Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Dvorianchykova, S., Bondarchuk, J., Syniavska, O., Pshenychna, I., & Zahorulko, M. (2023). Principles of the development of
academic integrity and critical thinking among philology students. Revista Eduweb, 17(4), 105-116.
Principles of the development of academic integrity and
critical thinking among philology students
Principios del desarrollo de la integridad académica y el pensamiento crítico
en estudiantes de filología
Svitlana Dvorianchykova
WoS Researcher ID: D-9578-2017
The Department of Philology and Translation of The Institute of Law and Modern Technologies of Kyiv National
University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Julia Bondarchuk
WoS Researcher ID: T-5186-2017
PhD in Philology, associate professor, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Olga Syniavska
WoS Researcher ID: ABB-2059-2021
The Department of Philology and Translation of The Institute of Law and Modern Technologies of Kyiv National
University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Iryna Pshenychna
WoS Researcher ID: AHA-7616-2022
The Department of Philology and Translation of The Institute of Law and Modern Technologies of Kyiv National
University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Maryna Zahorulko
WoS Researcher ID: AAF-8544-2020
The Department of Philology and Translation of The Institute of Law and Modern Technologies of Kyiv National
University of Technologies and Design, The Department of International Relations and Scientific Cooperation of
the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 20/06/23
Aceptado: 08/09/23
How and through what factors do academic staff influence students' development and enhancement of
critical literacy and academic integrity in 1st year undergraduate philology? Critical thinking is a system of
judgements of a higher order that makes it possible to analyse information in such a way that rational
decisions can be made on the basis of it. Under the conditions of the necessity of university education,
academic integrity is one of the cases of the implementation of critical thinking. The authors of the article
have used the following main methods: interviewing and testing at the initial and control stages of the level
of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, scientific observation, interviewing academic staff. Lectures
can have a significant influence on the level of students' awareness of their own need to comply with the
ideals of academic integrity and on the further development of this culture in the future. This has a positive
effect on the students' self-awareness as equal members of the educational process. It stimulates the
development of a sense of responsibility and awareness of mastering the future profession. A working
model for influencing the development and improvement of critical thinking skills and academic integrity
among philology students has been developed.
Keywords: academic integrity, academic success, critical thinking skills, English language, teaching
El objetivo principal del estudio es encontrar respuestas a la pregunta: cómo y con la ayuda de qué factores
el profesorado de educación superior puede influir en el desarrollo y mejora de las habilidades de
pensamiento crítico y la integridad académica en estudiantes de filología durante su primer año de
pregrado. El pensamiento crítico es un sistema de juicios de orden superior que le permite analizar
información de tal manera que pueda tomar decisiones racionales con base en ella. La integridad académica
es uno de los casos de implementación del pensamiento crítico en el contexto de la necesidad de la
formación universitaria. Los autores del artículo han utilizado los siguientes métodos principales: encuesta
y prueba en las etapas iniciales y de control de la formación de competencias, habilidades y capacidades
de los estudiantes, observación científica, encuestas al personal académico. Las conferencias pueden
afectar significativamente el nivel de conciencia entre los estudiantes sobre su propia necesidad de seguir
los ideales de integridad académica y estimular el desarrollo de esta cultura en el futuro. Esto tiene un
efecto positivo en la autoconciencia de los estudiantes como participantes iguales en el proceso educativo,
estimula el desarrollo de la responsabilidad y la conciencia con respecto al dominio de la futura profesión.
Se ha desarrollado un modelo de trabajo en cuanto a los medios de influencia en el desarrollo y mejora de
las habilidades de pensamiento crítico y la integridad académica entre los estudiantes de filología.
Palabras clave: éxito académico, habilidades de pensamiento crítico, idioma inglés, integridad académica,
métodos de enseñanza.
1. Introduction
The purpose of the article is to present the authors’ experience as for the principles of development of
academic integrity and critical thinking of the 1st year philology students of Kyiv National University of
Technologies and Design (Ukraine). In the study, we combine the following two aspects academic
integrity and critical thinking as we believe that the observance of academic integrity in education by
research participants, students of philology, is one of the manifestations of critical thinking in education,
i.e. the experience of good practice to achieve academic success.
