Larysa Kutsak, Svitlana Zaskalieta, Halyna Hamorak, Liliia Hreniuk, Svitlana Parshuk
Components of professional competence and innovative professional activity of
an hei teacher. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /222-234
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.03.19
Cómo citar:
Kutsak, L., Zaskalieta, S., Hamorak, H., Hreniuk, L., & Parshuk, S. (2023). Components of professional competence and innovative
professional activity of an hei teacher. Revista Eduweb, 17(3), 222-234. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.03.19
Components of professional competence and innovative
professional activity of an hei teacher
Componentes de la competencia profesional y la actividad profesional
innovadora de un docente de IES
Larysa Kutsak
Department of Innovation and Information Technology in Education, PhD, Vinnytsia Mykhailo
Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
Svitlana Zaskalieta
Department of Germanic Philology, Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Halyna Hamorak
Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University,
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine.
Liliia Hreniuk
Department of Special and Inclusive Education, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Kyiv,
Svitlana Parshuk
Department of Primary and Preschool Education, V. O. Sukhomlynckyi Mykolaiv National University,
Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 16/04/23
Aceptado: 21/06/23
The issue of professional competence and innovative activity of teachers in higher education is of great
relevance in the current stage. This significance arises primarily from the evolving perception of teachers
as participants in the educational process. There is a growing perspective that teachers are not solely
dominant in organizing the educational process but rather assume a role akin to that of administrators.
Consequently, the question of professional competence and innovative activity becomes crucial, as the
changing perception of the teacher's role also alters the understanding of the specific qualities required to
effectively engage with students. This study aims to elucidate the constituents of professional competence
and innovative professional activity within the context of higher education teachers. The object of this
research encompasses the components inherent in the professional activity of teachers within higher
educational institutions. study employed various research methods, including description, analysis and
synthesis, comparison, and generalization. This study investigates the essence of the concept of
"competence" and juxtaposes its meaning with that of "professional competence." The elucidation of the
essential nature of professional competence for teachers is conducted. Furthermore, the research
comprehensively analyzes the structural segmentation of a teacher's professional competence into distinct
parts, describes the categorization of competence into groups, and provides a summary of existing
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
classifications on the components of a teacher's professional competence. Simultaneously, this study
examines the concept of "innovative professional activity of teachers in higher education institutions." To
achieve this, the phenomenon is expounded upon through a comprehensive set of interconnected
components that unveil the foundation of innovation in fulfilling the teacher's assigned functions and
responsibilities. Moreover, the origins of a teacher's creativity and the requisite conditions for its
manifestation are also identified. Within this study, the type of a teacher's activity is determined based on
its specific orientation. This categorization enables the identification of essential competencies necessary
for the successful execution of each respective activity. Moreover, the significance of individual components
in facilitating a teacher's professional engagement is indicated. Additionally, a scheme has been constructed
to illustrate the progression of creative thinking development among teachers. This scheme portrays the
sequential stages involved in the formation of creative thinking. Consequently, it can be inferred that a
teacher's creative thinking evolves in logical conjunction with other components, thereby facilitating the
cultivation of their innovative domain.
