Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Bolotnikova, I., Kucherhan, Y., Vyshnyk, O., Shyrobokov, Y., & Dzykovych, O. (2023). Psychological well-being of a pedagogue in
the conditions of war. Revista Eduweb, 17(2), 149-160.
Psychological well-being of a pedagogue in the conditions
of war
Bienestar psicológico de un pedagogo en condiciones de guerra
Inga Bolotnikova
Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow, Laboratory of age psychophysiology, G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology
of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Yelyzaveta Kucherhan
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Humanities and Legal
Disciplines. Kryvyi Rih Educational and Scientific Institute, Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs,
Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.
Olha Vyshnyk
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD), Senior Teacher, Department of Theory and Methods of Primary
Education, Educational and Scientific Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Oleksandr Dovzhenko
Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University, Hlukhiv, Ukraine.
Yurii Shyrobokov
Doctor of Psychological of Sciences, Associated Professor, Scientific center of the Air Force, Ivan
Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of Air Force, Ukraine.
Olha Dzykovych
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Linguistics, Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of
German, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/02/23
Aceptado: 01/04/23
The research is aimed at analyzing the process of forming an educator's psychological well-being in
wartime, its consequences, and the peculiarities of interaction. During the study, scientific methods
were utilized to examine psychological well-being and its role as a crucial component in creating a
positive psychological atmosphere within educational teams. The article highlights the significance of
scientific approaches towards shaping the concept of psychological well-being. It explores the use of
a pedagogue's personal psychological well-being in wartime as a means of stabilizing the social sphere
Psychological well-being of a pedagogue in the conditions of war. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /149-160
and disseminating the quality of such a policy to achieve a strategic victory while countering the
information and psychological attacks of the aggressor country. The study's outcomes have the
potential to enhance the ability to respond to external stimuli, leveraging emotional resources to
mitigate stress and enhance the quality of the educational process.
Keywords: psychological well-being, stress, psychological support, pedagogical activity, social
protection, social institution.
La investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de formación del bienestar psicológico de un
educador en tiempos de guerra, sus consecuencias y las peculiaridades de la interacción. Durante el
estudio, se utilizaron métodos científicos para examinar el bienestar psicológico y su papel como
componente crucial en la creación de una atmósfera psicológica positiva dentro de los equipos
educativos. El artículo destaca la importancia de los enfoques científicos para dar forma al concepto
de bienestar psicológico. Explora el uso del bienestar psicológico personal de un pedagogo en tiempo
de guerra como un medio para estabilizar la esfera social y difundir la calidad de tal política para lograr
una victoria estratégica mientras se contrarresta la información y los ataques psicológicos del país
agresor. Los resultados del estudio tienen el potencial de mejorar la capacidad de responder a
estímulos externos, aprovechando los recursos emocionales para mitigar el estrés y mejorar la calidad
del proceso educativo.
Palabras clave: bienestar psicológico, estrés, apoyo psicológico, actividad pedagógica, protección
social, institución social.
1. Introduction
Current geopolitical conditions are unfavorable for Ukraine, as they have many negative socio-
economic and psychological consequences for the population. Therefore, ensuring the
psychological well-being of the teacher as one of the key elements of the social institution is
becoming increasingly important. It has a direct impact on the quality of social and political
opinion formation, as well as the psychological state of society. Due to the reduction of
expenditures on the social sphere and other sectors, there is a need to effectively perform the
functions of stabilizing the social environment through teachers. However, to ensure such an
effective activity, it is necessary to form one's psychological state, which is based on a
combination of several interdependent elements.
The formation of the psychological well-being of a teacher in war is a complex process that
requires the involvement of emotional intelligence, and the ability to operate with strong-willed
internal qualities, and can also serve as a factor in the transformation of the individual. The issue
of psychological well-being has been studied by domestic and foreign scholars, but its
development in wartime has not been sufficiently investigated, given that the war in Ukraine is
the largest in the 21st century. Therefore, the modern approach to psychological well-being
requires additional attention among scholars. High-quality provision of psychological well-being
will serve as a factor in the successful stabilization of social protection and psychological support
for children and adolescents, the population group most vulnerable to war. The problem of the
psychological state of adolescents in war is the most acute due to the scale of negative events
and the aggravation of the crisis. In such conditions, the teacher must carry out teaching activities
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
and direct efforts to form cultural and personal values in the social educational institution. The
issue of the individual psychological well-being of each pedagogue is a catalyst for effective
communication activity. The personal psychological climate can ensure the correct use of
emotional resources because they influence the formation of worldview and cultural aspects of
the moral category. Therefore, the issue of the psychological well-being of an educator in times
of war and changes in the format of the educational process plays an important role both in the
social space, the individual activity of the teacher, and the strategic goals of the state.
