Tetiana Polukhtovych, Larysa Dzevitska, Nataliia Yermakova, Rostyslav Liashenko, Vitalii Dziamko
Preparation of students for studying in crisis situations. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /176-186
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.01.17
Cómo citar:
Polukhtovych, T., Dzevitska, L., Yermakova, N., Liashenko, R., & Dziamko, V. (2023). Preparation of students for studying in crisis
situations. Revista Eduweb, 17(1), 176-186. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.01.17
Preparation of students for studying in crisis situations
Preparación de estudiantes para estudiar en situaciones de crisis
Tetiana Polukhtovych
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Digital, Education and Social Technologies, Lutsk
National Technical University, Lutsk, Ukraine.
Larysa Dzevitska
Associate Professor at the Department of Social Humanities and Legal Disciplines, Candidate
of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty №1, Department of Social Humanities
and Legal Disciplines, Kryvyi Rih Educational and Scientific Institute Donetsk State University
of Internal Affairs, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
Nataliia Yermakova
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent, Faculty of Rehabilitation Pedagogy and Social
Work, Department of Social Sciences and the Humanities, Municipal Institution of Higher
Education "Khortytsia National Educational and Rehabilitational Academy" of Zaporizhzhia
Regional Council, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Rostyslav Liashenko
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education, Candidate of
Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Arts, Volodymyr Vynnychenko
Central Ukrainian State University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Vitalii Dziamko
Associate professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, docent, Educational and Scientific
Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, State higher
educational institution "Uzhgorod National University", Ukraine.
Recibido: 04/01/23
Aceptado: 01/03/23
The primary directions of the higher school’s educational activity are professional training, education
seekerspersonal growth and self-affirmation, development of all participants’ intellectual potential in
the educational process, spiritual enrichment, and moral, aesthetic and physical improvement. The
process of socialization of the student’s personality continues even during crisis situations.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
The purpose of the academic paper is to establish the main tendencies in preparing students for the
educational process in crisis situations in the scientific literature and to clarify certain practical aspects
of preparing higher education seekers to study in crisis situations. In the course of the research, the
analytical-bibliographic method was used to study the scientific literature on the issues of training
higher education seekers in crisis situations. Induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information,
logical-linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization were applied to study and process data. A
questionnaire was conducted by the research authors in online mode to clarify certain aspects of
training practically. Based on the research results, the primary theoretical aspects of the process of
students’ training in crisis situations were studied, as well as the standpoints of education seekers and
teachers of higher educational institutions regarding the key aspects of this issue were clarified.
Keywords: means of anti-crisis communication, anti-crisis learning strategy, educational
competencies in crisis situations, flexibility of learning activities, anti-crisis training programs.
Las direcciones principales de la actividad educativa de la escuela superior son la formación
profesional, el crecimiento personal y la autoafirmación de los buscadores de educación, el desarrollo
del potencial intelectual de todos los participantes en el proceso educativo, el enriquecimiento
espiritual y la mejora moral, estética y física. El proceso de socialización de la personalidad del alumno
continúa incluso en situaciones de crisis. Al mismo tiempo, la adaptación, la individualización y la
integración efectivas de las medidas anticrisis para garantizar el proceso educativo en las condiciones
del entorno educativo de las instituciones culturales y de educación superior adquieren una
importancia decisiva. Estudiar las características psicológicas de la edad estudiantil, sus
contradicciones, crisis, nivel de desarrollo y características individuales de cada alumno lo hace
posible, considerando los cambios que experimenta el equipo estudiantil en general y cada uno de
sus participantes en particular, de acuerdo con las especificidades de la situación de crisis, para
reconstruir efectivamente el proceso educativo de acuerdo con los requisitos de la institución
educativa, incluida la adaptación del contenido y la metodología del proceso educativo mientras se
trabaja durante una crisis.
El artículo académico tiene como objetivo establecer las principales tendencias en el estudio del tema
de la preparación de los estudiantes para el proceso educativo en situaciones de crisis en la literatura
científica y aclarar ciertos aspectos prácticos de la preparación de los aspirantes a la educación
superior para estudiar en situaciones de crisis. En el transcurso de la investigación, se utilizó el
método analítico-bibliográfico para estudiar la literatura científica sobre los temas de la formación de
aspirantes a la educación superior en situaciones de crisis. Se apliinducción, deducción, análisis,
síntesis de información, métodos sistémico-estructurales, comparativos, lógico-lingüísticos,
abstracción, idealización para estudiar y procesar datos. Se realizó un cuestionario por parte de los
autores de la investigación en modalidad online para aclarar de manera práctica ciertos aspectos de
la formación en condiciones de crisis. Con base en los resultados de la investigación, se estudiaron
los principales aspectos teóricos del proceso de formación de los estudiantes en situaciones de crisis,
así como se esclareció el punto de vista de los buscadores de educación y de los docentes de las
instituciones de educación superior sobre los aspectos clave de este tema.
