Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
RogalskaYablonska, I., Melnyk, N., Tsvietkova, H., Dovbnia, S., & Malysheva, D. (2023). Preschoolers with general speech
underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions. Revista
Eduweb, 17(2), 161-176.
Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment
socialization practices in Ukrainian and Swedish
preschool educational institutions
Niños en edad preescolar con prácticas de socialización del subdesarrollo del
habla general en instituciones educativas preescolares ucranianas y suecas
Inna RogalskaYablonska
DSc. Ped, Professor Prof., Affiliated researcher of the Social pedagogy and social work laboratory,
Institute of Educational Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Nataliia Melnyk
D.Sc., Associate Professor, Professor of Foreign languages and translation Department, The Faculty of
Linguistics and Social Communications, National Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Hanna Tsvietkova
DSc. Ped, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Pre-school Education,
Faculty of Pedagogy, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Sofia Dovbnia
Ph. D., Associate professor, Associate professor of The Department of Education and Psychology of Pre-
school Education, Faculty of Pedagogy, M. P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Daryna MalyshevaХ
Ph. D., student, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/02/23
Aceptado: 01/04/23
The aim of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the socialization practices of preschoolers
with general speech underdevelopment in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions.
The research methodology involved the gradual application of a set of interrelated methods, such as
theoretical analysis, systematization, and generalization of data from general and specialized
psychological-pedagogical and methodological literature on the researched problem. The findings
suggest that there are differences in socialization practices between the two countries: Ukrainian
Inna RogalskaYablonska, Nataliia Melnyk, Hanna Tsvietkova, Sofia Dovbnia, Daryna Malysheva
preschool educational institutions focus more on discipline and obedience, while Swedish institutions
prioritize play and collaboration. The study concludes that socialization practices in preschool
educational institutions play a significant role in supporting the development of social skills among
preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.
Keywords: innovative lesson structure, physical education, students, educational institutions,
El objetivo del artículo es realizar un análisis comparativo de las prácticas de socialización de niños en
edad preescolar con subdesarrollo general del habla en instituciones educativas preescolares
ucranianas y suecas. La metodología de investigación implicó la aplicación gradual de un conjunto de
métodos interrelacionados, como el análisis teórico, la sistematización y la generalización de datos de
la literatura psicopedagógica y metodológica general y especializada sobre el problema investigado.
Los hallazgos sugieren que existen diferencias en las prácticas de socialización entre los dos países:
las instituciones educativas preescolares ucranianas se enfocan más en la disciplina y la obediencia,
mientras que las instituciones suecas priorizan el juego y la colaboración. El estudio concluye que las
prácticas de socialización en las instituciones educativas preescolares juegan un papel importante en
el apoyo al desarrollo de habilidades sociales entre los preescolares con subdesarrollo general del
Palabras clave: estructura de lecciones innovadoras, educación física, estudiantes, instituciones
educativas, Rumania.
1. Introduction
One of the priority directions of the development of the national education system is the search
for effective ways of including children with psychophysical development disorders in the
educational environment, their socialization, the leading mechanisms of which are provided by
speech activity. State programs "Education" (Ukraine of the 21st century), "Children of Ukraine",
National strategy for the development of education of Ukraine in 2013-2021, Law of Ukraine "On
preschool education", "State target program for the development of preschool education for the
period until 2017", The basic component of preschool education in Ukraine, 2006, a change in
the educational paradigm, the scale and severity of social, economic, and cultural problems
require raising the priority of public preschool education, forming in society an understanding of
the importance of the early stages of a person's life as the most responsible period of his social
formation. Orientation of preschool education to ensure full-fledged social development of
children requires taking into account the peculiarities of socialization at various stages of
preschool childhood. In this regard, the preschool educational institution is assigned a special role
- to become a leading social institution of socialization, which ensures the creation of appropriate
pedagogical assistance for preschool children in the process of socialization, directs the
development of socially and individually significant personality traits and its successful functioning
as a subject of its own life activities in the social environment.
Thus, the social significance of the specified problem, its insufficient scientific-theoretical and
methodological development led to the choice of the research topic «Preschoolers with general
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
speech underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational
The purpose of the article is the comparative analysis socialization practices of preschoolers with
general speech underdevelopment in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions.
Therefore, the object of study is socialization practices of of preschoolers with general speech
underdevelopment in Ukraine and Sweden.
