Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Shekhavtsova, S., Koknova, T., Zhovtani, R., Iaburova, O., Yunina, O., Komlyk, N. (2023). Modern technologies for forming
intercultural competence in students of HEIs in the process of professional training. Revista
Eduweb, 17(2), 177-187.
Modern technologies for forming intercultural
competence in students of HEIs in the process of
professional training
Tecnologías modernas para la formación de competencias interculturales en
estudiantes de IES en proceso de formación profesional
Svitlana Shekhavtsova
Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of Romance and
Germanic Philology, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Poltava, Ukraine.
Tetiana Koknova
Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of Romance and
Germanic Philology, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Poltava, Ukraine.
Ruslana Zhovtani
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of International
Communication, Faculty of Tourism and International Communication, Uzhhorod National University,
Uzhhorod, Ukraine.
Olena Iaburova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, the Faculty of Primary, Technological and
Professional Education, Primary Education Theory and Practice Department, SHEI “Donbas State
Pedagogical University”, Odesa, Ukraine.
Olha Yunina
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Romance and Germanic
Philology, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology, Luhansk Taras
Shevchenko National University, Poltava, Ukraine.
Nataliia Komlyk
Lecturer, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of Romance and Germanic Philology, Luhansk Taras
Shevchenko National University, Poltava, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/02/23
Aceptado: 01/04/23
Svitlana Shekhavtsova, Tetiana Koknova, Ruslana Zhovtani, Olena Iaburova, Olha Yunina, Nataliia Komlyk
The research examines theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of intercultural
competence among higher education students, and how it varies due to changes in the digital
environment. Attention is given to interactive methods for improving intercultural competence as a
source of everyday and professional discourse formation, and enhancing communication skills among
students. The k ey principles for stimulating the development and use of technologies in building
intercultural competence in higher education institutions' practices are highlighted. The study's
findings can be beneficial for future professionals and can be applied in universities' practices when
organizing the educational process or educational programs aimed at training future specialists.
Keywords: intercultural competence, communications, cultural project, interactive technologies,
innovative technologies, professional discourse, foreign culture.
La investigación examina los enfoques teóricos y metodológicos para el desarrollo de la competencia
intercultural entre los estudiantes de educación superior y cómo varía debido a los cambios en el
entorno digital. Se presta atención a los métodos interactivos para mejorar la competencia intercultural
como fuente de formación del discurso cotidiano y profesional, y mejorar las habilidades de
comunicación entre los estudiantes. Se destacan los principios clave para estimular el desarrollo y uso
de tecnologías en la construcción de competencias interculturales en las prácticas de las instituciones
de educación superior. Los hallazgos del estudio pueden ser beneficiosos para los futuros profesionales
y pueden ser aplicados en las prácticas de las universidades al momento de organizar el proceso
educativo o los programas educativos destinados a formar a los futuros especialistas.
Palabras clave: competencia intercultural, comunicación, proyecto cultural, tecnologías interactivas,
tecnologías innovadoras, discurso profesional, cultura extranjera.
1. Introduction
At present, one can observe the development of modern innovative technologies and changes in
approaches to the organization of training. The corporate sector is transforming to the use of digital
technologies, thereby changing the basic approaches to the formation of intercultural competence.
Improving lexical and grammatical skills is made possible by creating an accessible communication
process with representatives of foreign cultures who can share a valuable cultural, aesthetic, and
lexical experience. The possibility of conducting such training sessions will serve as one of the major
means for improving and developing specialized communication skills, which directly affects the quality
of intercultural competence. In essence, the concept of intercultural competence is the ability to
communicate with representatives of foreign nationalities, considering the traditions and history of
their countries, which is a factor of high professionalism. In today's world, most commodity and
product markets operate on the principle of globalization and are focused on a wide audience.
