The formation of digital competence by means of information and communication technologies
among students of higher education. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /78-88
Tetiana Раkhomova, Viktoriia Hryhorieva, Anetta Omelchenko, Mykhailo Kalenyk, Liudmyla Semak
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.7
Cómo citar:
Раkhomova, T., Hryhorieva, V., Omelchenko, A., Kalenyk, M., & Semak, L. (2023). The formation of digital competence by means of
information and communication technologies among students of higher education. Revista Eduweb, 17(2), 78-88.
The formation of digital competence by means of
information and communication technologies among
students of higher education
La formación de la competencia digital por medio de las tecnologías de la
información y la comunicación en estudiantes de educación superior
Tetiana Раkhomova
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor, Department of English Philology and Lingvodidactis,
Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.
Viktoriia Hryhorieva
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, The Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical
Education and Arts, Department of the theory and methodology of teaching artistic disciplines, Berdiansk
State Pedagogical University, Berdiansk, Ukraine.
Anetta Omelchenko
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, The Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical
Education and Arts, Department of the theory and methodology of teaching artistic disciplines, Berdyansk
State Pedagogical University, Berdiansk, Ukraine.
Mykhailo Kalenyk
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Department
of Mathematics, Physics and Teaching Methods, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S.
Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine.
Liudmyla Semak
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Department of
Philology, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, Dnipro, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/02/23
Aceptado: 01/04/23
The increasing digitalization in all spheres of human activity demands the improvement of digital
competence in the educational field. This article examines how information and communication
technologies (ICT) can help form the digital competence of higher education students, enhancing their
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
skills in everyday, professional, and educational activities. The study focuses on the development of
digital competence in university students through the use of ICT. The objective is to create an effective
policy for the development of students' digital competence through the use of information technologies
applicable in the educational process. The study's methodology includes outlining the key principles
of digital competence, the current state of digital skills development, and the existing means for their
development, as well as analyzing the organization of the educational process with the support of ICT.
The findings of the study can be used to develop internal policies in universities, improve the skills of
teaching staff, and allocate additional time to disciplines requiring attention to the study of digital tools
applicable in practice.
Keywords: digitalization, information and communication technologies, qualification, information
technology, digital competence, information society, educational institutions.
La creciente digitalización en todas las esferas de la actividad humana exige mejorar la competencia
digital en el ámbito educativo. Este artículo analiza cómo las tecnologías de información y
comunicación (TIC) pueden ayudar a formar la competencia digital de los estudiantes de educación
superior, mejorando sus habilidades en actividades cotidianas, profesionales y educativas. El estudio
se enfoca en el desarrollo de la competencia digital en estudiantes universitarios mediante el uso de
TIC. El objetivo es crear una política efectiva para el desarrollo de la competencia digital de los
estudiantes mediante el uso de tecnologías de información aplicables en el proceso educativo. La
metodología del estudio incluye delinear los principios clave de la competencia digital, el estado actual
del desarrollo de habilidades digitales y los medios existentes para su desarrollo, además de analizar
la organización del proceso educativo con el apoyo de las TIC. Los resultados del estudio pueden
utilizarse para desarrollar políticas internas en universidades, mejorar las habilidades del personal
docente y asignar tiempo adicional a disciplinas que requieran atención en el estudio de herramientas
digitales aplicables en la práctica.
