Tetiana Hura, Kateryna Dubinina, Vasyl Khryk, Nataliia Kazanishena, Tetiana Biliavska
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.04.8
Cómo citar:
Hura, T., Dubinina, K., Khryk, V., Kazanishena, N., & Biliavska, T. (2023). The role of distance education in the training of
specialists. Revista Eduweb, 17(4), 74-86. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.04.8
The role of distance education in the training of specialists
El papel de la educación a distancia en la formación de especialistas
Tetiana Hura
WoS Researcher ID: AAS-8338-2021
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems
Management of the academician I. Zyazyun, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”,
Kateryna Dubinina
WoS Researcher ID: IVH-6245-2023
Сandidate of Philological Sciences (PhD in Philology)
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Language Education and Crosscultural Communication
Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine.
Vasyl Khryk
WoS Researcher ID: FDZ-0729-2022
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Forestry, Bila Tserkva National
Agrarian University, Ukraine.
Nataliia Kazanishena
WoS Researcher ID: IVH-3240-2023
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Biology and Ecology,
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, Ukraine.
Tetiana Biliavska
WoS Researcher ID: IVH-2011-2023
Candidate of Philology Science, Docent, Department of Primary and Preschool Education, Mykolayiv National
University of V.O. Sukhomlynsky, Ukraine.
Recibido: 10/07/23
Aceptado: 05/10/23
The article shows the role of distance learning in the training of specialists to constantly update the
educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher
education and the constant disclosure of his individual capabilities. The importance of distance learning of
students as a component of the educational process in a vocational education institution is determined,
distance learning in the preparation of specialists is considered a type and component of educational
activity, as a mechanism for the transformation of educational activity into an educational and professional
one, as an organization "at a distance" of a high-quality educational process with open access to educational
resources and the use of the latest information and communication means of learning. Characteristic
features of distance learning are highlighted. Forms of distance learning are considered: correspondence
The role of distance education in the training of specialists. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /74-86
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
and telecommunication. The positive characteristics of distance learning are grouped. The negative
characteristics of online education are emphasized. The positions of the dynamics of distance learning
development are analyzed. The stages of the introduction of distance learning in institutions of higher
education are shown. The main requirement for distance learning at present is to ensure its effectiveness.
Keywords: distance learning, training of specialists, renewal of the educational process, self-development
of the student of higher education, disclosure of individual opportunities of students.
El artículo muestra el papel de la educación a distancia en la formación de especialistas para la actualización
constante del proceso educativo, donde el objetivo final debe ser el autodesarrollo del estudiante de
educación superior y la divulgación constante de sus capacidades individuales. Se determina la importancia
de la educación a distancia de los estudiantes como componente del proceso educativo en una institución
de educación vocacional, se considera la educación a distancia en la formación de especialistas como un
tipo y componente de la actividad educativa, como mecanismo para la transformación de la actividad
educativa en una educativo y profesional, como organización "a distancia" de un proceso educativo de alta
calidad con acceso abierto a los recursos educativos y el uso de los últimos medios de información y
comunicación para el aprendizaje. Se destacan los rasgos característicos de la educación a distancia. Se
consideran formas de educación a distancia: correspondencia y telecomunicaciones. Las características
positivas de la educación a distancia se agrupan. Se enfatizan las características negativas de la educación
en línea. Se analizan las posiciones de la dinámica del desarrollo de la educación a distancia. Se muestran
las etapas de la introducción de la educación a distancia en las instituciones de educación superior. El
principal requisito para la educación a distancia en la actualidad es garantizar su eficacia.
Palabras clave: educación a distancia, formación de especialistas, renovación del proceso educativo,
autodesarrollo del estudiante de educación superior, divulgación de las oportunidades individuales de los
1. Introduction
The new generation of young people are people with creative thinking because today's society needs such
individuals in connection with the current stage of human development. Therefore, the central figure of
education and reformation of the entire system of higher education in the global dimension is the student
of education, and his education is aimed at the recognition of the individual with the constant development
of his cognitive activity. This approach involves the constant updating of the educational process, where
the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the higher education seeker's personality and the
constant disclosure of individual human potential. One of the necessary directions for the development of
modern higher education is the application of distance learning technologies in the educational process.
