The research aims to analyze the current practice of the State policy of forming patriotic education of
young people in the context of the development of educational institutions and digital technologies in
the context of geopolitical challenges. The main task of the article is to conduct a theoretical analysis
of the peculiarities of patriotic education and to provide analytical assessments of the situation in
Ukraine regarding the quality of the State policy of patriotic education. Given the military actions in
the country, this study is particularly important. The current state policy of patriotic education of the
youth is constantly changing and transforming in line with the cultural and value needs of the younger
generation. These circumstances are attracting increased attention among scholars. The expediency
of the study stems from the urgency of the problems of development of the State policy on the
formation of patriotic education of young people, the need for its further improvement, and the
creation of high-quality tools for its dissemination among young people. The objectives of the study
will allow us to determine the methodology for conducting and achieving the key objectives in the
2. Literature Review
The issue of state policy on patriotic education is a priority for any state (Bech & Chorna, 2014; Tolen
& Tulenova, 2012)). Therefore, scholars pay considerable attention to this aspect. In particular, Bizov
& Lyader (2022) notes that the modern policy of patriotic education should be aimed at forming a set
of values among young people and cultural guidelines aimed at fostering respect for their own country.
According to Dombrovska & Poltorak (2015), patriotic education should become a key area of state
policy. The reason for this is that most EU countries and the world as a whole are facing a demographic
crisis (Pomaza-Ponomarenko et al., 2020). Therefore, to ensure the further development of human
capital, it is necessary to form a patriotic population. Lacka et al., (2021), considers patriotic education
as a combination of love for the homeland and fulfillment of one's civic duties, and the use of law and
order in everyday activities. Filatov (2018) agrees with this. He notes that the key difference between
patriotism and nationalism is moderate radicalism, high liberality, and adherence to basic civic duties.
This, in turn, has a positive impact on both the country's image and the formation of a policy of
patriotic education for the youth. According to Kalogeropoulos et al., (2020), patriotic education of
young people should be carried out in the key institutions of their upbringing, namely through
households in educational institutions. Meanwhile, Matveeva (2017) believes that to improve the
quality of patriotic education, it is necessary to reform the policy of educational activities of educational
institutions. They should be required to conduct classes aimed at fostering respect for the country.
Furthermore, Kravchenko et al., (2020) notes that in the current conditions of digital development,
educational institutions have greater opportunities to improve the quality and dissemination of patriotic
education through educational mechanisms and distance communication networks. The use of digital
tools, according to Pavlushenko et al., (2021), is a key source of patriotic education for modern youth.
The creation of media materials and digital content will help shape the worldview of a young person.
Kovalchuk (2016) believes that to improve the state policy of patriotic education, it is necessary to
use educational projects aimed at interacting with parents. This is important because parents have a
direct impact on the formation of patriotism in the youth (Tolen & Tulenova, 2012). According to
Fedorova et al., (2021), a country with a weak social policy cannot provide patriotic education and the
development of patriotism within the country. According to scientists, the most important factor in the
formation of patriotic education and the prerequisites for its growth is high social protection and a
strong social security system. Besides, Viltsaniuk (2020) believes that social protection policy should
be taken as a basis for the formation of patriotic education and used as the main tool for the formation
and development of patriotic feelings. According to Gbur (2021), an important factor in the formation
of patriotic education is the use of key components of patriotism. These include the use of the state
language, knowledge of the country's history, traditional values, and adherence to specific national