Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Zabiiaka, I., Nefodov, D., Hryashchevskaya, L., Horvat, M., & Shynkaruk, O. (2023). Foreign experience in quality assurance within
the innovative space of higher education. Revista Eduweb, 17(4), 141-153.
Foreign experience in quality assurance within the
innovative space of higher education
Experiencia extranjera en aseguramiento de la calidad dentro del espacio
innovador de la educación superior
Iryna Zabiiaka
WoS Researcher ID: AAD-6434-2022
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign and Ukrainian Philology,
Lutsk National Technical University, Ukraine.
Dmytro Nefodov
WoS Researcher ID: F-6345-2019
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of History, V. О. Sukhomlynskyi National
University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Lyudmila Hryashchevskaya
WoS Researcher ID: ААР-8506-2020
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of the History, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi
National University of Mykolaiv, Ukraine.
Marianna Horvat
WoS Researcher ID: K-4158-2018
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary
Education, Mukachevo State University, Ukraine.
Oleksandra Shynkaruk
WoS Researcher ID: FZS-8389-2022
Сandidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and
International Communication, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Recibido: 08/08/23
Aceptado: 26/10/23
The effectiveness of the quality assurance system for higher education has been shown at the international
level. The relevance of the problem of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education is
considered, first of all, in the context of the global space of higher education. Reforms in the operational
and strategic management of education led to the introduction of recommendations and standards for
quality assurance in the ESG European Higher Education Area. The main factors of quality assurance in the
innovative space of higher education and the main principles of reforming the European space of higher
education are highlighted. An effective tool for ensuring the quality of higher education is academic
integrity, which is recognized as the moral code and ethical rules of the educational, scientific, and civilized
community. Based on the results of the project "Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across
Europe" in 27 EU member states, the systems and methods of combating plagiarism were analyzed and
recommendations were made regarding the need to popularize the institutional culture of academic
Keywords: quality, higher education, foreign, innovation, academic integrity.
A nivel internacional se ha demostrado la efectividad del sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad de la
educación superior. La relevancia del problema del aseguramiento de la calidad en el espacio innovador de
la educación superior se considera, en el contexto del espacio global de la educación superior. Las reformas
en la gestión operativa y estratégica de la educación llevaron a la introducción de recomendaciones y
estándares para el aseguramiento de la calidad en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior ESG. Se
destacan los principales factores de garantía de calidad en el espacio innovador de la educación superior,
los principios fundamentales de la reforma del espacio europeo de educación superior. Una herramienta
eficaz para garantizar la calidad de la educación superior es la integridad académica, reconocida como el
código moral y las reglas éticas de la comunidad educativa, científica y civilizada. De acuerdo con los
resultados del proyecto "Impacto de las Políticas para el Plagio en la Educación Superior en Europa" en 27
estados miembros de la CE, se analizaron los sistemas y métodos de lucha contra el plagio y se hicieron
recomendaciones sobre la necesidad de popularizar la cultura institucional de integridad académica.
Palabras clave: calidad, educación superior, extranjero, innovación, integridad académica.
1. Introduction
Ensuring quality in the innovative space of higher education for all citizens is the main thing for creating a
fair and high-quality society dreamed of by mankind, which is a kind of signpost for the development of
our civilization. Quality education changes a person, the surrounding reality, his worldview, and the future.
The course of the historical civilizational development of the world with the improvement of the innovative
space of higher education led to the transition to the information society from the industrial one. In such a
society, information has the highest value, and the source of innovative information in developed countries
of the world reaches 80% of national wealth. With this approach, the main task of state importance
becomes the perspective of education in the country and ensuring the high quality of the educational space
(Vasyliuk et al., 2019).
Today, the educational community at the international level believes that there cannot and should not be
a clearly defined international effective system of ensuring quality assurance for higher education. Each
civilized country solves the issue of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education, taking
into account the peculiarities of the national education system. But in no case should we bypass pan-
European and world experience in ensuring the quality of higher education, but rather unite with existing
institutions as soon as possible (Reznichenko, 2020).
