Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Palshkova, I., Bidyuk, D., Balalaieva, O., Shynkaruk, O., & Karhut, V. (2023). The use of digital resources in the education system of
foreign countries. Revista Eduweb, 17(3), 245-256.
The use of digital resources in the education system of
foreign countries
El uso de los recursos digitales en el sistema educativo de países extranjeros
Iryna Palshkova
ResearcherID: DLZ-3006-2022
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Technologies of Primary
Education, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky, Ukraine.
Dmytro Bidyuk
ResearcherID: HWY-4848-2023
Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer, Public Organization “Dance Studio “Imperial”, Ukraine.
Olena Balalaieva
ResearcherID: H-8629-2018
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Linguistic
Communication, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Oleksandra Shynkaruk
ResearcherID: FZS-8389-2022
Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and
International Communication, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Volodymyr Karhut
ResearcherID: IUQ-7922-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Full-time Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of
Computer and Software Engineering, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Ukraine.
Recibido: 11/04/23
Aceptado: 16/06/23
The article examines digital learning technologies, shows the effectiveness of information technologies,
introduces the aspects of digitalization of the educational space, analyzes the current state of the use of
information technologies in the conditions of digitalization of education. The main goal of digital education
is the high-quality and modern preparation of students for their effective participation in professional and
social life in the conditions of the information society. The article examines the importance of the concept
of digitalization of educational resources is substantiated based on the study of the experience of different
countries. Leading features of digital education are proposed: anticipatory nature, quality, flexibility,
accessibility, creativity. The leading principles are highlighted and the features of digital education are
clarified. The possibilities of digitalization of educational resources in the education system of foreign
countries characterized by openness are analyzed. Digitization of educational resources in the education
system in foreign countries provides cultural and linguistic education for those seeking education, promotes
The use of digital resources in the education system of foreign countries. - Eduweb,
2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /245-256
the development of informational and communicative competence, provides greater opportunities for
quality education and employment of citizens. The leading principles of digitization of educational resources
in the education system are defined.
Keywords: digitalization, educational resources, education system, foreign countries, open education.
El artículo examina las tecnologías de aprendizaje digital, muestra la eficacia de las tecnologías de la
información, introduce los aspectos de la digitalización del espacio educativo, analiza el estado actual del
uso de las tecnologías de la información en las condiciones de digitalización de la educación. El objetivo
principal de la educación digital es la preparación moderna y de alta calidad de los estudiantes para su
participación efectiva en la vida profesional y social en las condiciones de la sociedad de la información. El
artículo examina la importancia del concepto de digitalización de los recursos educativos que se fundamenta
a partir del estudio de la experiencia de diferentes países. Se proponen las principales características de la
educación digital: carácter anticipatorio, calidad, flexibilidad, accesibilidad, creatividad. Se destacan los
principios rectores y se aclaran las características de la educación digital. Se analizan las posibilidades de
digitalización de los recursos educativos en el sistema educativo de países extranjeros caracterizados por
la apertura. La digitalización de los recursos educativos en el sistema educativo en países extranjeros brinda
educación cultural y lingüística para quienes buscan educación, promueve el desarrollo de la competencia
informacional y comunicativa, brinda mayores oportunidades para una educación de calidad y empleo de
los ciudadanos. Se definen los principios rectores de la digitalización de los recursos educativos en el
sistema educativo.
Palabras clave: digitalización, recursos educativos, sistema educativo, países extranjeros, educación
1. Introduction
In the 21st century, we observe a set of features inherent in society. The most important of them are the
introduction of information and communication technologies into the educational sector; globalization of
economy, culture, politics, education; increase in network forms of communication, etc. The most popular
in modern society is the development of open education, which promotes lifelong learning.
Informatization of society is aimed at solving a significant number of important tasks. The main task is the
implementation of digitalization of educational resources in the education system both at the global level
and in individual countries. The implementation of digitization of educational resources in the education
system contributes to the organization of quality education using digital technologies and inspires and
motivates students to eliminate technical problems, and this is a difficult task. Therefore, in today's
conditions, the implementation of the digitization of educational resources in the education system, open
education, acquired foreign experience in the use of distance learning methods, information and
communication technologies, the acquisition of professional competencies, abilities, skills of the future
specialist acquire special significance (Osadchuk, 2022).
