Modern didactic system of open education in ukraine: problems, solutions. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /188-198
Tetiana Stepanova, Mukhiddin Khayruddinov, Olena Kuznetsova, Anzhelika Kurchatova, Iryna Korniienko
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.16
Cómo citar:
Stepanova, T., Khayruddinov, M., Kuznetsova, O., Kurchatova, A., & Korniienko, I. (2023). Modern didactic system of open
education in ukraine: problems, solutions. Revista Eduweb, 17(2), 188-198. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.16
Modern didactic system of open education in ukraine:
problems, solutions
Sistema didáctico moderno de educación abierta en ucrania: problemas,
Tetiana Stepanova
Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Faculty of Historical and Social-Psychological Education,
Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education Grigory Skovoroda University in
Pereyaslav, Pereyaslav, Kyiv region, Ukraine.
Mukhiddin Khayruddinov
Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, V. O. Sukhomlynsky Mykolaiv National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Olena Kuznetsova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Social Work,
Management and Pedagogy, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University Educational and Scientific
Institute of Public Management and Administration, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Anzhelika Kurchatova
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences V.O.
Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Iryna Korniienko
Ph. D., Associate Professor, Ukrainian Language and Literature Department,
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 12/02/23
Aceptado: 01/04/23
The emergence of an open education system is associated with the growing interest of the population
in obtaining an educational product of a higher level and dissatisfaction with the implementation of
educational needs through traditional education. The article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis
Professor Khayruddinov contributed significantly to this research but unfortunately passed away before its publication. His co-authors
wish to recognize and honor his valuable contribution to the work and express their gratitude for his efforts in advancing knowledge
in this field.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
of the current state of open education in Ukraine, including an evaluation of its strengths and
weaknesses, and to propose a methodology for addressing its problems. The article presents the
definition of open education, the essence, purpose, subject. The main initial methodological ideas of
open education include the idea of activity, consistency, and reflection. These ideas require an
understanding of education as an integral part of social activity, consideration of the individual within
the system of life, and the use of various forms of informational influence for the formation of a
creative personality. Additionally, the article emphasizes the integration of the structural elements of
didactics to generate a holistic pedagogical process. Using it in practice, it will not allow the teacher
to drop one of its elements, replacing it with another. Such a construct can be the key to the success
of open education in the present and in the future.
Key words: open education, didactic system, individualization of education, information technology,
international educational space.
El surgimiento de un sistema educativo abierto está asociado al creciente interés de la población por
obtener un producto educativo de mayor nivel y la insatisfacción con la realización de las necesidades
educativas a través de la educación tradicional. El artículo presenta la definición de educación abierta,
la esencia, finalidad, materia. Se señalan como principales ideas metodológicas iniciales de la
educación abierta las siguientes: la idea de actividad, que exige una comprensión de la educación en
el contexto de la inclusión integral del individuo en la actividad social: práctica social, ciencia,
educación, etc.; la idea de consistencia, que considera la inclusión integral del individuo en el sistema
de vida; la idea de reflexión, que consiste en el hecho de que se proporciona la posibilidad de utilizar
todas las formas de influencia informativa en una persona, sobre la base de la cual se lleva a cabo la
formación de una personalidad creativa. La organización del aprendizaje abierto contribuye en gran
medida a la individualización de la formación y brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de un ritmo
individual de consideración material, una elección independiente de un camino de aprendizaje,
contribuye a un aumento en la independencia y objetividad del control por parte del maestro;
proporciona la libertad de elegir el momento y el lugar de la formación, así como animar a los
investigadores educativos a buscar y desarrollar tecnologías de enseñanza innovadoras. El aprendizaje
abierto refleja la unidad de los componentes tecnológicos, pedagógicos y de contenido de un proceso
pedagógico holístico. Los elementos estructurales individuales (objetivo, contenido, método
(tecnología), forma y resultado) de la didáctica no se consideran de forma aislada, por separado, sino
que se integran entre sí, se generan unos a otros. Será imposible en la práctica real utilizar sus
elementos individuales de forma aislada, como suele ser el caso de la didáctica clásica. En este sentido,
la teoría es armoniosa, lógica y completa. Usándolo en la práctica, no permitirá que el maestro deje
caer uno de sus elementos, reemplazándolo con otro. Tal construcción puede ser la clave para el éxito
de la educación abierta en el presente y en el futuro.