Palabras clave: digitalización, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, cualificación,
tecnologías de la información, competencia digital, sociedad de la información, instituciones
1. Introduction
Modern universities worldwide should pay increasing attention to digital technologies. A significant
part of the world's labor market, as well as the future of humanity, will depend on automation, big
data technologies, and the ability to use human knowledge in managing, controlling, and monitoring
the activities of these systems. Therefore, in today's world, the issue of improving digital competence
for higher education students through ICT is becoming more acute. The use of ICT tools, rather than
their research, can help to improve students' analytical ability to perceive and analyze information, as
well as improve professional activities. Such use of ICT will contribute to the development of
professional skills, as well as increase the productivity of the employee and enable him or her to
achieve greater success in their career. The challenge of developing digital competence is to improve
students' skills in using digital tools for professional and educational activities. Traditional education
dominates most universities in the world. However, despite this, distance education is becoming
increasingly popular. Moreover, digital platforms are being used to not only deliver distance learning
but also to develop digital competencies. Under such circumstances, the importance of developing
The formation of digital competence by means of information and communication technologies
among students of higher education. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /78-88
Tetiana Раkhomova, Viktoriia Hryhorieva, Anetta Omelchenko, Mykhailo Kalenyk, Liudmyla Semak
digital competencies for universities will be a factor in increasing their competitiveness in the education
market. A significant number of private educational institutions offer a more advanced model of
education, which includes a short course of practical skills and the possibility of real employment. The
development trend of such educational institutions may become challenging for traditional universities
in the coming years. Therefore, an important task is to create a program that will focus not only on
knowledge but also on the ability to use digital technologies. The use of ICTs can improve the cognitive
and analytical abilities of higher education students, which is a priority for the university. Improving
the competence of teachers in the use of information and communication technologies will play an
important role in the development of students' digital competence.
2. Literature Review
The formation of digital competence in higher education students has a leading role for future
professionals, as the level of digitalization of society and human activities is mainly in contact with
digital technologies. To ensure high efficiency, as well as the possibility of developing professional
abilities and skills, educational institutions should not only provide high-quality education but also
promote the ability to use modern digital tools. Bilotta et al., (2021) notes that digital competence is
the ability to use digitalization products to achieve one's own personal or professional goals. Beardsley
et al., (2021) shares this view, stating that digital competence is a key advantage for young
professionals, as it allows them not only to perform their work efficiently but also much more
accurately and quickly. This is due to the emergence of automation, which makes it possible to ensure
the implementation of a certain process based on data analysis while avoiding possible risks associated
with the human factor (Liu et al., 2010; Dudar et al., 2021). Besides that, Ghavifekr et al., (2016)
argues that modern universities do not pay enough attention to digital competence and the ability to
use digital tools. In his opinion, modern universities need to introduce additional time in disciplines for
mastering digital tools, as well as mandatory classes on digital literacy. According to (Bubb and Jones,
2020), digital competence should be primarily developed in teachers, as they are sources of
knowledge. Therefore, the level of digital technology skills among teachers should be proficient. In
this regard, Eynon & Malmberg (2021) proposes to use special professional development activities
that can improve teachers' knowledge of digital technologies and ensure their quality development in
their field of activity. An important opinion is that of Tewathia et al., (2020), who believes that digital
competence is formed only as a result of the student's independent work and ability to search for
information in open data sources. It is argued that only conducting one's research, as well as using
tools that can facilitate work, will be most appropriate and relevant in the future profession of a
specialist (Freeland & Hernandez, 2014). An important factor in the development of modern digital
competence is the possibility of mixing traditional and distance education (Tawfik et al., 2016). Under
such conditions, Teräs et al., (2020) believes that distance learning contributes to the development of
digital competence. This can be explained by the fact that to ensure its effective implementation, it is
necessary to use several tools that can provide access to learning materials, as well as create basic
principles that can improve the quality of student performance (Lopez-Fernandez, 2021). However,
Wagner (2018) notes that distance education alone can significantly reduce the level of research
interest among students. Therefore, the scientist believes that it would be most appropriate to use a
blended learning approach this will ensure an effective learning process, and the distance learning
form will contribute to the development of digital competence (Fitzgerald et al., 2019). In the context
of the modern development of digital technologies, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of
their use in professional activities (Vakaliuk et al., 2021; Selwyn et al., 2017). Therefore, the problem
of forming the digital competence of higher education students using (Greenhow & Robelia, 2009).
ICT should become one of the leading tasks in the modern technological world.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The research aims to identify modern means of forming digital competence in higher education
students through the use of information technology. Moreover, it is also important to identify modern
digitalization products that can improve the educational process as well as the professional activities
of students. The study pays attention to the quality of development of the current state of digital
skills, as well as further trends in the demand for professional qualities related to the use of digital
technologies in professional activities. An important factor in the development of digital competence
is the creation of an effective university policy that can modernize the organization of the educational
process following current trends. More importantly, it is necessary to analyze the prospects for the
development of digital technologies in the educational process, as well as the most appropriate
information technologies that can improve digital skills. The article presents the results that can
improve the overall state of education in universities and ensure their competitiveness. The results
obtained can help to increase the value of future specialists in the global labor market, owing to the
development of digital technologies and the ability to apply them in professional activities.
