Informatization and digitization of the educational process in higher education: main directions,
challenges of the time. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /244-256
Yaroslava Sikora, Oksana Skorobahatska, Hanna Lykhodieieva, Anatolii Maksymenko, Yaroslav Tsekhmister
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.21
Cómo citar:
Sikora, Y., Skorobahatska, O., Lykhodieieva, H., Maksymenko, A., & Tsekhmister, Y. (2023). Informatization and digitization of the
educational process in higher education: main directions, challenges of the time. Revista Eduweb, 17(2), 244-256.
Informatization and digitization of the educational
process in higher education: main directions, challenges
of the time
Informatización y digitalización del proceso educativo en la enseñanza
superior: principales orientaciones, retos de la epoch
Yaroslava Sikora
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Sciences and Information
Technologies, Faculty of physics and mathematics, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine.
Oksana Skorobahatska
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Management and Pedagogy of
the Higher School, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after
A.S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine.
Hanna Lykhodieieva
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Higher Mathematics, State University of
Telecommunications, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Anatolii Maksymenko
Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Vice-Rector for International Relations,
Full Professor, Department for International Relations, Kyiv National Linguistic University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Yaroslav Tsekhmister
Scopus Author: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=3574716590
Doctor of pedagogical sciences Professor, Ed. D, PhD National Academy of Educational Sciences of
Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 15/02/23
Aceptado: 31/03/23
The relevance of the study is due to the need to rethink the educational paradigm in a rapidly
developing digital environment. Given the creation of new information and digital learning
technologies, scientific paradigms are changing towards the formation of an innovative educational
infrastructure of HEIs. The article aims to investigate the main directions of the challenges of
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Yaroslava Sikora, Oksana Skorobahatska, Hanna Lykhodieieva, Anatolii Maksymenko, Yaroslav Tsekhmister
implementing informatization and digitalization in order to form an ecosystem of an innovative
educational environment. The article is based on the use of methods of theoretical pedagogical
research: analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction. The study of scientific literature showed that,
despite the large number of scientific papers covering the issues of informatization and digitalization,
the question of the need to bring modern educational standards to the realities of a digital society still
remains unresolved. The results of the study were the actualization of the main challenges and
directions of implementation of informatization and digitalization of higher education in order to
improve its efficiency in the modern conditions of development of society. Practical significance: the
study of the features of the practical implementation of the tools of the digital educational environment
and the disclosure of their benefits.
Keywords: digital environment, educational technology, digital innovation, higher education,
blockchain, MOOC.
La pertinencia del estudio se debe a la necesidad de replantear el paradigma educativo en un entorno
digital en rápido desarrollo. Dada la creación de nuevas tecnologías de la información y el aprendizaje
digital, los paradigmas científicos están cambiando hacia la formación de una infraestructura educativa
innovadora de las IES. El objetivo del artículo es investigar las principales direcciones de los retos de
la aplicación de la informatización y la digitalización para formar un ecosistema de entorno educativo
innovador. El artículo se basa en el uso de métodos de investigación teórica pedagógica: análisis,
síntesis, inducción y deducción. El estudio de la literatura científica mostró que, a pesar del gran
número de artículos científicos que abordan las cuestiones de la informatización y la digitalización, la
cuestión de la necesidad de adaptar las normas educativas modernas a las realidades de una sociedad
digital sigue sin resolverse. Los resultados del estudio fueron la actualización de los principales retos
y direcciones de la aplicación de la informatización y la digitalización de la educación superior con el
fin de mejorar su eficiencia en las condiciones modernas de desarrollo de la sociedad. Importancia
práctica: el estudio de las características de la aplicación práctica de las herramientas del entorno
educativo digital y la divulgación de sus beneficios.
Palabras clave: entorno digital, tecnología educativa, innovación digital, enseñanza superior,
blockchain, MOOC.
1. Introduction
The modern world has entered the era of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, which
imposes special conditions on the implementation of most activities. First of all, the modifications
have affected the industrial and economic sectors in general, but their transformation is not
possible without the training of qualified personnel. Focusing on global informatization and
digitalization, there is a need for more extensive training of subject matter specialists. It is no
secret that in the realities of the XXI century, the key resource is relevant, reliable information,
including the ability to search and analyze it. Professional perception and processing of the
received information allows organizing the educational process more effectively and efficiently.