The abstract describes the main results of the research and defines the sequence of consideration of the
basic issues of the work. Methods such as description, analysis and synthesis, comparison, and
generalization became the methodological basis of the research. They were applied to determine the main
aspects of the work and were used to formulate and implement the tasks of the article. At the same time,
according to the conducted research, competence is a set of qualities that are characteristic of a teacher
and help him to carry out his work. In particular, it is determined that the competencies of a teacher of a
higher education institution are Motivational; Activity; Cognitive; Emotional; Volitional, Their combination
allows the teacher to carry out his activities effectively and with benefit for pupils. At the same time, it was
established that competence is special and general. It was determined that the steps of professional
competence formation are the following stages: Stage 1 - imitation and copying; Stage 2 - creative
imitation; Stage 3 - imitative creativity; Stage 4 - genuine creativity. Each stage involves the teacher's use
of the knowledge acquired at the previous stage and their correct application. Therefore, it was established
that the formation of professional competence is a long-term process that requires considerable knowledge
and effort. The teacher must have experience of behavior in various situations and know the psychology
of students in order to make timely decisions. At the same time, it was established that it is important to
have a harmonious combination of different qualities, which allows you to correctly assess the situation
and present yourself as a professional and at the same time as a person who can teach moral qualities to
Keywords: teacher, higher school, innovative activity, competence, components, professional
El tema de la competencia profesional y la actividad innovadora de los profesores de educación superior es
de gran relevancia en la etapa actual. Este significado se deriva principalmente de la evolución de la
percepción de los docentes como participantes en el proceso educativo. Existe una perspectiva creciente
de que los maestros no solo son dominantes en la organización del proceso educativo, sino que asumen
un papel similar al de los administradores. En consecuencia, el tema de la competencia profesional y la
actividad innovadora se vuelve crucial, ya que las percepciones cambiantes del rol del docente también
alteran la comprensión de las cualidades específicas necesarias para relacionarse efectivamente con los
estudiantes. Este estudio tiene como objetivo dilucidar los constituyentes de la competencia profesional y
la actividad profesional innovadora en el contexto de los profesores de educación superior. El objeto de
esta investigación engloba los componentes inherentes a la actividad profesional de los docentes en
instituciones de educación superior. estudio empleó varios métodos de investigación, incluyendo
descripción, análisis y síntesis, comparación y generalización. Este estudio investiga la esencia del concepto
de "competencia" y yuxtapone su significado con el de "competencia profesional". Se lleva a cabo la
elucidación de la naturaleza esencial de la competencia profesional para los docentes. Además, la
Larysa Kutsak, Svitlana Zaskalieta, Halyna Hamorak, Liliia Hreniuk, Svitlana Parshuk
Components of professional competence and innovative professional activity of
an hei teacher. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /222-234
investigación analiza exhaustivamente la segmentación estructural de la competencia profesional de un
docente en distintas partes, describe la categorización de la competencia en grupos y proporciona un
resumen de las clasificaciones existentes de los componentes de la competencia profesional de un docente.
Simultáneamente, este estudio analiza el concepto de “actividad profesional innovadora de los docentes en
instituciones de educación superior”. Para lograrlo, se expone el fenómeno a través de un conjunto integral
de componentes interconectados que revelan las bases de la innovación en el cumplimiento de los roles y
responsabilidades asignadas al docente. Además, también se identifican los orígenes de la creatividad del
docente y las condiciones necesarias para su manifestación. En este estudio se determina el tipo de
actividad del docente en función de su orientación específica. Esta categorización permite identificar las
competencias esenciales necesarias para la ejecución exitosa de cada una de las respectivas actividades.
Además, se indica la importancia de los componentes individuales para facilitar la participación profesional
del docente. Además, se construyó un esquema para ilustrar la progresión del desarrollo del pensamiento
creativo entre los profesores. Este esquema describe las etapas secuenciales involucradas en la formación
del pensamiento creativo. En consecuencia, se puede inferir que el pensamiento creativo de un docente
evoluciona en conjunción lógica con otros componentes, facilitando así el cultivo de su maestría innovadora.
Palabras clave: docente, educación superior, actividad innovadora, competencia, componentes,
competencia profesional.
1. Introduction
The significance of teachers' professional competence is paramount in today's context, as they hold a
pivotal role in shaping society and fostering the development of youth as active participants in education.
Furthermore, teachers' pedagogical potential enables them to create novel information and pedagogical
resources, thereby optimizing the educational process. It is important to acknowledge that the attainment
of professional competence by teachers necessitates the utilization of competencies that facilitate both the
instructional and nurturing aspects of teaching, as well as the cultivation of principles about higher
education and self-realization.
Given the increasing importance of information and communication technologies, teacher competencies
are intricately linked to emerging learning systems and programs that enable the effective utilization of the
information space. Moreover, the impact of information technologies on the innovativeness of teachers'
activities is noteworthy.
The objective of this study is to elucidate the constituent elements encompassing professional competence
and innovative professional activity within the realm of HEI teachers.
Research objectives. Aligned with the study's purpose, the specific objectives are as follows:
1. To provide clear definitions of the concepts of "competence," "professional competence," and
"innovation activity."