Nowadays, a huge bet is made on distance education, which is called an important educational system of
the 21st century.
The relevance of distance learning and the problems of its application lies in the results of the process of
social development, which were previously concentrated in the technological sphere, and today are
concentrated in the information sphere.
Professional knowledge needs constant improvement, which becomes old very quickly, in connection with
the progress and informatization of mankind, and it is necessary to update it. And it is the remote form of
education that enables the general exchange of information, the mass creation of self-learning systems
during a person's life, which can respond most flexibly and adequately to the needs of society to train
Tetiana Hura, Kateryna Dubinina, Vasyl Khryk, Nataliia Kazanishena, Tetiana Biliavska
competitive specialists and is the most effective system of training and continuous self-education of highly
qualified specialists in various industries and fields (Adamova & Holovachuk, 2012).
Social changes, comprehensive digitization, and political and economic innovations taking place in the world
emphasize the need to reform the education sector. First of all, it concerns the provision of high-quality
educational and professional training of all individuals to develop human abilities and adequate preparation
and satisfaction of the educational needs of citizens throughout their lives. And it is distance learning that
contributes to the most effective solution to the above-mentioned problems. Therefore, the application of
distance education in the educational process is an important stage of adaptation of the educational field
to modern conditions (Nalivayko & Martsenyuk, 2020).
2. Literature Review
O. Mukoviz (2018) shows the role of theory and the practical component of the application of distance
learning technologies in the system of continuous education; foreign and domestic experience of using
distance learning in institutions of higher education was studied; the most important models of distance
learning implementation are substantiated and singled out, and the pedagogical conditions of the didactic
foundations of the distance learning organization are proposed in the system of continuous education of
specialists. Features of working with a distance course created in the Information and Educational
Environment of the University (http://dls.udpu.org.ua) are shown; A website of the continuing education
system (http://sno.udpu.edu.ua) has been created for educators, which will help to carry out distance
L. Shtefan & O. Borzenko (2015) analyzed the features of the use of distance learning for applicants of
higher education in Canada; based on the source base, the origins of distance learning of higher education
applicants are characterized; the stages of formation and development of the organization of distance
learning of higher education seekers in the second half of the 20th century in Canada are substantiated
from a scientific point of view; the possibilities of creative use of progressive ideas of Canadian higher
education at the modern stage are shown.
V. Yagupov, L. Petrenko & S. Kravets (2019) revealed the conceptual principles of distance learning of
future specialists in educational institutions; substantiated the principles of the distance form of education,
developed methodological approaches to the system of professional and technical education; described the
concept of training qualified workers in educational institutions using distance education; proposed
methodical principles for the training of specialists for the implementation of distance learning in the
workplace; substantiated the development of specialists' readiness for the implementation of distance
learning throughout life; described the method of training specialists using remote training of employees
of various industries; ways of creating distance courses for the educational process are shown.
O. Ryazantseva (2016) substantiated the ways of high-quality training of specialists in the distance
education system, showed their importance at the workplace of a specialist; proved the advantages of
distance education at the modern stage, which involves the possession of a number of competencies and
requires knowledge, special skills, and teacher skills; the effectiveness of communicative interaction of
students of higher education during the effective transfer of information in the distance education system
has been proven; the ability of the teacher is specified using methods of systematization of theoretical
knowledge and analysis, which effectively promote communication in the distance education system; tips
are written for use when developing the content of professional training courses in institutions of higher
education, when writing manuals (methodical and educational) aimed at preparing specialists for the
organization of the educational process in the distance learning system.
