DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2022.16.04.7
Cómo citar:
Makovii, M., Salnyk, I., Shlianchak, S., Lukianykhin, V., & Sanakuiev, M. (2022). Digital technology as a factor in the development of
an informatized society: an educational perspective. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 78-88.
Digital technology as a factor in the development of an
informatized society: an educational perspective
La tecnología digital como factor de desarrollo de una sociedad informatizada:
Una perspectiva educativa
Mariia Makovii
Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor Department of language training and communication
Kyiv national university of construction and architecture, Ukraine.
Iryna Salnyk
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, head of the department of natural sciences and methods of their
teaching, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technologies, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central
Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Svitlana Shlianchak
PhD in Pedagogic science, associate professor of the chair of Computer Study and Information Technologies
chair of Computer Study and Information Technologies faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and
Technologies, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Vadym Lukianykhin
Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of Management Department Sumy State University, Ukraine.
Mykola Sanakuiev
PhD hilosophical), Senior Researcher Department of operational information, V. I. Vernadskyi National
Library of Ukraine, Ukraine
Recibido: 10/11/22
Aceptado: 09/12/22
Scientific exploration aims to analyze the synergistic effects of interaction and the mutual
influence of educational and digital potential in the process of society development. The
task of the article is to consider the information and digital factors relevant to the current
Ukrainian socio-cultural space, affecting the level of education. The methodology used in
the study is based on the methods of scientific and pedagogical discourse. So, the
digitalization of education is an important element in the development of Ukrainian
Mariia Makovii, Iryna Salnyk, Svitlana Shlianchak, Vadym Lukianykhin, Mykola Sanakuiev
Digital technology as a factor in the development of an informatized society: an educational perspective -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /78-88
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
society, as the skillful use of digital technology expands the worldview and professional
skills of the participants in the educational process.
Keywords: digitalization of education, flexible skills, digital learning environment.
El objetivo de la exploración científica es analizar los efectos sinérgicos de la interacción
y la influencia mutua del potencial educativo y digital en el proceso de desarrollo de la
sociedad. La tarea del artículo es considerar los factores informativos y digitales
relevantes para el espacio sociocultural ucraniano actual, que afectan al nivel de la
educación. La metodología utilizada en el estudio se basa en los métodos del discurso
científico y pedagógico. Así, la digitalización de la educación es un elemento importante
en el desarrollo de la sociedad ucraniana, ya que el uso hábil de la tecnología digital
amplía la visión del mundo y las habilidades profesionales de los participantes en el
proceso educativo.
Palabras clave: digitalización de la educación, habilidades flexibles, entorno de
aprendizaje digital.
1. Introduction
Informatization of Ukrainian society is an irreversible process of socio-cultural
development of the community, experiencing the influence of globalization processes.
Despite all the difficulties faced by Ukrainian society in recent years, the process of
digitalization has not suffered a decline, but on the contrary, has become a kind of
benchmark for further development. Digitalization has embraced all spheres of social
activity, but it is the educational space that has become the environment in which ICT
elements become the engines of development. Digitalization is implemented in theoretical
and methodological and educational and practical dimensions in the educational system.
The relevant issue is the relationship between the general level of public digital literacy in
Ukraine and the qualitative indicators of the digital competencies of the participants in the
educational process. Such principles form the education of the future, the basis of which
is digitalization (Devadze et al., 2022). If we consider the prospects of positioning
education in social advancement, we should consider it in the context of scientific and
worldview paradigms. Consequently, we observe the signs of a post-non-classical model
of education, in which digitalization plays a key role as the main source of educational
knowledge and skills (Sanetra et al., 2022).
Digitalization of education in Ukraine is developing quite rapidly, as evidenced not only
by the level of technological implementation of electronic digital learning environments
but also by the awareness of the content of the digital component among the participants
in the educational process. In particular, there is a clear distinction between online
learning formats with the justification of the difference between distance and e-learning
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
(Goloborodko, 2022). Such a simple example shows the understanding of the role and
status of ICT elements in the educational system. In particular, the information and digital
cluster is defined not only as an auxiliary component of the traditional learning space but
also implemented as an autonomous learning platform.
