Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Hlebova, N., Afanasieva, L., Bukrieieva, I., Glyns'ka, L., & Murtaziiev, E. (2023). Problems of ukrainian school youth in the
conditions of forced migration: Sociological dimensions. Revista Eduweb, 17(3), 47-59.
Problems of ukrainian school youth in the conditions of
forced migration: Sociological dimensions
Problemas de los jóvenes escolares ucranianos en el contexto de la migración
forzosa: Dimensiones sociológicas
Natalia Hlebova
Dr. Sc. in Sociology, Professor of Sociology Departmen, Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical
University, Меlitopol, Ukraine.
Lyudmila Afanasieva
Ph.D in Рhilosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Sociology Department Bohdan Khmelnitsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Меlitopol, Ukraine.
Iryna Bukrieieva
Ph.D in Рhilosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Sociology Department Bohdan Khmelnitsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Меlitopol, Ukraine.
Lyudmila Glyns'ka
Ph.D in Рhilosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Sociology Department Bohdan Khmelnitsky
Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Меlitopol, Ukraine.
Ernest Murtaziiev
Ph.D in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Physics,
Bohdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Меlitopol, Ukraine.
Recibido: 05/04/23
Aceptado: 10/06/23
The purpose of the study is to analyze the sociological analysis of Ukrainian schoolchildren's attitudes
towards the educational environment, learning conditions and current problems of adaptation in countries
of temporary residence. The methodology used is an interdisciplinary approach that allows to integrate
knowledge of different branches of science about the subject to form a holistic picture of the study. The
empirical basis of the article is based on the materials of a sociological study of the educational environment,
learning conditions and current problems of adaptation "Forced migration 2022 in the eyes of Ukrainian
schoolchildren", conducted by an online survey. It is found that European education systems have
responded to the challenges at the state level: they adopt regulations, send out recommendations and
manuals for teachers, solve the problems of informatization of education, provide schools with specific
tools, and increase the number of teachers. It is established that the main problems of schoolchildren
abroad are: language barrier; significant differences in educational programs in Ukrainian and foreign
institutions; double load (studying in a Ukrainian and foreign educational institution); imperfect
Problems of ukrainian school youth in the conditions of forced migration:
Sociological dimensions. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /47-59
informatization of education; multi-age classes in schools of the host country; studying new subjects for
Ukrainian schoolchildren.
Keywords: migration, Ukrainian schoolchildren, educational environment, informatization of education,
educational problems.
El objetivo del estudio es analizar las actitudes sociológicas de los escolares ucranianos hacia el entorno
educativo, las condiciones de aprendizaje y los problemas actuales de adaptación en los países de residencia
temporal. Se ha constatado que los sistemas educativos europeos han respondido a los retos a nivel estatal:
adoptan normativas, envían recomendaciones y manuales para los profesores, resuelven los problemas de
informatización de la enseñanza, dotan a las escuelas de herramientas específicas y aumentan el número
de profesores. La base teórica y metodológica del estudio son los principios de los enfoques socio-filosófico,
socio-psicológico y sociológico - para generalizar la multidimensionalidad del problema de la educación de
los escolares en el contexto de la migración forzada en el marco de la reflexión sociológica. Se establece
que los principales problemas de los escolares en el extranjero incluyen: la barrera del idioma; diferencias
significativas en los programas educativos en las instituciones ucranianas y extranjeras; doble carga de
trabajo de un niño debido a que estudia en una institución educativa ucraniana y extranjera; informatización
imperfecta de la educación; diferentes clases de diferentes edades en las escuelas del país de acogida;
asistir a lecciones que no se impartieron en una escuela ucraniana.
Palabras clave: migración, escolares ucranianos, entorno educativo, informatización de la educación,
problemas educativos.
1. Introduction
In modern conditions, the role of social and personal factors influencing the adaptation of schoolchildren
to the adult world, the conditions for successful learning, and planning for the future is growing significantly.
Therefore, the subject of sociological science is traditionally school education, objective and subjective
characteristics of the processes of individual development of school youth, problems of informatization of
education and social formation of schoolchildren and overcoming obstacles on this path. Prior to the full-
scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, sociological study of the causes of migration of the Ukrainian
population was relevant mainly in the context of implementing preventive measures to overcome the
consequences, as well as to maximize the benefits of the results caused by these processes. As of June
2022, the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine has forced a total of about 8 million Ukrainian
citizens to flee to other countries in search of safety. As of December 20, 2022, the number of Ukrainians
who have crossed the border with the EU countries since February 24, 2022, is more than 16.6 million,
including about 3 million children (Rayon.Osvita, 2023).
