Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Balanaieva, O., Mamonova, O., Khuda, N., Hupka-Makohin, N., & Morozovska, L. (2023). Formation of foreign language
communicative competence of future lawyers. Revista Eduweb, 17(2), 89-100.
Formation of foreign language communicative
competence of future lawyers
Formación de la competencia comunicativa en lengua extranjera de los
futuros abogados
Oksana Balanaieva
Head of Department of Foreign Languages, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign
Languages, Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Olena Mamonova
PhD in Pedagogic, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Donetsk State University of
Internal Affairs, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine.
Nataliia Khuda
Assistant of Department of English Philology and Methods of El Teaching, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk
National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Nadiya Hupka-Makohin
Lecturer, Teacher, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of English Philology and Methods of
EL Teaching, V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Liudmyla Morozovska
Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences of the Department of Foreign Languages,
Information and Communication Technologies, West Ukrainian National University, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/02/23
Aceptado: 01/04/23
This paper focuses on the development of foreign language communicative competence of students
studying law. The research used different methods to study how students studying law can improve
their ability to communicate in a foreign language. There was looked at existing research and did a
survey to understand more about how students can improve their language skills. The results of the
study reveal the main directions of scientific developments on issues related to the formation of foreign
language communicative competence of students of law specialties. The priority of development,
Formation of foreign language communicative competence of future lawyers. - Eduweb, 2023,
abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /89-100
assessment of components, and the procedure of this process from a practical point of view have
been clarified. The paper emphasizes the importance of foreign language communicative competence
in the field of law and highlights the challenges that students face in acquiring these skills.
Keywords: higher education institutions, English language, development of communicative
competence, English language competence, formation of foreign language communication skills.
Este trabajo se centra en el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa en lenguas extranjeras de los
estudiantes de derecho. La investigación utilizó diferentes métodos para estudiar cómo los estudiantes
de derecho pueden mejorar su capacidad para comunicarse en un idioma extranjero. Se analizó la
investigación existente y se realizó una encuesta para comprender más acerca de mo los estudiantes
pueden mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas. Los resultados del estudio revelan las principales
direcciones de los desarrollos científicos en temas relacionados con la formación de la competencia
comunicativa en lengua extranjera de los estudiantes de las especialidades de derecho. Se ha aclarado
la prioridad del desarrollo, la evaluación de los componentes y el procedimiento de este proceso desde
un punto de vista práctico. El documento enfatiza la importancia de la competencia comunicativa en
lenguas extranjeras en el campo del derecho y destaca los desafíos que enfrentan los estudiantes
para adquirir estas habilidades.
Palabras clave: instituciones de educación superior, idioma inglés, desarrollo de la competencia
comunicativa, competencia en el idioma inglés, formación de habilidades comunicativas en lenguas
1. Introduction
Foreign language skills are an important component of a lawyer's competence. Today, in a period
of rapid development of higher education, training requirements and internal standards for the
quality of training are increasing, including a focus on foreign language competence as an
important component of professional training. Higher education institutions (HEIs) that train
lawyers are lagging in these processes.
The theoretical part of the study substantiates the relevance of the research and describes the
main components and factors of success of the process of forming future specialists' foreign
language communicative competence.
The practical part of the study includes the identification of the most important components of
English-language communication competence of students of legal specialties. This part of the
study identifies the factors that influence its formation and approaches to the organization of the
educational process to improve the effectiveness of professional-oriented competence in learning
foreign languages by future lawyers. Besides that, the primary signs of the potential for the
development of the multicultural component of communication competence are in the experience
of future legal professionals. What is more, the most important didactic ways to improve the
effectiveness of professional-oriented competence in teaching foreign languages to students of
legal specialties are identified. The survey also allowed us to identify the most important
approaches to the strategy of learning foreign languages by legal professionals in terms of their
areas of research.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Based on the results of the study, conclusions have been drawn regarding the issues under
consideration. In particular, the survey found that the main components of the English-language
communication competence of students of legal specialties are information and learning, social
and cognitive, and communication skills. The factors influencing the formation of students' foreign
language communicative competence are professional activity and existing social conditions of
personal development. The survey allowed us to identify the most important approaches to the
organization of the educational process to improve the effectiveness of professional-oriented
competence in teaching foreign languages to future lawyers. This refers to the integrated study
of the specialized content of the professional specialty and language, as well as the network
formation of intercultural and professional skills. It has been found that the signs of high potential
for the development of the multicultural component of communication competence in the
experience of future specialists, according to the results of the survey, are the developed
communication culture of students and the formed worldview of students. According to the
survey, the most important didactic ways to improve the effectiveness of professional-oriented
competence in teaching foreign languages to future lawyers are the development of knowledge
and skills in ethics, discussion, communication, and interaction with people, and the formation of
a global way of thinking. The main approaches to foreign language learning strategies, the
scientific research of which is most important in the development of future lawyers' foreign
language communicative competence, are cognitive, linguistic and cultural, and competence-
Based on the findings of the study, several conclusions have been drawn regarding the
development of foreign language communicative competence for future lawyers. The survey
revealed that the key components of English-language communication competence for students
of legal specialties include information and learning, social and cognitive, and communication
skills. Additionally, the formation of students' foreign language communicative competence is
influenced by professional activity and existing social conditions of personal development.
