Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Chornomordenko, D., Taran, G., Havronenko, V., Astremska, I., & Parfilova, S. (2023). Innovations in the field of education in the
context of improving the personnel incentive system. Revista Eduweb, 17(3), 195-201.
Innovations in the field of education in the context of
improving the personnel incentive system
Innovaciones en el ámbito educativo en el marco de la mejora del sistema de
incentivos al personal
Dmytro Chornomordenko
Department of Philosophy and International Communication, National University of Life and
Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Ganna Taran
Department of Philosophy, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Vasyl Havronenko
Department of Philosophy, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Iryna Astremska
Department of Psychology, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Svitlana Parfilova
Chair of Preschool and Primary Education, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S.
Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine.
Recibido: 02/04/23
Aceptado: 23/06/23
The article summarizes the trends of change in education as a context for the development of social
innovations and posing the problem of their open management in the interaction of educational
organizations. The concept of "social innovation" is concretized, revealing their essential features and
characteristics, including management features them. The possibility of integrating process, project, system
approaches to the management of social innovations on the basis of their comparative analysis is
substantiated. A pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations in intra-organizational and inter-
organizational network interaction of educational organizations has been developed and its effectiveness
has been tested.
Keywords: pedagogical strategy, education, social innovations, management.
El artículo resume las tendencias de cambio en la educación como contexto para el desarrollo de
innovaciones sociales y plantea el problema de su gestión abierta en la interacción de las organizaciones
Innovations in the field of education in the context of improving the personnel
incentive system. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /195-201
educativas. Se concreta el concepto de “innovación social”, desvelando sus rasgos y características
esenciales, incluidas las características de gestión de las mismas. Se fundamenta la posibilidad de integrar
enfoques de proceso, proyecto, sistema a la gestión de las innovaciones sociales a partir de su análisis
comparativo. Se ha desarrollado una estrategia pedagógica para la gestión de las innovaciones sociales en
la interacción en red intraorganizacional e interorganizacional de las organizaciones educativas y se ha
probado su eficacia.
Palabras clave: estrategia pedagógica, educación, innovaciones sociales, gestión.
1. Introduction
In the most general terms, social innovations are understood as changes in the social sphere (health,
education, politics, social protection and social services, economy) aimed at improving the life of society.
to social innovations include public-private partnerships, social entrepreneurship, open access technologies,
new forms of social interaction, innovations in the field of education and healthcare, improvement of the
personnel incentive system, and continuous education.
Social innovations are an inexhaustible resource that can ensure the development of organizations, the
economy, and the state as a whole. The result of the implementation of social innovation can be an increase
in the efficiency and competitiveness of social entities, organizations, the welfare of society, and a change
in social practices. Conceptual Foundations the need for the development of social innovations and their
management are contained in various strategic documents that influenced education, which, in accordance
with modern trends in globalization, digitalization, networkization, changing the nature of innovations in
the direction of increasing subjectivity requires a change not only in established social and educational
practices, but also in pedagogical strategies for managing them (Giesecke et al., 2020).
Educational organizations of additional education are active nodes of network interactions, initiating and
implementing social innovations due to the interdepartmental nature of activities, less formalization
compared to general education, openness to joint activities with different subjects of education, which
contributes to leveling the deficits of different types of education, the development of educational
organizations and translation the potential of additional education as a resource for the development of the
education system as a whole. However, innovation management strategies not always implemented in
educational organizations take into account the listed opportunities for additional education, which can lead
to stagnation or formalization of innovative activity. An actual direction of modern theoretical and applied
research in the field of social innovations can be called the study of the specifics of their management.
Based on a theoretical review and analysis of existing practice, the following contradictions in the
management of social innovations in education can be identified:
between the orientation of education to subjectivity, humanization, dialogue, change in education
management in the direction of openness, humanitarization and the predominance of administrative
(closed) management in educational organizations;
between the need for network interaction of educational organizations as a space for the development
of social innovations and insufficient development of effective approaches to managing social
between the growing need for the development of social innovations in the additional education of
children and the insufficient development of pedagogical strategies for managing them in the network
interaction of educational organizations of additional and general education (Oeij, Vaas, Torre &
Dhondt, 2011).
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The idea of the study is to substantiate and implement such a pedagogical management strategy that
would be in demand, firstly, by educational organizations as a resource for their development and transition
from spontaneous and local social innovations to systemic and controlled ones; secondly, teaching staff
(agents of change) to ensure their professional growth and self-realization; thirdly, by customers of
educational services as products of social innovations.