Palabras clave: educación abierta, sistema didáctico, individualización de la educación, tecnologías
de la información, espacio educativo internacional.
1. Introduction
Open education today is being developed in many countries of the world as a new form of
education in the emerging information society. In Ukraine, the development of the open education
Tetiana Stepanova, Mukhiddin Khayruddinov, Olena Kuznetsova, Anzhelika Kurchatova, Iryna Korniienko
Modern didactic system of open education in ukraine: problems, solutions. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /188-198
system is at an early stage. The use of open learning technologies is carried out mainly as part
of traditional education.
In the context of the spread of the coronavirus, distance learning and the use of certain computer
technologies in teaching children and adults are widely used as a forced measure in the activities
of educational institutions of the country. The society’s attitude towards innovations is ambiguous:
from acceptance as a panacea for all socio-economic and psychological-pedagogical problems, to
blocking innovations on the part of teachers and parents who are not prepared for new functions
and responsibilities in the field of education.
For these reasons, there is a need to create a "new didactics" or, more precisely, new didactics
that meet both the realities of the educational situation in modern Ukraine and the specifics of
the emerging information society.
In recent years, didactic scientists have been actively working on solving these issues, going far
beyond their research field and interacting with colleagues in other human sciences. This intense
research activity stretched out over a decade and a half and gave rise to a number of models of
modern didactics. These "images of didactics" are represented by several research teams led by
famous scientists (Bondar, 2005; Savchenko, 1997; Osmolovskaya, 2014)
The didactics that embarked on this search was called new or digital didactics, since the current
generation is already immersed in the virtual world. Traditional didactics was based on one
concept, while modern didactics was based on many pedagogical concepts.
As V. Okon (1990) emphasizes, learning is a multilateral process that includes various elements
of its various directions. This versatility of teaching allows us to use for each degree of the
educational system, for each specific learning situation, in a peculiar way, the possibilities and
individual psychological characteristics of both students and the teacher himself, the advantages
of one direction or another.
The traditional teaching system was based on the linear principle of presenting the content of the
educational program and constructing curricula, the use of appropriate educational technologies,
which is implemented through classroom and lecture-seminar forms of organization. It assumes
that pupils and students study the subjects of the educational program strictly sequentially in the
established amount in specific terms in terms of a group or audience.
2. Methodology
The information society often demands a non-linear way of teaching. It is for this that special
teaching methods have been developed. Methods that form a person's ability to perceive the right
information in the right place and at the right time. As elements of a non-linear learning process,
the organization of the learning process can be considered, which includes: classless course
preparation, involving block-modular construction of courses, content and time modules; a mobile
(dynamic) schedule that allows for the rational use of study time and a differentiated approach
to the distribution of the training load of the teaching staff. The teacher guides the educational
and cognitive activity of students, while simultaneously stimulating their independent work,
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
activity and creative search, which become system-forming components of the educational and
cognitive activity of students.
One of the most important features of the modern educational situation is the expansion of the
capabilities of the educational information environment, in which the education sector will function
now and in future, which leads the educational process out of the traditional classroom system
and is accompanied by the emergence of new forms of its organization. It is noted that the
formation of the professional competence of a tourism specialist takes place in search of a new
paradigm in the socio-cultural environment (Pletsan, 2018), and the role of creativity for the
preservation of historical and cultural heritage remains unchanged (Pletsan et al., 2021).
The emergence of an open education system is associated with the growing interest of the
population in obtaining an educational product of a higher level and dissatisfaction with the
implementation of educational needs through traditional education.
Modern trends in global development are associated with the formation of a democratic, open
society. In the field of education, the ideas of openness are embodied in the open education
system, which is created under the influence of current changes taking place in society, and due
to its high dynamism, it fully corresponds to modern social realities.