The subject of research the process of preschoolers socialization of with general speech
underdevelopment in Ukraine and Sweden.
Task for realization of the investigation.
to determine the essence of the process of preschoolers with general underdevelopment
speech socialization in preschool educational institutions in Ukrainian and Swedish scientific
to describe practices of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization in
preschool educational institutions in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions.
2. Methodology
The research methodology involved the gradual application of a set of interrelated methods, such
as: theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of data from general and special
psychological-pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem in order to
determine the theoretical and methodological foundations and main approaches for identifying
the features and conditions of socialization of preschool children with general underdevelopment
of speech;
empirical electronic questionnaires, questionnaires, direct communication with teachers for
special need children and logopedists in Ukrainian and some Swedish preschool educational
The research methodology involved three stages:
the first monitoring the current state of theory of preschoolers with general speech
underdevelopment socialization in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational dimensions;
the second is the providing comparative analyses of preschoolers with general speech
underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational
institutions (develop the comparative table of similarities and differences);
the development recommendations for improving the preschoolers with general speech
underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian preschool educational institutions.
3. Literature Review
The concept of socialization of the individual has a wide meaning, acquires a substantive sound
in various sciences and is studied by many scientists. Note that despite the prevalence of the
Inna RogalskaYablonska, Nataliia Melnyk, Hanna Tsvietkova, Sofia Dovbnia, Daryna Malysheva
term "socialization" and the more than a century-old history of its existence, the term
"socialization" does not have an unambiguous interpretation among various representatives of
philosophical, sociological, pedagogical and psychological sciences. Therefore, it is necessary to
consider the definition of socialization from the point of view of these sciences.
Philosophy considers socialization from the standpoint of the relationship between man and
society, as a result of which, on the one hand, the development of personal intellectual and social
freedom occurs, and on the other hand, the art of social dialogue, interaction, and cooperation is
improved. At the same time, the socialization process as a prerequisite for social freedom and
generational creativity causes the rapid development of society (Bohdanova, 2011). Individual
scientists, including Pierre Teilhard de Chardin consider socialization together with
personalization. The French thinker defines personalization as a stage of the emergence and
improvement of an individual who considers himself a part of an organized whole, and
socialization as a sphere in which separate consciousnesses and independence are united,
emphasizing the depth and unpredictability of his "Ego". According to the researcher, humanity
will find ways to humanize itself thanks to new forms of contact and cooperation (Teilhard de
Chardin, 1965). The process of human social development is explained in different ways by
representatives of various philosophical currents of the anthropological direction. Representatives
of idealistic philosophy believe that human development is a spontaneous, uncontrolled,
spontaneous process; development occurs regardless of living conditions; the development of a
person is fatally determined by his fate, in which no one can change anything.
From the point of view of pedagogy, socialization is interpreted in close interaction with the
process of education and socio-pedagogical mechanisms of socialization are determined, which
indicate the content and methods of education. The process of socialization ensures the entry of
a person into social communities and collectives, comfortable coexistence in them, socialization
of his activities, lifestyle and thoughts, which ensures the formation of an individual as a
representative of certain social communities and groups, social strata. Researchers of the problem
of child socialization and personality education have in mind, first of all, the formation of readiness
for an individual to realize a set of social roles. At the same time, the very process of mastering
these roles involves the participation of each student in activities and learning. The social role
reveals the mechanism of the child's assimilation of social experience (Vygotsky, 1996).
In psychology, there is also no consensus on this problem. According to A. Reber, the term
"socialization" has two meanings. The first meaning is the process by which an individual acquires
knowledge, values, social skills and social sensibility that allow him to integrate into society and
behave adaptively in it, that is, socialization is a life experience. The second meaning is the
process of the state taking services, industry and other institutions of society under its control for
the benefit of all members (Bregeda, Bovtruk, & Dvoretska,1999).
Moskalenko systemized G. Andreeva conclusion about socialization and summurised, the spheres
in which the entire content of the process of personality socialization unfolds are: activity,
communication, and self-awareness. As for activities, in the process of socialization, the
individual's "set" of activities expands, that is, more and more new types of activities are
mastered: socialization occurs as the assimilation of new and new forms of role models of
behavior, as a result of which the individual gradually develops an orientation in the system of
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
social roles. This process is accompanied by three important points. First, orientation in the system
of connections inherent in each type of activity and between its various types. The product of
such orientation is a personal choice of activity. As a result of this, a second process arises -
centering around the main, chosen one, focusing attention on it and subordinating other types of
activities to it. Finally, the third process is the understanding of the individual during the
implementation of new roles and the understanding of their significance. In general, the essence
of transformations in the activity system lies in the process of expanding the capabilities of the
individual as a subject of activity (Moskalenko, 2008).
