State policy on the formation of patriotic education for the youth. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2.
Inna Naida, Yuliia Rudenko, Anzhelika Derbak, Mariia Chobaniuk, Svitlana Cherevko
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.12
Cómo citar:
Naida, I., Rudenko, Y., Derbak, A., Chobaniuk, M., & Cherevko, S. (2023). State policy on the formation of patriotic education for
the youth. Revista Eduweb, 17(2), 138-148. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.12
State policy on the formation of patriotic education for
the youth
Política de Estado sobre la formación de la educación patriótica de la
Inna Naida
Candidate of Public Administration Science, Associate Professor of Law, Faculty of Economics and
Law, Law Department, Kyiv Cooperative Institute of Business and Law, Ukraine.
Yuliia Rudenko
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of
Economics and Law, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Kyiv Cooperative Institute of
Business and Law, Ukraine.
Anzhelika Derbak
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of
Philosophy, Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine.
Mariia Chobaniuk
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology,
Drogobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko, Ukraine.
Svitlana Cherevko
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Faculty of Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Medical
Technologies, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University,
Recibido: 12/02/23
Aceptado: 01/04/23
Due attention in the article is paid to the use of modern digital infrastructure tools to disseminate the
quality of the policy of patriotic education. The author outlines the key components and structural
elements of patriotism that can be used to improve patriotic education both at the domestic and
international levels. Based on the use of analytical and scientific research methods, a study was
carried out on the prospects for the modern development of patriotism in the context of the spread
of geopolitical challenges. The results of the study can be a useful source for further scientific
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
developments in the formation of patriotic education and the involvement of educational institutions
in this process. The findings can also help to improve the state demographic policy with a focus on
the development of future human capital.
Keywords: patriotic education, human capital, state language, national symbols, educational
Se presta la debida atención en el artículo al uso de modernas herramientas de infraestructura digital
para difundir la calidad de la política de educación patriótica. El autor describe los componentes clave
y los elementos estructurales del patriotismo que se pueden utilizar para mejorar la educación
patriótica tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Con base en el uso de métodos analíticos y de
investigación científica, se llevó a cabo un estudio sobre las perspectivas del desarrollo moderno del
patriotismo en el contexto de la expansión de los desafíos geopolíticos. Los resultados del estudio
pueden ser una fuente útil para futuros desarrollos científicos en la formación de la educación
patriótica y la participación de las instituciones educativas en este proceso. Los hallazgos también
pueden ayudar a mejorar la política demográfica estatal con un enfoque en el desarrollo del futuro
capital humano.
Palabras clave: educación patriótica, capital humano, lenguaje estatal, símbolos patrios,
instituciones educativas.
1. Introduction
The current state policy of forming patriotic education for the youth should be used based on high-
quality tools for popularizing civic positions and respect for the country. This will have a positive impact
on the future political life of the country. Positive attitudes of the youth toward their country and active
citizenship will contribute to political development and economic growth, which is the subject of this
study. The aggravation of political conflicts and the instability of the geopolitical situation has arisen
due to the war in Ukraine. These circumstances create the need to find effective tools for educating
young people to improve the quality of their activities both in the current political environment of the
country and in the prospects of the country's development in the long term. The main principles of
patriotism are the use of the state language, national attributes, public position, compliance with the
law, and legitimacy of activities. An equally important task is to create the best possible basis for the
use of state policy in the formation of patriotic education for the youth. Moreover, modern features of
patriotic education of youth may include not only the quality of the development of mechanisms for
programs to disseminate educational activities but also the use of public administration to integrate
the responsibilities of local governments into educational institutions. The educational institution is a
key environment where there is a high concentration of young people. This raises the question of
reducing the bureaucratic burden on the public sector through educational institutions that will pursue
a policy of patriotic education of young people. Besides that, various tools for educational institutions
can provide for this factor. These are, for instance, assignments to prepare research in history, joint
cultural projects, discussions, or the organization of competitions. Educational institutions have
significant advantages over the state in the context of patriotic education, as they have direct
communication contact with the youth. Therefore, the key direction of the state policy of patriotic
education to the youth should be the development of a mechanism for controlling, editing, and
monitoring the quality of the policy of educational institutions in implementing the relevant program.
