Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Hlinchuk, Y., & Piatakova, H. (2023). The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on the
hardiness of future teachers. Revista Eduweb, 17(4), 183-196.
The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of
labor protection course on the hardiness of future
El impacto de estudiar el curso de seguridad de la vida con los fundamentos
de la protección laboral en la resistencia de los futuros maestros
Yuliia Hlinchuk
WoS Researcher ID: AET-5163-2022
Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.
Halyna Piatakova
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine.
Recibido: 20/07/23
Aceptado: 26/10/23
The aim of the research is to determine the impact of studying Life Safety with Basics of Labor Protection
course on the hardiness of future еteachers (preschool teachers, primary school teachers, middle and high
school teachers). The Maddi’s Hardiness Survey (adapted by D. Leontyeva and O. Rasskazova) was used
as a diagnostic tool, and Pearson’s chi-squared test and Student’s t-test were used for statistical analysis.
It was found that the average hardiness indicators of future teachers students majoring in Preschool
Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education (by specializations) do not statistically differ from
each other both before and after studying Life Safety with Basics of Labor Protection. However, studying
Life Safety with Basics of Labor Protection has a statistically significant positive impact on the development
of hardiness in students of these majors. Therefore, the results of the research can be the ground for
improving the professional training of future teachers, who are responsible not only for personal but also
for collective safety during the educational process. Prospects for further research are associated with
checking the impact of studying safety subjects on the hardiness of students of other educational
institutions and students of other majors in peacetime rather than wartime.
Key Words: hardiness, hardiness concept, Life Safety with Basics of Labor Protection course, students of
pedagogical majors, threats.
El objetivo de la investigación es determinar el impacto de estudiar el curso de Seguridad de Vida con
Conceptos Básicos de Protección Laboral en la fortaleza de los futuros maestros (maestros de preescolar,
maestros de escuela primaria, maestros de secundaria y preparatoria). Se utilizó la Encuesta de resistencia
de Maddi (adaptado por D. Leontyeva y O. Rasskazova) como herramienta de diagnóstico, y la prueba de
chi-cuadrado de Pearson y la prueba t de Student se usaron para el análisis estadístico. Se encontró que
los indicadores de rusticidad promedio de los futuros docentes - estudiantes de las carreras de Educación
Preescolar, Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria (por especialidades) no difieren estadísticamente
entre tanto antes como después de cursar Seguridad de Vida con Fundamentos de Protección Laboral.
Sin embargo, estudiar Seguridad de Vida con Fundamentos de Protección Laboral tiene un impacto positivo
estadísticamente significativo en el desarrollo de rusticidad en los estudiantes de estas carreras. Por lo
tanto, los resultados de la investigación pueden ser la base para mejorar la formación profesional de los
futuros docentes, quienes son responsables no solo de la seguridad personal sino también colectiva durante
el proceso educativo. Las perspectivas de futuras investigaciones están asociadas con la verificación del
impacto de estudiar temas de seguridad en la resistencia de los estudiantes de otras instituciones
educativas y estudiantes de otras carreras en tiempos de paz en lugar de tiempos de guerra.
Palabras clave: amenazas, curso de seguridad de vida con fundamentos de protección laboral, concepto
de rusticidad, estudiantes de carreras de pedagogía, rusticidad.
1. Introduction
An analysis of current events suggests that rapid scientific and technological progress has not reduced the
number of threats to humanity, but has led to their transformation and the emergence of new ones. One
of the most striking proofs is the global COVID-19 pandemic and the russian military invasion of Ukraine.
If successful, it would most likely spread to other countries, as even now Russian pro-government channels
are broadcasting threats and calls for nuclear strikes against NATO and the European Union. Even before
Beck (2006) argued that humanity has now moved to a new phase of its development a “risk society”: a
society facing risks that are almost impossible to predict and correct.
Other experts argue that the former SPOD (stands for steady, predictable, ordinary, definite) world has
been replaced by the VUCA (stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) world, and after the
coronavirus pandemic, by the BANI (stands for brittle, anxious, nonlinear, incomprehensible) world
(Chaliuk, 2022).
In such conditions, the role of internal resources of the individual, with hardiness being one of them, is
The author of the term “hardiness” is Kobasa (1979). In a narrow sense, it means a personal buffer resource
against critical life events. In a broader sense, it is a holistic system that combines significant goals and
values for the individual, self-adaptation, and behavioral styles determined by attitudes and beliefs about
the world, the social environment, and one’s place in it (Chykhantsova, 2018).
It is quite clear that in the current conditions, an important social and pedagogical task is to develop
people’s hardiness, in particular, at the stage of professional training. Kobasa and her follower Maddi prove
that hardiness is not an innate but an acquired property of an individual (Maddi & Khoshaba, 1994).
