Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Strelnyk, O., Kosarevska, R., Lysenko, G., Kampi, Y., & Golovchak, N. (2023). The use of pedagogical technologies for the
organization of the educational process in institutions of higher education. Revista Eduweb, 17(1), 197-208.
The use of pedagogical technologies for the organization of
the educational process in institutions of higher education
El uso de tecnologías pedagógicas para la organización del proceso educativo en
instituciones de educación superior
Olha Strelnyk
PhD in Pedagogy, Senior Professor, Chair of german and romance language, Kyiv national linguistic
university, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Raddamila Kosarevska
PhD, Associate Professor, Architectural faculty, Department of design, Kyiv National University of
Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Galyna Lysenko
Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor, Educational and Scientific Institute of
Innovative Educational Technologies, Department of Ukrainian Studies, Document Studies and
Information Activities, Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro,
Yuriy Kampi
Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Postgraduate and Pre-university
Education, Department of Oncology and Radiology, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod,
Nataliya Golovchak
Associate professor of German Philology Department, candidate of Philological Sciences Associate
professor, faculty of foreign philology department of German philology, State University “Uzhhorod
National University”, Uzhhorod, Ukraine.
Recibido: 02/01/23
Aceptado: 26/02/23
Currently, the educational and training process is characterized by the search for such pedagogical
technologies that would maximally contribute to forming a socially active, creative personality capable
The use of pedagogical technologies for the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /197-208
of independently regulating his life activities. The purpose of the academic paper is to study the
theoretical fundamentals of the features of applying various pedagogical technologies. In the course
of the present research, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction were used to process scientific
information. Based on the research results, the existing pedagogical technologies of organizing the
educational process in the higher education sphere were studied from the perspective of their
Keywords: application of learning technologies, the teacher’s effective technological activity,
optimality of educational technology of higher educational institutions, scientific organization of the
educational process, technological teaching tools.
Actualmente, el proceso educativo y de formación se caracteriza por la squeda de tecnologías
pedagógicas que contribuyan al ximo a formar una personalidad socialmente activa y creativa
capaz de regular de forma independiente sus actividades de vida. El propósito del trabajo académico
es estudiar los fundamentos teóricos de las características de aplicar diversas tecnologías
pedagógicas. En el transcurso de la presente investigación se utilizó el análisis, la síntesis, la
inducción y la deducción para procesar la información científica. Con base en los resultados de la
investigación, se estudiaron las tecnologías pedagógicas existentes de organización del proceso
educativo en el ámbito de la educación superior desde la perspectiva de su eficacia.
Palabras clave: aplicación de tecnologías de aprendizaje, actividad tecnológica efectiva del docente,
optimización de la tecnología educativa de las instituciones de educación superior, organización
científica del proceso educativo, herramientas tecnológicas de enseñanza.
1. Introduction
Effective education system development involves introducing and implementing innovative
educational systems and technologies. The degree of implementing the latest technological
approaches is one of the most important criteria for determining the educational institution’s
competitiveness and prestige. After all, pedagogical technologies ensure systematicity,
expediency, efficiency and effectiveness of its activity. Pedagogical technologies contribute to
increasing the motivation of the educational process’ participants toward knowledge acquisition.
The connection of the educational material with the real challenges of nowadays is also
monitored. The variety of functions of educational technologies is explained by the variability of
their structure, the components of which, in addition to traditional ones, are the newest means of
the educational process. In particular, these include interactive information and communication
technologies, as well as distance forms of educational organization, which are currently used and
have gained particular popularity around the world.
The theoretical part of the present research substantiates the relevance, components and main
theoretical features of developing pedagogical technologies for organizing the educational
process at higher educational institutions.
The practical part of the research includes establishing the most significant and priority types of
pedagogical technologies in terms of the effectiveness of their application in organizing the
educational process at higher educational institutions. These are features characterizing the
concept of pedagogical technologies, requirements for pedagogical technologies from the
perspective of their most effective application in organizing the educational process. The practical
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
part of the research also determines the basic and most effective types of universal pedagogical
technologies used in higher education, as well as the most promising areas of studying features
of using the technologies for organizing the educational process at higher educational institutions.
