Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Cómo citar:
Vasylieva, H., Pavlyuk, V., Bondar, G., Kharkova, Y., Кharchenko, T., & Shchukina, Y. (2022). Theoretical basis of the development
of the communicative competence of a teacher in an institution of higher education. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 101-116.
Theoretical basis of the development of the communicative
competence of a teacher in an institution of higher
Base teórica del desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa de un docente en una
institución de educación superior
Hanna Vasylieva
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Black Sea National University named after Petro
Mohyla, Ukraine.
Viktoriya Pavlyuk
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of Pavlo
Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Galyna Bondar
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of Pavlo
Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Ukraine.
Yevdokia Kharkova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Chair of Preschool and Primary Education, Sumy
State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
Тamara Кharchenko
Сandidate of Рsychological science, Associate Professor of the Department of the Logopedii Sumy State
Pedagogical University named after A S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
Yuliia Shchukina
Senior lecturer of the Theatre Studies Department, Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts,
Recibido: 02/11/22
Aceptado: 17/12/22
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
The article analyzes the current state of research on the problem of communicative
competence of the lexicographer in the scientific literature, and on this basis, the initial
theoretical foundations of the research are formulated; based on a theoretical analysis of
the essence, content and main characteristics of communicative competence, the main
methods, techniques, tools and technologies necessary for the formation of a teacher's
communicative competence were clarified; Pedagogical conditions are defined, which
ensure the effectiveness of the development of communicative competence of future
teachers in the process of self-control and self-improvement; the psychological conditions
for the development of the future teacher's communicative competence in the process of
self-control and self-improvement were investigated.
Keywords: higher education, education system, higher education, education system,
communicative competence, communications, cultural.
El artículo analiza el estado actual de la investigación sobre el problema de la
competencia comunicativa del lexicógrafo en la literatura científica, y en base a ello, se
formulan los fundamentos teóricos iniciales de la investigación; a partir de un análisis
teórico de la esencia, contenido y principales características de la competencia
comunicativa, se esclarecieron los principales métodos, técnicas, herramientas y
tecnologías necesarias para la formación de la competencia comunicativa de un docente;
Se definen condiciones pedagógicas que aseguren la efectividad del desarrollo de la
competencia comunicativa de los futuros docentes en el proceso de autocontrol y
superación; Se investigaron las condiciones psicológicas para el desarrollo de la
competencia comunicativa del futuro docente en el proceso de autocontrol y superación
Palabras clave: educación superior, sistema educativo, educación superior, sistema
educativo, competencia comunicativa, comunicaciones, cultural.
1. Introduction
Modern democratic transformations in the political, social and spiritual spheres of society
caused certain changes in the organization and content of the teacher's work, which
actualized the problem of increasing the professionalism of teaching staff.
Teachers' recognition of the peculiarities of their inner world through the organization of
interpersonal communication as part of psychological-pedagogical groups contributes to
the development of their communicative competence, which is adequate to the
requirements of today's pedagogical practice.
Theoretical basis of the development of the communicative competence of a teacher in an institution of higher
education - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /101-116
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
The study and analysis of the practical activities of teachers allows us to talk about the
presence of certain difficulties on the way to solving this problem, associated with
overcoming the contradictions between the new requirements for pedagogical work and
the professional level of graduates of a higher pedagogical school, between the need of
teachers for further professional development and the possibilities of traditional systems
of pedagogical qualification improvement.
Resolving these contradictions in practice is impossible without identifying the essential
characteristics of professionalism as a complex personal education, creating conditions
for its further improvement. As the analysis of modern achievements of pedagogical
science and advanced pedagogical experience showed, one of such characteristics is the
teacher's communicative culture, the role of which is increasing in connection with the
problems of humanizing the educational process of the school.
Undoubtedly, the attempts of scientists to determine the conditions and means of effective
influence on the formation of communicative competence as an important factor of
teacher professionalism are valuable in scientific and practical terms.
The object of the study is the process of forming the communicative competence of the
future teacher of the Ukrainian language.
