Analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies in the educational process
of medical HEIs: challenges, optimization. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /32-42
Ihor Vasianovych, Olha Тatarina, Evelina Lenha, Oksana Ruda, Olha Vainahii, Nataliia Dymar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.3
Cómo citar:
Vasianovych, I., Тatarina, O., Lenha, E., Ruda, O., Vainahii, O., & Dymar, N. (2023). Analysis of the effectiveness of the
implementation of digital technologies in the educational process of medical HEIs: challenges, optimization. Revista
Eduweb, 17(2), 32-42. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.3
Analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of
digital technologies in the educational process of medical
HEIs: challenges, optimization
Análisis de la eficacia de la implementación de las tecnologías digitales en el
proceso educativo de las IES de medicina: retos, optimización
Ihor Vasianovych
Senior Assistant of Department Chief Research and Management Department Ukrainian Military Medical
Academy, Ukraine.
Olha Тatarina
Doctor Philosophy of Medical Science, Assistant Professor of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry,
Department of Prosthetic Stomatology, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya,
Vinnytsya, Ukraine.
Evelina Lenha
Ph.D. (biochemistry), Associate Professor Department of Bioorganic and Biological Chemistry and Clinical
Biochemistry Bucovinian state medical university, Ukraine.
Oksana Ruda
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Department of Biology Faculty for Training
of Foreign Citizens, Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine.
Olha Vainahii
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Docent, Head of the department f General Surgery Ministry of Education
and Science of Ukraine State University "Uzhhorod National University", Ukraine.
Nataliia Dymar
Assistant of the Department of Biology, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/02/23
Aceptado: 01/04/23
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the more intensive use of digital technologies in higher medical
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
education. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of digital
technologies in the educational process of Ukrainian medical universities, to identify the current
challenges e-learning faces, and to propose potential ways of optimization. General scientific methods
(for example analysis, synthesis) specific pedagogical methods (specification, abstraction, comparison
forecasting) were used for the research. The results outline the main advantages of using digital
technologies in the medical higher school system. Attention is also drawn to the main challenges that
have a certain negative impact on the educational process. Among the latter, problems with the
practical training of future doctors were noted since distance learning does not provide an opportunity
to fully implement skills building component. The results also highlight possible ways to solve the
problems of using digital technologies in medical higher education institutions. It is proposed to
introduce to use not only distance learning technologies, but to combine them with the traditional
approach and independent learning. It is emphasized about further studies, as empirical
measurements of the effectiveness of distance education in the medical field. And, this
effectivenessstill needs to be ultimately proven.
Keywords: higher medical education, digitalization, challenges, prospects.
A pandemia de COVID-19 levouao uso mais intensivo de tecnologiasdigitais no ensino superior médico.
O objetivo do estudofoianalisar a eficácia da implementação de tecnologiasdigitais no processo
educacional das universidades médicas ucranianas, identificar os desafiosatuais que o e-learning
enfrenta e proporpossíveis formas de otimização. Métodos científicos gerais (por exemplo, análise,
síntese) métodos pedagógicos específicos (especificação, abstração, previsão de comparação) foram
usados para a pesquisa. Os resultados destacam as principaisvantagens do uso de tecnologiasdigitais
no sistema de ensino superior médico. Chama-se ainda a atenção para os principaisdesafios que
têmumcerto impacto negativo no processo educativo. Entre estes últimos, foram notados problemas
com a formaçãoprática dos futuros médicos, uma vez que o ensino à distâncianãooferece a
oportunidade de implementar plenamente a componente de desenvolvimento de competências. Os
resultados tambémdestacampossíveiscaminhos para resolver os problemas do uso de
tecnologiasdigitais em instituições médicas de ensino superior. Propõe-se introduzir o uso não apenas
de tecnologias de ensino a distância, mascombiná-las com a abordagem tradicional e o aprendizado
independente. Ressalta-se a continuidade de estudos, como medidas empíricas da eficácia da
educação a distânciana área médica. Ainda precisa ser finalmente provado.
Palabras clave: enseñanza médica superior, digitalización, retos, perspectivas.
1. Introduction
The modern development of information technology has a tangible impact on global social processes,
dictating new conditions for the functioning of many institutions. Higher medical education is of no
exception to the rule and is also being transformed in accordance with the requirements of modern
information systems capabilities. The COVID-19 pandemic has had negative manifestations, but it has
also stimulated some positive trends. In particular, distance education with its quality and capabilities,
has for a long time been evaluated exclusively as secondary to traditional, full-time tuition. Quarantine
restrictions have shown that these assessments are biased, and the benefits of distance education are
also quite real.
Analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies in the educational process
of medical HEIs: challenges, optimization. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /32-42
Ihor Vasianovych, Olha Тatarina, Evelina Lenha, Oksana Ruda, Olha Vainahii, Nataliia Dymar
Universities have introduced a distance form of education, which differed from the traditional model
of education. This led to the emergence of certain issues, which are still little evaluated by researchers
and require additional reflection in terms of practicality and the prospects for further use of the
proposed methods of training. In view of the fact that medical training requires certain higher
improvement of training (since it refers to an important and sensitive area of public life), the negative
aspects of distance learning in this field are more pronounced and, consequently, more destructive.
The aim of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies in
the educational process of medical institutions of higher education, identifying the current challenges
facing it and suggesting potential ways of optimization. The article considers the hypothesis of the
general advantages of distance learning, but it is noted that the work in the field of medical universities
will require the implementation and compliance with certain conditions to comply with the
2. Literature Review
The literature base of the study consists of scientific works of American, Ukrainian and European
educators. A team of Ukrainian scientists Safonov et al., (2022) believe that total digitalization has
both advantages and disadvantages. They note that the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development of the European Union pays special attention to the digitalization of education, while in
Ukraine the development of digital skills of the population is one of the key priorities of the government
in the system of digital transformation and plays a special role in ensuring social progress.
Jena et al., (2021) through the lens of analysis compared the traditional model of e-learning, and
identified the key advantages and opportunities of distance learning. Jacob (2020), in an article
entitled The New Face of Medicine characterized key contemporary transformations in medicine, with
notable attention paid by the author to the particularities of using digital and simulation technologies
in modern medicine. Raney et al., (2022) noted that as a result of the Covid - 19 pandemic, the use
of e-learning has become a new and widespread principle in the implementation of educational
services around the world. However, many developing countries are largely agrarian and cannot
provide the necessary infrastructure for digital education.
Consequently, the aforementioned authors analyzed the key challenges and opportunities faced in
providing educational services online, taking into account the views of students and teachers.
Meanwhile, Salvati (2019) in a paper titled “Medical Education in the Digital Era” described the key
digital transformations in medical education. Chen & Banerjee (2021) also described the main features
of the use of digital platforms in medical education, in particular, the authors believe that the use of
social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to spread the latest medical advances has become the
norm. In addition, according to Chen & Banerjee (2021), most educational regional societies held
educational webinars that were accessible to anyone if they had Internet access. Sorg et al., (2022)
described key aspects of the digitalization of the educational medical space based on the German
experience with distance learning. Bader & Mereniuk (2022) identified the importance of digital literacy
against the backdrop of military aggression. The authors noted the relevance of digital and information
competence against the background of global changes. The main models, implementation
mechanisms of digital learning were analyzed by Laufer et al., (2021). At the same time, Jenkins et
al., (2021) described key innovative aspects of the “rebirth” of individual medical disciplines.
The Tsekhmister et al., (2021) team characterized the challenge of implementing virtual digital
technologies in the training of medical aspirants. Succar et al., (2021) identified the impact of global
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
challenges (as well as the Covid-19 pandemic) on the transformation of ophthalmology student
education. Ottinger et al., (2021) investigated the specifics of using virtual platforms in undergraduate
medical education.
3. Materials
The materials of the study were European and Ukrainian legislative acts, system of distance learning,
which includes web-based platforms, applications, personnel necessary to support e-learning,
students’ readiness to succeed with distance learning, and results of standardized tests.
The following Ukrainian legislative acts were investigated: “Concept of digital transformation of
education and science of Ukraine” and “Strategy for the Development of Higher Education of Ukraine
for 2021-2031”. Of high importance was the use of the European Commission strategy on the
digitalization and innovative development of Europe: A New Industrial Strategy for Europe(European
Commission, 2020).
A number of web-based platforms and applications (Zoom, GoogleMeet, etc.) were used to implement
educational curricula against results of standardized test. Among soft skills necessary for students to
succefully participate in distance learning motivation, technical readiness, and some other were
Overall number of the students engaged into study was 120 persons. Research work with them was
organized on the basis of anonymity and voluntariness.