Therefore, there is a growing demand for specialists not only with specialized skills but also with an
understanding of foreign cultures and the ability to conduct professional communication negotiations,
which is the foundation of intercultural competence. The practice of modern HEIs in developing
intercultural competence plays an important role. It is aimed at ensuring the quality of education in
the context of the development of innovative technologies that can be used in the educational process.
Moreover, universities in developed countries face the problem of developing students' intercultural
competence, as they aim to improve the quality of training of their specialists. To improve the quality
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
of intercultural competence development, it is necessary to use technologies aimed at enhancing
communication skills, grammatical knowledge, and the ability to create complex lexical structures and
engage in group projects. The use of group projects in educational activities stimulates the
development of general skills and improves the ability to conduct professional communication in a
scientific environment, which in the long run can become a qualitative factor in improving intercultural
competence. Besides, the current policy of educational institutions is aimed not only at the quality of
linguistic skills but also at developing qualitative abilities to understand a foreign culture and apply
existing skills in practice.
The research aims to analyze modern technologies for the formation of intercultural competence of
students of higher education institutions in the process of their professional training, as well as key
tools of modern universities to improve such abilities. The main objective of the article is to analyze
modern approaches to the development of intercultural competence and to propose the most
appropriate and effective one in terms of the professional training of a specialist. The peculiarities of
intercultural competence formation are studied in terms of the quality of foreign language use,
complex lexical and semantic constructions, and the ability to optimally use grammatical rules in the
construction of sentences and phrases. An important area of research is the identification of key
perspectives and prerequisites for the development of intercultural competence, which is formed as a
result of learning a foreign language and using communication in a varied discourse. The study of
modern technologies used to improve the quality of communication processes and enhance
understanding of foreign cultures is a priority direction for analysis.
2. Literature review
The issue of intercultural competence and the specifics of its implementation has received much
attention among scholars. According to Abdrafikova et al., (2015), intercultural competence means
the potential ability to negotiate professional and everyday discourse with representatives of foreign
cultures. Meanwhile, Sain et al., (2017) believes that a key aspect of the formation and implementation
of intercultural competence is the reflection of a person's grammatical, lexical, and semantic abilities
and the correctness of sentences and phrases used in communication. Bakum et al., (2021) believes
that intercultural competence is not only a means of communication but also the ability to understand
the basic attributes of the nationality of the communicator, including language, history, and traditions.
The development of intercultural competence plays an important role in diplomatic negotiations and
in modern global commodity markets, where the wide development and use of foreign languages are
required (Dvorianchykova et al., 2021; Fahrutdinova et al., 2014. In particular, according to Beketova
et al., (2020), the use of intercultural competence will help improve communication skills, allowing
you to choose the right phrases to achieve the communication goal. Any intercultural competence,
according to Batarchuk (2019), is an exchange of experience, cultural, scientific, or professional, since
communication between representatives of different cultures is carried out mainly based on achieving
a certain goal in the selected segment. The issue of developing intercultural competence for modern
students is a priority for any university, as Mukharlyamova et al., (2018) notes since foreign language
proficiency is not sufficient in itself. Moreover, she believes that a key aspect of professionalism in the
use of intercultural competence is an understanding of culture, traditions, etiquette, and key principles
of business negotiations, as well as the ability to conduct a conversation in a business environment.
According to Mai (2018), modern universities should improve the tools for developing intercultural
competence, while maintaining the principles of its development. According to Svirina et al., 2016),
Modern technologies for forming intercultural competence in students of HEIs in the process of professional
training. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /177-187
Modern technologies for forming intercultural competence in students of HEIs in the process of
professional training. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /177-187
Svitlana Shekhavtsova, Tetiana Koknova, Ruslana Zhovtani, Olena Iaburova, Olha Yunina, Nataliia Komlyk
the most striking example of the quality of intercultural competence development is the introduction
of digital technologies.