The role of distance education in the training of specialists. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /74-86
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
L. Nalivayko & L. Martsenyuk (2020) shows the ways of organizing the distance form of education, define
its main aspects in the face of constant digitalization, and social, economic, and political changes that
necessitate the reform of the education system and take place in the global space. An effective solution for
providing effective ways of the educational field is facilitated by distance learning, in particular, to ensure
access to high-quality, modern, innovative, and professional training for those who have the necessary
abilities in a certain direction, to ensure the educational needs of individuals throughout their lives; the
peculiarities of the use of world-class electronic platforms are revealed, the methods of organization and
the essence of distance learning for the organization of an innovative form of education in different world
spaces are analyzed; indicators of sociological monitoring of higher education applicants regarding the
organization of the educational process through the implementation of distance learning were recorded;
the satisfaction of education seekers with the quality of distance learning organization has been proven.
The innovative positive characteristics of distance learning are shown (a convenient system of
consultations; savings on transportation costs; convenience without interrupting the regularity of work and
organization in the training of employees; extraterritoriality; the need for the use of information tools in
everyday life for young people; simplicity and accessibility of education; increasing the number of students;
individual pace training; the new status of the teacher; democratic relations between the student of higher
education and the teacher; low level of payment for distance education compared to traditional). The
negative features of online education are listed (authentication of the copyright of educational materials
and users during knowledge verification, calculation of the methodical load of the teacher; high cost of
equipment for distance learning; high labor intensity of developing innovative educational content; the
obligation to provide students with access to the Internet and a personal computer, the need for constant
search and application of innovative and effective motivational mechanisms for students of education.
A. Kuzminskyi, O. Kuchai, O. Bida, A. Chichuk, I. Sigetii, & T. Kuchai (2021) examined the peculiarities of
training specialists in higher education institutions in the conditions of distance learning. The characteristic
features of distance learning are highlighted, its advantages are shown, and the necessity of introducing
distance learning technologies into the educational process is shown. The importance of measures to
support distance teaching and learning, in the process of effective pedagogical support, is emphasized. The
role of high-quality training of teachers, who must be well prepared for implementing distance learning,
and management of the range of IT devices, is shown.
The purpose of the article: to show the role of distance learning in the training of specialists to constantly
update the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of
higher education and the constant disclosure of his individual capabilities.
3. Methodology
In order to solve the tasks and realize the goal of the research, research methods were used: theoretical:
analysis of psychological, philosophical, methodological, pedagogical literature, documents of the
regulatory framework and scientific works on the researched topic with the aim of revealing the role of
distance learning in training specialists with the aim of constantly updating the educational process, where
the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher education and the constant
disclosure of his individual capabilities; modeling method for structuring the distance learning system in the
training of specialists; structural and systemic method for substantiating the author's vision of the
researched problem; a generalization method for formulating recommendations and conclusions regarding
the introduction of a quality organization of distance learning in the training of specialists; empirical study
and analysis of the main provisions of distance learning in the preparation of specialists to characterize the
state of the investigated problem; observational methods (targeted observation of the activities of teachers
and students during distance learning during the training of specialists); self-assessment, self-analysis to
check the effectiveness of the distance learning system in the training of specialists.
Tetiana Hura, Kateryna Dubinina, Vasyl Khryk, Nataliia Kazanishena, Tetiana Biliavska
The research is based on the premise that distance learning in the training of specialists is the main factor
for the constant renewal of the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-
development of the student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his capabilities, and is based
on the development of value-meaningful attitudes towards the future profession, individual style of
professional activity of a specialist and can be formed to update the educational space of a higher education
institution on a systemic and integrative basis. This approach leads to the implementation of scientific
research by methodological, theoretical-pedagogical, and technological concepts.