Considering socialization from the point of view of sociology as a science, one cannot fail to
mention the famous scientist T. Parsons, whose concept is related to the understanding of
socialization as the process of integration of an individual into the social system by "absorbing"
common values, as a result of which the observance of universal norms behavior becomes a need
of the individual, an element of his motivational structure (Parsons, 1968). It is also worth
mentioning I. Kohn, who considers socialization as the process of assimilation of social experience
by an individual, a certain system of social roles and culture (Kohn, 1982). Therefore, from the
point of view of sociology, the conclusion of the modern theory of personality socialization is that
it is formed not as an object of some external influences, but as an active subject of self-
Having analyzed a number of scientific studies, in particular Ukrainian scientists on the problems
of socialization, we found that such scientists as A. Bogush, L. Varyanytsia, N. Havrysh, S. Kurinna,
I. Pechenko in their monographic study define the essence of the phenomenon of childhood as a
social formation within the age period from birth to adulthood, which is characterized by specific
features, has its own subculture and is built on special social ties and relationships. This is the
period of a person's life, in which the foundations of personal activity and personal attributes,
values that determine the quality of future life are laid; the period when a person is most
vulnerable, unprotected from the effects of the environment, social, psychological and physical
violence (Bogush et al., 2006). A factor in the socialization of preschool children is the children's
subculture - a socio-cultural space interspersed with the space of adult culture; a dynamic social,
psychological and cultural autonomous entity with its own moral and legal norms, speech
apparatus, folklore heritage and game complex. Given its inherent functions, children's subculture
is an agent of personality socialization, and its structural components are: children's folklore,
children's verbal creativity, children's legal code, children's games, children's humor, religious
ideas, children's philosophizing, children's interests (Bogush et al., 2006). For a more thorough
consideration of the problems of the social development of a child in a preschool institution, let's
consider a number of scientific studies related to the socialization of a preschool child.
First of all, we paid attention to the research providesd Vertuhina V., Melnyk N.,
Rogalska-Yablonska, pedagogical conditions of preparation of senior preschoolers with visual
deviation to school in the conext of which they dedicated some pages of the article to personality
socialization in preschool childhood. The researchers interpreted the concept of personality
socialization in preschool childhood as the process of forming a child’s personality in its interaction
with the social world on the basis of the child’s equal entry into the system of social relations,
active development of socio-cultural experience through its subjective knowledge of the social
environment and construction of the image of the social world (Vertuhina et al., 2022). According
Inna RogalskaYablonska, Nataliia Melnyk, Hanna Tsvietkova, Sofia Dovbnia, Daryna Malysheva
to I. Rohalska-Yablonska et al., (2020) the specificity of the socialization of a preschool child
consists in:
a continuous change in the space of his "social maturation"; - ensuring the expansion of the
degree of freedom when it is introduced into the social environment;
development of its subjective activity and formation of social competence;
socio-emotional development of the social environment and focuses on enriching children's
lives in the socio-cultural space.
According to the researchers, the main tasks of socialization at the stage of preschool childhood
should be: - ensuring active adaptation of children to new social conditions of life for them; -
acquisition of socio-emotional balance and resistance to the influence of changing conditions of
the social environment; - expanding and enriching the experience of constructive interaction with
the people around them on an interpersonal level and building social relationships through the
development of communication methods; - formation of ideas about methods and norms of
communication with the environment; - development of activity, initiative, independence and
responsibility as basic personality qualities; - involvement of children in the wider social
environment to form ideas about people's lives in society; - formation of harmonious relationships
with peers through the organization of interaction at the level of emotional communication; -
building the child's social behavior in the social environment (Rohalska-Yablonska et al., 2020).
The scientist proposes to identify and control the level of socialization of the individual in preschool
childhood according to the following criteria (Sîrghi & Sîrghi, 2020):
social adaptability with indicators - the child's attitude to new social conditions, the peculiarities
of the child's emotional state, the dominance of instructions for interaction with children;
social activity with indicators - existing manifestations of initiative, activity, independence;
social competence with indicators - social intelligence as the ability to solve social problems in
proposed situations, value orientations of children and their spiritual needs, the formation of social
norms of child behavior.
