Nataliia Sydorenko, Veronika Denysenko, Iryna Grytsenko, Nataliia Borysenko, Liubov Terletska
Methodological foundations for the formation of professional qualities in primary school teachers. -
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /116-125
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.10
Cómo citar:
Sydorenko, N., Denysenko, V., Grytsenko, I., Borysenko, N., & Terletska, L. (2023). Methodological foundations for the formation of
professional qualities in primary school teachers. Revista Eduweb, 17(2), 116-125.
Methodological foundations for the formation of
professional qualities in primary school teachers
Fundamentos metodológicos para la formación de cualidades profesionales
en docentes de educación primaria
Nataliia Sydorenko
Associate Professor, PhD in Philological Sciences, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and
Primary Education, Kherson State University, Ukraine.
Veronika Denysenko
Docent, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and
Primary Education, Kherson State University, Ukraine.
Iryna Grytsenko
Docent, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and
Primary Education, Kherson State University, Ukraine.
Nataliia Borysenko
Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of Theory and Method of Pre-School
and Primary Education, Kherson State University, Ukraine.
Liubov Terletska
Senior Lecturer, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Foreign Languages and Methodology Department, Borys
Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine.
Recibido: 15/02/23
Aceptado: 31/03/23
The successful solution to the problems of modern primary education is directly related to the success
of teacher training and professional development, to the change of methodological approaches to the
process of forming the professional qualities of teachers. It depends on the effectiveness of the system
of methodological work of general secondary education institutions. The article aims to highlight the
main trends in the study of the effectiveness of the formation of professional qualities of primary
school teachers from a methodological point of view. Moreover, it seeks to identify the key practical
aspects of this problem in the scientific literature. Methodology. In the course of the study, the
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
analytical and bibliographic method was applied to study the scientific literature on the formation of
professional qualities of primary school teachers. Induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of
information, systemic and structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, and
idealization were involved in the study and processing of data. The authors of the study also conducted
an online questionnaire survey, which served to practically clarify the most important issues related
to the methodological aspects of the formation of professional qualities of primary school teachers.
Results. According to the results of the study, the main most important theoretical aspects of the issue
of methodological support of the quality of primary school teachers' work have been identified.
Moreover, the point of view of scientists and heads of general secondary education institutions on
certain practical components of this process has been investigated.
Keywords: Рrimary education, methodological work of secondary education institutions, competence-
based approach to teaching, methodological foundations of teacher training, scientific and
methodological work.
La solución exitosa de los problemas de la educación primaria moderna está directamente relacionada
con el éxito de la formación y el desarrollo profesional de los docentes, con el cambio de enfoques
metodológicos en el proceso de formación de las cualidades profesionales de los docentes. Depende
de la efectividad del sistema de trabajo metodológico de las instituciones de educación secundaria
general. El artículo tiene como objetivo destacar las principales tendencias en el estudio de la eficacia
de la formación de cualidades profesionales de los maestros de educación primaria desde un punto
de vista metodológico. Además, busca identificar los aspectos prácticos clave de este problema en la
literatura científica. Metodología. En el transcurso del estudio, se aplicó el método analítico y
bibliográfico para estudiar la literatura científica sobre la formación de cualidades profesionales de los
maestros de la escuela primaria. Inducción, deducción, análisis, síntesis de información, métodos
sistémicos y estructurales, comparativos, lógicos y lingüísticos, abstracción e idealización intervinieron
en el estudio y procesamiento de datos. Los autores del estudio también realizaron un cuestionario
de encuesta en línea, que sirvió para aclarar de manera práctica las cuestiones más importantes
relacionadas con los aspectos metodológicos de la formación de cualidades profesionales de los
maestros de primaria. Resultados. De acuerdo con los resultados del estudio, se han identificado los
principales aspectos teóricos más importantes del tema del sustento metodológico de la calidad del
trabajo de los docentes de la escuela primaria. Además, se ha investigado el punto de vista de
científicos y directores de instituciones de educación secundaria general sobre ciertos componentes
prácticos de este proceso.
Palabras clave: Educación primaria, trabajo metodológico de las instituciones de educación
secundaria, enfoque de enseñanza basado en competencias, fundamentos metodológicos de la
formación docente, trabajo científico y metodológico.
1. Introduction
The effectiveness of work and personal development of primary school teachers directly depends on
the level of methodological preparation of their teaching. Therefore, methodological work is an integral
and most important component of the organization of the educational process of primary school
Methodological foundations for the formation of professional qualities in primary school teachers. -
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /116-125
Nataliia Sydorenko, Veronika Denysenko, Iryna Grytsenko, Nataliia Borysenko, Liubov Terletska
The theoretical part of this study substantiates the relevance of the research topic and reveals the
issue of the effectiveness of methodological work as a prerequisite for the success of the pedagogical
process. This part analyzes the components and main factors of the formation of professional qualities
of primary school teachers.
