Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Cómo citar:
Samsonova, Y., Shevchenko, O., Priadun, S., Petkun, S., & Statsenko, N. (2022). Academia, diversidad y virtualidad. Analysis of
modern approaches to the management of educational institutions in conditions of digitization (Ukrainian case). Revista Eduweb,
16(4), 89-100.
Analysis of modern approaches to the management of
educational institutions in conditions of digitization
(Ukrainian case)
Análisis de los enfoques modernos de la gestión de instituciones educativas en
condiciones de digitalización (caso ucraniano)
Yana Samsonova
Graduate student Communal Institution of Higher Education «Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education» of
Dnipropetrovsk Regional Counci, Department of Public Administration and Law, Ukraine.
Oleksandr Shevchenko
Lecturer in the Department of After-School Education Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy National
Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine.
Serhii Priadun
Postgraduate Department of After-School Education Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy National
Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Ukraine.
Svitlana Petkun
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Head of the Department of Public Management and
Administration State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine.
Nataliia Statsenko
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy of the State Institution "South Ukrainian National
Pedagogical University named after K. D Ushinsky", Ukraine.
Recibido: 10/11/22
Aceptado: 11/12/22
The purpose of the article is to analyze modern approaches in the management of
educational institutions of Ukraine under the conditions of digitalization. The research
used general scientific methods. The results of the study highlight the impact of total
digitalization on the management of educational institutions, the main trends in the
management of educational institutions in conditions of digitalization, approaches to
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
modern management of educational organizations. The conclusions emphasize that
military action wreaks havoc on the management of educational institutions, so the
effectiveness of any approach will need to be tested in peacetime as well.
Keywords: management, educational institutions, approaches, Ukrainian case,
El propósito del artículo es analizar los enfoques modernos en la gestión de las
instituciones educativas de Ucrania en las condiciones de digitalización. La investigación
utilizó métodos científicos generales. Los resultados del estudio destacan el impacto de
la digitalización total en la gestión de las instituciones educativas, las principales
tendencias en la gestión de las instituciones educativas en condiciones de digitalización,
los enfoques de la gestión moderna de las organizaciones educativas. Las conclusiones
enfatizan que la acción militar causa estragos en la gestión de las instituciones
educativas, por lo que la efectividad de cualquier enfoque también deberá probarse en
tiempos de paz.
Palabras clave: gestión, instituciones educativas, enfoques, caso ucraniano,
1. Introduction
The development of the modern information society opens new horizons for further social
evolution, but it also poses difficult questions related to the penetration of high technology
into our lives. The field of education was on the edge of transformation processes, as the
COVID-19 pandemic and the total quarantine restrictions it led to actualize the problem
of using distance learning, electronic document circulation, quality self-education, use of
digital resources. These problems created a demand for additional competencies and a
general change in the educational paradigm, for which not all higher education
institutions, teachers, and students were ready.
Especially the digitalization of the educational process became relevant in the reality of
Ukraine because the consequences of the global pandemic since February 2022 were
added to the consequences of open Russian military aggression. In conditions of war,
traditional forms of education were impossible, so at the state level, it was decided to
continue using distance learning, and from September 2022 - the mixed form, which
combined the processes of forming practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The
digitalization of education was the only possible answer to the military challenge and the
impossibility of returning to conventional education.
For this reason, the characteristic features of the Ukrainian experience remain an
important research problem, which is important for understanding the possibilities and
further prospects for the use of digitalization in education. And the focus is on the
Analysis of modern approaches to the management of educational institutions in conditions of digitization
(Ukrainian case) - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /89-100
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
possibilities of management of educational institutions, as the ways of management in
crisis conditions clearly demonstrate the advantages, disadvantages, and opportunities
for further implementation of technological solutions in the field of education.
The purpose of the article is to analyze current approaches in the management of
educational institutions in Ukraine under the digitalization.