The figures published by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in January 2023 indicate that as
of the beginning of January 2023, there are about 500 thousand Ukrainian schoolchildren abroad. At the
same time, as of September 1, 2022, there were 488 thousand of them (Bilenkyi & Kozlovets, 2006).
According to the Center for Public Monitoring and Control, although more than 100 thousand schoolchildren
have already returned to Ukraine, the number of students who remain abroad has been constantly
fluctuating and amounts to about 620 thousand schoolchildren (Education Ombudsman Serhiy Gorbachev,
Thus, we have every reason to believe that current migration processes play an extremely important role
in the social development of the country, and are even more important for its future. Therefore, the study
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
of their factors, mechanisms of adjustment, current and future consequences of their impact on the
development of Ukrainian post-war society is one of the primary tasks of sociological science.
2. Literature Review
Researchers of the problem of migration in Ukraine O. Kurbet (Kurbet, 2020); educational migration
(Bezzubko L., Topchii K.) (Bezzubko & Topchii, 2020); migration to the EU countries (Dmytruk B., Chudaieva
I.) (Dmytruk & Chudaieva, 2018), intellectual migration by L. Didkivska (Didkivska, 2020), O. Demydenko
(Demydenko, 2019), forced migration by E. Libanova. (Libanova, 2018); re-emigration U. Sadova (Sadova,
2015), Z. Smutchak (Smutchak, 2019) and others mostly believe that an important factor determining the
course of migration of certain social groups is to ensure stability and achieve constructive interaction
created by the relevant social environment, taking into account the totality of the needs of all subjects of
interaction. Since any migration usually carries a number of problems for both the host community and the
displaced person, in our case, the problem of considering appropriate social and psychological support,
mutual understanding and support of newcomers by the host party is actualized.
According to the works of national sociologists N. Hlebova (Hlebova, 2015), K. Oleksenko, I. Khavina
(2021), O. Kryvylova et al., (2022), R. Oleksenko, L. Fedorova (2017), V. Nikitenko et al., (2022),
V. Voronkova et al. (2022), V. Humeniuk (Humeniuk, 2020), S. Nechitaylo (2019), the most significant and
problematic category of migrants from Ukraine in terms of long-term prospects for sustainable social
development of the state is Ukrainian pupils and students. Given the current socio-cultural situation in
Ukraine, the situation is significantly complicated by the situation of forced migration of many subjects of
the educational process. Therefore, based on the general theoretical approaches to the study of personality
development in the works of representatives of the humanistic direction, the socio-cognitive theory of self-
actualization of Albert Bandura (Bandura, 2006) and the issue of student activity in the context of learning
a new generation by J. Charteris, and D. Smardon (Charteris & Smardon, 2018), our focus is primarily on
latent changes in the minds of students living in difficult conditions of emigration.
Therefore, the main field of our attention is the perception of the situation in the minds of pupils and
students who live in difficult conditions of emigration and make their daily choices in favor of a particular
life strategy, including in the field of education.
3. Methodology
The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is based on the principles of socio-philosophical,
socio-psychological and sociological approaches to generalize, within the framework of sociological
reflection, the multidimensional nature of the problem of teaching Ukrainian schoolchildren in conditions of
forced migration, due to a number of factors of political, socio-economic, socio-cultural and socio-
psychological nature. In the analytical part of the study, we used the methodology of an interdisciplinary
approach, which allows us to integrate knowledge of various branches of science about the subject to form
a holistic picture of the study. The sociological study of the attitude of Ukrainian schoolchildren to the
foreign educational environment, learning conditions and current problems of adaptation was conducted
by an online survey using a questionnaire in Google Form.
