Maryna Boichenko, Oksana Hubina
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.04.10
Cómo citar:
Boichenko, M., & Hubina, O. (2023). Adaptation of internally displaced students to new learning environment through innovative
methods of open teacher training in war perspectives. Revista Eduweb, 17(4), 96-104.
Adaptation of internally displaced students to new
learning environment through innovative methods of
open teacher training in war perspectives
Adaptación de estudiantes desplazados internamente a nuevos entornos de
aprendizaje mediante métodos innovadores de formación docente abierta en
perspectivas de guerra
Maryna Boichenko
WoS Researcher ID: B-8776-2019
DSc in Education, Professor, Head of Pedagogy Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University named
after A.S. Makarenko, Ukraine.
Oksana Hubina
WoS Researcher ID: V-9569-2018
PhD in Education, Assistant professor, lecturer, University of Leeds, UK,
Cooperate with the British Academy within the Researchers at Risk Fellowships Programme, England.
Recibido: 03/07/23
Aceptado: 14/10/23
The article investigates the impact of innovative open learning technologies on training future teachers,
particularly those internally displaced in Ukraine due to the war with Russia. It explores the current
conditions of these students and how to meet their educational needs through online learning. The
successful adaptation of displaced students relies on government's social, legal, and academic support,
highlighting the importance of online learning in war response. The methodology involved surveying 437
displaced students from Ukrainian higher education institutions, using various questionnaires. Data on
inputs, outputs, and outcomes of online learning programs were collected and analyzed. Both benefits
(continuous access to learning, flexibility, low economic cost, access to international programs) and risks
(lack of socialization, insufficient technical support, resource imbalance) were assessed. The findings
indicate that adaptation challenges are mainly linked to poor living conditions, stress, and changes in
learning conditions and curriculum. The study concludes that open learning technologies facilitate the
adaptation of displaced students, ensuring educational continuity and adherence to international standards.
Keywords: digital tools, education policy, higher education, socialization, teacher training.
El artículo examina el impacto de tecnologías innovadoras de aprendizaje abierto en la formación de futuros
docentes, especialmente estudiantes desplazados internamente en Ucrania debido a la guerra con Rusia.
Adaptation of internally displaced students to new learning environment through
innovative methods of open teacher training in war perspectives. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /96-104
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Se investigaron las condiciones actuales de estos estudiantes y cómo satisfacer sus necesidades educativas
a través del aprendizaje en línea. La adaptación exitosa de los estudiantes desplazados depende del apoyo
social, legal y académico del gobierno, destacando la importancia del aprendizaje en línea en respuesta a
la guerra. La metodología incluyó encuestas a 437 estudiantes desplazados de instituciones de educación
superior ucranianas, utilizando cuestionarios variados. Se recolectaron y analizaron datos sobre insumos,
resultados y efectos de los programas de aprendizaje en línea. Los beneficios (acceso continuo al
aprendizaje, flexibilidad, bajo costo económico, acceso a programas internacionales) y riesgos (falta de
socialización, soporte técnico insuficiente, desequilibrio de recursos) fueron evaluados. Los resultados
mostraron que las principales dificultades de adaptación se relacionan con malas condiciones de vida, estrés
y cambios en las condiciones y currículo de aprendizaje. Se concluyó que las tecnologías de aprendizaje
abierto facilitan la adaptación de los estudiantes desplazados, permitiendo la continuidad educativa y el
cumplimiento de estándares internacionales.
Palabras clave: educación superior, herramientas digitales, política educativa, socialización, formación
1. Introduction
The war in Ukraine caused the enormous damage to higher education system: massive migration of
students and teaching staff, break of educational process, decrease of education quality and its transfer
mainly to a distance format.
Currently, according to official report of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 131 institutions,
or 5.5% of all institutions of higher education, have been destroyed or damaged and 17 % were displaced
to safer regions of Ukraine.