State policy on the formation of patriotic education for the youth. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2.
Inna Naida, Yuliia Rudenko, Anzhelika Derbak, Mariia Chobaniuk, Svitlana Cherevko
The research aims to analyze the current practice of the State policy of forming patriotic education of
young people in the context of the development of educational institutions and digital technologies in
the context of geopolitical challenges. The main task of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis
of the peculiarities of patriotic education and to provide analytical assessments of the situation in
Ukraine regarding the quality of the State policy of patriotic education. Given the military actions in
the country, this study is particularly important. The current state policy of patriotic education of the
youth is constantly changing and transforming in line with the cultural and value needs of the younger
generation. These circumstances are attracting increased attention among scholars. The expediency
of the study stems from the urgency of the problems of development of the State policy on the
formation of patriotic education of young people, the need for its further improvement, and the
creation of high-quality tools for its dissemination among young people. The objectives of the study
will allow us to determine the methodology for conducting and achieving the key objectives in the
2. Literature Review
The issue of state policy on patriotic education is a priority for any state (Bech & Chorna, 2014; Tolen
& Tulenova, 2012)). Therefore, scholars pay considerable attention to this aspect. In particular, Bizov
& Lyader (2022) notes that the modern policy of patriotic education should be aimed at forming a set
of values among young people and cultural guidelines aimed at fostering respect for their own country.
According to Dombrovska & Poltorak (2015), patriotic education should become a key area of state
policy. The reason for this is that most EU countries and the world as a whole are facing a demographic
crisis (Pomaza-Ponomarenko et al., 2020). Therefore, to ensure the further development of human
capital, it is necessary to form a patriotic population. Lacka et al., (2021), considers patriotic education
as a combination of love for the homeland and fulfillment of one's civic duties, and the use of law and
order in everyday activities. Filatov (2018) agrees with this. He notes that the key difference between
patriotism and nationalism is moderate radicalism, high liberality, and adherence to basic civic duties.
This, in turn, has a positive impact on both the country's image and the formation of a policy of
patriotic education for the youth. According to Kalogeropoulos et al., (2020), patriotic education of
young people should be carried out in the key institutions of their upbringing, namely through
households in educational institutions. Meanwhile, Matveeva (2017) believes that to improve the
quality of patriotic education, it is necessary to reform the policy of educational activities of educational
institutions. They should be required to conduct classes aimed at fostering respect for the country.
Furthermore, Kravchenko et al., (2020) notes that in the current conditions of digital development,
educational institutions have greater opportunities to improve the quality and dissemination of patriotic
education through educational mechanisms and distance communication networks. The use of digital
tools, according to Pavlushenko et al., (2021), is a key source of patriotic education for modern youth.
The creation of media materials and digital content will help shape the worldview of a young person.
Kovalchuk (2016) believes that to improve the state policy of patriotic education, it is necessary to
use educational projects aimed at interacting with parents. This is important because parents have a
direct impact on the formation of patriotism in the youth (Tolen & Tulenova, 2012). According to
Fedorova et al., (2021), a country with a weak social policy cannot provide patriotic education and the
development of patriotism within the country. According to scientists, the most important factor in the
formation of patriotic education and the prerequisites for its growth is high social protection and a
strong social security system. Besides, Viltsaniuk (2020) believes that social protection policy should
be taken as a basis for the formation of patriotic education and used as the main tool for the formation
and development of patriotic feelings. According to Gbur (2021), an important factor in the formation
of patriotic education is the use of key components of patriotism. These include the use of the state
language, knowledge of the country's history, traditional values, and adherence to specific national
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
rituals. These components will serve to create a patriotic mood in the country among young people.
It is worth noting that in modern literature, the issues of state policy on the formation of patriotic
education are considered from the standpoint of global challenges, as well as educational institutions
directly involved in the formation of patriotism.