The use of innovative technologies has many advantages (Akhmadullina et al., 2016), including
efficiency, expediency, the possibility of automation, and the involvement of representatives of foreign
cultures directly in the educational process (Shayakhmetova et al., 2017). According to Jordan (2016),
professional training should address the peculiarities of the formation and development of intercultural
competence, as it is a leading means for the development and improvement of the quality of education
in the future. The issue of intercultural competence formation is emphasized by (Mukhametzyanova
& Svirina, 2016), who defines it as a set of communication skills and the ability to conduct professional
discourse. Bondarchuk (2021) agrees with this opinion, noting that modern education and areas of
foreign language training should be based on a thorough knowledge of a foreign language as the main
attribute of a representative of a foreign culture. Equally important is the ability to use varied discourse
to achieve a communication goal.
The issue of lexical and semantic groups was paid attention to by Vetoshkina & Kolkhonyan (2018),
who in her research determined that the use of neologisms and avoidance of archaic expressions is
one of the key principles of a high level of intercultural competence. In the context of modern
development, according to Wilberschied (2015), most HEIs emphasize the grammatical and lexical
development of students but do not pay enough attention to the study of history and traditions.
Therefore, the priority of modern universities should be to improve the quality of teaching historical
disciplines and introduce innovative means to achieve a high qualification degree for students. Equally
important is ensuring intercultural competence at a competitive level.
3. Methodology
In writing the article, the methods of scientific research were used to determine the essence and
theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of intercultural competence and the
peculiarities of its development in modern higher education institutions. The key features of
intercultural competence formation are the ability to use lexical and semantic groups, the ability to
build complex grammatical structures, to introduce specialized statements into one's discourse, as well
as the ability to carry out cultural exchange and get acquainted with one's history. The search method
was used to study current research in the scientific literature on the approaches and views of scholars
on the use and development of intercultural competence in students. The method of synthesis was
used to analyze certain EU universities and the quality of the educational program for students
studying foreign languages.
The use of open-source databases and electronic libraries made it possible to conduct an analytical
study of practical means of using technology in the educational process. These technologies are aimed
at improving the skills of forming intercultural competence and introducing professional and variable
stylistic discourse that can be applied in any social environment. Based on the use of the abstraction
method, it is proposed to use modern technologies that can improve the quality of mastering
intercultural competence and accelerate its development.
The introduction of such technologies into the practice of modern higher education institutions can
become a key advantage in the educational market and significantly improve the quality of education
among students in the process of professional training. The formation of high qualifications through
the development of intercultural competence was analyzed from the standpoint of the development
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
of modern digital technologies that can improve the organization of the educational process and form
the most appropriate tools for its use in the practical activities of students.
The methodology of the study is based on the use of tools aimed not only at the formation of personal
abilities but also at the possibility of their further development in the conditions of the student's
educational activity. Based on the method of deduction, the most effective means for the development
of intercultural competence, which can contribute to the improvement of lexical and grammatical skills
and the quality of ethical communication, was identified. Based on the above methodology, the key
results of the study can be outlined.
4. Results
In writing the article, the methods of scientific research were used to determine the essence and
theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of intercultural competence and the
peculiarities of its development in modern higher education institutions. The key features of
intercultural competence formation are the ability to use lexical and semantic groups, the ability to
build complex grammatical structures, to introduce specialized statements into one's discourse, as well
as the ability to carry out cultural exchange and get acquainted with one's history. The search method
was used to study current research in the scientific literature on the approaches and views of scholars
on the use and development of intercultural competence in students. The method of synthesis was
used to analyze certain EU universities and the quality of the educational program for students
studying foreign languages. The use of open-source databases and electronic libraries made it possible
to conduct an analytical study of practical means of using technology in the educational process. These
technologies are aimed at improving the skills of forming intercultural competence and introducing
professional and variable stylistic discourse that can be applied in any social environment. Based on
the use of the abstraction method, it is proposed to use modern technologies that can improve the
quality of mastering intercultural competence and accelerate its development. The introduction of
such technologies into the practice of modern higher education institutions can become a key
advantage in the educational market and significantly improve the quality of education among
students in the process of professional training. The formation of high qualifications through the
development of intercultural competence was analyzed from the standpoint of the development of
modern digital technologies that can improve the organization of the educational process and form
the most appropriate tools for its use in the practical activities of students. The methodology of the
study is based on the use of tools aimed not only at the formation of personal abilities but also at the
possibility of their further development in the conditions of the student's educational activity. Based
on the method of deduction, the most effective means for the development of intercultural
competence, which can contribute to the improvement of lexical and grammatical skills and the quality
of ethical communication, was identified. Based on the above methodology, the key results of the
study can be outlined.
