Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Lysenko, O., Polishchuk, O., Honcharuk, L., Zaluzhna, O., & Tychyna, I. (2023). Features of the application of stylistics for the
formation of a person's appearance in modern english-language discourse. Revista Eduweb, 17(1), 99-109.
Features of the application of stylistics for the formation of a
person's appearance in modern english-language
Características de la aplicación de la estilística para la formación de la apariencia
de una persona en el discurso moderno del lenguaje inglés
Olena Lysenko
Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Oleksandr Polishchuk
Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Liliia Honcharuk
Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Olha Zaluzhna
Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Iryna Tychyna
Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 14/12/22
Aceptado: 15/02/23
English-language advertising discourse today is undergoing significant improvement and
changes. This is due to the transition to online modes, where a person's personality is manifested
through the criteria of affection, awareness and attractiveness. However, the negotiation system
of a separate feature of the English-language (appearance, manner, knowledge and application
of business etiquette) discourse is subject to improvement and practice. If before the transition to
the online mode, the tools, means and methods of English-language advertising discourse were
worked out, then with the transition to the digital dimension, they require clarification, explanation,
adaptation, excluding audio technical transmission channels. The purpose of the study is to
outline the main directions in which the developed tools of the English-language advertising
Olena Lysenko, Oleksandr Polishchuk, Liliia Honcharuk, Olha Zaluzhna, Iryna Tychyna
discourse are transformed. The methodology was statistical research, which analyzed the
appearance of a person in English-language advertising discourses, taking into account forms and
types. An approach was also used in which a comparison of a person's appearance was made,
taking into account the advertising slogans of foreign companies, as well as various segments in
which the analyzed companies operate. As a result of the study, a significant influence of English-
language constructions and techniques was noted in comparison with various external images of
a person. A theoretical mechanism for the formation of modern English-language advertising
discourse is proposed. In general, a list of priority effective means and forms in the formation of
modern English-language advertising discourse has been revealed.
Key words: advertising discourse, stylistic coloring, reflection of appearance, English discourse,
lexical and semantic constructions, parts of speech, adjectives.
Hoy en día, el discurso publicitario en inglés está experimentando mejoras y cambios
significativos. Esto se debe a la transición a modalidades en línea, donde la personalidad de una
persona se manifiesta a través de los criterios de afecto, conciencia y atractivo. Sin embargo, el
sistema de negociación de una característica separada del discurso en idioma inglés (apariencia,
manera, conocimiento y aplicación de la etiqueta comercial) está sujeto a mejoras y práctica. Si
antes de la transición a la modalidad en línea se elaboraron las herramientas, medios y métodos
del discurso publicitario en idioma inglés, entonces con la transición a la dimensión digital,
requieren aclaración, explicación, adaptación, excluyendo los canales de transmisión técnica de
audio. El propósito del estudio es esbozar las principales direcciones en las que se transforman
las herramientas desarrolladas del discurso publicitario en inglés. La metodología fue la
investigación estadística, que analizó la apariencia de una persona en los discursos publicitarios
en idioma inglés, teniendo en cuenta formas y tipos. También se utilizó un enfoque en el que se
realizó una comparación de la apariencia de una persona, teniendo en cuenta los lemas
publicitarios de empresas extranjeras, así como diversos segmentos en los que operan las
empresas analizadas. Como resultado del estudio, se observó una influencia significativa de las
construcciones y técnicas del idioma inglés en comparación con varias imágenes externas de
una persona. Se propone un mecanismo teórico para la formación del discurso publicitario
moderno en inglés. En general, se ha revelado una lista de medios y formas efectivas prioritarias
en la formación del discurso publicitario moderno en lengua inglesa.
Palabras clave: discurso publicitario, colorido estilístico, reflejo de la apariencia, discurso en
inglés, construcciones léxicas y semánticas, partes del discurso, adjetivos.
