Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of research competence of future teachers of physical
education in the process of professional training. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /122-130
Hryhorii Nekrasov, Iryna Pysanets, Tetiana Zhosan, Natalia Samsutina, Kateryna Voloshchuk
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.01.12
Cómo citar:
Nekrasov, H., Pysanets, I., Zhosan, T., Samsutina, N., & Voloshchuk, K. (2023). Theoretical and methodological aspects of the
formation of research competence of future teachers of physical education in the process of professional training. Revista Eduweb,
17(1), 122-130. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.01.12
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation
of research competence of future teachers of physical
education in the process of professional training
Aspectos teóricos y metodológicos de la formación de la competencia
investigadora de futuros profesores de educación física en el proceso
de formación profesional
Hryhorii Nekrasov
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Human
Health, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University Zaporizhia region, Berdyansk, Ukraine.
Iryna Pysanets
Teacher Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Human Health,
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhia region, Berdyansk, Ukraine.
Tetiana Zhosan
Teacher Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Human Health,
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhia region, Berdyansk, Ukraine.
Natalia Samsutina
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods
of Physical education Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Human Health, of the Berdyansk State
Pedagogical University, 4, Schmidt str., Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Kateryna Voloshchuk
Teacher Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports
and Human Health, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University, Zaporizhia region, Berdyansk, Ukraine.
Recibido: 14/12/22
Aceptado: 15/02/23
The purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of
research competence of future teachers of physical education in the process of professional training.
The article is based on the use of both general and special pedagogical research methods. An
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
important role for our work was played by the use of sociological (sociological-statistical) method. The
modeling method made it possible to propose a separate project-model of the curriculum. Research
competence is important, with its help the future specialist will be able to conduct their own projects
and develop the latest methods and ways of working and learning.
Keywords: physical education, education, research competence, professional training, pedagogy.
El propósito del artículo es analizar los aspectos teóricos y metodológicos de la formación de la
competencia investigadora de los futuros profesores de educación física en el proceso de formación
profesional. El artículo se basa en el uso de métodos de investigación pedagógica tanto generales
como especiales. Un papel importante para nuestro trabajo fue el uso del método sociológico
(sociológico-estadístico). El método de modelización permitió proponer un proyecto-modelo
independiente del plan de estudios. La competencia de investigación es importante, con su ayuda el
futuro especialista podrá realizar sus propios proyectos y desarrollar los últimos métodos y formas de
trabajo y aprendizaje.
Palabras clave: educación sica, educación, competencia investigadora, formación profesional,
1. Introduction
The peculiarities of the profession of physical education teachers are that it requires the free
application of acquired knowledge in practice, a range of professional competencies, and
increased responsibility. Mastery of the respective specialty relies on the use of appropriate
professional knowledge, skills, and abilities, as well as the acquisition of established important
personal qualities in the process of training. An important part of university training is the
organization and conduct of educational and pedagogical practices through which practical work
skills are formed (Anisimova et al., 2020). Let us also note that it is extremely relevant to master
the research competence, through which future specialists get used to conducting their own
research and developing special methods of working with students in school. At the same time,
the elucidation of the peculiarities of the formation of research competence remains important,
which is an urgent task for modern pedagogical science. The article aims to analyze the
theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of research competence of future physical
education teachers in the process of professional training. The task of the article is to investigate
the conceptual aspects of the mentioned problems and to identify and consider in detail the
methods of training specialists in higher education.
2. Theoretical Framework or Literature Review
The study is based on the use of modern pedagogical literature. Both Ukrainian and foreign
historians were interested in the problem of research competence formation. In particular,
Kryshtanovych et al., (2021) characterized the features of research experience of forming
professional competence in future specialists in physical education and sports. The article focuses
on the characteristics of foreign experience of training specialists in the field of physical education
and sport in European countries, primarily in Italy and Spain. At the same time, the researchers
highlighted the main progressive ideas to be implemented for the education system in the field of
physical education and the peculiarities of the training of specialists in this sphere. Pavlyuk et al.,
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of research competence of future teachers of physical
education in the process of professional training. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /122-130
Hryhorii Nekrasov, Iryna Pysanets, Tetiana Zhosan, Natalia Samsutina, Kateryna Voloshchuk
(2018) characterized the importance of different types of field training for shaping the health
competence of future specialists in physical education and sports. Experts paid special attention
to the practical implementation of this competence among students. Matviichuk et al., (2022)
characterized the peculiarities of pedagogical skills development for future physical education
teachers. Kalynychenko et al., (2021) investigated the formation of a professional and
pedagogical culture of future physical education specialists. In the work, the specialists explained
in detail the role of professional and pedagogical culture for future specialists of physical education
specialties as a key base for improving culture (however, and physical, intellectual, spiritual
economic, etc.). In addition, they believe that the specified pedagogical culture acts as the main
tool for the formation of other professional competencies, so it is also the basis for a high
professional level. Bakhmat et al., (2022) analyzed the main aspects of modernizing the
professional training of modern teachers. An improved method of teaching the theoretical
component of physical education developed by Babych et al., (2022). Kononets et al., (2021)
investigated the didactic basis for the formation of research competence among students in the
field of physical education. Among the foreign specialists, let us highlight Cojocaru et al., (2022),
who characterized the main theoretical and methodological issues of sports education. Note that
general pedagogical studies analyzing the main topical issues of modern education are also
valuable for our study. In particular, Tarkhova et al., (2020) analyzed the problem of using
infographics in the modern educational process. At the same time Ronzhina et al., (2021)
characterized the key aspects of the digitalization of modern education. An analysis of the current
innovative trends in education through the prism of digitalization was made by Järvis,
Tambovceva & Virovere (2021). The peculiarities of the formation of the digital educational
environment were characterized by Filipova & Usheva (2021). At the same time, the experts
pointed out both the main problems of implementation and the main ways of its promotion.