The practical part of the study includes the identification of the most important professional
competencies of primary school teachers. It also outlines the most important methodological
foundations of primary school teacher training. The directions of methodological work for the
formation of teachers' professional competence and the most promising vectors of scientific research
that are necessary for use in the practical activities of secondary education institutions are identified.
Based on the results of the study, conclusions have been drawn on the issues raised. In particular, it
has been found that the most important characteristics of primary school teachers' professional
competence are the acquisition of experience to respond quickly to the influences of the external and
internal environment, readiness for innovation, and the ability to take responsibility for the results of
their work. The primary methodological foundations of primary school teacher training are the
humanistic orientation of the educational process, the innovativeness of primary school teachers, the
partnership of all learning subjects, and the systematic nature of methodological work. During the
survey, the respondents identified the most important areas of methodological work carried out to
develop the professional competence of primary school teachers. They include the formation of an
educational environment or professional interaction, participation in innovative collective and group
forms, creation of an information and educational space, and readiness for innovative activities. At the
same time, the survey showed the directions of scientific research that are most necessary for their
application in the practical activities of primary schools in today's conditions. These directions include
methodological support for a multi-level education system, control over the development of
pedagogical and methodological complexes in the disciplines of the curriculum, and collection and
generalization of information on best practices in pedagogical and methodological work.
The study aims to determine the position of scientists engaged in research activities in the field of
professional training of secondary school teachers. Practicing heads of secondary education
institutions were also interviewed regarding the peculiarities of methodological work on the formation
of professional qualities of primary school teachers.
2. Literature review
During the implementation of professional activities, primary school teachers should be able to realize
themselves as professionals and open real prospects for their further professional development. A
teacher can consciously choose those types and forms of activity in which he/she has an individual
interest and satisfy his/her needs for continuous professional growth. Therefore, the methodological
work on the development of primary school teachers' professional qualities should be structured in
such a way as to maximize the effect of the work, while revealing the professional abilities, skills, and
potential opportunities for personal and professional growth as fully as possible (Aidarbekova et al.,
Successful implementation of the modern educational paradigm largely depends on the primary school
teacher. Spirituality and high morality, intelligence, professional competence, creative pedagogical
thinking, and humanistic and humanitarian orientation of pedagogical action should characterize him
or her. His or her training should be based on principles, variability, and alternatives, humanization of
the content of the educational process (Aroca et al., 2023), (Kesik & Bas, 2022).
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Many scholars believe that the competency-based approach allows primary school teachers to develop
their professional qualities optimally. This encourages teachers to continue their professional
development (Connor et al., 2019).
Today, the methodological basis for innovative changes in the methodology of professional training of
primary school teachers is their focus on a competency-based approach to learning. This approach is
to educate and develop the competence of both teachers and students, determining their successful
adaptation in society. Unlike the term "qualification," competence includes not only purely technical
knowledge and skills, but also such qualities as initiative, cooperation, group work, willingness to
communicate, learning, evaluation, logical thinking, and the ability to select and use necessary data
(Erichsen & Reynolds, 2019), (Jamshidifarsani et al., 2019).
In pedagogy and psychology of higher education, there is ongoing research into the professional and
pedagogical training of future primary school teachers as competent, self-developing personality. New
effective ways of preparing a future primary school teacher to work in conditions of changing structure
and content of primary education are being searched for. The general principles of organizing the
pedagogical process and the main directions of building the content of psychological and pedagogical
training are developed and considered. This ensures the formation of the personality of a teacher-
researcher who is constantly in search of effective and rational. Herewith, new methods of teaching
and upbringing are constantly being developed, which create prerequisites for the organization of
professional self-education of future primary school teachers, formation of their ethical competence,
etc. (Gökkuş & Akyol, 2020), (Huong et al., 2021).
3. Methodology
A practical study of current trends in the formation of professional qualities of primary school teachers
was conducted by interviewing 217 scientists and 224 heads of secondary education institutions in 21
secondary education institutions in Chernihiv, Khmelnytskyi, Odesa, and Kyiv oblasts of Ukraine. The
study was conducted using the Survey Planet service.
The survey consisted of a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions, which aimed to
gather information about the practical aspects of developing foreign language communicative
competence for future lawyers. The closed-ended questions used a Likert-type scale to assess
participants' attitudes and opinions on various aspects of foreign language teaching and learning,
while the open-ended questions provided more in-depth responses about specific challenges, issues,
and approaches. The collected data was analyzed using various research techniques, such as content
analysis, statistical analysis, and comparative and correlational analysis. The content analysis was
used to categorize the open-ended responses into common themes and patterns, which helped
identify the main issues and challenges related to the development of foreign language communicative
competence for future lawyers. The statistical analysis was used to quantify the responses to the
survey questions and identify trends and patterns in the data, while the comparative and correlational
analysis was used to identify the relationships between different variables.