Therefore, the important issues that need to be resolved are: analysis of digital
management in education, research of the main trends of higher education management
through the prism of digitalization changes, definition of the main approaches in the
management system of modern education
2. Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
Monographs and articles by contemporary authors have contributed to the study of digital
education management as a holistic, multifactorial process that affects other components
of the educational system. For example, Audu (2022) in his study characterized the
importance of entrepreneurship education and vocational education in educational
administration. Michael & Elser (2019) in their empirical article characterized the main
models of waste management in educational activities. The problem of perspective-taking
and the effectiveness of communicative interaction in educational management has been
identified by Kosonen & Ikonen (2019). At the same time, Jordan et al. (2022)
characterized typical means, models of transition to digital platforms for organizing
learning administration activities.
Digital record-keeping is a component of educational administration in the context of
large-scale digitalization. Consequently, the empirical works of authors who have
investigated the effectiveness of the use of digital document management in education
are also important for this article. In particular, Abaci (2022) described the key
organizational aspects of shaping the schemes and means of functioning digital
documents in a market-driven environment. Regla & Marquez (2020) investigated key
types of digital document interactions in organizational systems using innovative cloud
services. Lvovich et al.'s (2021) study also focused on analyzing the formation of key
optimization decisions regarding the expedient organization of digital institutional support
in education. At the same time, Ridei (2021) through the prism of global challenges
analyzed the peculiarities of professional competence formation in educators.
For this article, the works of modern Ukrainian authors, in which the importance of
digitalization of education in Ukraine is characterized, are important. In particular, Chaplay
(2018) studied the innovative potential of education management in Ukraine. She notes
that the Ukrainian system needs to develop special programs that could provide a real
opportunity to assess the actions of the administration aimed at transforming and
improving educational services. At the same time, Batareina & Korobchenko (2022)
detailed the role of public policy in the system of education management. Tsekhmister et
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
al (2022) described current trends and current problems in education manager training.
Demchenko et al. (2021) studied the importance of information and communication
technologies in the process of professional development of modern teachers.
However, so far there was no synthetic study, which thoroughly characterized the features
of digital learning and its digital management based on the realities of Ukrainian higher
3. Methodology
Methodological approaches implemented in the framework of this study come from the
practice of research analytical search and correlation determination of the most
appropriate solutions that have a strong potential for implementation taking into account
the peculiarities of the functioning of the education system in Ukraine. For this reason,
both general scientific and pedagogical methods of research are used in the work. Among
the general scientific we allocate analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction. The use
of these theoretical methods allowed us to carefully consider the main subject and
highlight the important elements for the study. At the same time, based on concretization
the analysis of the process of management of educational services through the prism of
modern digital changes is presented.
The key was the use of a comparative method based on which a comparative analysis of
modern approaches to quality management of educational services was carried out. At
the same time, based on the predictive method of research outlined the possible ways of
further development of digitalized management systems in higher education institutions.
The outlined tools and methods of information-analytical research, proposed for use in
this work, are the most appropriate for the introduction of the data obtained in the practical
plane. These data can be recombined and adapted to the specific territorial conditions
and realities of education development in Ukraine.
The main empirical materials are documents of legislative type, relating in general to the
digital organization of education:
The main empirical base of this study is legislative-type materials, in particular:
1. Strategy of higher education development in Ukraine. (Ministry of Education and
Science of Ukraine, 2022).
2. Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on the procedure of work with electronic
documents in the office work.
This study was implemented in several stages. The first stage was an analysis of modern
literature, outlining the little-studied problems, the second - influence of digitalization of
education on the features of its management, the effectiveness of the project approach
in the management of an educational institution was determined.
Analysis of modern approaches to the management of educational institutions in conditions of digitization
(Ukrainian case) - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /89-100
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
4. Results and Discussion
The main aspects of digitization in the education management system: principles,
Total digital transformation in the field of higher education affects the formation of
fundamental changes in the key principles of organization and the construction of the
educational process (Abaci, 2022). This situation requires university management to
develop new courses and learning and organizational materials. Although digitization of
educational materials is the current educational trend, the active pace of total digitalization
affects the development of continuous improvement and modernization of the ways of
transferring experience and knowledge (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
2022). Consequently, the changes in the main paradigms of higher education as a result
of digitalization are realized not just on the individual level, but also on the institutional
level (Order No. 1886/5, 2014). For this reason, traditional educational institutions will
have to compete not only with other distance education institutions but also with informal
resources and platforms for obtaining the desired competence. Consequently, in order to
maintain demand and credibility, higher education institutions need to focus their main
role on finding and implementing new educational forms of management tools and
operational modernization.