The methodological concept ensures the interaction and interconnection of innovative scientific approaches
as a search strategy for the introduction of distance learning in the training of specialists to constantly
update the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of
higher education and the constant disclosure of his individual capabilities, namely:
axiological, for the orientation of the forms, content, and methods of distance learning in the
preparation of specialists in the field of value orientation to constantly update the educational process,
where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher education and the
constant disclosure of his individual capabilities and the formation of value orientations of the individual;
systemic, which ensures the perception and research of the process of distance learning in the training
of specialists with the aim of constantly updating the educational process, as an open multicomponent
system and a holistic system that develops and constantly changes with the help of internal and external
factors (the internal emotional instructions of the individual towards the profession, the system of
attitudes for the performance of professional activities determined by the requirements of the education
system and the public demand of the world); expands the scientific knowledge of the structural and
component manifestation of distance learning in the training of specialists with the aim of constantly
updating the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the
student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his individual opportunities in development
and dynamics, reveals the integrative characteristics of distance learning in the training of specialists
in the researched process;
synergistic, which affirms the constant disclosure of individual opportunities to activate one's forces,
the idea of self-organization of the individual, the development of distance learning in the preparation
of specialists, focusing on the importance of constant renewal of the educational process, where the
ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher education, the initiation of
individual educational trajectories, the formation of his professional the positions of specialists under
the condition of constant updating of the educational process and constant disclosure of the individual
capabilities of the individual;
acmeological, which allows one to theoretically understand the essence of distance learning in the
training of specialists to constantly update the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be
the self-development of the student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his individual
interdisciplinary, which ensures the integrity of distance learning in the preparation of specialists, the
formation of the professional position of the future specialist to constantly update the educational
process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher education
through the interdisciplinary integration of knowledge, reflecting the complexity of the studied
phenomenon, the constant disclosure of the individual capabilities of the student of higher education,
integrative nature of such education;
subject, which contributes to the expansion of distance learning in the training of specialists, contributes
to the constant disclosure of the individual capabilities of specialists and innovative content-meaningful
filling of the educational process with methods, forms, means of innovative interaction of its
participants, is the basis for the further development of distance learning in the training of specialists
with the aim constant updating of the educational process, activity, and professional position of the
The role of distance education in the training of specialists. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /74-86
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
student, where the final goal should be the self-development of the student of higher education and
the constant disclosure of his individual capabilities as a subject of activity;
competence-oriented, subject-cultural, intellectual, general professional development of the future
specialist during distance learning during the innovative training of specialists to constantly update the
educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher
education as a condition for the success of his professional position, formation innovative skills, attitude,
experience, knowledge, skills that reflect the readiness of the future specialist for professional growth,
professional activity, mastering the methods of distance education throughout his life;
personal-activity, which directs the prioritization of the student's interests and needs to the professional
aspect, is based on distance learning in the preparation of specialists to constantly update the
educational process, a dialectical combination of the tasks of the professional training of the future
specialist with his trajectory of the development of personal and professional qualities and self-
realization, where the main there is a professional remote position of a person.
The theoretical and pedagogical concept includes the main definitions (psychological, philosophical,
pedagogical, sociological) for a holistic understanding of the essence and characteristics of the phenomenon
of distance learning and defines its role in the training of specialists to constantly update the educational
process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher education and
constant revealing his individual capabilities.
The technological concept provides for the development of a distance learning system for high-quality
training of specialists for the constant renewal of the educational process with the ultimate goal of self-
development of the student of higher education and constant disclosure of his individual capabilities
regarding the professional position of the future specialist, which accumulates technologies, pedagogical
conditions aimed at ensuring the positive dynamics of distance learning in the training of specialists, which
is based on a diagnostic basis.
4. Results and Discussion
In the spring of 2020, as a result of the introduction of the quarantine regime in institutions of higher
education, a situation arose that led to the transformation of distance learning in the educational space into
the status mandatory from the status possible. The technical and software possibilities of distance learning in
the training of specialists to constantly update the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the
self-development of the student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his individual capabilities
led to the optimization of distance learning, which ensured the development of online technologies, for
example, it was proposed to hold Zoom conference line. Among the teachers, objectively there was a need
for distance learning in the preparation of specialists, and the creation of information products for constant
updating of the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student
of higher education and the constant disclosure of his individual capabilities. This approach has become
necessary for teaching distance courses in individual academic disciplines (Vyshnevska & Vyshnevsky, 2020).