The research is aimed at analyzing the process of forming an educator's psychological well-being
in wartime, its consequences, and the peculiarities of interaction. The topic is highly relevant due
to the circumstances in Ukraine. It raises a socially important issue and makes it possible to use
the experience of psychological well-being to minimize the negative effects of stress and war.
The key task of the study is to analyze the current features and methods of forming the personal
well-being of a pedagogue who performs many socially useful functions in his or her social
segment and requires increased attention from the point of view of the state policy strategy. The
peculiarities of the formation of psychological well-being are reflected through the use of tools
for analytical assessments of modern measures in pedagogical activities and the ability to
rationally use personal emotional state along with verbal and non-verbal intelligence. The study
pays due attention to approaches to the concept of psychological well-being and the possibility
of ensuring it in conditions of socio-economic instability. The use of psychological well-being as
a tool for developing individual professional activity and the possibility of improving the state of
the surrounding social environment is a priority in the study.
2. Literature Review
The issue of psychological well-being and the key components of its formation is studied in the
scientific literature from the standpoint of creating a psychological climate and human activity
(Ilgan et al., 2014; Simpson & Rholes, 2019). The ability to achieve psychological comfort and
respond to stress, according to Agu and Nwankwo (2019), are the key foundations of a rational
and healthy human psyche. However, in the context of war, according to Blozva (2017), any
psychological state of a person is severely damaged. This negatively affects a person's activity
both in society and in the inner world (Forsberg et al, 2022; Panc et al., 2012). According to
Boulzaboul et al., (2020), a factor in ensuring psychological well-being is the use of internal
volitional tools and emotional resources to recover and be able to lead an active life. According
to Diab & Schultz, (2021), a teacher is a key element in a social educational institution that directly
affects his or her psychological state and needs to be improved. Moreover, the use of tools of
psychological influence on the team can form positive personal well-being. Gray & Stevenson,
(2019) defines psychological well-being as a factor of autonomy, emotional rationality, critical
analysis, and physical sense. The interaction of these four elements will have the most significant
impact on a person's activities, the ability to interact in the social environment and to be active
(Kashliuk, 2016). To improve the quality of pedagogical well-being, according to Forsberg et al.,
(2022), it is necessary to use qualitative mechanisms. It will stimulate the development of
personal emotional resources and the formation of a quality psychological climate in the team.
Kovalenko & Vyshnyahova, (2017) believes that a pedagogue performs professional activities
from the standpoint of his or her values or goals, and plays a crucial role in the formation of state
social capital. Using this approach will stimulate the educational community to provide high-
Inga Bolotnikova, Yelyzaveta Kucherhan, Olha Vyshnyk, Yurii Shyrobokov, Olha Dzykovych
Psychological well-being of a pedagogue in the conditions of war. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /149-160
quality means of educational development and qualification education, and to fulfill the tasks of
personal development of the student. In the context of war, according to Lukomska & Melnyk
(2018), psychological well-being is the most vulnerable concept. The war changes the
psychological state of the individual and exacerbates negative emotional feelings that require a
comprehensive examination for their successful resolution. Moreover, the possibility of using tools
that directly affect a person's ability to act effectively under stress, according to Maymon et al.,
(2019), is one of the key components of the formation of a teacher's psychological well-being
(Stene et al., 2018). Modern scientific views on the quality of development and formation of
psychological well-being are quite controversial, as some analyze the degree of quality by the
consequences (Kawada et al., 2011; Stranislawski, 2019). According to this approach, perception
is formed according to the actions and current activities of a person, which is a direct consequence
of the psychological state. According to Ponomarenko et al., (2019), the psychological state of a
person is a consequence of his or her actions. However, in wartime, predicting human activity
becomes more difficult, as the emotional component is suppressed much more often than in
normal conditions of peace. According to Ozerskyy (2019), this causes inactivity, so a predictive
assessment of a person's further actions is a difficult task. Moreover, in the context of the war in
Ukraine, the issue of using psychological well-being as a category aimed at improving the quality
of teachers will be a priority for public policy, as it protects the information space and, according
to Tytarenko (2018), performs several social functions.