3. Methodology
The analysis of the state policy on the formation of patriotic education of youth is based on the use
of scientific research methods. This made it possible to use theoretical aspects and draw on the
experience of Ukraine, which is facing complex geopolitical challenges. It is worth noting that Ukraine
can resist military aggression with the help of a proactive patriotic policy. The search method was
applied to consider theoretical views of patriotism and patriotic education, as well as to identify the
key differences between patriotism and nationalism and the peculiarities of its development. The state
policy of forming patriotic education of youth is carried out based on the formation and use of
analytical assessment tools regarding the quality of volunteer associations and their impact. The
method of deduction and induction was used to characterize the key prospects for the development
of state policy in the direction of forming patriotic education and its improvement. The issue of using
educational institutions in the implementation of the state policy of patriotic education of young people
is one of the priority areas of the study. It was analyzed using the method of abstraction. The study
makes it possible to characterize the key aspects of the mechanism for implementing the state policy
of patriotic education of the youth. Owing to the study, the basic principles of combining its
demographic policy and determining further development prospects can be investigated. The research
methodology is based on a review of theoretical approaches to patriotic education, its main
components, and an analysis of Ukraine's experience. Taking into account the development of modern
digital technologies, appropriate recommendations are provided that can improve not only the
implementation of the policy of patriotic education but also the level of perception of patriotism among
young people. The results of the study may be useful for countries with an increased need for the
development of patriotic education among the youth.
4. Results
The issue of patriotic education plays an important role in the formation of effective state policy.
Fostering patriotic traits among the population will be a key priority in ensuring the development of
human capital. The formation of patriotic education of young people is the basis for the effective
functioning of public policy in the future. Only the education of patriotic youth can shape the cultural
aspect and understanding of the importance of respect for one's own country. It is important to note
that it is the future generation that will implement state policy and take an active part in the
development and reform of the country. Young people are a key resource of human capital in the
country and play a role in shaping demographic policy. Therefore, it is worth studying the issue of
patriotic education of young people through interactive, traditionally conservative, and innovative
means for modern state policy.
The notion of patriotism is quite broad, as it is often the subject of speculation, which serves mainly
to negatively reflect reality. Moreover, patriotism is often confused with nationalism. The formation of
nationalism is a reflection of ideology, while patriotism is a more liberal form of respect and love for
the country, which can be expressed in just civic or social activities, including the fulfillment of public
duties, etc. Patriotism also implies loyal feelings for the country and a willingness to defend it in
cultural, defense, and moral terms. One of the important manifestations of patriotism is knowledge of
State policy on the formation of patriotic education for the youth. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2.
Inna Naida, Yuliia Rudenko, Anzhelika Derbak, Mariia Chobaniuk, Svitlana Cherevko
one's country, namely its key symbols, actual history, knowledge of the anthem, coat of arms, and
other sacred and symbolic means used in public policy.
All countries of the world are facing the problem of forming patriotic education for the youth, as the
geopolitical situation is unstable. It requires the country to use and implement effective policies and
involve young people in such policies. These actions are aimed at improving domestic activities and
improving the work of the public sector. Current practice shows that the patriotic education of young
people is no less important than demographic policy. The latter, in turn, is aimed at preserving human
capital and creating a quality basis for the further functioning of the state and considering the
effectiveness of its principles.
In connection with the war in Ukraine in 2022, many questions have been raised around the world
regarding the analysis of human cultural values, politics, and the expediency of historical state-
building. The formation of independence and freedom of choice are key values of the entire free world,
which wants to establish the rule of law and provide some benefits for countries that adhere to such
norms. However, the aggression against Ukraine has caused many tectonic shifts around the world.
It has led to the need to use high-quality means of modern patriotic education for the youth, which
will be pursued by state policy in the coming generations. Moreover, ideological education and the
use of key tools to foster respect and active civic life are necessary both for the support and
development of the state and for active participation in green (environmental) policy and the formation
of an active volunteer or socially engaged position. For the state, volunteers and citizens with an active
lifestyle are of increased value. They create genuine benefits for society and can improve the quality
of life and public policy.