The core of the analyzed research is the model of socio-pedagogical support of personality
socialization in preschool childhood as a process of personal interaction between the one who
accompanies and the one who needs it. The researcher guides the socio-pedagogical support of
personality socialization in preschool childhood by the following principles: the priority of the
child's interests; balance as an optimal ratio of the processes of individualization and socialization
in their unity and difference; reliance on the positive, the principle of social conformity; integrated
approach; dyadic interaction and openness of support (Rohalska-Yablonska et al., 2020).
If we concider the theoretical investigations of Swedish scientists we may find the following
understanding and intepritation of “the socialization in preschool childhood” as a notion: the
definition of socialization involves learning values, beliefs, and behaviors, and the rules that must
be followed for a better coexistence, developing feelings that help in the idea of collectivity
(Lembrér & Meaney, 2014).Socialization in early childhood education is of fundamental
importance for the evolution of the child in the face of different everyday situations (Trondman,
2013). Watching children socialize, whether at school or in another environment where they feel
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
safe to do so, allows the adults around them to guide their behavior to help overcome their
The importance of the school in this process grants autonomy to the little ones, and they start to
see the world as a wide space of opportunities to interact with other people (Tsybanyuk, 2020).
They begin to recognize when there is a real incentive to socialize at this stage of life. The family’s
presence as a supporter of the child in the school environment generates a significant
improvement in learning. The importance of socialization for children implies the development of
skills that may be the most diverse and necessary for the future of small explorers.
Below is a short list of skills acquired from socialization:
Emotional skills: when the child is in the school socialization process, he/she will need to share
moments, and share physical space, in addition to making concessions to his/her colleagues
who will end up helping in the formation as a person of the little ones.
Language skills: during the socialization process, the child will develop orality and at each
moment will learn to express his/her feelings through oral communication.
Math skills: When we talk about math skills that children develop through socialization, we
must think about the exploration they will make of space, discovering shapes, playing, and
learning with the objects that make up the interaction space (Lembrér & Meaney, 2014; St.
Nicholas School, 2023).
As Sweden is an international country the scientists also concider the “preschool children
socialization” as process is linked to the construction of children’s cultural identity, as they observe
behaviors and begin to understand and practice the social standards necessary for a good
coexistence with the people around them in a mixture of discovery and overcoming (Lembrér &
Meaney, 2014).
Socialisation is a process by which children acquire the skills necessary to perform as functioning
members of their society (Biesta, 2007). The process involves both reproducing culture from one
generation to another to ensure that societies sustain themselves over time (James, Jenks, &
Prout, 1998) and producing new ideas and culture through learning to be creative (Ebrahim,
2011). For this second component of socialisation to occur, preschool children need to be
recognised as being knowledgeable, active participants in the construction of their childhood and
their experiences (James, Jenks, & Prout, 1998).
It’s important that Swedish scientist Biesta’s (2007) drew the distinction between socialisation
and education. He considered socialisation to be the “insertion of ‘newcomers’ into existing
cultural and socio-political settings” (p. 26). For him, much of what occurred in institutional
settings of education was actually socialisation. In contrast, education as defined by Kant was
about the self- education needed to achieve rational autonomy to become fully human. However,
as Biesta further argued, this view of education could be considered a form of socialisation
because it sets up what the end product of selfeducation had to be: rational autonomy. Then
education of this kind also contributed to newcomers taking on the attributes of existing members
of a society; those who did not have or did not gain these attributes were unable to be considered
Inna RogalskaYablonska, Nataliia Melnyk, Hanna Tsvietkova, Sofia Dovbnia, Daryna Malysheva
If also to speak about the understanding of the preschoolers with general speech
underdevelopment socialization theory we can draw to that acoordinf the Swedish laterst
reaseach, language and literacy research within the framework of Swedish early childhood studies
has focused on teachers’ ability to create a preschool environment that is considered to be
beneficial for children’s language (Broman, Roth, Persson, S. (2015).
In Ukrainian scientific dimension the conclusions as for this notion is that “the socialization of
children with general underdevelopment of speech as a combined process of general speech
education and social formation, which ensures the development of speech and the formation of
a competent approach to the development of the child's personality, the result of which is the
dynamic development of his socialization” (Lemoshchuk, 2016; Rohalska-Yablonska et al., 2020).
