Diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of applicants for higher music, pedagogical and
choreographic education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /88-98
Liliia Chervonska, Natalia Seheda, Inna Pashchenko
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.01.9
Cómo citar:
Chervonska, L., Seheda, N., & Pashchenko, I. (2023). Diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of applicants for higher
music, pedagogical and choreographic education. Revista Eduweb, 17(1), 88-98.
Diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of
applicants for higher music, pedagogical and
choreographic education
Marcadores diagnósticos de actividad académica y movilidad de aspirantes a
educación superior musical, pedagógica y coreográfica
Liliia Chervonska
PhD, Associate Professor, Educational and scientific institute of social-pedagogical and artistic education,
Theory and Methodology of Musical Education and Choreography, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State
Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine.
Natalia Seheda
Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, manager of Department, Educational and scientific institute of
social-pedagogical and artistic education; Theory and Methodology of Musical Education and
Choreography, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine.
Inna Pashchenko
PhD, Associate Professor, Educational and scientific institute of social-pedagogical and artistic education,
Theory and Methodology of Musical Education and Choreography, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Melitopol State
Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine.
Recibido: 14/12/22
Aceptado: 15/02/23
The article discusses the experience of art university education in Ukraine in identifying and using the
main diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility for students of music and choreography
specialties. The research aims to establish the effectiveness of diagnosing academic activity and
mobility of art education students. The study is aimed at identifying the structure and sequence of
application of diagnostic markers of their content and pedagogical feasibility. The research
methodology is based on an integrated approach. The main method is an experiment, and the
practice-oriented analysis of diagnostic markers, statistical methods of analysis, and a descriptive
method for reviewing theoretical material is also used. The main hypothesis of the study is that the
key diagnostic markers are a social activity, participation in educational and exchange programs,
participation in complex art projects, as well as internships. The result of the study is the establishment
of diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of students of art education, which can show
the dynamics of the development of this type of activity of students of art pedagogical specialties. In
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
the future, the main diagnostic markers that determine the level of quality of training of future
specialists in music, pedagogical and choreographic education should be considered.
Keywords: diagnostic markers, choreographic education, music, pedagogical education, academic
mobility, university education.
El artículo analiza la experiencia de la educación universitaria de arte en Ucrania en la identificación
y el uso de los principales marcadores de diagnóstico de actividad académica y movilidad para
estudiantes de especialidades de sica y coreografía. La investigación tiene como objetivo
establecer la efectividad del diagnóstico de la actividad académica y la movilidad de los estudiantes
de educación artística. El estudio tiene como objetivo identificar la estructura y secuencia de
aplicación de los marcadores diagnósticos de su contenido y factibilidad pedagógica. La metodología
de investigación se basa en un enfoque integrado. El método principal es un experimento, y también
se utiliza el análisis orientado a la práctica de marcadores de diagnóstico, todos estadísticos de
análisis y un método descriptivo para revisar material teórico. La principal hipótesis del estudio es que
los marcadores clave de diagnóstico son una actividad social, participación en programas educativos
y de intercambio, participación en proyectos artísticos complejos, así como pasantías. El resultado
del estudio es el establecimiento de marcadores diagnósticos de la actividad académica y la movilidad
de los estudiantes de educación artística, que pueden mostrar la dinámica del desarrollo de este tipo
de actividad de los estudiantes de las especialidades artísticas pedagógicas. A futuro, se deberán
considerar los principales marcadores diagnósticos que determinen el nivel de calidad de la formación
de los futuros especialistas en educación musical, pedagógica y coreográfica.
Palabras clave: marcadores diagnósticos, educación coreográfica, música, educación pedagógica,
movilidad académica, educación universitaria.
1. Introduction
Globalization processes in modern society, including the artistic educational environment, have
made the problem of developing and implementing criteria and markers of the effectiveness of
academic mobility of students of artistic specialties relevant (Bigus et al., 2021; Giguere, 2019).
The rapid development of university education and its technological level provides free access to
academic mobility, facilitates the use and distribution of educational services, and makes it
possible to participate in international projects and social movements (Anwar et al., 2020). This
determines the scientific issues of experimental research aimed at establishing an effective
diagnosis of the level and quality of academic mobility in higher education. Deepening and
expanding academic ties facilitate the processes of implementing academic mobility and the
activity of students in the arts. The processes of organizing joint international cultural projects,
student exchanges, and internships between study programs are actively gaining momentum.
Therefore, expanding knowledge about more effective ways to implement academic mobility
within art education, and implementing the acquired knowledge in the domestic artistic space is
a very relevant and important area for the development of modern professional training of
employees in the pedagogical and artistic sphere.