Despite the existing strategies of development in the field of education and the formation of
modern methods and techniques of education, the issue of transition to distance learning is the
Yaroslava Sikora, Oksana Skorobahatska, Hanna Lykhodieieva, Anatolii Maksymenko, Yaroslav Tsekhmister
Informatization and digitization of the educational process in higher education: main directions,
challenges of the time. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /244-256
most acute. The COVID-19 pandemic has made significant adjustments, especially in terms of
accelerating this transition. And the war in the center of Europe has shown the need for further
development of the distance form of education. Of course, the formation of a clear and coherent
system capable of seamless communication between educators and students within a few months
is almost impossible. The main limitations arising in the process of adaptation to the forms of
distance learning can be described by several characteristic aspects, namely the lack of equipment
with digital means of communication, weak digital literacy, lack of self-organization, etc. It should
be noted that these problems can still be attributed to both teachers and students.
There are also difficulties due to the rigid requirements for educational programs. The systems
of educational standards do not have sufficient flexibility and only recently they began to be
reconstructed to fit the new formats of education. It is quite obvious that the introduction of any
changes in the standards is inert and unable to solve all the problematic issues instantly.
If we talk about higher education institutions, the degree of their readiness can be considered as
a maximum. This is primarily due to the extramural and distance learning programs already being
implemented, as well as part-time programs with partial or full use of e-learning. The situation in
secondary vocational and secondary general education is less encouraging because, first, not all
programs can be digitized, and second, this transition is complicated by technical unpreparedness
for its implementation (Williamson, 2021).
The prospects of information and digital transformation of education are most logically considered
on the example of higher education institutions, since this approach, as described earlier, has a
positive experience of a real implementation. In addition, some global features characterize the
digital environment of HEIs (Figure 1) and allow a segmented study of approaches to the
formation of the new learning process in the field of distance learning.
Figure 1.
Conceptual model of the digital environment of higher education institutions
Developed by the authors of the article based on content analysis
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
Some of the blocks in the picture most clearly reflect the real picture of current digital learning.
The transition from indivisible courses to microformats is already being actively implemented in
many digital learning platforms. Obsolete approaches based on long-term fundamental disciplines
are hardly implemented in a distance format due to the low level of audience coverage and high
threshold of entry. Passive listening is now insufficient for rapid mastery of academic subjects.
Only active student action can lead to the greatest productivity and maximum learning impact.
In a digital environment, the emphasis must be on personalizing the student and pushing back
on personality traits, which precludes the use of single learning tools. This requires a larger pool
of resources and more time (Selwyn, Pangrazio, Nemorin & Perrotta, 2020).
The aim is to investigate the main directions and challenges generated by the informatization and
digitalization of the educational process in higher education.
2. Literature Review
Today the issue of informatization and digitalization of education in higher education is dealt with
by a significant number of scientists from different scientific fields (pedagogy, psychology,
computer science, sociology, etc.). The article by Kryvoshein, Vdovenko, Buriak, Saienko &
Kolesnyk (2022) examines the implementation of informatization and digitalization in the
professional training of future managers. The authors of the article cover the experience of EU
countries. To study the peculiarities of the introduction of information technology in the
educational process, it is important to rely on the study of the effectiveness of digital learning
technologies. Thus, the article by Horytska (2022) examines the effectiveness of the index
approach to learning. With the beginning of a large-scale military invasion of Ukraine, special
attention is paid to the peculiarities of the functioning of the distance form of education. The
article by Sherman, Puhovskiy, Kambalova, & Kdyrova (2022) examines the peculiarities of
distance education organization in Ukraine during martial law. The authors draw attention to the
high efficiency of this form of education using digital educational technologies and note that the
future of education is associated with a comprehensive informatization of education. Wallin,
Koro-Ljungberg, & Eskola (2019) discuss the use of digital technology in the study of history
disciplines. The authors point out that informatization and digitalization methods open up new
possibilities for the study of historical sciences. Prospects for the development of digitalization in
education are discussed in Suoranta et al., (2022). The authors give a forecast of the development
of digital education in the future. Also, the article by Mishchenko (2022) considers the prospects
of digital education development in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the need to introduce
innovative digital technologies in distance learning. The authors consider the most popular
informatization and digital means of organizing the educational process. Particular attention is
paid to the need to develop information and communication and digital competencies of both
teachers and students HEA. Jandrić et al., (2019) consider the development of digital science in
the future. The authors pay special attention to the transformation of the educational sphere
under the influence of the development of future digital technologies. A significant role in this
process, according to the authors, will play innovative learning technologies and the development
of integrated digital educational devices. The article Wojciech, Sobczyk, Waldemar, & Pochopień
(2021) examines the specifics of preparing teachers to implement innovative digital technologies
in the educational process. The authors investigated the digital competencies necessary for HEA
Yaroslava Sikora, Oksana Skorobahatska, Hanna Lykhodieieva, Anatolii Maksymenko, Yaroslav Tsekhmister
Informatization and digitization of the educational process in higher education: main directions,
challenges of the time. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /244-256
workers to organize the educational process by means of informatization and digitalization. The
article also considers the main didactic tools of digitalization of higher education. The authors
highlighted popular innovative digital technologies, informatization tools, etc. Also, of particular
interest for this study are the works devoted to the study of the experience of the educational
process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rosak-Szyrocka, Żywiołek, Zaborski, Chowdhury, &
Hu (2022) discuss the main problems related to the educational process during the pandemic.