We started from the understanding that speech, as one of the main and necessary conditions for
a child's personal growth and social development, is a full-fledged means of communication only
when it is preserved or, in the case of speech pathology, its structural components are copied.
Therefore, the leading factors that cause deviations in the development of the child's personality,
related to communication, are the insufficient level of orientation of the child to active
communication, as well as the insufficient mastery of communicative activities (Talaghir &
Iconomescu, 2017.). The ratio of these factors constitutes the undifferentiated relationship of the
child to the partner in communication and the very fact of communication.
The study by scientists of the problem of social adaptation of children with speech disorders
proved that in a complex complex of developmental disorders, speech underdevelopment is
characterized not only by delays in the formation of speech ability, but also often by motor,
sensory, intellectual disorders, and lack of cognitive abilities. Therefore, due to the specificity of
the speech disorder, the social development of children is not carried out properly. With such
insufficient communication of the child with adults and peers, the rate of development of his
speech and other mental processes slows down. A deviation in the development of speech
negatively affects the entire mental development of the child, delays his communication with the
environment, the formation of cognitive processes, thus making it impossible to form a full-
fledged personality.
Theoretical approach allowed us to point out the following similarities in distinguishing the notion
“preschoolers socialization” and these similarities are in the approaches in pedagogical,
sociological and philosophical views on the socialization in general, the differences are in the
broader meaning of preschoolers socialization in Swedish scientific dimension and it concerns the
more clear avenger of the construction of children’s cultural identity. If we speak about the
preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization theoretical reviews than the
similarities are in the following aspects: the including of preschoolers with general speech
underdevelopment into the educational and developmental environment provides the best
socialization process for these children.
4. Results and Discussions
Current State of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization in Ukraine and
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
In Ukraine
Scientists have singled out the main conditions that contribute to the successful socialization of a
preschooler: - a favorable social situation of development; - the participation of adults through
the achievement of the interaction of the process of socio-pedagogical activity of the preschool
educational institution and the process of socialization of the child in the family; - organization of
full-fledged activity and communication as leading forms of development and interaction with the
surrounding world. In the process of socialization of a preschool child, such signs as: -
independence are distinguished in the observance and fulfillment of these conditions. Receiving
new knowledge, the child is able to understand, analyze, master them; - self-organization. This
term refers to a child's ability to organize and carry out his activities without constant external
control, help and stimulation from adults. As a rule, a child's self-organization manifests itself in
older preschool age. Older preschoolers develop the ability to perceive tasks, plan their activities,
independently monitor and evaluate them; - collective interaction. It is not enough for a child to
communicate with adults for full-fledged personality development. She needs contact with
children of different ages. Saame this provides the child with a wide social practice.
Taking into account the socialization indicators of a preschooler and the features of the
socialization of an older preschooler with general underdevelopment of speech we aimed to
analyze, generalize and single out the pedagogical conditions under which the process of
socialization of such children will take place most effectively. Based on the analysis, we
determined such pedagogical conditions as:
Organization of interaction of children with general underdevelopment of speech in a single socio-
developmental environment of a preschool educational institution. Children with general
underdevelopment of speech, the process of interaction with each other is somewhat different
than in completely healthy children. As a rule, such children are enrolled in speech therapy groups
for two years before school. Thus, they face the difficult task of mastering a new, foreign space
and making it their own. The process of getting used to new conditions does not always go well,
it is often accompanied by children's illnesses. The process of adaptation to a preschool institution
or to a new group of children takes place in different ways. Some children show signs of impaired
adaptive function, which occur not only during the period of getting used to new conditions and
persist for a long time without adequate pedagogical intervention, but are also generally
characteristic of children with speech disorders due to the peculiarities of their psychophysical
development. Getting used to a new environment, entering a group of peers, establishing contact
with new adults - all this is associated with emotional stress, the need to show self-affirming ways
of behavior, establish communicative contact. It is known that the development defect is most
acutely manifested in the situation of adaptation to new conditions of activity. The situation itself
demands from a child with a general underdevelopment of speech the mobilization of all his
adaptive capabilities, reveals and exacerbates difficulties that concern his emotional, personal and
communicative spheres. At the same time, it is also a kind of incentive for the child to master the
ways of orientation in a new situation, the manifestation of his qualities and abilities.