In recent years, with the development of global processes in the field of education, individual
publications began to appear in periodicals, which reflect the problems of forming a single
international educational space (Scott, 2000; Osterwarld Konrad, 2001; Afanasyev, 1981;
Grebnev, 2004; Smirnov, 2004, etc.).
In the pedagogical science of countries, there is still no single definition of open education. Open
refers to distance education. The most commonly used concepts are “e-learning”, “e-education”,
“open education”, “web-training”.
Today open education is understood in different ways, such as an open social system that
adequately responds to changes in the educational needs of the population; as a social institution
regulating free access to scientific information and mastering a complex of professional
knowledge throughout a person's life; as an education that provides a variable choice of forms
and methods of teaching, etc.
In our opinion, in the future, some integral, synthetic form can be ideally considered, towards
which, during modernization and development, all currently known forms of education, including
modern preschool education, will strive evolutionarily. This form is conceived as some kind of
ideal that absorbs all the best of the existing forms in the present and which may appear in the
future. This is our understanding of an open education (OE).
The pedagogical space of the open education system reflects the following principles. In the open
education system, in the preparation and implementation of training, in which each student has
the opportunity to choose the goals, content, method, place and time of training, and training
organizations have the opportunity to go different ways in the provision of educational services
that meet the requirements of the labor market and social needs.
Tetiana Stepanova, Mukhiddin Khayruddinov, Olena Kuznetsova, Anzhelika Kurchatova, Iryna Korniienko
Modern didactic system of open education in ukraine: problems, solutions. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /188-198
The essence of open education lies in its general availability to all categories and segments of the
population, regardless of age, race, social origin and financial well-being with progressive digital
The open education system is a set of didactic, technical, informational and organizational
approaches that implement the principles of open education.
The goal of open education is to prepare learners for full and effective participation in public and
professional fields in the information society; the formation of an integral (self-conscious)
personality in the process of its socialization.
The subject of open education can be defined as the interaction and connections of the following
components of the system: a specific social personality an educational institution social
practice science communication. (Khayruddinov, 2019: 20-25).
With this approach, it becomes clear that open education is a form and method of organization
(or self-organization) when an educational institution, being distributed and open, creates
conditions for the integral inclusion of a person in social practice, education, science and
In open education, the child is busy constructing and managing open situations. Fundamentally,
by anopen situation” we mean an independent effective child's action, the algorithm of which is
not predetermined, the child himself determines his position in it, chooses the strategy of behavior
and the product of the activity that will be presented as an educational result (Babych, 2013).
Open education leads to the following understanding of openness such as, the educational system
is "open" to the external environment, i.e. exchanges various resources with it (information,
human, material). The openness of the training content (information resource) is manifested in
the following aspects: a) the design of educational programs, taking into account the most
modern ideas about the subject of training; b) creation of didactic and methodological conditions
for the introduction of content into the educational process on the part of students; c) prompt
exit (if necessary) outside the scope of a meaningful standard, curriculum, meaningful lesson plan
(for example, Internet search and use of the information obtained directly during the lesson).
The educational system can also exchange material and technical resources with the environment
(use of equipment, buildings, premises of external organizations; field, etc. classes). The main
flow of resource exchange is directed from the external environment to the educational system;
the reverse flow in significant volumes is possible only in the systems of higher and postgraduate
education, when students really affect the external environment already in the learning process.
This side of "openness" can be called social and pedagogical interaction.
The main principles are: consistency, accessibility, interactivity, variability, flexibility,
independence, communication, feedback, non-competitive admission to an educational
institution, open planning, freedom of choice of time, pace, place of study, free development of
individuality, etc.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The basis of open education should be formed by its philosophy, which makes it possible to have
a holistic vision of educational systems, their advantages and disadvantages; clarifying the main
holistic guidelines; forming an integrative idea of education as a social institution, the kind of
spiritual production and reproduction, the sphere of culture and one of the most important
spheres of socialization of the individual.
