifestyles, etc. (Kulbashna et al.,
2019). Consequently, modern scientists in the pedagogical component of medical
practice distinguish such components as diagnostic-predictive, therapeutic, preventive,
psychological-corrective, advocacy-educational, analytical-research, organizational-
operational, evaluative-reflexive (Stechak, 2017). These components are schematically
depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Components of the pedagogical component of health workers
Developed by the authors of the article
The activities of health professionals aim to meet patients' demands for a health-
promoting process by providing them with professional medical support (Papapanou et
al., 2021). The latter includes the pedagogical part of professional work, which includes
the following components: therapeutic education of the patient and his family on effective
health support or care, patient education on avoiding complications or trauma, formation
of interpersonal pedagogical interaction, preventive medical outreach work containing
bright pedagogical elements, management of medical and educational activities of
patients, etc. (Stechak, 2017).
We believe that unpreparedness to perform some of these elements reduces the
effectiveness of the social work of medical professionals (See Table 1).
of medical
Diagnostic and
prognostic work
corrective work
work at different
Formation of
and operational
Evaluative and
reflective work
Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration
processes - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /65-77
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Table 1.
Features of the implementation of pedagogical activity of physicians
Name of pedagogical activity of physicians
Features of implementation
Educating patients and families about effective
health support
Introduction to the latest methods of preventing or
treating disease. The main goal is to impart
knowledge and build skills for the development of
proper treatment and care. In European countries,
group training is valuable, in which healthcare
providers counsel all who wish to do so. Also
effective is patient education as a set of directed
activities to support their treatment.
Formation of pedagogical interaction with
Forming a relationship of trust with the patient.
Achieving mutual understanding ensures
professional counseling, prevention, or treatment
of patients.
Medical and explanatory work
In the EU countries, group work methods are used,
which involves educating patients about their
Management and diagnosis of patients'
learning activities
Pedagogical components of the professional work
of the family physician are manifested in the
modeling of natal constructive situations and
management of patient's reflections when solving
them. For the effective realization of this medics
should also be fluent in pedagogical diagnostics,
methods of control.
Self-training of medical workers
In the system of pedagogical activity of medics, it
is important to form aspiration and ability to stable
self-improvement of both medical, pedagogical,
and psychological competencies.
Adapted from Pedagogical training of the future of family doctors at the medical university,
by Stechak (2017, 38-43)
Consideration of pedagogical competence in the system of professional activity of
medical workers contributes to the formation of a new awareness of medical activity,
however, also based on the use of modern methods of organization of preventive work
with the population, methods to promote healthy habits (Jenkins et al., 2021).
Pedagogical competence of medical workers in the light of European integration
According to the “Concept of reforming the system of medical training in Ukraine and
bringing it in line with the requirements of the Bologna Declaration”, the main principles
of medical training are defined, among which the need to form common values, moral,
ethical, and legal views are highlighted. Healthcare professionals must guarantee the
observance of the medical secrets of their patients, be correct, humane, obligatory, and
proper in their work (Al-Balas et al., 2020). Given these European requirements for the
Ukrainian training system, educational and professional training programs for healthcare
professionals (primarily their regulatory parts) should also include humanitarian and
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
socio-economic training (educational and professional orientation) (Ministry of Health of
Ukraine, 2019)
The essence of these disciplines should be constant for all educational and scientific
training programs (Law No. 1556-VII, 2014). In particular, this Concept states that, if we
compare the Ukrainian education system with European countries, healthcare
professionals in Ukraine are overloaded with various theoretical disciplines of
humanitarian orientation, the vast majority of which are not known to European medical
professionals, because the educational system of the European Union does not provide
for their implementation (Mishra et al., 2020). Further implementation of the requirements
of the “Bologna Declaration on the Creation of a Common European Education Area” will
require recourse to international norms and approaches that are widely used in the
professional training of future health professionals (Stechak, 2017). For this purpose, the
Ukrainian medical education system will require significant changes, especially in the
practical orientation of educational work (Kulbashna et al., 2019).
