Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Dzhym, V., Saienko, V., Pozdniakova, O., Zhadlenko, I., & Kondratenko, V. (2023). Intensification of sport activities in the process
of training higher education seekers of various specialities. Revista Eduweb, 17(2), 43-53.
Intensification of sport activities in the process of
training higher education seekers of various specialities
Intensificación de las actividades deportivas en el proceso de formación de
solicitantes de educación superior de diversas especialidades
Viktor Dzhym
Associate Professor of the Department of Athletics and Strength Sports, Kharkiv State Academy of
Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
Volodymyr Saienko
Professor of the Department of Innovation of Management, Academy of Applied Sciences Academy of
Management and Administration in Opole, Poland.
Olena Pozdniakova
Professor of the Department of Special Education and Psychology, Khortytsia National Educational and
Rehabilitation Academy of Zaporizhzhia Regional Counsil, Khortytsia, Ukraine.
Iryna Zhadlenko
Assistant Professor Department of Special Education and Psychology, Khortytsia National Educational
Rehabilitation Academy of Zaporizhzhia Regional Council, Khortytsia, Ukraine.
Viktoriia Kondratenko
Assistant Professor, Candidate of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports of Department of Physical
Education and Special Training, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Recibido: 15/02/23
Aceptado: 31/03/23
The academic work aims to provide an assessment of scientific studies and to know the relevant
practical aspects of the activation of the process of sports activities of higher education applicants of
technical and humanitarian specialties. In the course of writing this academic article, analysis,
synthesis, abstraction and comparison were used to characterize the scientific sources on the subject
of sports activities in the training of applicants for higher education. In the course of the research, the
main theoretical requirements for effective physical training of students of higher educational
Viktor Dzhym, Volodymyr Saienko, Olena Pozdniakova, Iryna Zhadlenko, Viktoriia Kondratenko
institutions of various specialties were characterized, as well as certain practical aspects of the
individual components of this process were clarified.
Keywords: physical education of students, comprehensive physical preparation, student sports, use
of various forms of physical culture, organization of physical preparation of students.
El trabajo académico tiene como objetivo proporcionar una evaluación de los estudios científicos y
conocer los aspectos prácticos relevantes de la activación del proceso de actividades deportivas de los
solicitantes de educación superior de especialidades técnicas y humanitarias. En el transcurso de la
redacción del presente artículo académico, se utilizaron el análisis, la síntesis, la abstracción y la
comparación para caracterizar las fuentes científicas sobre el tema de las actividades deportivas en la
formación de aspirantes a la educación superior. En el curso de la investigación, se caracterizaron los
principales requisitos teóricos para la formación física eficaz de los estudiantes de instituciones de
educación superior de diversas especialidades, así como se aclararon ciertos aspectos prácticos de los
componentes individuales de este proceso.
Palabras clave: educación física de los estudiantes, preparación física integral, deporte estudiantil,
uso de diversas formas de cultura física, organización de la preparación física de los estudiantes.
1. Introduction
One of the main goals of the university is the physical education of students. The educational
process in institutions of higher education is implemented depending on the state of health,
physical development and training of the education seekers, their needs for sports training and
taking into account the conditions and type of future professional activity. In a higher educational
institution, the general management of physical culture and sports activities of students, as well
as the organization of monitoring their health, is entrusted to the rector, and their specific
implementation is carried out by administrative divisions and state institutions of the university.
The theoretical provisions of the present academic paper outline the concept, structure, goals
and main areas of sport activities for higher education seekers of various professional directions.
The practical aspect of the academic paper provides establishing the defining blocks of physical
education of students of technical and humanitarian specialities, outlining the primary functions
of sports classes, the main goals of doing sports for higher education seekers of technical and
humanitarian specialities, as well as the purpose of improving the health of student youth as a
component of the process of physical education in higher educational institutions.