Thus, the issue of psychological well-being is quite clearly outlined in the literature. However,
given the Ukrainian realities, the research topic remains important and appropriate due to the
lack of information about psychological problems in the conditions of war.
3. Methodology
In the course of the study scientific methods were employed. These methods helped to
characterize the features of psychological well-being and characterize it as a key component for
ensuring a favorable psychological climate in the educational team. The search method was
applied to evaluate modern scientific approaches to psychological well-being, as well as its
definition in the context of war and the quality of transformation following key issues. The problem
of war, which is a key catalyst for stress and the development of psychological trauma and illness,
is a major issue of our time. Based on the analytical method, it has been determined that the
educator is a key element of social influence, which performs the functions of stabilizing the
general social space and can become a means of counteracting information and psychological
attacks in a country at war. Moreover, the method of statistical analysis has served to outline the
current situation in the socio-economic sphere based on World Bank data. In addition, the
research methods helped to determine that the modern approach to teaching has been
significantly transformed. The use of the method of deduction and induction served to define the
priority principles of public policy in times of war, characterized by strengthening the defense
function and the formation of a socially favorable climate.
A study was conducted on changing the format of the educational process, as well as the
possibility of ensuring its implementation in conditions of instability. Based on the method of
abstraction, the key priority goals for the country in the conditions of war were identified. The
results of the study suggest that the modern principles of psychological well-being in the
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
educational environment are the teacher's state. This has a direct impact on their ability to
perform professional activities and their interaction with the team. Methods have been used to
outline the key elements of the formation of a teacher's psychological well-being, and their
description is provided with a possible social effect.
4. Results
The issue of psychological well-being remains relevant not only during the war, where it is
particularly acute but also in general. The formation of a teacher's psychological well-being is a
key factor in the development of students' learning abilities and the provision of specialized
psychological assistance to children. The war in Ukraine has caused many transformational
processes in the world, and the education sector is no exception. Teachers must demonstrate
their best ethical and cultural traits and the ability to grow personally. The role of an educator is
similar to that of a caregiver, which is not only to teach but also to provide quality support and
significant psychological assistance. A pedagogue can act as a teacher, but his or her main role
is to ensure the development of students both academically and personally. Thus, the formation
of psychological well-being is a prerequisite for the quality development of students, as it is the
primary source of psychological stability and a stable team.
The war in Ukraine caused destructive consequences in the socio-economic sphere both in the
domestic space and throughout the world. The main expenditures of the state budget of Ukraine
fall on the army, which makes the social sphere more vulnerable, since in fact more than 90% of
funds are directed to defense. Social protection of the population, as well as the protection of
persons affected by the war in Ukraine, is a key segment for the work of the state. Therefore,
teachers need to use their own high-quality resources to improve their work with students and
improve their interaction with them. Professional contact with students can contribute to the
elimination of psychological instability, moral injuries, as well as the provision of first psychological
support. According to statistics, the majority of children in Ukraine have been affected by the war
or have someone in their family who has suffered negative consequences from the war. In
addition, unemployment remains a serious problem. According to World Bank forecasts, by the
end of 2023, the GDP of Ukraine may decline by 45% with the unemployment rate reaching 40%.
This has a negative impact on the psychological state of families. In the face of such challenges,
educators have a priority task to ensure quality work with children to maintain their morale.
The psychological well-being of educators is a top priority, as they perform socially useful
functions that reduce the burden on the state in times of war and can partially stabilize the
psychological state of students. Moreover, a large-scale information campaign has been launched
against Ukraine to discredit the army, intimidate the population and cause stress. To minimize
the consequences of such activities, a teacher should take steps that not only level this campaign
but also ensure the psychological stability of students, thereby performing an important function
of psychological support.
The essence of the concept of psychological well-being lies in the combination of the psychological
and emotional state of a person, which ensures his or her vital activity and minimizes the effects
of stress. A key factor in the manifestation of psychological well-being is the ability to respond to
stress and perceive it adequately, evaluate it and act following cultural and ethical norms. The
Inga Bolotnikova, Yelyzaveta Kucherhan, Olha Vyshnyk, Yurii Shyrobokov, Olha Dzykovych
Psychological well-being of a pedagogue in the conditions of war. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /149-160
Psychological well-being of a pedagogue in the conditions of war. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /149-160
war has caused large-scale psychological problems among the population due to the threat to
life, unfavorable socio-economic conditions, and many conflicts. This issue can be resolved only
with the intervention of specialists who can provide comprehensive psychological assistance and
take an active part in restoring the psychological stability of the individual. This requires some
measures aimed at stabilizing the emotional state. Psychological well-being, as a scientific
concept, consists primarily of many components that are interdependent and cannot be mutually
exclusive. They are described in more detail in Table 1.