Distance education is a necessary open system of education in our time, which gives freedom to choose the
time, the pace of study, and place of study, thanks to the Internet, which is becoming an important factor in
the development of society and covers wide sections of the population. Distance learning provides educational
space applicants with the possibility of online video lectures, constant support of teachers and methodologists,
their consultation, continuous access to educational materials, virtual simulators, and other technological
solutions for innovative learning to ensure an effective educational process (Shtychno, 2016).
The definition of distance learning of students as a component of the educational process in a professional
education institution to constantly update the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-
development of the student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his capabilities, includes all its
types (auditory work, extra-auditory work under the guidance of a teacher, independent classroom work,
Tetiana Hura, Kateryna Dubinina, Vasyl Khryk, Nataliia Kazanishena, Tetiana Biliavska
individual work outside the classroom), allows to consider distance learning in the preparation of specialists
as a type and component of educational activity (types of classroom and self-education along with educational
and educational and production practice), which ensures the formation of professional competencies in the
process of professional training. Therefore, distance learning in the modern context is considered as a
mechanism of transformation of educational activity into educational and professional activity. The
effectiveness of this transformation is due to the value of the chosen specialty, the personal motives of
professional education, and the formation of the skills of educational independent activity of the students of
education (Akhromov & Bobrova, 2021).
The goal of implementing distance learning in institutions of higher education in the training of specialists to
constantly update the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the
student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his capabilities, is the organization of a high-quality
educational process "at a distance" with open access to educational resources and the use the latest
information and communication means of education. It is this form of education that quickly adapts to the
requirements of the information society and provides quality education to the future specialist. In a higher
educational institution, it is innovative distance education in combination with traditional forms of education
that can provide a high-quality range of educational services for both students and applicants to acquire
professional skills and abilities for future professional activities, as well as be useful and necessary for
improving qualifications for teachers (Vasylchyshen, 2022).
Let's highlight the characteristic features of distance learning (Mukoviz, 2018):
1. Flexibility: training in the preparation of distance education specialists, to constantly update the
educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher
education and the constant disclosure of his individual capabilities, takes place at a time convenient for
students and in a place convenient for them and does not offer regular class attendance.
2. Modularity: the modular principle is the basis of the distance learning program; a holistic view is created
about a separate subject area by each separate course, which leads to a set of independent courses-
modules to form an educational program that meets the group or individual needs of the student.
3. Large audience: simultaneous appeal during distance learning in institutions of higher education during
the preparation of specialists to many sources of educational information of a large number of pupils,
students, and listeners, to constantly update the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be
the self-development of the student of higher education and constant disclosure of his individual
capabilities and communication with the help of students' telecommunications between themselves and
with teachers.
4. Parallel training: parallel training is carried out at the same time as professional activity (another type of
activity takes place without breaking away from production).
5. The new role of the teacher: distance learning in institutions of higher education during the training of
specialists expands the role of the teacher and updates it, making him a consultant, a mentor who
increases creative activity, constantly improves the courses he teaches, coordinates the cognitive process
and relates to innovations in a qualified and responsible manner and innovations.
6. Cost-effectiveness: effective use of educational spaces and technical means during distance learning in
institutions of higher education in the training of specialists, use and development of computer modeling,
and unified and concentrated presentation of innovative information helps to reduce the costs of training
specialists (Adamova & Holovachuk, 2012).
7. Social equality: equal opportunities for obtaining education during distance learning in institutions of
higher education during the training of specialists regardless of social status, place of residence, and
health status.
8. Technological: the use in the educational process of new achievements of information technologies, in
particular, distance learning in institutions of higher education in the training of specialists, which
The role of distance education in the training of specialists. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /74-86
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
contributes to the entry of a person into the global information space, the constant renewal of the
educational process with the ultimate goal of self-development of the student of higher education.
9. Internationality: the opportunity to obtain distance education in higher educational institutions of foreign
countries without leaving one’s country, and in institutions of higher education with the training of
specialists to provide educational services to compatriots living abroad and foreign citizens with the aim
of self-development of a higher education seeker and permanent revealing his capabilities.