1. Introduction
In the context of modern marketing development, the peculiarities of forming the foundations of
stylistic means of reflecting a person’s appearance in advertising and advertising vocabulary are
changing. The difference between vocabulary and discourse lies in the difference in the content
and use of language structures. When introducing such means by advertising semantic and
terminological features, attention is focused on the use of positive means. This approach is due
to the rapid development of the digital corporate sector, which stimulates the search for new
customers and the possibility of establishing contact. The use of appearance design can be a
qualitative tool to create a favorable climate for negotiations. Human attention can perceive
different forms of phrases, but modern science shows that short appeals are popular in English-
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
language advertising discourse. As a rule, semantic constructions of advertising discourse should
appeal to the emotional and mental intelligence of a person, to influence it. Therefore, one of them
was the reflection of human appearance as a qualitative tool of communication with non-verbal
intelligence (Kostruba, 2021). The current state of development of English-language discourse
indicates a high multiculturalism and standardization. It is manifested in the use of pronouns of
respect and adjectives that focus on the positive features of appearance and spiritual traits of a
person. The peculiarity of modern English-language advertising discourse is the use of spiritual
traits and appearance and the possibility of their combination for the most qualitative reflection of
human activity. Consider the features of the definition of discourse and advertising discourse in
the example of scientific literature and their application.
The aim of the article is to analyze the stylistic means of reflecting a personʼs appearance in
English advertising discourse and the possibility of its further development. As one of the key
tools to use and improve the quality of the business climate. That is why, using this approach, the
article evaluates the stylistic means of reflecting a personʼs appearance, the distribution of
advertising discourse by segments and the possibility of using linguistic constructions in them.
The objectives of the study were to define the definition of advertising discourse based on the
literature review and the modern English-speaking environment, to analyze the most popular
forms of stylistic images of human appearance in popular sources of advertising value. The results
of the study indicate the characteristic aspects of the development of stylistic means of displaying
a personʼs appearance and the possibility of their use in modern English-language advertising
discourse. Thus, the conducted study of stylistic means of reflecting a personʼs appearance
indicates the need to determine the effective semantic and lexical tools in advertising English
2. Literature review
Modern scientific literature contains different approaches to the interpretation of discourse through
a wide content segment. There is also a discussion about the feasibility of using advertising
discourse as separate from marketing and aimed at the psychological sector as well
(Kolisnychenko & Koropatnitska, 2021). The essence of the concept of discourse, as defined by
Waites (2020), is a set of features that are inherent in a certain group of people who profess one
idea. This approach indicates that the author believes that a spoken discourse is one that uses
effective means of communication and can implement them in accordance with its culture. In fact,
discourse is a certain set of lexical and semantic constructions that is characteristic of
representatives of a certain group. Discourse is more than a sentence, notes Vasyliuk (2019).
The scientist defines the whole structure of negotiations, usually in a dialogue. According to
Tsyliuryk (2020), a feature of the use of discourse is an effective mechanism for tracking common
features and the possibility of grouping them. This view of the author is quite reasonable, since
the discourse has common features for people who are its supporters. With the help of this
approach, it is possible to determine in more detail the qualitative characteristics of national
identity, ideological identity and conditional development, according to Ignatova (2020). According
to his approach, modern English-language advertising discourse uses the means of projecting a
person’s appearance in order to emphasize the advantages and create a favorable business
climate. The problem of creating a favorable business climate is key, because as Kovalenko
(2018) notes, the use of stylistic means of reflecting a person’s appearance makes it possible to
appeal to the non-verbal intelligence of a person and stimulate direct contact. Modern advertising
discourse of the English-speaking environment defines it as a key priority in the implementation
Olena Lysenko, Oleksandr Polishchuk, Liliia Honcharuk, Olha Zaluzhna, Iryna Tychyna
of the marketing strategy of an enterprise or entrepreneur. Modern scientific approaches,
according to Stapleton & Wilson (2017), are quite unstructured regarding the possibility of using
appearance in English advertising discourse, as there is a significant segment of their
implementation and ways of lexical formation. In addition, it should be noted that the means of
reflecting the stylistic features of a person's appearance can be used in different ways, not only
by variant dialects of English, but even by different regionalization. This hypothesis is confirmed
by Torop (2019), who defines the English-language advertising discourse as quite young and
necessary for further development, because it can constitute a characteristic environment for its
development and opportunities for further activities in accordance with the effective state of
activity (Belova, 2021). In addition, in the context of the development of the modern advertising
environment, it is necessary to introduce stylistic means of reflecting a person's appearance
based on effective linguistic constructions, combined with appropriate phrases and phrases,
according (Kolisnichenko, Osovska, & Tomniuk, 2022). The literature review shows that in
modern conditions there is no single approach to the use of means of stylistic reflection of human
appearance. However, there are certain common features at the semantic and semantic level.