The subject of the research is ways of developing the communicative competence of the
future teacher of the Ukrainian language in the process of self-control and self-
The purpose of the study: to reveal the essence of educational and methodological work
and the technology of its implementation to develop the communicative competence of
the future teacher of the Ukrainian language in the process of self-control and self-
The scientific novelty of the study consists in establishing the main methods, techniques,
means and ways of developing communicative competence in future teachers of the
Ukrainian language based on their reflective attitude towards themselves as subjects of
professional and pedagogical activity and developing in students the ability to differentiate
and adequately express their own feelings and psychoemotional states.
A complex of theoretical and empirical methods was used to solve the research tasks:
analysis and generalization of psychological-pedagogical, philosophical, methodical
literature and periodicals on the investigated problem;
prognostic methods (generalization of the experience of organizing school methodical
work, study and generalization of pedagogical experience, scaling, ranking);
pedagogical forecasting and modeling;
experimental methods (determining and formative experiment);
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
method of qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental data.
2. Literature review
The problems of professional training of university teachers were studied by such
scientists as V. Andrushchenko, M. Yevtukh, V. Oleksenko, V. Lozova, O. Moroz,
O. Padalka, O. Pehota, S. Sysoeva, and others. (Andrushchenko & Oleksenko, 2007)
A number of scientific works by H. Malik, O. Matyash, N. Machynska, V. Motorina,
O. Pometun, V. Petruk, O. Skafa, A. Khutorsky and other authors are devoted to the issue
of the development of the professional competence of the teacher in the conditions of
higher education. (Pometun, 2004).
The analysis of scientific works (N. Batechko, O. Dzhurinskyi, T. Koshmanova, L.
Pukhovska, K. Rybachuk, S. Sysoeva, etc.) showed that researchers reveal certain
aspects of social and communicative training future teachers of higher educational
institutions. (Sysoeva & Batechko, 2011).
However, questions regarding the technology of development of socio-communicative
competence future teachers of a higher school in the process of master's training needs
a separate one research. (Mancini, Mameli & Biolcati, 2022).
3. Aims
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the substantive and procedural a component
technology of the development of social-communicative competence of future teachers
of a higher school
4. Materials and methods
Research methods: theoretical: study and analysis of pedagogical, psychological,
philosophical, sociological literature on the problem of research, legislative and regulatory
documents; systematization, classification, terminological analysis, pedagogical
modeling, retrospective analysis, generalization of existing pedagogical experience;
empirical: pedagogical experiment; diagnostic methods (testing, conversation,
observation, questioning, self-assessment, self-analysis, mutual assessment),
professional activity motivation methodology, pedagogical interpretation of the research
5. Results
In the process of formation of skills, the relationship between knowledge and skills is of
fundamental importance. Knowledge is the basis of skill (theoretical positions that
contribute to the effectiveness of skill acquisition).
Theoretical basis of the development of the communicative competence of a teacher in an institution of higher
education - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /101-116
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
In the research I. Drach, substantiated the proposition that one of the most important
"internal conditions" that ensures the creation of the foundation of skills and contributes
to qualitative changes in their structure are abilities. Then, when knowledge provides the
construction of skills (internal models of activity) and act as initial theoretical positions in
making the most optimal decision in a new situation, abilities ensure the adaptation of
these models to changing conditions. The current state of development of psychological
and pedagogical research offers a wide range of definitions of the concept of "abilities"
and "pedagogical abilities" (Drach, 2013).
A number of scientists consider abilities in the context of human activity (B. Ananiev, O.
Leontiev, V. Myasishchev, K. Platonov, S. Rubinstein, L. Vygotsky, etc.). (Ananiev
B.,1962) In particular, believes that abilities are an integral formation of a personality,
which determines the degree of an individual's suitability for a certain activity. Defines
abilities as individual and psychological characteristics of a person that meet the
requirements of a given activity and are a condition for its successful performance.
Abilities and skills of an individual are part of the basis of its psychological characteristics.
Compared to knowledge, abilities and skills, abilities are more stable properties of an
individual and are formed much more slowly than abilities and skills. (Maslach & Leiter,
Skills and abilities are related to knowledge. A theoretical analysis of the problem of the
ratio of abilities and skills was carried out by researchers. Lack of adequate understanding
in accordance with its content causes inadequacy of purposefulness in the main, strategic
direction: formation and development of skills is strengthened by knowledge and practice
of skills. (Carroll, Forrest, Sanders-O’Connor, Flynn, Bower, Fynes-Clinton, Ziaei, 2022).