The following can be taken as the main initial methodological ideas of open education:
the idea of an activity, according to which education cannot be reduced to any particular type
of educational process, for example, to the assimilation of materials, the expansion of
knowledge, skills, etc. On the contrary, this idea requires an understanding of education in
the context of the integral inclusion of the individual in social activity: social practice, science,
education, etc.;
the idea of consistency, according to which the educational model cannot consider in isolation
the educational process, production activities and communication of people, but, on the
contrary, should consider the integral inclusion of the individual in the system of life;
the idea of reflection, consisting in the fact that it is possible to use all forms of informational
influence on a person, on the basis of which a creative personality is formed (Khayruddinov,
The creation of an international open education system is carried out by imparting the properties
of openness to national educational systems and their integration into a single international
educational space. The formation of an open education system implies, in fact, the formation of
an open educational space that combines the resources of the education system with the latest
information technologies, introducing open learning technologies into practice. The main thing
for these technologies is to provide training regardless of the presence of students in an
educational institution.
Openness makes the education system able not only to perceive innovative tendencies from the
outside, from a changed society, but also to meet this external influence both by internal needs
and the ability to change the existing, but outdated forms of teaching academic disciplines and
managing the educational process. These internal needs play a decisive role in the development
and consolidation of innovative trends in education.
The basis of the educational process in the open education system is the purposeful, controlled,
intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a convenient place, according to an
individual schedule, with the availability of special teaching aids, while maintaining, however, the
possibility of personal contact with the teacher.
Openness initiates the design of new educational spaces and environments based on network
interaction, the combination of virtual reality technologies with the capabilities of the Internet.
The organization of open learning greatly contributes to the individualization of education and
provides an opportunity for students to have an individual pace of material consideration, an
independent choice of a learning path, contributes to an increase in the independence and
objectivity of teacher control; provides the freedom to choose the time and place of training, as
Tetiana Stepanova, Mukhiddin Khayruddinov, Olena Kuznetsova, Anzhelika Kurchatova, Iryna Korniienko
Modern didactic system of open education in ukraine: problems, solutions. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /188-198
well as encourages educational researchers to search and develop innovative teaching
Open learning reflects the unity of the technological, pedagogical and content components of a
holistic pedagogical process. Individual structural elements (goal, content, method (technology),
form and result) of didactics are not considered in isolation, separately from each other, but, are
built into each other, generate each other. It will be impossible in real practice to use its individual
elements in isolation, as is usually the case with classical didactics. In this regard, the theory is
harmonious, logical and complete. Using it in practice, it (theory) will not allow the teacher to
"throw away" one of its elements, replacing it with another. Such a construct can be the key to
the success of open education in the present and in the future.
3. Methodology
The methodology of research involve a literature review of the concept of open education, its
purpose, and subject. This helps establish a theoretical framework for the study. The study
analyze the integration of the goal, content, method (technology), form, and result elements of
didactics into each other to generate a harmonious, logical, and complete theory. The literature
review was conducted by searching academic databases, such as Google Scholar, Web of Science,
and Scopus, for relevant peer-reviewed articles and books related to open education and the
didactic system in Ukraine. The search was conducted using a combination of keywords, such as
"open education," "distance learning," "e-learning," "didactic system," "teaching principles,"
"learning outcomes," and "Ukraine." The inclusion and exclusion criteria were also set to ensure
that only relevant studies were included in the review.
After the initial search, the identified studies were screened based on their titles, abstracts, and
full texts to select the relevant ones. The selected studies were then analyzed and synthesized to
identify the key themes and issues related to the didactic system of open education in Ukraine.
The literature review process also involved critically evaluating the quality of the identified studies,
including the methods used, the sample sizes, and the validity of the findings. The findings from
the literature review were used to inform the research questions and hypotheses of the study
and to provide a theoretical framework for the study. The gaps identified in the literature also
guided the selection of research techniques and the data collection process to ensure that the
study addressed the key issues and challenges facing the didactic system of open education in
Ukraine. Overall, the literature review process was a critical part of the study, and it ensured that
the research was grounded in the existing knowledge and provided a solid foundation for the
study's findings and conclusions.
