Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Gurska, O., Sakhnenko, A., Bespalova, O., Dorofieiev, A., & Halytska-Didukh, T. (2023). Pedagogical role of assessment at the
current stage of stimulating the educational process. Revista Eduweb, 17(1), 141-156.
Pedagogical role of assessment at the current stage of
stimulating the educational process
Rol pedagógico de la evaluación en la etapa actual de estimulación del proceso
Olena Gurska
State Scientific Institution “Institute of education content modernization” of Ministry of Education and
Science, Ukraine.
Anna Sakhnenko
Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine.
Oksana Bespalova
Department of Health, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy Sumy State
Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
Andrii Dorofieiev
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Tamara Halytska-Didukh
Department of History of Ukraine and Methods of Teaching History, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian
National University, Ukraine.
Recibido: 04/12/22
Aceptado: 27/02/23
The article analyzes the problem of stimulating students, having determined the essence of the
rating system and, having analyzed educational success with the help of a rating system for
monitoring and evaluating knowledge, it can be said with confidence that today the rating system
for monitoring and evaluating knowledge provides a systematic, maximally stimulated work, as
students as well as teachers. This is confirmed by the fact that the introduction of a rating system
into the educational process creates the following benefits in learning: the stressful situation in
the control process is reduced for both students and teachers; learning becomes student-
centered; the rating system excludes any humiliation of the student's personality, allows him to
Pedagogical role of assessment at the current stage of stimulating the educational process. - Eduweb, 2023,
enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /141-156
evaluate his own abilities and capabilities, i.e. encourages him to conscientious work during the
entire period of study.
Keywords: higher education, education system, current stage, pedagogical stimulation.
El artículo analiza el problema de estimular a los estudiantes, habiendo determinado la esencia
del sistema de calificación y, habiendo analizado el éxito educativo con la ayuda de un sistema
de calificación para monitorear y evaluar el conocimiento, se puede decir con confianza que hoy
en día el sistema de calificación para monitorear y evaluar el conocimiento proporciona un trabajo
sistemático, estimulado al ximo, tanto para los estudiantes como para los docentes. Esto se
confirma por el hecho de que la introducción de un sistema de calificación en el proceso educativo
genera los siguientes beneficios en el aprendizaje: se reduce la situación estresante en el
proceso de control tanto para los estudiantes como para los docentes; el aprendizaje se vuelve
centrado en el estudiante; el sistema de calificación excluye cualquier humillación de la
personalidad del estudiante, le permite evaluar sus propias habilidades y capacidades, es decir,
lo alienta a trabajar concienzudamente durante todo el período de estudio.
Palabras clave: educación superior, sistema educativo, etapa actual, estimulación pedagógica.
1. Introduction
In connection with significant changes in the life of society, the problem of improving professional
training is of particular importance, and as a result of these changes, the content and methods of
the teacher's activity are being transformed. The adaptability of the education system to scientific
and technological progress in the context of the transition from the principle of education
"education for life" to lifelong education is achieved by fundamentalizing the content of education,
increasing the productivity of teaching methods, and developing the teacher's professional
competence. A feature of the training of a qualified specialist is the need to achieve not only
standardized educational results, but also creative personal success.
Today, the goals and objectives of education are changing, and, accordingly, educational
standards and curricula are changing, there is a process of differentiation of the educational
process by profiles and levels of education. The solution of these problems is facilitated by the
use of a number of pedagogical means, among which a special place is occupied by monitoring
and evaluation as a necessary part of the educational process.
The learning process presupposes the existence of learning outcomes. We can talk about the
conformity of goals and results when there are necessary mechanisms and tools for measuring
the achievement of these goals and results, marking the degree of closeness of what has been
achieved to the planned one. The measuring instruments themselves largely depend on the
nature of the criteria and the assessment scales used.
