Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
Cómo citar:
Zhytomyrska, T., Zrybnieva, I., Romaniuk, N., Havrysh, I., & Gorditsa, T. (2022). Marketing technologies in educational
management: current problems. Revista Eduweb, 16(4), 141-152.
Marketing technologies in educational management:
current problems
Tecnologías de marketing en la gestión educativa: problemas actuales
Tetiana Zhytomyrska
Department of General Scientific Disciplines of the Danube Institute of the National University "Odessa
Maritime Academy", Odessa, Ukraine.
Iryna Zrybnieva
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing, Innovation and Regional Development Department,
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University: Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Nadiia Romaniuk
PhD of Economics, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Innovation and Regional Development Department,
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University: Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Iryna Havrysh
PhD of Economics, Assistant Professor of Marketing, Innovation and Regional Development Department,
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University: Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Tetyana Gorditsa
PhD of Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing, Innovation and Regional Development Department,
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University: Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
Recibido: 02/11/22
Aceptado: 20/12/22
The article considers in detail the possibilities and significance of marketing technologies
for additional education programs as the most flexible and adaptive component of the
educational process. Moreover, additional education programs are the most market-
Also at this stage, we have developed the structure of the e-mail message about ongoing
additional educational programs in order to promote them, and on its basis, we have
prepared an example of a letter for e-mail informational and educational mailing using
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
techniques to attract the attention of the addressee in order to promote additional
educational programs.
The content of the letter was also formed for students of the electronic course "Education
Marketing", sent out in order to monitor the educational process.
Keywords: higher education, education system, marketing technologies, computer
El artículo considera en detalle las posibilidades y la importancia de las tecnologías de
marketing para programas educativos adicionales como el componente más flexible y
adaptativo del proceso educativo. Además, los programas de educación adicionales son
los más definidos por el mercado.
También en esta etapa, hemos desarrollado la estructura del mensaje de correo
electrónico sobre los programas educativos adicionales en curso con el fin de
promoverlos y, sobre esta base, hemos preparado un ejemplo de carta para correo
electrónico informativo y educativo utilizando técnicas para atraer la atención del
destinatario con el fin de promover programas educativos adicionales.
También se formó el contenido de la carta para los alumnos del curso electrónico
"Marketing de la Educación", enviada con el fin de acompañar el proceso educativo.
Palabras clave: educación superior, sistema educativo, tecnologías de marketing,
tecnología informática.
1. Introduction
At present, consumer orientation is a key principle and the main target setting for the
activities of educational organizations. Practically all educational organizations, to a
greater or lesser extent, become participants in market interaction, which involves the
search for new approaches to management teaching staff and the formation of a product
offer in the form of educational programs (basic and additional). The main mechanisms
of market organization cannot but capture the education industry, therefore, it is natural
to raise the issue of transferring innovative market mechanisms to the field of adult
education (Kirkwood & Price, 2013). This actualizes the use of the marketing approach
as the leading approach to the formation of a market offer in the form of basic and
additional educational services.
Educational services are services provided in the course of educational activities, the
result of which is the achievement by citizens a certain level of education and training.
With this approach, the definitions of educational services are relevant, which understand
educational services as “a set of such services that are directly related to the
implementation of the main goals of education, the implementation of its mission”, “a
Marketing technologies in educational management: current problems - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16,
n.4. /141-152
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
system of knowledge, information, skills and abilities that are used to meet the many-
sided needs of a person, society and the state (Bao, 2020).
In addition to the identified characteristics of services, as such, and the features of
educational services manifested in connection with them, as well as the well-known
aspect of the seasonality of educational services, the latter are characterized by a number
of significant differences (Kopcha et al., 2016; Subhash & Cudney, 2018). This is the high
cost of educational services (as well as scientific and other intellectual toilet services); the
relative duration of their execution (rendering); the delay in identifying performance and
the dependence of results on the conditions of future work and life of the student; the
need for further support services; the dependence of the acceptability of services on the
place of their provision and the place of residence of potential students, etc. (Goudeau et
al., 2021).
2. Literature review
World scientists and specialists in the field of education management are investigating a
wide range of issues related to the development of education. Development problems
were studied most thoroughly educational institution Goudeau, Kopcha, Subhash,
Cudney, Bao. The problems of creating new opportunities and innovative approaches to
the organization of the educational process and its management in domestic science are
investigated by Kirkwood, Price, Zhang, Dang, Graham, Raven and others.
A lot of attention is paid to the problems of the development of private higher educational
institutions in Ukraine, specialists are interested in the areas improvement of educational
technologies as a tool for the development of the educational process, directions for
updating the content and forms of training of pedagogical workers, improving the quality
of education through the development of a network of private schools; increasing the role
and competences of heads of educational institutions, the application of an
anthroposocial approach to school management, problems management of financing of
private schools, problems of management of education of territorial communities.