Attention is also paid to the peculiarities of using digitalization tools for the educational process
in a distance education setting. Rapanta, Botturi, Goodyear, Guàrdia, & Koole (2021) address the
issue of the educational process after the pandemic. The authors explore the balance between
digital innovation technologies and didactic teaching methods. Despite the large number of works
devoted to informatization and certification of the educational process, there are still a low
number of unresolved issues. The scientific literature does not cover the issue of creating a new
educational paradigm, which would take into account the need to use digital tools during the
organization and conduct of training in the HEIs.
3. Methodology
Using interdisciplinary methods, the organizational forms and features of the infrastructure of
digital transformation were analyzed, which allowed to acquire a new quality of research,
actualizing its perspective and relevance. The completeness of the study was ensured by the use
of modern comparative methods, actualized in the context of source and comparative historical,
analysis of scientific literature, legislative and other legal acts. Specific tools were also used for
comparative-historical research: the integrity and completeness of information, spatial and
temporal correspondence were analyzed. Visibility, representativeness of the results of scientific
research provided the use of applied methods of digital humanities: content analysis, visualization
of research results. The basis of scientific research was the source analysis of Internet resources,
in particular - periodicals, of different types and kinds of organizations, analysis and comparison
of their relevant indicators (quality, quantity, etc.), ranked by us in the synchronous and
diachronic plane; scientometric analysis of articles in the above periodicals (journals, scientific
collections, almanacs, and conference materials); visualization of results through methods of
information data visualization (representation) and summarization of the results.
The core materials of our work were the Ukrainian legal framework, in particular: 1. The concept
of digital transformation of education and science in Ukraine (Ministry of Education and Science
of Ukraine, 2021). 2. Strategy for development of higher education in Ukraine for 2021-2031
(Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2022). 3. Laws of Ukraine “On Higher Education”
(Law No. 1556-VII, 2014). The above-mentioned normative legal acts helped to identify the
current state, trends, and prospects of development of the process of digital transformation of
education and science of the Ukrainian state. Scientific research had a number of stages: the first
stage consisted in the analysis of the source base of research (scientific literature, regulatory
framework) and the outline of goals and objectives of scientific work; the second - aimed at
analyzing the state of digital transformation of the educational and scientific sphere of the
Ukrainian state, highlighting the key features and trends of development, representation of the
most representative forms of influence of the above process on the educational and scientific
area of Ukraine; the third stage summarized the results of the study: it organized the conclusions
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
and highlighted his own vision of the prospects of digitalization of the educational and scientific
sphere of the Ukrainian state.
4. Results and Discussion
The core of the learning process is intensive independent and interactive work of the student with
the learning material, including video lectures, slides, methodological recommendations for the
study of the discipline, and the implementation of control tasks, final testing, and final tests. E-
learning is the implementation of educational programs using information and educational and
digital resources, information and communication technologies, technical means, as well as
information and telecommunication networks that ensure the interaction of participants in the
educational space.
In today's information society, the main means of informatization and digitalization are a personal
computer, an interactive whiteboard, software, etc. With the help of networked means of
digitalization of education, it becomes possible to conduct virtual training sessions online, audio
and video conferencing. A new generation of educational information technology has emerged
that allows for more effective teacher-student interaction (Rahrouh, Taleb, & Mohamed, 2018).
Distance learning dates back to the 1920s. With the advent of information technology, e-learning
is getting better. At the present stage, the problem of the gap between the possibilities of
educational technologies and their actual application in educational institutions is evident. The
situation is complicated by the rapid updating of ICTs (the emergence of artificial intelligence,
multilingual interface, virtual reality, geoinformation systems). In addition, the informatization of
education is slowed down by the relatively low competence and psychological unpreparedness of
teachers and the administration of educational institutions (especially the older generation), as
well as the insufficient equipment of educational institutions with information and communication
technologies. The creation of organizational and methodological support in the field of educational
technology is closely connected with the system of training and retraining of personnel in
education, as well as with the material and normative base of ICTs (Jensen et al., 2022).
