Linguistic Features of Communication in Ukrainian. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /110-121
Viktoriia Zinchenko, Iryna Lopatynska, Tamara Sabelnykova, Neonila Tilniak, Liliia Sydorenko
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.01.11
Cómo citar:
Zinchenko, V., Lopatynska, I., Sabelnykova, T., Tilniak, N., & Sydorenko, L. (2023). Linguistic features of communication in
ukrainian. Revista Eduweb, 17(1), 110-121. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.01.11
Linguistic features of communication in Ukrainian
características lingüísticas de la comunicación en ucraniano
Viktoriia Zinchenko
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Humanities and Legal
Disciplines. Kryvyi Rih Educational and Scientific Institute, Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs., Kryvyi
Rih, Ukraine.
Iryna Lopatynska
Head of the Department of Social Humanities and Legal Disciplines, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor. Kryvyi Rih Educational and Scientific Institute, Donetsk State University of Internal
Affairs., Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
Tamara Sabelnykova
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Neonila Tilniak
Senior Lecturer, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Linguistics, Department of Ukrainian
Language, Literature and Culture, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic
Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Liliia Sydorenko
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Linguistics, Department of Ukrainian Language, Literature and Culture, National
Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 14/12/22
Aceptado: 15/02/23
The establishment of the language in the country should occur under conditions providing relevant
linguistic support for this process, as well as proper legal support, for which unique instructional
techniques for communication should be used. In Ukraine, in-depth contrastive studies of contact
languages are used to successfully implement this process. Contrastive vocabulary dictionaries are
created. Interpretive and translation dictionaries are being improved, including both general language
and specialized ones. Along with this, special dictionaries are also being expanded due to units
illustrating the grammatical properties of the Ukrainian language. The purpose of the academic paper
is to systematize information regarding studying issues in the scientific literature related to the linguistic
features of the communication process in the Ukrainian language, as well as to clarify their most
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
significant practical aspects. Analytical-bibliographical, systemic-structural, comparative, logical-
linguistic methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction were used in the course of the
research to study scientific literature on issues related to the Ukrainian language’s linguistic features.
At the same time, a questionnaire was used to practically clarify certain aspects of communication in
Ukrainian from the perspective of its linguistic characteristics. Based on the research results, the
theoretical fundamentals, concepts and main trends in the linguistic field were studied, as well as the
survey results on the linguistic aspects of the communication process in the Ukrainian language were
Keywords: linguistic support of language development, language culture, communicative interaction,
the language system’s means, communicative potential, practical language activity.
El establecimiento de la lengua en el país debe ocurrir en condiciones que brinden un soporte
lingüístico relevante para este proceso, así como un soporte legal adecuado, para lo cual se deben
utilizar técnicas didácticas únicas para la comunicación. En Ucrania, se utilizan estudios comparativos
profundos de las lenguas de contacto para implementar con éxito este proceso. Se crean diccionarios
de vocabulario contrastivo. Se están mejorando los diccionarios interpretativos y de traducción, tanto
de lenguaje general como especializados. Junto con esto, también se están ampliando diccionarios
especiales debido a unidades que ilustran las propiedades gramaticales del idioma ucraniano. El
objetivo del artículo académico es sistematizar la información sobre el estudio de cuestiones en la
literatura científica relacionadas con las características lingüísticas del proceso de comunicación en
el idioma ucraniano, así como aclarar sus aspectos prácticos más significativos. En el curso de la
investigación se utilizaron métodos analítico-bibliográficos, sistémico-estructurales, comparativos,
lógico-lingüísticos, análisis, síntesis, inducción y deducción para estudiar la literatura científica sobre
cuestiones relacionadas con las características lingüísticas del idioma ucraniano. Al mismo tiempo,
se utili un cuestionario para aclarar prácticamente ciertos aspectos de la comunicación en
ucraniano desde la perspectiva de sus características lingüísticas. Con base en los resultados de la
investigación, se estudiaron los fundamentos teóricos, los conceptos y las principales tendencias en
el campo lingüístico, así como también se discutieron los resultados de la encuesta sobre los aspectos
lingüísticos del proceso de comunicación en el idioma ucraniano.
Palabras clave: soporte lingüístico del desarrollo lingüístico, cultura lingüística, interacción
comunicativa, medios del sistema lingüístico, potencial comunicativo, actividad lingüística práctica.