In modern conditions, patriotic education is held in many countries to develop patriotic youth. Also,
these countries have the opportunity to conduct educational activities with an understanding of the
country's history, its development, prominent historical figures, as well as key advantages and
historical achievements. Therefore, the modern policy of state patriotic education is aimed at the
emotional and verbal intelligence of young people to form and understand the importance of respect
for their own country and leading an active lifestyle, as well as eliminating the negative factors of
further inactivity. The example of Ukraine in terms of fostering patriotic education and the ability to
defend one's own country in the face of military aggression demonstrates its clear benefits and
awareness of the importance and value of the country. Over the past 10 years, Ukraine has created
many activities to educate and train patriotic youth, as well as organize various sports competitions.
Moreover, Ukraine has a widely used mechanism to improve the patriotic education of young people.
This mechanism can promote development in all regions, which includes many research grants,
government spending on culture and sports, and improving the quality of patriotic education.
The problem of modern politics in any country is the use of relevant and interesting means aimed at
shaping patriotic education and fostering respect for the homeland. Parents are the key means and
source of love for the country. It is the parents of young people who are the main source of possible
formation of their worldview and patriotism. To ensure quality education, it is necessary to conduct
educational activities not only among young people but also to actively involve parents in the older
generation. It is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of modern education and the need to
shape public opinion, create a positive attitude among people toward their country, and explain
historical events and features. This will help shape the general outlook of young people. Since such
peculiarities are important, the state's policy on patriotic education of youth should be divided into
two categories. The first category is aimed at educating young people and fostering their patriotic
feelings and duties to their country; the second is aimed at parents, who are the source of education
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
for young people. Taking these two categories into account improves the state policy of patriotic
education and helps to improve the quality of such policy. More details about current measures to
form patriotic education for the youth are presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Measures to form patriotic education of the youth
Conducting awareness-raising
Conducting additional classes on fostering patriotic traits by
fostering a love for the country
Organization of exhibition
Implementation of sightseeing activities to monuments of
national importance
Holding patriotic conferences
Creating projects and conferences to improve understanding
and promote patriotism among the youth
Cultural tourism
Organization of aesthetic and cultural tours to national
Holding youth competitions
Creating national competitions and organizing them at the
local and regional level
Organization of sports and patriotic
Creating a personal brand based on sports culture, protecting
the country's reputation on the global stage
Mass cultural events
Holding cultural events on specific dates and events
Charity evenings
Creating patriotic and charity evenings, promoting cultural
qualities among the youth
Implementation of patriotic
upbringing in education
Emphasizing the advantages of the particular country,
fostering respect for the homeland, and building patriotism
Source: compiled by the author
Based on the data in Table 1, the modern policy of patriotic education in the state should be
implemented based on methods that promote the active participation of young people in public
events and educational activities. The key aspects of the formation of patriotic education and
respect for the country are the availability of knowledge about history, the reflection of the
qualities of human cultural values, and favorable state policy. The formation of public
administration aimed at improving the quality of social protection development and support for
social expenditures, including grants, benefits, various insurance schemes, etc. will positively
contribute to the formation of patriotic feelings among both young people and adults. A country
that cares about its population stimulates its human capital to respond accordingly. Therefore,
the formation of patriotic feelings should be based on the use of educational activities, the
economic and financial sectors, and involvement in public activities.
For example, volunteerism is widely popular in Ukraine and around the world. It is also a common
practice to join various public, regional, or volunteer associations that carry out socially useful
activities and can improve the quality of public policy implementation and improve living standards
at the local level. The use of such principles of fostering patriotic feelings will be a priority for
policy implementation, as a population with a strong need to defend the interests of their country
will serve as a key factor in socio-economic well-being in the future.
State policy on the formation of patriotic education for the youth. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2.