Informatization of education is often understood exclusively as the introduction of information
and telecommunication technologies into the educational process. However, training only in the
technical aspects of computer use does not cover all the activities of educational institutions.
Students also need to know how to correctly select and use educational electronic resources.
The use of digital tools makes it possible to introduce new specialized computer-related curricula
into educational programs, as well as to transform traditional programs not directly related to
information technology. The processes of determining the qualifications of graduates, selection,
and formation of the contingent of HEI students are increasingly informatized.
One of the main results of the informatization of education is total individualization, in which both
positive and negative sides can be distinguished. Individual approach to a student positively
influences the quality of education. However, “dialogue through the computer” significantly
reduces the activity of language, which is the body of objectification of human thinking. The
Yaroslava Sikora, Oksana Skorobahatska, Hanna Lykhodieieva, Anatolii Maksymenko, Yaroslav Tsekhmister
Informatization and digitization of the educational process in higher education: main directions,
challenges of the time. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /244-256
widespread use of digital technology leads to a reduction in social interaction, the curtailment of
social contacts (Ledger & Fischetti, 2020).
In recent years, the development of computer technology has led to the allocation of hardware
group of multimedia. Their characteristic feature is the ability to process and provide information
of different types. Multimedia tools are particularly important for education, because they
stimulate cognitive aspects of learning, increase motivation, develop skills of collective cognition,
and form a deep understanding of the material. Thus, further informatization levels out the
shortcomings of the years of introduction of computer technology in education and allows the
implementation of educational technology at a new level.
The educational process becomes more flexible with the appearance of great opportunities for
modeling expensive or dangerous experiments (“virtual reality”), visualization of macro- and
microcosm. The emergence of global telecommunication computer networks and their integration
with multimedia and virtual reality technologies is called the sixth information revolution. At
present, the total volume of knowledge in the world is doubling annually. Colossal volumes of
information in electronic educational resources detach from the material, borrowing ready-made
solutions and works do not contribute to the effectiveness of learning. In addition to technical
and psychological, there are problems of a pedagogical nature associated with the lack of
consistency in the development and use of disparate information resources. The effectiveness of
the learning process is also reduced because of the impossibility of universal training of teaching
staff in the conditions of modern informatization.
There is an urgent need to create a unified system of information resources and technologies
supplemented by uniform methodological requirements and recommendations. Most of the
information resources for use in the educational process are characterized by a low pedagogical
level. The reason for this situation is that computer-based instructional programs are often
created by experts in programming and not in a particular discipline. At the same time, teachers
with extensive teaching experience are usually poorly versed in new information and
telecommunication technologies. The goal of informatization of education is to train subject
teachers who are capable not only of applying new technologies in their professional activities
but also of developing ICT tools.
Currently, higher education is a process of teaching and scientific leadership, but soon there will
be a transition from direct instruction to mentoring, and further to research coordination. Common
trends in modern education can be considered to be:
increasing its inclusiveness;
individualization of education;
“reduction” of educational trajectories (offering educational solutions in a compact form);
opportunities for a student to master several modules (macro-courses) at once;
application of interdisciplinary approaches in education, development of interdisciplinary
cooperation in the design and implementation of relevant educational programs.
Digital trends in higher education include:
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
application of virtual reality technology in addition to the existing distance technologies;
The transition from the formation of hard skills to soft skills, which involve the development
of creative thinking, the desire to develop, and the ability to organize themselves (especially
for students of technical specialties);
elimination of interference in related branches of knowledge (economics and law, etc.) based
on digitalization;
application of online technologies in the educational process, allowing “individualizationof
students' learning trajectories, especially for people with disabilities;
penetration of online education elements into the traditional system (offline) of education. For
example, the use of the Skyeng educational environment for teaching English.
Digitalization of education today is built based on creative thinking, imagination, the desire to
develop. The task of higher education is to promote the formation of creative skills, which today
is more important than formal knowledge. The task of the teacher (tutor/mentor) is to give the
student an impetus for development. The digitalization of the educational process also affects the
organizational aspects of HEIs:
increasing the efficiency of research management;
automation of management processes at the university;
application of distributed ledger technology (blockchain) for secure storage and rapid transfer
of information. In many ways, virtual and augmented reality technologies, online
management of the educational organization, big data technologies allow collecting
information about the needs of students based on demand/supply, adapting educational
programs (Saienko, Kurysh & Siliutina, 2022).