Although the topic of the formation of research competencies in future physical education
teachers is not new, however, it remains relevant given the constant development of education,
and the introduction of new teaching technologies.
3. Methodology
The article is formed based on the use of both general scientific and special pedagogical research
methods. Among the general scientific logical methods, we will distinguish analysis, synthesis,
induction, and deduction. The method of abstraction, which implies ascending from the abstract
to the concrete, also has a significant value. At the same time with the help of the axiomatic
method of research, we managed to pass from general statements to concrete conclusions and
recommendations. Through this method, we were able to move from defining the importance of
research competence to analyzing individual educational practices that influence the development
of the latter (Kondratska et al., 2021). In addition, functional and structural methods of research
were used in the article. A significant role in our work was played by the use of the sociological
(sociological-statistical) method, with the help of which the actual indicators of the problematic
activity of physical education teachers and other specialists in the field of sports were determined.
Special pedagogical methods of research are of particular importance. For example, the modeling
method allowed us to propose a separate project-model of the training program and development
of research competence of future physical education teachers (Ronzhina et al., 2021). With the
help of the observation method, we discovered the weaknesses and strengths of the proposed
program of training and development of research competence of future teachers.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
4. Results and Discussion
Research competence: to the problem of interpretation
For the purpose of defining the term research competence, the definition of competence is
weighted. The latter is understood as an objective category that expresses the recognized level
of skills, abilities, and knowledge in a particular person's activity. For this reason, competence is
an integrative formation of personality, which combines the above-mentioned categories of
knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, and personal characteristics affecting the desire and
ability to solve certain tasks and problems. At that, competence manifests itself directly in an
effectively performed activity and also includes personal attitude to the object and product of a
person's activity. Since the category of competence is related to the ability and capability of a
person to act successfully in typical and atypical situations, the key elements of direct research
competence should correlate with the elements of research work. At the same time, the unification
of theoretical and practical research skills forms a specific model of research competence
(Kryshtanovych et al., 2021). It should be noted that research work should be aimed at obtaining
socially important knowledge about specific subjects, phenomena, or processes. For this reason,
it should have in its structure certain stages (stages): the planning of research, the period of using
methods for the subject of research in order to obtain specific results, and the stage of compiling
and explaining the results of the work. So, research activity consists of several components:
design, informational (provides mastering the basic methods of collecting and processing of
information materials), analytical (application of general scientific and special research methods),
practical (formation and implementation of the obtained results). Consequently, we believe that
the main basis of research work should be the ability to identify the problem, the formation of a
hypothesis, the implementation of data analysis, the selection of appropriate methods, data
collation, recording intermediate and final results of the research work, organizing the discussion
and interpretation of key results (apply them in practice) (Kornosenko et al., 2021)). At the same
time, directly the concept of research skills is a system of mental and practical skills of an
individual, necessary for independent implementation of research. Consequently, the main part
of the research work forms intellectual skills, practical act as a mechanism of possession of
specific means of search work, which gives practical results (i.e., new knowledge, patterns, or
For this reason, the term research competence is understood as an integrative characteristic of a
person, which combines categories of knowledge, skills, the experience of a researcher, value
characteristics, and personality traits, manifested in readiness to perform research work to obtain
new skills and knowledge through the use of scientific methods, etc (Järvis et al., 2021). At the
same time, research competence consists of ideas about current directions of research in modern
science, awareness of philosophical theories and concepts in a particular area of scientific
knowledge, understanding of the basic methodology of the scientific field, knowledge of its laws,
and readiness to implement the key knowledge of the chosen field in their own practical work;
ability to correctly determine the content of the topic under study, its target, object, subject or task
of research. At the same time, no less important in this structure is the ability to plan an experiment
of research, understand the basic methodological principles of scientific knowledge (and use them
in practice), and mastery of the key general scientific or special methods of scientific research,
the ability to theoretically explain and with the help of experiments to check the results obtained
in the main study. In addition, the ability to synthesize the results of research work, form key
conclusions (organize the so-called methodological reflection), responsibility, the activity of the
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of research competence of future teachers of physical
education in the process of professional training. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /122-130
Hryhorii Nekrasov, Iryna Pysanets, Tetiana Zhosan, Natalia Samsutina, Kateryna Voloshchuk
researcher, the ability to organize a scientific discussion, reasonably explain your own point of
view, etc. are also important. (Bakhmatet al., 2019).