The main goal of the digitalization of educational resources in the system of training and open education
is to prepare students for high-quality and constructive participation in professional and social life in the
conditions of the informatization of society. It is open education in the education system during the
implementation of digitalization of educational resources that provides an opportunity to expand the
educational opportunities of a person and contributes to the creation of a qualitatively new level of unity
and openness of the educational system at all levels, in particular, in all types and varieties of external (the
connection between the state and society, as well as specific educational institutions and the education
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
system as a whole) and internal communications (communication between the administration of the
educational institution and the teacher and the student of education; students of education; teachers;
teacher and student of education) (Leshchenko & Yatsyshyn, 2014).
2. Literature Review
The problem of digitalization is especially relevant for researchers in the field of pedagogical sciences, since
the results of their research are the theoretical and methodological basis for teaching and educating citizens
of a new generation in fundamentally new conditions of digital transformation of social development and
digitalization. national education.
In the modern scientific discourse, the attention of scientists to problems related to the development of IT
education is constantly growing, in particular A. Yatsyshyn, T. Vdovychyn (2013) and M. Leshchenko and
A. Yatsyshin (2014) analyzed normative documents, pointing out the need application of digitization of
educational resources in education systems and implementation of open education technologies for quality
training of future specialists in educational institutions; outlined the problems of the development of the
digital education system and suggested the possibilities of their elimination during the digitization of
educational resources in the education system. The openness of education is presented as a process of
cyclical improvement of a person's professional and intellectual appearance during his life. N. Voronova
(2019) showed the advantage of digital educational resources that work on any digital device. The author's
study of the experience of foreign countries proved the possibilities of forming, improving and developing
the digital educational environment of the future generation, showed the possibilities of digitalization of
educational resources in the education system.
T. Oliinyk, V. Borisov, A. Guba, I. Denysenko, A. Sokolova (2019) substantiated the possibilities of influence
of digital educational resources and described the features of the application of digital innovations of the
new generation. They showed the importance of digitization of educational resources in the education
system and developed a digital literacy course for teachers that meets the civilizational challenges of a
sustainable society.
M. Zheludenko and S. Hryniuk (2020) singled out priority educational positions: global and necessary use
of digital technologies for learning and teaching; support and assistance of state authorities at all levels
and the state in the implementation of digitalization of educational resources in the education system,
proposed principles of digital education.
As noted by the above-mentioned authors, informatization significantly affected the process of acquiring
knowledge. Digital learning technologies make it possible to intensify the educational process, increase the
speed of perception, understanding and the depth of assimilation of huge masses of knowledge.
The use of computers in education, according to many scientists, will make it possible to qualitatively
change the methods and organizational forms of education, which, in turn, will create prerequisites for the
maximum intensification and individualization of the education process. In particular, in the article,
A. Gurzhii, O. Glazunova, and T. Voloshina (2021) analyzed the possibilities of digitalization of educational
resources in the education system, clarified the concept of open education, identified the characteristic
features of various types of digital educational content, which are necessary when used in open educational
systems universities, substantiated mixed and distance learning in institutions of higher education and the
possibility of using electronic educational resources for the educational process. And the authors E. Ivashev,
O. Sakhno, V. Hryadushcha, A. Denisova, A. Lukiyanchuk, S. Udovik (2021) presented the conceptual
aspects of the study of the essence of digitization of educational resources in the education system of
foreign countries and revealed their role in the development of education.
The use of digital resources in the education system of foreign countries. - Eduweb,
2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /245-256
We would like to emphasize that the article by O. Germak (2022) considered the digitization of educational
resources in the education system, showed ways of using digital learning technologies, showed the need
and proved the effectiveness of information technologies in the educational space, the possibilities of using
electronic educational resources, showed mobility in the application of information technologies in the
conditions of digitization of education in modern society. And V. Osadchuk (2022) analyzed the
phenomenon of digitalization of educational resources in the education system, showed the possibilities of
open education, analyzed its weaknesses and strengths.