Among scientists, there are three main concepts regarding the ratio of abilities and skills:
1. Researchers, in particular, adhere to the point of view that skills are unfinished skills,
a stage of their creation. The skills mentioned by the scientists are characterized as a
stereotypical automated operation, which is necessary in the performance of those
elements of substantive actions that require accuracy, solidity of connections, and the
same typical actions (Gamage, Dehideniya & Ekanayake, 2021).
2. Skills compared to skills - higher education. The higher the skill level, the more
creativity is manifested in it, and the action, which is a skill, is patterned
(García-Carmona, Marín & Aguayo, 2019).
3. The ratio of abilities and skills is considered from the standpoint of the degree of
mastery in the performance of a certain type of activity: there is a distinction between
skills that "follow knowledge" and skills that reveal one or another degree of mastery
that follows the stage of skill development.
Special signs of skill are: high level of awareness, independence in solving tasks that
arise in the process of performing a certain type of activity; complexity and complexity,
fusion of mental and practical actions, purposefulness, stability and strength. Skills are
automated actions, components of a certain type of activity.
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
In view of the above, we consider communication skills as one of the types of professional
skills of a teacher. Based on the results of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical
research we came to the conclusion that pedagogical communication is provided by a
system of communicative skills that a teacher must master. A well-known specialist in the
field of communication psychology. Believes that professional communication skills
should include: speech communication; orientation in the interlocutor, i.e. modeling his
communicatively important personality features; orientation in the conditions of a
communicative task (choose the content of communication correctly, find adequate
means to convey this content, plan your speech, provide feedback); self-presentation
(self-representation), the motives of which are self-assertion and professional necessity,
mastery of non-verbal means of communication; establishing contact. In his works on the
problem of the teacher's communication with the audience, O. O. Leontiev deepens the
essential characteristics of such communicative skills as professional contact with the
audience, speech influence, non-verbal means of communication. (Carroll, Forrest,
Sanders-O’Connor, Flynn, Bower, Fynes-Clinton & Ziaei, 2022).
According a teacher should stand out, first of all, with strong-willed qualities (the ability to
control one's behavior); qualities of attention (observability, flexibility (switching), etc.);
social perception skills, the ability to understand, not just see (adequately model the
student's personality, his mental state); skills to "present" oneself in communication with
students; the ability to optimally construct one's speech in a mental way (speech and non-
speech contact with students). The ommunicative skills of a teacher are considered in
line with the scientific views. The communicative task of defines as: the ability to quickly
and correctly navigate in the conditions of communication, the ability to correctly plan
one's speech (that is, to choose the content of the act of communication), to find adequate
means to convey this content, to provide feedback. So, for example, in order to achieve
the goal of communication, according, it is necessary: to have an optimal pace of speech;
use gestures adequately to the communication situation; to provide facial movement;
make up, find and change topics of conversation; establish contacts with a stranger and
skillfully end communication. An attempt to substantiate the list of communicative skills of
a teacher. (Keller & Kesberg, 2017).
The researcher emphasizes that for the implementation of a holistic pedagogical process,
it is necessary:
the teacher's ability to communicate in public; the ability to purposefully organize
communication and manage it;
the ability to quickly, efficiently and correctly navigate in changing communication
correctly plan and implement the communication system, in particular, its important
link - speech influence;
quickly and accurately find communicative means adequate to the content of the act
of communication, which at the same time correspond to the creative individuality of
Theoretical basis of the development of the communicative competence of a teacher in an institution of higher
education - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /101-116
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
the teacher and the communication situation, as well as the individual characteristics
of the student;
the ability to constantly feel and maintain feedback in communication.
A comparison and analysis of the essential characteristics of the studied skills allow us to
identify certain groups of them that require further study, namely:
speech communication, the ability to optimally structure one's speech psychologically,
speech influence;
mastery of non-verbal means of communication;
orientation in the interlocutor, qualities of attention, adequate modeling of the student's
personality, social perception;
volitional qualities, that is, the ability to control one's behavior;
communication in public;
creative well-being;
orientation in the conditions of communication, orientation in the communication
purposeful organization of communication and its management, proper planning and
implementation of the communication system, quick and accurate finding of adequate
content of the act of communication of communicative means;
winning the initiative;
organization of "adaptations";
professional contact;
sensing and maintaining feedback in communication.