2. Literature Review
O. Finahina, I. Bitiuk, O. Matviienko, & D. Hudyma (2022) showed the need in the conditions of the
information economy to update the principles of the development of innovative educational space based
on comprehensive European experience and creativity and provided a scientific justification. With a
projection on social transformations in society, the processes of development of the educational space, a
theoretical reflection of research on the information economy and information society is presented in a
categorical vision. Systematized modern theories of the information society of outstanding world scientists,
Foreign experience in quality assurance within the innovative space of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /141-153
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
which in the directions of economic and social progress shape the future picture of the world, accumulate,
and change the modern world. The role in the educational space of the basic manifestation of changes is
revealed, and the principles of the development of the educational system, which ensures the formation of
technologies, several management mechanisms, and the movement towards the information economy, are
recognized. the principles of the development of the educational process are presented as integrated,
targeted approaches that ensure vectorial movement of the educational system, actualization, and give
significance to the development model of education management and the economy of society. The
European experience of the development of the educational space as an increase in the potential of the
information economy and a key asset of humanity is systematized.
S. Kalashnikova, N. Bazeliuk, & O. Bazeliuk (2023) devoted their research to one of the priorities of the
development of the European area of higher education: the improvement of teaching in the field of higher
education. This direction is relevant for higher education in all countries. The practical orientation of
scientific institutions and institutions of higher education is presented; the prerequisites of the political and
theoretical foundations of the implementation of the improvement of learning and teaching in universities
are summarized; the role of international projects implemented in the world, directions of scientists who
take care of this issue are shown; methodical recommendations were developed for the creation of
strategies, institutional models, solutions, approaches for scientific institutions and universities to improve
the quality of teaching and learning.
S. Sysoieva, N. Batechko, & I. Tryhub (2020) developed, to ensure the practical and theoretical training of
future doctors of philosophy (Ph.D.), methodological guidelines for higher education holders of the degree
"Doctor of Philosophy" for the educational module "Quality of higher education and expert support for its
provision: the experience of the European Union" within the framework of the "Erasmus +: Jean Monnet"
program regarding expert support of higher education and ensuring the quality of higher education in
Ukraine, taking into account the experience and best achievements of the countries of the European Union.
V. Kuharskyi, O. Osredchuk, & M. Mazurkevych (2018) showed the main best practices and innovative
principles of higher education institutions in Europe; analyzed the processes of formation of higher
education quality assurance systems in the European space, analyzed the regulatory and legal framework
for quality assurance of education in Ukraine. Procedures and criteria for external assurance of education
quality are outlined; features of higher education quality assurance systems in universities, the most
popular models in higher education institutions, and their internal quality assurance systems are shown.
Methodological recommendations are provided for the procedure of evaluating educational programs for
agencies of quality assurance of education, development of higher education institutions, and construction
of educational models of quality assurance systems.
O. Lokshyna (2018) revealed the peculiarities of the European progress of higher education. She
characterized the essence of the Europeanization of higher education, showed the European guidelines for
the development of higher education in the European space of higher education, and justified the
challenges that are on the way to the synchronization of the system of ensuring the quality of higher
education with European standards. Revealed the content of the Standards and recommendations for
quality assurance in the European area of higher education.
V. Reznichenko (2020) examined and clarified the features of the modern European experience in providing
higher education. From the past to the present, the possibilities of his best possessions are shown. The
peculiarities of the European experience of providing higher education are substantiated and the problems
of the European experience of providing higher education are investigated, the peculiarities of the
application of the best traditions in the educational sphere are determined. The full conformity of the
education of the EU countries with European values is shown, the worldview issues of citizens, important
educational aspects of education reform, and the formation of views on education of the "new mentality"
are clarified. The need to take national specifics into account is emphasized.
A. Vasyliuk, M. Dei, & V. Bazeliuk (2019) revealed the essence of the concepts: ensuring the quality of
education, innovation space, proposed criteria, factors, indicators, indicators, and components of the quality
of higher education. In the international context, the issue of the quality of higher education is highlighted.
Attention is paid to monitoring the quality of student education and evaluating the quality of higher
education in general, which is focused on the analysis of the mechanisms of ensuring.
The purpose of the article: at the international level, to show the effectiveness of the quality assurance
system for higher education.