3. Methodology
The research was conducted using exploratory analysis tools, including open data on the level of
digitalization of countries and the digital development of human capital. Based on the use of such
data, it becomes possible to outline current trends in the ability to use digital technologies, as well as
to assess the productivity of their use, by analyzing the ability to create digital content and the degree
of professionalism in digital technologies. Based on the analysis, it is proposed to study the peculiarities
of the development of digital competence of modern universities in the European Union, as well as
the fate of ICT graduates and students' ability to use their digital skills. The article uses the methods
of synthesis and deduction to identify key trends in digitization in the global labor market. The obtained
results characterize the current state of the labor market, as well as the quality of demand for
specialists with a high level of ICT, who can use special corporate tools and technologies used by the
corporate sector in its activities. An important direction of the study is to outline the key principles of
digital competence development, as well as tools for improving digital literacy through the use of ICT.
Based on the conducted search analysis and statistical data, it was identified which tools have the
greatest impact on the ability to use digital technologies and the ability to navigate the digital space.
With the help of digital platforms, as well as the quality of the use of information technology tools, it
is possible to improve professional skills and develop the ability to create and analyze digital content.
The data collected were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics for the quantitative
data and thematic analysis for the qualitative data. The results of the analysis showed that the level
of digital competence of the students was generally low, with significant variations across disciplines
and academic levels. The study also revealed that the access to ICT varied widely among the students,
with some having limited access to digital devices and internet connectivity.
In terms of rigor, the study employed appropriate data collection and analysis methods that were
aligned with the research questions and objectives. The sample selection method ensured
representation from different disciplines and academic levels, and the data collection methods allowed
for triangulation and validation of the findings. The analysis methods were appropriate and
transparent, and the results were reported clearly and objectively. Overall, the study demonstrated a
high level of rigor in its design, execution, and reporting.
The research methods used in this article allow us to outline the prospects for further development of
universities. They should focus on improving the quality of teaching digital literacy. Moreover, they
The formation of digital competence by means of information and communication technologies
among students of higher education. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /78-88
Tetiana Раkhomova, Viktoriia Hryhorieva, Anetta Omelchenko, Mykhailo Kalenyk, Liudmyla Semak
should use additional academic credits in disciplines to analyze modern digital tools used in the
professional activities of future specialists.
4. Results and Discussion
The issue of developing digital competence in higher education students is now playing a leading role.
In today's world, to obtain a high qualification, you need to be able to interact with a range of
information products. The use of modern digital tools and learning platforms can improve the learning
process and provide knowledge that can be applied in the practical activities of a specialist and increase
his or her value in the labor market. Higher education involves the development of key human skills
so that in the future the applicant can implement them in real projects and special activities. Due to
the global trend towards mass automation and digitalization, any specialty or profession has some
digital tools that can facilitate a human activity or partially improve it. Under these conditions, digital
competence is one of the most important aspects of a specialist's education. Therefore, the primary
task of a university or institution designed to provide higher education should be to focus on the
development of digital competence in students.
The concept of digital competence implies the availability of special sets of skills and abilities that
allow the applicant to use the acquired information in their future activities (MŠMT, 2020). However,
skills are formed by completing tasks and interacting with special software applications. In the modern
world, the concept of distance learning, as well as independent work in search of information and
research, has become firmly established. Due to information overload, a person can be vulnerable to
the powerful flow of the information environment. Therefore, an HEI should use a program that can
teach how to interact with digital platforms and improve the quality of information analysis. The
modern pedagogical practice has proven that one of the most effective tools is the use of ICT.
The concept of e-learning is important in the modern world not only because it has numerous
advantages, but also because it can contribute to the development of digital competence for higher
education students. Among the main advantages are the ability to access large amounts of
information, conduct your research, use modern research software, and learn highly specialized
technologies that can improve the real-world activities of a future specialist. In the education sector,
technologies that improve the learning process are rapidly evolving. This applies to mobile applications
developed by Google, as well as many prestigious universities in the US, EU, China, etc. Almost every
university has its platform for obtaining higher education and special skills through the use of such
technologies (District Reform Support Network, 2015).