The modern world is developing dynamically, which is expressed in the intensification of
all processes in the educational environment. Under such conditions, the problem of
mechanisms and tools capable of supporting this advancement arises. ICT elements
prove their effectiveness in pedagogical, research, international, economic, and
economic clusters of educational space (Kholiavko et al., 2021).
Modern principles of pragmatism and competitiveness determine the prospects of
educational development. Ukrainian educational institutions at all levels have accepted
the challenges that are actualized in the modern socio-cultural space (Kryvoshein et al.,
2022). Digitalization is characterized by the dynamism of educational activity, which leads
to a certain chaotic nature of all processes related to pedagogical or scientific activities.
The educational sphere is based on well-established principles, so it requires a clear
ordering of its development. The content and form of the educational process should be
structured and provide clear and reasonable goals for its activities. Such principles are
spelled out in long-term and short-term educational strategies, which indicate both
strategic planning of the status and role of the ICT factor in the development of education,
and the operational inclusion of information and digital components in the educational
system. The task of the modern scientific picture of the world is to form a nucleus through
which the further development of society will take place, and ICTs are becoming one of
the key components of this nucleus (Hörberg et al., 2019).
The aim of the article is to update the existing theoretical-methodological and educational-
practical precepts of the process of education digitalization, taking into account modern
socio-cultural trends in the development of information society. Transformations in
education take place using synergetic methodological principles, due to which the
innovative digital space is correlated with traditional models of educational strategies. The
successful integration of information and digital components into the modern educational
system confirms the effectiveness of the processes of digitalization and informatization of
public activity.
2. Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The problem of digitalization in the Ukrainian system of education became more relevant
with the introduction of ICT elements in the educational process. At the same time, the
practical application of digital learning environments significantly warmed up this topic in
the scientific and pedagogical discourse (Morze & Strutynska, 2021). Experience in
implementing the digital component in the educational system Ukrainian education
acquired the advanced examples of countries with a high level of technological
development (Kryvoshein et al., 2022).
Mariia Makovii, Iryna Salnyk, Svitlana Shlianchak, Vadym Lukianykhin, Mykola Sanakuiev
Digital technology as a factor in the development of an informatized society: an educational perspective -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /78-88
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Sociocultural realities of recent years play a key role in the implementation of the
principles of digitalization of education, forming signs of the revolutionary nature of these
transformations, rather than evolutionary development. These aspects are reflected in the
scientific research on the processes of education digitalization in today's realities
(Chernenko, 2021). Note that the processes of digitalization of education have their own
specificity when positioned at the global level (Karacabey et al., 2019) and in the national
context (Kraus et al., 2021).
The constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic have actualized a number of scholarly studies
that analyze the specifics of digitalized science and pedagogy (Williamson et al., 2020).
The digitalization of education in scientific and pedagogical intelligence is considered in
the context of different educational levels: primary and secondary school levels (Budnyk,
2018), higher education (Holovko & Kanishchenko, 2021).
The processes of digitalization in education have their own peculiarities in relation to
individual knowledge clusters. The natural sciences, humanities, or philological sciences
have their pedagogical specificity in the digital learning environment. Peculiarities of the
application of ICT elements in philological education are investigated in the scientific
exploration of Tolochko et al. (2019).
3. Methodology
The methodology used to study digital technologies in the educational development of
society can be divided into several major clusters:
general scientific methods (analysis, systematization), thanks to which a general
understanding of the development of the Ukrainian educational environment in
modern conditions of total digitalization of all components of its functioning is formed;
methods of scientific and pedagogical discourse (pedagogical observation, modeling,
forecasting), which allow to determine the features of the use of ICT elements directly
in the educational process;
scientific and sociological methods (classification, content analysis, social
observation), the use of which allows to trace the processes of digitalization of
education in the dynamics of social progress and identify the strengths and
weaknesses of this process;
scientific and philosophical methods (synergy) that contribute to the development of
principles of interaction between the digital world and educational space to improve
the quality of education and the overall level of digital competencies of participants in
the educational process.