3. Methodology
To achieve the goal of the research, the following theoretical research methods were used:
analysis of psychological-pedagogical, scientific, philosophical, reference, and methodical literature on
the research topic;
comparison and comparison to substantiate the European experience of quality assurance in the
innovative space of higher education and to highlight the progressive trends of quality professional
training of future specialists in foreign countries;
synthesis, and systematization, which made it possible to characterize the state of development, and
scientific provisions of the researched problem, allowed to substantiate the categorical and conceptual
apparatus of research;
specification, and abstraction for the development of the content of an effective quality guarantee
system for higher education;
modeling for the development of proposals for quality assurance in the innovative space of higher
generalization for ascertaining the results of research work, educational forecasting, and formulation
of conclusions.
The research is based on the starting points of an educational nature: innovation, humanitarianization,
humanization, informatization, and continuity, which is the main thing in higher education institutions with
intensive changes in the sociocultural space, increasing the quality of the educational process,
modernization of higher education in the context of European integration processes. The implementation
of scientific research on quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education covers interrelated
concepts: methodological, theoretical, technological, and methodological.
The methodological concept reflects the interaction of general scientific methodology approaches to the
study of the specified problem, namely:
synergistic, based on the assimilation of a synergistic picture of the world in the process of ensuring
quality in the innovative space of higher education; allows considering this process as a self-developing,
complex, innovative system;
systemic, which determines the comprehensiveness of the analysis of the problem; ensures the
structuring of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education, as well as its
purposefulness, integrity, and effectiveness;
personally oriented, the dominant personality of which is the personality of the student of education;
axiological, which gives reasons to understand quality assurance in the innovative space of higher
education as a professional value that expresses a subjective attitude to professional activity;
cultural, which provides an opportunity for the student to feel himself as a subject of quality assurance
in the innovative space of higher education;
interdisciplinary, which contributes to the integrity of the training of future specialists by ensuring
quality in the innovative space of higher education;
Foreign experience in quality assurance within the innovative space of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /141-153
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
competence-based, oriented towards the formation of a system of knowledge in future specialists, as
a basis for the successful implementation of professional activities;
technological, which involves instrumental management of the educational process to train a high-
quality, competitive specialist.
The theoretical concept includes a system of key definitions, leading approaches, and ideas that enable the
interpretation of the main categories and concepts of research.
The technological and methodological concept is implemented through the development and
implementation of a quality assurance system in the innovative space of higher education, aimed at
achieving positive dynamics of the research process.
4. Results and Discussion
About two decades for the development of the European area of higher education are considered the basis
for ensuring the quality of higher education based on ESG recommendations and European standards. In the
European space, the adoption of ESG became the determining factor of changes in ensuring the quality of
education. This approach provided the basis for the creation and introduction of a register of independent
quality assurance agencies. The Bucharest Communiqué of 2012 allowed all agencies registered in EQAR
(European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education) to carry out their activities in the entire European
space in compliance with national requirements. In the development of the quality of higher education, the
main aspects are student-centered learning, the involvement of employers in the educational process, the
expansion of groups of interested parties, the use of modern information and communication technologies in
education, etc. (Kuharskyi et al., 2018).
The first attempt to develop the concept of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education
belongs to the developers of the World Declaration adopted in October 1998 at the initiative of UNESCO on
higher education for the 21st century. In this document, quality assurance in the innovative space of higher
education appeared as a multidimensional strategy that covers all its activities and functions: scientific
research and scholarships, educational programs, education seekers, staffing, buildings, equipment, material
and technical base, academic environment (Neave, 1998). Quality improvement was proposed to be achieved
by taking into account the conditions and realities of the organization of the educational process, harmonizing
the internal self-evaluation of higher education institutions with expert external evaluation, and involving
interested parties in institutional evaluation (Vasyliuk et al., 2019).
The main indicator of the level of trust in educational institutions is the quality of higher education and the
compatibility of the national education systems of different countries (Polishchuk et al., 2022).
Quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education covers the following aspects:
the organization of the educational process, adequate to modern trends in the development of the world
higher national and school and the level of development of society;
availability of trained scientific and pedagogical personnel of a high-quality qualification level, as well as
educational and methodological, material, financial, informational, and other resources;
development of clear requirements for the contingent of education seekers, and their practical
implementation during admission to study;
implementation and development of new educational innovative technologies;
definition of parameters and conditions of the system of certification of education seekers;
monitoring the quality of training of specialists and educational activities at all stages of educational
activities and at all levels of the higher education institution, the state, and the international level.
Therefore, the relevance of the problem of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education
should be considered, first of all, in the context of the pan-European space of higher education (Babyn,
We will show the complex of components that includes the quality of higher education:
the quality of the teaching staff.
the quality of the educational and methodological base (attraction to the education process of innovative
means and methods of cognition, resource provision of higher education institutions, modern technical
quality of training of students who possess technologies within their specialty is capable of adapting to
the conditions of scientific and technical progress, effective competitive professional activity, and have
the skills to use their knowledge to solve professional tasks (Vasyliuk et al., 2019).
The standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education
primarily support the spirit of the "Greek Declaration of July 2003" (European University Association, 2003),
which was proclaimed by the European Association of Universities, which states that "the goal of the European
dimension in the field of quality assurance is the affirmation of mutual trust and the provision of greater
transparency in the context of the diversity of national systems and subject areas." Priority is given to national
systems of higher education, the importance of the autonomy of higher education institutions, and the need
for agencies to ensure the quality of education are emphasized, and specific requirements for academic
disciplines are outlined. The main responsibility for ensuring quality in the innovative space of higher
education, by the principle of institutional autonomy, lies with each institution, which forms the basis for the
systematic accountability of the academic system within the national system of ensuring the quality of
education (Karpenko, 2012). Therefore, standards and recommendations for quality assurance in higher
education are aimed at finding a permanent balance between the role that external quality assurance
procedures can play in the innovative space of higher education and the development of an internal culture
of quality compliance (Reznichenko, 2020).
The need for reforms in the operational and strategic management of education presupposes the introduction
of recommendations and standards for quality assurance in the ESG European Higher Education Area. As a
result of the study of feedback on the quality of education from students, improvement of the excellence of
education programs in higher education, competence planning, analysis of the demand for education,
forecasting of education results, stakeholders are involved, resistance to the introduction of new priorities is
overcome, and student-centered education is introduced (Kuharskyi et al., 2018).
Standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European area of higher education have become
a powerful supranational tool for ensuring the quality of higher education, which strengthens the
Europeanization of higher education (Shchyrbul et al., 2022).
Standards for quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education are divided into three parts:
education quality assurance agencies;
external assurance of the quality of education;
internal assurance of the quality of education (Lokshyna, 2018).
Let's highlight the main factors of ensuring quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education.
1. Attitude towards higher education as a competitive position in society, the prestige of the higher education
institution, national security, the highest value of the individual, the guarantee of social progress, the
competitiveness of the state, and the individual.
Foreign experience in quality assurance within the innovative space of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /141-153
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
2. Constant informing of education seekers, educational activities about the strategy of ensuring the quality
of education, measures, and joint tasks to improve the efficiency of the educational process, the position
of the public, employers, higher education institutions, and other interested parties.
3. Adequate financing of higher education institutions, adequate remuneration for the work of professors
and teaching staff, which ensures the quality of teaching, and realizes educational goals.
4. Intolerance of any forms of academic dishonesty: plagiarism, compilation, falsification, mandatory
punishment for various manifestations of academic dishonesty, and implementation of a nationwide anti-
plagiarism system for officials and civil servants of all ranks, teachers, heads of higher education
institutions, higher education students, scientists.
5. Responsibility for the results of educational activities of stakeholders: making management decisions,
teaching, training, and organization of professional training.
6. Transparency of measures and mechanisms to ensure quality assurance in the innovative space of higher
education, open access to information of institutions of higher education, scientific institutions, about the
activities of relevant management bodies, related to the improvement of internal and external quality
assurance systems of the educational space.