Therefore, a number of key issues was identified to be addressed immediately: limited access of students
and educators to educational materials and learning tools; destruction of infrastructure, including
educational facilities; reduce of education quality; threat to life, physical and mental health; safety of all
the educational process participants (students, educators, parents); displacement to safe regions of
Ukraine; break in the educational process (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2022).
In this context, there is a crucial necessity to study the process of internally displaced students’ adaptation
and the approaches provided by Ukrainian teacher training universities to support academic activity of the
above-mentioned students’ cohort.
The research is aimed to study potential risks that internally displaced students faced and actual benefits
gained due to the online learning.
Note that potential risks and possible ways of overcoming them are highlighted in recent official documents
at the national and international levels, issued by such organizations as the Ministry of Social Policy of
Ukraine, the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC),
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), International Organization for
Migration (IOM), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), etc.
It was found that considerable attention is focused on the issue of complex adaptation of internally
displaced students (IDSs) to new conditions, such as socio-economic, psychological and academic.
Maryna Boichenko, Oksana Hubina
Most scientists consider socio-economic factor to be the most essential one within successful adaptation
that reveals the living conditions of students and their families, the availability of a workplace for classes,
financial support of their families (Bilotserkovets et al., 2021).
Based on the Government’s resolution, internally displaced students are provided with monthly-targeted
assistance to cover their living expenses, including rent and utilities. Additionally, they are ensured by
humanitarian aid, such as food kits, clothes, shoes and personal hygiene products provided by the local
communitiescenters (Report of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine,
The procedure of obtaining temporary housing is regulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine. It emphasizes that internally displaced persons (IDPs) can be provided with existing houses and
dormitories reconstructed at the expense of the government or with the monetary compensation that is
provided to the owners of apartments who ensured shelters to these persons. However, there is the urgent
need in developing conceptual state programs aimed at meeting the housing needs of IDPs, especially
whose houses were completely destroyed, by means of lending or compensation for the cost of lost housing
(Decree of Cabinet of ministers of Ukraine No. 495, 2022).
According to the Resolution of the Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of
Ukraine, government targeted support is provided to students of higher education institutions or vocational
education and training institutions in the form of financial support of their studies (preferably long-term
loans), free or subsidized accommodation in student dormitories, free access to the Internet, social
scholarships, etc. (Ministry of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, 2022).
Another important issue to consider is the problem of psychological adaptation. In most cases it is caused
by the feeling of insecurity and helplessness, fear of changes (new friends, new learning environment, new
living conditions), guilt, alienation and isolation from local peers, break in studies that brings to
psychosomatic disorders and lack of motivation to study (Trubavina, 2015).
Government authorities together with public organizations have identified a number of steps aimed at
overcoming the problem of psychological risks of IDS.
Thus, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has developed a document “On providing
psychological support for participants of educational process in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine”. It
obliged education institutions to create ICT based conditions to provide medical, psychological, and
pedagogical rehabilitation of the educational process participants in the form of online consultancy “Cabinet
of a psychologist or social educator” (based on the websites of education institutions) or provide information
support about the available sources of consultancy (Facebook messenger page, Telegram channel chat,
The “Ukrainian Foundation of Public Health” together with the international organization “Health Right
International” developed a guide of defined algorithm of actions for the public and non-public sector
specialists (social workers, psychologists, teachers and volunteers) on providing psychosocial assistance to
The problem of academic adaptation deserves special attention, in particular, the following issues such as
academic mobility of students, teaching staff, higher education institutions; development of new curricula;
adaptation to a new educational environment; language adaptation; studying during air alarms; offline
training; lack or unstable Internet connection; lack of appropriate mobile devices; failure of online platforms
of education institutions; digitalization processes issues such as inability to keep or create electronic
curricula, electronic registers (mostly of relocated universities) (Bilotserkovets & Hubina, 2019).