The definition of the essential characteristics of the ability of speech communication,
which is distinguished by A. Bravo and N. Buenaflor, should be connected with the
analysis of the studies of J. Baloloy, L. Guarte, A. Osinaga, A. Salartin & Tus, J. Let's pay
attention to the fact that J. Baloloy and A. Bravo characterize the ability to possess non-
verbal means of communication only in general terms. (Bravo, Buenaflor, Baloloy, Guarte,
Osinaga, Salartin & Tus, 2021).
Therefore, we believe that the definition of the structure of these skills as a teacher's
communicative skills should be connected with the results of the research. In the system
of communicative skills of the teacher, as emphasizes, it is necessary to introduce the
ability to possess professional and pedagogical attention, studied this skill.
(Freudenberger, 1975).
In each group of communicative skills, we distinguish those of them that include other
skills and ensure the implementation of pedagogical communication components. We
consider this approach to determining the elements of the communicative skills system
as a result of understanding the submitted materials from the researched problem. Note
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
that each communicative skill receives the name that is most successfully substantiated
in relevant scientific research. In view of the above, we emphasize that we consider
communication skills as a type of teacher's professional skills that ensure the
implementation of the components of pedagogical communication. Understanding the
results of the analysis of the researches ofallows to establish the elements of the system
of communicative skills, which include:
speech verbal communication;
mastery of non-verbal (non-verbal) means, professional and pedagogical attention,
social perception;
orientation in the communication situation; creating a creative sense of well-being;
establishing and maintaining feedback in communication;
use of "devices";
winning the initiative;
construction and implementation of a communication plan;
possession of pedagogical contact.
6. Discussion
So, based on the analysis of modern domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical
literature, we came to the conclusion that the problem of communication skills
development was given considerable attention. It was considered multifaceted and
ambiguous. Comprehension of the research results of scientists' works allows one to
characterize communicative skills as a structural component of the teacher's personality,
which determines the possibility of interaction in the "subject-subject" plane.
Communicative skills as a personality phenomenon belong to the blowing activity, are
formed and developed in it.
One of the priority ways to modernize pedagogical education is improving the quality of
fundamental, psychological-pedagogical, methodical, information-technological and
practical training of future teachers.
The concept of national education, the National Doctrine of Education Development, the
Law of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education". The state program "Teacher"
define new strategies for training future teachers. These approaches are aimed at the
formation and development of an active, creative personality capable of self-development
and self-education, based on strong personal spiritual and moral values.
Mastering by future teachers the abilities and skills to carry out self-education and self-
improvement requires the search for new methods, methods, means and forms of
education and upbringing, which would be able to ensure the formation of "spiritual
abilities of students as dominant and decisive for the development of the human value
system" (Jiang & Dong, 2017).
Theoretical basis of the development of the communicative competence of a teacher in an institution of higher
education - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /101-116
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Therefore, the problem of theoretical and methodological support of the process of value
determination of personal self-improvement of students of higher pedagogical
educational institutions arises.
Self-improvement as a social process is based on the requirements of society and the
profession to the personality of a specialist. Moreover, the requirements for a specialist
must be higher than the capabilities of a student. Another important prerequisite for the
process of self-improvement is the future specialist's attitude to the requirements. Of
course, if he is indifferent to them, there is no question of personality development. It is
necessary to form the student's self-awareness as a creative professional. The content
of such training is based, first of all, on a humanistic understanding of the tasks of
professional activity, the desired qualities of a person, in particular, his professional
consciousness and thinking, creative active actions within the framework of the assigned
The structure of the self-improvement process consists of 4 stages:
self-awareness and decision-making to carry out the process of self-improvement;
planning and developing a self-improvement program;
direct practical activity to implement the assigned tasks related to work on oneself;
self-control and self-correction of this activity.
Professional self-improvement of the future teacher is carried out through self-education,
active participation in various methodical activities held in the educational institution or in
the district, city, and self-education.