2. Literature review
The high potential of the study of social innovation is also evidenced by the growth in the number of
scientific papers devoted to this issue, mainly in sociology, economics, philosophy, while research social
innovations in the pedagogical aspect are not enough. The most famous works on the phenomenon of
social innovation (Caulier-Grice et al., 2021), (Drucker, 1987), (Havas, 2016), (Hazelkorn, 2021),
(Hinterhueber & Levin, 1994). Social innovations in education were investigated (Hochgerner, 2011),
(Howaldt, Koop & Schwarz, 2009), (Miles & Snow, 1992).
One of the promising areas for studying social innovations in the field of education is the study of their
management in the network interaction of educational organizations, since network interaction creates
sources of competitive advantages and space for the development and diffusion of social innovations. In
this regard, social innovations can have a dominant influence on the choice of development strategy for an
educational organization.
Despite the sufficient theoretical study in the pedagogy of network interaction and the practical experience
of its organization as a whole, it is possible to fix the absence in pedagogical science of a systematic
understanding of social innovations (their composition, features, characteristics, management mechanisms,
necessary pedagogical conditions) and, as a result, fragmentary use of the potential of social innovations
in the field of education or their imitation. Imitation always arises as a result of the closed management of
innovations in the conditions of their pushing "from above", which can lead to the stagnation of an
educational organization (Pol & Ville, 2009). Therefore, there was a need to develop a pedagogical strategy
for managing social innovations in the network interaction of educational organizations, which makes it
possible to identify the structure, features, characteristics, necessary pedagogical conditions, mechanisms
for managing social innovations.
3. Aims
The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate, develop and implement a pedagogical strategy
for managing social innovations in the network interaction of educational organizations in the field of
additional and general education.
The object of the research is social innovations in the field of education.
The subject of the research is the management of social innovations in the network interaction of
educational organizations of additional and general education.
4. Materials and methods
Theoretical: analysis of pedagogical, philosophical, sociological, economic literature, legal acts of the
European Union related to the research topic; analysis of the management system for the organization of
additional education, modeling of the pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations in the network
interaction of educational organizations.
Innovations in the field of education in the context of improving the personnel
incentive system. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /195-201
Empirical: reconstruction and analysis of pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, observation,
survey methods (questionnaire, conversation). Methods of statistical processing of the results of
experimental work.
5. Results
Changes in modern education - globalization, digitalization, networkization, changes in the nature of
innovations in the direction of strengthening subjective initiatives - update the study of social innovations
in the field of education and the creation of effective pedagogical strategies for managing them.
Social innovations are a controlled process of changes in social practice, the content of which is the
identification and satisfaction of the social needs of different subjects in education, the organization and
support of motivated network interaction between organizations and personalities of different levels and
their development.
The characteristics of social innovations in the field of education that affect their management are openness
(informational openness, the formal absence of a hierarchy, new forms of social practice), compatibility
(involving different subjects of education in joint innovation activities; close interaction between the
external and internal environment; a network method of organizing an innovative activity), non-linearity
(simultaneous processes that require managerial influence, wide coverage of influence, variability of
interactions, which is the basis for constant changes, "increased fluctuations", the possibility of alternative
development paths and their choice), complexity (complex or multi-level relationships, the possibility of
self-organization through the manifestation of initiatives “from below”, delayed results, multiple effects),
heterogeneity (different educational organizations have experience in different social practices, build
different management structures, form different social capital; different social innovations are at different
stages of the life cycle). These characteristics influence the choice of a pedagogical strategy for managing
social innovations.
The management of social innovations requires an appropriate pedagogical management strategy,
characterized by: a) the priority of choosing an open concept of managing social innovations; b) the
integration of process, project and system approaches to management, due to the need for the
simultaneous implementation of heterogeneous social innovations initiated by different subjects of
education; c) humanism (since the innovation process is aimed at changing the subject of social innovation
- a person) and resourcefulness (due to the fact that initiatives "from below" are considered as a resource
for the development of educational organizations and their network interactions); d) the development of
teachers as subjects of social innovation, which is expressed in a change in the types of their activities from
individual to joint, types of joint action (closed reversed open) and positions of the teacher (resistance
follower agent of change).
The pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations is implemented in intra-organizational and inter-
organizational network interactions of educational organizations of additional and general education of
children. The effectiveness of the pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations is proved by
recorded results: short-term (number of educational products, educational services, new management
structures, interactions) and long-term (dynamics of innovation potential, motivation structures for
innovation, susceptibility to change (Murray, Caulier-Grise & Mulgan, 2012). The humanism and
resourcefulness of the pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations provides a new quality for the
implementation of extracurricular activities and additional general developmental educational programs.