1. Introduction
The problem of the effectiveness of language learning’s communicative aspect is not a recent
issue. It is closely related to the practical focus on which the language training’s concepts and
educational language programs are based. It is believed that students can acquire the mother
tongue as a system based on studying vocabulary, phonetic and grammatical system, etc. As a
result, the acquired knowledge can later be used for communication. However, in practice, we
often have the opposite effect, namely a situation where, having mastered the theory of language,
the education seekers have not acquired communicative skills yet. Consequently, practical
command of the language remains at a low level, reduced to primitive everyday communication
or complete rejection of it due to using other languages. This is precisely why studying scientific
works on improving the linguistic component of the communication process in Ukrainian is
extremely valuable in the modern conditions of globalization and the transformation of
communicative processes in the world.
Linguistic Features of Communication in Ukrainian. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /110-121
Viktoriia Zinchenko, Iryna Lopatynska, Tamara Sabelnykova, Neonila Tilniak, Liliia Sydorenko
The theoretical part of the present research analyzes the relevance, concepts and components
of the communication process in Ukrainian from the perspective of its linguistic features.
The practical part of the research includes the clarification of the primary tendencies
characterizing the communication process in Ukrainian nowadays. It comprises the distribution of
using the language system’s means in the process of communication in Ukrainian, assessment
of the most significant characteristics of “discourse” as an important tool of the linguistic sphere
in the Ukrainian language. It also includes features of the Ukrainian language’s linguistic etiquette
as an element of communication, functions of Ukrainian as its main linguistic features. Along with
this, the practical part includes the most promising directions of further scientific investigations in
the field of communication in Ukrainian in the context of the linguistic aspects of this process.
Based on the research results, conclusions were made regarding the issues raised. In particular,
it was determined that the most pronounced tendencies of communication in Ukrainian are
expanding the geographical sphere of communication, declining the culture of written
communication, literacy deterioration, increasing the share of communication using modern
communication means, decreasing initiative communication, but increasing the share of official,
forced, role-based communication. At the same time, explicit language means are prioritized in
using two groups the language system’s means. The survey made it possible to establish that the
most significant features of “discourse” as the linguistic sphere’s important tool in the Ukrainian
language are its textual character and ambiguity. The survey revealed that speaking etiquette of
Ukrainians is a fairly significant component of communication, involving piety, respect for parents,
for women, democracy, emotionality, aesthetics, tenderness, etc. Based on the survey results,
the functions of the Ukrainian language as its main linguistic features of communication are the
possession of correct and expressive pronunciation, understanding the language’s essence,
mastering its laws and rules, mastering literary norms and tools. The survey participants
determined the following most promising directions of further scientific studies in the
communication sphere in the Ukrainian language, namely: “Activity approach to studying
Ukrainian”, Types of language activities that are implemented in the communicative language
competence of a person” and “Communicative aspect of learning Ukrainian as the most significant
prerequisite for effective communication”.
2. Literature Review
Improving the society’s language culture and acquiring knowledge about the language’s stylistic
richness are important goals of national revival in Ukraine nowadays. For young people who will
pursue higher education, it is crucial today to optimize the level of language development. After
all, they will use the word as a working tool, a carrier of information, a professional verbal weapon
and a means of spiritual influence. Thus, they will contribute to elevating people’s culture and
spirituality (Sokolova, 2022).
Communication is one of the manifestations of social interaction. It is based on exchanging
thoughts, assessments, feelings, expressions of will for the purpose of information, emotional
impact, stimulation of joint activities, etc. Modern science defines communication as an exchange
of information, as an interaction, as a person’s perception of a person (Anggraeni, Wahibah &
Assafari, 2020).
Knowledge of communicative laws and the ability to apply them, and if necessary, to fight against
them, is a significant part of every educated person’s communicative competence. Ukrainians
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
belong to people with a high level of language communication. This is precisely why the
experience of the features of the communication process in Ukrainian is extremely valuable
nowadays (Ushakova et al., 2022).
Communication has a dialogical nature: it takes place between two people, less often between a
person and a group, and even less often between a person and society. The way of
communication changed significantly in the second half of the XX century, under the influence of
scientific and technical progress and the scientific and technical revolution. As scientists note, the
most important reason for these changes is the individual’s depersonalization (Tavrovetska &
Shebanova, 2020).
There are several classifications of dialogues in modern science. In particular, the classification
of dialogic communication according to the following characteristics deserves attention:
1) target relations: cooperative (partners’ goals coincide); neutrality (the goals of dialogue
partners do not contradict each other); co contradictory (the goals of the interlocutors are
2) by the nature of the global goal: cognitive (problematic-dialogical, informational-dialogical,
research-dialogical); phatic (aimed at supporting communication and relationships of
participants); expressive (aimed at revealing the attitude to the discussed issue or identity of
the communication participants). Phatic and expressive dialogues aim to reveal the partner’s
inner world and further influence him.
3) by to the feature of information circulation: degenerate (one that has a monologic form);
cyclical (phatic, which does not generate new information, but is only aimed at maintaining
contact); one-way informative (provides new information); two-way informative (generates
new knowledge in the cognitive sphere of communication participants) (Korolyov, 2022),
(Moser, 2020).