A philologist student must be able to (functional function): adequately assess one's own
level of professional competence, real opportunities, professional and personal needs
and requests; to create one's own positive and harmonious "self-concept" that combines
European and national identity, self-esteem, self-respect and self-development, to have
a stable system of motives and socialization needs; adapt to constant changes, act
actively and creatively; independently systematically work on one's own professional and
personal development, raising cultural and educational levels, updating and expanding
theoretical knowledge and methodical skills; to form professional thinking, which involves
the ability to solve strategic and tactical tasks, to carry out a systematic analysis of
pedagogical processes, to model and forecast the educational process; to carry out at a
high scientific and methodical level teaching of language and literature, high-quality
preparation of children for secondary school; competently and professionally carry out
design and construction (planning), analytical and prognostic, procedural activities at the
technological level; to ensure the effectiveness and quality of the educational process,
using active learning technologies; to possess methods and forms of organization of pre-
professional and professional education, methods of stimulating creative activity of
students of different ages on the basis of competence-oriented and differentiated,
communicative-activity and socio-cultural approaches; to change the components of the
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
pedagogical system - content, teaching methods, educational technologies, system of
relations - in accordance with the innovative challenges of society and education in order
to improve the educational process; to move from reproductive, knowledge to creative -
active, problem-oriented, experimental and innovative activity; conduct research and
experimental activities using innovative technologies; build a hypothetical model of a
graduate of a comprehensive educational institution with a choice of methods and
technologies of language and literature education; in the conditions of pre-professional
training, form a student's portfolio, which includes an assessment of the student's
personal achievements (individual trajectory of the child's development), the level of
mastery of knowledge, relevant skills, difficulties in learning the educational material,
prospects for further work; to contribute to the student's determination of his perspective
and the construction of a trajectory of personal spiritual-artistic, language-literary growth;
to organize in language and literature lessons and extracurricular activities the process
of students' active and independent acquisition of knowledge and the formation of
abilities, skills and attitudes, their mastery of communicative, intellectual, creative
competences (language) and intellectual, personal, communicative, reflective, activity,
creative, emotional (from literature); choose effective, competent, personally oriented
learning technologies for the implementation of the goal, tasks, lesson strategy; simulate
interactive lessons or fragments of lessons using active learning technologies, an activity
approach, taking into account the principle of conformity to nature; by using an interactive
didactic system, create a folder for group work, which will include instructions, an
algorithm of schoolchildren's activities regarding the assimilation of each technology,
questions for reflection, samples of children's works in written or printed form, video
materials, photos of the components of the educational process, etc.; to possess various
forms of knowledge control and accounting, methods of developing students' creative
abilities in language and literature lessons; to develop methodical manuals , didactic
materials, manuals and reference books for language and literature students; create
didactic and methodical materials using multimedia work programs, a text editor, and a
spreadsheet; apply various forms of test tasks with a corrective, control, and evaluation
purpose; to possess the content and teaching methods that will contribute to the
development of innovative education models, the development of skills and abilities to
implement certain ideas; to carry out an analysis of modern trends in the development of
the education system and ensure their consideration in daily professional activity;
possess critical thinking, be independent in judgment and autonomous in the process of
learning and professional and personal activities; to improve the content of curricula,
programs depending on the requirements of society and education; to enrich the
methodological arsenal by studying the work done on this or that issue and developing
innovative methods and technologies; to develop social and cultural values of education;
to carry out one's own assessment of individual and personal informational, activity,
creative, developmental functions, to be aware of the level of professional competence
and pedagogical skill; adequately diagnose, comprehensively interpret one's own
experience, determine the level of its productivity according to modern educational
standards, analyze the context of difficulties and problems; to highlight the priority
directions of professional and personal self-development and self-improvement and tasks
that the lexicographer will solve in the near and future perspective, focusing on the needs
Theoretical basis of the development of the communicative competence of a teacher in an institution of higher
education - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /101-116
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
of practice and own ideas; model the educational trajectory of individual-personal
professional development (the program of individual-personal movement) based on
motivational determinants at all stages of the inter-attestation cycle (Adedoyin & Soykan,
A lexicographer must possess the skills and attitudes to (creative function): acme-oriented
continuous self-creation, self-development, self-improvement and self-realization, raising
the professional-specialist and individual-personal level throughout life; methodical
mobility and an updated way of thinking; systematic application of competency-based,
person-oriented technology in the educational process; creation of a facilitative format of
educational activity, cooperation; analysis and reflection of professional activity;
innovativeness and adaptability; critical thinking; axiological, that is, building a system of
values taking into account personal requests, norms of the situation and aesthetic
preferences for the formation of spiritual and value orientations of students; referentiality,
empathetic culture, etc.