Development of speech communication in children with general underdevelopment of speech in
game activities. Correction of general underdevelopment of speech is a complex, step-by-step
and long-term process, the effectiveness of which depends on the complex interaction of
Inna RogalskaYablonska, Nataliia Melnyk, Hanna Tsvietkova, Sofia Dovbnia, Daryna Malysheva
Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian and
Swedish preschool educational institutions. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /161-176
specialists, a combination of different approaches to overcoming this pathology. Speech therapy
work should be carried out on the basis of the Programs of education and upbringing of preschool
children «Dydyna» (child), «Dytyna v doshkilny roky» (Child in preschool years), «Dytyna ta
navkolyshii svit» (Child and environment) for mass preschool institutions, as well as special
programs of typical and original corrective and developmental education for children with speech
Programs of education and upbringing of preschool children are the scientific and methodological
basis of the organization of corrective, preventive and developmental education of children with
general underdevelopment of speech in the conditions of a special preschool educational
institution and are designed for speech therapists of these institutions and provide teachers with
the opportunity to more flexibly to approach the organization of corrective work in subgroups and
in individual classes with children, to implement cyclical learning of the material. The leading task
of correctional and developmental work in a special preschool educational institution is the
formation, correction and development of speech (including communicative), mental and
emotional-volitional spheres of children with speech disorders, through play activities. But in many
pre-school special institutions, insufficient attention is paid to studying the state of play activities
of children with speech disorders.
Unfortunately, speech therapy manuals often offer games that, although aimed at the
development of speech, do not take into account the age characteristics of children, the specifics
of a separate speech defect; games, as a rule, have little variation and cover only one of the links
of corrective work. in this regard, the main tasks of the game in speech therapy work with older
preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech in order to develop speech
communications are:
1. To create conditions for the development of general and cognitive activity, expanding
opportunities for practical familiarization with various subjects and phenomena in order to
master the relevant methods of action, use of objects.
2. To form a subject-game environment.
3. To deepen children's understanding of the environment, to consolidate their knowledge about
the color, shape and size of objects.
4. To teach children to think, to awaken in them independent thought, to develop inquisitiveness.
5. To increase speech activity and at the same time carry out psychophysical development of
preschoolers. In corrective and developmental work, speech therapists use both creative
games and games with rules.
In role-playing games, elements of a plan appear in children, there is a simple plot, roles, but all
this is not stable enough, and as soon as the child's attention switches to something else, one
plan is easily replaced by another. Role-playing games of younger preschoolers are mainly
procedural and manipulative, and their content is almost exclusively related to personal
experience, observations and experiences. They interest children in the process of action itself,
and not in the result to which this action should lead. The emergence of a role is associated with
change orientation of the preschooler's consciousness, the ability to compare his actions with the
actions of other people. This is how the transition to the story role-playing game is gradually
taking place. During the organization of creative games, the teacher encourages children to create
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
elaborate plots on everyday topics: «Kindergarten», «Playground», «Family», «Polyclinic»,
«Shop», etc., in which children gain experience of relationships necessary for life in a team, learn
simple ethical norms, thus socializing.
Creation of a speech-stimulating space to ensure the social experience of older preschoolers with
general underdevelopment of speech. To date, the attention of scientists-pedagogues is directed
to the low speech activity and insufficient motivation of speech communication of children with
speech disorders, the difficulty of adequately using the various forms of cooperation mastered in
various situations, insufficient or exaggerated criticality and self-criticism. Based on this, special
importance is given to the construction of a special effective subject-subject space of children's
life activities to ensure social experience. Forming a positive attitude towards each other is one
of the steps to creating an environment in which the child will be comfortable and interact with
peers. Another important step is to create conditions in which a preschool child can learn to build
equal relationships with others by identifying with them. First of all, it is necessary to teach the
child to adequately apply forms of cooperation and interaction during the game and other regular
moments. Following these steps helps to stimulate the child to communicate and cooperate with
others. The development and stimulation of speech are the most difficult points in the education
of preschoolers. And they need to be carried out constantly, in all types of activities, throughout
the entire pedagogical process. This requires enormous knowledge, skills, efforts, and patience
from the educator. In addition, it is always necessary to take into account the individual
characteristics of each child and develop them depending on his abilities, which is especially
evident in children with speech disorders.