10. Quality: distance learning in institutions of higher education in the training of specialists is not inferior to
the quality of face-to-face education, since the goal is the constant renewal of the educational process,
where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of the student of higher education and the
constant disclosure of his individual capabilities, and the most modern educational methods are used for
the training of specialists -methodical materials, the latest didactic tools, the best teaching staff is
11. Positive influence on the student of higher education: increasing the intellectual potential of a person and
his creativity, who acquires distance education thanks to the use of telecommunication technologies,
modern information innovations, the desire for self-organization, knowledge, and the ability to make
responsible decisions independently.
12. Monitoring: mandatory implementation of specialized quality control of distance learning for its
compliance with educational standards is envisaged for constant updating of the educational process
(Hryniuk et al., 2021).
There are two forms of distance learning: correspondence and telecommunication.
In the process of the correspondence form, distance education students are physically separated from the
teacher to constantly renew the educational process, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development
of the student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his capabilities; there is a division in the
time of the student and the teacher.
The telecommunications form of distance learning, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development
of the student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his capabilities, involves classes with small
groups of students connected to the network in real-time and located in different places (Barker et al., 1989).
The transition of higher education institutions to distance learning, in which students receive distance
education, where the ultimate goal should be their self-development and constant disclosure of individual
capabilities, is an impetus that causes various problems in the educational environment, but at the same time
provides an opportunity to make global education competitive, innovative and quality. It is distance learning
that provides the possibility of constant renewal of the educational process, where the ultimate goal should
be the self-development of the student of higher education and the constant disclosure of his individual
capabilities, increases the efficiency of independent work, opens access to non-traditional sources of
information for students of education.
The implementation of distance technologies for constant updating of the educational process is aimed at the
formation of communicative and informational competencies of distance education students for self-
development and constant disclosure of individual capabilities, as well as the ability to self-educate.
Let's group the positive characteristics of distance learning:
availability of training;
the interest of distance education students in using modern informational means;
savings on transport costs;
a convenient counseling system, where the ultimate goal should be the self-development of a student of
higher education;
Tetiana Hura, Kateryna Dubinina, Vasyl Khryk, Nataliia Kazanishena, Tetiana Biliavska
increase in the number of students;
individual learning pace and continuous disclosure of individual student capabilities;
democratic relations between student and teacher;
convenience for companies and organizations in training their employees without breaking away from
regular work;
the new status of a teacher in distance education of students.
Let's emphasize the negative characteristics of online education:
user authentication during monitoring the achievements of education seekers;
the need to provide higher education students with access to the Internet and a personal computer;
determining the copyright of educational materials during distance learning, to constantly update the
educational process;
the high labor intensity of interactive multimedia interaction, development of high-quality educational
materials, preparation of different level tests;
calculation of the methodical load of the teacher.
Let's analyze the positions of the dynamics of the development of distance learning that depend on:
from the possibilities of the higher education system to create an effective mechanism for the provision
of professional knowledge and its relaying, to offer competitive services in the educational sector with the
help of information and communication technologies;
from the individual ability of students of higher education to use the opportunities of distance learning to
obtain professional knowledge, for self-development and continuous disclosure of individual capabilities,
as well as the ability to self-educate, and for the readiness of employers to recognize the equivalence of
acquired abilities, skills, knowledge, to those competencies that can be formed when using traditional
forms of education (Nalivayko & Martsenyuk, 2020).