The digitalization of the higher education system is based on:
1) Digital transformation of the educational process itself as an environment for implementing
the latest methods, techniques, and means of learning to ensure the training of highly
qualified professionals with the skills and ability to confidently solve professional problems
using modern software and information and communication technologies.
2) Digital transformation of higher education system management, including the introduction of
advanced information technologies in the processes of implementation of management
functions of educational institutions (the use of artificial intelligence in predicting the progress
of students, the needs of the economy of young professionals in the context of specialties,
etc.); organization of the use of educational resources of institutions (application of cloud
technologies to form a unified educational network) and the promotion of their educational
services at the international
3) Improvement of ICT competence of higher education teachers, as well as specialists of state
administration bodies that implement policies in the field of education.
Digitalization in education offers many opportunities, but at the same time requires changes in
methodology, approaches to student learning. In particular, we are talking about open access to
electronic educational resources of universities, performed at a high level. For example, the use
of educational platforms: Coursera, Alison, Prometeus, etc.
Yaroslava Sikora, Oksana Skorobahatska, Hanna Lykhodieieva, Anatolii Maksymenko, Yaroslav Tsekhmister
Informatization and digitization of the educational process in higher education: main directions,
challenges of the time. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /244-256
Mentioning mass online educational courses (MOOCs), it can be noted that they are built into
professional and educational programs in different ways. Three scenarios can be distinguished:
1) MOOCs as web support for the traditional implementation of the educational process. To
intensify the latter, up to 30% of resources are allowed using MOOCs.
2) Blended learning involves the partial replacement of classroom sessions (mostly lectures) with
MOOC resources (up to 80% online).
3) Online learning, involving academic freedom, replacing traditional learning with MOOCs with
a mentor/ tutor (up to 90 to 100% online) (Tsekhmister et al., 2021).
When it comes to MOOCs, universities are reluctant to use someone else's online education
platforms and are not themselves ready to completely switch to an online format. In addition to
university platforms, the corporate sector is also willing to offer its own educational platforms
(Udemy, etc.). Table 1 compares the most popular distance education systems.
Table 1.
Comparison of distance education systems
Program product
eLearning Server 4G
Number of users
Schedule control
Different types of
Mobile version
Developed by the authors of the article based on content analysis
The B2B and B2C education segment often experiences a shortage of personnel, particularly
methodologists for the development and implementation of educational projects. Corporate
educational services are characterized by the following specific features:
practice-oriented, consumer-oriented;
application of the “experts teach the experts” model;
Evolution from online education to consulting, business coaching;
online education is built into the business process, contributes to the long-term perspective
of the business;
active use of referral, adaptive, supportive services;
Partnerships with other organizations implementing the concept of “B2B and B2C education”
(Jarke & Breiter, 2019).
Blockchain is a distributed storage system where storage devices are not connected to a common
server. This database stores an ever-growing list of ordered records called blocks, each block
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
contains a timestamp and a link to the previous block. Thanks to encryption, the user can only
modify the part of the database that he owns, from which he has “private keys”, without them it
is impossible to write to the file. Encryption also ensures that all copies of the database are
synchronized across all users so that if a blockchain is edited all changes are immediately visible
to other users.
The security of blockchain technology is ensured through a time-stamping decentralized server
and peer-to-peer connection networks. The result is a database that is managed autonomously,
without a center. This makes blockchains very convenient for logging events and data
transactions, identity management, and source authentication.
Blockchain technology is being seriously considered for use in education. The list of services
provided by admissions committees and dean's offices is extensive, covering both primary work
with applicants and organizational support of students, including academic trips. Depending on
the size and structure of the HEA, the list can include traditional tasks as well as specific
responsibilities (credit accounting for transfer students, escorts, time management training,
financial aid, etc.) (Jarke & Breiter, 2019).
Blockchain, even at the admission stage of the HEA, will be able to make fraud related to
falsification of grades, legitimacy of athletic and other achievements, grounds for benefits,
misrepresentation of personal data, etc., impossible. In addition, blockchain will help popularize
and legitimize online learning, which will greatly reduce unemployment worldwide: giving people
who have no offline education a chance to get an online education (Rahardja, 2022).