Modern technologies for forming intercultural competence in students of HEIs in the process of
professional training. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /177-187
Svitlana Shekhavtsova, Tetiana Koknova, Ruslana Zhovtani, Olena Iaburova, Olha Yunina, Nataliia Komlyk
Table 1.
Means of development and formation of intercultural competence
Training language and grammar structures
Organizing learning activities to focus on the
development of students' grammatical skills
Forming lexical and semantic groups
Formation of the ability to use complex lexical and
semantic constructions
Using interactive technologies
Implementation of digital technologies and high-
quality interactive learning tools in the educational
Implementation of intercultural and
cultural projects
Ability to use the organizational skills of the teaching
staff to organize collective projects aimed at studying
foreign cultures or performing with representatives
of foreign culture
Involvement of foreign specialists in
educational activities
The possibility of involving a representative of a
foreign culture in the educational process to improve
the quality of linguistic and semantic aspects of
Improving the quality of foreign
Increasing the number of class hours on grammar,
history, and cultural features of the language
Practical application of acquired skills
Conducting practical training at the university or
using it in professional activities
Group projects
Conducting group projects that can be useful in
educational activities
Communication and organization of
foreign language training
Encouraging communication with foreign language
speakers, organizing speaking clubs at the university
Source: compiled by the author
The activities proposed in Table 1 can be used to improve the quality of students' interaction with
representatives of the foreign diaspora. In addition, they can improve their ability to use lexical and
grammatical structures in their professional or practical activities. The application of these measures
will serve as a key source of specialized skills development and can contribute to improving the
formation of intercultural competence of students of higher education institutions in the process of
professional training.
Despite innovations in teaching, the principle of organizing students' work is one of the main means
of improving and developing their intercultural competence. Regardless of the technologies of modern
learning, the formation of skills is based on the development of verbal intelligence and cognitive skills
of the student. For this purpose, the most effective modern tool is the use of intercultural and cultural
studies projects. The key difference between a cultural and an intercultural project is the
implementation of research on the origin, characteristics, and development of a foreign culture in the
first case, and the joint implementation of a research project with representatives of a foreign culture
in the second case. Such an approach will stimulate the improvement of the quality of internal
communication between students and improve knowledge in the field that is most needed to develop
intercultural competence. Digital technologies and digital infrastructure can be used to organize a
cultural project. The conditions of distance learning provide the project with advantages over
traditional educational tools, such as greater efficiency, scale, and the ability to attract representatives
of foreign cultures regardless of their physical location. At the same time, the key modern technologies
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
for improving and developing intercultural competence are tools for shaping the cultural process,
which will help to increase the efficiency of the development of grammatical and lexical-semantic
groups. To achieve this goal, it is also necessary to develop students' grammatical skills and the ability
to use phrases that are most appropriate to the discourse environment.
When organizing a cultural project in an educational institution, as the most effective tool for
developing intercultural competence, it is necessary to use digital technologies and pay attention to
setting tasks and forming the ultimate goal for students. To rationally distribute the work on the
content of such a project, it is necessary to use tools for dividing its implementation into several
structural stages containing a set of specialized activities. More details on the peculiarities of the
formation of the stages of a cultural project are shown in Figure 1.