Let's consider the stages of the introduction of distance learning in institutions of higher education:
creation of a unit responsible for the implementation of distance learning for obtaining professional
solving technical issues for self-development and continuous disclosure of individual capabilities, as well
as the ability to self-educate (creation of a creative group on the implementation of distance learning,
network configuration, selection of a software platform, installation of hardware);
creation of a regulatory framework for distance learning for obtaining professional knowledge;
determination of priority areas for the use of distance learning technologies for obtaining professional
knowledge, specialization of student training, specialties, etc.;
conducting training and seminars to train teachers to use distance learning technologies to obtain
professional knowledge;
training of specialists responsible for the creation and operation of distance learning courses;
with the help of a specialized commission to recognize an information resource for obtaining professional
knowledge through a distance learning course;
determination of calculation technology according to defined criteria for the created distance learning
course between the university and the developer;
monitoring of the distance learning course in the educational process of the institution of higher
professional use of distance learning technologies to obtain professional knowledge in external and
correspondence forms;
creation of a database of distance learning courses for obtaining professional knowledge (Bodnenko,
The role of distance education in the training of specialists. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /74-86
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
The main requirement for distance learning at present is to ensure its effectiveness. The phenomenon of
communication, an integral component of any educational process, has become decisive for distance
education. The effectiveness of the educational process to obtain professional knowledge depends on the
level of implementation of communication during distance learning (Kuzminskyi et al., 2018).
The quality of distance education for obtaining professional knowledge is influenced by the principles of its
the professionalism of contact between teachers and students (the influence of the frequency of contact
between students of education is an important factor in cognitive student motivation. With this approach,
working in small groups is of great importance for active cooperation and for obtaining professional
knowledge in the educational process, which in distance learning to obtain professional knowledge
activates the components of determining a person's status in society. Modern communications during
distance learning facilitate the access of educational space seekers to the teacher, leading to joint efforts
in solving problems that arise in the process of professional training. Here, great importance is attached
to asynchronous communication, which allows you to organize an effective conversation during distance
learning and contributes to the acquisition of professional knowledge);
quick feedback on distance learning to obtain professional knowledge (when studying the material,
students of higher education need a variety of help this is the analysis and discussion of the material,
consultations, assessment, and monitoring of knowledge, help with homework, connection with
progressive experience. Applicants for educational space should feel that they need to learn what they
already know and how to monitor their knowledge);
the development of cooperation between students in distance learning (the educational process in a team
is more effective than independent learning. Quality learning is equated to an effective, kind, pleasant
learning atmosphere and the collective work of students and teachers, which has social significance.
Collective educational actions of students in distance learning increase enthusiasm and motivation and
are important for gaining professional knowledge Sharing ideas deepens understanding and improves
effective use of time during distance learning (successful allocation of time for obtaining professional
knowledge is a guarantee for students of effective learning, effective study, and improvement of skills for
teachers) (Bondarenko & Kukharenko, 2013).
In the distance learning system, to successfully organize the teacher's communicative interaction with
students, the teacher must have the following skills:
use forms of communication: non-verbal and verbal;
establish contact with the audience online and hold a virtual discussion;
to facilitate the establishment of interpersonal interaction and the expression of one's opinion during the
use ICT tools optimally to implement communicative interaction during distance learning;
correctly choose correspondence to the goal of teaching tactics, and communication strategy;
conduct distance learning classes taking into account the psychological characteristics of students'
behavior to obtain professional knowledge in a virtual environment;
during distance learning, find an individual approach to students;
to create a positive emotional background between distance learning subjects;
to contribute to the elimination of barriers in the indirect communication of education seekers, to apply
mechanisms for diagnosing communicative conflicts.
Therefore, distance learning for obtaining professional knowledge requires special training from the teacher
to implement high-quality and professional-pedagogical communication (Ryazantseva, 2016).
Tetiana Hura, Kateryna Dubinina, Vasyl Khryk, Nataliia Kazanishena, Tetiana Biliavska
One of the options for organizing distance learning for obtaining high-quality professional knowledge is the
distance learning system "KSU Online", which is created based on the Moodle information environment
(Kuchai et al., 2021).
Moodle (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented
Dynamic Learning Environment) is an educational platform that unites administrators, students of education,
and teachers in a single system of integrated personalized educational environments. Moodle is adapted for
online learning and is such an educational platform that has great didactic capabilities for creating innovative
educational tools (Shchyrbul et al., 2022).
The "KSU Online" system for distance learning allows for the acquisition of professional knowledge to provide
structured educational and methodological complexes of disciplines, to intensify the educational process to
ensure effective independent work of students, to improve the quality of monitoring the educational activities
of future specialists, to form a high level of professional IT competence in them.