The study identified important approaches to improve the effectiveness of professional-oriented
competence in teaching foreign languages to future lawyers. These include the integration of
specialized content from the professional specialty and language, as well as the formation of
intercultural and professional skills through networking. The survey results also indicate that the
development of communication culture and worldview in students are signs of high potential for
the multicultural component of communication competence.
To enhance the effectiveness of professional-oriented competence in teaching foreign languages
to future lawyers, the survey identified several key didactic approaches. These include the
development of knowledge and skills in ethics, discussion, communication, and interaction with
people, as well as the formation of a global way of thinking.
The study highlighted important foreign language learning strategies that are crucial to the
development of future lawyers' foreign language communicative competence. These include
cognitive, linguistic and cultural, and competence-based approaches. By considering these
findings, educators and institutions can better tailor their language teaching strategies and
programs to meet the specific needs of future lawyers and prepare them for success in their
Oksana Balanaieva, Olena Mamonova, Nataliia Khuda, Nadiya Hupka-Makohin, Liudmyla Morozovska
Formation of foreign language communicative competence of future lawyers. - Eduweb, 2023,
abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /89-100
2. Literature Review
Today, it is extremely important to provide the future lawyer with high-quality development of
individual skills that ensure the formation of a professionally and socially competent personality
and a socially mobile professional in the field of law (Zinchenko & Udovichenko, 2022). It should
be noted that the effectiveness of teaching future professionals communication skills has
significantly decreased during distance learning. Moreover, educators use traditional teaching
methods without adapting them to the conditions of the distance learning process, which
significantly reduces the effectiveness of learning during distance learning classes (Jupe, 2019).
Communicative competence in a foreign language is viewed by the vast majority of scholars as a
set of skills, knowledge, attitudes, values, initiatives, and communicative experience that is
necessary for understanding others and creating individual programs of linguistic behavior, and
achieving communication goals (Thielgen, Schade & Niegisch, 2022).
Other researchers interpret foreign language communicative competence as an integral personal
and professional quality of a person with a certain level of language, which is ready to be realized
on a certain basis for successful, productive, and effective activity using communicative and
informative skills (Vasilieva, 2020).
According to a common point of view, the formation of foreign language and intercultural
communication skills includes the development of foreign language skills in the process of
studying at an educational institution and self-education. Moreover, it is an integral part of the
professional training of lawyers (Munezane, 2019).
Another noteworthy point of view is that one of the most important tasks in training future lawyers
in foreign languages is to overcome the language barrier. At the same time, the process of
learning a foreign language should be aimed at managing the verbal conversation process. This
is necessary for use in the most typical situations of professional communication. Therefore,
foreign language skills and intercultural communication are an important part of the professional
training of law students (García-Martínez et al, 2021).
One of the methods of effectively overcoming the language barrier in foreign language
communication is the method of modeling situations of professional voice communication. This
contributes to effective intercultural communication (Fantini, 2020).
A common trend in recent times and an effective method of developing foreign language
communication skills among law students is the use of general open lectures by the teacher. In
the context of distance learning, open lectures are often held in an online format, and they
demonstrate their effectiveness both in learning a foreign language and in disciplines related to
international law (Huang, 2018), (Tao et al., 2020).
The use of integrated learning with specialized foreign language learning is quite popular today.
In close cooperation with law professors, foreign language teachers develop students'
intercultural and professional competence. At all stages of developing communication skills in a
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
foreign language, future lawyers receive additional conditions for professional development
(Mishra & Mishra (2020).