The empirical basis of the article is based on the materials of the sociological study "Forced Migration 2022
in the Eyes of Ukrainian School Youth" conducted by the Center for Sociological Research of Melitopol
Bohdan Khmelnytsky State Pedagogical University. The sociological study of the attitude of Ukrainian
schoolchildren to the foreign educational environment, learning conditions and current problems of
adaptation was conducted by online survey using a questionnaire in Google Form among a group of
Ukrainian schoolchildren from the temporarily occupied territories (50%) or from the Ukrainian-controlled
Natalia Hlebova, Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns'ka, Ernest Murtaziiev
Problems of ukrainian school youth in the conditions of forced migration:
Sociological dimensions. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /47-59
territories (50%) of Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv and Kharkiv regions, aged 13-17, who have been abroad for 3-10
months (Poland, Czech Republic, Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada, USA).
According to UN estimates, 3 million children and youth have left the country since the beginning of Russia's
full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The largest number of schoolchildren from Ukraine is registered in Poland -
over 528 thousand, Germany about 290 thousand, and the Czech Republic - 70.5 thousand. 30 to 40
thousand Ukrainian children of school age live in Italy, Romania, Spain, and Slovakia. There are countries
with very few families: Iceland has 700 children, Montenegro has about 500, Belgium and Malta have less
than 300 students (Nechitaylo, 2019).
Most European education systems have responded quickly to the new challenges at the state level: they
have adopted regulations, sent out guidelines and manuals for teachers, addressed the problems of
informatization of education, provided schools with specific tools, and increased the number of teachers.
For example, in the Netherlands, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has published a "Training
Manual for Working with Children from Ukraine," which provides expertise and assistance in school
integration of children. Spain has developed a National Plan for the Education of Ukrainian Students, which
provides for a sufficient number of teaching staff. Extraordinary quotas of school staff have been
introduced, including assistants who know Ukrainian and can become translators for students from our
One of the generally recognized steps is to involve schoolchildren in studying in the country's educational
institutions. According to European educators, this speeds up language acquisition, provides access to
psychosocial support, and promotes children's participation in the social life of the country where they live.
But not all Ukrainian parents share this view. There are those who believe that they will be here for a short
time, so they would like to focus on teaching their children according to Ukrainian standards. However,
according to the monitoring data, less than a third of those living in countries such as Denmark, Greece,
Croatia, Malta and Romania attend local schools. Most refugee children from Ukraine go to school in Ireland
- 92%, Spain - 75%, Italy - 71%, the Netherlands - 66%, and Austria - 63% (Education Ombudsman Serhiy
Gorbachev, 2022).
However, the problem of re-emigration is likely to be a major challenge for the future of the Ukrainian state
in the near future, as only 13% of respondents to a UN survey of Ukrainian refugees reported plans to
return to Ukraine permanently over the next three months. Instead, 44% of respondents do not plan to
return within the next three months, and 43% are undecided. Of the latter group, 79% plan to stay in the
host country (UNHCR, 2022). Therefore, the question is no less relevant: Will children studying abroad
return to Ukraine? (Shevchenko, 2022).
However, despite the difficult circumstances of the war, the New Ukrainian School should make every effort
providing conditions for self-determination and self-realization of its students abroad;
Acquiring worldview knowledge as a product for the future;
formation of the student as a subject of active social activity in the near future.
With regard to Ukraine's current socio-cultural situation, the situation is significantly complicated by the
situation of forced migration of many subjects of the educational process. Therefore, based on the
conclusions of school education practitioners, we believe that an important area of sociological study should
be research whose target group is direct students - children and adolescents (Maksimenko et al., 2022).
Based on these circumstances, the target audience of our study was internally displaced persons from
among Ukrainian students in different countries of Europe and North America.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The obtained quantitative data were processed in IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and Microsoft Office Excel. The
methods of this sociological study were chosen: an online panel with a closed IP address.
In accordance with the selected research parameters, the questionnaire "Forced Migration 2022 in the Eyes
of Ukrainian School Youth" we used includes three blocks for identifying the above characteristics:
Block I. Subjective aspects of the social and psychological adaptation of Ukrainian schoolchildren in the
context of forced migration (questions 3, 9, 11, 12, 13).
Block II. Factors of influence of the new educational environment on the level of schoolchildren's academic
performance in the context of migration (questions 6, 8, 10, 14).
Block III. Influences of educational practice of schoolchildren in conditions of forced migration on plans for
further education (questions 15, 16, 1).