In this regard, there is a need for a comprehensive solution of such issues as a combination of
forms and methods of control, the development of an assessment system, as well as the role of
the rating control system as one of the most important stimulating factors. This made it possible
to formulate a research problem, the essence of which lies in the analysis of the educational
success of students.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
2. Literature review
Research on innovations was started in the middle of the 20th century. and focused on theoretical
substantiation, analysis of various aspects of innovative processes in the education and training
system, developed practical recommendations for mastering, implementing, ensuring the optimal
mode of functioning of innovative projects and programs. The interest in innovations of the world
pedagogical community is manifested in the creation of information services (the Center for the
Study of Innovations in Education under the auspices of UNESCO, the Asian Center for
Pedagogical Innovations for the Development of Education), the initiation of programs for the
implementation of pedagogical innovations, holding international conferences, activities of
organizations summarizing pedagogical innovations in different countries of the world. In
particular, the International Bureau of Education (France, Paris) publishes periodicals such as
"Pedagogical Innovations", "Information and Innovation in Education".
The Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" stipulates that the purpose of higher education is the
comprehensive development of a person as an individual and the highest value of society, the
development of his talents, mental and physical abilities, the education of high moral qualities, the
formation of citizens capable of conscious social choice, enrichment on this basis of the
intellectual, creative, cultural potential of the people, raising the educational level of the people,
providing the national economy with qualified specialists (Stoicheva, 2022).
3. Aims
The purpose of the article: to theoretically substantiate and test the use of a rating system for
assessing students' knowledge as a means of stimulating the learning process.
4. Materials and methods
Research methods. At various stages of work, a set of methods was used to solve the tasks,
including: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; study and analysis of
existing curricula; study and generalization of pedagogical experience.
5. Results
There are many complex problems in the pedagogy of education and upbringing, but probably
one of the key and most important is the problem of stimulation, i.e. how to influence a person in
order to achieve the desired behavior from him.
In a certain sense, this is a problem of problems, the focus of the main difficulties, searches,
pedagogical efforts, since the entire success of the pedagogical process very often depends on
the effectiveness of stimulation.
In principle, a person of any age considers guidance from parents and teachers to be natural, but
there are a number of significant obstacles on the way from this principled readiness to behavior.
Their true cause lies in the insufficiency of the ability or will of a person, however, transformed by
self-esteem and the need for self-affirmation, they acquire various forms of resistance, which the
people themselves seem to be deeply motivated, fair and almost noble. Tactical mistakes of
teachers: lack of restraint, insufficient tact, punishing accents play into the hands of the rebuff
Pedagogical role of assessment at the current stage of stimulating the educational process. - Eduweb, 2023,
enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /141-156
position and complicate the task of pedagogical influence (Mancini, Mameli & Biolcati, 2022).
The incentive problem is as old as humanity itself. Cardinal methods of stimulation are well
reflected in the saying “carrot and stick”.
Our distant ancestors, without further ado, mainly used the “whip”, i.e. various physical and moral
punishments, which corresponded both to the harsh way of life and to the ideas of human
psychology, in which evil thoughts allegedly prevailed, which can only be changed by severity
and cruelty.
Unfortunately, the whole history of education is inseparable from punishments. Their dominance
is evidenced by written documents, antique and medieval drawings, where the teacher is often
depicted with a stick or a bunch of rods. Now it is even difficult to imagine the element of cruelty
that reigned in family and school education; back in the 19th century, physical punishment was
used in all secondary schools and in almost all families, including imperial ones.
Gradually, however, the relationship between the "stick" and the "carrot" became more and more
complex, because in the process of a long and gradual accumulation of moral experience, the
ideas of great pedagogical tolerance and gentleness were affirmed. In the twentieth century,
physical punishment in developed countries, in principle, were obsolete, which marked a new
pedagogical era.
The current stage of pedagogical stimulation, as, in fact, everyone else, lives in a state of constant
contradiction between the usual and traditional pedagogical technique and the more democratic
demands of the pupils.
The eternal regularity lies in the fact that the need of pupils for a more humane approach is always
ahead of pedagogical practice, in other words, the teacher is always more or less conservative.
The behavior of teachers, which would have seemed to our ancestors as the height of humanity,
may seem harsh and unfair to a modern person. From this pattern comes the constant need to
improve methods of stimulation (Bystrova, 2015).
There are many complex problems in the pedagogy of education and upbringing, but probably
one of the key and most important is the problem of stimulation, i.e. how to influence a person in
order to achieve the desired behavior from him.