7. Monitoring the effectiveness of internal and external quality assurance systems in the innovative space
of higher education by society, the state, public independent agencies, and organizations (Vasyliuk et al.,
An effective tool for ensuring the quality of higher education is academic integrity, which is recognized as the
moral code and ethical rules of the educational, scientific, and civilized community. Academic integrity is a
complex concept that describes a kind of contract between members and their academic community:
management by teachers and students.
The main signs of academic integrity include:
cooperation of all participants in the educational process: students of education, their parents;
pedagogical, scientific, scientific-pedagogical workers; other persons participating in the educational
process by the procedure established by the institution of higher education (presence of a special subject);
a combination of legal and moral principles existing in a set of rules and ethical principles defined by law
application of academic integrity in the process of teaching, learning, and scientific activity (specified
scope of application);
ensuring trust in the results of scientific achievements and training (special purpose) (Tytska, 2018).
According to the results of the project "Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe"
in 27 EU member states, the systems and methods of combating plagiarism were analyzed and
recommendations were made regarding the need to popularize the institutional culture of academic integrity:
1. Academic integrity should be a strategic priority in the management system of a scientific institution or
institution of higher education.
2. Clear, consistent, and transparent adherence to institutional-wide procedures and rules to maintain
academic integrity.
3. Application of proportionate and fair sanctions.
4. Interaction of the entire academic community and joint efforts in the implementation of the strategy of
combating and preventing manifestations of academic dishonesty.
5. Values for encouragement and obtaining additional financial grants or bonuses, institutional culture, and
the cult of learning.
6. Leadership of education seekers in active support of academic honesty, its institutional strategy.
7. Openness, transparency, effective communication at all levels of education, preservation of institutional
8. Monitoring of education, constant assessment of education seekers, research aimed at improving the
effectiveness of the strategy of the educational space and the education system.
9. Implementation of the principles of academic integrity in the system of scientific development and
research within and outside the institution.
10. Institutional understanding, by international norms and standards, of what is acceptable in academic
practice (Glendinning, 2015).
11. Coordination of a set of criteria at the international level, which should take into account the
characteristics of an effective system and policy to ensure academic integrity in institutions of higher
12. To assess the effectiveness of the institutional policy of academic integrity, the development of an online
platform based on defined criteria.
13. Provision of financial and practical support from EU institutions responsible for education and authorities
(regional, national) for the development of effective institutional policies.
14. 14 Formation of a culture of academic integrity at all levels of education through the implementation of
innovative measures, as well as a targeted international program of conferences and seminars.
15. Stimulation by organizations responsible for the control and quality assurance of higher education,
attestation, and accreditation, licensing of systematic monitoring of academic integrity.
16. At all levels of training, based on the norms of academic ethics, best practice, integrity, and truth, ensuring
the appropriate level of education for those seeking education.
17. Creation of a program to increase scientific research and awareness of education seekers through the
formation of a European network of scientists contributing to the promotion of best practices in the field
of academic integrity (Dehtiariova, 2016).
We see that an important factor in the success of higher education institutions is academic integrity. The trust
of sponsors, employers, teachers, customers of scientific and educational services, and grant givers is based
on it. Thanks to academic integrity, feedback is formed, which is positive and strengthens the reputation of
the institution of higher education, its students, and its employees (Vasyliuk et al., 2019).
We will consider the peculiarities of prioritization and actualization of the improvement of the quality assurance
process in the innovative space of higher education, teaching in higher education in national cases.
. According to the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy in higher education in Austria,
the task of improving teaching is determined by the following procedures and documents:
1. The National Universities Development Plan has been in effect since 2016, to improve the relevant
indicators and quality of teaching in higher education regarding the learning outcomes of higher education
2. A component of the system of external quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education is
ensuring and improving the quality of teaching.
3. The educational process in Austrian universities is not regulated at the national level but belongs to the
autonomy of universities. Therefore, the issue of ensuring the quality of higher education is reflected
indirectly in the framework of the performance agreement, which is signed by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Research and higher education institutions. According to this agreement, state universities
are responsible for the quality of education and teaching.