Taking into account the individuals’ activity spheres in small groups, Ukrainian social
psychologists emphasize the system of connections and relationships formed as a result of joint
activities and communication. They believe that the system of connections created by
communication includes communicative, emotional, role and informal status connections (Bidzilya
et al., 2021).
Scholars of small language groups emphasize the importance of investigating and evaluating the
group’s communicative potential (Parkhurst & Parkhurst, 2018). The group’s communicative
potential is the group communication capabilities that can be used to ensure all its internal and
external real relations and connections (Cavallaro & Sembiante, 2021). For the theory of
communication, it is crucial that group norms, values, goals, traditions, behavior, and
communicative experience create the psychological basis of the group’s communicative potential
(De Oliveira & Westerlund, 2021).
The purpose of the research is to determine the standpoint of the Ukrainian language specialists
- translators and practicing teachers of linguistic specialties on the peculiarities of the
communicative process in the Ukrainian language from a linguistic point of view.
Linguistic Features of Communication in Ukrainian. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /110-121
Viktoriia Zinchenko, Iryna Lopatynska, Tamara Sabelnykova, Neonila Tilniak, Liliia Sydorenko
3. Methodology
A practical study of modern tendencies in using multimedia technologies in the visual
communications sphere and design education was conducted by interviewing 52 Ukrainian
language specialists - translators, as well as 64 practicing teachers of linguistic specialties
carrying out research and teaching activities at 16 higher educational institutions in Rivne,
Khmelnytskyi, Chernihiv and Kyiv regions of Ukraine. The research was conducted using the
Survey Monkey service.
4. Results
During the survey, the most pronounced communication tendencies in the Ukrainian language
were established (Figure 1):
Figure 1. The primary tendencies characterizing communication in the Ukrainian language, %
Source: compiled by the authors
According to the survey participants’ standpoints, currently, in the conditions of globalization of all
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
social processes in the world, the primary tendencies characterizing communication in Ukrainian
are as follows: the expansion of the geographical sphere of communication, the decline of the
culture of written communication, and literacy deterioration, an increase in the share of
communication using modern communication means, a decrease in initiative communication, but
an increase in the share of official, forced, role-based communication.
At the same time, the respondents evaluated the distribution of using the language system’s
means (Figure 2):
Figure 2. Distribution of using the language system’s means in the process of communication in
Ukrainian, %
Source: compiled by the authors
During the survey, the participants found that, although having a slight advantage, explicit
language means continue to be used more frequently than the other two groups of the language
system’s means.
The term “discourse” has a wide conceptual range in linguistics. A significant issue resolved
during the survey is the determination of the most important characteristics of discourse” as an
important tool of the linguistic sphere in the Ukrainian language (Figure 3).
Linguistic Features of Communication in Ukrainian. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /110-121
Viktoriia Zinchenko, Iryna Lopatynska, Tamara Sabelnykova, Neonila Tilniak, Liliia Sydorenko
Figure 3. The most significant characteristics of “discourse” as an important tool of the linguistic
sphere in the Ukrainian language, %
Source: compiled by the authors
It can be observed from Figure 3 that the predominant characteristics of the discourse are its
textual character and ambiguity.
Speaking etiquette is a significant element of the Ukrainian language’s linguistic features.
Speaking etiquette is a rather important component of communication for Ukrainians (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Features of the Ukrainian language’s speaking etiquette as an element of
communication, %
Source: compiled by the authors
According to the data in Figure 4, the speaking etiquette of Ukrainians testifies to their piety,
respect for parents, for women, democracy, emotionality, aesthetics, tenderness, etc.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
The linguistic aspect of mastering the native language by Ukrainians involves awareness of the
language’s social role and functions, implemented in the communication process by each person.
Awareness of the need to master speaking material ensures the formation of speaking abilities
and skills. A significant element of the research is clarifying the respondents’ standpoint regarding
the Ukrainian language’s functions as its main linguistic features of communication (Figure 5):
Figure 5. Functions of the Ukrainian language as its main linguistic features of communication, %
Source: compiled by the authors
It can be observed from Figure 5 that these functions are as follows: the possession of correct
and expressive pronunciation, as well as understanding the language’s essence, mastering its
laws and rules, and mastering literary norms and means.