In Sweden
The Swedish universal ECEC system is regulated by the Swedish Education Act (Skolverket, 2020)
includes all children aged 1−5 years, and is the first part of lifelong learning within the Swedish
educational system. Over 85% of Swedish children between one to five years are enrolled in
preschool, and over 95% of children between four and five. The curriculum of preschool is decided
by the government (Skolverket, 2019) and is based on holistic, inclusive, and ecological principles.
Designed for care, development, and learning to form a whole, Swedish preschool is part of the
welfare state, family policies focused on dual-earning families, and the ambition to provide a good
start in life for all children. Democracy is stressed as a fundamental pillar, and the development
and learning of all children is promoted. Children’s participation and influence on their education
are emphasized. The curriculum states preschool should offer children a good environment that
is accessible for all children, and a balanced daily rhythm with both rest and activities adapted
according to the children’s needs and length of stay. The environment is intended to inspire
children to play together and explore the world around them. Children are to be offered varied
activities in different contexts, both indoors and outdoors.
Play is considered the foundation for development, learning, and well-being, yet over time
academic learning and teaching have become more emphasized. Pramling Samuelsson, Williams,
Sheridan, & Hellman (2016) summarized the pedagogical approach as being “one whereby both
the foundation of academic knowledge and the tradition of a wholeness with play, care and
learning should be integrated.” (p. 446). It is the responsibility of the preschool teacher to
organize pedagogical activities to promote the principles stated in the curriculum (Einarsdottir et
Inna RogalskaYablonska, Nataliia Melnyk, Hanna Tsvietkova, Sofia Dovbnia, Daryna Malysheva
Preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian and
Swedish preschool educational institutions. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /161-176
al., 2015), yet specific pedagogical methods are not identified. The National Agency for Education
seeks to ensure that Swedish education maintains a standard of quality through national school
development programs and training programs. The Swedish Schools Inspectorate evaluates ECEC
to improve quality and outcomes.
As for the practices for the socialization of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment
there were a Research on morpho-syntactic challenges in Swedish-speaking children with
developmental language disorder (DLD) proveded by the group of investigators compared with
typically developing (TD) children learning Swedish as their first and second language (L1/L2).
The project demonstrated that children with DLD show vulnerabilities with verb finiteness, the
possessive construction, and noun phrase gender agreement, as well as word-order in nonsubject
initiated sentences. For L2-learners, word order and the noun phrase gender agreement present
main challenges. We discuss to what extent these morpho-syntactic weaknesses can be explained
by different theoretical accounts and identify future research needs. Surface similarities between
groups may originate from different factors and more knowledge is needed to inform educational
and clinical practice for both of these groups of children (Reuterskiöld et al., 2021).
The other study was aimed to characterize and compare the use of typical story grammar
elements practices and global coherence level in the oral narrative of children with attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder with the narrative of children without the disorder and with typical
development. Those practisec prove to have a great positive influence on the socialization of
preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. The children with ADHD included in this
study presented difficulties to use typical story grammar elements, mainly related to the
maintenance of the central theme and outcome of the story. These elements are considered
fundamental for construction of narrative coherence, which justifies the lower levels of global
coherence found in the oral narrative of the ADHD Group (Zenaro et al., 2019).
Swedish clinical practice regarding assessment of suspected Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) in
children (Wikse Barrow et al., 2021) proved to have a great positive effect on the socialization of
preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.
The other practices which demonstrated effectiveness was the Audience Response Systems
(ARS)-based measure of acceptability, applied to speech produced by children with speech sound
disorder (SSD). We further explore how the suggested measure relates to an ARS-based measure
of intelligibility. Finally, we explore potential differences between speech-language pathologists
(SLPs), untrained adults, and children in their assessments (Strömbergsson et al., 2020).
Children’s socialization into cleaning practices has demonstrated positive socialization not only
with typical families but also families which have preschooler(s) with general speech
underdevelopment (Fasulo et al., 2007).
The other study explores a child's emergent second language (L2) interactional competence
during her first year in a Swedish immersion classroom. Within the theoretical framework of
situated learning, it focuses on how she acquires expertise in a specific classroom practice:
multiparty classroom talk. The data cover three periods (the early, middle, and late phases) of
her first school year. The methods adopted combine a micro analytic approach with ethnographic
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
fieldwork analyses of L2 socialization within a classroom community. The analyses revealed
systematic changes in the novice's interactional engagements. An interplay of language skills and
turn-taking skills influenced her participation in multiparty talk during the three periods, casting
her as (a) a silent child, (b) a noisy and loud child, and (c) a skillful student. These changes
indicate that learning cannot be seen as the unilineal development of a single learner identity. It
is argued that a detailed longitudinal analysis may provide important insights into the relationship
between participation and L2 learning. Instead of unilineal development of a single learner
identity, we may find different participation patterns linked to distinct language learning
affordances over time (Cekaite, 2007).