Consequently, competence is the ability to operate freely with acquired knowledge. Its basis is an
activity based on previously gained experience and certain universal knowledge. To the very
category of “competence”, we refer a certain set of powers, knowledge, abilities, and skills (in
education and training) necessary to fulfill the goals and tasks (in our case, in particular,
pedagogical activity).
Key foundations for the formation of research competence of future teachers of physical
According to the materials of the socio-humanitarian program “Physical education - the health of
the nationit was found that up to 90% of pupils and students have certain health problems,
almost half are in poor physical shape, and almost 70% of adults do not have even mediocre
values in health development. Thus, addressing the skill development of physical education
teachers looks like an extremely urgent need given the realities of the times. According to
research in recent days, nearly 80% of physical education teachers indicate that current education
should focus not on training highly specialized teachers, but on developing effective long-term
pedagogical knowledge and competencies.
Modern requirements for physical education teachers are quite high. In particular, specialists of
such specialty should be educated people for whom mastery of general competencies as
absolutely necessary elements: social, multicultural, informational, and communicative. This
ensures the performance of certain well-established social roles, which are outside the
professional qualities (Azimovna, 2022).
Thus, future teachers, specialists in physical education, are individuals who purposefully acquire
their qualifications, which are determined in accordance with the educational and qualification
level and are provided at a higher education institution with an appropriate accredited training
program. Under the current conditions of the development of the educational system in Ukraine,
such functions of training future physical education teachers are performed by scientific units
based on universities (primarily, departments of physical education, physical education, and
sports, etc.), institutes (separate scientific institutions working at universities, the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, etc.), colleges, higher teacher training colleges, instructor
The formation of methods of research competence of future teachers of physical education comes
from the use of integrative and research complex of academic disciplines. Modern training
programs gravitate to its application, which in practice will allow the rational use of integration
links between academic disciplines of a single cycle (Zhamardiy et al., 2020). This process takes
place in three gradual stages: initial (motivational-analytical), basic-professional (organizational-
activation), and professional-adaptive. Logical sequences of content topics show the whole
essence of the research work of future teachers throughout the cycle of education in higher
education institutions (Kovalenko et al., 2020). They are based on central integration and research
The initial (motivational-analytical) stage is realized by teaching the basic disciplines
“Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Physical Education” and “Motor Ability Testing
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Technologies”. The basic-professional (organizational-activity) level is achieved through the use
of disciplines “Physiological foundations of physical education” and “Sports metrology”. The
professional-adaptive stage is achieved through the training of future physical education
specialists in generalizing subjects: “Functional diagnostics and control in physical education and
sports”, “Organization of scientific studios”, and “Innovative methods of physical culture and
sports”. The proposed training system is focused on the first year of university education, after
which the future student will receive a junior bachelor's degree. The mentioned disciplines with
proper professional teaching and professional self-improvement of students are quite enough to
ensure the proper development of research competence of future physical education teachers in
the process of professional training (Ovcharuk et al., 2021).
For senior university students, a supplemented set of disciplines is offered, which will improve
their research projects. We are talking, first of all, about teaching biomedical and socio-
humanitarian academic subjects. For example, we are talking about “Theory and Methodology of
Teaching Athletics” (as well as in general about theoretical aspects and methodological
recommendations for sports games and swimming, gymnastics, etc.). General scientific aspects
of research activities of future physical education teachers are disclosed by studying human
biochemistry and physiology, and hygiene. Qualitatively, the materials of these disciplines can be
supplemented by psychology and pedagogy, which allows to significantly expand the cognitive
characteristics of future specialists (Babych et al., 2022). Note that an important aspect of training
is the mastery of modern information technology, which will allow finding an approach for students.
Bachelor's and master's degrees are extremely important steps in gaining research competence,
so important attention should be paid to the writing of qualifying papers (Klochko et al., 2022).
The master's project should accumulate both theoretical and practical work skills for future
physical education teachers. Therefore, attention to this element should be maximal in the
preparation of specialists. It is desirable that each student prepare a scientific publication on the
topic of his/her qualification project by the end of training. Such an element, let us note, will allow
mastering or improving the research competence (Demchenko et al., 2021).