Based on the research results, conclusions were drawn regarding the most significant types of
pedagogical technologies that can be applied in higher education. These are management and
information technologies. The survey showed that the features defining the concept of
pedagogical technologies are models of the educational process in accordance with the outlined
goal and a set of actions or activities. The respondents believe that diagnostic goal setting and
efficiency, as well as algorithmicity and designing are the main requirements for pedagogical
technologies in terms of their most effective application in organizing the educational process at
higher educational institutions.
According to the survey participants’ viewpoints, the project method and game technologies are
the basic and most universal directions of new pedagogical technologies. By the way, the
respondents also revealed the most promising areas of the scientific study of applying the
technologies in organizing the educational process in higher education. These are the analysis of
target orientations, conceptual specifications, the results of training and education, and the
analysis of time usefulness and intellectual investments in implementing the pedagogical
2. Literature Review
Currently, the interaction of various pedagogical systems and teaching technologies has gained
considerable popularity, which in practice tests both new forms and integral pedagogical systems
of the past (Akour & Alenezi, 2022).
Pedagogical technology is a method of joint action of the teacher and students, characterized
primarily by consistency in performing actions, constant and systematic measurement of the level
of upbringing and the formation of educational qualities, the interconnection of the technology’s
main elements (Kramarenko et al., 2022).
The latest development of the education system involves introducing pedagogical practice,
purposeful managerial influence on the educational system, retraining of pedagogical personnel,
significant corrections in the content, styles of activity of pedagogical institutions.
Dissatisfaction with specialists’ training quality in practice and awareness of the need to reform
the work of educational institutions lead to the need to update professional training and a teacher’s
style of professional activity. It is especially significant to develop his competencies, personal and
professional qualities, ability to live and work in new conditions, perceive and understand new
challenges of society (You, 2022).
The basic stages of implementing an educational technology are as follows: goal setting (exact
definition of the desired result as a student’s set of actions); diagnostics (recognition of the initial
level of observed actions); formulation (establishing a program of joint work between the teacher
and students, or “writing a recipe for action”); implementation of the technological process
(ensuring the conditions for program execution); assessment and correction of results
(comparison of results with an established standard) (Akour & Alenezi, 2022).
The use of pedagogical technologies for the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /197-208
Some scientists tend to consider pedagogical technology the part of pedagogical science, which
studies and develops the purpose, content and means of achieving planned learning outcomes.
Other scholars consider pedagogical technology as knowledge about pedagogical activity carried
out with the help of certain means (Tran et al., 2021; You, 2022).
From another point of view, pedagogical technology is “the ability to design the pedagogical
process by the set goal and taking into account the specific conditions of activity”. It is “a particular
order, logic and sequence in accordance with the set goal, to a certain extent the algorithmization
of the joint activity of the teacher and students in the educational process, the coherence of their
actions and relationships” (Lai, Saab & Admiraal, 2022).
Several publications use the term “teaching technique” for the educational process, and the term
“pedagogical technique” for teaching. In this context, the term “pedagogical technique” is used as
“a set of scientifically based methods of educational influence on a person or a group of people”
or as “a reasonable choice of the type of operational influence during the teacher’s interaction
with children for the maximum development of the personality as a subject”, or as a system of
knowledge necessary for the teacher to implement the strategy, tactics, and procedure of training
(Bılyk et al., 2021).
Two components were identified in pedagogical technology: the use of system knowledge to solve
practical problems and the use of technological tools in the educational process. Unlike the term
“educational technology”, which was synonymous with “technical educational resources”,
“pedagogical technology” should be understood as a scientific description (set of means and
methods) of the educational process. Currently, modern pedagogical technology is considered
primarily as a system of the most rational means for achieving the pedagogical goal, the scientific
organization of the educational process (Kučera, 2021).
The scientific and pedagogical literature analysis shows that all signs of pedagogical technologies
are divided into general and specific ones. For instance, common features are inherent in any
technology (processuality, availability of a complex of methods for measuring the state of the
object, focus on the design and use of effective and economical processes) (Wang et al., 2019).