Critical thinking at the present stage of science development is interpreted, firstly, as an abstract reflection
of the highest order and the art of analysis; and secondly, as a purely practical goal, the achievement of
which is one of the most important goals in general (especially in the conditions of free education), as each
state must strive to form a trajectory of individual decisions to manage its perception of reality, and to
ensure the conditions for its self-improvement (Halpern & Dunn, 2022, p. 33; Dvorianchykova & Yuhan,
2018, p. 52). Experts from the World Economic Forum in Davos and the World Innovation Summit for
Education have traditionally assessed critical thinking as one of the most desirable skills in the labour market
that successful people should have (WEF, 2020; WISE, 2021). In the programs of influential conferences
and educational recommendations (USA, Europe) the ability to think critically is one of the main conditions
of national well-being and security and is considered to be the basis for a person’s fruitful professional
activity, material and mental well-being (for example, the Future of Education Technology Conference
Svitlana Dvorianchykova, Julia Bondarchuk, Olga Syniavska, Iryna Pshenychna, Maryna Zahorulko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
(USA), the work of the influential The Foundation for Critical Thinking, which in 2023 is preparing to hold
The 43rd Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking (The Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2023).
In many countries, there are standardized exams for entrants to colleges, master’s or postgraduate courses
(GRE, GMAT, LSAT or TSA), successful passing of a test of a certain level for the presence of developed
critical thinking is a prerequisite for a candidate for a prestigious position (for example, PET or WGCTA). In
addition, strict adherence to the principles of academic integrity is consistent and mandatory: most
universities around the world teach critical thinking courses; a large number of educational materials are
published for various professions (by types), trainings are held, etc. (courses “Logical and Critical Thinking”
at the University of Auckland (Dare & Girard, 2022), “Critical Thinking for the Information Age” at the
University of Michigan (Nisbett, 2022), “Critical Reasoning for Beginners” at Oxford University (Talbot,
2012), etc., as well as a well-known program “INSIGHT Development Program” from the organization,
which is considered to be one of the world leaders in the sector of qualitative and quantitative measurement
of critical thinking (Insight Assessment, 2023).
According to the Law on Education, Ukraine (Law of Ukraine 2145-VIII, 2017), critical and systematic
thinking is proclaimed to be one of the skills common to all competencies, which is necessary for every
modern person to live successfully (On Education, Article 12), and all participants in the educational process
adhere to ethical principles and regulation rules of academic integrity, that is determined by the basis for
ensuring confidence in learning outcomes (On Education, Article 42).
Thus, in the article we have the following research question: how teachers can influence the development
and improvement of critical thinking skills and academic integrity in 1st year students of philology. According
to the research question, first of all, the article will clarify the principles of introducing optimal tools from
the arsenal of philological disciplines to develop critical thinking skills and adhere to the principles of
academic integrity by applicants who begin their studies and complete 1st year of bachelor's degree.
Secondly, the article presents an analysis of quantitative indicators on the acquisition of critical thinking
skills and academic integrity by philologists at the end of the 2nd semester of the 1st year of Kyiv National
University of Technologies and Design and considers the correlation between these data and general results
interpretation of the questionnaire of these respondents at the beginning of the 1st semester of the 1st year
and at the end of the 2nd semester of the 1st year in order to record the development of these skills.
2. Literature Review
The issue of the principles for developing the competence of critical thinking in the context of building an
innovative model for teaching and educating citizens of progressive countries is in the focus of attention of
scholars and educators of all levels and remains relevant. For example, the founders and speakers of The
Critical Thinking Summer Institute UCLA USA (in collaboration with the University of Queensland and the
IMPACT Center) (UCLA Summer Sessions, 2023), The Institute of Critical Thinking at the University of the
West Indies (2023) and The Critical Thinking Institute (2023) in their numerous speeches and
commentaries have repeatedly emphasized that the gradual stirrings in world education are shifting the
emphasis from reproductive learning to in-depth learning the material by all participants, stimulating
responsible, independent thinking of pupils and students, creating conditions for forming and improving
skills of making their own judgments.
Having examined a significant amount of research explaining critical thinking and its components, we based
our paper on Scriven and Paul’s definition, presented at the Annual International Conference on Critical
Thinking and Education Reform, summer 1987, as the most complete and concise work interpretation:
“Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skilfully conceptualizing, applying,
analysing, synthesizing, and / or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation,
experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action” (2019).