European universities pay close attention to the independent research initiative of future
specialists - physical education teachers. Note that in Europe (in particular in Germany, France,
Hungary, Sweden, and Slovenia) the organization of the direction of physical education in higher
education institutions is engaged in specially formed departments (Kononets et al., 2020). For
example, the Institute of Sport (Germany), the Department of Sport (France), the Department of
Sport (Hungary), etc. Predominantly German universities, in particular the German Higher School
of Sports (Cologne), focus on the implementation of primarily health-forming competencies
(Daniel & Daniel, 2022). However, a noticeable attention is also paid to the development of
research skills. In particular, there is a system of professional training here, in which students are
actively involved in the organization of various science and sports conferences and individual
research projects. Note also that students themselves take an active part in shaping the
curriculum. For example, in Belgium, special student sports unions, which have the initiative to
organize independent scientific studios under the brands of universities, have a great influence.
It should be noted that the European system of physical education lectures is oriented to a
combination of a number of scientific and pedagogical disciplines. They combine both subjects of
the socio-humanitarian cycle and narrowly specialized disciplines (Kononets et al., 2021). We
believe that this experience is extremely useful because it allows forming a future teacher of
physical education as a broadly erudite person who has all the necessary knowledge and skills
Theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of research competence of future teachers of physical
education in the process of professional training. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /122-130
Hryhorii Nekrasov, Iryna Pysanets, Tetiana Zhosan, Natalia Samsutina, Kateryna Voloshchuk
to carry out educational activities.
Taking into account the Italian experience, let us characterize the Roman School of Business,
where the disciplines of physical education and sports are taught. This institution focuses on the
convergence of practical and academic experience, which certainly affects the development of
professional careers. Note that the athletic field is an important part of the entertainment business.
The graduate program course system consists of a six-month academic year and a six-month
international internship. After that comes the stage of work on the main scientific project
(CARTONE). Consequently, we believe that such programs promote a quality level of learning
and ensure that the experiential needs of the participants in the learning process are met.
Besides, in this institution with the help of improvement of teaching materials and stable
monitoring of the educational process the quality and success of educational programs are
guaranteed (Kryshtanovych et al., 2021). At the same time, the educational process in Italian
higher education institutions is formed based on students' responsibility for their personal learning
(Filipova & Usheva, 2021). In particular, they have the right not only to form their own schedule
of classes but also to choose the topic of their own research paper. We believe that this fact has
a significant impact on the student's desire to research the chosen subject. Consequently, it
affects the formation of research competence. In addition, we note that in Italian universities the
attendance of disciplines is not mandatory, because the teacher does not record it. So, education
in Italian universities is characterized by independent learning (Kryshtanovych et al., 2021).
Students have ample opportunities to choose their own learning project, which in turn affects the
formation of research competence. At the same time, universities in Spain are characterized by
an independent teaching system. In particular, the Autonomous University of Barcelona trains all
kinds of specialists in the field of physical education. The acquisition of research competence
here is formed through active mobility. The Autonomous University of Barcelona has 21 research
departments and 7 research institutes that provide practical training for all future specialists in the
field (Kryshtanovych et al., 2021). We believe that the direct involvement of students in such
research institutions significantly influences the formation of their research competence.
5. Conclusions
So, research competence is an integrative characteristic of a person, combining categories of
knowledge, abilities, skills, the experience of a researcher, value characteristics, and personality
traits, which are expressed in readiness to perform research work to obtain new skills and
knowledge through the use of scientific methods, etc. Despite this, research competence is
formed from ideas about current research directions in modern science, awareness of
philosophical theories and concepts in a particular field of scientific knowledge, understanding of
the basic methodology of the scientific field, knowledge of its laws, etc. We believe that the
research competence of future teachers of physical education is formed in the process of
professional training. It is summarized that competence in general is the ability to freely operate
the received knowledge. In the system of training, a set of competencies is common and
necessary for the education of a truly modern specialist. We determine that research competence
is just as important, with the help of which the future specialist will be able to conduct his or her
own projects and develop the latest methods and ways of working and teaching. For the best
mastery of this competence, a special distribution of academic disciplines is proposed to optimize
the training process. This process is supposed to take place in three stages. The initial
(motivational-analytical) stage is realized by teaching the basic disciplines. The basic-professional
(organizational-activity) level is achieved through the use of professional disciplines. The
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
professional-adaptive stage is achieved through the training of future physical education
specialists in generalizing subjects. The proposed training system is focused on the first years of
university education, after which the future student will receive a junior bachelor's degree. For
senior university students, an augmented set of disciplines is offered, primarily the teaching of
medical-biological and socio-humanitarian academic subjects. Particular emphasis should be
placed on the writing of qualification works. The master's project should accumulate both
theoretical and practical skills of future physical education teachers. It is desirable that each
student by the end of training prepared a scientific publication on the topic of his/her qualification
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