From among the features of pedagogical technologies, which must meet the main methodical
requirements and criteria of manufacturability, the following are distinguished:
conceptuality (on the basis of a specific concept, which includes philosophical, psychological,
didactic and social-pedagogical justifications, contains educational goals). Conceptuality is
considered in terms of innovation, alternative, humanism, democracy and modernity;
systematicity (pedagogical technique must have all the signs of a system, as the expected
efficiency and reproducibility depend entirely on it);
logic of the process;
sequence and connection of all its parts;
expediency of individual elements, integrity;
manageability (the possibility of setting goals, designing the learning process, step-by-step
diagnostics, varying means and methods for correcting results);
efficiency (guarantee of achieving the planned result a certain standard of preparation,
optimal costs);
reproducibility (possibility of applying under other similar conditions by other institutions);
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
the unity of content and procedural parts, their interdependence, the complexity of the entire
methodological toolkit;
correspondence of the content of education and the contingent of educational subjects
(Double, McGrane & Hopfenbeck, 2020; Orji, Ojadi & Okwara, 2022).
Mastering new training and educational technologies requires the teacher’s internal readiness to
work seriously on his professional growth (Knoche, 2022).
The purpose of the research is to determine the standpoint of scientists and heads of higher
educational institutions regarding the features of using various types of pedagogical technologies
in organizing the educational process of higher education and, based on the results of the analysis
of the respondents’ viewpoints, to reveal the most promising directions of scientific research in
the outlined sphere.
3. Methodology
A practical study of modern tendencies in applying pedagogical technologies in organizing the
educational process at higher educational institutions was carried out by surveying 411 scientific
employees whose scientific and professional development is related to the technology of
organizing the educational process at higher educational institutions, as well as 317 teachers of
higher educational institutions conducting their professional activities in 14 educational institutions
of higher education of Ukraine. The research was conducted using the Survey Planet service.
4. Results and Discussion
At the beginning of the survey, the respondents were asked to evaluate the importance and
priority of various types of pedagogical technologies in terms of their effective application in
organizing the educational process in higher education.
According to the survey participants’ standpoint, the most significant types of pedagogical
technologies that can be used in higher education are as follows (Figure 1).
management technologies;
information technologies.
At the same time, it is worth noting that a particular group of educational technologies - information
technologies scored a relatively large percentage of points. These are cross-cutting and separate
groups of technologies used in education, training and management.
During the survey, the respondents identified the following features, due to which they define the
concept of pedagogical technologies (Figure 2).
Educational technologies are often defined as a model of the educational process in accordance
with an outlined goal and a set of actions or activities.
A significant aspect of this survey is the clarification of the requirements for pedagogical
technologies from the perspective of their most effective application in organizing the educational
process at higher educational institutions.
The use of pedagogical technologies for the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /197-208
Figure 1. The most significant and most priority types of pedagogical technologies in terms of
their effective application in organizing the educational process in higher education, %
Source: compiled by the authors
Figure 2. Features characterizing the concept of pedagogical technologies, %
Source: compiled by the authors
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
The conducted survey made it possible to reveal the main and most universal directions of new
pedagogical technologies (Figure 4).
From among the various directions of new pedagogical technologies that are part of educational
technologies, the most effective ones are the project method and game technologies.
An important advantage of the present research is the clarification of the most promising, from
the respondents’ viewpoints, directions of studying the features of using technologies in
organizing the educational process in higher education (Figure 5).
Figure 3. Requirements for pedagogical technologies from the perspective of their most effective
application in organizing the educational process at higher educational institutions, %
Source: compiled by the authors
Figure 3 shows that the most significant requirements for pedagogical technologies are diagnostic
goal setting and efficiency, algorithmicity and designing.
The use of pedagogical technologies for the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /197-208
Figure 4. The basic and most effective types of universal pedagogical technologies used in higher
education, %
Source: compiled by the authors
Figure 5. The most promising directions of studying the features of using technologies in
organizing the educational process in higher education, %.
Source: compiled by the authors
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2023
Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
It can be seen from Figure 5 that the most promising directions for studying pedagogical
technologies for organizing the educational process in higher education are the analysis of target
orientations, conceptual specifications, learning and education results, and the analysis of time
usefulness and intellectual investments in implementing pedagogical technologies.