According to the figure, it can be determined that the implementation of a cultural project involves
five key stages, each of which involves operational work. At the organizational stage, the purpose,
content, and quality of the project are planned to improve students' intercultural competence. The
next stage involves preparing, collecting, and analyzing available information that can be used in
students' practical activities. At this stage, it is especially important to use relevant and reliable
information to gain knowledge about the use of certain phrases, conduct your research on a particular
issue, etc. The structuring stage involves the use of systematization of the collected information,
division of work, formation of the operational component, and application of forecasting methods to
determine the feasibility of the functional stages of the proposed project at the current time. This
stage includes the operational implementation of the cultural project, which will affect the
development of intercultural competence. Also, at the structuring stage, it is planned to interact or
engage foreign specialists, access foreign sources or use any information that can improve the quality
of the formation and development of intercultural competence.
Figure 1
. Stages of the cultural project implementation
Source: compiled by the author
The "work on the project" stage involves the implementation of all planned operational stages of the
cultural project that were approved by the participants at the structuring stage. In fact, at this stage,
work is done on the key principles of the project and the correction of mistakes. The final stage of a
Modern technologies for forming intercultural competence in students of HEIs in the process of
professional training. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /177-187
Svitlana Shekhavtsova, Tetiana Koknova, Ruslana Zhovtani, Olena Iaburova, Olha Yunina, Nataliia Komlyk
cultural project is summarizing and presenting it to a wider audience, if possible, or to an internal
student audience. At this stage, as a rule, general conclusions are drawn, various statistical data are
used, and the results obtained during the implementation of the cultural project are characterized. If
this project is presented at an educational institution, the teacher can assess the quality of the
student's knowledge and determine the degree of improvement of intercultural competence based on
an audit, lexical and semantic means.
Using this approach to improving intercultural competence is a top priority in modern universities, as
it affects the ability to perform basic tasks and the ability to operate with scientific information, analyze
it and use it in their research. Furthermore, during a cultural project, a student can deepen his or her
knowledge of the cultural aspect of the research topic, become more familiar with a foreign culture,
and identify the basic principles of interaction with it. In modern conditions, cultural studies projects
can be implemented with the help of specialized digital technologies that improve the quality and
speed of research projects and involve representatives of other cultures, which has a positive impact
on the level of student's knowledge. For this purpose, a higher education institution should have a
digital library, and digital infrastructure, and encourage students to use special research tools. The
use of such tools stimulates intercultural communication and promotes the study of foreign cultures,
which increases students' intercultural competence and is useful in their professional activities.
The results of the study indicate that modern technologies for the formation of students' intercultural
competence in higher education institutions are an important factor, as they help to improve the
quality of practical application of students' knowledge, enrich their vocabulary and grammatical skills,
and develop a cultural understanding of representatives of other cultures. The use of a cultural project
as the main tool for developing intercultural competence is one of the priority approaches for modern
universities to help improve the quality of students' intercultural competence.
5. Discussion
To further develop the intercultural competence of students of higher education institutions in the
process of their professional training, it is necessary to pay attention to the variability of the
organization of the educational process. This will help to improve students' grammatical and
communication skills, as the biggest problem for them is the ability to use grammatical structures and
build complex lexical groups, which directly affects the quality of communication with representatives
of foreign cultures. To achieve the communication goal, students need to understand the peculiarities
and take into account the discourse environment, as well as use appropriate lexical expressions taking
into account the cultural characteristics of the interlocutor. Thus, the study of the quality of the use
of certain phrases in business communication, as well as the possibility of practical development of
such abilities, is most relevant as they relate to the professional preparation of students for
professional activities.