Achieving these tasks takes place systematically, during three stages within the
framework of value-semantic, theoretical and practical directions, each of which is
subordinated to its own tasks, content and methods. The final result is the formed need
for personal self-improvement in the future teacher, and, therefore, the basis of
professional communicative competence.
Thus, the value-semantic direction of the educational and educational influence involves
the formation of the semantic foundations of the student's activity. We identified the
formation of a system of value orientations and strengthening of the internal motivation
for personal self-improvement of future teachers as the leading tasks of this direction.
The content of the indicated direction is the acquisition of experience of a positive attitude
to personal self-improvement, which is realized in the process of mastering psychological
and pedagogical disciplines, participation in various educational activities and specially
organized independent work during the pedagogical practice of students at school.
The special course "Fundamentals of personal growth" can become an organizational
form of the value-meaning direction, the purpose of which is the formation of the personal
meaning of students, the involvement of their internal intellectual resources. In particular,
the study of the special course involves learning such concepts as self-actualization, self-
worth, self-acceptance, self-knowledge, self-evaluation, self-respect, success, positive
thinking, self-concept, self-regulation, self-improvement, communication and reflection.
The methods that ensure positive changes in students' motivation are: formation of value
consciousness (value-oriented lectures, conversations and debates devoted to the
analysis of interpersonal problems in the team, methods of resolving conflict situations);
creation of situations of success, situations of personal choice, discussion of specific life
situations, as well as actual scientific problems.
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
The theoretical direction of educational influence is aimed at the development of students'
erudition. Its tasks are: enrichment of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and
development of pedagogical self-awareness and thinking, which involves mastering
knowledge about the essence, content, features and methods of personal growth of the
future teacher; awareness of universal, national, civic, environmental, family, and
personal development values; mechanisms of using the formation of value orientations
of the individual; acquiring knowledge and self-assessment skills of one's own aspirations,
qualities and capabilities (Jarmas & Raed, 2018).
The basis of the content of the theoretical direction is the activation of the student's
cognitive activity in the field of his self-improvement, which is reflected in the active,
purposeful acquisition of knowledge about the goal, tasks, means, mechanisms and
patterns of the teacher's personal self-improvement. This content is partially presented in
courses on pedagogy and psychology. One of the forms of implementation of the
specified content can be the integrated course "Axiological foundations of personal
development", which provides students with basic psychological and pedagogical
training, theoretical knowledge for consciously managing their development, helps them
find, realize and accept goals, a program, learn practical techniques of their spiritual
growth. The goal of the course was the formation of a valuable attitude to self-
improvement based on deepening knowledge of axiology.
Various methods are used to implement the tasks and content of the theoretical direction,
in particular: verbal; partially searchable; methods of stimulating interest in learning;
methods of consciousness formation; methods of social and psychological training
(Grant, 2013).
The practical direction is aimed at the development of the behavioral sphere of students.
Its main tasks are: the development of life's focus on personal self-improvement, in
particular, the development of self-education, self-education and organizational and
creative skills, willpower and creativity; strengthening of communicative activity.
The content of the specified direction is the acquisition of experience in the application of
skills and self-improvement skills, as well as activities in active pedagogical
communication. This content is implemented in workshops and methodical
recommendations aimed at developing the necessary skills and abilities in the field of
personal self-improvement (Cuervo-Carabel, Martínez, Arce Garcia & Fernandez, 2018).
The main organizational form is the pedagogical practice of students, since it is in the
practical activity that one tests oneself as a teacher, comprehends one's own capabilities,
develops self-analysis skills, realizes the priority areas of self-improvement, and enriches
the experience of professional activity.
In order to strengthen the formative influences, the target orientations of practice
determine the formation of students' need for personal self-improvement based on the
activation of their subject position. The tasks of pedagogical practice are: development of
Theoretical basis of the development of the communicative competence of a teacher in an institution of higher
education - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /101-116
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of self-education, self-education and self-
management; strengthening of own communicative activity.
The leading methods of the practical direction of educational influences are: practical
methods of teaching; methods of organizing activities; stimulation methods; methods of
social and psychological training, etc.