2. To identify and delineate the constituent components comprising a teacher's professional competence.
3. To characterize the nature and attributes of innovative activity within the context of HEI teachers.
Today, the question of the professional competence of a teacher of secondary education is quite relevant,
considering that the requirements for a pedagogue are changing. Today, a teacher is not just a person
who teaches students and imparts knowledge, but a person who presents an educational institution at
various levels. This is due to the fact that teachers are now actively involved in the scientific and cultural
world, as well as in the media space. Therefore, a teacher must possess a significant amount of values and
qualities. In addition, now the teacher must be able to use innovative and interactive technologies in work,
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
have skills in working with computer and presentation equipment, be able to use social networks in
pedagogical activities.
2. Literature review
It is pertinent to note that the exploration of the professional competence of teachers and their involvement
in information activities has been investigated by notable researchers in the field. Scholars such as
L. Anderson (2020), F. Betoret (2020), N. Brahar (2019), M. Golovan (2014), and V. Sayuk (2012), both
domestic and foreign, have contributed significantly to this area of study. Their findings suggest that the
structure of professional competence exhibits diversity and encompasses various components, with
reflection and the psychological and pedagogical aspects being central. Moreover, these scholars argue
that the innovation of teaching practices is closely linked to imagination and creativity.
The scientific investigation conducted by M. Golovan (2014, p. 80) focuses on examining the components
that constitute the professional competence of a university teacher. In her article titled "Professional
competence of a higher education institution teacher," the researcher devotes significant attention to the
various elements comprising teacher competence. Notably, she proposes the identification of the
motivational component as a fundamental aspect, as it plays a crucial role in providing teachers with the
necessary impetus to effectively fulfill their assigned tasks. This component also reflects the intricacies of
a teacher's inner world, as motivation encompasses the presence of certain ideals that can be pursued
through specific goals.
In his scholarly article titled "Professional competence as a basis for the development of a modern teacher
in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education," researcher V. Sayuk (2012, p. 60) elucidates the
essential competencies that teachers should cultivate. These competencies encompass the ability to analyze
pedagogical situations, search for novel information, and comprehend the psychological aspects of
students. Through his research, the scholar substantiates the significance of the design component,
highlighting its capacity to effectively convey knowledge to students.
Significant emphasis is placed on the scholarly contribution of O. Khodarchenko (2020, p. 70) in his work
titled "Content of professional competence of teachers in higher education institutions of I-II accreditation
levels". In this article, the researcher contends that each specialist should possess a distinct set of qualities
commensurate with their functional responsibilities. Khodarchenko identifies that teachers in higher
education institutions of accreditation levels 1-2 should possess competencies that facilitate effective
instructional activities, whereas teachers in institutions of accreditation levels 3-4 should possess
competencies tailored for research endeavors.
The scientific literature on this topic encompasses diverse perspectives on the matter of teacher
competence. The variation in theories arises from different conceptualizations of the term "competence,"
as well as considerations such as the teacher's level, duties and functions, and the accreditation level of
their educational institution.
Nevertheless, despite the existence of research, the understanding of teacher innovation remains limited.
This can be attributed, in part, to the prevailing standardization of modern higher education, which
regrettably hampers the full utilization of a creative approach in educational practices.
3. Methods
The study employed several research methods, including description, analysis and synthesis, comparison,
and generalization. The descriptive method was utilized to present the findings of the research and provide
Components of professional competence and innovative professional activity of
an hei teacher. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /222-234
Larysa Kutsak, Svitlana Zaskalieta, Halyna Hamorak, Liliia Hreniuk, Svitlana Parshuk
their characteristics, facilitating the identification of the study's structural foundation. The analysis and
synthesis method was applied to assess the current state of research on the problem and analyze relevant
scientific literature, enabling the integration of acquired knowledge into a cohesive system. The comparison
method was employed to juxtapose various perspectives from researchers regarding the set of teacher
competencies and elements of their innovative activity. Finally, the generalization method was utilized to
summarize and present the research outcomes.
The method of literary analysis was used for the research. Its essence arises from the fact that the original
base of the research was analyzed and, based on the information obtained, the main approaches to the
competence of the teacher of higher education were identified. The method of content analysis was also
used, during which monitoring of electronic resources dedicated to the issue of teachers' competence was
carried out.