In the course of the survey, it has been primarily found out that, according to the PE (Physical
Education) teachers’ viewpoint conducting training of students of technical and humanitarian
specialities, physical education is the most important of all blocks of physical education of
students. The survey has determined that the functions of doing sports for higher education
seekers of humanitarian and technical directions are biological, aesthetic and communicative. As
the research has shown, the primary goals of doing sports for higher technical education seekers
are adaptation to intensive intellectual activity through physical education, cultivation of socially
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
significant qualities in young people, formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle. At the same
time, students of humanitarian specialities are engaged in physical education mostly with the aim
of developing in-depth knowledge of physical education techniques, cultivating discipline and
diligence on the example of achieving physical perfection, adapting to intensive intellectual activity
through physical education, and cultivating socially significant qualities. In the course of the
research, it has been established that the purpose of improving the health of student youth as a
component of the physical education process in higher educational institutions is physical health
and maintaining an optimal psychophysiological state.
2. Literature Review
Classes on physical education and sports are aimed at meeting the higher education seekers’
objective needs in mastering a system of special knowledge and acquiring professionally
significant skills and abilities. They are included in the curricula of all disciplines and their
implementation is ensured by the teachers of sports departments. Cross-cultural competencies of
future teachers in integration processes, including in physical education, have been prepared
(Borysenko et al., 2022). Self-study in physical education and sports contribute to a better
assimilation of educational material, allow increasing the total time for doing physical exercises,
and accelerating the process of physical development (Coman et al., 2020; Gurban, Zhiembaev
& Zeybel, 2022).
During studies in institutions of higher education, classes on physical education involve solving
the tasks as follows:
cultivation of students’ high moral-volitional and physical qualities, readiness for highly
productive work;
preserving and strengthening the health of higher education seekers, promoting the relevant
and comprehensive development of the body, maintaining high work capacity throughout the
entire period of study;
comprehensive physical training of participants in the educational process;
professional and applied physical training of students, taking into account the specifics of their
future work;
acquisition by students of the necessary basic knowledge of the theory, methodology and
organization of physical education and sports training;
preparation for work as a coach and a judge;
improvement of sports behaviour of students - athletes;
instilling in students the belief in the need to exercise regularly (Putro et al., 2020; Howley,
In recent years, there has been a steady tendency towards an increase in the time allocated to
physical education classes in higher educational institutions, forasmuch as sport classes are aimed
at strengthening the health of students, increasing their mental and physical performance, and
improving the conditions of educational activities, living and recreation. This creates objective
conditions for overcoming the one-sidedness and fragmentation of the training of higher
education seekers, making the pedagogical process comprehensive and holistic (Sargent &
Calderón, 2021).
Viktor Dzhym, Volodymyr Saienko, Olena Pozdniakova, Iryna Zhadlenko, Viktoriia Kondratenko
At the same time, student sports are a general category of students’ activities in the form of
competitions and preparation for them, with the aim of achieving maximum results in the chosen
sports specialization. Such an activity requires the education seeker to reveal the maximum
psychophysical conditions for mobilizing his reserve abilities (Asogwa et al., 2020).
Doing sports is a form of self-expression and self-affirmation of the student, under which the
pursuit for success, the desire of the individual to implement his potential in a specific sports
scenario is in the foreground. The result of university sports activities of students is the
development of socially significant qualities, namely: social activity, independence, self-
confidence and ambition (Cheng & Chen, 2018).
In the field of sports as a form of active leisure time, the biological needs of students in motor
activity, a healthy lifestyle and enthusiasm for various types of physical culture are implemented
(Gawrisch et al., 2020).
Wide variability in students’ choice of types of sport activities depends on a number of cultural
and social factors, as well as on the biological needs of the individual.
The three-component structure of the system of physical culture and sports classes of students
determines the specifics of distinguishing differentiated goals and pedagogical tasks of each of
its structural blocks. However, this is a minor obstacle to determining the general goal of students’
involvement in sport activities, namely: the purposeful cultivation of a harmoniously developed,
highly intellectual and highly moral personality, a qualified specialist with knowledge and skills in
the development of body culture (Goodyear et al., 2021).
The purpose of the organized survey is to establish the viewpoint of PE teachers of higher
educational institutions regarding the features of intensifying sports activities of higher education
seekers of technical and humanitarian specialities.