In our opinion, it is especially important to develop hardiness in future educators, because they are
responsible not only for themselves but also for students who spend a significant part of the day in
educational institutions. In Ukraine, this is also the case during air raids and shelling of civilian
2. Literature review
It has become clear that hardiness is a rather complex and multifaceted phenomenon, as it affects the
perception of stressful events and overcoming difficult life circumstances (Soderstrom et al., 2000);
The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on
the hardiness of future teachers. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
manifestations of symptoms of diseases that arise as a result of stress (Kobasa et al., 1982); feelings of
happiness and life satisfaction (Chykhantsova, 2021); students’ time perspectives (Haghighatgoo &
Besharat, 2011); mental endurance and stress resistance in professional activities (Bartone & Hystad,
2010), etc.
Tytarenko and Larina (2009) call hardiness a social necessity and link it to security.
Recent studies have shown that it helps to survive the COVID-2019 pandemic more easily. In particular,
people with higher hardiness level show less anxiety and depression caused by the coronavirus pandemic
(Bartone & Hystad, 2010). According to Oral and Karakurt (2022), hardiness reduces students’ intolerance
of uncertainty in a pandemic.
In the context of the Russian military invasion, the authors of this article note the findings on the role of
hardiness in wartime.
Khosravi and Namani (2022) prove existence of a relationship between hardiness, self-compassion and
family cohesion of women and men affected by war.
According to Miroshnikova (2022), hardiness is an important resource for students during the war calls,
which can ensure success despite challenges. Her views coincide with those of Predko (2022), who argues
that during wartime students are the most at-risk group, as they are left alone with their problems and
fears in the context of distance learning. So, hardiness becomes the only effective mechanism for surviving
the current total crisis.
It has also been found that hardiness contributes to better psychological adaptation of internally displaced
higher school students (Bereziak et al., 2022).
In view of the above results, it becomes obvious how important the development of hardiness is for the
individual, especially in the current difficult conditions. However, the theoretical analysis of the hardiness
formation suggests that this process is studied mainly from the perspective of psychology. That is why the
vast majority of studies on hardiness development primarily focus on students of psychological majors and
professional (psychological) subjects: building hardiness through the use of psychological training; coping
strategies for overcoming critical situations, etc. However, building hardiness of other higher school
students, in particular, future teachers, remains unexplored. Accordingly, the issue of building hardiness
remains unresolved not only in the process of studying special psychological subjects, but also in the
process of studying general university subjects, in particular, Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection.
The subject “Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection” consists of two modules: Life Safety and Basics
of Labor Protection. We consider each of these modules to be promising in building students’ hardiness for
the following reasons.
According to the concept of hardiness (Maddi, 2006), the first component of hardiness is the involvement
of the individual in life situations. And the basic axiom of life safety is the axiom of potential danger,
according to which a person lives in conditions of constant danger (Zerkalov, 2011). At the same time, as
mentioned above, human activity has led (and is likely to lead in the near future) to the emergence of new
hazards: biological, chemical, radiation, etc. This implies that a person cannot stay uninvolved in dangerous
life situations.
The second component of the concept of hardiness is control, which is the belief that one can influence the
course of events and act accordingly. The main tasks that life safety solves are: identification of hazards,
prevention of identified hazards and behavior in emergency situations (Zerkalov, 2011). When studying
Life Safety, students realize that hazards can be controlled, minimized, and learn how to act in the face of
The third component of the concept of hardiness is risk acceptance, and risk is a category of the field of
knowledge of life safety. Moreover, one of the concepts of life safety is the concept of acceptable
(permissible) risk, which is the understanding that there is no absolute security and the acceptance of the
level of security that humanity can accept at this stage of its development (Zerkalov, 2011).
It is also quite obvious that when, for example, a person has gotten under fire, in a crowd or taken hostage,
he/she needs to know first of all the rescue mechanism (or increase the chances of rescue) in such a
situation. On the other hand, a person who has studied the dangers, ways to prevent or minimize them,
and algorithms of behavior in the event of dangers will feel much more confident in a dangerous situation.
In addition to the general hazards and risks that potentially threaten every person, there are hazards and
risks that threaten professional activities. These are primarily occupational morbidity and occupational
injuries, which can be minimized but not reduced to zero. When studying the module “Basics of Labor
Protection”, future teachers realize how professional activity can affect the quality of life in general and the
state of the body in particular, and learn the basics of maintaining professional health and longevity. This
is extremely important because teaching often has a negative impact on health. For example, Scheuch et
al. (2015) found that educators are prone to hypertension and psychosomatic diseases, and often complain
of such health disorders as exhaustion, overwork, headaches, and psychological stress.
Meshko N. and Meshko O. (2018) draw attention to the teacherssusceptibility to diseases caused by voice,
visual, informational, nervous overload and insufficient physical activity.