Studies of the scientific literature have established that the key socio-psychological features of
the formation and implementation of the digital model of higher education can include the
1) Changes in the social role of the teacher and approaches to its performance. Firstly, from a
primary source, a carrier of knowledge and skills, he becomes a navigator, determining the
optimal trajectory for the purposes of the course acquaintance with the knowledge bases.
Secondly, the teacher must develop the ability to prepare educational products that deliver
learning information to the audience in the form of an intense stream that includes
simultaneously broadcast, text, graphics, video, and sound. In addition, his attitude to digital
technologies should also change: from the means that complement traditional teaching
approaches to new ways, technologies of training specialists with higher education.
2) Changing the motivation of learning and the approach to students' mastery of knowledge.
Firstly, the dynamism of social processes and the shortage of time give rise to the desire to
get the essence of events and problems in a short time, which leads to the formation of “clip”
thinking. Secondly, frequent use of “on-demand” information search system from a multitude
of simultaneously operating information sources creates conditions for consolidation of
fragmentary type of perception of learning information. This approach allows us to study a
certain aspect of the phenomenon under study, but it can make it difficult to form a unified
view, cause-and-effect relationships, and the genesis of the development of the situation.
Third, the desire to solve many problems simultaneously in a limited time allows you to
develop problem-solving thinking. In such a situation, students do better with collaborative
Yaroslava Sikora, Oksana Skorobahatska, Hanna Lykhodieieva, Anatolii Maksymenko, Yaroslav Tsekhmister
Informatization and digitization of the educational process in higher education: main directions,
challenges of the time. - Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. /244-256
projects than with individual tasks; they strive to get quick result, avoiding long-term planning
of step-by-step work. Fourthly, the individualization of the learning process and the content
of training sessions based on information educational resources contributes to the
development of self-learning skills and self-monitoring of knowledge as elements of individual
student manageability. Fifthly, the level of digital literacy of a student becomes a key factor
ensuring academic success and success in various activities, as well as determines the nature
of his communication in interaction with others.
3) Transformation of the system of requirements to specialists' competencies. Firstly, abilities
and skills that are not available for full algorithmization and robotization (imagination, non-
standard, initiative, leadership, etc.) become the most demanded. Secondly, there is a need
to form “digital competencies of the future” (language mobility, cooperative-creative thinking,
ability to work in interdisciplinary environments, understanding of global problems, health
management skills, financial literacy, etc.) (Dumford & Miller, 2018).
In conclusion, we can identify the main advantages of digital learning using distance learning
1) Freedom of access. The student gets the opportunity to study almost anywhere without
interruption of the main work. Distance learning using information and digital technologies
allows teachers and students to be at a considerable distance from each other, including in
different cities and countries. Access to learning materials is available at any time of the day
or academic period.
2) Personalization of learning. Involvement of people with disabilities in learning, equal education
opportunities regardless of financial security. New technologies allow making visual
information alive and dynamic, building the learning process itself, taking into account the
active interaction of the student with the learning system.
5. Conclusions
Education is a field that, in theory, and practice, cannot stand still. Through it passes a huge flow
of people who are ready for the challenges of real life. And despite the fact that the system of
digitalization of education is not ideal, we can offer several ways of solving this problem. In the
next decade, digital technologies in education will help improve the work of educational
organizations due to new developments in information and communication technologies.
One of the purposes of informatization of the educational process is the creation of a uniform
information space of an education system on a national scale as a result of the integration of
information environments of educational institutions. Pedagogical information technologies used
for its functioning are based on the theory of pedagogy, psychology, computer science,
management, as well as the possibilities of modern information and telecommunication
technology. An educational portal is currently being developed at many ZHEs. In the future, the
local informational educational space will become part of the world one. The introduction of
information technology accelerates the transfer of knowledge and experience, increases the
quality of education, helping people adapt quickly and successfully to the environment and social
changes. Informatization has a positive impact on education, opening up new opportunities in
improving the forms and methods of the educational process.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 2. Abril-junio 2023
Eduweb, 2023, abril-junio, v.17, n.2. ISSN: 1856-7576
The value of knowledge as a foundation for personal growth in the era of computer networks and
electronic reference books has significantly decreased. Most mental tasks today are taken over
by computers. What is required from a modern person is not so much memorization, storage,
and reproduction of information as the ability to navigate in information flows, be flexible in
intellectual activity, learn new strategies of thinking, self-learn, search, and attract the missing
resources to solve problems. That is why it is important for modern students not to get a ready-
made set of knowledge, but to develop skills of self-development and self-education.
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