3. Materials and methods
During the study, scientific methods were used to analyze the stylistic means of reflecting a
person's appearance in modern English-language advertising discourse. Using the methods of
synthesis and implementation of analytical research, an applied analysis was carried out on the
use of effective forms of communication with the client by designing his appearance through
stylistic constructions and emotional emphasis. The use of the search method made it possible
to study the peculiarities of communication interaction of online stores in the English-speaking
environment and identify the key structural elements for the implementation of human appearance
characteristics and their evaluation. This approach indicates the stylistic means of reflecting a
person’s appearance in the modern English-language advertising environment and stimulates
him to use the most effective and efficient means of attracting attention and influencing the
psychological state. Using the statistical method, the results of the analysis of advertising appeals,
slogans, corporate work within the English-language advertising discourse were grouped and the
key result was determined, about the tendency of using certain linguistic constructions. The
importance of using comparison methods lies in the design of lexical and semantic constructions
for the English language environment, which can qualitatively improve communication processes
in it.
The methodology of the research is to conduct a theoretical and analytical study that can most
thoroughly reveal the main problems of the use and formation of stylistic means of reflecting a
person’s appearance in modern English-language advertising discourse. Thus, the given
methodology and research methods lead to the following results.
4. Results
As of today, psychological tools for the use of advertising entail means of influencing the emotional
intelligence of a person through verbal means - a special discourse. The peculiarities of
advertising discourse are the possibility of using an effective structure of phrases that can directly
influence a person and form a certain feeling towards a propane product or service. The modern
English-speaking environment has established its own culture of advertising discourse, which can
qualitatively reflect the basic principles of creating advertising and emphasizing key phrases and
their emotional coloring (Shevchenko, 2019). The essence of the concept of discourse is the
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
possibility of acquiring a set of speech tools, phrases and parts of speech used in a meaningful
segment of conversation or writing. The main characteristic features of discourse are:
Own terminology and style of negotiations/correspondence;
Specific emotional image that may be typical for a particular subject;
Special and unique linguistic means used in negotiations.
These features are characteristic of the concept of discourse, because it contains more than a
combination of certain linguistic units on the same topic. Discourse, in its turn, consists of a
complex speech structure that conveys the semantic load and contains its own terminology and
its emotional coloring.
The concept of advertising discourse is the presence of certain parts of speech, which clearly
defines the principles of negotiating with a person and the possibility of its implementation of
advertising proposals, terminology and other means related to the advertising vocabulary. The
peculiarity of modern advertising English discourse is the use of various ways to reflect a particular
advertising situation (Yakhshieva, Ortiqova, Babadjanova & Khasanova, 2021).
Modern features of English-language advertising discourse are its wide use in different directions.
The possibilities of its application are also different. As a rule, they can be divided into the
Slogans and headlines - “WARNING! Then …”, “Nothing better”, “Just go ahead”. Such
English-language discourses are aimed at the possibility of using in the topics of sales and
direct contact with the client, while communicating online or offline, the motivational segment,
which is then projected on the use of the reflection of a personʼs appearance.
Terminology and scientific speech. It is used in advertising activities and advertising
campaigns. For instance, the following can be used: “Targeted advertising is like clothes, after
all”, “He was tired of the targeting ad campaign”. All of these stylistic phrases are used in
scientific discourse on advertising activities.
Newspapers, magazines, publications, banners on websites, digital platforms. Such means
are used to reflect effective interaction with the client, through physical absence and the
possibility of semi-automatic contact. Usually the means that emphasize the features of
appearance “Intelligent eyes”, “You have a wonderful view and perception of the world” are
used. They are clearly combined partly with the personʼs appearance and life preferences.
Such discourses are widely used to implement the practice of gaining experience, to reflect the
advertising agreement with the client. As a rule, companies are aimed at forming a certain feeling
of a person and the possibility of its reflection, in fact, a slogan that will accompany a potential
client. For example, let’s compare the peculiarities of English-language advertising discourse
among advertising slogans that do not use the means of projecting a person’s appearance or its
certain symbolism, because they use the characteristic features of their formation and the
possibility of formation, as this is how you can achieve effective interaction with the client. More
details about the presented English discourses can be seen in Table 1.
Olena Lysenko, Oleksandr Polishchuk, Liliia Honcharuk, Olha Zaluzhna, Iryna Tychyna
Table 1.
Details about English discourses
Word combinations of popular
slogans in advertising discourse
The word combination of projecting a
personʼs appearance in advertising discourse
You look great when you’re not hungry!