Adaptation of internally displaced students to new learning environment through
innovative methods of open teacher training in war perspectives. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /96-104
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Thus, the program document “In the Face of War, a Year of Action in Ukraine” emphasizes on significant
financial support of international organizations, in particular, UNESCO. On the initiative of UNESCO and its
25 partners such as the Global Education Coalition, including Coursera, EdX, Khan Academy and Amazon
Web Service 650 education institutions were provided with electronic devices and introduction of modern
online platforms into Ukrainian educational process (UNESCO, 2023)
The Ministry of Digital Transformation launched the “Wi-Fi in shelters” project. Due to this project 2
thousand education institutions were connected to the Internet in shelters.
Another project “Open online platform United Ukrainian University (UUU)” launched by the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine, Coursera and edX companies provided free access to their “Online
University” catalogs for all Ukrainian universities (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2023).
Depending on the territorial location of the educational establishments (non-controlled/liberated territories),
the educational process was resumed at different rates. Thus, most of students did not manage to complete
the curriculum on time. Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine facilitates the
reorganization of the educational process by: adjustment of educational programs; an adaptation of a
significant number of courses; a change in their content, evaluation criteria; a reduction of task volumes;
an extension of the deadlines for material submissions. In most territories, the educational process was
provided online in synchronous or asynchronous mode. In safe areas a small percentage of higher education
institutions provided offline learning that also caused certain difficulties, for instance, language issue. The
reason is that the North of Ukraine is mostly inhabited by Russian speaking while the West of the country
by Ukrainian speaking people. Therefore, it caused certain difficulties for IDSs, such as misunderstanding
while studying or communicating with home citizens (Boichenko et al., 2022).
The problem of relocation and evacuation of universities deserves considerable attention. It concerns
mostly the educational establishments in the zones of active hostilities, such as Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy,
Donetsk (and its regions), Mykolaiv, Luhansk. The providing of learning process was based on the Law “On
Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding State Guarantees in the Conditions of Martial Law or
State of Emergency” (UKRAINE LAW, 2022). Most higher education institutions announced the admission
of students with the IDPs status. They proposed teaching vacancies to evacuated (from war zones)
specialists. Studying was available within the framework of academic mobility in Ukrainian universities. In
addition, during the martial law universities recognized learning results (ECTS credits) obtained within the
framework of formal or informal education, and, at the decision of the department the transfer of
educational components to other semesters was allowed. A common practice was the work of students
according to an individual plan. Additionally, students had the right to take academic leaves with the option
of keeping a place in the dormitory, if necessary (Chystiakova et al., 2022).
Thus, the study of the scientific sources and official documents proved that implementation of online
learning technologies enabled the covering of numerous students’ problems such as socio-economic,
psychological and academic. ICT facilitated successful adaptation of learners to the new living and learning
conditions giving them the opportunity to continue their studies.
2. Research methodology
This study was conducted with a qualitative research approach. Thematic analysis revealed two research
1. What are the main difficulties that affected adaptation of internally displaced students to new living
and learning conditions?
2. How did innovative open learning technologies facilitate learning of internally displaced students?
Maryna Boichenko, Oksana Hubina
The study involved internally displaced undergraduate and postgraduate students of Ukrainian HEIs (mainly
from Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Mykolaiv regions). Note that some students
were individually displaced to safer regions of Ukraine while their HEIs still function in the regions of
destination and some students had to relocate because their HEIs were relocated. The total number of
respondents was 437 people. Among the respondents there were IDSs from such relocated Universities as
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Poltava), Berdiansk State Pedagogical University (Zaporizhzhia),
Donetsk National University (Vinnytsia), Kherson State University (Ivano-Frankivsk), SHEI “Donbas State
Pedagogical University” (Dnipro), State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”
(Poltava) etc.
The main method of collecting data was survey of internally displaced students by using different
questionnaires (structured, unstructured (open-ended), quasi-structured (with “other variant” among
alternatives), ranging the importance) to determine the main problems of their adaptation to new living
and learning conditions from socio-economic, psychological, and academic perspectives. Data on the inputs,
outputs and outcomes of online learning programs from both official documents and questioning
participants was collected and measured.