At the same time, structural changes also need a general attitude towards pedagogical
competence, which is perceived at a different level in European countries (Tsekhmister,
et al., 2021). At the current stage of development in Ukraine, the pedagogical competence
of medical workers should be defined according to the European interrelated functional
components (motivational-value, educational, professional-communicative,
organizational-technological, reflexive) (Stechak, 2017). The motivational-value
component is formed as a result of the identification of motivation as a special state of
personality, which pushes it to identify a certain activity in the pedagogical case, leads to
the behavior to implement a successful treatment. The educational component of
pedagogical competence allows health professionals to perform their professional duties
(Ali, 2022). In particular, based on knowledge, there is a need to understand the specifics
of applying different methods and approaches to perform practical tasks, designing future
actions and their consequences, and intensifying cognitive activity.
The professional-communicative component of health professionals is designed to
qualitatively improve communication skills and abilities, which are also important for
successful professional-pedagogical work (Stechak, 2017). Usually working with patients,
their relatives, organizing educational activities takes place together with interpersonal
communication aimed at changing and correcting behavioral patterns (Succar et al.,
2021). Interpersonal communication of health professionals during the treatment and
prevention process additionally ensures its effectiveness but requires the skills of
empathy, awareness, and adequate modeling of the characteristic features of the
psychology and behavior of the interlocutor, to influence it (Houldsworth, 2016).
The need to highlight the organizational and technological component is explained by the
fact that the work of health professionals requires the ability to organize and conduct the
educational process to teach and educate patients, their families, caregivers (Stechak,
2017). Actualization of such capabilities occurs through the use of aggregate methods
and formed mechanisms for their practical implementation with a pedagogical purpose.
Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration
processes - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /65-77
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
This component will additionally contribute to the growth of the quality of training, allow
successful interaction and achievement of the planned results.
The level of medical workers' awareness of themselves as subjects of professional
activity, development of their self-assessment, understanding of consequences and
results of their work forms the reflexive component. It becomes the center for combining
all other components, because reflexion not only forms the purpose and awareness of
the main tasks of the educational process, projects the evaluation criteria for real
achievements, determines the motives of work, but also allows periodic correction of the
pedagogical direction of training, establishing new consequences of training, etc., 2017.
Sufficient mastery of these components is able to bring the training of medical
professionals to a higher level, which will be fully invested in the mainstream of European
Social and Practical Aspects of Pedagogical Training of Medical Workers: New
The professional training of medical professionals of different specialties through the
prism of European integration processes is naturally combined in the social content of
education. Medical work consists of communication with people, so the social component
aims to increase mastery of the learning material, the ability to perform professional tasks
and to carry out one's work in general (Roberts, 2020). Also, this part of the training will
develop a diverse personality, which also affects the success or failure of academic work
(Kulbashna et al., 2019). All of the above opportunities are quite individual and depend
on the activity of the individual, their motivation in acquiring knowledge and skills, learning
techniques, and communication with teachers and other students (Srinivasan et al.,
2011). The professional-social aspect of learning should be performed through the use of
certain established forms of work of all participants in the learning process, which will
allow a gradual transition from theoretical assimilation of material to its technological
essence, i.e., real professional activity (Zehry et al., 2011).According to European
practices, the gradual transition from reproductive, passive forms of learning to active use
of learning and technological and professional work takes place through changes in the
motive and goals of knowledge acquisition. Such changes depend on the methodological
conditions of medical training, the formation of scientific and practically professional
individual portraits (Ayaz & Ismail, 2022). Therefore, the reciprocal relationship between
knowledge acquisition and practical work occupies an important place in learning, given
the European experience. Therefore, the training of medical professionals is directed
towards specific knowledge and skills that training forms the diffusion of new information
with prior knowledge and personal life experience, knowledge acquired through self-
education (Kulbashna et al., 2019). The composition of the training, thus, will contribute
to the motivation to continue to obtain professional knowledge in the chosen specialty.