Palabras clave: medios de comunicación anticrisis, estrategia de aprendizaje anticrisis,
competencias educativas en situaciones de crisis, flexibilidad de las actividades de aprendizaje,
programas de formación anticrisis.
Tetiana Polukhtovych, Larysa Dzevitska, Nataliia Yermakova, Rostyslav Liashenko, Vitalii Dziamko
Preparation of students for studying in crisis situations. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /176-186
1. Introduction
Crises are an integral part of society’s development. In case they are not given due attention, they
can become a threat to the p erson, the organization and the state in general. Globalization and
informatization as defining tendencies of modern times contribute to the rapid spread and
development of crisis situations, the widespread dissemination of negative information. However,
at the same time, they provide opportunities for protection, repelling physical and informational
aggression, and even development.
To ensure the educational process in higher educational institutions in crisis situations, students
should learn the basic requirements of strategic and anti-crisis communication and master the
skills of analyzing a crisis situation, forecasting its development. They should substantiate the
anti-crisis strategy and develop communication tools for anti-crisis management.
The theoretical part of the present research substantiates the essence, components and features
of the preparatory process for training during crises.
The practical part of the research includes assessing certain aspects of ensuring students’ quality
education in crisis situations, which require particular attention from the perspective of their
scientific justification. It also identifies modern educational tendencies, which are most actively
and successfully used in education during the period of crisis phenomena. Along with this, it
establishes the most important directions of higher education seekers’ psychological training in
connection with the emergence of crisis situations, as well as competencies that were effectively
developed in Ukrainian higher educational institutions during the Russian war in Ukraine, which
can be used as a basis for developing anti-crisis training programs in other countries of the world.
Based on the research results, conclusions were made regarding the issues raised. New
approaches of providing the educational process, most actively and successfully used during the
period of crisis phenomena in higher educational institutionstraining activities, are distance online
learning and gamification of the process of obtaining knowledge. At the same time, the most
significant directions of higher education seekers’ psychological training, which should be studied
at higher educational institutions in connection with the occurrence of crisis situations, are the
ability to use modern educational technologies in working with people in crisis situations and deep
knowledge and understanding of modern ideas about the principles of providing psychological
support in crisis situations and adaptation to specific circumstances. A significant result of the
present research is the determination of skills and competencies that have acquired effective
development from the perspective of the experience gained by participants in the educational
process of Ukrainian higher educational institutions during the Russian war in Ukraine. They can
be used as a basis for developing anti-crisis training programs in other countries of the world.
Such skills are the ability to create individual ways of development, education, social adaptation
and integration of people in crisis situations, and the ability to interdisciplinary interaction under
the condition of solving specific tasks during a crisis.
2. Literature Review
Pedagogical and educational activities in a higher educational institution aim to form a highly
qualified specialist who is able to find his place in the labor market, and take an active part in
political, social, cultural and other spheres of society (Costa, Baptista & Dorotea, 2022).
Adaptation-reaction processes in a higher educational institution’s pedagogical and educational
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
activities during crisis situations are conducted by scientific and pedagogical workers
implementing the institution’s pedagogical, methodical, scientific and organizational activities
during a crisis situation in accordance with higher education institutions’ main goal. Pedagogical
activity of scientific and pedagogical workers of a higher educational institution during a crisis
requires a transition from a standard to an adaptive organization of educational activities. At the
same time, the entire available stock of abilities and skills of their work in the anti-crisis period is
updated, ensuring the fulfillment of a specific task of pedagogical action (Aljanazrah, Yerousis,
Hamed & Khlaif, 2022)
In the conditions of a sharp change in the social environment, the transformation of pedagogical
activity into a pedagogical and professional one, the education seeker, as a rule, faces significant
difficulties in the process of personal and social adaptation of professional training in a period of
crisis. The training of the future subject of professional activity in the period of crisis involves the
activation of a person’s self-awareness, stimulation of the desire for self-esteem and self-
development in accordance with the new requirements of organizing the educational process
(Braun & Clarke, 2019).
The significance of anti-crisis communication in higher education is due to the growing importance
of communication processes as a factor in solving problems related to crisis phenomena
(Bruggeman et al., 2021).
In modern conditions of computerizing public relations, implementing information and
communication technologies, thanks to which news about crisis situations are spread instantly, a
media communications specialist must be able to organize external communication with mass
media, government bodies, partners and clients and minimize the negative impact on a higher
educational institution’s work (Ferri, Grifoni & Guzzo, 2020).