Table 1.
Components of a pedagogue's psychological well-being in war conditions
The ability to conduct personal activities regardless
of circumstances, performing socially useful
Personal independence,
Control of the social
Ability to form personal social environment and
provide emotional support
Creating a positive social
Positive relationships in
Formation of a positive impression, favorable
relations in society
Encouraging an optimistic
attitude to life
Having a purpose in life
Fulfillment of socially useful or individual goals,
presence of meaning in actions
Minimizing despair and loss
of hope
Personal growth
Transformation of the worldview, growth of ego,
lack of conformity
Psychological stability and
Critical assessment
Ability to analyze information and draw appropriate
Creating a realistic picture
of life
Emotional rationality
Ability to distribute personal emotions: compassion,
concern, anxiety, joy
Building emotional stability
Source: compiled by the author
Based on Table 1, it can be concluded that modern teachers need to pay attention to these
components, as their development can help to achieve the most effective professional activity
and stabilize the moral and psychological state of others. It is important to form and monitor the
social environment and psychological climate inside, as it directly affects the well-being of the
teacher and others. Critical evaluation and the ability to distribute their own emotions to
appropriate things will encourage teachers to conduct effective activities and use the most
successful tools to stimulate the psychological well-being of students, as they are the main team
in which the teacher functions. A teacher should have a goal in life both at the individual and
socially useful, global level. The realization of the importance of fulfilling the mission of ensuring
the psychological well-being and support of the affected population, which in this case is the
segment of students, is another front.
The information and psychological attacks of the aggressor country are aimed at destabilizing the
internal political stability of the country. These attacks create many problems within households,
considering the cases of war-affected children or students. Understanding psychological well-
being and its ability to be cyclical is one of the factors in resisting such campaigns. For example,
any emotional state is changeable and needs to be clarified according to the circumstances in
which it occurs. Moreover, in today's developmental environment, teachers need to use their
emotional state as a means of advantage and an opportunity to interact with the environment.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
In general, there are five main stages of the psychological well-being cycle. This cycle should
change periodically as a result of stimuli, stress, and destructive emotional fluctuations. The
cyclical nature of psychological well-being is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1.
The cycle of psychological well-being
Source: compiled by the author
Given the peculiarities of the cycle of psychological well-being, the most important thing for a
teacher is the need for effective actions at each stage, as this shapes his or her internal state
and, as a result, affects the environment. Optimism is characterized as a positive outlook on the
development of events, their perception, and the ability to conduct one's activities per the
conditions. As a rule, optimism makes it possible to achieve certain goals that cause a short-term
period of euphoria. Human physiology is designed to use positive emotions as a means of coping
with stress, but the psychological exhaustion caused by a surge of dopamine and, usually, high
adrenaline can lead to instability of one's well-being, which causes despair and an unstable
emotional state. The stage of transition to the next cycle is the most problematic, since the correct
transition should be based on the fulfillment of personal values and goals, and should be aimed
at ensuring the moral upliftment of the person. The fulfillment of these aspects stimulates the
transition to the stage of hope when a person finds new goals, objectives, and needs, which
causes the need for active work and the possibility of using their own psychological and emotional
resources to achieve it. The final stage of psychological well-being is optimism, which, just like
the initial stage, involves active life and the performance of certain actions following the goal.
Considering the peculiarities of the cycle of psychological well-being, it is necessary to use correct
and rational measures at each of its stages to stimulate the qualitative psychological well-being
of a person. A pedagogue should be aware of the social environment and the internal state of a
person and be able to analyze the primary sources, course, and development of events. Moreover,
he or she should have skills in rational thinking and logical reasoning. In a martial environment,
this will stimulate the formation of a positive psychological climate both in the team and at the
individual level. This, in turn, will help to find effective solutions and provide students with a
positive psychological state.