Do you want to be the most beautiful? Welcome to the
Life is a game
Join to beautiful and smart club
Just for you
A big leg is a low price
Best deal
The best glasses for your eyes
Forever saving
Wide shoulders - a wide range
Stars here / starts now
Please, dear, my guest, your friend
*Source: compiled by the autor
From the data presented in Table 1, we can see the peculiarities of the use of advertising
discourses in the English-speaking environment and all of them are the peculiarities of non-
numerical advertising discourse. The semantics is built on similar features, because mostly
adjectives are used, which can emphasize the advantage for a person based on his psychological
state and desires. In addition, the advantages of the advertising discourse of the English-speaking
environment are the observance of business etiquette and the introduction of gradual
In business negotiations, exclamations such as “Sir”, “Mr, Smith”, “Right now” are frequently used.
These indicate the use of authoritative means of discourse, which consist in the possibility of
emphasizing the authority of the interlocutor, the opportunity to express respect to him. According
to this approach, the English-speaking environment uses a number of words that express feelings
of gratitude, guilt or respect. The most popular slogan of any advertisement or show is known all
over the world, beginning with the words “Ladies & Gentlemen”. This tool allows us to emphasize
the peculiarities of creating and using advertising discourse. Thus, the peculiarity of the beginning
is the importance of addressing the person. As a method of establishing contact, the means of
giving compliments are used and the more assertive accent will be those that emphasize the
appearance of a person. “Want to be beautiful?”, “Beauty secret”, “Be who you want to be - get
some gym!”. Such advertising discourses are aimed at appeals to visit such places as beauty
salons, hairdressing salons or other establishments aimed at working with human appearance.
Thus, modern English-language discourses that are used in appeals to beauty salons or any other
beauty facilities use the following slogans: “best hairstyle”, “the cheapest prices”, “most styled
person in the world!”, “Big Bob”. The latter is very popular when used in advertising for gyms and
sports, such discourse often indicates the projection of a certain trait on a person and the
possibility of its reflection on the appearance. Each English-speaking discourse, when calling for
a visit, uses its own approach to reflecting the advantages of a person’s appearance and the
possibility of using it to call for a visit to a certain place.
Another typical example of advertising discourse in the English-speaking environment is the use
of emphasis on the feeling of lightness and freedom. For example, such characteristic
exclamations as “Get up!”, “Hey now!”, “Common, once in a lifetime!”, “Nothing better” and others.
As a rule, such advertising discourses are used during online advertising, which are aimed at
motivating people to take action. Stylistically, they are used as adjectives to reflect positive human
traits and pleasant factors of appearance. “Start changing now”, “A better body for a better
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
person”, “Tall and strong”, “Strong body, strong life”. All these advertising discourses sound like
slogans and are aimed at emphasizing the features of a person’s external advantages, so they
are commonly used in negotiations with the client.
The stylistic image of a person in the formation of English-language advertising discourse can
also be aimed at emphasizing the superiority of the human body, and be in a respectful and
humorous form. For example, in the 1950s-1990s, such English-language discourses were
popular as: “For such a high leg - a great blessing is needed”, “He is so tall - he must have seen
a lot”, “Sale! Each of your kilograms is a percentage of the discount”. Such promotions and
opportunities to use effective ways of attracting customers are widely present in modern English
An important feature of the use of modern specific means of displaying information about a
person’s appearance is the ability to use effective projection of things on the human body. For
instance, in the modern media and photo environment (Internet advertising, magazines, blogs,
newspapers, etc.), the use of such means as “You’re beautiful and the product is amazing”, “Such
a head needs a warm hat”, Your physical charisma is our car”, “Nice eyes, they would suit you
…” is popular. With the help of such an advertising discourse, characteristic features are used to
implement and form effective means of reflecting a person’s appearance from the positive side
and the possibility of giving preference to key external reflections. It is also important to focus on
the fact that English-language advertising discourse contains such popular stylistic turns:
“On such a wonderful day, allow such a beautifully dressed person to propose …”
“You look good, maybe you are in a good mood? Allow me to suggest …”.
“So nice look, can make a good offer», «Great look, you’re ready for our product launch”,
“You have a nice hairstyle, would you like to know about our promotions?”
“You have good taste in clothes, this jacket suits you, we have an offer for you”.