The "KSU Online" distance learning system allows you to develop a course from the following modules: Forum
and Chat, Lecture, Seminar, HotPot, Questionnaire, Questionnaire, External application, Wiki, Assignment,
Glossary, Survey, and Test (Plakhotnik et al., 2022).
Each of the proposed modules has the possibility of feedback. For example, the "HotPot" module allows you
to implement and conduct reports on student responses and their evaluation and provides access to
professional information for both sides of the educational process. The "Questionnaire" and "Questionnaire"
modules collect data from users on the effectiveness of monitoring learning in distance courses to evaluate
and stimulate the learning of the distance courses themselves. The purpose of these modules is to help the
teacher learn the abilities of the students in the educational space, find out the effectiveness of education
from the point of view of students, get to know their students, and offer them quality and interesting
education. The modules "Database", "Wiki" and "Glossary" are interesting. Considering them from the point
of view of the organization of common types of activities of education seekers, we note that in addition to
their main functions, all records of education seekers during distance learning can be evaluated not only by
the teacher but also by other students to obtain professional knowledge. With the help of the "Survey"
module, the teacher can quickly and qualitatively find out the wishes of the students regarding the direction
of the course or the choice of topic, and check the assimilation of certain educational material. The educational
element "Tasks" in distance learning allows the teacher to give tasks for obtaining professional knowledge,
collect student works, monitor them, and leave suggestions and feedback in the form of comments, a separate
file where the answer of the student of education or audio feedback will be corrected. To evaluate the answer,
the teacher offers several methods. Teachers offer an active element "Workbook", which allows giving
feedback on the work of students on a specific topic. Providing feedback offers an element of the "Lecture"
course that allows the teacher to facilitate understanding and learning of the lecture material. After passing
the study page, the student should take a test control. Depending on the monitoring results, students can
return to the previous page or go to another page. Modules such as "Seminar", "Test", and SCORM packages
can be used for the quality assessment of education seekers and their knowledge monitoring. The "Seminar"
module provides an opportunity for mutual evaluation of students' works. In this case, students receive grades
for their work and their assessment of fellow students' work. Modules such as "Chat" and "Forum" provide
training participants with the opportunity to communicate in asynchronous and synchronous modes.
The significance of the "KSU Online" system is that it stores the created portfolio of each student of the
educational space: all evaluations and comments on works, all messages in the forum, and all submitted
works. The distance learning teacher can track any activity of the learner on the site (duration and number
of visits to each training course over a certain period). Therefore, the use of distance learning to obtain
professional knowledge, the use of innovative technologies, and various educational platforms can provide
interactive interaction between the teacher and the learner at various stages of education. The elements and
The role of distance education in the training of specialists. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /74-86
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
resources of the LMS Moodle in the distance learning system "KSU Online" contribute to the creation of such
an environment of educational space that ensures dialogue between the teacher and the student, establishes
and stimulates feedback, provides constant support throughout the course of study by the teacher (Ilyina,
5. Conclusions
The significance of distance learning of higher education seekers as a component of the educational process
in a vocational education institution is shown. Distance education is the most effective system of training
and continuous self-education of highly qualified specialists in various industries and spheres. In the
preparation of specialists, distance learning is presented as a mechanism for the transformation of
educational activity into educational and professional activity, as a type and component of educational
activity, as the organization of a high-quality educational process "at a distance" with open access to
educational resources and the use of the latest information and communication means of education.
Forms of distance learning (correspondence, telecommunication) are considered.
Characteristic features of distance learning are singled out; the positive characteristics of distance learning
are grouped and the negative characteristics of online education are emphasized. The stages of the
introduction of distance learning in institutions of higher education are considered, and the positions of the
dynamics of the development of distance learning are shown.
The principles of distance learning organization are disclosed in the article. The skills that a teacher should
possess in the remote work system to successfully organize communicative interaction with students are
Further research will be aimed at substantiating the possibilities of an individual approach to education
seekers during distance learning.
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