4. Results and Discussion
As a practical application of sociological methods for studying the attitudes of Ukrainian schoolchildren
towards the foreign educational environment, learning conditions, imperfect informatization of education,
and current problems of adaptation in the context of forced emigration, we present the results of a study
that included an online survey of a group of Ukrainian schoolchildren in foreign countries. The group
surveyed was made up of schoolchildren aged 13-17 who have been abroad for 3-10 months (Poland,
Czech Republic, Great Britain, Germany, France, Canada, and the United States), having left the temporarily
occupied territories (50%) or the government-controlled territories (50%) of Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, and
Kharkiv regions. School education abroad was continued by 88.9% of respondents, while 11.1% of
respondents did not have this opportunity. Distance learning in Ukrainian schools is being continued by
70.6% of respondents, while 29.4% are studying in schools in the host country.
The main results of the study on the attitude of Ukrainian students to the influence of the foreign
educational environment, learning conditions and current problems of adaptation.
Block I. Subjective aspects of socio-psychological adaptation of Ukrainian schoolchildren in the context of
forced migration (questions 3, 9, 11, 12, 13).
Figure 1.
Self-assessment of schoolchildren emotional state abroad.
Only less than 10% of surveyed students feel completely comfortable abroad; 16.7% feel rather
comfortable. A significant part of the survey participants (33.3%) indicate problems with their emotional
state, 16.7% of respondents feel extremely uncomfortable, and the same number of respondents have not
decided on their assessment (Fig. 1).
Natalia Hlebova, Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns'ka, Ernest Murtaziiev
Problems of ukrainian school youth in the conditions of forced migration:
Sociological dimensions. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /47-59
Figure 2.
Assessment of schoolchildren satisfaction with studying abroad.
As we can see, despite the problems with emotional state, about half of the respondents are satisfied with
studying in these conditions (11.1% - very satisfied; 44.5% - rather satisfied). The number of extremely
dissatisfied with studying abroad is less than 5%, 11.1% are inclined to a negative assessment, and 27.8%
have not decided on the answer (Fig. 2).
Figure 3.
Teachers' attitudes towards schoolchildren in the host country.
Students' subjective assessment of teachers' attitudes towards them in conditions of forced stay abroad
shows the following: 88.9% define it as good and very good, 11.2% are undecided (Fig. 3).
Figure 4.
Students' attitudes toward Ukrainian schoolchildren
The respondents' assessment of the situation with relations in the new class is similar, mostly positive:
41.2% report a very good attitude, 35.3% rate it as good, and 23.5% are undecided (Fig. 4).
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 5.
Assessment of relationships with other migrant schoolchildren.
Their relationships with other migrant students are considered very positive by 38.9% of respondents, and
rather positive by 55.6% of students (Fig. 5).
Thus, summarizing the data obtained on the subjective aspects of social and psychological adaptation of
Ukrainian schoolchildren in conditions of forced emigration, we can note the general positive assessment
of respondents regarding their current school environment. However, more than half of the survey
participants indicate problems with their emotional state. Nevertheless, about half of the respondents are
quite satisfied with their studies in these conditions (11.1% - very satisfied; 44.5% - rather satisfied).
Block II. Factors of influence of the new educational environment on the level of schoolchildren's academic
performance in the context of forced migration (questions 6, 8, 10, 14).
Figure 6.
Use of a foreign language learned at school in Ukraine.
Consideration of the factors influencing the new educational environment on the level of schoolchildren's
performance in the context of migration allows us to state that more than 70% of respondents used the
foreign language knowledge gained in Ukraine, while about 25% did not use this knowledge for various
reasons. The vast majority of students (72.3%) made efforts to master the language of the host country
(Fig. 6).
Natalia Hlebova, Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns'ka, Ernest Murtaziiev
Problems of ukrainian school youth in the conditions of forced migration:
Sociological dimensions. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /47-59
Figure 7.
Activity of Ukrainian students in learning the language of the host country
According to the survey, only half of the respondents (50%) actively learn the language of the host country,
38.9% learned it as they communicated, 5.6% were interested only when they felt the need, and 5.5% did
not try to learn at all (Fig. 7).
Figure 8.
Assessment of the success of studying abroad.
Overall, more than 70% of respondents consider their studies to be successful. About 20% of respondents
gave a negative assessment of studying abroad. The assessment of the difficulty of studying abroad among
the respondents was distributed as follows: an invariant answer (in some ways harder, in some ways easier)
was chosen by 66.7% of participants; more than 20% of students consider it difficult and very difficult to
study; only about 5% of students found it easy (Fig. 8).