Music, pedagogical and choreographic education is a multifaceted but integral artistic and
educational system (Talpă, 2020; Sun, 2022). The specificity of artistic activity is also represented
by the fact that it involves public performances, and the need to take into account the stage
component. This necessitates the creation of non-standard criteria for assessing the quality of art
Diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of applicants for higher music, pedagogical and
choreographic education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /88-98
Liliia Chervonska, Natalia Seheda, Inna Pashchenko
education. Academic mobility is no exception. Today, the priority scientific and practical task of
academic mobility and activity is to train future specialists who strive for continuous self-
development, improve their skills and abilities, and aim to increase their level of professionalism
and develop their abilities. Another important indicator of the effectiveness of education is the
constant enrichment of the professional information environment and the formation of reflection
and self-development skills.
The theoretical part of the study contains definitions of the basic concepts, elements, and criteria
of the academic mobility process and general trends in the formation of the foundations of
academic activity of art education students that can be implemented in music, pedagogical and
choreographic education. The practical part of the study involves presenting the results of
theoretical research and conducting a pedagogical experiment that shows the level of
effectiveness of diagnosing academic mobility and activity based on the proposed markers.
Academic mobility and activity are of great importance for the quality education of students of
music, pedagogical and choreographic education. The most popular and promising areas of
development of academic mobility and activity, which, according to the respondents, are most in
demand in the future field of higher music and dance education, have been identified.
Successful academic mobility can be achieved by taking into account the results of university
development, indicators of the stage, touring and educational cooperation of students, developing
algorithms for organizing internships and exchange practices; creating rules and guidelines for
regulating and monitoring the activity of students and teachers. It should be noted that the process
of organizing and implementing mobile education should be continuous. Besides that, it is
necessary to adhere to the principles of constant cooperation with the global artistic community,
to support the creative aspirations of all participants in the educational process.
The article aims to determine the dynamics of the level of effectiveness of diagnostic markers of
academic mobility of students of artistic specialties. Moreover, it aims to identify the structural
sequence of application of diagnostic markers of their content and pedagogical feasibility.
The research objective involves solving the following tasks:
to establish the content components of the main diagnostic markers of academic mobility of
art education;
to determine, based on the markers, the dynamics of changes in the academic mobility of a
group of higher art institutions in Ukraine;
to establish changes in the dynamics of the development of the mobile activity of students of
music, pedagogical and choreographic fields.
2. Literature Review
The formation of the foundations for academic mobility and activity of future music and
choreography specialists requires continuous improvement of the content and technological
components of art education and professional training in the arts. In particular, those aspects
related to activity and participation in international and national art projects are an integral part of
the content components of professional training. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to
the peculiarities of pedagogical interaction in the training of a professional choreographer or
musician. It is essential to consider the specialization, characteristics of the team, techniques and
methods of performance, the author's style of working with compositions, etc.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Many researchers have focused on the prospects and ways to improve the quality of art
education, create a system of differentiated professionally oriented tasks, and apply the principles
of academic experience to individualize art education (Dönmez et al., 2019; Carino, 2019); a
comprehensive combination of acquired academic experience and own achievements with an
emphasis on the practical part of the development of the artistic and creative activity of students
(Osmanoğlu & Yilmaz, 2019).
An important aspect of art education is its integration into the global space; moreover, art
education is seen as an element of modern culture and science. The influence of the scientific
component in art education is growing significantly (Dou et al., 2021). Artistic disciplines are a
complex and multilayered activity that can be viewed from different perspectives: from the
standpoint of exchange, it is a form of transferring positive experience, ensuring the progress of
society, and the continuity of human development (Gökalp, 2020; Hair et al., 2019; Le Prell et al.,
2019). The practical components of exchange processes and the analysis of the effectiveness of
international art projects are presented as a productive force of human development that can
transform elements of material production into components of the intellectual sphere.
Creative processes for a future specialist in the choreographic and music-pedagogical sphere are
considered from the standpoint of the need to have sufficient awareness of advanced
technologies and leading scientific and methodological innovations (Sabouripour et al., 2021;
Mikulowski & Pilski, 2017). Studies in the fields of choreography and music consider indicators of
professionalism as a combination of authorial skill, academic culture, value orientation, and the
study of best practices (Hossain, 2021).
In modern humanities, mechanisms for regulating the processes of intensifying academic mobility
are also considered (Dorozhko, 2022), and some researchers have proposed measures and
criteria to ensure further development of academic mobility (Hryshchuk, 2014; Byram & Dervin,
2009). There is also a question of defining the concepts of "student academic mobility" and
"academic mobility". As noted by D. Svyrydenko, student academic mobility is the process of
acquiring knowledge and skills by higher education students, provided that students do not have
the status of a citizen of the country where they study (Svyrydenko, 2013).