Relevant methods of research on the problems of digitalization of education have
become: generalization - as a way to study the nature and essence of digital education;
structuring - through which the prerequisites necessary to reform education through digital
principles are explained (Kraus et al., 2021).
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
A separate methodological niche is a set of sociological methods, through which the
understanding of the sociocultural dimension of the digitalization of education is formed.
Social distancing, management of information flows (dosage of information, response to
misinformation), work with large volumes of data, accounting of statistical indicators,
behavioral technologies are all methodological tools relevant in the context of the current
relationship between society, education, science, technology (Williamson et al., 2020).
The use of a co-directed methodology helps to correlate the results of the digital
transformation of education and the overall development of society.
4. Results and Discussion
According to Chernenko (2021), there is a reorientation of digitalization according to the
trend or popular trend to the demand of the time. This positioning requires a more
thorough approach to the development of theoretical and methodological interpretations
of the principles of digitalization in education and the development of practice-oriented
elements of educational digitalization. According to Verharen (2020), philosophy
responds to existential threats through the prism of ethics in education.
The importance of the processes of digitalization in education is that this process
conditions the feeding of other spheres of social activity by participants with a high level
of digital literacy (Morze & Strutynska, 2021). Applicants at educational levels acquire
fundamental professional skills (hard-skills) while simultaneously acquiring digital
competencies (digital-skills). Consequently, the economic, political, social, and cultural
spheres are filled with specialists who operate not only directly with professional skills,
but also with digital literacy.
The organizational and logistical component is actually universal for education and other
spheres of social activity. In addition, the organization of digital space has a national and
international character. Practical manifestations of the social dimension of digitalization
of education are the increase in the transparency of the educational process, the
improvement of feedback tools, the reorganization of educational institutions, the
increased role of the human dimension in the educational system, and the creation of a
competitive professional environment in all spheres of public activity (Holovko &
Kanishchenko, 2021).
“The needs of digital transformation require modern universities to be particularly flexible
in order to ensure the realization of society's requirements through innovative learning
and IR technologies. Modern universities create digital learning environments to support
learning activities. The development of a digital learning environment offers the
advantage of overcoming significant challenges to the adoption of higher education
technology and enhances digital competence. Trends in the digitalization of education
affect the increased competitiveness of students and faculty” (Kuzminska et al., 2020).
The key problem of the digital transformation of education in Ukraine is the qualification
of pedagogical specialist (Dudar et al., 2021) and the material and technical capabilities
Mariia Makovii, Iryna Salnyk, Svitlana Shlianchak, Vadym Lukianykhin, Mykola Sanakuiev
Digital technology as a factor in the development of an informatized society: an educational perspective -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /78-88
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
of educational institutions. The organization of the educational process in a digital
electronic format needs theoretical knowledge and practical skills of working in this
environment. For a long time, this issue in Ukrainian education has not been given due
attention due to socio-economic problems. The scientific and pedagogical community
actually tried to form a certain digital educational potential and increase the level of digital
competencies with their own efforts. In Ukrainian society, there was a somewhat
paradoxical situation when digital technologies fully embraced the practical life of man,
while at the same time not having a corresponding manifestation in the educational
sphere, which remained conservative in its positions.
However, the comprehensive transition of education to online mode at a time of pandemic
restrictions was the impetus for the formation of digital learning environments in an
emergency mode. All participants in the educational process at their levels actively
contributed to the implementation of the processes of digitalization of education:
administrations of educational institutions solved organizational and logistical issues
regarding access of participants of the educational process to electronic digital
platforms and learning tools, arrangement of the teacher's workplace for conducting
the educational process in electronic mode;
teachers formed educational and methodological content taking into account its
implementation not in full-time, but in electronic and digital format;
students have adapted their digital skills acquired in the everyday use of ICT to
educational requirements.