The use of such means of English-language advertising discourse can qualitatively improve a
person's activities in the implementation of marketing activities and the possibility of implementing
the main forms of their activities. Therefore, through the formation and use of such stylistic turns,
which are proposed for English-language advertising discourse. Moreover, they reflect the
advantages of a person’s appearance, which creates a favorable business climate and provides
an opportunity to make an advertising offer, attract attention, etc.
They are used mainly in everyday real life, where people should use concise exclamations and
means of addressing the audience. It was through the use of short meaningful exclamations that
the advertiser was able to attract attention. Modern advertising banners, websites and other digital
platforms work according to this approach. Each of them contains exclamations to attract the
attention of the client. In addition, the keyword “Discount …” is placed, which can attract the
attention of the client at the price level. Moreover, using such keywords qualitatively can improve
the use of the advertising campaign and create a discourse of its implementation. “You are like a
holiday”, “As it was taken from the sky”, “Beautiful as sea water”, “Beautiful eyes and a pleasant
voice” are popular in English advertising discourse.
Let us conduct a study, taking the advertising campaigns of clothing companies that will pay
attention to the appearance of a person as a key tool for establishing a positive climate for
negotiations and define them as stylistically designed according to the discourse.
Olena Lysenko, Oleksandr Polishchuk, Liliia Honcharuk, Olha Zaluzhna, Iryna Tychyna
For the study, the research on advertising campaigns of online clothing stores has been analyzed.
10 discourses with a meaningful message for the reader have been selected and an analytical
calculation has been made based on the principle of the percentage of the number of parts of
speech used in such discourses.
Table 2.
Calculation based on the principle of the percentage of the number of parts of speech used in
Advertising slogans
*Source: compiled by the author
The most popular in English advertising discourse is the use of adjectives. This indicates the use
of comparison and comparison of a personʼs appearance with a certain symbol, which stimulates
the formation of a certain advertising offer.
As we can see, in the analyzed advertising discourses of the English-speaking environment, the
main differences are the use of adjectives in slogans and a greater number of numerals in appeals
and sales. The advantages of such an approach are based on the fact that the peculiarities of the
use of English discourse and business ethics involve the use of numerical beliefs for the client.
However, we can also observe a significant number of adjectives in each of the discourses, even
among those that call only for numerical benefits. The advertising discourse of the English-
speaking environment, due to its culture, rarely resorts to a material list of advantages, as a rule,
in the English-speaking environment it is customary to use adjectives that are directed to the
human intellect and his feelings. In addition, the advertising discourse of the English-speaking
environment has been formed through the use of symbols and deep culture, which is why a large
number of adjectives can be seen through symbols and the transfer of feelings.
The peculiarities of modern advertising discourse in the English-speaking environment are in the
aspects of its use and the possibility of creating the most effective method of influencing the
psychological state of the client and the implementation of the situation to offer him the best quality
and good product. For use in traditional English advertising discourse, it was customary to use
such broad phrases as: “Your appearance makes me want to make you a good offer …”, “For a
person with such eyes, all doors are open, that’s why we offer today …”.
As we can see, from the study of modern English-language advertising discourse we can
conclude that it is formed and used on the basis of the introduction of means and the possibility
of their effective implementation in accordance with advertising activities. In the context of modern
English-language business etiquette and advertising campaigns, exhibitions, sales, a wide range
of stylistic turns is used, which are aimed specifically at the attention of the client, describing the
benefits that a product or service can provide. In addition, the study has shown that modern
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
popular advertising discourses are those that give preference to the appearance of a person in
real life, which makes it possible to move on to the advertising part of the dialogue.
Thus, the study shows that the stylistic means of English-language advertising discourse relate
to the appearance, clothing, the possibility of using them to describe the height, eyes and
psychological perception of the porter of a person. The expressions that can describe the life and
appearance of a person as a whole are very popular, so they are given a significant advantage
over other advertising lexical and semantic turns. This approach is implemented for the formation
and use of effective means of conducting advertising activities and qualitatively increases the
positive attitude of a person to the dialogue.
5. Discussion
The results of the study show that the current conditions of the business environment and the
development of digital technologies stimulate a change in the stylistic color of the English-
language advertising discourse. This is reflected mainly with a change in the paradigm of using
marketing communications in the market and the use of effective means of influencing a person,
which can qualitatively reflect the current conditions and quality of English-language advertising
discourse. The key promising areas for further research may be the peculiarities of the use of
advertising discourse on appearance during distance communications. The analysis of such
discourse is important due to the global trend of transition to remote work and education, which
changes traditional communication to online. Such circumstances force enterprises and firms to
search for effective means of communication that can qualitatively improve the interaction
between the client and the sales firm.