However, the issue of developing marketing strategies for the management of private
educational institutions has not received sufficient coverage to date.
3. Aims
The purpose of the article is to study the possibility and significance of marketing
technologies for additional education programs as the most flexible and adaptive
component of the educational process.
4. Materials and methods
Research methods: theoretical: study and analysis of pedagogical, psychological,
philosophical, sociological literature on the problem of research, legislative and regulatory
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
documents; systematization, classification, terminological analysis, pedagogical
modeling, retrospective analysis, generalization of existing pedagogical experience;
empirical: pedagogical experiment; diagnostic methods (testing, conversation,
observation, questioning, self-assessment, self-analysis, mutual assessment),
professional activity motivation methodology, pedagogical interpretation of the research
5. Results
One of the most dynamically developing types of additional professional education is in-
house training.
There is a direct relationship between the level of readiness of the teaching staff of an
educational organization and the level of its achievements as a market-oriented one.
The introduction of a system of intra-organizational training to ensure the implementation
of the organization's development strategy, taking into account the internal environment
and the market situation in which it is located, aimed at intra-school interaction and
interaction with the external environment of a general educational organization, will allow
the formation of an organizational culture of an educational organization that provides
high quality training, including through the use of marketing technologies in the
educational process and in management (Zhang et al, 2021).
In studies on pedagogy, psychology, and management, such an important characteristic
of a modern organization as competence has been highlighted, and scientists have
introduced the concept of “competent organization”, the leading characteristic of which is
the competence of all its employees in regularly solving problems, acquiring and
mastering new knowledge reported by consumers, members organizations to each other,
their effective distribution within the organization due to continuous learning based on
their own experience and the experience of others (Dang et al., 2016). Also, one of the
tasks of intra-organizational learning is not only the formation of general organizational
knowledge, but also the development of organizational culture.
A special role in the management of a modern educational organization belongs to the
readiness and ability of the teaching staff to use marketing technologies. In many ways,
this affects how competently the promotion policy will be managed and how much each
employee of the educational organization is involved in the process of marketing
The concept of "marketing technology" is multidimensional and has its own meaning for
various researchers.
Marketing technologies are a set of stages, operations, techniques and actions necessary
for the implementation of marketing decisions. At the same time, the stage is a separate
part of the marketing technology that provides the solution of several tasks and combines
Marketing technologies in educational management: current problems - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16,
n.4. /141-152
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
a certain number of operations. An operation is a separate part of a technological stage,
designed to solve one problem and consisting of techniques. Acceptance is a part of the
operation, which is a certain step on the way to its implementation. Action - the minimum
part of the reception: certain physical, intellectual, information movements (Graham,
Considering the promotion policy in a managerial context, it should be noted that a
modern educational organization is an open system, actively interacting with the external
environment and responding to its changes. No matter how informative and
technologically advanced the proposed educational product is, if no one knows about it,
it means that it does not exist for the market, since global and sectoral market
development trends such as globalization and informatization form a new type of
consumer, ready for dialogue and an abundance of information, making decisions based
on the analysis of available data and experience. Including decisions related to the choice
of educational services. In this regard, the management of an educational organization
presupposes its readiness to implement an active communication policy that corresponds
to their strategy, mission and tasks and is accessible to both real and potential consumers
of educational services. In marketing theory, "the communicative process is usually
considered as an interactive dialogue between companies and their consumers, carried
out at the stages of preparation for the sale, the sale itself, the purchase of goods and
further disposal."
Communication is a two-way process in which the sender and recipient of the message
act in the context of their respective value orientations, their relationships and the social
situation. In this way, the author once again emphasizes the interactivity and conditioning
of the communication process.
In our opinion, "marketing communications is a specially designed and managed process
of information exchange between various market entities in order to achieve mutual
understanding." In his definition, the author focuses on the subject - the subjective
interaction of participants in the process of marketing communications.
Classical model of marketing communication involves the need to identify the qualitative
characteristics of its target audience and quantify them; determine the desired response
(including number and in quantitative terms); choose the method of circulation (content
and nature of information, advertising arguments); determine the requirements and
wishes for modes and the form of presentation of information, comparing them with the
properties and capabilities of the available means of its dissemination; determine the
method of distribution and media; select properties that characterize the source of the
call; collect and analyze information coming through feedback channels.
In order to see the interdependence of such concepts as "marketing communications"
and "promotion", let's consider the essence of the second term.
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
It is commonly understood that promotion is any form of dissemination of messages used
by an organization to inform, persuade or remind people of its products, services and
images, ideas for social action or impact on society, as well as creating consumer and
society loyalty to this organization.
Distribution or promotion of educational services is the process by which an educational
institution makes its programs and services available to its target markets.