5. Discussions
The grounded analysis of the trends of teachers’ education in Ukrainian and Swedish pedagogical
Universities allows to create the comparative table of the peculiarities of preschoolers with general
speech underdevelopment socialization and to see in where these peculiarities are similar and
where they differ.
Table 1.
Practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions
Ukrainian preschool educational institutions
Swedish preschool educational
Development of speech communication in children
through games
Morpho-syntactic exircises
Organization of interaction of children
Picture support on narrative retells
Creation of a speech-stimulating space
Orofacial games
Audience Response
Children’s socialization into
As we can see in the Table 1. the comparative analysis demonstrates, that preschoolers with
general speech underdevelopment socialization practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool
educational institutions are in great part similar though are provided on different way and
approaches. We can also see that in Sweden there are more clinical investigations on the
contemporary in Ukraine more pedagogical practices are included.
Orientation of preschool education to ensure full-fledged social development of children requires
taking into account the peculiarities of socialization at various stages of preschool childhood. In
this regard, the preschool educational institution is assigned a special role - to become a leading
social institution of socialization, which ensures the creation of appropriate pedagogical assistance
for preschool children in the process of socialization, directs the development of socially and
individually significant personality traits and its successful functioning as a subject of its own life
activities in the social environment.
However, in the domestic special pedagogy and psychology, according to the M. Lemoshchuk
(2016) research, devoted to the study of issues of socialization of children with disorders of
Inna RogalskaYablonska, Nataliia Melnyk, Hanna Tsvietkova, Sofia Dovbnia, Daryna Malysheva
psychophysical development is extremely insufficient. Although in recent years Ukrainian
scientists-specialists have carried out studies related, but the question of purposeful formation of
their social competences remains outside the attention of scientists and practitioners. Among
children with various types of psychophysical disorders, a significant increase in the number of
children with disorders of speech development - general speech underdevelopment (GSU) is
recorded. Modern educational reform strategies create the necessary prerequisites for the active
integration of children with SEN into the general educational space, therefore there is a need for
a comprehensive study of this nosology of children, both for the purpose of further development
of effective methods of diagnosis and correctional assistance, and their socialization.
In the works of psychologists and speech therapists, and it is stated that the main indicator of
the level of development of children's speech in children with disorders of speech development,
in particular general underdevelopment of speech, is communication skills. The works of O. Slinko
et al., (2022) are devoted to the study of interpersonal relations in a group of preschoolers from
(GSU). (Lemoshchuk, 2016) However, despite the attention of scientists to the speech
development of children with SEN, the problem of their socialization in the pedagogical process
of a preschool educational institution was not the subject of a special study. Unlike children with
typical development, in whom speech activity is formed in the process of communication,
mediated by the system of speech signs, children with GSU accumulate only separate speech acts
and separate speech signs. Therefore, the general underdevelopment of speech in children of
older preschool age complicates the process of socialization, causes a significant limitation of
activity in communication, contributes to the emergence of psychological features, leads to social
maladaptation of children.
Thus, the further investigation could be devoted to the close characteristics of different forms,
methods and means of preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization
practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions.
6. Conclusions
Theoretical approach allowed us to point out the following similarities in distinguishing the notion
“preschoolers socialization” and these similarities are in the approaches in pedagogical,
sociological and philosophical views on the socialization in general, the differences are in the
broader meaning of preschoolers socialization in Swedish scientific dimension and it concerns the
more clear avenger of the construction of children’s cultural identity. If we speak about the
preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment socialization theoretical reviews than the
similarities are in the following aspects: the including of preschoolers with general speech
underdevelopment into the educational and developmental environment provides the best
socialization process for these children.
The investigation demonstrated that in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment
socialization practices in Ukrainian and Swedish preschool educational institutions are in great
part similar though are provided on different way and approaches. We can also see that in Sweden
there are more clinical investigations on the contemporary in Ukraine more pedagogical
practices are included.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
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