An important aspect of understanding the problems of the low level of transformation
processes in Ukrainian education is the socio-economic state of the community (Kraus et
al., 2021). Limited opportunities for public funding of the innovative sector in education,
the critical gap between educational systems and practical business in terms of training
specialists in qualitatively new soft-skills & digital skills - all this has not contributed to
strengthening the role of education in the general cultural national understanding of
One of the actual manifestations of the digitalization of education is the concept of 3D
mapping of Ukrainian digital education. The basis for this manifestation of digitalization is
the experience of the implementation of digital transformation in the educational systems
of Western countries. At the same time, the issue of the general level of digital literacy in
society and the need to form specific pedagogical digital competencies is actualized.
“The need for profound modification aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness
of education leads to a change in the role of scientific and pedagogical staff in Ukraine in
accordance with the requirements of the modern world. Comprehensive analysis of public
policies and regulatory frameworks in leading Western countries in the field of digital skills
and competencies determines the structure of digital competence for citizens DigComp
2.0 and the structure of digital competence for teachers DigCompEdu, as well as the
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
requirements for digital literacy in the United States, in particular, the standards of the
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)” (Dziabenko & Morze, 2019).
Any innovative process in education involves a period of alignment with the traditional
fundamental formats of this sphere of social activity (see Table 1)
Table 1.
Potential formats for the relationship between traditional and innovative educational
Type of interaction
Detection of interaction
Information and digital elements are an
auxiliary tool for a traditional educational
ICT elements are used to strengthen the positions of
traditional teaching, methodological and organizational
components of the educational process and do not
require the participants of the educational system to have
the appropriate digital competencies
Information and digital elements are an
alternative learning environment that
functions alongside the traditional format of
the educational space
If necessary or on the initiative of participants in the
educational process, a separate organizational, logistical
and educational niche is formed, in which the educational
process is carried out with the help of ICT elements.
Information and digital elements in
education are progressing to the level when
they begin to dominate and acquire the
status of a traditional educational space
ICT elements are a determining factor in the organization
of the educational process, and participants are obliged
to meet the level of digital literacy to be able to implement
pedagogical activities or acquire an educational level.
Source: authors' own development
In addition, there is a correlation between the dynamics of innovation and the socio-
cultural conditions that characterize the level of development of a particular community
(see Table 2).
Table 2.
Dynamics of introducing ICT elements into the sociocultural space of the digital society.
Gradual transition to information and digital learning
Implemented through short-term and long-term
educational strategies, gradually integrating into
the education system:
planning new organizational formats of
the educational process with the active use of
digital and electronic components;
transformation of the content of
educational content, which includes social and
communicative and electronic digital information
the need for gradual training of
appropriate digital literacy competencies of
teachers and students for the successful
implementation of educational ICT strategies
through education, pofessional development,
training, etc.
Mariia Makovii, Iryna Salnyk, Svitlana Shlianchak, Vadym Lukianykhin, Mykola Sanakuiev
Digital technology as a factor in the development of an informatized society: an educational perspective -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /78-88
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
The rapid transition to information and digital
learning environment
It is determined by socio-cultural factors
(pandemic restrictions, the impact of martial law
events, etc.) and is implemented in real-time
directly during the educational process:
the introduction of innovative electronic
and digital formats takes place without prior
planning or preparation, under the conditions of
organizing a new learning environment as the
only possible format for continuing the
educational process (for example, the transition
to a distance learning format during the pandemic
new forms of presentation of educational
content, which leads to a radical change in its
content elements that have socio-cultural
dimensions (information, communication, social,
acquisition of digital competencies takes
place in real-time when participants of the
educational process form a new digital
pedagogical environment directly in the course of
educational activity.
Source: authors' own development
Based on the proposed elements of the correlation between the socio-cultural conditions
in which Ukrainian society is and the pace of digitalization of Ukrainian education, we will
highlight potentially threatening factors that express the risks of the digitalization process
in the educational system. At the same time, the uniqueness of the educational system
lies in its ability to turn risks into potential conditions for development and progress.