There are two types of promotion goals: economic and non-economic. The economic
goals of promotion include: attracting sponsors; increase in demand for additional
educational services; receiving grants, etc. The non-economic goals of promotion include:
building the image of an educational institution and raising its status; formation of loyalty
to the educational institution and its services; increase or maintain market share; ensuring
a leadership position in the market of educational services; development of new markets
or segments; creating an image of the services offered by the educational institution in
accordance with the development strategy of the educational institution (prestige, low
prices, innovation, etc.); retain existing and attract potential customers; detailed
information about the parameters of the services offered, an explanation of their specifics,
features of the educational process; ensuring recognition of new services; formation of
loyalty to existing educational services; creation of enthusiasm and emotional attitude
towards the educational institution among the participants of communications; formation
of a competitive advantage of an educational institution, etc.
Let us dwell in more detail on each of the types of promotion, which include: advertising,
PR, promotion, sponsorship, branding.
Advertising is one of the most commonly used types of promotion. “Advertising is
information disseminated in any form, by any means about an educational institution, its
educational services, which is intended for an indefinite circle of people and is designed
to generate or maintain interest in this educational institution and its educational services”.
An important condition for the effectiveness of advertising impact is the correct choice of
advertising media and advertising media.
The most common types of advertising media are:
acoustic means of advertising - the idea of implementing an advertising message is
related to the transmission of impact through the recipient's hearing. Examples of such
an appeal can be: intra-school radio, audio clips used during city, regional and intra-
school events, school news, personal advertising appeal to the audience (the
advantages of this type of advertising medium are the speed and low cost of
production, the ability to create emotional images by adding musical background,
creating emotionally colored images.
obvious disadvantages include the impossibility of transmitting a large amount of
information and a limited number of repetitions);
Marketing technologies in educational management: current problems - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16,
n.4. /141-152
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
graphic means of advertising - the idea of embodiing an advertising message is
associated with the transmission of impact using a static image, usually accompanied
by textual information.
Public relations (PR) is a communication policy tool that uses various forms of
communication aimed at identifying common ideas or interests, maintaining friendly
relations between the organization and the public, achieving mutual understanding based
on truth, knowledge and complete awareness.
PR-activity is a set of activities carried out by an organization in order to establish and
maintain good relationships with target and reference groups, increasing the positive
awareness of the company, developing the image, eliminating negative attitudes,
lobbying their interests, improving internal connections, formation of organizational
culture. PR activity, unlike advertising, combines the placement of paid custom-made
information about the company in the media with the formation of informational occasions
with their subsequent provision to the media.
Advertising and PR can be implemented through the same distribution channels, while
they perform different functions. Let's compare advertising and PR according to the
following criteria: the nature of the activity, the tasks of communication and the period for
solving problems.
Stimulation is a communication policy tool, which is a system of incentive measures and
techniques, which are usually short-term in nature and aimed at encouraging the
purchase or sale of goods. The main characteristics of stimulation as a tool of marketing
communications are additional motivation, information content, speed, unobtrusiveness,
stimulation of action.
Direct marketing is an interactive marketing system that uses one or more means of
communication to generate a specific response and/or contract for training in any region.
Direct marketing is the fastest growing promotional tool because it provides consumers
with convenience, efficiency and reduction in the time required to make a decision. The
main direct marketing tools are: database; personal selling; telephone marketing; direct
mail; email marketing.
Sponsorship is a type of promotion based on the cooperation of two or more
organizations, which is the financing by participants (sponsors) of certain advertising PR
or other projects in exchange for the promotion of their goods or services by sponsored
organizations. Emphasis on the commercial nature of sponsorship, defines this concept
as "a business relationship between those who provide funds, resources or services and
an individual or organization offering in return certain rights and partnerships that bring
commercial benefits.
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
The stages of implementation of the marketing technology for promoting the provided
product are as follows:
analysis of the current state of the product promotion process;
development of the main idea of the information message transmitted to the consumer
of the product;
preparation of information means for the transmission of an information message;
practical implementation of the developed marketing promotion technology;
evaluation of the effectiveness of the complex of measures taken.
Speaking about the criteria for the effectiveness of promotion marketing technology, it
should be noted that they are largely determined by the features of the provided product
organization. However, for an educational organization, the result is most often expressed
in customer satisfaction and commitment.
One of the current trends is the dynamism of the increase in the volume of information
and, accordingly, the lagging behind the ability of a person to adapt to changes in the
world around him and to the pace of these changes.
The widespread use of information and communication technologies has created the
prerequisites for the active use of remote support for educational services. The use of
electronic content in teaching mobilizes the educational process, providing information
support and making it the most accessible for students, which can also become a key
competitive advantage of additional educational programs in the external environment.
A variety of means are widely used in the distance learning system: electronic
publications, computer training systems in conventional and multimedia versions,
computer networks, etc.