Education quality management is a large-scale problem that requires scientific and
practical solutions. The quality of higher education should be investigated, evaluated not
only by using pedagogical parameters but also by factors that are outside the industry of
education and are adjusted by categories such as quality of life, the standard of living,
etc. (Tsekhmister et al., 2022). The process of educational quality management is a
purposeful, comprehensive influence on the state of learning and its basic elements by
highlighting specific standards of its course by ways of controlling, planning, ensuring,
and improving its quality (Kosonen & Ikonen, 2019). This occurs in order to merit the
greatest compliance with the set of features of its functioning and the results of the
analysis of the requirements of service consumers.
For this reason, we note that the management of educational services through
digitalization is the implementation of purposeful impacts of the object of management on
the subject of management, using a variety of innovative methods and means of IT
technology in order to ensure the quality of education.
At the same time, the management of educational services in higher education
institutions, which takes place through the formation of quality monitoring systems in the
institution, based on certain indicators that characterize the state of provision of quality
educational services (Demchenko et al., 2021). This system also includes all the key
aspects of the education management of an educational institution. We are talking about
the implementation of such components as educational, educational, organizational,
methodological, extracurricular, financial, economic, medical, etc. However, most modern
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
scientists note that the key factor in organizing the management of educational services
is the creation of a unified information and educational space. The latter is disclosed from
the following main positions: operational, technological, organizational (See Table 1).
Table 1.
Key principles for the formation of the Common Information and Education Space
Key principles for the formation of
the Common Information and
Education Space
Key principles for the formation of the Common Information
and Education Space
1. Operational
The totality of different kinds of information used in the
educational process); technological
2. Technological
The combination of repositories of information tools, their use,
accounting, and maintenance of telecommunications systems
that operate based on common principles and basic rules that
ensure the information unity of all participants in the educational
3. Organizational
A set of system units that implement the content and
maintenance of information resources
Authors’ development
The structural model of higher education institution management distinguishes several
mechanisms for managing the development of the institution: the mechanism of
development of teaching staff, personnel mechanism, mechanism of payment,
mechanism of qualification, mechanism of educational content development, etc. (See
Table 2).
Table 2.
The main mechanisms for managing the development of a higher educational institution
The main mechanisms for managing the development of a higher educational institution
Development of teaching staff
Pedagogical staff is a key factor in the quality
functioning of education, the main link that
determines the effectiveness of the management of
active systems. Separately, the effectiveness of the
development of the institution as a whole directly
depends on the activity and activities of teachers.
Personnel management mechanism
Criteria for comparing the quality of human capital
of employees of educational institutions provide
benchmarks for modeling the mechanism of state
management of higher education development.
Competency modeling mechanism
Mastery of modern digital competencies,
compliance with modern educational standards
Analysis of modern approaches to the management of educational institutions in conditions of digitization
(Ukrainian case) - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /89-100
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Mechanism of educational personnel
It is important to develop methods for the formation
of professional development programs for
educators based on the results of their professional
traits and performance assessment. The legislation
of Ukraine in order to stimulate the quality of
innovative technologies in the educational system,
the introduction of certification of teaching staff,
which should be implemented by internships, self-
assessment, and study of practical experience.
Mechanisms for the development of
educational content and learning environments
Recognizing the global nature of the mechanism of
state management of the development of the
learning environment, we will limit ourselves to
highlighting only three of its important elements for
management: a mechanism for preserving the
health of students, a mechanism for supporting the
state language, a mechanism for managing
informatization in education.