The questionnaires were designed in Google Forms and distributed among participants through social
networks, groups in Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, sent to emails of Ukrainian higher education institutions
that were relocated due to the war.
Each questionnaire contained from 10 to 15 questions. The respondents were asked to indicate the level
of difficulty they had experienced with each issue, using a 10-point scale with responses ranging from 1
(no difficulty) to 10 (extreme difficulty). The major issues indicated by the internally displaced students are
summarized in Table 1. The IDSs were also asked to share their views on the ways of adapting to new
living and learning conditions as well as experience and outcomes of using online learning technologies.
3. Research results
The empirical findings indicated that internally displaced students had to cope with different issues while
adapting to the new living and learning conditions.
Table 1.
Socio-economic, psychological and academic aspects of problems that the participants of the survey met
in the process of adaptation to new living and learning conditions
% of IDSs met
Bad living conditions
Had to share room with many people
Poor Internet-connection
Lack of food
Lack of money
Lack of devices for e-learning
Lack of motivation to study
Socialization problems
Emotional disorders
Psychosomatic disorders
Fear, helplessness, insecurity
Language problems
Adaptation of internally displaced students to new learning environment through
innovative methods of open teacher training in war perspectives. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /96-104
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
New learning environment, including virtual
learning environment
New educational program
New academic disciplines
Need to define and eliminate academic
differences/transfer credits
The analysis of the internally displaced students’ responses to the questionnaires revealed different
scenarios of continuing learning for IDSs:
1. IDSs changed place of living but didn’t change affiliation.
2. IDSs changed place of living and changed affiliation.
3. IDSs changed place of living because their HEI was relocated from temporarily occupied territories.
Being internally displaced, students of Ukrainian higher education institutions faced socio-economic,
psychological and academic difficulties. At the very arrival to new places of living IDSs reported on bad
living conditions (9 %), need to share room with 20 or more people (5 %) and lack of devices (11 %)
which complicated the process of e-learning. They had complications with socialization (12 %), Ukrainian
language communication (5 %); 14 % of the internally displaced students who had been interrogated, had
pointed out certain kinds of emotional disorders.
Having been asked: “Do you have difficulties communicating with local residents?” 95 % of students
answered that they had mainly no problems, while 5 % of respondents found it difficult to use Ukrainian
language in everyday life. As one student reported:
In our university, the learning process was conducted in Ukrainian because it’s a state language, however,
in everyday life we mainly used Russian due to our regional specificity and close location to the border. At
first, it was very difficult to use the Ukrainian language in a non-academic environment. It seemed that
everyone was looking at you, and you were starting to get stressed, nervous.
Some internally displaced students reported that they had to change affiliation (27 %), in particular after
getting bachelor’s degree and applying for the next stage master’s degree. The most acute problem for
this category of respondents (5 %) was impossibility of obtaining original documents from the previous
place of study (occupation by Russian troops, destruction of campuses, etc.).
Some internally displaced students who changed affiliation and had to continue their studies within the
same degree (mainly bachelor) indicated the difficulties caused by introduction of a new curriculum (7 %)
or new academic disciplines (7 %). Common problems were associated with the need to define and
eliminate academic differences/transfer credits. One respondent explained:
As I have understood from the syllabus of the academic discipline I have already studied it, but under
slightly different title, and the number of credits does not coincide too. I would rather spend my time on
learning other disciplines that I haven’t studied before, but we don’t have such mechanisms to transfer
these credits here.
Many internally displaced students faced the problems connected with adjusting themselves to new learning
environments, including virtual learning environment (23 %). Some of them revealed certain degree of
stress caused by the need to quickly immerse in new virtual learning environment:
“Having used to Moodle with all its functions, it was difficult to get used to Microsoft Teams”.
Maryna Boichenko, Oksana Hubina
“We haven’t used LMS at the previous place of study and my laptop is too old to install necessary software”.