Therefore, the difficulties faced by the current Ukrainian society motivate to find and
actualize ways to improve.
lack of proper training (retraining, advanced training) in pedagogical digital
competencies, which leads to the need for teachers to form individual digital-skills
independently and directly during the educational process;
low level of practically-oriented digital skills of educational nature among applicants
for educational levels, which actualizes the involvement of general digital awareness
of students or pupils, thanks to which adaptation to the educational pedagogical
environment is easy;
organizational and logistical support of educational institutions does not take into
account the current needs for information and technological support of innovative
learning formats, which requires joint efforts (logistical and technological) between
participants in the educational process.
One of the ways to implement the digital transformation of education, which has practical
sociocultural implications is the use of STEAM technologies, presented in various forms:
from the development of curricula and plans to the creation of scientific and educational
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
clusters of technical education, which function during the extracurricular time but play an
important educational role (Budnyk, 2018). The concentration of science, technology,
engineering, and information components in cultural and educational centers (learning,
entertainment) motivates education applicants to study STEAM disciplines, the basis of
which is digitalization. The practical example of the popularity and progressiveness of
digitalization in the STEAM cluster is the best example of the demand for digital
competencies in the educational space. The task of today's society is to realize the
effectiveness of the principles of digitalization and to understand the need for the
formation of digital literacy. It is interesting for the study of the digitalization of education
to consider these processes in separate spheres of pedagogical and research activities.
In particular, examining the role and status of ICT elements in philological education we
note some features of digital transformation in this cluster (Tolochko et al., 2019). A
significant number of digital learning environments are now being recorded that contribute
to the study or improvement of individual speech proficiency or form a mixed
methodological framework that allows the study of several languages at once while in the
corresponding space.
The philological cluster is important in the processes of digitalization because through it
the communicative component, which is one of the key ones in the ICT space, is realized.
Understanding the subtleties of educational content is possible with proper philological
training. If we consider synergistic effects in Ukrainian education, philological
manifestation is formed in the context of the skillful use of both the Ukrainian language as
a carrier of information and a foreign language (mainly English) as an international
translator of the digital world.
However, modern scientific and pedagogical discourse faces the problem of interpreting
the status of ICT in education. The rapid spread of information and digital technologies
poses a threat of transforming the educational system into an environment for the
realization of ICT potential. Such an approach is rather contradictory since under such
conditions another fundamental component of education is leveled - the humanitarian-
value component.
One of the debatable issues of modern scientific and pedagogical discourse is the
prospects of information and digital format in the educational system. The main question
is whether the appeal to digital education will be temporary (forced) or will continue on a
permanent (mandatory) condition (Sherman et al., 2022).
5. Conclusions
Thus, the digitalization of education in the modern sociocultural dimension has two
worldview directions:
digital transformation is the driving force that allows education, using innovative
potential, to achieve high-quality education;
Mariia Makovii, Iryna Salnyk, Svitlana Shlianchak, Vadym Lukianykhin, Mykola Sanakuiev
Digital technology as a factor in the development of an informatized society: an educational perspective -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /78-88
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
digitalization is a response to the global challenges faced by modern society and,
thanks to its innovative potential, allows to respond to threats.
In the modern Ukrainian educational system, there is a rapid development of the digital
component. The overall level of digital literacy in Ukrainian society is also growing rapidly.
This indicates the inevitability of mutual influences between social advancement and
educational realities associated with the need to harmonize innovative principles of digital
transformation. Education acts as a platform where digitalization acquires clear
substantive characteristics, focusing on the positioning of digital competencies as a
necessary component for the acquisition of an educational level of professionalism in any
Thus, the most effective manifestation of the interaction between society and education
in the processes of digitalization is a synergistic effect, through which the overall level of
digital literacy of Ukrainian society will correlate with the level of professional digital
competencies to be acquired in the educational process. This is how the relationship and
interaction of educational and digital potential are formed in the process of societal
development. Innovative trends in socio-cultural development dictate the need for digital
transformation of education. At the same time, the capabilities of the educational system
make it possible to acquire appropriate and relevant digital competencies.
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Mariia Makovii, Iryna Salnyk, Svitlana Shlianchak, Vadym Lukianykhin, Mykola Sanakuiev
Digital technology as a factor in the development of an informatized society: an educational perspective -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /78-88