Inna Naida, Yuliia Rudenko, Anzhelika Derbak, Mariia Chobaniuk, Svitlana Cherevko
According to the UN, in Ukraine, in 2022, a significant number of battalion groups were provided
with volunteer assistance at the beginning of the war, and a significant number of territorial
defenses were created, which was made possible by patriots and the formation of patriotic
feelings within the country. In times of crisis and geopolitical challenges such as war, patriots are
a key resource for the state in conducting defense policy and countering information attacks. The
use of patriotic education of young people at the global state level should become a priority in
the implementation of strategic public policy, as the future depends entirely on the next
generations, which requires rational measures to be taken today. Moreover, the state policy of
forming patriotic education of young people will contribute to the qualitative improvement of
education and intensify the involvement of citizens in the life of the country. In Ukraine, a striking
example is the involvement of citizens in the restoration of infrastructure, and the use of additional
means of defense policy regarding the participation of citizens in support works, maintenance,
A modern policy of forming patriotic education for the youth can also be formed based on
specialized camps for children that hold sports competitions, provide physical training, and foster
a sense of patriotism in young people. The popularity of such camps will serve as a factor in the
development of a further civically active population. Moreover, this will be one of the priorities
among other tasks for the education of the younger generation.
For the rational use of state instruments to create and promote patriotic education, it is necessary
to consider the main key features of patriotism and its components. The use of components as
the main tool for ensuring the quality of further activities will serve as a tool for the further
development of state policies on the education of patriotic youth. The features of such
components of patriotism are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Key components of patriotism
Source: compiled by the author
The components of patriotism shown in Figure 1 can become the main areas for the
implementation of the state policy of patriotic education of young people. The issue of the state
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
language plays an important role today. Quite often, language has been a speculative factor in
strengthening international hatred and conducting information and psychological attacks. The key
to building patriotism should be an awareness of the need to conduct any state policy in the
official state language. Official events, as well as the work of specialized states or any other
corporate institutions, should be conducted only in the state language. However, in everyday
communication and in any other situations not related to public institutions or the specialized
corporate sector, any language can be used. In addition, this is not enough to formulate quality
policies and participate in public life. The key aspect is participation in elections and understanding
of development programs. For democratic countries, the choice is a key aspect of fostering
patriotism and using it as a tool to influence the implementation of the country's policies. Since
the choice of politicians reflects the level of public sentiment and the desire to pursue a particular
policy, elections must be held openly and fairly.
In the modern world, more and more attention is paid to the patriotic upbringing of youth. At the
same time, attention is focused on the use of modern digital tools that can be used in the
implementation of state policy or the implementation of an educational program. The use of
digital infrastructure opens up wide opportunities for the implementation of effective means of
creating and developing patriotic education of young people. With the help of digital
infrastructure, you can hold remote conferences, discuss public projects, etc. The use of digital
infrastructure improves the quality of education, and can spread a number of informational and
patriotic sources that are aimed at fostering patriotic feelings and have an educational nature.
Therefore, in today's realities, especially given the widespread use of distance education as a key
format, as well as the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the creation
of special media and the use of digital tools of influence can be considered.
The use of digital media and the creation of digital content that has a patriotic character will be
much more effective in the modern sense among young people. Most of the younger generation
uses social media and has basic digital skills and is much more likely to consume digital content
than traditional content. Therefore, it is necessary to use the tools of public policy formation at
the digital level, which will use the media and traditional communication channels to disseminate
their activities in the digital space. Moreover, the use of digital infrastructure will have some key
advantages, as they are widely integrated with the global community and can provide much more
results than the implementation of traditional patriotic education measures. Ukraine's current
policy is aimed not only at improving the quality of patriotic education but also at building a brand
on the global stage. This implies active implementation of digital media, video production, and
the use of digital art and 3D graphics, which is aimed at building the country's brand. A vivid
example of the importance of fostering patriotic feelings among young people is Ukraine's
extensive involvement in media resources through leading figures in world cinema, theater, etc.
The use of such tools not only improves the quality of the country's brand on a global level but
also helps to overcome the negative effects of an information attack by an aggressor country.
Given such conditions, the key principles of state policy for the formation of patriotic education
of young people will be the use of some educational materials, conferences, project discussions,
development of public activities, and the dissemination of special digital media that will be used
to improve respect for their own country. Thus, patriotic education of the youth will be one of the
priorities of the policy in the current unstable conditions in which the world finds itself.
Inna Naida, Yuliia Rudenko, Anzhelika Derbak, Mariia Chobaniuk, Svitlana Cherevko
State policy on the formation of patriotic education for the youth. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2.