In the context of the war, the educational process has been significantly transformed, as most
schools and universities have been damaged by shelling and hostilities, which has stimulated an
active transition of the educational process to a distance format. The problem of distance
Psychological well-being of a pedagogue in the conditions of war. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /149-160
education is not only a threat to the control of the current educational process and the possibility
of its development but also a decrease in the quality of communication activity, which can
negatively affect the state of the team. Therefore, in such conditions, it is essential to employ all
available tools aimed at ensuring the quality of psychological well-being of a pedagogue during
wartime. Moreover, the development of the psychological well-being of the educator, the
formation of a positive climate, and support for students can become a factor in his moral uplift
and the development of the ego through socially useful activities. In the context of war, despite
the formation of distance education, a teacher performs many socially useful functions that will
contribute to quality development and encourage students to stay comfortably in a country with
hostilities, and reduce the potential consequences of information and psychological attacks. The
key principles of forming the interaction of students and teachers for psychological well-being in
war are shown in Table 2.
Based on the data in Table 2, most modern teachers use digital communication tools that improve
the ability not only to conduct a special educational process with the help of available
technologies, but also to track and monitor the psychological state of the team. The use of
information technologies will contribute to the formation of a positive mood. In addition, a teacher
in war conditions should not only ensure his own psychological well-being according to the
available components, which were provided in Table 1, but also pay attention to patriotic
education among students, since a country in war conditions should be able to use all the
necessary human resources to overcome negative consequences of information war. Educators,
as members of a social institute and actually in this institute at the highest level of the hierarchy,
should use communication skills to ensure psychological stability in the team.
Table 2.
Forms of interaction between students and pedagogues for psychological well-being in war
Frequency of use, %
Channels of communication between educators and students during the organization of distance learning
Communication via messengers (Viber, WhatsApp, etc.)
Communication via phone calls
Communication via e-mail (educator sends assignments and students send
completed work)
Communication via Zoom, Skype, or similar video communication tools
Use of special training programs (Google Class, Learningapps, etc.)
Daily remote viewing by students of presentation materials on subjects
prepared by educators on topics for each lesson
Forms for assessing the learning achievements of students of general secondary education in online learning
Completing independent written work (dictations, essays, presentations,
etc.) and sending them to the teacher
Subject testing on online platforms
Recording students' video and/or audio responses and sending them to the
Oral surveys on subjects by phone
Performing written works (independent works, dictations, creative works)
Oral surveys in online mode
Source: compiled based on MES of Ukraine
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The use of modern information technologies stimulates not only positive forms of interaction
between students and teachers, but can also stimulate the development of a positive social
climate. Moreover, in order to improve the quality of the educational process, it is necessary to
ensure the right psychological attitude, as well as the need to acquire knowledge. The most
important factor of the modern educational process should be the provision of moral support to
teachers and the carrying out of educational activities regarding their performance of socially
useful functions and activities, which they are involved in according to their professional criteria.
To conduct such activities, teachers need to use the tools of psychological influence on the social
environment and use the existing methods of supporting the student body. The formation of one's
own psychological well-being should become a key and priority direction in the educational
process, because human losses due to moral harm and disasters can be much more negatively
affected. That is why the use of the functions of moral support will be much more important than
the performance of the functions of the educational process. Undoubtedly, both are important,
but the formation of one's own psychological well-being as a comfortable communication and
personal climate in the team is a higher priority.
Thus, it can be concluded that the modern concept of psychological well-being consists of a
number of components aimed at improving one's own moral state and the ability to perceive,
analyze and take actions in accordance with stress or negative environmental stimuli. The
importance of using the cycle of psychological well-being as a tool of analysis enables teachers
to improve their individual psychological state and, as a result, create a positive climate in the
team. The war in Ukraine had a negative impact on most socio-economic processes in the country,
which requires modernization and development in accordance with the created activity. Moreover,
the use of the psychological well-being of the teacher in the conditions of war will stimulate the
search for optimal and rational solutions that will affect the activity of the teacher as a professional
teacher and a person performing a number of socially important functions.
5. Discussion
The results of the study indicate that the current need for the formation of high-quality
psychological well-being for both teachers and the entire population in Ukraine is the highest
priority goal of the state. Moreover, we can say that the psychological state is also a certain front.
To ensure effective social interaction between a teacher and his or her social institution, he or
she must first develop his or her psychological well-being. It, in turn, will directly affect
communication processes and the formation of opinions in the team. The pedagogue performs
the functions of not only a teacher but also an individual mentor, which affects the development
of the student's personality. The study of the spheres of influence of the teacher and his or her
role in the formation of the future student is one of the important issues for analytical research
based on statistical data on the teaching methods, pedagogical activities, and tools used.