Such approach towards critical thinking was further developed by Paul-Elder to become one of the most
cited in the critical thinking literature nowadays. According to the Paul & Elder Critical Thinking Framework
(2020), the strategy of a good model of critical thinking combines thinking analysis with a focus on thinking
structures, evaluating thinking by focusing on quality, and improving thinking by applying what one has
As for academic integrity, there is a widespread understanding among the academic community, such as
“academic integrity is the commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral behaviour in an academic
setting” (Writing Center, 2023). According to researchers such as Bretag, “academic integrity is an
interdisciplinary concept that provides the foundation for every aspect and all levels of education” and a
modern “productive approach entails a focus on promoting the positive values of honesty, trust, fairness,
respect, responsibility, and courage as the intrinsically motivated drivers for ethical academic practice”
We agree with those modern philological scholars who emphasize: “Because critical thinking skills cannot
be dealt with in isolation, there is a need to integrate them in language skills, especially in reading”
(Elmouhtarim, 2018, p. 342). Researcher Ouhiba also indicates that teaching a university literature course
to those philology students who demonstrate an initial insufficient level of development of critical thinking
skills can help teachers “using literature as a bridge between the teaching of the foreign language and the
enhancement of learners’ critical thinking abilities”, at the same time the scholar notes that “it is needed
to explore the efficiency of critical thinking approaches in teaching different subject areas” (2022, p. 477,
The constant interest of Ukrainian scholars and teachers in courses, trainings and technologies of critical
thinking and dissemination of best practices of academic integrity in the European and wider global
space emphasizes the public and educational “demand” for such competencies and testifies to their
commitment to improving education in general and higher education in particular.
In Ukraine, at the present stage, mastering the discipline “Critical Thinking” in secondary schools and
institutions of higher education is just beginning. In the educational space of Ukraine there is an adaptation
of works from the University of Queensland on the development of critical thinking (course “Science of
Everyday Thinking”, online platform “Prometheus” (Tangen, Thompson, & MacKenzie, 2017) and Ukrainian
development that encourages teachers to develop, offering them personal growth (“Critical Thinking for
Educators”, Terno, Stepanova, & Horbachov, online platform “Prometheus” (2017), training course
“Introduction to Critical Thinking” (Karachinskyi, 2016), training course “Fundamentals of Critical Thinking”
(Pometun, Pylypchatina, Sushchenko, & Diukov, 2019), adaptation of the test to determine the abilities of
critical thinking Starkey (Lutsenko, 2014). Activities aimed at spreading the ideas of academic integrity are
actively disseminated and gaining popularity (lectures, translations, publications SAIUP “Project to
promote academic integrity in Ukraine” with the participation of MES of Ukraine and with the support of
the US Embassy; Strengthening Academic Integrity (American Councils for International Education, 2020).
According to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science №1 / 9-565, Ukraine (Ministry of Education
and Science of Ukraine, 2017), structural subdivisions on the organization and control over the observance
of the principles of academic integrity have been established and are functioning in the universities of
Ukraine. So, as we predicted, the involvement of elements of traditional courses in critical thinking in
educational practice will now have a relevant and positive impact on the development of domestic higher
education and its applicants in general, in addition, help promote critical thinking for future scholars’
scientific ideas (may influence further developments in the fields of political science, psychology, conflict,
pedagogy, philology, etc.) and promote the introduction of innovative educational and management
technologies in the practice of Ukrainian higher education to build a more developed society and scientific
and technological progress (Yuhan & Dvorianchykova, 2019, p. 347).
Principles of the development of academic integrity and critical thinking among
philology students. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /105-116
Svitlana Dvorianchykova, Julia Bondarchuk, Olga Syniavska, Iryna Pshenychna, Maryna Zahorulko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
We have chosen Paul & Elder as the approach that guided our research efforts on the principles of critical
thinking development of philological students. In our opinion, the model of the structure of critical thinking
presented by these scientists is of high quality and comprehensive, uses accurate and logical terminology,
can be involved in any discipline, and defines specific cognitive skills, including metacognition. The last
position of the above is the basis for us to justify the involvement of the development of academic integrity
in the orbit of improvement by students of their own critical thinking. We believe that it is logical that the
development of metacognition, traditionally understood as a person’s ability to critically analyse how he
thinks, understands, controls his thinking and self-regulate learning, is directly related to his tendency to
adhere to academic integrity in education as the best cognitive and institutional strategy for academic
success. We also agree with the ideas of Paul & Elder theorists, such as the University of Louisville scientists
working on the Ideas to Action Critical Thinking Initiative (University of Louisville, 2023b). According to
them, critical thinking instruction “should not be relegated to one or two disciplines or departments with
discipline specific language and conceptualizations”, it “should be explicitly infused in all courses so that
critical thinking skills can be developed and reinforced in student learning across the curriculum”, and “the
use of a common approach with a common language allows for a central organizer and for the development
of critical thinking skill sets in all courses(University of Louisville, 2023). In order to determine the level
of formation and quantitative parameters of the dynamics of critical thinking skills in 1st year philology
students of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, we used a questionnaire with adapted
tasks Starkey (2004), widely used in the world.