Modern universities tend to use digital tools to improve the quality of the organization of the learning
process, as well as the academic disciplines themselves. Moreover, the development of digital literacy
is one of the priority tasks of any university. Therefore, the use of digital infrastructure to achieve a
high level of intercultural competence is one of the key tasks of modern universities. Furthermore, the
use of digital technologies in professional activities can serve as a factor in improving existing skills
for students and will be a key aspect of their professional qualification development. In the context of
the modern development and spread of the quality of education, an important means of achieving the
communication goal is to understand the cultural context of the interlocutor, which is more accessible
in the context of the globalization of digital technologies. The availability of digital libraries and
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
technologies of communication with representatives of foreign cultures stimulate further empirical
research in HEIs on the effectiveness of the use of such technologies in the practical development of
students' intercultural competence.
The matter of cultural project usage has been covered in the article. However, the peculiarities of the
organization and the improvement of the mechanism of its implementation at each stage remain
relevant for research. It is worth noting that in recent years, the use of interactive technologies and
group projects has been the most appropriate means to achieve communication, scientific and
professional goals. The issue of modern cultural projects should be studied in terms of the approach
to the organization, planning, and operational part of the project, as this approach can provide many
benefits for modern students. It can improve not only their lexical and linguistic abilities but also their
overall intercultural competence.
An important direction for further research is to study the peculiarities of the organization of the
educational process and to find optimal and rational approaches to the development of students'
intercultural competence using modern and innovative digital technologies. The analysis of the quality
of intercultural competence development can be carried out in multicultural teams and considered
from the standpoint of forming effective lexical abilities and grammatical skills. Modern technologies
for the development of intercultural competence of students of higher education institutions are quite
diverse. However, the practical aspect of using these technologies in professional activities requires
improvements in terms of professional discourse, grammatically correct communication, and the
possible use of complex lexical and semantic constructions.
6. Conclusions
The study shows that modern technologies for the formation of intercultural competence are based
on the principles of organizing the educational process, which is laid down by the university itself in
its educational policy. The development of digital technologies and the globalization of world
commodity markets increase the need for specialists with a high level of intercultural competence.
This, in turn, requires improving the quality of communication and finding effective means of
communication. Equally important is the possibility of improving the principles of professional
discourse and highly specialized speech in line with the existing social environment. Intercultural
competence is a set of professional skills and grammatical abilities of a student, the ability to apply
complex lexical and semantic constructions, use appropriate phraseology, understand a foreign culture
and conduct business negotiations. In such conditions, the use of innovative technologies to improve
the quality of intercultural competence plays a key role. The results obtained allow us to determine
that the most effective means for developing intercultural competence is the use of a cultural project.
Since it improves students' communication skills, improves the quality of understanding of foreign
cultures, and develops the ability to conduct research, it has a positive impact on the educational
process. In addition, it has some advantages during the presentation, as it helps to improve
professional discourse in public speaking. The current policy of most educational institutions in
developed countries, including Poland and Germany, is to use two forms of education: in the official
language and a foreign language. However, regardless of the format of education chosen by students,
the quality of intercultural competence is improved through foreign language courses, excursions to
foreign cultures, and the spread of intercultural diaspora in the educational institution itself, which has
a positive impact on the overall level of intercultural competence. Modern practices of universities to
improve their brand and quality of education include student exchange, which can have a positive
impact on the formation of intercultural competence. Moreover, the prospects of modern technologies
Modern technologies for forming intercultural competence in students of HEIs in the process of
professional training. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /177-187
Svitlana Shekhavtsova, Tetiana Koknova, Ruslana Zhovtani, Olena Iaburova, Olha Yunina, Nataliia Komlyk
used in the practice of developing intercultural competence are the implementation of cultural projects
that can be carried out under the supervision of a teacher and aimed at improving students'
grammatical, lexical, linguistic, and cognitive abilities, which will positively affect their further
educational and professional activities. Under these conditions, modern technologies for the formation
of intercultural competence are based on the use of digital technologies and special communication
channels that allow them to improve the quality of understanding of foreign cultures and improve their
professional discourse.
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Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
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