According to these scientists, the introduction of digital tools into the educational process expanded the
theory and methodology of education through the use of new didactic tools. The main directions of using
digital resources in the educational process are: development of methodical and didactic materials
(presentations, images, animation, etc.); management of the educational process of the higher school;
targeted search for educational information on the Internet; conducting an experiment with the help of
computer models, mathematical processing of the results of the experiment; organization of students'
intellectual leisure; development of educational web-resources (distance learning, massive online courses);
development and implementation of pedagogical software tools.
Scientists note that the use of digital technologies allows to significantly increase the effectiveness of the
educational process, develops the creative orientation of students' cognitive activity, provides objective
self-control and self-checking of the acquired knowledge, helps in the formation of relevant professional
competencies and personal qualities.
Despite the significant scientific development in the field of research devoted to various aspects of the
development of IT education, the following are still relevant: generalization of the historical experience of
the development of domestic IT education during the time of its independence, scientific analysis of
problems, trends and prospects for the development of this educational field in the conditions of the post-
war recovery of the economy and reforming the education system, clarifying its place and role in the world
market of the IT industry.
However, research conducted to solve theoretical and practical issues regarding the use of modern digital
technologies in the educational process does not fully reveal all aspects of the construction and use of an
electronic educational environment for the training of future specialists. Theoretical analysis of scientific
works of leading scientists in the field of education, study of the experience of using digital technologies in
education. The analysis of the training of future specialists in information technologies in universities shows
that pedagogical conditions that would contribute to the improvement of the quality of the provision of
educational services, as a result, to the improvement of the quality of professional education based on
modern achievements of digital technologies, along with the existing achievements, require additional
scientific research both in theoretical, and in practical aspects.
The purpose of the article. Consider digital learning technologies, highlight the aspects of digitalization
of the educational process, show the possibilities of using electronic educational resources, and show the
application of information technologies in the conditions of digitalization of education in foreign countries.
3. Methodology
A complex of methods was used for the conducted research, in particular:
theoretical: analysis, synthesis, comparison of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical scientific
sources; terminological analysis to determine the historical origins of the digitalization of educational
resources in the education system; historical and pedagogical analysis to determine the period of
digitalization of educational resources in the education system in the process of informatization of the
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
educational space, comparative analysis of the development of digitalization of educational resources
in the education system of foreign countries and the introduction of industry innovations in the
educational process of students of education in universities of foreign countries to identify and
generalize the trends of promotion quality training of specialists;
empirical: pedagogical observation of digitization of educational resources in the education system;
conducting problem-based training to check the effectiveness of the digitalization of educational
resources in the educational process.
The study is based on the premise that the high-quality training of specialists in higher education institutions
requires the generalization of promising foreign experience, the definition of the organizational structure
of the digitalization of educational resources in the education system, and the content of the training of
future specialists, taking into account modern trends in the development of innovations in education, which
makes it possible to promote the formation of professional competence of specialists in terms of European
integration of educational processes, modernization changes in foreign universities, further successful
professional activity of specialists and their adaptation to the labor market. The study involves effective
implementation and ensuring the unity of methodological, theoretical, and technological concepts.
4. Results and Discussion
In the conditions of the dynamic development of knowledge communities and digital society in the 21st
century, an important task of a higher school teacher is to create during professional training the conditions
of such a didactic environment that stimulates intellectual progress of students, contributes to the formation
of various ways of their thinking, provides conditions for self-directed and interactive heuristically contextual
learning. Great opportunities for this are present in modern times electronic educational resources of
different countries of the world, creating an educational environment using information and communication
Digitization of educational resources in the higher education system should accelerate the transformation
of higher education institutions into new types of institutions:
digital universities (digital universities);
borderless networks of universities.
When digitalizing educational resources in the education system, it is important to understand the
importance of design tasks and their application in today's education, the development of the educational,
informational, and scientific environment of a higher education institution, the degree to which all
participants in the education process possess digital competencies (Babaev et al., 2019). The readiness of
higher education institutions for the digitization of educational resources in the education system is
determined by the level of digital maturity of both teachers and students and is manifested due to the ratio
of investments and management of IT infrastructure to change management. Digitization of educational
resources in the education system (in contrast to informatization) involves the creation of new educational
services and modern forms of interaction to realize the potential of education seekers, modernizing
educational business processes, ensuring targeted development of the state, institution, and economy
(Building digital capability, 2023).