3. Methodolody
In our study we have focused on the analysis of our own professional reflections and experience of fellow
teachers of the Department of Philology and Translation of Kyiv National University of Technologies and
Design on the effectiveness of available funds from the arsenal of undergraduate studies during the first
year of 1st year philology students, their skills of critical thinking and adherence of applicants to the
principles of academic integrity. We have analysed this information with quantitative indicators of the
development of critical thinking skills and academic integrity in 1st year philology students at the end of the
2nd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year compared to the 1st semester of the same year. The obtained
results of the research allow us to state that, first of all, we have singled out such types of educational
strategies and tasks that can be applied in philological studies, and which allow to improve the skills of
critical thinking. Therefore, we will disseminate the gained positive experience and we will implement similar
educational tasks in the practice of the next, 2nd year, training the philology students of our university in
order to stimulate further progress in this field. And secondly, our previous assumption that the awareness
of the need to adhere to academic integrity as a learning strategy is inextricably linked to the development
of critical thinking in our respondent students has come true.
The research question of our article concerns how and by what means teachers of institutions of higher
education have the opportunity to influence the development and improvement of critical thinking skills
and academic integrity among students of philology of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
during their bachelor’s degree. The English language: translation in business communications. Educational
professional program (Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, 2021). Through the prism of the latest
authoritative theoretical research in this field, we have analysed as fully as possible our teaching practical
experience in helping our future prospective interpreters master these important competencies both for
their successful learning and for further fruitful professional activity.
The main methods of data collection of our article are questionnaires of applicants with closed and open
questions and scientific observation of the academic success of students of philology and the means to
achieve them. We have analysed the positive dynamics of correct answers of philologists regarding the use
of critical thinking and academic integrity in the second questionnaire relative to the first one: the number
of correct answers of students to closed questions, and the course of thought demonstrated by bachelor
philologists at the end of the first year. Therefore, we have considered the most effective tools, in our
opinion, available in our pedagogical case (in particular, those based on the use of Bloom’s taxonomy
(1956), aimed at developing critical thinking in the study of 1st year students of the philological cycle. This
ensures the reliability and validity of our study.
As we study the dynamics of the development of these skills in academic integrity and critical thinking
among all 1st year students of philology at Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design in general,
the sampling strategy provides a plan to form one representative group from these applicants, covering all
available 35 people. The total number of respondents corresponds to statistical considerations. We
conducted the first, initial, survey in September 2021 among our philology students at the beginning of the
first year of their bachelor’s degree in order to find out the initial level of formation of their skills in academic
integrity and critical thinking. In May 2022, at the end of the first year of the program by the same group
of students of philology, we conducted a second, final, questionnaire to find out whether respondents were
able to improve their competencies in the studied aspects. We also had to analyse what types of learning
strategies and tasks from the available philological arsenal for us, lecturers of Kyiv National University of
Technologies and Design, are helpful for the development of the students’ desired skills in the field of
critical thinking and forming a stable conscious experience of adherence to the principles of academic
integrity among them. So, the total number of respondents was 35 students and 40 lecturers of Kyiv
National University of Technologies and Design.
In our study 1st year philologists of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design and their lecturers
participated as anonymous respondents voluntarily and on the basis of confidentiality, regardless of their
gender, nationality, age, social status, political and other preferences. Thus, the plan of our study prevented
human rights violations and ensured maximum security, honesty and transparency for participants.
The main strategy of our study is based on views on critical thinking and academic integrity as a partial
example of its implementation in relation to university education, set out in the theory of Paul & Elder
(2020) and the development of their followers, such as scholars at the University of Louisville (University
of Louisville, 2023b), and derive from these studies. We also used elements of the well-known Starkey
(2004) questionnaire in order to identify and record the level of formation and quantitative parameters of
the dynamics of indicators of critical thinking skills among the 1st year students of philology.