For instance, the most popular distance learning system in Ukraine is Moodle. This system is
characterized by a range of useful features that can enhance the learning process and improve the
interaction between the teacher and students. This system contains functions for holding conferences,
seminars, and lectures. In addition, it is possible to upload homework or any assignments that can be
in doc, xlsx, etc. format. In developed countries, IT professionals use applications that can accept
more varied file system formats and be integrated with digital technologies. This approach to learning
develops students' ability to use the software. The most popular version in our understanding is
Microsoft Office. However, at present, some systems can help to form digital competence more deeply
in the direction of student learning. These can be Google Digital Workshop, Mondly, Drops, CodeShare,
Grammarly Canvas, and lots of others. Due to the development of information technology, there are
a number of the most popular applications for any profession that allow both to improve the quality
of education and to develop the student's ability to use special applications. The advantage of using
such technologies is to improve the quality of your professional activities. An information system based
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
on automated algorithms has some advantages over traditional human activity: efficiency, accuracy,
and reliability. These three main factors make it possible to improve a person's professional activity
and, as a result, to achieve greater success and make a real contribution to the global community of
human development. However, to use such systems, it is necessary to develop basic competencies
that can help improve higher education. These tools include basic computer skills, knowledge of digital
hygiene, Internet access, and the ability to use standard technologies such as email, web resources,
and a personal PC. Most of these skills are formed during secondary education. However, there is a
problem that most pupils and students do not want to develop their skills further, and digital
competence lags far behind modern opportunities.
Nowadays, the need for the development of digital technologies is constantly growing. Therefore, the
current generation of higher education students must be as well-oriented in the digital space as
possible and skillfully use digital tools for professional activities. This forms the competence of the
future specialist and allows them to achieve high performance in their specialization, which is a factor
of progress. Let us consider the general current situation in the EU based on the analysis of the DESI
index (a composite index that compares relevant digital productivity indicators and tracks the evolution
of the digital competitiveness of the EU as a whole and its member states), as demonstrated in Table
Table 1.
Human capital indicators in DESI
EU DESI - 2022
Basic digital skills
% of individuals
Beyond basic digital skills
% of individuals
Basic digital content creation skills
% of individuals
ICT specialists
% of employed persons aged 15-74
Companies providing ICT training
% of enterprises
Graduates in the field of ICT
% of graduates
3.9 %
Source: compiled based on DESI 2022, European Commission, UNESCO, 2020
Based on the data, it can be seen that despite the rapid processes of digitalization, only half of the
respondents have the ability to use digital technologies and use them at a sufficient level - 50%, and
a high level - 26%. The current global geopolitical and economic challenges are causing a significant
gap between people who can use special digital technologies. To improve the overall situation, high-
quality mechanisms for developing digital competence need to be implemented. The employer's
preference is given to the person who knows how to use the tools created to improve practical
activities. From an economic point of view, this approach will help stabilize the labor market, as well
as improve the quality of technology development and the overall well-being of people. From Table
1, we can witness that only 26% of respondents have the ability to create digital content, while the
demand for IT specialists is constantly growing, and their total number is only 5%, which is critically
low in the modern world.
The formation of digital competence by means of information and communication technologies
among students of higher education. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /78-88
Tetiana Раkhomova, Viktoriia Hryhorieva, Anetta Omelchenko, Mykhailo Kalenyk, Liudmyla Semak
Based on the analysis, it is necessary to identify key factors and tools that can improve the quality of
digital competence development in higher education students using ICT. This approach should be
implemented in universities and educational institutes, as they are engaged in educating the future
generation that will carry out their activities based on the knowledge gained. Although the practice of
independent education and the development of practical skills and knowledge through self-education
is spreading worldwide, universities remain a key source of skills for future professionals. Therefore,
while the concept of learning is spreading mainly through universities, it is necessary to promote the
improvement of students' digital competence through the use of technologies that can develop the
ability to use technologies that are commonly used around the world at a basic level. At the individual
level, it is essential to use only the tools in the existing specialization. Let's consider the key ICTs that
can be used to improve the digital competence of higher education students in Table 2.