If the digitization of educational resources in the education system is carried out both at the global level
and at the level of a specific educational institution, then it is necessary to use the development of a
comprehensive solution based on the Deming-Shewhart principle (English. «Plan-Do-Check-Act») and a
systemic approach by involving experts from among IT specialists, creating educational policy, pedagogical
designers and system analysts (Barna & Kuzminska, 2020).
The use of digital resources in the education system of foreign countries. - Eduweb,
2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /245-256
The educational process for training specialists can be diversified by introducing the digitalization of
educational resources in the education system using the latest means of open education technology. Today,
education lags behind digitalization, which suggests the need to make efforts to use the strengths and tools
of new technologies.
Let's pay attention to the formulation of megatrends that will affect higher education during the next ten
years, proposed by specialists of the Studyportals International platform, which involves 3,750 world
universities and national institutes (Choudaha & Van Rest, 2018).
ongoing changes in the labor market: the introduction of digitization of educational resources in the
training system affects the global workforce;
the mismatch of skills: mismatch between the employer's needs and what today's education offers;
stricter immigration policy: more barriers to the digitalization of educational resources in the education
system for mobility to those countries with a high level of income;
changes in the economy: the dependence of the growth of economic prospects on the markets, which
have constant development with the help of the introduction of digitalization of resources in the
educational system;
power imbalance: demand in developing economies versus supply in developed economies;
budgetary pressure: the reduction of state funding affects higher education (EU business, 2021).
Such analyzed megatrends exert a permanent influence on the educational sphere:
an increase in people, 332 million students by 2030, who are not just involved in higher education, but
also implement the digitization of educational resources in the lifelong learning system (we observe an
increase of 56% compared to 2015);
ensuring qualitative changes like the demand: implementation of digitization of educational resources
in the lifelong learning system; implementation of blended learning or online education; improvement
of educational programs; when monitoring the quality of education, there is a focus on results in
professional activity; consolidation, specialization of institutions.
There is a trend towards neo-industrialization, there is development, renewal, application of IT
technologies, and digitalization of educational resources in the education system is necessary. Such
problems will change professions and highlight the most in-demand professions in the next 5-10 years.
According to world experts who published their proposals in Forbes, BBC, Trade Schools Colleges, and
experts of the research group "Digitale Transformation" of the Research Institute for Future Labor Relations
in Bonn, the most needed specialists will be able to implement new technologies and a new technique,
design, apply digitization of educational resources in the education system taking into account the
challenges of the future, as well as professions related to ensuring human health and life. Such trends set
the goal: together with the acquisition of IT skills, strengthening the training of future specialists with the
mandatory introduction of digitization of educational resources in the education system (Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine, 2020).
The main goal of the digitization of educational resources in the education system is to prepare students
for effective, full-fledged participation in the professional and social life of a person in the conditions of the
information society.
The leading signs of digitization of educational resources in the system of training and open education are
anticipatory nature, quality, flexibility, accessibility, and creativity (Korzhilova, 2014).
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
With such a systematic approach, the educational process becomes creative, interesting, and open, while
there is freedom of choice, the possibility of providing free access to information resources, an individualized
approach, and conditions for creative joint improvement of the world.
Since the digitization of educational resources in the education system provides continuous learning
throughout life, changes are taking place in the relationships of participants in the educational process,
accessibility, and efficiency in obtaining knowledge are observed.
Successful experience, the latest methods and innovative approaches in the educational process, as well
as specific solutions for the digitization of educational resources in the education system, are being actively
implemented in many countries and regions (Bykov, 2021).
The concept of digitization of educational resources in the education system aims to create such a model
of "digital university", which will make it possible for the university to become a powerful digital institution
of higher education, which will rely on educational platforms, show the flexibility of digital technologies,
and will be able to implement interdisciplinary programs for the purpose of quality education. A necessary
condition for the development of the concept of digitalization of educational resources in the education
system is the digitalization of the educational process with the possibility of creating a single international
digital educational system that will ensure the effectiveness of education and increase the leadership
positions of future specialists. Such a concept sets itself the task of:
improving the quality of education with the use of digital technologies;
providing the material base of the educational institution with modern digital technologies;
introduction of electronic document management into the system of educational institutions with
mandatory use of cloud technologies;
ensuring the appropriate level of digital competence of teachers and students;
ensuring cyber security (web services, e-learning).