Mechanism of educational policy
A course of action, adopted and by the government
or other organization, which defines the purpose,
methods, techniques, and basic programs used in
Mechanism of assessment
We are talking about systematic objective
monitoring to make new management decisions.
Authors’ development
Trends in the management of higher educational institutions in the context of
Major current trends in the management of educational institutions demonstrate a
situation in which the integrated management structure is gradually abandoning its
leading role and being replaced rather quickly by other alternative management models
(Das et al., 2021). In particular, even before the global pandemic and its associated
quarantine restrictions, educational institutions had strong arguments to pursue more
adaptive policies. Financial uncertainties, increased competition, and globalization
processes were becoming the basis for a significant renewal of management approaches
under rather changing conditions.
Many European educational institutions are now using strategic transformation programs,
responding to tangible changes in educational trends, funding policies and in order to
improve their own competitive academic advantages. Elasticity in organizational structure
has become a fundamental discontinuity in contemporary educational management
(Audu, 2022). Rather actively, theories of organizational flexibility began to be used as
early as the 1970s and 1980s, as part of more open management models (primarily
relevant to institutions of higher education).
The ability of organizations to introduce changes, to transform in accordance with the
challenges of external and internal environments is an important component -
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
organizational flexibility (Arifin, 2022). The flexibility of organizational structures is usually
demonstrated by the time dimension, scope, purposefulness, area of influence.
The tools of management of educational institutions in conditions of uncertainty (in the
case of Ukraine) must comply with the following principles:
1. Making managerial decisions in a timely manner and communicating them to
2. Comprehensive approach to the solution of crisis moments.
3. Differentiation in management of different structural parts of the institution.
4. Consistency of decisions at all levels.
5. Use of situational managerial staff appointments.
So, the main tools that influence the formation of organizational structures in the
educational sector of higher education in the current conditions are available in the
Ukrainian realities even during the war.
Approaches to Modern Management of Educational Institutions in universities
The management of educational institutions takes place with shared responsibility,
compliance with established standards, legislation, and other normative documents,
responsible work of academic staff and administration (Lvovich et al., 2021). Therefore,
the necessity and relevance of change is still tied to transformations in organizational
management structures, replacing firm bureaucratic subordination with the introduction
of autonomy of educational institutions. The effectiveness of organizational structures of
educational institutions depends on the integrated work of common structural units,
internal cooperation, opportunities to delegate authority, etc.
Recent trends in the management of educational institutions in European countries are
based on the use of the project approach as the main latest organizational structure
(Chaplay, 2018). The transfer of managerial rights in the educational field stands out in
such phenomena as the change of tasks, the importance of the head, and the tasks of
the managers. For the European project approach are inherent features of the gradual
transition from formalized structures, the application of new principles of distribution of
work tasks, the transfer of authority, the renewal of mechanisms of coordination within
the team. In particular, certain new specific tasks are outlined and defined in the form of
projects, the formation of universal responsibilities, etc. The project approach looks the
most suitable for use in the Ukrainian realities.
The implementation of the project approach leads to a thorough study of the external
environment, conducting market research in the market of the educational industry. The
use of such a management model largely depends on the contingent that the educational
institution is focused on (Jordan et al., 2022). Designing is directed to the formation of
renewed organizational relationships covering complex issues of labor organization,
production, or management. In other words, the use of organizational structure design,
Analysis of modern approaches to the management of educational institutions in conditions of digitization
(Ukrainian case) - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /89-100
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
the establishment of cooperation between individual units and subsystems require new
management solutions, which will be significantly different from those previously
established in Ukraine (Batareina & Korobchenko, 2022).
Coherent management of educational personnel at the level of educational institutions
cannot be accomplished without quality organizational design. For better management in
educational institutions, there should be a separate administrative unit - a special unit
whose task should be the organizational implementation of projects, constant monitoring,
and permanent improvement of the existing educational process (Asanova, 2020).
Without delving into the strategic details and tactics of the functioning of such a unit in the
management structure of educational institutions, let us define the main results of its
potential work, which are directly related to human resource management. In particular,
we define six main components (See Table 3)
Table 3.