Figure 9.
Assessment of the difficulty of studying abroad
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The results of the study show that only 27.7% of respondents still found it difficult to study abroad (22.2%
- very difficult, 5.5% - difficult). 66.7% of respondents believe that in some ways it was difficult and in
others it was easy to study abroad. And only 5.6% of respondents found it easy to study (Fig. 9).
Figure 10.
Main factors of difficulties in studying abroad
We can also state that the overwhelming majority of respondents expectedly attributed a difficult emotional
state (55.6%) (anxiety for relatives and friends) and the language barrier (22.2%) to the main reasons for
difficulties in studying abroad. Out of the rest of the proposed options, 4 positions were noted: material
conditions, lack of textbooks, lack of friends, and time coincidence of class hours - about 5% each (Fig.
Block III. Influences of educational practice of schoolchildren in conditions of forced migration on plans for
further education (questions 15, 16, 17).
Figure 11.
Positive aspects of staying abroad
Among the positive aspects of their stay abroad, 22.2% of respondents mentioned feeling completely safe,
33.3% - the opportunity to make new friends, and 27.8 respondents - to broaden their horizons. It should
be noted that 11% of students mentioned the opportunity to participate in helping the Armed Forces of
Ukraine (Fig. 11).
Natalia Hlebova, Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns'ka, Ernest Murtaziiev
Problems of ukrainian school youth in the conditions of forced migration:
Sociological dimensions. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /47-59
Figure 12.
Desire to continue school education abroad.
27.5% of respondents firmly expressed their desire to continue their school education abroad, 50% are
still considering, and only 22.2% of students expect to return home (Fig. 12).
Figure 13.
Desires and intentions to obtain professional education abroad
About 16.7% of students answered affirmatively about their intention to receive professional education
abroad, 38.9% of respondents have a strong desire to do so, and 16.7% are thinking about it. Less than a
third of students (27.8%) are inclined to return to Ukraine to continue their education in higher education
institutions (Fig. 13).
Implementation stages
Our study confirms the main conclusions of a large group of researchers on educational migration
(Bezzubko L., Topchii K.) (Bezzubko & Topchii, 2020); migration to the EU (Dmytruk B., Chudaieva I.)
(Dmytruk & Chudaieva, 2018), intellectual migration of L. Didkivska (Didkivska, 2020), O. Demydenko
(Demydenko, 2019), forced migration of E. Libanova (Libanova, 2018). Libanova (2018); re-emigration by
U. Sadova (2015), Z. Smutchak (2019), on the importance of ensuring stability and achieving constructive
interaction created by the relevant social environment, taking into account the totality of the needs of all
subjects of interaction for displaced social groups. The research methodology offered by modern
sociological science (interviews, focus group discussions, online surveys, etc.) makes it possible to describe
the features, trends, and main problems of Ukrainian schoolchildren in the context of forced emigration.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Since any migration usually carries a number of problems for both the host community and the displaced
person, in our case, the problem of considering appropriate social and psychological support is relevant, so
in our survey we focused on three relevant practical aspects:
social and psychological adaptation of Ukrainian schoolchildren in the conditions of forced emigration;
the role of the educational environment of the host country in the self-assessment of Ukrainian
schoolchildren's performance in the context of emigration;
the factor of educational practices of Ukrainian schoolchildren in conditions of forced emigration on
planning for the near future.
Considering the factors that influence the new educational environment of Ukrainian students abroad, it
can be argued that more than 70% of respondents used the foreign language knowledge gained in Ukraine,
while about 25% did not use this knowledge for various reasons. The vast majority of students made
significant efforts to master the language of the host country. Overall, over 70% of respondents consider
their studies to be successful. The assessment of the difficulty of studying abroad revealed the following:
66.7% of participants chose an invariant answer (in some ways harder, in others easier); more than 20%
of students believe that it was difficult and very difficult to study; only about 5% of students believe that
it was easy. It can also be stated that the vast majority of respondents, as expected, attributed a difficult
emotional state (55.6%) and a language barrier (22.2%) to the main reasons for the difficulties of studying
abroad. No more than 5% of respondents consider other options important: material conditions, lack of
textbooks, lack of friends, and coincidence of class schedules.