The research is aimed at determining the position of scholars and teachers of English, as well as
students, on the peculiarities of the development of components and the application of certain
approaches in the formation of future lawyers' English-language communicative competence.
3. Methodology
The study of the practical aspects of the process of formation and development of future lawyers'
foreign language communicative competence was conducted by interviewing 217 practicing
scholars and teachers of English in HEIs, as well as 246 students of 14 HEIs in Sumy, Chernihiv,
Zhytomyr and Kyiv oblasts of Ukraine. The survey was conducted using the Survio service.
The survey sought to gather insights from both teachers and students about the challenges and
opportunities in developing foreign language communicative competence for future lawyers. The
participants were asked about their opinions on the importance of foreign language skills in the
field of law, the most effective teaching methods, and the practical skills that future lawyers need
to succeed in their careers.
The data from the survey was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. For the
qualitative analysis, the responses from the open-ended questions were grouped into common
themes and patterns using a process called content analysis. This helped to identify the main
issues and challenges related to the development of foreign language communicative competence
for future lawyers. For the quantitative analysis, the data was processed using statistical software
to generate descriptive statistics, such as means and standard deviations. This allowed the
researchers to quantify the responses to the survey questions and identify trends and patterns in
the data. The data was also analyzed using comparative and correlational analysis techniques to
identify the relationships between different variables, such as the teaching methods used and the
perceived effectiveness of these methods.
4. Results and Discussion
First of all, the survey revealed the respondents' point of view on the main components of English-
language communication competence of law students (Figure 1):
Oksana Balanaieva, Olena Mamonova, Nataliia Khuda, Nadiya Hupka-Makohin, Liudmyla Morozovska
Formation of foreign language communicative competence of future lawyers. - Eduweb, 2023,
abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /89-100
Figure 1.
The most important components of English-language communication competence of
students of law specialties, %
Source: built by the authors.
According to the survey participants, today the main components are information and learning,
social and cognitive skills, and communication skills. The respondents also identified the following
factors that influence the formation of foreign language communicative competence of law
students (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Factors influencing the formation of future lawyers' foreign language communicative
competence, %
Source: built by the authors.
Social skills
Information and learning
Communication skills
Organizational and
operational skills
Reflective skills
The ability to perceive
52 49 51
32 33 29
47 49
31 36
According to scholars and English teachers According to students
Existing social
conditions for personal
Conditions for the
formation of core
Professional activity
Further learning
According to scholars and English teachers According to students
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Although there are sometimes different approaches to the structure and content of social and
communicative competence, based on the results of the survey, it can be noted that the formation
of future lawyers' foreign language communicative competence is mainly influenced by
professional activities and existing social conditions of personal development.
The survey made it possible to identify the most important approaches to organizing the
educational process to improve the effectiveness of professional-oriented competence in teaching
foreign languages to future lawyers (Figure 3).
Figure 3.
Approaches to the organization of the educational process to improve the effectiveness
of professional-oriented competence in teaching foreign languages to future specialists in law
specialties, %
Source: built by the authors.
As can be seen from Figure 3, these methods include the integrated study of specialized content
of the professional specialty and language and the networking of intercultural and professional
An essential aspect of the development of students' English-language communication skills is to
take into account the multicultural potential of students. The necessary signs of the significant
potential for the development of the multicultural component of communication competence in
the experience of future specialists, according to the results of the survey, are (Figure 4):
Networking for the
development of intercultural
and professional skills
Integrated study of the
specialized content of the
professional specialty and
Blended learning
The constructivist approach
54 59
According to scholars and English teachers According to students
Oksana Balanaieva, Olena Mamonova, Nataliia Khuda, Nadiya Hupka-Makohin, Liudmyla Morozovska
Formation of foreign language communicative competence of future lawyers. - Eduweb, 2023,
abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /89-100
Figure 4.
Primary signs of the significant potential for the development of the multicultural
component of communicative competence of future lawyers' experience, %
Source: built by the authors.
developed communication culture of students;
the shaped mindset of students.
An important result of this survey was the identification of the most effective didactic ways to
improve the effectiveness of professional-oriented competence in teaching foreign languages to
law students (Figure 5).
Figure 5.
The most important didactic ways to increase the effectiveness of professionally
oriented competence in teaching foreign languages to future specialists of law specialties, %
Source: built by the authors.