3. Methodology
A practical study of modern tendencies in intensifying sport activities in the process of training
higher education seekers of various specialities was carried out by surveying 122 PE teachers of
students of technical specialities and 117 PE teachers of students of humanitarian specialities of
higher educational institutions of Kyiv, Cherkassy and Chernihiv, Ukraine. The QuestionPro service
was used during conducting the survey.
4. Results and Discussion
In the course of the survey, primarily, the viewpoint of physical education teachers of technical
and humanitarian specialities regarding the most common blocks of physical education for
students was clarified (Figure 1).
According to survey participants’ standpoint, the structure of physical education of students
includes three relatively independent blocks: physical education, student sports and active leisure.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
It should be mentioned that the most significant of them is physical education for both students
- humanitarians and specialists in technical direction.
Figure 1.
The most common blocks of physical education of students of technical and
humanitarian specialities, %
Source: compiled by the authors
During the survey, the respondents have identified the following functions of doing sports for
higher education seekers in humanitarian and technical directions (Figure2):
Figure 2.
Functions of doing sports for higher education seekers in humanitarian and technical
directions, %
Source: compiled by the authors
Physical education Student sports Active leisure
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of technical specialities
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of humanitarian specialities
39 37
16 23
37 46
19 21
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of technical specialities
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of humanitarian specialities
Viktor Dzhym, Volodymyr Saienko, Olena Pozdniakova, Iryna Zhadlenko, Viktoriia Kondratenko
By the way, the survey has made it possible to find out the basic goals of sport activities for
higher education seekers, which, according to teachers’ viewpoint, are the most significant for
future specialists (Figure 3).
Figure 3
. The basic goals of sport activities for higher education seekers of technical and
humanitarian specialities, %
Source: compiled by the authors
As the results of the survey have revealed, for students of technical specialities, the most
important goal of physical education and sports classes is adaptation to intensive intellectual
activity through physical education, cultivation of socially significant qualities in young people,
formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, students of humanitarian
specialities are mostly engaged in physical education with the aim of developing in-depth
knowledge of physical education techniques, cultivating discipline and diligence on the example
of achieving physical perfection, adapting to intensive intellectual activity through physical
education, and cultivating socially significant qualities.
In the course of the research, the features of improving the health of student youth as a
component of the process of physical education in the higher educational institution have been
studied; these are as follows (Figure 4).
Adaptation to intense intellectual activity
through physical education
Development of interest and need in physical
Expanding the team's reserve capabilities
Formation and improvement of knowledge
regarding the organization of self-study in the
form of active recreation
Cultivation of socially significant qualities in
young people
Development of in-depth knowledge of physical
culture techniques
Formation of the necessity in a healthy lifestyle
Harmonious development of students' bodies
and improvement of their physical capacity
Training discipline on the example of achieving
physical perfection
42 43
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of technical specialities
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of humanitarian specialities
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
As it can be observed from Figure 4, physical health and psychophysiological state are of particular
importance for students of both technical and humanitarian specialities.
Figure 4.
Purpose of improving the student youth’s health as a component of the process of
physical education in higher educational institutions, %
Source: compiled by the authors
The survey has also made it possible to find out the aspects due to which the relevance and
expediency of studying the issue of sports development in higher education is enhanced (Figure
pronounced deterioration of student youth’s state of health;
awareness of wide opportunities and the determining role of health and physical fitness in the
process of implementing pedagogical technologies of student youth;
insufficient development of pedagogical conditions for using information and communication
technologies in the physical education of students.
Physical education of students in the process of obtaining higher education is an integral part of
physical development and personality formation (Jopp, 2020).
Tendencies towards the exclusion of physical education from the list of compulsory subjects in
some higher educational institutions prove the importance of the issue raised in the present
academic paper and indicate the need and relevance of work aimed at achieving a high level of
effectiveness of physical education and sports of students in accordance with high educational
standards of higher education (Koekoek et al., 2019).