The introduction of modern educational technologies into the educational process will contribute
to improving the quality of education. In this regard, the main components that should be taken
into account in the process of training and educating future specialists are their individual features,
the ability of the teacher to use modern educational technologies effectively, didactic focus on
developing a positive motivated attitude of the student (Stathopoulou et al., 2019).
The state’s social-economic situation is changing, which makes it more important to search for
reliable, innovative, and efficient educational methods. It also calls for introducing educational
technologies that would ensure the effective preparation of talented and capable students for
entering society and the establishment of a social elite capable of ensuring the state’s economic
and social development at the proper level.
The innovative capacity of modern pedagogical technologies lies not in the algorithms or
organizational components specified by their developers, but in the relevance of the chosen topic
and content, in modern tools and innovative methods of their implementation (Taimalu & Luik,
Modern pedagogical technologies of professional training should be based on dialogue, creative
cooperation using project and research methods, mutual support and exchange of cultural-
informational, spiritual-moral, and emotional-value experiences between participants of the
educational process. Such subject-subject interaction ensures the productive cooperation of
participants in the educational process. It contributes to establishing new, unique, cultural
products of cognitive activity social, intellectual, cultural, etc. (Fertig & Joseph, 2022).
Modern pedagogical technologies at the current stage of their development should be aimed at
updating various thinking strategies, developing cultural models, and developing an appropriate
reflection on the challenges of the surrounding reality. Pedagogical technologies, during their
application in higher education, generally contribute to developing self-education skills, self-
analysis, self-control and self-assessment and require using such extracurricular skills (Romero-
Colmenares & Reyes-Rodríguez, 2022).
From this perspective, one of the target orientations of pedagogical technologies should be the
development of cognitive qualities of the individual: thinking, memory, imagination, attention, and
the need for constant self-development (Wu, Zhou, Li & Chen, 2022).
Pedagogical technologies function as a means of investigating the most rational methods of
learning, as well as a system consisting of the most relevant and effective principles, techniques
and methods used to achieve the ultimate educational and cultural goals (Røe, Wojniusz & Bjerke,
Modern pedagogical technology is a synthesis of the achievements of pedagogical science and
practice, a combination of elements of traditional past experience and advanced achievements of
scientific and technical progress (Okoye et al., 2022a).
The use of pedagogical technologies for the organization of the educational process in institutions of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, enero-marzo, v.17, n.1. /197-208
Pedagogical technologies are person-oriented due to the humanization and democratization of
society. Currently, the sources of new pedagogical technologies are as follows:
social changes and new pedagogical thinking;
social-pedagogical and psychological sciences;
modern advanced pedagogical experience;
historical domestic and foreign experience (acquired from previous generations);
traditional pedagogy (Gallagher & Savage, 2022).
Nowadays, a variety of personally-oriented pedagogical technologies are emerging based on
activating a student’s activity and improving the overall quality of the educational process.
Personally oriented training involves using various forms and methods of organizing educational
activities, which make it possible to reveal the subjective experience of future specialists.
Accordingly, the teacher faces new challenges: creating an atmosphere of each student’s interest
in the work of the entire group; encouraging them to complete the task without fear of making a
mistake or getting the wrong answer; effective use of didactic material at the lesson; assessing
the student’s activity not only according to the final result but also in the process of its
achievement; encouraging the desire of the student to find his own way of working; creation of
pedagogical situations of communication in class that allow each student to show initiative and
independence in choosing and applying work tools (Okoye et al., 2022b).
5. Conclusions
The conducted methodological analysis of the issue under study regarding introducing
pedagogical technologies into the modern educational space made it possible to establish that
these technologies characterize the general strategy of the development of education, in general,
and the educational environment of higher schools, in particular. The principal goal of pedagogical
technologies is to forecast the development of pedagogical systems, their design, planning and
determination of factors corresponding to educational goals. Conducting a meaningful
consideration of the researched problem requires its coverage both at the level of methodological
principles and a comprehensive analysis of methodological ways of its implementation.
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