4. Methodology
The research uses theoretical general scientific methods. In particular, based on the analysis, the main
subject of the study (digital technologies in medical education) is characterized through the prism of
analysis of such problems as the features of digital technology use in the world, coverage of the key
advantages and disadvantages of using digital platforms in the medical sphere. As a result of the use
of synthesis, these problems are combined and formed their own conclusions and recommendations.
Using the systematic method, the process of digitalization of training is considered as being in constant
motion and transformation, so it requires analysis with the characterization of possible further results
of this process.
With advantage of axiological approach the transition from general theoretical statements to the
formation of research conclusions regarding the use of digital technologies in the field of medical
education was carried out.
As a result of the predictive method of research we have shown further prospects for the use of digital
technologies in medical education. Noteworthy was the use of systematic method of research, based
on which a analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities, and threats of digital
technologies in the field of education was implemented.
This theoretical study was implemented in several stages. On the first researchers determined the
relevance of the problem, carried out a content analysis of modern pedagogical literature, on the
second they characterized the features of the use of digital technology in modern education, clarified
the advantages and disadvantages in the system of implementation of total digitalization, and at the
Analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies in the educational process
of medical HEIs: challenges, optimization. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /32-42
Ihor Vasianovych, Olha Тatarina, Evelina Lenha, Oksana Ruda, Olha Vainahii, Nataliia Dymar
third - defined the difficulties in the process of carrying into effect of distance education in medical
HEIs. At the last phase of research, the results were processed; conclusions and subsequent
recommendations for the use of digital technologies in the system of training of future doctors were
5. Results
Digital technologies in the training of future medical specialists (theoretical review)
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development of the European Union pays
considerable attention to the digitalization of education, which is changing through the adoption of
policy documents, strategies, etc. According to the European Union Coalition, the key focus of modern
digitalization is the development and implementation of national digital skills strategies and the
formation of national coalitions (European Commission, 2020). At the same time, in the process of
developing the e-Health platform, the digital competencies of not only doctors, technical care
specialists, but also the entire population of the country are increasing, and therefore the level of
digital literacy of the entire society is also increasing (Jenkins et al., 2021). Therefore, an important
trend of the modern educational space is the use of digital technologies and the formation of
information, digital competence of both applicants for higher education and teachers (Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine, 2022)
Active digitalization of the educational space, the increase
in digital learning platforms and resources contributes to the emergence of changes in many
educational fields, including medical. The current trends of informatization and digitalization of society
influence that labor market trends are related to the skills of applicants for medical professions, to
interpret and apply the information correctly (Salvati, 2019). For this reason, the digital competence
of health professions teachers is important. At the same time, total informatization as a technological
advancement allows teachers to use different digital ways to implement certain learning tasks.
Students often use digital technologies in their daily lives, and they influence the development of
narrow skills related to specific platforms and technologies, such as social media and cell phones
(Tsekhmister et al., 2021). The development of professional competence is a manageable process of
becoming a professional in the medical field, and it is done mainly through education and self-
education, acquiring of information and communication competence. Consequently, the proper use of
innovative, digital, communication, and information technologies will contribute to the realization of
many significant educational and social problems, which in general also relate to the sphere of
preservation of human physical or mental health. According to contemporary scholars, innovative
digital technology has an impact of 20-30% on improving classroom performance (Rani, Kaur &
Sharma, 2022). Also, the introduction of innovative “e-leaning” methods affects the reduction of costs
for the organization of training (Sorg, Ehlers & Sorg, 2022). In addition researchers have great
optimization potential, because facilitate training sessions for a large number of individuals, individual
time planning, development of students' personal skills, etc. (See Figure 1).
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 1.
Key advantages of using digital technologies in the educational process
Authors’ development
So, the creation of digital skills strategies with formation of national coalitions, implementation of
innovative “e-leaning”, measures of increasing personal digital competence, and creation of digital e-
learning platforms are future trends in distance learning development in European Union. Its effective
use has been proven on the basis of standardized tests. The results of solving the tasks showed that
the level of knowledge of medical students did not decrease.
Steps of distance learning system implementation
The first step in the distant learning system implementation involved the creation of powerful web
portals, platforms, and medical HIE resources in a holistic network of treatment facilities, medical
institutions (local or global scale) (Motte-Signoret et al., 2021). They should serve as a means of
processing, interpreting a large volume of training information and materials for the practical work of
physicians (Jarva et al., 2022). The second step involves the formation of professional supervisor
system for future doctors through the prism of web-supplemented learning. This aspect will transform
traditional learning in medical schools and will develop directly digital learning. The third step implies
research and study of individual medical disciplines online using special virtual simulation programs.