The article discusses the main initial methodological ideas of open education, which include the
ideas of activity, consistency, and reflection. These ideas are based on the principle of induction,
which involves drawing general conclusions from specific observations or experiences. In this
case, the observations and experiences of students and teachers in open education are used to
generate ideas about the system as a whole.
The article also discusses the integration of the goal, content, method, form, and result elements
of didactics into each other, which generates a harmonious, logical, and complete theory. This
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
integration is an example of deductive reasoning, which involves drawing specific conclusions
from general principles. In this case, the general principles of didactics are used to inform specific
aspects of open education, such as goal-setting, content selection, and teaching methods. Overall,
the article uses a combination of inductive and deductive reasoning to explore the concept of
open education and its potential for success in Ukraine. Inductive reasoning is used to generate
initial ideas and insights, while deductive reasoning is used to apply general principles to specific
contexts and situations.
In addition the study combined both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The
quantitative data collection involved administering surveys to students and teachers in open
education programs in Ukraine. The surveys were designed to collect data on the participants'
demographic characteristics, experiences with open education, and perceptions of the didactic
system of open education in Ukraine. The survey data were analyzed using descriptive statistics,
such as frequencies and percentages, to provide a quantitative overview of the key issues and
challenges facing the didactic system of open education in Ukraine.The qualitative data collection
involved conducting semi-structured interviews and focus groups with students and teachers in
open education programs in Ukraine. The interviews and focus groups were designed to collect
data on the participants' experiences and perceptions of open education, their views on the
didactic principles
Finally, the research conclude with a discussion of the potential of open education as a key to
success in the present and future, including the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for
the system.
4. Results and discussion
An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature and educational practice of the country
showed that today, within the framework of the traditional education system, new forms of
organizing the educational process are being implemented, aimed at using the capabilities of the
information educational environment (modular learning, distance learning, classless coursework,
teaching in open studios, using network communication tools (tele-conferences, audio-video
conferences, web forums, chats, blogs; internet portals; wikis; electronic mailing lists; white
boards; mental maps, etc. (Kameneva, 2019).
The general characteristics of the new forms are openness, focus on the use of the educational
information environment of the school, changes in the connections of the basic didactic
relationship between teacher and student, teacher and the content of educational material,
teacher and educational content, teacher, student and information environment of the school.
However, as our research in the cities of Odessa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions of Ukraine shows,
the use of ICT in teaching did not lead to essential changes in the learning process.
According to the level of use of virtual education systems innovative educational technologies,
three areas can be distinguished:
1. Educational institutions, whose all work is based exclusively on Internet technologies.
Tetiana Stepanova, Mukhiddin Khayruddinov, Olena Kuznetsova, Anzhelika Kurchatova, Iryna Korniienko
Modern didactic system of open education in ukraine: problems, solutions. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /188-198
Everything is carried out through the worldwide network: the choice of a training course, its
payment, classes with students, the transfer of test assignments and their verification, as well as
the passing of intermediate and final exams. Such training centers are called virtual universities,
but there are not so many of them yet. This direction is at the initial stage of active
implementation, but the advantages of its use are undeniable.
2. The most numerous areas are educational institutions that combine various traditional forms
of full-time, part-time and distance education with technological innovations on the Internet.
For example, some higher educational institutions are converting part of their training courses
into a virtual form, namely, they create language classes for teaching foreign languages
without a teacher, etc. In turn, distance education centers, although they rely on Internet
technologies, are at the same time do not give up the practice of conducting face-to-face
examination sessions. In any case, only part of the process will be computerized.
3. Training centers for which the Internet serves only as an internal communication medium.
They can create business card sites for themselves that post curriculum information (plans),
seminars, student timetables, university news, photographs and virtual tours, and library
catalogs. In fact, this is just an advertisement for traditional higher education institutions,
which in itself does not carry any academic load.