Thus, we used
both quantitative and qualitative research methods. We used two of our students’ questionnaires on
academic integrity and critical thinking: at the beginning of their first university year and at the end of this
year. In order to come to an intermediate conclusion about the object of study, we have analysed and
interpreted quantitative indicators.
4. Results
Since our article describes how we develop the content of the research question regarding the results of
the impact of the educational components of the program of the department of philology and translation
of KNUTD “The English language: translation in business communications” and the corresponding content
of educational activities, we have analysed the improvement of critical thinking skills and academic integrity
among philology students of the 1st year of the bachelor's degree at the end of the 2nd semester compared
to their results of the 1st semester after 10 months of studying the disciplines “The English language
practice”, “Practical English phonetics”, “Practical English grammar”, “Business Ukrainian language in
translation aspect”, “General linguistics”, “Ukrainian literature from antiquity to the present in the world
and cultural context”, “Ukrainian statehood: history and modernity”, “Philosophy, political science and
sociology” and the course of educational practice from September 2021 to June 2022. For the most
comprehensive study of the identified positions, we chose the analytical strategy of the structured content
Svitlana Dvorianchykova, Julia Bondarchuk, Olga Syniavska, Iryna Pshenychna, Maryna Zahorulko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
As for the awareness of philology applicants regarding the observance of academic integrity, the situation
among the respondents of our study was as follows: at the initial stage (the beginning of the 1st semester
of the 2021 2022 academic year), the questionnaire training of the applicants showed that they were
mostly or not at all familiar with the concept of academic integrity (85 % of respondents), or from their
previous experience in high school did not realize the importance of ethical principles and rules defined by
law, which should be guided by participants in the educational process (62 % of respondents from those
who indicated that they were familiar with the concept of academic integrity, or 91 % of the total number
of applicants). However, we can testify that at the control stage (at the end of the 2nd semester of the
2021 2022 academic year), the indicators regarding this aspect have improved significantly: the total
number of respondents who answered that they know about academic integrity has increased by 6.5 times,
and the number of those who began to follow its rules, increased 10 times. In particular, it is worth noting
that during the 1st year of study, philology students were convinced of the existence of a direct correlation
between the fulfilment of academic integrity requirements, their own academic success and fruitful further
professional activity: our calculations showed an increase in the total number of such achievers by an
impressive 16 times (Table 1).
Table 1.
Awareness of 1st year philology students about academic integrity
initial stage
control stage
If you are aware of the concept of academic integrity, %
15 %
98 %
If you answered yes to the first question, do you adhere
to academic integrity in your studies, %
38 %
89 %
If you answered yes to the first question, do you feel
there is a relationship between maintaining academic
integrity and your academic success, %
30 %
98 %
Source: compiled by the authors
During the two semesters of studying, the philology students repeatedly consulted with their teachers on
the mentioned topics and were convinced by their own experience that the participants of the educational
process at KNUTD adhere to the “Code of Academic Integrity” (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
2021). In the group of students under our review, there were several cases when the teachers did not
credit the provided control tasks with signs of plagiarism from various academic disciplines and returned
them for revision with the necessary explanations. For example, one of the teachers mentioned 5 such
cases during the teaching of one of the academic disciplines. In addition, the future undergraduate
translators completed the educational practice of 1st year students, in the framework of which they had to
learn theoretical materials on the basics of academic relationships at institutions of higher education,
complete the proposed practical tasks, practice on the test simulator and take a test control (Table 2). The
complex of such activities led to the fact that at the beginning of the 2nd semester, the general level of
students' knowledge of the established practice of academic relations in Ukrainian institutions of higher
education increased significantly, because 97 % of the test takers successfully completed the control test
tasks, and 72 % of the test takers demonstrated a high and average level formation of this competence.
Table 2.