. At the national level, the document "The Value of Knowledge, Strategic Agenda for Higher
Education and Research 2015-2025" is in force, which defines the main goals of the strategic development of
higher education institutions: access to education, world-class higher education, development of young
talents, diversity of teaching methods and social activity. The successful implementation of the quality
assurance process in the innovative space of higher education depends on such strategic goals. The main
mechanisms and tools of the process of ensuring the quality of higher education are digitalization of the
Foreign experience in quality assurance within the innovative space of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /141-153
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
educational process, professional development of teachers, etc. The Association of Universities of the
Netherlands is coordinating the implementation of the paradigm of improving the quality of higher education
in the country.
. In the country, attention is focused on improving learning and teaching in higher education:
1. In Ireland, the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) was created, which supports projects to improve learning
and teaching in higher education (the early 2000s).
2. The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning was created in the country, which
directs all the efforts of universities to the improvement of teaching and learning (it offers a road map for
the digitalization of higher education, presents the National Framework for the professional development
of academic staff of higher education institutions and offers several innovative initiatives (end 2012).
3. The introduction of the National Learning Impact Awards promotes the recognition and wide sharing of
best practices in higher education: teaching and learning.
. In January 2017, the Ministry of Education and Research issued the document "Quality Culture in
Higher Education", which spells out public expectations and defines tasks for improving the process of quality
assurance in the innovative space of higher education, namely the government:
1. Demands from institutions of higher education: valuing the activities of teachers and raising their status,
developing and supporting teaching initiatives, improving the quality assurance process in the innovative
space of higher education, improving the quality of teaching; a fixed reward system for the best practicing
teachers; at all stages of the academic career of promoting the professional development of teachers.
2. Expects from institutions of higher education successful expert evaluation, implementation of innovative
practices, and collegial mentoring aimed at improving teaching to strengthen the culture of quality.
3. To improve the quality of higher education, it introduces a national electronic database; support for
research, etc. (relevant national initiatives), which promotes trust and is generally aimed at improving the
quality of higher education and the quality of learning and teaching in particular (Kalashnikova et al.,
Nowadays, all states that joined the European Higher Education Area direct their functions to the
implementation of the process of quality assurance in the innovative area of higher education, in coordination
between the governments of the European countries of structural reforms. During the reform of higher
education, the following are taken into account:
priorities of education quality, preservation of cultural diversity of national education systems;
the task of implementing international cooperation, spreading mobility, improving the employment of
education seekers in the international or European area, and international competitiveness of higher
education institutions (Kuchai & Kuchai, 2019).
Let us highlight the main principles of reforming the European Higher Education Area:
ensuring the quality of education;
social and global dimensions;
promotion of employment of graduates;
implementation of the principle of "student-centered" education; framework of qualifications; tricycle
system of higher education; lifelong learning policies;
mobility of students and teachers;
internationalization of higher education.
The principles of reforming the European Higher Education Area are mandatory for consideration in the
projects of educators and their strategic plans (Stratan-Artyshkova et al., 2022).
The European area of higher education aims at the continuous innovative development of higher education,
which consists of the following:
promotes economic attractiveness, quality, and social cohesion;
encourages students and teachers to be mobile;
is based on institutional autonomy, academic freedom, and participation in higher education management
of students and teachers;
promotes lifelong learning, employment of graduates, and development of the social dimension of higher
sees students and employees of higher education institutions as active members of the academic
is open to education in the world and cooperates in other parts of the world with higher education.
We see that the experience and examples of improving the process of quality assurance in the innovative
space of higher education in European countries are recognized, they appear in the formation and
implementation of strategic plans, are successful, actively adapted, influence changes in priorities and improve
the principles of development of educational systems. Such experience in the extension of innovative
educational projects to the latest standards, and its systematic involvement in education, will ensure the
improvement of the process of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education, the solution of
a group of target tasks: activation of the social sphere and reform of education; updating development
standards in the business environment; solving the problems of self-employment and employment of the
population; formation of educational standards of management and information culture based on the best
standards of social responsibility; increasing the potential of the IT sphere (Finahina et al., 2022).
Let's consider the features of the most used models of quality management of higher education in Europe.
model of professional education is a dual educational system based on a strong connection
between production and the system of professional training. Regulation of the system of such training is
carried out according to corporate norms.