The main components of the project approach in human resource management at an
educational institution
The main components of the project approach in human resource management at an
educational institution
1. Formation of professional-qualified and psycho-
physiological requirements to the personnel
Performed through the recruitment of a
professional recruiting service capable of attracting
specialists in their field to teach and administer.
2. Training and retraining services for personnel
The implementation of projects requires
employees to quickly adapt to new working
conditions, create new training programs, and
update the existing methodological base.
3. Personnel service
The implications of organizational design involve
the entire staff to find the greatest and most
effective ways to solve problems.
4. Decent wages
The results of the project tasks must become the
unit of payment.
5. Work discipline
The relationship between the organization of the
educational process and personnel management
requires discipline, control of which is delegated to
the human resources service.
6. Occupational health and safety care
The results of military design must necessarily take
into account the aspect of safety.
Developed by the authors of the article
So, the system of management of learners in a global pandemic had transformed by
COVID-19. For this reason, in education to improve the coordination and integration of
management decisions should be used to optimize the management structure based on
project management. The management model of higher education institutions has
operated for many years under conditions of vertical integration largely due to the need
for efficiency when the direct involvement of all participants in the educational process
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
was central to the activities of the institution. However, it is not difficult to see that the
project approach is best implemented in higher education and vocational education. The
structure of such institutions makes it possible to allocate additional human resources, to
make quick and high-quality updates to the educational process, and to respond to
today's challenges.
At the same time, Michael & Elser (2019) articulated patterns of other developmental
models. Among the key findings, they highlighted the dependence of educational
institutions on legislative and generally regulatory frameworks and the lack of one unified
approach. According to them, educational institutions must permanently adapt to the
changing conditions of today, and the initiative in management decisions must be based
on rigorous team decisions (Michael & Elser, 2019, 354). If this is not done,
competitiveness will have steep downward trends, with generally devastating
consequences for the quality of learning and overall educational performance.
The system-methodical approach to the management of educational institutions (as it is
seen at universities) and the education industry as a whole is based on the
implementation of a quantitative way to assess the workload of managers in the
administrative system, research and teaching staff, performers, support staff, etc. (Regla
& Marquez, 2020). In fact, proponents of the system-methodical approach in
management provide for the motivation of the economic need for a certain number of
employees, justifying their conclusions by taking into account the workload and functions
during the whole working day. Proponents of this approach pay special attention to the
qualitative method of transforming the methods of management bodies, first of all, the
managerial apparatus, methodological training centers, organizational and managerial
departments, executives, etc. (Guo et al., 2021). Also in their focus are the updated
functions concluded in accordance with the innovative requirements of social
development. Thus, the development of organizational tasks for the reorganization of the
management system of educational institutions will involve the transformation of
organizational work of management structures, where the emphasis will be on the
performance of current and regulated functions.
5. Conclusions
The management system of educational institutions is based on certain indicators that
determine, among other things, the quality of the educational services provided. Based
on this fundamental concept, the management system should cover all the main aspects
of educational management. It concerns the implementation of such components as
teaching, educational, organizational, methodological, extracurricular, financial,
economic, medical, etc. An important factor in organizing the management of educational
services is the formation of a unified information and educational space, which reveals
itself in operational, technological, and organizational planes. Under martial law in
Ukraine, trends towards Europeanization of the management of educational institutions
also prevail. In particular, the use of individual tools: timely decision-making and
implementation, integrated approach, differentiation, consistency of decisions, the use of
Analysis of modern approaches to the management of educational institutions in conditions of digitization
(Ukrainian case) - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /89-100
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
situational management appointments. The most promising in management looks project
approach, based on a comprehensive issue of the organization of labor, production, or
management, the use of designing the organizational structure, the establishment of
cooperation between individual units and subsystems.
At the same time, it should be remembered that military action brings chaos to the
management of educational institutions, so the effectiveness of any approach will need
to be tested in peacetime as well.
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Analysis of modern approaches to the management of educational institutions in conditions of digitization
(Ukrainian case) - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /89-100