The shaped mindset
of students
Self-confidence as a
carrier of national
Understanding the
between everyone
culture of students
41 36
39 32
According to scholars and English teachers According to students
Development of knowledge
and skills in ethics,
discussion, communication
and interaction with people
Shaping a global mindset
The rise of tolerance to
language and religion
Development of knowledge
of the culture of different
Development of
competence skills
52 49
31 29 33
54 48
32 28 31
According to scholars and English teachers According to students
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The survey showed that these ways include the development of knowledge and skills in ethics,
discussion, communication, interaction with people, and the formation of a global mindset.
The survey allowed us to find out the main approaches to the strategy of learning foreign
languages, the scientific study of which is most important in the development of foreign language
communicative competence of future lawyers (Figure 6).
Figure 6.
The key approaches to the strategy of learning foreign languages by professionals in
the sphere of law based on their areas of research, %
Source: built by the authors.
According to the survey participants, these approaches are mostly cognitive, linguistic and
cultural, and competency-based.
To define the nature and content of an effective process of forming the social and communicative
competence of future lawyers, it is necessary to take into account the content of regulatory and
legal documents that represent the requirements for professional knowledge and skills. Moreover,
it is worth paying attention to important qualities and other components of professional
competence that are related to social and communication skills. The results of the analysis of
scientific research and publications show that the approaches of scientists differ significantly in
defining the structure and, accordingly, the nature of social and communication competence
(Pavlova et al., 2022), (Yuen & Hew, 2018).
The main components of socio-communication competence are social-cognitive, communicative,
organizational, operational, and reflective. Scientists believe that the content of this competence
is the ability to cooperate in teamwork, resolve conflicts constructively, psychological tolerance,
have sincere respect for the work of others, and the ability to understand and perceive them.
Sometimes there are different approaches to the structure and content of teaching foreign
language communicative competence. However, it can be noted that this type of skill is formed
with the help of social communicative knowledge, skills, and experience of their use in
professional situations of interaction, based on the motivation and professional and social
Linguistic and cultural
Linguistic and
Focused on personal
32 35 34 41
33 37 32
According to scholars and English teachers According to students
Oksana Balanaieva, Olena Mamonova, Nataliia Khuda, Nadiya Hupka-Makohin, Liudmyla Morozovska
Formation of foreign language communicative competence of future lawyers. - Eduweb, 2023,
abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /89-100
orientation of the individual (Aghajani & Gholamrezapour, 2019), (Heyworth, Chan & Lawson,
In addition to the above conclusions, the definition of competence as the ability of a person to
successfully establish contacts, and perform professional and further educational activities should
be also considered (Mohammadi & Izadpanah, 2019).
The results of the analysis of educational and professional training programs for future lawyers
show that their professional activity requires the ability to use the experience of social interaction
in solving professional and life problems to achieve mutual understanding, to prevent and resolve
conflicts between colleagues from different countries of the world (Schukking & Kircher, 2021).
Since the activities of legal scholars are communicative, the most appropriate approach to
teaching foreign languages is the development of communicative competence. The formation of
communication skills in a foreign language for future lawyers to increase its effectiveness should
take place in a vocal foreign language communication environment. This is aimed at ensuring the
highest possible efficiency of the future lawyer's communicative and professional behavior
(Lønsmann, 2020a), (Uteubayeva, 2022).
It is also worth noting that the process of forming skills in foreign language communicative
competence should be based on the principles of effective information exchange, organization of
active and independent activities of future specialists in the process of acquiring knowledge and
skills, and mastering new and effective methods of working with professional material. Moreover,
the organization of the educational process should be based on the student's own cognitive
experience, as well as on the need to increase professional motivation and develop professional
orientation of the students' personality (Lønsmann, 2020b), (Gong, Chun & Xuesong, 2022).
5. Conclusions
Thus, as evidenced by the analysis of scientific literature on the topic of the study and the results
of the survey, today the importance of developing foreign language communication skills of law
students in higher education institutions is extremely high. In the course of the study, the authors
emphasize the importance of a foreign language as the main means of international
communication, which outlines the direction of the necessary professional activity of law students.
It has been established that one of the most important tasks of foreign language training for
future lawyers is to overcome the language barrier. Moreover, the process of learning a foreign
language should be aimed at mastering, first of all, a spoken foreign language, which can be used
in the most typical situations of professional communication. In the course of the scientific
research, the authors identify effective methods of developing foreign language communication
skills of law students.
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abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /89-100
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