In a certain sense, this is a problem of problems, the focus of the main difficulties, searches,
pedagogical efforts, since the entire success of the pedagogical process very often depends on
the effectiveness of stimulation.
In principle, a person of any age considers guidance from parents and teachers to be natural, but
there are a number of significant obstacles on the way from this principled readiness to behavior.
Their true cause lies in the insufficiency of the ability or will of a person, however, transformed by
self-esteem and the need for self-affirmation, they acquire various forms of resistance, which the
people themselves seem to be deeply motivated, fair and almost noble. Tactical mistakes of
teachers: lack of restraint, insufficient tact, punishing accents play into the hands of the rebuff
position and complicate the task of pedagogical influence.
The incentive problem is as old as humanity itself. Cardinal methods of stimulation are well
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
reflected in the saying “carrot and stick”.
Our distant ancestors, without further ado, mainly used the “whip”, i.e. various physical and moral
punishments, which corresponded both to the harsh way of life and to the ideas of human
psychology, in which evil thoughts allegedly prevailed, which can only be changed by severity
and cruelty.
Unfortunately, the whole history of education is inseparable from punishments. Their dominance
is evidenced by written documents, antique and medieval drawings, where the teacher is often
depicted with a stick or a bunch of rods. Now it is even difficult to imagine the element of cruelty
that reigned in family and school education; back in the 19th century, physical punishment was
used in all secondary schools and in almost all families, including imperial ones.
Gradually, however, the relationship between the "stick" and the "carrot" became more and more
complex, because in the process of a long and gradual accumulation of moral experience, the
ideas of great pedagogical tolerance and gentleness were affirmed. In the twentieth century,
physical punishment in developed countries, in principle, were obsolete, which marked a new
pedagogical era.
The current stage of pedagogical stimulation, as, in fact, everyone else, lives in a state of constant
contradiction between the usual and traditional pedagogical technique and the more democratic
demands of the pupils.
The eternal regularity lies in the fact that the need of pupils for a more humane approach is always
ahead of pedagogical practice, in other words, the teacher is always more or less conservative.
The behavior of teachers, which would have seemed to our ancestors as the height of humanity,
may seem harsh and unfair to a modern person. From this pattern comes the constant need to
improve methods of stimulation.
Increasingly, one can meet in the practice of work and educational discussions specially
organized in the classroom are no longer of a game nature. This technique is used in order to
arouse increased interest in a more in-depth study of the issue. It is especially widely used in
optional classes for in-depth study of various academic subjects.
One of the effective methods of stimulating interest in learning is to create a situation of success
in the educational process for students who experience certain difficulties in learning. Without
experiencing the joy of success, it is impossible to truly count on further success in overcoming
educational difficulties. That is why experienced teachers select assignments for students in such
a way that those who need stimulation would receive an assignment available to them at the
appropriate stage, and then move on to more complex exercises.
Let us now turn to encouragement through training assessments. In principle, assessment is not
a reward or punishment, but a measure of knowledge, but practically none of the teachers
manages to get away from using assessment as a stimulating tool, and therefore one should
strive to do it in the best way. Any teacher subtly feels the impact of his assessment on students,
catches those moments when you can slightly overestimate the assessment in order to support
and encourage. In most cases, the teacher's intuition and benevolence serve as good advisers,
but some typical erroneous positions should still be pointed out.
Pedagogical role of assessment at the current stage of stimulating the educational process. - Eduweb, 2023,
enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /141-156
Some educators devalue their grades by constantly overestimating them, which is either due to
the softness of the teacher's character, or because of his poor knowledge. The "fives" of such a
teacher lose their function of stimulation.
Teachers of the opposite type are very stingy with good grades, believing that this increases the
demands and level of knowledge of students. One might agree with such a “pure” use of
assessment, but such teachers often do not skimp on low grades.
Quite typical is the inertia of teachers in evaluating individual students, which takes on the
character of a label, a stigma at their level of knowledge. It has long been observed that it is
difficult for a student to break out of his reputation with a given teacher; so, if he is a “C” student,
the teacher is very reluctant to give him a “Four” for a test that deserves it. “Probably cheated,”
the teacher thinks, and considers “the four as an injection for his professional vanity. It happens
that a student tries with all his might to move from “four” to “five”, but the teacher, confident that
this student cannot know “5”, finds an opportunity to “put him in his place”.