4. Results
In the current era, the topic of higher education holds significant relevance, primarily because the
individuals responsible for delivering education are oriented towards achieving substantial outcomes that
are challenging to attain without the utilization of cutting-edge teaching technologies. Simultaneously, it is
crucial to direct attention toward higher education institutions, whose operations have sparked intense
debates within society. Additionally, it is noteworthy to emphasize that the matter of teachers' professional
competence and their innovative professional activity remains a pressing concern, as there exists
considerable deliberation regarding the essential professional competencies teachers must possess to
effectively execute the educational process.
It is noteworthy that a universally accepted definition of the term "competence" remains elusive in
contemporary discourse. In the majority of scholarly works, competence is interpreted as a collection of
distinct human qualities that, when combined, enable efficient and prompt task-solving (Makarenko, 2020,
p. 8). Additionally, competence reflects an individual's level of acquired knowledge and preparedness to
engage in new activities with a certain proficiency gained through experience. Furthermore, this concept
serves as an evaluative category, as its presence does not guarantee an individual's success in tackling
intricate problems. Consequently, the essential components of competence encompass practical
experience, the ability to apply acquired knowledge, and an awareness of the complexities associated with
the given matter (Zhang, 2020, 25, p. 25).
In light of these considerations, professional competence can be described as a collection of qualities that
enable an individual to effectively tackle intricate problems while demonstrating their acquired knowledge
(Mishchenko, 2016, p. 160). These qualities serve as distinguishing features that allow individuals to
manifest themselves as specialists in their respective fields. It is worth noting that professional competence
varies across different domains, as the requisite qualities for a specialist in one field may differ from those
of a specialist in another. For instance, while knowledge of the law is imperative for a police officer, it may
not be mandatory for a teacher (Khodarchenko, 2020, p. 65).
In summary, the professional competence of a university teacher can be defined as a collection of qualities
enabling them to address intricate practical challenges encountered within the realm of teaching and
educational activities. Traditionally, teacher competencies are categorized into three distinct domains:
Cognitive competence: This pertains to the teacher's knowledge and level of expertise in the subject matter.
Value competence: This encompasses the moral and ethical values embraced by the teacher.
Activity competence: This entails the application of knowledge in practical teaching settings (Jasman, 2020,
p. 28).
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
The essence of a teacher's professional competence is subject to diverse perspectives within scholarly
discourse. Professional competencies enable teachers to achieve more comprehensive self-realization as
specialists. Furthermore, they should demonstrate clear and effective action, even in challenging situations
that may pose personal difficulties. Professional competencies serve as an indicator of a specialist's level of
training and their capacity to effectively address real-world challenges (Wang, 2020, p. 364).
The competencies of a university teacher can be broadly categorized into two groups:
I. General professional competencies: These reflect the qualities necessary to address complex issues within
the field of activity as a whole. General professional skills enable teachers to work effectively with diverse
student groups and resolve conflicts that may arise among them. These competencies primarily encompass
theoretical knowledge and its practical application. Examples of general professional competencies include
psychological and pedagogical skills, information literacy, communication abilities, research aptitude,
managerial proficiency, educational expertise, and presentation skills (Syahrudin, 2013, p. 144).
Considering the contemporary demands, informational competence assumes considerable significance. It
entails the teacher's ability to articulate precise information requests to ensure accurate reflection and to
provide students with access to high-quality, reliable information. Additionally, teachers should possess the
skill to effectively convey essential information using modern technologies (Toshboeva, 2020, p. 6).
II. Job and professional competence encompass the knowledge and skills specific to a teacher's position.
It involves various components, including prognostic, regulatory, control, evaluation, and organizational
aspects. This entails demonstrating professional knowledge and applying acquired information effectively
in practice, while also exhibiting respect for students, maintaining a positive communication style, fostering
a culture of effective communication, and having the motivation and commitment to carry out assigned
tasks in a quality manner. Only the integration of these elements enables teachers to effectively fulfill their
assigned duties (Foliano, 2020, p. 500).