Ukrainian government agencies have also created several documents to clarify the concept of
academic mobility. The Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education'' states: "Academic mobility is an
opportunity for participants in the educational process to study, teach, do internships or conduct
research in another higher education institution (research institution) in Ukraine or abroad." (Law
of Ukraine № 1556-VII, 2014).
In the future, pedagogical science plans to continue research projects dedicated to finding ways
to improve the quality of art education, taking into account its specifics and development trends.
3. Methodology
To determine the essence and content of the main concepts in the pedagogical literature and
normative documentation that form the basis of the concepts of academic mobility, the
possibilities of the descriptive method, analysis, and synthesis were used.
The method of pedagogical experimentation was applied during 2020-2022 in several Ukrainian
Diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of applicants for higher music, pedagogical and
choreographic education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /88-98
Liliia Chervonska, Natalia Seheda, Inna Pashchenko
universities working in the field of art education and actively working to improve the results of
academic mobility and student engagement. The experiment took place at the Petro Tchaikovsky
National Music Academy of Ukraine (Faculty of Piano), the Pavlo Chubynsky Academy of Arts
(Choreography, Performing Arts), and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Faculty of Culture
and Arts). The experiment involved employees of the quality department, deans' offices, and other
administrative staff. They provided the research team with data on the intensification of academic
Several statistical methods were used to establish indicators for diagnosing academic mobility.
First of all, it is a questionnaire survey of employees of education quality departments,
representatives of the administration, and students, analysis of data provided by university
administrations that give an idea of the level of intensity of academic mobility for artistic
specialties. For this purpose, quantitative and qualitative analysis methods were used, which also
makes it possible to see and evaluate the results of universities' work in the field of art education.
The experiment was conducted in 3 stages. The first stage was the creation of a research plan,
a system for collecting materials, a questionnaire for representatives of university administrations,
and the wishes of teachers and students working in the field of art education. Stage II - collecting
and systematizing the information obtained. The third stage is summarizing, analyzing, and
developing conclusions based on the results of the experiment. All respondents who participated
in the study voluntarily agreed to participate in the experiment, and their privacy and anonymity
were preserved.
Data collection was conducted from September 2020 to June 2022 (during three academic years).
It should be noted that part of the study took place during the pandemic, so part of the academic
mobility process took place remotely. This dictated changes in the construction of academic
mobility plans, as well as stage practice and exhibition activities, which required new
methodological approaches to the problem in art education.
4. Results
The diagnostic markers of academic mobility and the possibilities of its variation in art education
are part of a systematic approach to modern education, which should be relevant and effective in
the current crisis conditions. It is important to constantly popularize, educate, and enlighten, as
well as provide opportunities to realize the right to academic mobility, readiness to work with
innovative technologies, and new types of educational programs.
The concept of student academic mobility is based on the classification of types and forms of
academic mobility. This made it possible to identify tools for diagnosing academic mobility. The
following markers of academic mobility and their content components are used as the basis for
the diagnosis.
Guided by the diagnostic markers presented in Table 1, a questionnaire was developed for the
administrations of the institutions participating in the experiment. Data was collected every six
months according to these criteria.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 1.
Diagnostic markers of students' academic mobility
Content of diagnostic markers
Location of realization of the right to
academic mobility
Existing international academic mobility (in HEIs outside
the country)
Existing internal academic mobility (in HEIs within the
Level of initiative
Initiative academic mobility (implementation of individual
artistic, academic, and educational programs within the
framework of domestic and foreign programs, and
Motivated academic mobility (motivated by the
educational institution)
Quantitative indicator of involvement in
academic mobility
Individual academic mobility (individual, personal
selection of exchange participants in partner institutions)
Group academic mobility (a group of mobility participants
is organized in partner HEIs)
The purpose of implementing academic mobility
Degree mobility means that the institution chosen for
exchange differs from the student's permanent place of
education. Such education is confirmed by a document
on higher education.
Credit mobility is studying at an HEI that is different from
the permanent place of study. The purpose is to obtain
credits from the European Credit Transfer and
Accumulation System (ECTS) and/or competencies,
and learning outcomes (without obtaining credits from
the ECTS). Learning outcomes will be recognized at
the institution of the permanent place of education
Terms of implementation
Vertical (full) - a student is sent to another university for
a period of study of one to two years Horizontal (partial) -
a student studies for one semester or several months at
educational institution
In the second stage, the research team conducted a series of surveys, and processed materials
on academic mobility submitted by the quality department, deans, and teachers of the universities
where the study was conducted. Where the Petro Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of
Ukraine (Faculty of Piano) is identified in column 1, the Pavlo Chubynsky Academy of Arts
(Choreography, Performing Arts) in column 2, and the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
(Faculty of Culture and Arts) in column 3.
Diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of applicants for higher music, pedagogical and
choreographic education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /88-98
Liliia Chervonska, Natalia Seheda, Inna Pashchenko
Figure 1. Results of academic mobility in 2020 Author's development.
As we can see, the most well-represented are the indicators of credit and degree studies. This
indicates a strong disciplinary and professional motivation for students to get high grades and
expand their professional opportunities through academic exchange.
The results of the use of diagnostic markers in 2021 were also collected and analyzed. The
following data were obtained. The results are presented in percentages.
Figure 2. Results of using diagnostic markers.
20 25
Column3 Column2 Column1
The results of academic mobility
5 10 15
Column3 Column2 Column1
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
As we can see, the results of academic mobility show that degree and credit mobility have the
greatest results. This indicator increased the most at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Also, the average increase in all items of academic mobility and student activity was 5.5%. A
survey, collection, and analysis of mobile activity results were also conducted in 2022. The results
are presented in percentages.
Figure 3. Results of using diagnostic markers. Author's development.
In our opinion, the small volumes of international and domestic mobility in the last 2021-2022 are
related to the Covid 19 pandemic, which prevented this area from developing sufficiently. In
general, according to the presented markers, mobile activity in Ukrainian art education institutions
is developing, as evidenced by an increase in its indicators by 11%.
The third (final) stage involved analyzing the collected data on the effectiveness of diagnostic
markers of academic mobility for such a specific study area as choreography and musical art.
This also involved determining the dynamics of academic mobility of students in art education in
5. Discussion
Recently, several studies have been published that note the impact of interactive methods and
their active implementation in improving the quality of art education. Thus, there is an awareness
of the need to share positive results and innovations in art education (Cameron et al., 2019; Bacha
et al., 2012).
In the study of the foundations of academic integrity and methods of diagnosing its level in art
education (Chervonska & Pashchenko, 2022) several criteria have been established to effectively
identify changes in higher education. This is related to the development of academic integrity.
Thus, according to the criterion of active involvement of the administration and the effectiveness
of managerial decisions regarding the process of maintaining academic integrity, it is shown that
during the period of the experiment 39% (2020) to 52% (2022), in the period from 2020 to 2022
The results of academic mobility
Column3 Column2 Column1
Diagnostic markers of academic activity and mobility of applicants for higher music, pedagogical and
choreographic education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /88-98
Liliia Chervonska, Natalia Seheda, Inna Pashchenko
the data on the formation of motivation and awareness of students of all educational levels has
changed from 39% to 56%, and the rate of university involvement in international projects and
subsidies for their research programs has increased from 21% (2020) to 27% (2022). Our study
also shows similar dynamics, with an average 11% increase in the orientation of art education
toward the high standards of democratic education represented by the best universities in Europe
and America. Thus, in the period 2020-2022, the academic mobility of students in art-related
educational institutions increased by 14%.
During the study of the impact of exhibition activities as a form of student mobility and activity,
researchers noticed changes in student motivation (Ivanova et al., 2019). The set of motives
changed from the beginning of the program to its completion. In the final stage, the majority of
them were personal interests and improving communication ties in the international volunteer
movement (30%). The motivational component is an important component of the successful
implementation of academic mobility of students, with the most active use of degree and credit
mobility (in 2022).
In the future, work should continue to create a system for diagnosing higher education and its
evolutionary changes.
6. Conclusions
Thus, the formation of successful academic mobility and activity of art students is subject to
systematization and can be determined by diagnostic markers based on many aspects of the
development of this area in Ukrainian higher education institutions. These are the following
positions: international academic mobility, internal academic mobility; initiative academic mobility;
motivated academic mobility; individual academic mobility and group academic mobility; degree
mobility, credit mobility; vertical (full) academic mobility, horizontal (partial) academic mobility.
The study showed positive dynamics in the development of academic mobility in Ukrainian artistic
educational institutions. The diagnostic markers revealed that academic mobility and student
activity in general increased by 11% between 2020 and 2022. Therefore, much attention should
be paid to motivating students of artistic specialties to be active and mobile. And all of this is
taking into account the specifics of the industry, which requires active participation in creative
projects, exhibitions, and performance activities. Such specialists will be in demand in the future
in the field of music, pedagogical and choreographic education.
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