The research rigor was ensured by following the established research protocols and standards, such
as ensuring the reliability and validity of the survey instrument, selecting a representative sample of
participants, and using established data analysis techniques. The results were triangulated with
existing literature in the field to ensure the credibility of the findings. The study used a mixed-methods
approach that combined both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques to
Methodological foundations for the formation of professional qualities in primary school teachers. -
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /116-125
Nataliia Sydorenko, Veronika Denysenko, Iryna Grytsenko, Nataliia Borysenko, Liubov Terletska
investigate the practical aspects of developing foreign language communicative competence for future
lawyers. The rigorous methodology ensured the credibility and reliability of the findings, which can
inform language teaching strategies and programs in higher education institutions.
4. Results
According to the survey participants, today, in the context of a special increase in requirements for
the quality of education in general and the level of teacher training in particular, the most important
characteristics of the professional competence of primary school teachers are as follows (Figure 1).
According to the survey, the primary characteristics of the professional competence of primary school
teachers are the acquisition of experience to respond quickly to the influences of the external and
internal environment, readiness for innovation, and the ability to take responsibility for the results of
their work.
Figure 1.
The most important professional competencies of primary school teachers, %
Source: built by the authors.
Given the professional competencies of school specialists necessary for the development and operation
of secondary education institutions, the respondents identified the most important methodological
foundations of primary school teacher training (Figure 2):
humanistic orientation of the educational process;
innovativeness of primary school teachers;
a partnership of all subjects of the educational process;
systematic methodological work.
Possession of the
necessary knowledge,
skills and abilities to
solve current
professional problems
Gaining experience for
prompt response to
external and internal
Ability to make
independent decisions
Readiness for innovation
Responsibility for the
results of work
48 52
46 49
According to scientists According to the heads of secondary education institutions
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 2.
The most important methodological foundations of primary school teacher training, %
Source: built by the authors.
The survey made it possible to identify the most important areas of methodological work for the
formation of professional competence of primary school teachers (Figure 3).
formation of an educational environment or professional interaction;
participation in innovative team and group forms;
creating an information and educational space, and a willingness to innovate.
Figure 3.
Directions of methodological work for the formation of primary school teachers' professional
competence, %
Source: built by the authors.
Humanistic orientation of the
educational process
Innovativeness of primary school
Individualization of the teacher:
focus on the individual,
considering the individual
interests of the student
Partnership of all subjects of the
educational process
Consistency, integrity and
continuity of all procedural
aspects of education
Systematic methodological work
Introspection of personal
practical experience, knowledge
of the essence, content,
mechanisms of professional…
52 49
37 33
54 47
35 32
According to scientists According to the heads of secondary education institutions
Formation of an
environment or
Participation in
innovative team and
group forms
Formation of a
flexible system of
continuous teacher
systematic work,
formation of a
creative portfolio
Collection of own
techniques, lessons
learned, productive
Creating an
information and
educational space
and readiness for
53 49
36 41
52 48
38 42
According to scientists According to the heads of secondary education institutions
Methodological foundations for the formation of professional qualities in primary school teachers. -
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /116-125
Nataliia Sydorenko, Veronika Denysenko, Iryna Grytsenko, Nataliia Borysenko, Liubov Terletska
The survey also helped to identify the areas of research that are most necessary for their application
in the practical activities of secondary education institutions in today's conditions (Figure 4).
Figure 4.
Research directions that are most necessary for their application in the practical activities
of secondary education institutions, %
Source: built by the authors.
As can be seen from Figure 4, according to the respondents, the most promising and popular directions
of scientific work are methodological support of the multilevel education system, and control over the
development of pedagogical and methodological complexes in the disciplines of the curriculum. Equally
important is the collection and generalization of information on best practices in pedagogical and
methodological work.
5. Discussion
The main tasks of methodological work in the preparation of primary school teachers are defined.
They include systematic improvement of methods of personal and professional training, improvement
of pedagogical skills, development of new effective methods of organizing and conducting the
educational process, generalization, and dissemination of the best pedagogical experience of teaching
students (Kyrou, Alexopoulos & Raptis, 2020), (Mboweni & Taole, 2022).
The systematic improvement of teaching and learning methods today is the basis for the formation of
innovative educational technologies used in the educational process. The development of new
effective methods of organizing learning contributes to the improvement of teachers' pedagogical skills
(McComas & Clough, 2020).