Basic disciplines have also been shown to feel influential in the development of interest
in medical specialty, learning, and work. In particular, communicative skills, information
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
competence is formed by mastering foreign languages. In Ukrainian realities, working
with foreign resources and foreign professional literature is quite a defining phenomenon,
since Ukraine's European integration aspirations put on the agenda the need to use
exactly European methods and practices. For many teachers at Ukrainian medical
universities, these approaches still remain underutilized because the language barrier
has long prevented them from taking full advantage of these opportunities (Sherman et
al., 2022). Studying foreign languages would allow mastering the achievements of the
modern intercultural world, improving and developing sociocultural communication skills,
communication, and the ability to coexist and work in the possible conditions of a
multicultural society, an integrated educational space (Houldsworth, 2016). Mastering
foreign languages has an impact on the formation of the worldview, life position of the
individual, life goals, and ways of their implementation. At the same time, in addition to
the cultural function, the economic reason for the active study of foreign languages is
important. Given the realities of today, the military aggression of the Kremlin regime, and
other destructive factors, the outflow of the best medical professionals abroad is real,
given the need for qualified, multilingual, highly educated workers. Clearly, the
appropriate level of foreign language proficiency for medical professionals is an important
personal advantage that provides additional chances for a job in the labor market
(Papapanou et al., 2021). These are significant personal characteristics that include the
ability to communicate on a business level in professional and social fields, to create a
creative learning environment, and to increase intellectual and cultural horizons. Such a
toolkit of cross-cultural communication and collaboration will unequivocally enhance the
quality, accessibility, and mobility of university training for future health professionals
(Tsekhmister et al., 2021).
Targeted pedagogical training of medical professionals should include the application of
the latest European methods and techniques of teaching activities, formation of
theoretical and practical classes on pedagogical training, taking into account the modern
paradigms of development of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, improvement of
technical and material, and laboratory support.
An additional relevant opportunity to improve the training of health professionals is the
development of synchronous and asynchronous education. While synchronous learning
is used all the time and its strengths are obvious, the possibilities of asynchronous
learning are still underestimated. Due to the military aggression of Russian troops and
the destruction caused by them, the use of asynchronous learning methods has shown
to be highly effective, despite the complexity of the situation in education. The use of
asynchronous education has become a challenge for teachers, because such experience
of its use was almost absent. The active use of this form of training, however, has
demonstrated the best effectiveness of combined synchronous and asynchronous
classes in the process of professional training of medical workers. This combination
allows to successfully combine the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills
against the background of military realities.
Ukrainian experience of thepedagogical training of medical specialists in the context of European integration
processes - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /65-77
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
5. Conclusions
The European integration aspirations of Ukraine have actualized changes in the system
of medical training, the need to harmonize the basic principles and specific methods of
theoretical training, and the formation of practical skills. For example, there is a gradual
reassessment of pedagogical components that make up the structure of professional
training of medical workers. Certain elements that meet the requirements of the Bologna
system are included in the educational process of medical workers in light of European
integration. However, full integration of the Ukrainian system of education and training of
medical workers still has not taken place. At the same time, the social and practical
aspects of pedagogical training of medical workers, applied as a result of Eurointegration
processes in Ukrainian education, are characterized. Let us note the use of modern
Ukrainian educational and scientific programs that address socio-psychological training,
development of communication, etc. This is extremely important from a professional point
of view since similar experience is actively used in European countries. In particular, in
the context of social and practical training of medical workers in Ukraine, several contexts
stand out: the appeal to practical activities, the search for opportunities to motivate higher
education applicants for their next job, the emphasis on learning foreign languages, which
gives advantages both in learning and on the possibilities of potential job search in the
future. These contexts will require additional development in the future because even in
a short period of time the quality of knowledge gained has increased.
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