The list of educational programs is determined in close cooperation between the federation, social partners,
and regions based on the needs of the economy and is implemented within the framework of the dual system
(Plakhotnik et al., 2022). The content of the educational program and its trajectory are based on the demands
placed on a potential employee at the workplace. Dual education in Germany has budget funding and is a
state program. In the conditions of the dual system of education, the training of specialists is implemented at
the enterprise with the help of parallel training and at a vocational school. Vocational training is regulated and
controlled at the enterprise by federal management bodies, and in vocational schools, the educational process
belongs to the subject of granting individual lands (territories). They contribute to the implementation of the
process of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education and are educational regional institutes
of the system of general and professional education (Kuchai, 2013).
The professional training system of
is a principled and regulated system of professional training that
ensures the quality of higher education tied to the educational institution. In France, there is a rigid centralized
system of management of education in general and vocational education in particular. In France, one of the
most advanced educational systems has developed, in which the implementation of the quality assurance
process in the innovative space of higher education is given the main importance. Therefore, investments in
the educational sphere are supported by the state and have a priority nature. A positive point in the system
of state quality control of French education is the implementation of the process of ensuring the quality of
Foreign experience in quality assurance within the innovative space of higher
education. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /141-153
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
higher education, the availability and openness of the results of evaluation and verification of the activities of
higher education institutions, which gives the opportunity not only to society but also to the state, to evaluate
the academic level of higher education institutions.
, the following types of post-secondary education are distinguished: higher (non-academic and
academic), open, extended, and everywhere priority is given to the implementation of the quality assurance
process in the space of higher education. Higher academic education is represented by universities. Higher
institutes provide higher non-academic education, but at the university level, they implement educational
programs in the fields of music, architecture, engineering, economics, etc. Non-academic higher educational
institutions train specialists who do not belong to the academic category: sociology, pedagogy, journalism,
etc. (Minakova, 2012). In university centers in Denmark, you can get continued education. It is offered
through courses of orientation and basic training in institutions of higher education. Open education is
available to working people; adults who need advanced training or a change of profession. Open education
consists of the study of specialized individual disciplines and is paid. The analysis of higher education quality
control systems existing abroad shows that, despite the specificity and variety of powers of organizations
engaged in educational provision, it traditionally includes: improving and ensuring the quality of educational
activities of all countries in the social, economic, and cultural context; dissemination of best practices and
experience in building a system for ensuring the quality of education at the university; supporting higher
education institutions to improve the quality of learning and teaching (Karamyshev et al., 2020).
5. Conclusions
The effectiveness of the quality assurance system for higher education has been shown at the international
level. The relevance of the problem of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education is
considered, first of all, in the context of the global space of higher education.
The complex components that include the quality of higher education is shown. The purpose of the
European dimension in the field of ensuring the quality of the educational space is formulated.
The need for reforms in the operational and strategic management of education presupposes the
introduction of recommendations and standards for quality assurance in the ESG European Higher
Education Area. Standards and recommendations for quality assurance in the European area of higher
education have become a powerful supranational tool for ensuring the quality of higher education, which
strengthens the Europeanization of higher education.
The main factors of quality assurance in the innovative space of higher education and the main principles
of reforming the European space of higher education are highlighted.
An effective tool for ensuring the quality of higher education is academic integrity, which is recognized as
the moral code and ethical rules of the educational, scientific, and civilized community. According to the
results of the project "Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe" in 27 EU member
states, the systems and methods of combating plagiarism were analyzed and recommendations were made
regarding the need to popularize the institutional culture of academic integrity:
The peculiarities of prioritization and actualization of the improvement of the quality assurance process in
the innovative space of higher education, teaching in higher education in national cases (Austria, the
Netherlands, Ireland, Norway) are considered.
Today, all states that joined the European Higher Education Area direct their functions to the
implementation of the process of quality assurance in the innovative area of higher education, in
coordination between the governments of the European countries of structural reforms.
Features of the most widely used models of quality management of higher education in Europe (Germany,
France, Denmark) are considered.
Prospects for further research consist of the study of the main factors of quality assurance in the innovative
space of higher education.
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