Another feature of the study was the analysis of the use of stylistic coloring of advertising English
discourse, which shows that the traits of character and symbolism are projected on the
appearance of a person. This approach can much better create a favorable environment for
business communications and negotiation opportunities, so the use of adjectives is popular in this
segment of development. From the analyzed research we can observe the peculiarities of their
use in the formation of vocabulary, slogans or advertising appeals. They are used in order to
reflect a person’s perception of a particular event. Further research can be determined to
investigate the factors of such transformations and the evolution of the development of advertising
discourses, to characterize which were the most popular in advertisements where marketing with
tools to describe a person’s appearance was used.
Identifying the key aspects of slogans and headlines in online media is an important segment of
the study, as it creates a discussion about the interaction of human appearance with digital space.
A person does not directly communicate with an advertising agent, but uses automated
communication. Therefore, it is worth investigating the effectiveness of such communication
through the use of effective stylistic images of human appearance that could be suitable for a
wide audience, because the system will not interact directly with a person. Such a study could be
interesting in terms of what kind of discourse is better to use in the online segment.
Prospects for further research should be determined on the peculiarities of the use of modern
stylistic colors of English-language advertising discourse, the possibility of conducting research
and modeling its impact on a person and the quality of its use in modern advertising campaigns,
slogans or promotions. An important factor in the formation of future research should be the factor
Olena Lysenko, Oleksandr Polishchuk, Liliia Honcharuk, Olha Zaluzhna, Iryna Tychyna
of phraseological units and reverse words, according to the segmentation of languages and their
semantic structure. The possibility of using dialects and specific English advertising discourse
may be interesting to distinguish, for example, Irish advertising English discourse from the
indigenous British English discourse.
The proposed approaches can qualitatively improve the features of the development of modern
English-language advertising discourse and highlight its main features. An important direction for
the analysis of the stylistic image of a person’s appearance in advertising slogans and promotions
can be its applied use in the context of environmental transformation.
6. Conclusion
Thus, the conducted research in the article characterizes the qualitative changes in the modern
English-language advertising discourse aimed at reflecting the appearance of a person. More and
more frequent is the use of more concise and meaningful phrases that can improve the projection
of human appearance in the modern advertising environment. In addition, the stylistic means of
English-language advertising discourse, the most popular are the features of appearance,
metaphor and a number of epithets that are used to enhance the image of a person in his
imagination and the possibility of providing an advertising offer.
The peculiarities of reflecting the stylistic coloring of a person’s appearance in online media are
characterized by grouped and generalized characteristics that can target a large segment of
people. This method is effective because it allows establishing non-verbal contact with a person
in modern English-language advertising discourse.
The results of the study indicate that within the defined framework of advertising discourse, it is
customary to use a wide range of adjectives that can reflect the peculiarities of the use of
advertising slogans or certain advertising tools projected on the appearance of a person and
transferring it to a certain object. This makes it possible to create a positive climate for
negotiations, as well as to promote the development of a negotiating position. In modern English-
language advertising discourse, it is customary to use adjectives to use human appearance and
elements of symbolism. This approach was created historically, which forms the basis for the
formation of the English-speaking space.
The outlined characteristic constructions of the stylistic image of a person’s appearance testify to
creativity, ingenuity and the ability to use the tools of influence on a person, precisely with the
help of such a practice, which will be most used in modern advertising discourse. Moreover, the
reflection of modern advertising discourse can attest to the qualities of emotional emphasis and
polite business etiquette. The English-speaking sector is characterized by a respectful attitude to
the person and the use of a number of adverbs that contain the social status of a person or a
positive perception of him/her by the advertiser. There is a tendency to use numerals as a way to
convey quantitative advantage in advertising. This approach is used to strengthen the client’s
memory for numbers and the possibility of connecting them with the appearance of the client.
Modern English-language advertising discourse is developing rapidly, due to a number of
circumstances and the possibility of their use in modern tools of psychological influence on the
client through the design of his appearance.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Prospects for further research should be the determination of the features of the reflection of
human appearance in media magazines and online platforms as a product of the digital
development of English-language advertising discourse.
7. Bibliographic references
Belova, A. (2021). Storytelling in advertising and branding. Cognition, Communication, Discourse,
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