So, a large group of methods for stimulating interest in learning is briefly described: methods of
emotional and moral stimulation, methods of cognitive dispute, analysis of life situations, cognitive
games, educational discussions, creating situations of success, etc. All these methods give
verbal, visual, practical and other methods additional stimulus. Knowledge of the whole wealth of
methods for stimulating interest in the educational activities of schoolchildren will allow teachers
in each specific case to choose those that best correspond to the educational tasks being solved,
the characteristics of students, the degree of development of their cognitive interest, in order to
raise it to a new, higher level.
In modern didactics, there are various approaches to the construction of indicators of knowledge,
skills and abilities, focused on the goals of teaching various academic subjects, which leads to
significant difficulties in their understanding by both the teacher and the student and, as a result,
to formal use to the detriment of the objectivity of the assessment (Liu, Che & Zhu, 2022).
In recent years, a supra-subject, general didactic level of understanding the indicators of
schoolchildren's learning has been formed in didactics, and the indicators of knowledge are
described through the possession of their elements, expressed in the performance by students of
intellectual operations that can be objectively measured. The generalized system of oversubject
indicators of learning can be represented as follows.
The indicator of the formation of knowledge:
possession of concepts;
possession of facts;
knowledge of scientific issues;
possession of theories;
possession of laws and regulations;
Knowledge of methods and procedures.
The indicator of the formation of skills:
construction of an algorithm (sequence) of operations for performing specific actions in the
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
skill structure;
modeling (planning) of the practical implementation of the actions that make up this skill;
performing a set of actions that make up this skill;
self-analysis of the results of performing actions that make up skill in comparison with the
purpose of the activity.
Control is an integral part of learning. Depending on the functions that control performs in the
educational process, it can be divided into three main types:
preliminary, current, final, considered as a means of monitoring the level (quality) of assimilation.
The purpose of preliminary control is to establish the initial level of different aspects of the
student's personality and, above all, the initial state of cognitive activity, first of all, the individual
level of each student.
The success of studying any topic (section or course) depends on the degree of assimilation of
those concepts, terms, provisions, etc. that were studied at the previous stages of training. If the
teacher does not have information about this, then he is deprived of the possibility of designing
and managing the educational process, choosing the best option. The teacher receives the
necessary information by applying propaedeutic diagnostics, better known to teachers as a
preliminary control (accounting) of knowledge. The latter is also necessary in order to fix (make a
cut) the initial level of learning. Comparison of the initial initial level of learning with the final
(achieved) allows you to measure the "growth" of knowledge, the degree of formation of skills and
abilities, analyze the dynamics and effectiveness of the didactic process, as well as draw objective
conclusions about the "contribution" of the teacher to the learning of students, the effectiveness
of pedagogical work, evaluate the skill (professionalism) of the teacher.
The most important function of the current control is the feedback function. Feedback allows the
teacher to receive information about the progress of the learning process for each student. It is
one of the most important conditions for the successful course of the assimilation process.
Feedback should carry information not only about the correctness or incorrectness of the final
result, but also make it possible to control the progress of the process, to monitor the actions of
the student.
Current control is necessary for diagnosing the course of the didactic process, identifying the
dynamics of the latter, comparing the results actually achieved at individual stages with the
projected ones. In addition to the actual prognostic function, current control and accounting of
knowledge and skills stimulates the educational work of students, contributes to the timely
identification of gaps in the assimilation of the material, and increases the overall productivity of
educational work.
Usually, current control is carried out through an oral survey, which is being improved all the time:
teachers are increasingly practicing its forms such as compacted, frontal, tape, etc. Test tasks for
current control (their number usually does not exceed 6-8) are formed in such a way as to cover
all the essential elements of knowledge and skills. After completion of the work, the mistakes
made by the trainees are necessarily analyzed (Silva, Arruda, Zwierewicz, Stefenon, Ferreira,
Klaar & Yamaguchi, 2020).