Respect for students emerges as a prominent factor in the execution of professional activities. Teachers
should recognize that students are equal participants in the educational process and deserve to be treated
with respect and understanding. However, it is noteworthy that some teachers struggle with perceiving
students as equals. They may hold the belief that students lacking a certain level of knowledge are not yet
on par with the rest of society, leading to a sense of superiority. This perspective can manifest in the critical
treatment of students, assigning lower grades, and using negative language when referring to them
(Shyshkina et. al., 2023, p. 400).
A classification of teacher competencies can be identified, encompassing various categories:
Special competencies - referring to specific knowledge and expertise in a particular subject or field.
Social competencies - reflecting an understanding of the social aspect of one's personality and the ability
to navigate social contexts effectively.
Personal competencies - involving the expression of individual thoughts and perspectives, characterized by
distinctive personal qualities.
Individual competencies - emphasizing self-development within a specific professional domain or
specialization (Garira, 2020, p. 11).
A classification based on a different principle reveals the following competencies. Specialized competence
- encompasses the knowledge acquired and applied within a specific academic discipline. This competence
Components of professional competence and innovative professional activity of
an hei teacher. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /222-234
Larysa Kutsak, Svitlana Zaskalieta, Halyna Hamorak, Liliia Hreniuk, Svitlana Parshuk
not only demonstrates the teacher's knowledge but also their ability to address complex issues. For
instance, during a class discussion, if conflicts arise among students, the teacher's role is to create an
environment where conflicts can be minimized. One approach is to acknowledge the controversial nature
of the topic and emphasize that there is no single perspective on its solution. The teacher can also express
their own opinion while highlighting that it is not an authoritative position. This approach can help reduce
conflicts among students. For example, when discussing victim behavior, the teacher may indicate that
they have their perspective on whether the victim holds any responsibility) (Betoret, 2020, p. 220).
Methodological competence refers to the teacher's possession of a specific set of methods and knowledge
that can be applied in the educational process. Teachers must stay updated with the latest technologies to
enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their pedagogical work. Furthermore, the ability to apply
acquired knowledge in a high-quality manner during educational activities is of great importance (Proulx,
2020, p. 66).
Psychological and pedagogical competence encompasses the knowledge and skills necessary for a teacher
to effectively carry out their duties. It entails understanding the developmental psychology of students,
including their emotional and psychological states. The teacher must recognize that students are individuals
with their challenges, priorities, and values. They may not always have the same level of enthusiasm for
learning as the teacher desires. Additionally, establishing positive relationships with colleagues and other
researchers is essential. This allows the teacher to present themselves with dignity and effectively express
their perspectives on various matters (Shnejder, 2020 p. 23).
Reflection refers to the significant attention that a teacher devotes to self-analysis and the examination of
their values. They may experience feelings of insignificance regarding their work, doubts about their
knowledge, or occasional setbacks during the teaching process. Such individuals must understand their
motivations for teaching, to ascertain why they are committed to continuing their work with students, and
whether it aligns with their intrinsic motives (Brahar, 2019, p. 5).
In essence, based on the aforementioned components, a teacher is required to possess professional
knowledge, the ability to apply that knowledge effectively, the capacity to collaborate with other teachers
and students, and the aptitude to accurately assess their achievements. The combination of these
components necessitates a solid theoretical foundation and practical experience. For instance, when
confronted with a conflict among students, a teacher can rely on their theoretical knowledge to respond as
a competent educator. Simultaneously, they can draw upon their practical experience to achieve the desired
outcome. For instance, if students engage in an argument during a class, the teacher can use their
theoretical understanding to explain that any form of physical altercation is strictly prohibited on the
university campus. Furthermore, by leveraging their practical knowledge, the teacher can warn the students
that failure to comply may result in lowered grades, potentially leading to academic consequences. Although
this approach may raise ethical concerns, it is often viewed as the most effective strategy by many teachers
(Andersonб 2020, p. 25).
It is noteworthy to mention that researcher M. Golovan has identified the following components of
professional competence:
Volitional (Golovan, 2014, p. 80).