“All the teaching was conducted through video conferencing, I have live communication with my university
teachers and group mates, but now I have only assignments in Moodle. I miss it so much”.
Being asked about the benefits of online learning technologies, the internally displaced students pointed
Due to online learning, I can stay in a safe place (my home) during the air alarms without breaking the
learning process”.
“It is very convenient to use email to send my course work to the teacher as you need not to look for the
printing office to print it somewhere in the town that can be dangerous for my life especially during the air
“I like the idea of using messengers such as Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp because you can easily get in
touch with your teacher or tutor to get some additional assistance or with your group mates, for instance,
to know any information about our common friend who suddenly stopped communicating and
According to the respondents’ answers we could identify the following online learning benefits:
opportunity to continue studies while moving to safer place of living;
intensification of the academic mobility;
ensuring high quality of educational services;
gaining international experience in the academic field;
larger academic freedom, etc.
Thus, the survey determined the following rate: socio-economic sphere had caused certain problems for
37 % of the internally displaced students, 43 % of the participants had undertaken psychological
challenges, 38 % of the respondents had met difficulties in the academic sphere.
3. Discussion
The socio-economic aspect of adaptation regards internally displaced students’ adjustment to the new
surroundings. It is determined by the need to get used to new living conditions, changes in rhythm of life,
stress factors of the new social environment, change in eating habits due to lack of money/usual food, etc.
The psychological aspect of adaptation refers to the internally displaced students’ need to cope with stress
of losing their close people, their homes, fear, helplessness, insecurity. As a result, internally displaced
students experienced low motivation to study, procrastination, emotional and psychosomatic disorders. The
main factors that influenced the process of successful psychological adaptation are identified as need for
continue learning activities in a new academic environment, separation from the family and the usual social
surrounding, feeling of loneliness. Language adaptation became the problem for students from north-
eastern regions of Ukraine, who did not use the Ukrainian language in everyday life.
While analyzing the problems of academic adaptation, special attention should be paid to new learning
environments, in particular e-learning environments. Different HEIs use different LMS to organize online
learning. The most frequently used are Moodle, Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. At the same time,
being relocated, the Universities had to change the platform or organize alternative way of providing
educational services using messengers (Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, etc.), video conferencing tools
Adaptation of internally displaced students to new learning environment through
innovative methods of open teacher training in war perspectives. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /96-104
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
(Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc.), email, etc. The internally displaced students had to adjust themselves
both to new technical and academic requirements. IDSs who changed affiliation had to adapt to new
curriculum, new rules and processes of assessment, testing and examination.
Despite some difficulties IDSs experienced while adapting to new online learning platforms, online learning
technologies themselves facilitated students’ adaptation to new learning and living conditions. The positive
impact of online learning technologies on teaching and learning internally displaced students is evidenced
by international studies (Gillett-Swan, 2017; Lwin & Sungtong, 2022; Bawa & Bayaro, 2017). Though the
above studies were conducted in different contexts and were not related to the war in Ukraine, we can
trace the common features: accessibility, flexibility, mobility, larger academic freedom of internally
displaced students, etc.
4. Conclusions
Adaptation of internally displaced students is a complex process that can be successful only in the case of
creating supporting learning environment and favorable conditions for living and learning. The study
revealed that most difficulties in adaptation of internally displaced students for new living and learning
conditions are caused mainly by psychological problems, as well as the peculiarities of the surrounding
environment, in particular communicative. Also, the findings of the study proved that to achieve the
successful adaptation of internally displaced students to learning in new academic environment, the whole
range of academic and social programs should be implemented. In this context online learning technologies
are a powerful tool that contributed to continuous studying process of internally displaced students, the
intensification of their academic mobility, ensuring international standards for the high quality of
educational services and gaining international experience in the academic field.
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Adaptation of internally displaced students to new learning environment through
innovative methods of open teacher training in war perspectives. - Eduweb, 2023,
octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /96-104