Pedagogical role of assessment at the current stage of stimulating the educational process. - Eduweb, 2023,
enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /141-156
Students should always be aware that the process of assimilation has its own time limits and must
end with a certain result, which will be evaluated. This means that in addition to control, which
performs the function of feedback, another type of control is needed, which is designed to give an
idea of the results achieved. This type of control is usually called final. The result can concern
both a separate training cycle, and the whole subject or some section. In the practice of teaching,
final control is used to evaluate the learning outcomes achieved at the end of work on a topic or
course (Keller & Kesberg, 2017).
The final control is carried out during the final repetition at the end of each quarter and academic
year, as well as in the process of exams (tests). It is at this stage of the didactic process that the
educational material is systematized and generalized. Appropriately designed learning tests can
be applied with high efficiency. The main requirement for the final test items is that they must
correspond to the level of the national education standard. Final testing technologies using
computers and specialized programs are becoming more widespread.
Variants of assessment methods are called: normative, comparative and personal. Apparently,
various methods of assessment should find adequate application in a variety of learning
technologies, forms of organization of activities, teaching methods.
In the educational process, these types of control and evaluation can be used as pedagogical
stimulation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the stimulating effect of the same
type of control and evaluation, firstly, will be different for different students, and secondly, with
different teaching technologies, the same type of control and evaluation may have different
significance (Liu, Liang, Onuma & Rithkerd, 2022).
6. Discussion
The advantage of the assessment system is that the functions of assessment are not limited to
just ascertaining the level of learning. Evaluation is a means of stimulating learning, positive
motivation, and influence on a person. Under the influence of objective assessment,
schoolchildren develop an adequate self-esteem, a critical attitude towards their successes.
Therefore, the significance of assessment and the diversity of its functions require the search for
indicators that would reflect all aspects of schoolchildren's educational activities and ensure their
The currently used system of monitoring and evaluation has developed a long time ago, in other
conditions of the functioning of the educational system. These conditions have changed, which
has exposed the shortcomings of the applied monitoring and evaluation. The main disadvantages
can be considered the following:
1. Daily oral survey as a form of monitoring educational activities and its results is selective and
random. This creates conditions for the intermittent work of individual students. The teacher
with such control does not know what is actually learned by each student.
2. Many educators use assessment as a means of pressure on students, which creates a tense
learning environment. Evaluation often becomes the main result of their activity for them and,
therefore, an incentive for further work. Educational and cognitive motives are obscured,
relegated to the background, which deforms the motivational sphere of students and distorts
the entire educational process.
3. In the existing system of control, the assessment of the work of students is simultaneously
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
announced by the administration and the assessment of pedagogical work. Knowing this,
some students are convinced that the assessment of their educational activities does not
depend on the result, but is due to external opportunistic moments. All this does not contribute
to the formation of the importance of personal responsibility of students for their educational
activities and their results.
4. External control and evaluation of the teacher are the main, and often the only ones in the
test. And as a consequence of this, students do not form the habits and skills of self-control
and self-esteem. This means that in the existing monitoring and evaluation system, its
functions are not fully implemented, which leads to a decrease in the possibilities of
pedagogical stimulation of students.
The listed shortcomings of the applied monitoring and evaluation system in the educational
process allow us to conclude that it needs to be improved and, possibly, radically changed.
Such proposals are submitted for discussion, and teachers involved in practical activities test
various options in the educational process. This applies, first of all, to the innovators of the
secondary and higher schools (Jiang, Du & Dong, 2017).
Meaningful educational activity should have three components: a) orienting and motivational;
b) operational-executive; c) reflective-evaluative. All of them must be not only realized, but also
fully implemented. And if the second part of learning activity is certainly present, then the same
cannot be said about the first and third parts. When there is no orienting-motivational part, the
activity turns into chaotic separate actions, not connected by a clearly perceived goal. In the
absence of the third part, in which there should be a place for self-control and self-assessment,
activity becomes consisting of random and uncorrectable actions. One of the tasks of the teacher
is to teach students how to build such an educational activity that covers all its constituent parts.
The five-point grading system is not a globally accepted system. There are many different forms
of knowledge assessment:
The American rating system corresponds to the following quantitative marks:
the highest level - A (excellent);
high level - B (good);
average level - C (satisfactory);
weak level - D (unsatisfactory).
Advantages and disadvantages.