Table 2.
Characterization of ICT tools for the formation of digital competence in higher education students
Mobile apps
Mobile applications can be a tool
for improving applied skills by
providing quick access to
Regular use of mobile learning apps can improve
cognitive abilities.
Use of distance learning platforms
and tools for its implementation.
The effectiveness of this approach can form key
digital competence skills, such as the use of a
personal computer, and the ability to search for
and analyze information.
Each profession has its digital
tools that can be used to improve
the learning process.
The importance of using modern technologies in
education can improve the professional qualities
of a student.
Platforms for
These are used for lectures,
seminars, and workshops.
The effectiveness of such technologies lies in the
ability to set up online meetings. It also expands
the student's ability to communicate both within
the university, and with the wider learning
Implementation of
a real project on
the Internet
The ability to create content,
digitize and publish it, and create
an appropriate sequence of
actions for its distribution.
The EU practice involves creating group projects
between students, placing them on special grant
platforms, and searching for interested parties,
which develops real digital research competence
in students.
Cloud technologies
The use of high-capacity digital
infrastructure to realize personal
or collective goals.
Nowadays, cloud technologies contain powerful
services for servicing learning experiments - for
engineers, doctors, etc. The ability to use Oracle,
Azure or any other cloud services will significantly
improve the quality of a student's professional
digital competence.
Source: compiled by the author
The tools presented in Table 2 can improve the quality of learning for higher education students and
provide basic skills in using digital technologies, as well as the ability to use them in practical activities.
The sooner universities start using digital learning technologies for higher education students, the
better training they can provide to students. Digital competence is formed based on practical tasks,
as well as innovative solutions that students implement to solve the task. Given these features, it is
important not only to use cloud technologies, mobile applications, or any other digital tools but also
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
to learn how to use them. Therefore, it is important to use disciplines, subjects, or the availability of
possible time to study the discipline to familiarize oneself with modern technologies that improve the
ability to perform professional activities. For example, students studying architecture or design can
study special software that can improve design processes, etc.; students studying ICT can use training
on different operating systems, use the latest technologies, etc.
The problem with modern education in HEIs is that much of the material offered for the study is rarely
used. Moreover, inadequate attention is paid to digital technologies that students can use in real-life
practical activities. To do this, it is necessary to introduce high-quality tools in the disciplines that can
not only improve the traditional form of the task but also use special platforms, applications, etc. The
universities of the future will compete with individualized study programs that will focus primarily on
the quality of practical knowledge and the ability to implement it following digital technologies on the
market. Digital competence allows not only for the improvement of skills in the use of professional
activities but also creates conditions for the development of areas unrelated to specialization, including
household, personal, etc.
The rapid digitization of the world stimulates the improvement of the quality of digital competence of
young professionals. The demand for ICT professions and the ability to use information technology is
a key advantage for getting a job. In addition to the labor market, the benefits also relate to the
government's strategy for human capital development and ensuring the technology sector has a future
workforce. As shown in Table 1, half of the people in the European Union have basic skills in using
digital technologies, but the pace of digitalization and the importance of integrating them into the
global market may not be high enough. Therefore, to ensure that digital illiteracy is overcome, it is
necessary to create disciplines that could form students' applied skills in using information technology
and mandatory homework and seminar assignments that would stimulate the acquisition of such skills.
The results of the study show that modern universities are aware of the need to develop students'
digital skills. Therefore, they are implementing hybrid learning programs, including distance learning,
as well as the ability to use university electronic platforms: libraries, special web resources with
knowledge bases, etc. This approach indicates a partial increase in the competitiveness of universities
in the areas of ensuring the formation of digital competence in the future.
Both the use of special digital technologies and tools and the pedagogical activity of the teacher play
an important role in the formation of digital competence of higher education students. It is necessary
to identify the key problems of students who cannot solve a particular task with the help of information
technology or do not know how to use digital platforms that allow them to participate in distance
learning. To avoid this, it is necessary to draw up detailed special instructions, as well as to conduct
additional classes that will teach students how to use these tools in their learning activities. In addition,
the issue of teaching methods and the use of special digital tools is one of the means of developing
digital competence. Therefore, for any university, every teacher must motivate students not only to
master the material of the discipline but also teaches them special digital technologies and tools used
in the professional activities of a particular profession. Therefore, for teaching to be effective, teachers
and lecturers need to be provided with regular training and educational classes on innovative
technologies used in the world in the subject of their teaching. It is also a popular practice for
professional specialists to become teachers, being able to form the most relevant and appropriate
skills for higher education students.