The level of competence formation in the basics of academic relations in institutions of higher education
among 1st year philologists
control stage
(testing as part of the
educational practice of 1st
year students, February
High level of competence formation (90-100 points), %
37 %
Sufficient level of competence formation (74-89 points), %
35 %
Satisfactory level of competence formation (60-73 points), %
25 %
Unsatisfactory level of competence formation (0-59 points), %
3 %
Source: compiled by the authors
During our study, we have twice conducted questionnaires of philology students according to the method
of Starkey (2004) in order to determine their level of development of critical thinking competence. We can
see that the results of the control stage at the end of the 2nd semester of 2021 2022 academic year
demonstrated the positive dynamics and effectiveness of the methods and techniques we used in the
educational process (Table 3). Thus, at the control stage at the end of the 2nd semester of the 1st year of
study, all indicators considering success increased: the percentage of students who demonstrated a high
level of competence in critical thinking increased by 2 %, a sufficient level by 4 %, a satisfactory level by
11 %. The total percentage of those students who had a sufficient and higher level of competence in critical
thinking increased by 17 %, which can be considered to be a good indicator.
Table 3.
The level of critical thinking development competence among 1st year philologists
initial stage
control stage
High level of competence formation (90-100 points), %
3 %
5 %
Sufficient level of competence formation (74-89 points), %
13 %
17 %
Satisfactory level of competence formation (60-73 points), %
34 %
45 %
Unsatisfactory level of competence formation (0-59 points), %
50 %
33 %
Source: compiled by the authors
In order to achieve the considered results of the control stage (Table 3) during the studies of the students
of the 1st year of the bachelor’s degree in the educational program “The English language: translation in
business communications” of the mandatory disciplines of the cycle of general and professional philological
training, we widely and systematically applied the following methods and techniques for the development
of critical thinking, such as: group discussions, cluster compositions, six thinking hats according to de Bono,
questions according to Bloom, Socratic discussion and taxonomy of Socratic questioning, analysis of specific
situations, conceptual tables, reading with stops, summarizing, writing annotations and reviews, etc.
(Kharchenko, 2018, p. 26-51).
The systematization of the survey of academic and teaching staff who provide teaching of the listed
disciplines and philology students at the initial and control stages have showed some changes in the
distribution of the most effective and, in their opinion, the most comfortable types of educational activities
for stimulating the development of critical thinking (Table 4). Thus, analysing the indicators of both groups,
which correspond to the stages of the beginning and completion of the 1st course by acquirers-translators,
it is worth noting that the academic staff of the Department of Philology and Translation of KNUTD did not
change their opinion about the most suitable of the available methods of working on the development of
Svitlana Dvorianchykova, Julia Bondarchuk, Olga Syniavska, Iryna Pshenychna, Maryna Zahorulko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
the specified skill: we monitored fluctuations within 2-3 % on average. The change in the distribution of
similar preferences among the students demonstrated that our 1st year philology students during the 10
months of their studies processed a significant layer of information about critical thinking and means of its
development and got the opportunity to determine the most appropriate methods in the context of the
educational components they have mastered, that among other things, stimulated their involvement in the
educational process, responsibility for its results, as well as the development of intercultural communicative
competence (Dvorianchykova, Bondarchuk, Syniavska, & Kugai, 2022). Thus, if during the survey at the
initial stage, the applicants rated each of the methods of developing critical thinking almost equally, then
during the survey at the control stage, the methods of group discussion, analysis of specific situations,
reading with stops, questions according to Bloom (1956) turned out to be the most popular from the
philological arsenal and played a special role during the discussion of issues studied in the classroom.
Together, these methods were noted as the most popular by 72 % of all applicants.
Table 4.
Distribution of implemented methods for the development of critical thinking according to the level of
satisfaction of philological stakeholders
Academic and teaching
1st years philology
initial stage
control stage
initial stage
Analysis of specific situations, %
19 %
17 %
10 %
20 %
Group discussion, %
13 %
15 %
10 %
Questions according to Benjamin
Bloom, %
17 %
12 %
10 %
10 %
Writing annotations and reviews, %
10 %
12 %
10 %
5 %
Summarizing, %
7 %
8 %
7 %
5 %
Cluster composition, %
3 %
5 %
9 %
7 %
Socratic discussion, %
10 %
9 %
8 %
5 %
Special role during the discussion, %
7 %
6 %
10 %
9 %
Reading with stops, %
7 %
8 %
13 %
12 %
Six thinking hats, %
8 %
13 %
5 %
Other, %
1 %
1 %
Source: compiled by the authors
So, formulating the interim results of the analytical part of our investigation and summarizing it, we have
to note that after 10 months of research during the two semesters of the 2021 2022 academic year of
the principles of the teachers’ influence at the institution of higher education on the development and
improvement of critical thinking skills and academic integrity among 1st year philology students, we, firstly,
have made sure of the effectiveness of the measures described in the article, and secondly, we have
developed and tested a working model that will be used in further educational activities (Table 5).