A modern feature of pedagogical activity in Ukraine is the performance of socially useful functions,
as well as the reassessment of their values, cultural upliftment, and the need for social protection
to overcome the negative consequences of the war, both domestically and globally. Conducting
further analytical assessments of the quality of the use and development of psychological support
methods in the teacher's team will be a priority, as it will improve not only the quality of
psychological stability among students but also ensure the fulfillment of the teacher's socially
Psychological well-being of a pedagogue in the conditions of war. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /149-160
useful purpose. Moreover, the introduction of such tools will stimulate the search for a rational
and effective methodology aimed at forming both their psychological well-being and reflecting it
on the team.
Studies in the field of the psychological context of the war-affected population, the number of
officially registered cases, and the consideration of adolescent moral trauma and harm are not
excluded. Conducting such analytical assessments can be a factor in developing a mechanism for
eliminating negative consequences and building a high-quality system for the development of
psychological well-being, both for the teacher and his or her social environment. The priority task
is to ensure psychological comfort in Ukraine during the war. Countering information and
psychological attacks is an urgent task, as the source of development and formation of such
campaigns is the use of special media resources and social institutions. The use of modern means
of communication will stimulate teachers to carry out professional activities in conditions of
instability of the educational process and will serve as the best means to ensure practical activities.
Prospects for further research may be aimed at analyzing the quality of the components of
psychological well-being, as well as analyzing their transformations by the development of the
war. In such circumstances, the formation of psychological well-being will be a key factor in
ensuring the moral and emotional favorable state of the teacher and will become one of the
priority tasks in modern education. Improving the cycle of psychological well-being and the ability
to act rationally following its stages will be a key advantage in teaching and pedagogical activities,
as they affect both the teacher and the team around him or her. Psychological well-being as a
scientific category is constantly improving. This is due to the development of digital technologies,
and the availability of special infrastructure for conducting analytical research and providing
statistical estimates of certain information. The problem of war in Ukraine remains the highest
priority for research, taking into account all areas of its manifestation in the social environment
of the population.
6. Conclusions
Thus, based on the study, it can be concluded that the psychological well-being of a teacher in
wartime plays a key role. The teacher is a source of the formation of the emotional and moral
state in the educational society. Therefore, they need to be able to shape their psychological
state, as well as to take rational actions and measures to prevent stress. This is a priority task for
all modern teachers in Ukraine who perform socially important functions. Therefore, to ensure
such factors, it is necessary to use effective support programs for teachers, as well as to stimulate
the development of tasks that will meet the modern features of pedagogical activity.
The main components of a teacher's psychological well-being are interconnected elements
responsible for the ability to make the right decisions. It is about having one's personal goal, the
ability to analyze the environment, and contributing to the formation of one's positive moral state.
The key structural elements are autonomy, goal setting, critical assessment, control of
communication in society, and emotional rationality. To ensure your psychological well-being, you
need to pay attention to emotional rationality. This involves minimizing stress to the level of
conducting effective daily activities without being exposed to excessive stress. Due to the war in
Ukraine, the level of emotional stress in the population is very high. This contributes to the
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
suppression of positive emotions and provokes an excess of stress, anxiety, and empathy, which
will negatively affect the educator's further activities. Therefore, the correct use of personal
emotional resources will be a priority task for a pedagogue in modern conditions.
An important factor is a change in the principles of organizing the educational process, which has
been transformed into a distance mode. This mode negatively affects the quality of psychological
well-being of the student body. In such conditions, teachers need to create high-quality
pedagogical activity and promote the development of their own and the social and psychological
well-being of the team. Solving these negative problems is important from the point of view of
strategic policy. Ukraine can be the best example for ensuring the psychological well-being of
teachers, as the individual plays an important role, performing some socially important functions
and stimulating the need for social protection. The personal psychological well-being of a teacher
is one of the priority principles in the policy of the defense sector, as they directly affect social
institutions, being the mechanisms for implementing state policy. Therefore, in such conditions,
teachers, in addition to forming their comfortable psychological state, need to pay attention to
patriotic education among students. This can be achieved through educational activities,
specialized conferences, specialized discussions, etc. The psychological well-being of a teacher in
wartime remains an acute issue in the context of his or her role and influence on the social space
in Ukraine and any country where hostilities are taking place. The results of the study show that
modern teachers need to be able to make rational decisions, manage their emotions and follow
a socially useful goal that will bring the country closer to victory.
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