The formation of digital competence by means of information and communication technologies
among students of higher education. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /78-88
Tetiana Раkhomova, Viktoriia Hryhorieva, Anetta Omelchenko, Mykhailo Kalenyk, Liudmyla Semak
The research results show that the modern world is rapidly evolving toward mass digitization. For the
future activities of young professionals to be socially useful and to have a high individual value in the
labor market, it is necessary to improve digital competence. In modern realities, the university is a
key institution for acquiring knowledge. However, given the global trends towards increased self-
education, as well as learning through courses and alternative education institutions, universities
should use tools to enhance the development of ICTs that create a competitive advantage over other
human activities.
The use of ICTs in traditional education can improve the quality of the educational process and enable
students to maximize their potential in the discipline. In addition, a large part of the corporate sector
is implementing the use of information technology, which means that future employees must be able
to work with digital technologies, which are currently mostly only developing. To ensure the
development of human capital, countries need to optimize the curriculum and provide universities with
digital infrastructure - special equipment, software, and ICT specialists. A high-quality combination of
all of the above components will not only help ensure the provision of the most appropriate educational
services but also increase students' digital competence. An important factor in future research should
be the analysis of possible digitalization tools for each profession.
A promising area for future research to ensure digital competence may be to analyze the quality of
teaching, as well as the level of digital literacy training and the ability to apply information technology
in their work. The study shows that only half of EU citizens master basic digital skills, and the number
of ICT graduates reaches no more than 5%, which is critically low given the popularity of digital
technologies and their role in modern life. In the future, any specialist may lose his or her job due to
digitalization, and there will be an increased demand for the ability to use digital tools to conduct
business. Under such conditions, it is necessary to conduct specialized research on the possibility of
using relevant teaching tools and methods that will be integrated with digital technologies and will be
able to create the most effective system used to enhance the formation of digital competence in higher
education students. Therefore, the key principles of future research should be the process of teaching
education at universities, focusing students' attention on digital technologies, conducting seminars
and lectures with the help of digital technologies, as well as using them directly in practical activities.
5. Conclusions
Thus, the results of the study indicate that digital competence is the ability to interact with the
environment and conduct professional activities with the help of information technologies. In today's
world, the importance of skills to interact with digital technologies and use them in one's specialization
is a key factor in progress and creates individual value in the labor market. According to the analysis,
as of 2022, the number of people in European countries with high or at least basic digital skills is
moderate. Based on these data, the problem of the quality of digital competence formation in future
professionals and generations arises. Therefore, higher education institutions need to improve the
teaching process and introduce special disciplines that can develop personal skills in using certain
digital tools.
The development of digitalization has led to high demand for specialists with high digital skills, so the
need to develop any specialist, regardless of the area of specialization, is a priority. The key means of
developing digital competence are the use of mobile applications, the Internet, special software, and,
at a high level, cloud technologies. The introduction of professional development programs for
teaching staff at the university, as well as monitoring the degree of digitization of the educational
process, is a prerequisite for improving teaching and the ability to provide quality education.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The future generation will face new challenges brought about by digitalization. This includes not only
positive changes but also some negative ones, the main ones being job cuts and the replacement of
human labor with automated ones. The development of artificial intelligence and massive automation
processes will be a key issue and achievement of humanity in the next 10 years. In such circumstances,
improving digital competence is a key task for the university to maintain its position in the education
market. An important area for the formation of digital competence of higher education students is the
use of ICT in their professional and everyday activities, as they can improve the quality of life and
personal abilities of students.
Thus, the formation of digital competence of higher education students through ICT is an important
area for research and is a strategically important task for the education sector to ensure competitive
human capital within the country. The development of the ICT sector and its specialists provides some
advantages in strategic decisions and can become a factor in raising the socio-economic level.
6. Bibliographic references
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