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Accordingly, the first component of professional competence reflects the teacher's attitude toward their
work. This is evident in their interest in education and training activities, their desire for creative fulfillment,
their orientation towards scientific endeavors, their motivation to achieve success, their self-assessment of
performance, and their focus on collaboration with colleagues. At this stage, motivation is often defined as
both a focus on educational activities and a focus on scientific pursuits. In this context, motivation becomes
a factor in choosing between practical teaching activities and engaging in research. The main drivers of
motivation, in this case, include factors such as salary levels, conducive communication conditions, and
opportunities for innovation. When making this choice, individuals believe that this path enables them to
fully realize their potential (Bazeliuk et al., 2021, p. 550).
The innovative professional activity of a higher education teacher can be defined as the "experimental and
research activities conducted by pedagogical staff aimed at the development, experimentation, testing,
implementation, and application of pedagogical innovations" (Kozak, 2012, p. 50). These definitions
emphasize that the innovative professional activity of a higher education teacher is characterized by a
creative approach, idea generation, conducting experimental research, and implementing novel approaches
in pedagogical practice. As such, a teacher can fulfill various roles in this context, including being an author,
developer, researcher, user, and promoter of new pedagogical technologies, theories, and concepts
(Caldwell, 2020, p. 13)
Innovative pedagogical activity encompasses interconnected components, both external and internal. The
external components include the goal, means of achievement, the object of influence, subjects of activity,
and results. The internal components comprise motivation, content, and operations. Similar to any activity,
including pedagogical activities, it serves several functions, namely gnostic, design, constructive,
communicative, and organizational functions (Marchenko, 2016, p. 30).
V. Sayuk has identified the functional components that comprise the structure of a teacher's pedagogical
activity: gnostic, design, constructive, organizational, and communicative components (Sayuk, 2016,
p. 35). These components highlight the specific knowledge and skills that a higher education teacher must
possess. The gnostic component pertains to the teacher's capacity to acquire new knowledge, synthesize
and systematize it in alignment with pedagogical objectives. It involves analyzing pedagogical situations,
engaging in search and heuristic activities, and comprehending the psychological characteristics of
students, as well as the intricacies of the educational process. Additionally, it entails evaluating one's
pedagogical activities and identifying both positive outcomes and areas for improvement.
The design component of the teacher's pedagogical activity encompasses the capacity to identify long-term
and promising goals for education and upbringing, as well as the strategies and methods necessary to
achieve them. The constructive component involves the selection and structuring of educational
information, as well as the teacher's ability to design activities and guide students' educational and cognitive
processes. It also involves monitoring and maintaining a coherent knowledge system. The organizational
component pertains to the teacher's aptitude for organizing both student activities and their instructional
approach. This includes selecting appropriate methods for presenting information, choosing various types
of educational and cognitive activities that align with the system's goals, and effectively managing their
actions and behavior during direct interaction with students. The communicative component entails the
ability to establish meaningful interactions between the teacher and students to achieve pedagogical
objectives. It also involves cultivating pedagogically appropriate relationships and ensuring the overall
effectiveness of the pedagogical activities (Sayuk, 2012, p. 60).
L. Kozak has identified several key characteristics of pedagogical creativity. These include a heightened
level of social and moral consciousness, a thinking style characterized by search and transformation, well-
developed intellectual and logical abilities (such as analysis, justification, explanation, and identification of
essential elements), a propensity for problem-oriented thinking, creative imagination, and a well-cultivated
Components of professional competence and innovative professional activity of
an hei teacher. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /222-234
Larysa Kutsak, Svitlana Zaskalieta, Halyna Hamorak, Liliia Hreniuk, Svitlana Parshuk
imagination. In addition, specific personal qualities play a crucial role, including a genuine fondness for
children, selflessness, courage, willingness to take calculated risks in professional endeavors,
determination, curiosity, independence, perseverance, and enthusiasm. Specific motives also drive
pedagogical creativity, such as the need for self-realization, the desire for recognition, creative interest, a
passion for the creative process and one's work, and the aspiration to achieve maximum effectiveness
within the specific context of one's pedagogical practice. Effective communication skills, self-management
abilities, and a high level of general culture are also integral to pedagogical creativity (Kozak, 2012, p. 55).