The survey’s significant outcome was the clarification of the survey participants’ standpoint
regarding the most promising directions of further scientific studies in the Ukrainian language
communication sphere from the perspective of the linguistic aspects of this process (Figure 6):
Linguistic Features of Communication in Ukrainian. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /110-121
Viktoriia Zinchenko, Iryna Lopatynska, Tamara Sabelnykova, Neonila Tilniak, Liliia Sydorenko
Figure 6. The most promising directions of further scientific studies in the Ukrainian language
communication sphere from the perspective of the linguistic aspects of this process, %
Source: compiled by the authors
The survey participants determined the following most promising directions of further scientific
studies in the communication sphere in the Ukrainian language, namely: “Activity approach to
studying Ukrainian”, “Types of language activities that are implemented in the communicative
language competence of a person” and “Communicative aspect of learning Ukrainian as the most
significant prerequisite for effective communication”.
5. Discussion
As noted in most educational materials, intercultural communication is communication between
speakers of different cultures who use different languages (Ukume et al., 2020). The metaphor
“carrier of national culture” usually describes a person’s consciousness, which is formed in the
process of mastering a certain national cultural heritage. The bearer of Ukrainian culture has a
consciousness formed on the basis of images and ideas inherent in Ukrainian culture (Kalmykova,
Kharchenko & Mysan, 2021), (Llinares & McCabe, 2020).
Studying the linguistic component’s feature of communication in Ukrainian, it is worth emphasizing
that the educational process in this field in Ukraine takes place in conditions when education
seekers became aware of the need to master the language of their grandfathers and great-
grandfathers as a means of communication with the aim of reviving it in everyday life. This process
is extremely complex. Language communication requires speaking, perception and
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
understanding. And this is possible only under the condition that the speaker and the listener are
on the “same speech wavelength”, when the words heard by the student are related to the
linguistic source, and, therefore, to the world of things, when conceptual knowledge is related to
sensory (Havard et al., 2019).
National and cultural factors have a significant influence both on the elements of the language
code in Ukraine and on the communication process. Elements and categories of the linguistic
code of each idioethnic language form unique linguistic worldviews differing from conceptual
(scientific) worldviews. The influence of national and cultural factors on the individual words’
semantics and, accordingly, fragments of linguistic images of the world is significant
(Krasnobaieva-Chorna & Harbera, 2022).
Indicators of stereotyping in the field of linguistics are as follows: repetition of the characteristics
of a certain object in different types of discourse; the presence of derivatives in the semantics of
which this feature is repeated or even becomes leading; for instance, in the consciousness of
certain ethnic groups (in particular, Ukrainians), a pig is associated with physical and moral dirt
(“dirty like a pig”; “pig act”); therefore, this feature dominates the derived semantics of a pig; the
presence of tropes based on this feature (Ivan turned out to be a pig); the presence of
phraseological units containing this word (to put a pig); the presence of paremias (various
established expressions from idioms to proverbs), where this very sign is “played” (“Allow a pig
at table to sit and it’ll put on the table its feet”) (Harvey, Tordzro & Bradley, 2022).
Communication etiquette is a universal phenomenon. The language etiquette of communication
in Ukraine has ethnic features, national originality. On the one hand, this is caused by the
peculiarities of natural and climatic conditions, agricultural methods, contacts with other peoples,
the influence of religion, the level of cultural and civilizational development, etc. On the other
hand, this is caused by the peculiarities of character, temperament, mentality, national character
of the people (Șimon et al., 2022).
An important aspect of the effective development of communication’s linguistic component is
using effective language teaching methods. The practical orientation of education involves not
only the quantitative advantages of practice over language theory, but primarily, teaching
communicative activity, creating such conditions that contribute to the desire of education seekers
to express themselves through interaction with the interlocutor (Maaß & Rink, 2020).
In order to implement conscious and practical language activity, it is necessary to create such
conditions for involving students, under which language practice would be based not only on the
theoretical study of the language system, but on communicative activity. Mastering the mother
tongue should meet the modern social and personal needs of education seekers’ language
development (Kalmykova, Kharchenko & Mysan, 2021).
Special attention is paid to effective voice communication, which is considered as a process of
influencing the interlocutor through speaking. The content side of this influence is carefully
selected thoughts and organized in a certain way (utterance or language product), and the formal
side is the linguistic design of these thoughts. The latter significantly depends on the specifics of
the impact and on the interlocutor (the addressee of the speech) (Qian et al., 2019), (Zalizniak,
Linguistic Features of Communication in Ukrainian. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /110-121
Viktoriia Zinchenko, Iryna Lopatynska, Tamara Sabelnykova, Neonila Tilniak, Liliia Sydorenko
6. Conclusions
Therefore, as evidenced by the analysis of scientific literature on the research topic and the
questionnaire results, there are certain regularities in studying the features of communication
processes and in studying the language system. They are related to the communication process’s
features, the communication participants’ psychological characteristics and their social roles.
They can be changed over time and are nationally specific. At the same time, they arise as
necessary in any type of interpersonal and mass communication. Therefore, they can be
considered objective laws of communication.
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