Currently, among computer learning systems, the distance learning system Moodle
(modular object-oriented dynamic control environment) has gained particular popularity.
The Moodle system is designed to design training courses on-line to create a virtual
educational environment, including a set of tools for developing distance courses,
providing the ability to remotely control learning.
Distance learning uses computer networks in the mode of remote databases, including
the Internet, electronic conferences and e-mail. Modern e-mail allows you to send
electronic messages to an addressee in a matter of seconds, which may be at a
considerable distance from the sender (Harris & Nikitenko, 2014). E-mail capabilities can
be used as a means of mass mailing messages, or sending several messages to one
addressee at once. Simplicity and ease of use of e-mail, high reliability of message
delivery are indisputable advantages of its use.
Marketing technologies in educational management: current problems - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16,
n.4. /141-152
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
In addition to text messaging, modern e-mail also provides the ability to send and receive
graphic materials, sound and video files, text documents, etc. Currently, such an e-mail
service as storing files on the Internet (for example, Google Drive) and editing them on-
line is gaining popularity, mobilizing the process of changing transferring documents,
making them available on any computer devices connected to the Internet (Graham,
Let us consider the features of using the marketing technology "Direct-mail" in the
promotion of additional educational services and clarify the criteria for its effectiveness
(Raven & Park, 2015).
"Direct-mail" is a direct address mailing by mail (including by e-mail), in social networks,
through specialized Internet information channels, etc. Its main advantages include the
appeal to target groups that lend themselves to classification and division;
personal appeal to a specific client;
addressing the addressee will remain secret from competitors;
unlimited amount of advertising;
the possibility of constant contact with the client.
The use of email newsletters is effectively used for promotion additional educational
services. Through electronic mailing, information about the features of additional
educational programs provided by educational institutions, their advantages is delivered
to the target consumer of educational services. For students, e-mailing serves as a
reminder of extracurricular work, as an advertising message about other programs of
additional education, etc. (Tirziu & Vrabie, 2015; Thai, De Wever & Valcke, 2017; Asarta
& Schmidt, 2020).
6. Discussion
The following components of the Direct-mail marketing technology for promoting
additional education programs can be distinguished from the point of view of the
technological approach:
1) goal of implementation: increasing the efficiency of promoting additional education
2) subject subject to technological changes: the process of promoting additional
education programs;
3) ways and methods of influence: direct mailing of information messages to the
4) means of technological impact: the Internet, multimedia computer technologies, e-
mail, distance learning systems, etc.;
Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
5) management of technology action: development of stages of implementation of the
marketing "Direct-mail" technology for promoting additional education programs
(Graham, 2009).
According to the stages of implementation of the marketing technology considered above,
we will present the implementation of the "Direct-mail" promotion technology step by step
additional education programs:
I. Analysis of the current state of the process of promoting additional educational
programs, identifying criteria for the effectiveness of promotion;
II. Development of the main idea of information messages transmitted to the consumer
of this educational service;
III. Preparation of information means of direct mailing for the transmission of an
information message;
IV. Practical implementation of the developed marketing technology for promoting "Direct-
mail" (De Guzman, 2020);
V. Criteria assessment of the effectiveness of the marketing "Direct-mail" technology for
promoting additional education programs.
Having considered the features of the promotion of additional education programs, as
well as the features of the implementation of the "Direct-mail" technology in promotion,
we have identified the following criteria for the effectiveness of its implementation:
consumer satisfaction with the quality of additional education programs as a service
the commitment of the consumer to this educational service and the organization
providing them.
7. Conclusions
The process of implementing the developed marketing technology "Direct-mail" was built
as follows: sending information about the formation of a distance course; registration of
students in the distance learning system Moodle 2.0; adding students by the teacher to
the list of students of the distance course on Moodle 2.0; sending emails to students about
their readiness to start training, brief instruction; students perform an independent task,
upload it to the database of completed course tasks in accordance with the topic;
verification and evaluation of completed tasks by the teacher; mass e-mailing to students
about the verification by the teacher; sending e-mails about preparation for control testing;
final distribution of electronic messages (students are sent a link to the questionnaire for
assessing the quality of education, posted on the Google Forms service).
When evaluating the results of the implemented technology, performance criteria were
considered, which were based on changes in key indicators - student commitment and
satisfaction with educational services.
Marketing technologies in educational management: current problems - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16,
n.4. /141-152
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación Volumen 16, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2022
The use of "Direct-mail" as a technology for promoting educational services gives an
educational organization the opportunity to reach a wide target audience in order to form
the loyalty and commitment of consumers (including the teaching staff as an internal
consumer), and, accordingly, stimulate sales of the proposed educational service.
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Marketing technologies in educational management: current problems - Eduweb, 2022, octubre-diciembre, v.16,
n.4. /141-152