In practice, it is increasingly possible to see that using information technologies becomes a
catalyst for developing negative consequences, and sometimes a source of crises. After all, the
situation can even get out of control due to spreading false information. Consequently, the
importance of anti-crisis communication as a component of anti-crisis management in higher
education is growing (Bradshaw et al., 2022), (Abad-Segura et al., 2020).
The organization of the educational process during crisis phenomena in society is a new challenge
for heads of educational institutions and teachers, and for education seekers. It is important to
prepare the educational process in advance or during a crisis from an organizational, material
and methodological perspective just to make it safe and pleasant as possible for both students
and scientific and pedagogical staff (Vasil'єva, 2022).
Conducted studies of the practical experience of organizing the educational process during
Russia’s military operations in Ukraine proved that remote work during martial law can be fulfilled
both in synchronous and asynchronous mode. However, the best results can be achieved while
applying hybrid learning, that is, part of the material is studied in synchronous mode, and most of
it is studied in asynchronous mode. Experience has shown that it is necessary to discuss in
advance the rules of operation in both modes, as well as the algorithm of actions in the presence
of an aggravation of the crisis.
The teacher can also independently make recordings of audiovisual materials and post them on
Tetiana Polukhtovych, Larysa Dzevitska, Nataliia Yermakova, Rostyslav Liashenko, Vitalii Dziamko
Preparation of students for studying in crisis situations. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /176-186
available platforms for further discussion with education seekers (Vasil'єva, 2022).
Undoubtedly, verifying completed tasks and assessing students’ achievements are important
parts of the educational process. At the same time, the greatest effectiveness will be achieved in
the case when the teacher conducts interviews with students synchronously; however, he can
verify the performance of individual and group tasks and conduct control work asynchronously,
using platforms (Vasil'єva, 2022).
Having defined the specifics of the provision of educational services in the context of crisis
phenomena, it is important to dwell on the main tasks of state authorities in managing the
education of territorial communities, fulfilling the requirements for the organization of the
educational process in the context of a crisis, namely: to provide education in the most acceptable
and safe form, keep records of those who study from among internally displaced persons, pay for
the work of teaching staff regardless of their location and notify about the dismissal, promote the
employment of employees if there are vacancies (Klimenko, 2022).
Moreover, a specialist should navigate information wars and recognize information operations in
current conditions. He should be able to develop and effectively use anti-crisis communication
tools. This is precisely why the study of anti-crisis communication aims to prepare students to
make balanced decisions and flexible actions in the conditions of rapidly changing situations, to
form moral and willful qualities and critical thinking (Barrot, Llenares & Rosario, 2021).
The purpose of the present research is to clarify the standpoint of education seekers and teachers
of higher educational institutions regarding certain aspects of training education seekers for
effective participation in the educational process during crisis situations.
3. Materials and Methods
A practical study of the features of training students in crisis situations was carried out by
surveying 253 practicing teachers of higher educational institutions, as well as 311 students in 14
higher educational institutions of Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kyiv regions of Ukraine. The
research was conducted using the Survey Monkey service.
4. Results
According to the survey participants’ standpoint, currently, in conditions of an increased degree
of probability of crisis phenomena of various natures in society, the issues related to ensuring
quality education of students in crisis situations, requiring the most active study by scientists, are
as follows (Figure 1):
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 1. Aspects of ensuring quality education of students in crisis situations, requiring the most
attention from the perspective of their scientific justification, %
Source: compiled by the authors
The analysis of the survey’s results showed that such aspects are the adaptation of the
educational process to the changes related to crisis phenomena and the psychological
preparation of the participants of educational activities. During the survey, the respondents
determined the following new approaches to ensuring the educational process, which are most
actively and successfully used in the period of crisis phenomena in the educational activities of
the higher school (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Modern educational trends that are most actively and successfully used in education in
the period of crisis phenomena, %
Source: compiled by the authors
According to the standpoint of students and teachers of higher educational institutions, the most
important and effective trends in the period of crises are distance online learning and gamification
of the process of acquiring knowledge. A significant focus of the research was to reveal the most
important areas of higher education seekers’ psychological training, which should be studied in
higher educational institutions in connection with the emergence of crisis situations (Figure 3).
Tetiana Polukhtovych, Larysa Dzevitska, Nataliia Yermakova, Rostyslav Liashenko, Vitalii Dziamko
Preparation of students for studying in crisis situations. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /176-186
Figure 3. The most important directions of higher education seekers’ psychological training in
connection with the occurrence of crisis situations, %
Source: compiled by the authors
The respondents believe that such directions are the ability to use modern educational
technologies in working with people in crisis situations and deep knowledge and understanding
of modern ideas about the principles of providing psychological support in crisis situations and
adaptation to specific circumstances.