First, unlike the traditional approach that separates teaching, learning, and assessment, the
learning portfolio organically integrates these three components of the learning process.
Secondly, it allows you to combine the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the student's
abilities through the analysis of various products of educational and cognitive activity.
Thirdly, not only assessment is encouraged, but also self-assessment and mutual assessment of
students, as well as self-analysis and self-control of the student.
Pedagogical role of assessment at the current stage of stimulating the educational process. - Eduweb, 2023,
enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /141-156
1. In the UK, for example, it is generally accepted not to mark, but to verbally evaluate the work
of a student, which makes it possible to give a more complete and detailed description of the
student. It is this that subsequently helps the child not to make mistakes. The assessment
form looks like this: Last name, first name of the student. Subject. Date of completion.
Characterized time period (1, 4 or 12 weeks). A general characteristic of the student's
progress in the subject is a detailed opinion of the teacher. Detailed description of individual
activities and relationships: 1. Class work was done: always, regularly, half the time, rarely,
almost never. 2. Homework was done: always, regularly, half the time, rarely, almost never.
Attitude towards the subject as a whole: positive, indifferent, negative. 4. Participation in the
work of the class in the classroom: constant and proactive, regular, frequent, rare. 5. Depth of
understanding of the material: excellent, good, weak, very weak. 6. Curiosity and cognitive
interest is manifested: often, rarely, almost never. 7. Responsibility and independence in
educational activities: always independent, needs help and support, rarely shows
independence, evades responsibility. 8. Attention: excellent, average, easily distracted. 9.
Behavior in the classroom: excellent, good, fair, poor. 10. Interaction and relationships with
comrades: positive, indifferent, negative. 11. The teacher's overall impression of the student:
excellent, good, satisfactory, poor. The document is signed by both the teacher and the
2. And finally, let's consider the rating system of knowledge control. The existing traditional five-
point assessment system does not adequately fulfill the function of an instrument of influence
on the student, since assessment is not carried out according to all the parameters that are
declared as subject to assessment, etc. And as a result of this, other assessment systems are
being sought. One of them is the rating system.
Rating - from English rating - is a mark, some numerical characteristic of a qualitative concept.
Rating - an individual numerical indicator of achievements in the classification list.
Rating - a method of evaluation, or psychological measurement, based on the judgments of
competent judges.
Assessing the success of training is the most important factor that organizes, directs and
stimulates the development of the student, based on his age and individual abilities.
Modern trends in the development of the assessment system of education pose several key tasks:
ensure a high level of objectivity in assessment;
achieve a reflection of not a one-time result, but the development trends of the student's
educational process;
increase the motivational component and remove the "emotional negativity" when receiving an
eliminate the random nature of the assessment and form the desire for constant educational work;
make the assessment process more visual (for the student, parents);
enable the student to evaluate his progress against the average standard, against his previous
results and the results of his classmates;
to make the process of input, output, storage and multidisciplinary analysis of the assessment
material simple and understandable for the teacher, student and his parents;
Encourage students to help other students and the teacher.
The purpose of rating education is to create conditions for motivating students' independence by
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
means of timely and systematic assessment of the results of their work in accordance with real
The rating system of knowledge control is based on a set of motivational incentives, among which
is the timely and systematic marking of results in strict accordance with the real achievements of
The main algorithm of the rating system of knowledge control the entire year of study on the
subject is divided into thematic sections, control over which is mandatory.
at the end of the training for each section, a fairly complete control of the student's knowledge is
carried out with an assessment in points.
at the end of the training, the sum of the points scored for the entire period is determined and the
total mark is set. Students with a total rating score of 86% to 100% may be exempted from tests
At the stage of preparation for the introduction of the rating system, the teacher and the student
conclude an agreement on mutual obligations. For this purpose, a form of the “Teacher-Student”
agreement is being developed, which indicates what rights and obligations each of the contracting
parties assumes. A map of "control points" (control works) is attached to the contract. This is the
main rating document. The contract stipulates the conditions for completing the training. The
student knows under what conditions he will be exempted from the final examination or,
conversely, not admitted to it.
The rating system of knowledge control does not require any significant restructuring of the
educational process, it goes well with classes in the mode of student-centered learning
technologies (Grant, 2013).