Based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature of the issue under study, students
of certain professional groups are characterized by their conditions of doing sports and
psychophysiological features of activity, which determine specific requirements for the level of
Physical health of
Physical fitness
Motivation of
education seekers
with different health
conditions to engage
in physical education
54 47
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of technical specialities
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of humanitarian specialities
Viktor Dzhym, Volodymyr Saienko, Olena Pozdniakova, Iryna Zhadlenko, Viktoriia Kondratenko
development of sports professionally significant qualities. Taking into account the requirements
outlined, the choice of means, methods of physical education and forms of organization of sports
activities of higher education seekers should be made (Krause, O’Neil, & Jones, 2020).
In order to increase students’ interest towards sport activities in extracurricular hours, the latest
modern technologies for organizing students’ sports activities are often used (Papastergiou et al.,
Figure 5.
The relevance and expediency of studying the issue of sports development in higher
education, %
Source: compiled by the authors
In recent years, a conclusion regarding the priority orientation of the process of conducting sport
activities by higher education seekers can be made in view of the special organizational structure
of physical education in higher educational institutions (Phelps et al., 2021).
In the vast majority of higher educational institutions, there are departments of physical
education, which organize the educational process according to theoretical and practical blocks
(Pill et al., 2021).
Pronounced deterioration of student youth’s
state of health
A steady increase in the number of students
with impaired health
Awareness of the determining role of health
and physical fitness in higher education
Insufficient scientific development of this issue
in the theory and practice of physical education
Insufficient development of pedagogical
conditions for using information and
communication technologies in the physical
education of students
New tendencies in education based on
implementing competency-based and student-
centered education
44 42
47 44
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of technical specialities
According to the viewpoint of PE teachers of students of humanitarian specialities
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
In addition, physical culture and sport activities of higher education seekers include participation
in sports competitions and preparation for them, participation in sports of individual choice; any
type of sport or motor activity of health and recreational orientation, group or independent activity
without participation in competitions and passing exams; for learning the basics of the technique
of the chosen type of motor activity in order to improve health or actively spend time and
communicate with other students (Quennerstedt, 2019).
Currently, the system of physical education in higher educational institutions requires the
introduction of modern types of physical activity, the use of additional methods for organizing the
activities of those involved in it, as well as new approaches to organizing the system of physical
education. In order to attract students to sport activities in in extracurricular hours, to increase
interest in it, it is expedient to use the latest, modern forms of organizing classes that are in
demand and arouse interest among young people (Yates et al., 2021).
A wide range of modern technologies for organizing students’ activities, currently used in various
areas of pedagogy, and especially in physical education and sports, makes it possible to develop
an optimal system of sports training that allows developing the necessary professional qualities
of various professional groups of students (Cicchella, Vecenane & Usca, 2022).
The advantage of using such technologies in physical education and sports is the possibility of a
complex solution of the tasks of physical education with their help and the development of
personal qualities necessary for a particular type of professional activity (Proença et al., 2020).
In order to form a motivational and valuable attitude of students towards sport activities and
increase the effectiveness of training forms, it is recommended to use modern technologies of
organizing the sport classes, the choice of which for various subject groups is determined by their
ability to develop the qualities necessary for future professional activity (Sheldon et al., 2021).
The participants of the educational process, both students and teachers, highly appreciate the
prospects of implementing various forms of organizing physical education and sport activities,
believing that their use can significantly increase the effectiveness of physical training. At the
same time, teachers note that in order to ensure the possibility of qualitative using any new forms
of classes, it is necessary to improve the material and technical base and increase the level of
scientific and methodological support, as well as professional training of pedagogical workers
engaged in the process of physical education.
5. Conclusions
Therefore, the analysis of the scientific literature and the results of the questionnaire on
organizing sport activities of higher education seekers of various specialities show that currently
the insufficient attention to this issue actualizes the need to search for the latest effective
technologies for attracting student youth to physical culture and sport activities.
Viktor Dzhym, Volodymyr Saienko, Olena Pozdniakova, Iryna Zhadlenko, Viktoriia Kondratenko
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