This new quality is manifested in the implementation of individual educational choice, as well as various
forms of individual and joint creative, research and project activities of students, creating a situation of
success for each student.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Scientific results
1. It has been established that the relevance of the development of social innovations in the field of
education, as well as their management, is due to such changes as globalization, digital transformation,
networkization, a change in the nature of innovations in the direction of strengthening subjective
2. It has been proven that social innovations in the field of education, firstly, have such characteristics as
openness, compatibility, non-linearity, heterogeneity, complexity, humanitarianism and
resourcefulness; secondly, they require a humanitarian and resource management strategy; thirdly,
they develop in intra-organizational and inter-organizational network interactions.
3. It is substantiated that the pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations in the network
interaction of educational organizations, firstly, is carried out in the integration of process, project and
system approaches, which allows the development of many heterogeneous subjective initiatives;
secondly, it is implemented mainly in the logic of the concept of open innovation, which affects the
nature of the transformations of social practice in educational organization and changing the type of
its innovative development.
4. A pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations at the level of intra-organizational and inter-
organizational network interactions has been developed and implemented, contributing to the
implementation changes in social and educational practices in organizations of additional and general
Theoretical significance of the study.
1. The concept of social innovation has been clarified as a controlled process of changes in social practice,
the content of which is the identification and satisfaction of the social needs of different subjects in
education, the organization and support of motivated network interaction between organizations and
personalities of different levels and their development. Clarification of the concept of social innovation
made it possible to define the pedagogical strategy for managing them as organizing the actions of
teachers to support, create, develop, implement and diffuse social innovation, carried out in the process
of achieving the development goals of an educational organization.
2. It was revealed that the organization of additional education in its development from closed to open
goes through several stages:
a) functioning, characterized by the implementation of an external order;
b) adaptation of educational products and services to the needs of the clients of the educational
c) individualization of educational products and services in accordance with the needs of different subjects
of education;
d) development of intra-organizational network interactions, characterized by open professional
communications of teachers, active research and project activities;
e) resource integration into existing horizontal, vertical or diagonal network interactions;
f) open joint activity, characterized by the implementation of subjective initiatives of participants in
network interactions.
1. It is proved that modern social innovations are network ones, as they develop in intra-organizational
and inter-organizational network interactions. As they develop, they can create new network
interactions between organizations and individuals in real and virtual environments.
2. The content of the model of the pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations is substantiated,
including the goal, approaches to management, stages, principles, content and mechanisms of
management, types of results (productive, professional, research, institutional), indicators of the
Innovations in the field of education in the context of improving the personnel
incentive system. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /195-201
effectiveness of the development of social innovations - long-term (effects) and short-term (products
and services), measurable quantitatively and qualitatively.
6. Discussion
In the context of the study, it was found that changes in education are the driving force for the development
of social innovation. It is proved that modern social innovations are network ones. It is substantiated that
interorganizational and intraorganizational networks form elements of an ecosystem for the development
of social innovations, and social innovations develop the potential of networks.
The concept of "social innovation" for the education sector has been clarified. The influence of the chosen
concept of social innovation management on the transformation of social practices in educational
organizations is substantiated. A comparative analysis of social innovations in the field of education was
carried out, which made it possible to distinguish their characteristics according to the criterion of content
(openness, compatibility, complexity, heterogeneity) and the criterion of management (openness, non-
linearity, humanitarian and resource management strategies).
Approaches to the management of social innovations - process, project and system, are studied, a
comparative characteristic is presented and their integration potential is revealed to support and develop
social innovations in the field of education.
A pedagogical strategy for managing social innovations in the network interaction of educational institutions
of additional and general education has been developed and implemented as an organization of actions to
support, create, develop, implement and diffusion of social innovation implemented in the process of
achieving the development goals of an educational organization. The priority pedagogical strategies for
managing social innovations include humanitarian and resource strategies for managing social innovations,
implemented in the conditions of openness of education.
7. Conclusions
Thus, the main conditions are a change in the positions of teachers from resisters to followers and agents
of change, a change in the mentoring model, a change in conflict interactions into productive joint activities:
changing pedagogical activity: strengthening the degree of influence of teachers on management,
open professional communication, changing the ways of professional development;
a change in the organization of education: the introduction of distance modules into the content of
educational programs, the creation and implementation of educational products and services
demanded by various subjects of education instead of the formal implementation of a municipal task.
change in management: changing rigid vertical management structures to flexible ones through the
development of project teams.
In interorganizational networking:
change in the management structure (appearance of project teams) and processes (joint
development of goals and objectives, norms of joint activities);
development of the ecosystem through the interaction of various types of actors involved
(educational organizations, charitable foundation, social institution, parents, students, government
The prospects for further research on social innovations in education and their management are seen in
the study of digital ecosystems of social innovations in education, their impact on the personal results of
students and teachers, as well as on the education system in the national and international context.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
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