The implementation of the proposed methodological system involves the gradual
complication of the goals and tasks of each stage, the deepening of the content, the
increase in the volume of the learned educational material and the increase in the level
of its processing (from reproductive to creative), the growth of independence and creative
activity of students during the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities,
thanks to why a certain sequence of pedagogical influences and stability and strength of
formed personal formations is achieved.
And precisely thanks to the implementation of the proposed methodical system for the
formation and development of processes of self-control and self-improvement of the
professional competence of a philology student in the future, the best foundations for self-
development will emerge for him, in particular in the direction of communicative
A survey was conducted in November 2021 to improve the qualifications of future
teachers of the Ukrainian language in order to develop their communicative competence
and ability to self-control and self-improvement (Barni, Danioni & Benevene, 2019).
Disadvantages of oral communication:
using inappropriate words to communicate;
the possibility of omitting in the reported material details;
there is a high probability of forgetting the information heard by the listener;
distortion of the message during its further transmission.
Sometimes there are cases when students complain that they know and understand the
material well, but they cannot explain it. The case with the difficulties of the birth of
thought, associated with insufficient language training of students. The processes of
understanding, assimilation and deepening of knowledge depend on it. Thinking activity
is mainly carried out by means of language, therefore, the lack of language training, which
is observed in some college students, creates difficulties in the linguistic design of
thought, which negatively affects the quality of their educational activity (Arvidsson, Leo,
Larsson, Håkansson, Persson & Björk, 2019). In the conditions of human communication,
quite specific communication barriers may arise. They are not related to vulnerabilities in
any channel or communication with coding and decoding errors, but are of a social or
psychological nature. On the one hand, such barriers may arise due to the fact that there
is no understanding of the communication situation, caused not just by the different
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
language spoken by the participants of the communicative process, but by deeper
differences. These can be social, political, religious, professional differences, which not
only give rise to different interpretations of the same concepts used in the process of
communication, but also generally different worldviews, worldviews, worldviews. Barriers
of this kind are caused by objective social reasons, the affiliation of communication
partners to different social groups, and when they appear, the effect of communication in
a wider system of social relations is especially clear. Communication in this case
demonstrates its characteristic that it is only a side of communication. On the other hand,
communication barriers can have a more purely psychological nature (Borle, Reichel,
Niebuhr & Voelter-Mahlknecht, 2021). They can either arise as a result of individual
psychological features of the people communicating, or due to the special kind of
psychological relations formed between the people communicating: hostility towards each
other, mistrust, etc. In this case, the connection that exists between communication and
relation is particularly clear, which is naturally absent in cybernetic systems. All this allows
us to raise the issue of communication training in a very special way, for example, in the
context of social and psychological training, the improvement of society is impossible
without self-education of each individual, an important means of which is self-control.
Formation of the ability to self-control emotions and activities can become one of the
conditions for increasing the effectiveness of education and education of a modern
personality. Recently, the problem of self-control is increasingly becoming the subject of
psychological and pedagogical research. However, these studies are mainly devoted to
the problem of self-control in work and sports. The issue of self-control of adolescents in
extracurricular work has not been given enough attention. Having reviewed the
psychological and pedagogical literature known to us, we came to the conclusion that the
research was conducted with a certain conditional periodization.
7. Conclusions
Summarizing, we note that the article presents the essence of the technology for the
development of social and communicative competence of future teachers of a higher
school, which is a set of methods, techniques and teaching tools, forms of control and
correction, which are gradually (conceptual, motivational-stimulating, content-procedural,
practical, diagnostic-resultative) introduced into the educational process of a higher
educational institution, ensure the self-realization of students in various types of social
and communicative activities and guarantee the achievement of the final result - the
development of social - communicative competence of future higher education teachers.
One of the most effective means of increasing a teacher's professional competence is
self-education. Professional self-education of a teacher is a conscious activity to improve
one's personality as a specialist: adapting one's individual unique qualities to the
requirements of pedagogical activity, constantly improving professional competence and
continuously improving the qualities of one's personality. And since it is much more
difficult to teach oneself than someone else, it involves methodical support. It should be
multi-level and necessarily gradual.
Theoretical basis of the development of the communicative competence of a teacher in an institution of higher
education - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. /101-116
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
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