These works confirm the conclusions of the analytical materials on education in the conditions of war by
O. Maksimenko (Maksimenko, 2022) and S. Shevchenko (Shevchenko, 2022) that the socio-educational
problem of pupils and students who are displaced is actualized by latent changes in the minds of students
living in difficult conditions of emigration. It is not without reason that personality orientations in the process
of going abroad are associated with changes in motivational aspects, in particular, the vast majority of
students are in one way or another significantly influenced by the educational and social environment of
the countries of temporary residence. Their desire to continue their school education abroad was firmly
expressed by 27.5% of respondents, 50% are still thinking about it, and only 22.2% of students expect to
return home. About 16.7% of students affirmatively stated their intention to receive professional education
abroad, 38.9% of respondents have a strong desire to do so, and 16.7% are still thinking about this issue.
Less than a third of students (27.8%) are inclined to return to Ukraine to continue their studies at a higher
education institution.
As we can state, most European education systems have responded quickly to new challenges at the state
level: they adopt regulations, send out recommendations and manuals for teachers, solve problems of
informatization of education, provide schools with specific tools and increase the number of teachers. One
of the generally recognized steps is to involve students in the country's educational institutions, which,
according to European educators, speeds up language acquisition, provides access to psychosocial support,
and promotes children's participation in the public life of the country where they live. However, not all
parents of Ukrainian students share this view. Therefore, based on the identified socio-psychological, socio-
pedagogical, and sociological approaches to the problem of education of schoolchildren - forced migrants,
at this stage of the study we can state that important parameters of the sociological study of the state of
education of Ukrainian schoolchildren in these conditions are both subjective characteristics and a number
of external factors - socio-economic, socio-cultural, socio-psychological and technological.
We believe that today the problem of returning students from forced emigration is also actualized by the
fact that Ukrainian society is entering a new historical and social space in the context of an extreme increase
in the pain thresholds of most social strata and the transformation of the worldview of society, which allows
us to attribute the use of sociological methods to study the attitude of Ukrainian students towards the
Natalia Hlebova, Lyudmila Afanasieva, Iryna Bukrieieva, Lyudmila Glyns'ka, Ernest Murtaziiev
Problems of ukrainian school youth in the conditions of forced migration:
Sociological dimensions. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /47-59
foreign educational environment, learning conditions, imperfect informatization of education and actual
problems of adaptation in conditions of forced emigration to the necessary and timely tasks of sociological
5. Conclusions
In this context, our data on the subjective aspects of the social and psychological adaptation of Ukrainian
schoolchildren in the context of forced emigration indicate a generally positive assessment of the
respondents regarding their current school environment. However, more than half of the survey participants
indicate significant problems with their emotional state. Children have their own opinions, and they can be
It is obvious that without qualified professional help, many children will not be able to make an informed
decision and return home safely, where they have experienced so much pain and fear. Therefore, it is
important to set up hotlines in schools, qualified assistance groups, and organize individual meetings both
online and offline to provide students and their parents with advice on the educational aspects of the re-
emigration process.
For children far from their homes, every piece of news, every online lesson, for example, on the history of
Ukraine, the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian art, as well as participation in events to support the Ukrainian
state in its fight against the aggressor, is important.
6. Bibliographic References
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Bezzubko, L., & Topchiy, K. (2020) Educational migration in Ukraine. Galician economic bulletin (Tern.),
65(4), 217-223. (In Ukranian)
Bilenkyi, E.A., & Kozlovets, M.A. (2006). Sociology: a dictionary of terms and concepts. K.: Condor, 372 p.
Charteris, J., & Smardon, D. (2018). A typology of agency in new generation learning environments:
emerging relational, ecological and new material considerations. Pedagogy, Culture & Society,
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Demydenko, O. (2019). Intellectual Migration of Ukrainians at the turn of the XX-XXI Centuries: the
Magnitude and Main Characteristics of the Phenomenon. Modern Historical and Political Issues, 39,
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the country". Economy and the state, 1, 4-10.
Education Ombudsman Serhiy Gorbachev (2022) Will children studying abroad return to Ukraine? URL:
Hlebova, N.I. (2015). Social discourse of studying communicative and adaptive factors of personality
development. Scientific works: scientific and methodical journal. Mykolaiv: Publishing house of the
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