The scientific and methodological work of pedagogical HEIs is carried out with the aim of effective
organizational, methodological, and scientific support for the implementation of state educational
Methodological support of the
multilevel education system
Collection and generalization of
information on the best practices of
pedagogical and methodological
Determination of the main
directions of scientific and
methodological work in the near
Control over the development of
pedagogical and methodological
complexes in the disciplines of the
Analysis and evaluation of the
degree of methodological support
of the educational process and
directions of its optimization
Preparation and holding of scientific
and methodological conferences,
reviews, competitions and other
methodological events at the level
of the educational institution
52 49
37 39
51 47
According to scientists According to the heads of secondary education institutions
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
standards of higher education for the methodological improvement of work and improvement of the
quality of training of future teachers. To this end, the scientific and methodological council of the HEI
works in close contact with the educational and methodological department, scientific institutions,
library, editorial, and publishing council and other university departments, as well as state and public
organizations (Nuangchalerm, Islami & Prasertsang, 2022).
The main tasks of the methodology office of higher education institutions are to provide students,
doctoral students, interns, and teachers with the necessary teaching materials, organize external and
internal thematic events, and interact with external organizations whose activities are in line with the
institution's objectives. (Nugrohoa, Widiatib & Rachmajantic, 2020).
Today, an important issue is to increase the role of methodological work of teacher education
institutions in the information and bibliographic support of teachers' professional and educational
activities. Primarily, educational institutions are interested in providing their scientific and educational
work with the necessary literature, as well as evaluating and testing the results of their activities in
the educational process (Olson, 2018).
Increasing requirements in modern society for the professional training of primary school teachers
require qualitatively new theoretical and methodological approaches to the training of future teachers.
In a higher pedagogical educational institution, future teachers must learn the scientific foundations
and acquire professional skills, as well as master new pedagogical achievements and skills in working
with innovative technologies. In the future, this will help them to organically engage in pedagogical
activities and immediately begin the practical application of scientific knowledge at school (Özyildirim,
2021), (Cascales & Gomariz, 2022).
The study of scientific literature on the topic of the research proves that the implementation of the
leading directions of development of the world's educational system is currently underway.
These directions include the development of a competency-based approach to education, the use of
innovative teaching methods and technologies, and the cultivation of a positive attitude towards
lifelong learning. The study has shown that these directions are particularly relevant for the formation
of professional qualities in primary school teachers, as they enable teachers to develop the
competencies and skills necessary for effective teaching in the 21st century. The process of achieving
mobility of professional and pedagogical training of teachers along with the development of a new
educational philosophy and paradigm is also ongoing. The search for variable methods of
methodological training of pedagogical staff of the modern generation at the level of new educational
standards and updated requirements for the quality of educational services is in progress (Parmin,
Nuangchalerm & El Islami, 2019), (Zhurat et al., 2021).
When teaching methodological disciplines in a higher pedagogical education institution, when choosing
tasks that will test the level of competence of a future teacher in primary school teaching methods, it
should be borne in mind that updating the content of pedagogical education aims to fulfill structured
requirements for students' academic and personal achievements (Sagala et al., 2019), (Songsee &
Nuangchalerm, 2022). Therefore, when selecting tasks to test the level of competence of a future
teacher in primary school teaching methods, it is important to ensure that these tasks are aligned with
the learning objectives of the course and are designed to develop the competencies and skills
necessary for effective teaching.
Methodological foundations for the formation of professional qualities in primary school teachers. -
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /116-125
Nataliia Sydorenko, Veronika Denysenko, Iryna Grytsenko, Nataliia Borysenko, Liubov Terletska
6. Conclusions
The study has demonstrated the importance of developing a solid methodological foundation for the
formation of professional qualities in primary school teachers. The research design combined
qualitative and quantitative approaches, including observation, interviews, and questionnaires, to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand. The results of the study suggest that
the formation of professional qualities in primary school teachers depends on several factors, including
their personal qualities, pedagogical skills, and the learning environment.
The study has also identified the key competencies that primary school teachers need to develop,
such as creativity, communication skills, problem-solving skills, and the ability to work in a team. The
research has shown that the use of innovative teaching methods and technologies, such as project-
based learning and online learning platforms, can contribute significantly to the formation of these
Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that primary school teacher education programs
should focus on developing a solid methodological foundation that emphasizes the acquisition of
professional competencies and the cultivation of a positive attitude towards lifelong learning. The
study provides valuable insights into the factors that influence the formation of professional qualities
in primary school teachers and offers practical recommendations for improving teacher education
programs. Overall, the study contributes to the ongoing discussion on teacher education and has
important implications for the improvement of primary education.
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