The mentioned step will influence the formation of future doctors both on theoretical and practical
It is noted that simulation technologies are obligatory in the education and training of specialists in
emergency and urgent medical services - based on practical training. The key vectors of simulation
training should be:
A. aspects of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
B. formation of emergency medical care skills,
C. gaining skills of medical manipulation, sterilization work, etc in accordance with the specialty:
simulation rendering, surgical, gynecological, therapeutic, and other care.
Ihor Vasianovych, Olha Тatarina, Evelina Lenha, Oksana Ruda, Olha Vainahii, Nataliia Dymar
Analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies in the educational process
of medical HEIs: challenges, optimization. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /32-42
For example, medical manipulation with the help of simulation technology contributes to the practical
training of practical skills of injections.
Gynecological simulators are based on models of the development of various gynecological
examinations. In this system, computerized simulators that influence the development of practical
skills for examining the cardiovascular and respiratory systems stand out. Surgical simulators are
formed from digital virtual operating rooms, where the study of the operating and preoperative rooms
is performed. On the other hand, virtual technologies play a prominent role in this training system to
help organize the control of theoretical and practical training (Succar, Beaver & Lee, 2021).
We also suggest the development of professional medical training applications that would serve to
support core training, promote a thorough mastery of practical skills for medical aspirants. A certain
step should involve students using a variety of mobile apps that would be publicly available (Bakhmat
et al., 2022). Such applications should function on special educational platforms of HEAs and facilitate
mass distance learning courses. In the process of professional training of students, an important
aspect is the use of video content of medical operations and consultations. They should be placed in
a convenient electronic format on accessible resources. A separate aspect is also the development
and use of special training platforms of virtual reality, technologies with virtual patients, augmented
reality technologies.
In addition, the issue of forming electronic libraries with up-to-date medical information is becoming
relevant. They should be placed on the portals of educational institutions.
To achieve positive results in practical training, medical universities switched to a blended learning
system. This practice entails separation of the practical and theoretical classes. Theoretical knowledge
was planned to be imparted remotely - using Web-based Platforms Zoom, GoogleMeet, and many
other similar platforms. Distance learning platforms allowing asynchronous learning mode became
important in medical education. And practical skills are proposed to form in direct work in classrooms,
on stimulators, in laboratories (for medical biology, etc.), etc. Contacts with patients - work with real
clinical situations - also took place. It is important for future doctors to form practical skills, work with
real patients, practice manual techniques, but not all remote digital technologies can fully contribute
to the implementation of the practical aspect (Jacob, 2020). Therefore, different situational tasks and
algorithms of practical skills implementation should be addressed in teaching to bring students as
close to practice as possible (Ottinger et al., 2021). We suggest that teachers form multimedia
presentations consisting of situational tasks, with 3-4 questions at the end of each task. Each task is
displayed on the screen for each student. Thus, students will be able to perform different situational
tasks, which will improve their practical work skills.
Some medical universities have suggested using the “single day” methodology, where one day of
training is traditionally spent - it is on this day that all practical sessions take place (Radziievska et al.,
2022). Medical students have the opportunity to communicate directly with their professors, ask them
questions, build hands-on skills, and review interesting topics-all of which are difficult to accomplish
in distance learning mode. The rest of the days are spent in distant learning. This kind of educational
form allows for more effective use of digitalization because it combines digital studios with hands-on
work. In the field of medical higher education, this combination looks like a promising area of
educational work that requires further optimization and adaptation for use in e-learning.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
6. Discussion
Distance Learning Challenges in Medical HEIs
The current criteria for the educational process are gradually distancing themselves from the changing
algorithms for acquiring knowledge that were actively practiced previously (Safonov, Usyk &
Bazhenkov, 2022). Due to the development of information technology, modern applicants for higher
medical education are independently processing more materials from the Internet, participate in
webinars, online conferences, etc.