The concept of digitalization of educational resources is aimed at ensuring accessibility to everyone, it is
an innovative system of obtaining education, without regularization of periodicity, analysis of its educational
environment, time allocated for studying a separate subject, a program that promotes the development of
skills and knowledge, their monitoring and transfer when using informational, pedagogical technologies,
distance learning (Toru & Vijaya, 2009).
The leading principles of digitization of educational resources in the education system include the following
activity (organization of the educational process as whole, educational materials for the courses are
built around the individual main educational activity of the student and motivate him to further
development during his studies);
interactivity (interaction with other students and teachers under different educational conditions);
individualization (expressed in the monitoring of the student's knowledge from the beginning of studies,
in the implementation of control: incoming and current);
regularity (first planning takes place, then monitoring of the educational process depending on the
student's capabilities and needs.
And then the system's ability to show flexibility and openness occurs. Openness to a person, society, and
the whole world - three provisions that are fundamental and to the greatest extent characterize open
education in the second half of the last century. To the implementation of these provisions, one can add
an educational environment that is necessary and accessible to all segments of the global population, based
on the implementation of digitalization of educational resources in the education system. Today, open
The use of digital resources in the education system of foreign countries. - Eduweb,
2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /245-256
universities are preferred over traditional ones. The positives are the quick transfer of information and the
possibility of engaging more advanced, new, innovative means of implementing education (Osadchuk,
The use of ICT provided a new development for the introduction of digitalization of educational resources
in the education system, open education systems, enabling the implementation of an individual approach
to education in the educational space, while the basic principles of the philosophy of existentialism are: the
principle of democracy, the principle of freedom, the principle of flexibility.
According to the published results of the World Economic Forum on the development of digitalization of
educational resources in the education system in various countries, Sweden took first place in the ranking
according to the index of network readiness, which shows a high level of development of the Swedish open
education system (Dutta & Beñat, 2012). Sweden has maintained this leadership position in the introduction
of the digitalization of educational resources into the education system, and the use of ICT technologies in
various spheres of society for many years (Leshchenko, 2013).
Along with the concepts of "digitalization of educational resources" and "open education", we find the
concept of "open access": this is unlimited access to educational materials and scientific publications using
computer technologies, in particular the Internet.
Now a consortium of colleges has been established in the USA, which aims to unite various educational
organizations, universities, and institutions at the national and regional level, the League of Innovations in
university education, the Consortium of Open Learning, etc. The goal of such an association is the
introduction of digitalization of educational resources into the education system, the development of open
educational resources, open courses, and educational programs to ensure the possibility of wide access to
education and the possibility of improving learning and teaching throughout a person's life (CCCOER, 2023).
In Europe, many organizations have been created that intensify open education: in September 2013, the
European Commission for the Development of Open Education launched the project "Open educational
resources in Europe", developing possible scenarios for the development of open education until 2030.
(Castano Munoz et al., 2023). The project covers the following educational areas: secondary education,
higher education, and continuing education.
Having studied and taken into account the experience of foreign countries when constructing the concept
of digitization of educational resources and using the analysis of the results of the conducted research, we
will outline the directions for the implementation of the elements of open education, which are promising
(Bykov, 2008; Vdovichin, 2013) in particular:
the possibility of active use of elements of open education in distance education and lifelong education;
the introduction of digitization of educational resources in the education system, information and
communication technologies make it possible to simulate a certain educational situation in the short
term, to visually demonstrate all the positive results of the educational space;
facilitating the access of materials of electronic publications to a greater number of educational
projects: methodical materials for educational space seekers, teachers, and students; cheaper digital
textbook formats can be found freely available.
In this way, a higher level of transparency in the system is ensured through the introduction of digitalization
of educational resources into the education system, and this leads to higher and higher quality indicators
(Leshchenko & Yatsyshyn, 2014).