Accordingly, the development of creativity, defined as the ability to generate new ideas and solutions,
follows a progression from imitation to independent creation. Initially, individuals imitate experiences,
concepts, ideas, individual techniques, forms, and methods as they acquire knowledge and skills. However,
over time, the imitative component gradually decreases, giving way to more original and innovative
approaches (Skiba, 2014, p. 165). This developmental process can be illustrated schematically through the
following stages: Stage 1 - imitation and copying; Stage 2 - creative imitation; Stage 3 - imitative creativity;
Stage 4 - genuine creativity. Please refer to Figure 1 for a visual representation of the stages in the
formation of a teacher's creativity.
Figure. 1.
Stages in the formation of a teacher's creativity.
The researcher M. Kunter has identified three sources that contribute to pedagogical creativity. The first
source is the social demand for high-quality knowledge, skills, and abilities of students, as well as the
comprehensive and harmonious development of their personalities. The second source is the practical
activities within the educational domain, where success relies on pedagogical findings and discoveries. This
encompasses the realm of initial pedagogical breakthroughs and inventions. The third source of pedagogical
creativity is the study of the pedagogical process itself, including its content, forms, and methods. This
involves theoretical and experimental endeavors that lead to discoveries, the exploration of best practices,
and the development of scientific conclusions (Kunter, 2023, p. 805).
Depending on the implementation of research activity in practical teaching, a teacher can assume two
roles: that of a practicing teacher who modernizes their didactic system through research activity, or that
of a research teacher who develops new models of pedagogical activity through experimental activity,
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
testing theoretically developed pedagogical technologies in innovative activity. The research activity of a
teacher follows the main stages of scientific and pedagogical research, with the core being the experiment.
The level of research is determined by the extent to which it is evidence-based, well-reasoned, and results
in a technologically advanced and replicable outcome. If a teacher chooses the path of pedagogical
experimentation, they need to acquire proficiency in the methodology of scientific research, which serves
as a tool for designing and analyzing pedagogical actions. In each study, it is essential to identify the
optimal sequence of search steps based on the nature of the problem, goals, subject, specific research
material, research opportunities, and other relevant factors (Ji, 2023, p. 95).
All components of the innovative professional activity of a teacher are interrelated, and the successful
completion of each stage contributes to the effective implementation of innovations.
Based on the above, we can present our perspective on the competencies of a university teacher. The first
competence is the ability to conduct effective research. A modern teacher should possess the skills to locate
the necessary information within a specific timeframe, utilizing various tools available to them. This
competence is particularly crucial due to the vast amount of readily available information. Hence, the
teacher must be adept at finding relevant materials and utilizing them appropriately. Moreover, in situations
where access to certain resources is restricted, such as during emergencies or under specific circumstances,
the teacher must demonstrate the ability to leverage alternative resources effectively.
The second competence is interactive engagement. A teacher should possess the ability to present the
material in an engaging, accessible, and visually appealing manner, which serves as an indicator of their
cultural and intellectual development. Furthermore, interactivity facilitates optimal student involvement in
the educational process. Active participation in learning fosters student interest in achieving high academic
performance, a commitment to enhancing their knowledge, and the ability to grasp the material swiftly and
convey their understanding to the teacher. Additionally, the teacher should demonstrate adaptability and
proficiency in utilizing the latest technologies.
The third competence is pedagogical expertise. A university professor should possess a diverse repertoire
of contemporary teaching tools and employ effective pedagogical techniques. Simultaneously, they should
serve as authority figures for students and utilize their leadership position to evoke respect. This
competence holds significant importance as being vested with the role of a teacher, the individual must
consistently reaffirm their credibility and expertise.
The fourth competency is psychological aptitude. A teacher must possess the ability to work effectively in
diverse educational and learning environments, utilizing their personal qualities solely to foster a positive
perception of education. Additionally, they should be skilled in conflict resolution, teaching students to
respect one another and the teacher as a whole.
These competencies are rooted in the teacher's innovative activity. They should be cognizant of both their
traditional role in educational activities and the contemporary one, as these competencies encompass skills
that are characteristic of teachers in a timeless dimension and those that are relevant in the present context.
This highlights the significance of exploring the professional competence of teachers as a promising
research area, particularly in light of their innovative endeavors in the current stage.