Rating technology involves the introduction of new organizational forms of education, including
special classes to correct the knowledge and skills of students. According to the results of the
student's activity, the teacher corrects the terms, types and stages of various forms of control over
the level of the student's work, thereby ensuring the possibility of self-management of educational
The main difficulty in introducing a rating system of control is a significant increase in the teacher's
time spent on preparing for lessons and additional classes. However, with the acquisition of
experience, the severity of the problem decreases.
Accounting plays an important role in the work on the technology of individual training. From the
above, it is clear that the mark loses its meaning as the student chooses their level of difficulty.
All tasks and tests are evaluated according to the principle: “done - not doneor “passed - not
passed”. Moreover, “not done” and “not delivered” do not entail any organizational conclusions.
Twos don't make sense, because a student who has not passed the test learns the material again
and passes the test on the topic a second time. Depending on individual characteristics, he can
pass the test in whole or in parts.
Pedagogical role of assessment at the current stage of stimulating the educational process. - Eduweb, 2023,
enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /141-156
The system of examinations is of great importance, if the student has completed the examination,
then he proceeds to the study of the next topic, if not, he will have to complete individual tasks on
this topic. And also it is necessary to pass the test again, in whole or in part, depending on what
part of the test he did.
Students very quickly become convinced of the futility of cheating, and repeated performance of
control work occurs only at lower levels. The level of control work is the same for everyone and
corresponds to level "3". In our understanding, a test is a necessary minimum that every student
must know on a topic.
Determination of the maximum rating mark.
If the control of knowledge and skills is continuous, then the maximum rating mark for the subject
is determined by the formula:
R max = (N/2) 5, where N is the number of hours allocated for the study of this subject. 5 is the
maximum number of points that can be obtained in one lesson. For example, if a subject is studied
for 36 hours, then the maximum number of points is 90.
The total maximum rating mark of progress for the period of study is made up of the maximum
rating marks for subjects, and the rating mark for each subject is made up of rating marks for its
constituent topics (sections).
Algorithm for determining the rating assessment of student performance.
The "weight" of a particular subject in the curriculum is established by determining the maximum
possible rating mark according to the above formula.
Educational success is calculated. "Checkpoints"
Completing any task, the student earns a certain number of points, depending on the type of task
and on the correctness of its implementation. Such tasks are control points by which the teacher
evaluates the rating of students.
Types of control points and approximate scoring for it:
abstract (10);
compilation of bibliography and annotations - 5 sources of information on the topic (3); text coding
of a textbook, article, magazine (3);
construction of questions of different levels of complexity and reference answers (3);
preparation of additional material on the topic (5). Performing practical work on the topic (3).
Solving problematic problems on the topic (5). Oral response - monologue (5).
Control work on the content of the topic (10).
Participation in the conference: preparing a report, reviewing or recalling the creative work of a
conference participant, participating in a discussion (10).
Additional points are awarded for the production of handouts, the performance of individual tasks
of the teacher, the design of visual aids, etc. (5).
Penalty points: deviation from the schedule and late delivery of work - minus 20 points, refusal of
an oral answer - minus 5 points
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Calculation of educational success in terms of the rating system
Motivation of students to learning is one of the main components of the educational process. The
formation of learning motives is the creation of conditions for the emergence of internal
motivations for learning, for students to realize them and for further self-development of their
motivational sphere.
The calculation of educational success is a mechanism that allows to increase the motivation for
active and uniform educational activities of schoolchildren, including independent work. The basis
of such a mechanism is the knowledge control system, which provides for the end-to-end
certification of the student in all disciplines in accordance with the curriculum for all types of
classes, assigning him a rating depending on the level of preparedness, activity and his behavior.
The factor stimulating educational activity is the information openness of the system, which
enables schoolchildren to compare the results of their studies with the results of their classmates.
The use of the proposed approach makes it possible to use the entire motivational block and
various channels for receiving and transmitting educational information that affect schoolchildren
to the greatest extent. At the same time, the effects of a feedback relationship between all
participants in such an intensive use of advanced technologies in education are formed and
multiply amplified. In this case, the teacher himself falls under the influence of such effects, which
requires high concentration and corresponding interest from him (Freudenberger,1975).