Table 5.
Components of a working model of means of influence on the development and improvement of critical
thinking skills and academic integrity among philology students
Stage 1
survey and test applicants at the initial stage in order to diagnose the level of
their knowledge of academic integrity and their development of critical
thinking skills.
Stage 2
inform applicants about the culture of academic integrity in the institution of higher
education and comprehensively and systematically encourage them to adhere to it.
Stage 3
apply methods for the development of critical thinking among students during their study
of academic disciplines.
Stage 4
survey fellow teachers about their professional opinion and advice on the best means
and methods of developing the studied competencies and to adjust the educational
process according to the obtained results.
Stage 5
survey and test applicants at the control stage to determine the growth of their
knowledge of academic integrity and improve their critical thinking skills.
Source: compiled by the authors
5. Discussion
The suggested study reflected the way we have been trying to answer the question how and with the
help of what factors academic staff of institutions of higher education can influence the development and
improvement of critical thinking skills and academic integrity among philology students during their studies
in the 1st year of the bachelor’s degree. The initial strategy of our study is the generally accepted
understanding of critical thinking in modern science as a system of higher-order judgments that allows to
analyse information in such a way as to make rational decisions based on it. We consider academic integrity
in relation to our study as one of the cases of the implementation of critical thinking in the conditions of
the necessity for university education. Our experiments have demonstrated that our previous hypothesis
was true concerning the awareness of the need to adhere to academic integrity as a learning strategy is
inextricably linked to the development of critical thinking in our student respondents. To achieve the goal
of the study, we used the following main methods: survey and testing at the initial and control stages (at
the beginning of the 1st semester of study and at the end of the 2nd) of the formation level of knowledge,
skills and abilities of the students with closed and open questions, scientific observation during their studies
for 10 months of the 2021-2022 academic year based on the academic success of 1st year philology students
and the means of their achievement, surveying and questionnaires of academic staff who carry out the
educational process in the academic classroom of the mentioned students. The total number of respondents
was 35 students and 40 lecturers.
Owing to the study, we have discovered that, firstly, teachers can significantly influence the level of
awareness among 1st year students of their own need to follow the ideals of academic integrity and
stimulate the further development of this culture in the future. Secondly, at the beginning of students'
studies at the university, during only two semesters of the bachelor's degree, teachers are able to build an
educational process in such a way that within the framework of the mastered academic disciplines
successfully develop critical thinking skills, which has been confirmed by our experiments. Thirdly, the
mentioned steps also affect the level of students' self-awareness as equal members of the educational
process, stimulate the development of responsibility and consciousness regarding mastering the future
profession. Fourthly, at the current stage of the study, we have identified the most popular among the
implemented methods for the development of critical thinking according to the level of satisfaction with
them among philological stakeholders. This, among other things, inspires us in the future to find out the
reasons that led the respondents to consider certain methods and techniques as the most effective ones.
And fifthly, we have developed a working model of means of influence on the development and
Principles of the development of academic integrity and critical thinking among
philology students. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /105-116
Svitlana Dvorianchykova, Julia Bondarchuk, Olga Syniavska, Iryna Pshenychna, Maryna Zahorulko
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
improvement of critical thinking skills and academic integrity among philology students, which we plan to
test and improve in the future educational process in the studied audience training philology students for
2 4 undergraduate courses and those 1st year students who will begin studying under the mentioned
educational program “The English language: translation in business communications” in the 2022-2023
academic year.
6. Conclusion
Thus, among the benefits of our work and the prospects for continuing the study, we see the following.
Firstly, to study the further improvement of the skills of observing academic integrity and applying critical
thinking by our philology students during their studies in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of the bachelor’s degree,
to make the necessary calculations and analyse the changes in quantitative and qualitative indicators
according to the already developed model. Secondly, in the future, to identify such types of educational
strategies and tasks that can be applied among philological studies in general and allow to for the effective
and harmonious improvement of students' critical thinking skills and foreign language communication
We will share the positive experience we have already gained with the Ukrainian and international
professional community. We will implement the described educational strategies in the practice of teaching
philology students of our university in order to stimulate their further progress in the specified field of
development of competencies of academic integrity and critical thinking.
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