In the new edition of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" emphasized that "Citizens of Ukraine
have the right to free education in all state educational institutions, regardless of gender, race,
nationality, social and property status, character of work, ideological convictions, membership in
parties, attitudes towards religion, religion, health status, place of residence and other
An important innovation is the legalization of various forms of education. In particular, the law
establishes the institutional, individual and dual forms of education. Forms of education such as
home, network, and external education become equal in legal terms with classical institutional
forms. This innovation allows for individualization of the educational process, which gives people
a real alternative to receive a quality education. Distance education in Ukraine has existed for
over fifteen years and has many supporters.
The document also identifies three forms of education: formal (official raising the level of
education), informal (raising the level outside the official system of advanced training trainings,
circles, courses) and informal (self-education), which creates the basis for the introduction of a
fundamentally new form of information society open learning within the framework of a single
educational space in Ukraine and other countries of the world as a whole.
Ukraine takes an active part in the creation of a single international educational space. Since the
end of the 20th century, the country has undergone extensive modernization of the education
system, aimed at its democratization and development "as an open state and public system."
Along with the gaining momentum of integration processes aimed at promoting national
education towards openness to the European community, an information-open education system
using distance learning technologies is emerging in Ukraine.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The high social significance of education both for the whole society as a whole and for each
person individually, determines the urgent need for a clear designation of theoretical, conceptual
and socio-organizational problems of reforming Ukrainian education and an effective search for
ways of their practical solution.
All this requires the transition of the didactic teaching system to a higher level of complexity, the
organic inclusion of innovative approaches to teaching, significant changes in the purpose of
teaching and relations between the participants in the educational process, the use of new
organizational forms, methods and innovative pedagogical technologies (Kameneva, 2019).
That is why the question of the formation of a high-quality and high-tech open education system
is currently becoming acute.
5. Conclusions and research prospects
Today it is becoming more and more obvious that the classical model of education has actually
exhausted itself and it no longer meets the requirements for educational institutions and
education by modern society and production.
If earlier a student went to school for knowledge, today knowledge has ceased to be an end in
itself. To know does not mean to be ready to use this knowledge. People began to acquire
education outside the school walls, through various influences from the media and communication
with peers from other educational institutions, regions and countries. This position is reflected in
the thesis: from teaching to learning as an independently organized person and selectively
directed educational activity, in its various types and forms.
In pedagogical science, there is still no single definition of open education. The following features
are distinguished: openness of education to the future; integration of all methods of human
exploration of the world; development and inclusion in the processes of formation of synergistic
ideas about the openness of the world, the integrity and interconnectedness of man, nature and
society; free use of various information systems, which today play no less a role in education than
direct communication with a teacher; personal orientation of the learning process; the
psychological attitude of the student to the super task. In this connection, education is in the
process of constant search and change, all the time forming new guidelines and goals; changing
the role of the teacher; the transition to joint actions in new non-trivial situations in an open,
changing, irreversible world.
The educational system of Ukraine has a huge scientific, cultural and spiritual potential and
opportunities that can ensure its further progressive development based on the principles of open
education. At the same time, new means of information and communication should not interrupt,
cut off cultural values and traditions of national education, but continue and enrich them, open
up new opportunities for obtaining quality education.
Tetiana Stepanova, Mukhiddin Khayruddinov, Olena Kuznetsova, Anzhelika Kurchatova, Iryna Korniienko
Modern didactic system of open education in ukraine: problems, solutions. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio,
v.17, n.2. /188-198
6. Bibliographic references
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Grebnev, J.I. (2004) Higher education in the Bologna dimension: Russian characteristics and
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Kameneva, T.N. (2019) Electronic didactics as a factor of innovation in educational processes.
Scientific Journal «"LORD. The art of scientific thought» 3, pp. 79-83. (In Russian)
Khayruddynov, M.A. (2019) Theory and practice of open learning. Workshop on General
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Okon, V. (1990) Introduction to general didactics. M.: Pedagogy, 256 p. (In Ukranian)
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