So, the technology of rating assessment of the educational success of students is a multifactorial
technology for assessing learning, in which success, in addition to academic performance, is
assessed according to the following evaluation criteria:
1. homework (its presence, compliance with the given volume),
2. information activity (messages, reports, conferences, abstracts, etc.),
3. participation in the study of new material and consolidation of the studied material,
4. discipline (remarks, destructive conflict),
5. skipping lessons and being late (without a good reason).
For each of the evaluation criteria, an evaluation scale in Re (rating units) has been developed.
Thus, we get the opportunity to evaluate all aspects of the educational process.
It uses both a five-point grading system and a rating scale for academic achievement. The point
system of assessments corresponds to the five-point system of educational progress. The use of
the traditional five-point system for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students is
based on the fact that grading in the certificate, class journal meets the requirements of the current
regulatory documents for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in individual
subjects and subject areas.
The rating scale of educational success uses units of success - Re. A system is provided for
converting evaluation points into units of success. Depending on the level of performance, the
following levels are distinguished: performance is the highest, highest, high, medium, low,
extremely low, extremely low.
Pedagogical role of assessment at the current stage of stimulating the educational process. - Eduweb, 2023,
enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /141-156
A system for accruing incentive and penalty points is provided, which, subject to the requirements
of the educational process, will either increase the level of educational success or lower it if the
student, violating the requirements of the educational process, receives them (Kim, 2017).
7. Conclusions
So, having analyzed the problem of stimulating students, having determined the essence of the
rating system and, having analyzed educational success with the help of a rating system for
monitoring and evaluating knowledge, we can say with confidence that today the rating system
for monitoring and evaluating knowledge provides a systematic, maximally stimulated work, as
students as well as teachers.
This is confirmed by the fact that the introduction of a rating system into the educational process
creates the following advantages in learning:
The stressful situation in the process of control is reduced for both students and teachers;
Learning becomes student-centered;
The rating system excludes any humiliation of the student's personality, allows him to evaluate
his own abilities and capabilities, i.e., encourages him to conscientious work during the entire
period of study.
Thus, the introduction of a rating system for assessing the knowledge of schoolchildren ensures
the constant desire of students to score more points, increases their interest in learning activities,
thereby organizing the systematic, rhythmic work of students and, as a result, increases
stimulation in learning activities.
The improvement of the forms and methods of control ultimately led to the need to modernize the
system of control actions, which determined a qualitative change in the place of control in the
educational process.
To objectify the quality control of students' knowledge and encourage them to study, a system of
rating control and assessment of knowledge was introduced into the educational process.
The rating system for assessing knowledge allows students to:
be aware of the need for systematic and rhythmic work on the assimilation of educational material
based on knowledge of their current rating in this discipline;
clearly understand the system for forming the final grade;
timely assess the state of their work on the study of the discipline, the implementation of all types
of academic load before the start of the test;
master the studied material in depth, continuously increasing your rating during the academic
Make adjustments to the organization of current independent work within six months. The rating
system allows teachers to:
rationally plan the educational process in this subject and stimulate the work of students; have an
objective picture of the assimilation of the studied material;
make timely adjustments to the organization of the educational process based on the results of
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
ongoing monitoring;
accurately and objectively determine the final grade in the discipline, taking into account the
current performance;
provide a more accurate gradation of the assessment of the level of knowledge in comparison
with the traditional system.
The rating system not only removes many contradictions in the control of students' knowledge,
but also optimally contributes to solving the problems of strengthening motivation for learning
activities; shows the dynamics of successes and failures in the learning process.
The introduction of the spirit of competition and rivalry, originally inherent in human nature, finds
the best way out in a voluntary form that does not cause a negative repulsive and, most
importantly, painful stress reaction. The development of elements of creativity, introspection, the
inclusion of intellectual reserves of the individual, due to the increased motivation of students,
paves the way for the gradual erasure of hard distance boundaries between the teacher and the
So, using the rating-control system in pedagogical practice together with the technology of rating
assessment of the educational success of students, the educational process will fulfill the needs
of society in the preparation of highly qualified specialists capable of creative and vigorous activity.
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