The experience of foreign countries in the digitalization of educational resources is powerful, which is
important for study and implementation. Let's open it. For the development of open education systems,
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 3. Julio-septiembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. ISSN: 1856-7576
the introduction of digitization of educational resources in the education system, the developed countries
of the world with powerful economies attach primary importance to information technologies, in particular
distance education, and the development of open education systems. This approach is due to the following
factors (Ovcharuk, 2006):
the creation of new opportunities for the development of digitization of educational resources in the
education system, pedagogical technologies, and the content of education;
expansion of access opportunities for all strata of the population to all levels of education, especially
for those who, due to lack of physical capabilities or financial difficulties, remoteness from large cities,
professional employment, etc., cannot study according to traditional forms in institutions of higher
the creation of conditions for the possible implementation of the concept of lifelong learning;
the creation of conditions for the implementation of digitization of educational resources in the training
system for personal training (Zdioruk et al., 2011).
In 2007, the Cape Town Open Education Declaration (2007) was adopted ("Opening the future to open
educational resources"), which noted that "the open education movement ... is based on the principles that
everyone should be free to use, adapt, improve, and distribute openly licensed educational materials,
textbooks, software, and other materials that support teaching and learning without reservation and
develop a culture of learning, creation, promote exchange and cooperation in a rapidly changing society of
The 21st century is characterized by the development of digitalization of educational resources in the
education system and free access to information that is free. These positions are a guarantee for the further
development of education, the entire society, and science, and provide opportunities for integration into
the world community. For all students of education, "Open Access" is free online access to monographs,
scientific articles, dissertations, and other scientific literature located on the Internet space and everyone
has the right to download material, read any literature, copy articles, search methodical material for
professional growth, etc. We see opportunities in this approach: the use of any literature for any legitimate
purpose without technical, financial, or legal obstacles (Tkachenko, 2012), free online access to scientific
information, free use for education, research, and other legitimate purposes of such resources (Yatsyshyn
& Vdovychyn, 2013).
Considerable attention is paid to the development of the digitalization of educational resources in the
education system, and the introduction of media education for teachers in the following countries: Slovakia,
Hungary, the Czech Republic, and the USA. The strategy of professional development of teachers has been
replaced by modern information and communication technologies and the constant development of
digitalization of educational resources in the education system. This approach made it possible to apply
innovative elements in the continuous education of teaching staff: new network and information services.
Digital resources, and network libraries, which are actively used by teachers of different countries, acquire
a general cultural character, and resource systems of an educational nature for various purposes are formed
from them. In the process of self-education of all segments of the population, teachers use services for
large-scale information analysis, presentation of knowledge in tabular form, and presentations. The
availability of such information and communication capabilities, and the development of digitalization of
educational resources in the education system contribute to the formation of new pedagogical network
communities (Dyachenko et al., 2016).
5. Conclusions
The main goal of the development of digitalization of educational resources in the system of training, and
digital education is to prepare students for effective, full-fledged, innovative participation in the conditions
The use of digital resources in the education system of foreign countries. - Eduweb,
2023, julio-septiembre, v.17, n.3. /245-256
of the information society in professional and social life. Digital education, the development of digitization
of educational resources in the education system ensures constant changes like relations between
participants in educational activities, the continuity of human learning throughout life, and provides
opportunities for effective and accessible knowledge acquisition.
Digital learning technologies are considered, the aspects of digitalization of the educational process are
highlighted, the effectiveness of information technologies, the possibilities of using electronic educational
resources are shown, and the current state of the use of information technologies in the conditions of
digitalization of education is analyzed.
The importance of the concept of digitalization of educational resources is substantiated based on the study
of the experience of different countries. The main goal of digital education, the development of digitalization
of educational resources in the education system is high-quality innovative training of students in the
conditions of the information society for full and effective participation in professional and social life.
Developed education systems in the world (Sweden, USA, Great Britain, Slovakia, PRC, Czech Republic,
Vietnam, Hungary) are analyzed, which are characterized by the development of digitalization of
educational resources in the education system, openness, which ensures the development of informational
and communicative competence, cultural and linguistic education, training and employment of all citizens.
It is expedient to direct the following studies to the study of issues of both a methodological and a
methodical nature regarding the cyclical renewal of a person's professional and intellectual appearance
throughout his life.
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