Such conclusions required detailed systematization, analysis and logical construction. So, it reveals
the need for future doctors to form independent algorithms of self-education, which requires students
to form a special motivation for learning, obtaining new knowledge, mastering practical work skills,
etc. Formation of soft skills is quite a complex and consistent process that needs permanent self-
control, systematic updating of their own knowledge, the ability to make generalizations and think
At the same time, one must agree with researchers that the problem of developing of soft skills in
educational process is generally inherent in distance education (Jena et al., 2021). However, it is not
as relevant for applicants to higher medical education because the vast majority of students have
consciously chosen the medical profession and are willing to actively learn (Chen & Banerjee, 2021).
On the other hand, medical professions are in demand in society: as the COVID-19 pandemic
demonstrated, the social roles and professional status of members of the medical and health
professions are extremely high.
Medical students' own research work should be provided with the necessary number of educational
materials of methodological and reference character, special and relevant scientific literature. In
addition, these materials should be available on the Web, since the medical industry is developing
quite dynamically, not all publications need a “paper” format - some of them can also be used in digital
form (Bader & Mereniuk, 2022). The current capabilities of universities allow this process to be
arranged (Ali, 2022). For example, at the Bogomolets National Medical University, it is possible to
access many of the leading scientific publications online, which makes it much easier for medical
students to work independently.
First and foremost, distance education requires a tangible, skilled investment of time to shape,
develop, and write curricula and syllabi that will provide an enhanced quality of education (Laufer et
al., 2021). A particularly important element for medical distance education is the ability to transfer
and control clinical experiences (Mishra et al., 2020). Consequently, with a distance learning model, it
is difficult to guarantee the development of clinical skills without traditional communication between
instructors and students. These observations support the idea of the necessity to look for such
important qualities as the interactivity of distance learning, which would simulate live classes and
make educational experiences rememberable. These can be attained by: 1) change of task, 2) periodic
work in small groups, 3) technologically friendly user interface, etc.
At the same time, the use of educational digital technology in medical education in Ukraine has several
important limitations: 1. Predominantly the implementation of training of future physicians occurs in
the practical plane;2. Inadequate provision of Internet and computer capabilities and clinical
Analysis of the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies in the educational process
of medical HEIs: challenges, optimization. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /32-42
Ihor Vasianovych, Olha Тatarina, Evelina Lenha, Oksana Ruda, Olha Vainahii, Nataliia Dymar
databases; 3. The lack or insufficient number of specialists in digital technology and a special
department of IT technology maintenance in medical institutions of higher education.
For more effective education with using digital technologies we propose to implement some solutions
(See Figure 2).
Figure 2.
The system of overcoming the limitations of e-learning in medical HEIs
7. Conclusions
As a result of the study, the limitations and challenges of e-learning were defined, as well as the use
of digital technologies in the educational process of medical institutions was proven to be effective.
Its effectiveness has been proven on the basis of standardized tests. The results of solving the tasks
demonstrated that the level of knowledge of medical students did not decrease.
Among the main challenges, we note development of students’ soft skills in distance learning process
(for example, the need to find self-management to learn) and technical readiness (lack of practical
training when using distance learning). If future medical workers do not have many problems with
motivation (though the prestige of the medical profession after the COVID-19 pandemic is at a high
level), the second challenge requires a more detailed response.
The most significant limitations to overcome were: 1) necessity to train future physicians in the
practical plane, 2) In adequate provision of Internet and computer capabilities and clinical databases,
3) The lack or insufficient number of specialists in digital technology and a special department of IT
technology maintenance in medical institutions of higher education.
The use of digital technologies in the educational process of medical institutions of higher education
appeared to be not of less value than in traditional face-to-face education. The working algorithm was
proposed and implemented to overcome the limitations and challenges of e-learning in medical HEIs.
Taking into account results of the study, it is proposed for more effective education with using of
digital technologies to implement the following strategies, approaches, and solutions: formation of
integral digital platform, using web-supplemented education, simulation technologies, development of
professional medical training, methodology of a single day.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Among number of approaches to optimize distant learning process, the use of professional medical
training applications, which would support basic training, give a better assimilation of theoretical and
practical knowledge for students, is proposed to implement. This can be realized through the use of
mobile applications that could be made freely available. It is also proposed to establish a system of
digital libraries, where relevant medical educational literature would be placed in open access. An
additional factor that should optimize distance learning in medical institutions of higher education
should be the introduction of a blended learning, during which theoretical knowledge can be obtained
in a distance format, while practicing practical skills would take place in the traditional form (the “one-
day” methodology) with use of university laboratories, stimulators, etc.
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