In the course of the research, the respondents were asked to identify the competencies that have
acquired effective development from the perspective of the experience gained by education
seekers of the Ukrainian higher educational institutions during the Russian war in Ukraine, and
can be used as a basis for developing anti-crisis educational programs in other countries of the
world (Figure 4):
Figure 4. Competencies that were effectively developed at Ukrainian higher educational
institutions during Russia’s war in Ukraine, which can be used as a basis for the developing
anti- crisis training programs in other countries of the world, %
Source: compiled by the authors
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
It can be observed from Figure 4 that these competencies include the ability to create individual
ways of development, education, social adaptation and integration of people in crisis situations,
and the ability to interdisciplinary interaction under the condition of solving specific tasks during a
5. Discussion
Considering the features of modern conditions for functioning and developing higher education,
when crisis phenomena in society inevitably affect all aspects of the work of higher educational
institutions, the necessity to create a “modern strategy for higher education is of particular
relevance. It involves developing anti-crisis methodical principles of specialists’ professional
training based on a targeted combination of theoretical, practical, research and experimental
aspects of higher educational institutions’ activities (Bruggeman et al., 2021), (Marey & Magd,
In this regard, higher educational institutions face a number of tasks aimed at effectively preparing
all subjects of the educational process to work in crisis situations (Gunasinghe & Nanayakkara,
The experience of Ukrainian higher educational institutions during crisis situations showed that,
thanks to applying special conditions for organizing the educational process, like many areas of
social and professional life, it was possible not only to resist, but also to adapt to the new work
challenges (Sandanayake, 2019), (Rawashdeh et al., 2021).
Currently, the disruption of the usual scenarios of providing educational activities in the world has
finally given higher education the opportunity to reflect, transform and introduce innovations
necessary for its adaptation to society’s needs. In particular, the effective organization of the
distance learning process has acquired considerable importance in these conditions. The higher
education sector proved to be one of the best prepared to move most of its processes to online
mode (Alan, Teodora & Seda, 2020), (Singh, Steele & Singh, 2021).
Studying at higher educational institutions is accompanied by the emergence and resolution of
contradictions of various natures. At the same time, the crisis often indicates significant problems
in personal and professional development, and becomes an incentive for self-development,
activating and enriching the psychological resources of students and teachers to overcome
difficult life situations. In the conditions of successful overcoming of the crisis, such experience
becomes the basis for the formation of professional self-confidence and personality of future
specialists. Therefore, recognition and understanding of the phenomenon of students’
professional training crises is a leading prerequisite for psychological support for successfully
overcoming these crises (Eaton et al., 2019), (Londar, 2021).
Establishing modern higher education based on a result-oriented model by designing training
programs and forming a set of general and professional competencies for future specialists leads
to the optimization of their learning process when choosing effective methods and technologies
for organizing the educational process. There is every reason to say that in order to be modern
and high-quality, university, education should combine a practical orientation with the fundamental
preparation of students of all levels to work in adverse conditions (Green & Harrington, 2020).
Tetiana Polukhtovych, Larysa Dzevitska, Nataliia Yermakova, Rostyslav Liashenko, Vitalii Dziamko
Preparation of students for studying in crisis situations. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /176-186
The primary directions for improving the training of students and teachers in higher educational
institutions for professional activities in crisis situations are as follows:
the introduction of anti-crisis methods of work and the latest approaches to organizing the
educational process;
the implementation of effective models of education seekers’ professional and personal
training, improvement of existing and development of new teaching methods;
training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions to acquire competencies in the areas
of anti-crisis work in the field of practical psychology, direct practical activity;
improvement of professional-pedagogical and psychological mastership, teachers’ skills and
personal qualities;
development and improvement of effective influence methods and the latest research tools
on the basis of educational institutions in order to increase the efficiency of education seekers’
work in the educational process in crisis situations (Helmy et al., 2020), (Jin et al., 2019),
(Khan et al., 2021).
6. Conclusions
Summarizing the analysis of the scientific literature on the research issue and the questionnaire
results, it should be noted that the specifics of higher educational institutions’ teachers’ activities
are determined by contact with the inner world of the education seeker during professional
interaction. Accordingly, the specifics of the educational process in higher education during the
crisis can be determined based on the specifics of professional activity and social requirements
for future specialists of each individual profile. At the same time, the ability of the teacher to
organize training in crisis conditions, to learn to develop the moral will towards understanding,
reflection, critical thinking for communication in crisis situations, modern tools of anti-crisis
communication in educational cases, during professional activities, should be taken into account
while acquiring skills of self-expression and creativity during anti-crisis communication.
Experience has proven that such a communication process requires advance preparation of all
training subjects, adaption of methodological materials and the training's material base, as well
as the moral and organizational support of education seekers for its effective implementation.
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