5. Discussion
The results of the study indicate that the qualitative formation of patriotic education of young
people is a key factor in the security of the country's future, and is also a basis for the successful
implementation of state policy. After all, young people will participate in most state projects and
carry out their activities to ensure certain activities in public life. The state's current policy towards
ensuring patriotic education is to use educational tools and various conferences. However, in the
context of the development of distance education and its spread around the world, there is a
need to conduct special technical research. This research will focus on possible means of creating
and using digital patriotic materials. By using such tools, it is possible to improve the brand of
one's own country on the world stage and to attract young people to become interested in the
country's history, as well as to evoke patriotic feelings.
The war in Ukraine demonstrates the importance of fostering patriotic education among the
population. Since the hostilities began in 2014, many youth patriotic camps and special events
have been created in Ukraine to foster patriotic sentiment in the country. Thus, the patriotic
education of youth is carried out based on the formation of state policy and the activities of many
volunteer movements that are actively involved in this issue. A promising area of research will be
the analysis of static data on such volunteer organizations, their impact on military operations,
human capital, and the quality of educational activities. The issue of volunteer organizations and
citizens with an active civic positions will be the most important means for the formation of
patriotic education for young people.
A separate area for the formation of patriotic education of youth is the use of educational activities
aimed not at young people, but at parents who are directly involved in the upbringing of children.
Conducting educational work among parents will play a key role, as parents directly influence the
formation of a teenager's worldview and instill cultural values in them. Further research may be
aimed at developing activities and special projects aimed at engaging adults in discussions and
forming patriotic groups. Another important task will be to involve them in civic activities, which
will directly affect both the formation of their civic position and patriotic sentiments.
A promising area for further research is the use of digital tools and means that can be applied in
modern conditions. These tools can serve to improve the quality of the educational process aimed
at fostering patriotic sentiments among young people. Moreover, holding specialized conferences
and internal youth projects can be a prerequisite for improving the quality of perception of
patriotic literature and digital materials, and have positive consequences for shaping the
worldview of young people.
Thus, the current state policy on the formation of patriotic education for young people remains
an open question. Moreover, it can be improved following the needs of the state, global
geopolitical challenges, and the nature of educational activities, since the use of language, history,
and state symbols are of sacred importance for any state. Conducting analytical research on the
creation and use of projects to promote patriotic education is a top priority.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
6. Conclusions
Thus, it can be concluded that patriotic education involves the formation of respect and love for
one's own country. Patriotism is different from nationalism, as it implies its liberal form of
manifestation, which is used in everyday life, by spreading the love for the country through active
social actions, use of the state language, and legal activities. Patriotism and patriotic education
are aimed at forming a single goal, which involves the creation of cultural values in young people,
based on respect for the state. The formation of patriotic education is a top priority for any state.
The younger generation is the key human capital, the basis of demographic policy, and a source
of ensuring the further functioning of the state. Geopolitical challenges, such as the war in
Ukraine, show that the use of patriotic education and the formation of the spirit of freedom and
democracy are crucial. They have enabled the Ukrainian people to resist military aggression
through widespread patriotic sentiment. Based on the Ukrainian example, states need to use
modern tools to influence the formation of patriotic sentiments among young people, use media
resources, and conduct information campaigns aimed at fostering a positive attitude towards the
state. In addition, education remains an important factor for patriotic education, as educational
institutions are a key social institution where the majority of young people are concentrated.
Therefore, given these features, the implementation of a patriotic education policy should be
primarily initiated by educational institutions that can conduct educational projects, engage young
people in public activities, and use their scientific resources to promote the quality of patriotic
education. Moreover, modern educational institutions operate mainly through distance education,
which directly transforms traditional approaches to both the formation of patriotic education and
the methodology of its development. To improve the quality of patriotism among young people,
it is necessary to use digital tools, digital content, and remote communication channels, which
will positively affect the level of patriotic education among young people. The state policy on the
formation of patriotic education of youth should be aimed primarily at improving the educational
policy of educational institutions.
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