Thus, the issue of teacher competence remains a subject of debate. However, it can be argued that the
main aspects of competence have been structured and clarified. Nonetheless, different classifications
present varying scopes of competencies and their components. For instance, researcher O. Khodarchenko
proposes a division of competency sets for teachers in higher education institutions with accreditation levels
Components of professional competence and innovative professional activity of
an hei teacher. - Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /222-234
Larysa Kutsak, Svitlana Zaskalieta, Halyna Hamorak, Liliia Hreniuk, Svitlana Parshuk
of 1-2 and 3-4. On one hand, this division seems justified, considering that teachers at different levels of
institutions bear distinct functional responsibilities, thus requiring different sets of competencies. However,
it is important to note that teachers may assume additional functional responsibilities, hold multiple
positions, or transition between teaching institutions while still having similar obligations. In such cases,
this differentiation may not be suitable or appropriate.
It is noteworthy to mention the research conducted by scholar M. Kunter, where she highlights three
sources of teacher innovation. However, in the current context, I believe that a fourth source can also be
identified, which is the level of information in Ukraine. The extent of access to new technologies significantly
influences the implementation of innovative activities. Moreover, the advancement of information and
communication technologies determines the teacher's level of creativity and ability to present material in a
creative and accessible manner.
Regarding the stages of innovativeness formation, as outlined by researcher Yu. Skiba, certain questions
arise. In my perspective, I propose combining the stages of imitation and creative imitation into a single
stage, as they serve a similar purpose. Specifically, during imitation, the teacher already engages in the
creative reevaluation of the material and attempts to convey it following the learning environment's
Therefore, the relationship between problematic issues of professional competence and the practical aspect
of implementing this issue is unclear. Thus, the professional competence of a teacher of higher education
should correspond to his educational and educational goals. On the other hand, it is difficult to attract a
teacher who is knowledgeable in many areas and possesses a large amount of information. The reason for
this is primarily the construction of training programs for specialists. So it is difficult to talk about certain
competencies here.
5. Conclusions
Hence, the professional competence of a teacher encompasses a comprehensive set of knowledge and
qualities necessary for their teaching role. Specifically, university teachers should possess a broader range
of competencies since they interact with diverse groups of educational stakeholders. It is essential to
emphasize that a teacher's innovative activity plays a pivotal role in their active engagement and
contribution to the educational system of the state. A teacher's creativity enables them to present
educational materials in a comprehensive and high-quality manner, thereby enhancing the overall learning
The article aims to explore the concept of "competence" and its relevance in the professional context. It
asserts that professional competence encompasses a collection of inherent qualities and traits specific to
individuals in their respective fields of expertise. Furthermore, the professional competence of a teacher is
contingent upon the extent of their responsibilities and their accountability to the participants involved in
the educational process.
The literature related to the research topic is thoroughly examined, revealing the existence of divergent
viewpoints regarding the relationship between a teacher's professional competence and innovation. These
conflicting perspectives arise from various studies that have identified distinct components of professional
competence, different sources of innovation, and diverse sets of teacher qualities depending on the level
of the higher education institution (HEI).
The findings of the study are synthesized, indicating that a teacher's competence encompasses various
aspects. It is asserted that teachers should possess information retrieval skills, be adept at utilizing cutting-
edge technologies, effectively disseminate knowledge to students, exhibit conflict resolution abilities, and
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
demonstrate an understanding of student psychology. Notably, innovation is recognized as a distinct
component of competence, highlighting the capacity to approach tasks in a creative and inventive manner.
A comparative analysis of scientific perspectives on the topic is conducted. It is noteworthy that this
comparison has facilitated the identification of both converging and diverging viewpoints about teacher
competence. While there is a considerable degree of consensus regarding the composition of competencies,
differences arise concerning the nature of innovation activities.
Based on the findings of the study, it is evident that the issue of translating teacher competencies into
practical implementation will continue to be explored. The contemporary teacher is required to possess the
adaptability to efficiently organize the educational process. However, it is crucial to consider the feasibility
of acquiring all the requisite competencies in times of conflict and under challenging security conditions.
Furthermore, the innovative endeavors of teachers within the framework of globalization and integration
may also emerge as a novel research area. Consequently, it is noteworthy that the topics hig organize
references in alphabetical order hlighted in this paper retain their relevance and are poised to serve as
foundations for future investigations.
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