At the theoretical level, the main provisions of life safety and labor protection correlate with the concept of
hardiness (Figure 1). According to the concept of hardiness, the conceptual provisions of life safety, and
the conceptual provisions of occupational safety and health, a person must be prepared for various adverse
(critical) circumstances.
Along with the results of the theoretical analysis, the authors of this article also took into account that in
informal communication, students repeatedly noted that after studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor
Protection they realized the inevitability of unfavorable, difficult or critical circumstances in the life of every
person, but became more confident about the dangers, risks and threats in different environments.
The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on
the hardiness of future teachers. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 1.
Correlation of the components of the concept of hardiness with the provisions of life safety and
occupational safety.
The results of informal communication with students of pedagogical majors after the Russian full-scale
invasion on February 24, 2022 were of particular interest for this study. For example, students who had
not studied said that when the war began, they felt “fear”, “fright”, “daze”, “numbness”, and wondered if
they would survive, etc.
On the other hand, students who studied Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection said they felt a
“desire to escape”, remembered “what to do in case of shelling, bombing, chemical attacks, etc.”, “which
places are the safest (most dangerous)”, “how to leave the war zone and what to take with themselves”,
Acceptance of
The concept of acceptable
(permissible risk): there is
no absolute safety;
acceptable is the level of
safety that humanity can
accept at this stage of its
It is impossible to reduce
the level of injuries and
occupational diseases to
zero, so there are
acceptable levels of
injuries and occupational
diseases for the industry
(confidence that
one can
influence the
course o events
and act
The main tasks that life
safety solves: identification
of hazards, prevention of
identified hazards; behavior
in emergency situations
The main task of
occupational safety is to
preserve the life, health
and ability to work of
Involvement in
life situations
The axiom of potential
danger: a person lives in
conditions of constant
There is a risk of injury
and occupational diseases
in professional activities
Together with the results of the theoretical analysis of this problem, this gave grounds to assume that the
study of Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection contributes to the increase of students’ hardiness.
Studying the Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection” course has a positive effect on the hardiness
of future teachers.
Determine the impact of studying the Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection course on the hardiness
of future teachers (primary school teachers, middle and high school teachers).
3. Material and Methods
Research Design
The research was conducted in several stages. The first exploratory and theoretical stage (September
2022) provided for a theoretical analysis of literature on the research problem. The second experimental
stage (October 2022 April 2023) involved the selection of diagnostic technique and its application. The
third generalizing stage (May 2022) involved the analysis of the results, drawing conclusions, as well as
providing recommendations for further research.
The study involved 134 students of pedagogical majors (45 students majoring in Preschool Education, 44
students majoring in Primary Education and 45 students majoring in Secondary Education (by
specialization)). There were 106 female and 28 male; the students were in the 1st4th year of study). The
study was conducted during the 20222023 academic year (in accordance with the educational programs
of their majors and the schedule of classes) at Rivne State University of Humanities and Ivan Franko
National University of Lviv.
To study hardiness, the authors of this research chose the diagnostic technique Muddi’s Hardiness Survey
(adapted by Leontiev and Raskazov, 2019). This is a questionnaire of 45 statements with the answer
options “no”, “rather no”, “rather yes”, “yes”, reflecting such components of hardiness as commitment,
control, and risk taking.
Data collection
The respondents’ hardiness was diagnosed before and after studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor
Protection course: respondents took the Muddy’s Hardiness Survey (adapted by Leontiev and Raskazov,
2019). They marked the selected answers in the questionnaire, and their hardiness indicators were
determined (the survey was conducted through Google Form). Next, we the average statistical indicators
of hardiness of future teachers were detimined as an arithmetic mean in the following areas: future teachers
(Preschool Education), future primary school teachers (Primary Education), and future middle and high
school teachers (Secondary Education (by specialization)).
The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on
the hardiness of future teachers. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Analysis of data
The normality of a distribution was checked using Pearson’s chi-squared test (χ²) (formula 1), while
Student’s t-test for the dependent samples was used to assess the significance of the difference
(formula 2).
 󰇛󰇜
 (1)
the number of intervals in the sample;
the empirical frequencies;
the theoretical frequencies;
the summation operator.
the average difference of values;
the standard deviation of differences;
N the number of respondents.
Ethical criteria
The research is based on the principles of academic integrity, respect for the individual, prevention of
discrimination on any grounds. All respondents attended classes of the Life Safety with the Basics of Labor
Protection course and voluntarily consented to participate in the study anonymously.
4. Results
The following findings were made as a result of applying Muddy’s Hardiness Survey (adapted by Leontiev
and Raskazov, 2019).
Prior to studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection, the indicator of involvement in life situations
of students majoring in Preschool Education was 35.07; students majoring in Primary Education 36.14;
students majoring in Secondary Education 38.98.
The indicator of control of students majoring in Preschool Education was 26.09; students majoring in
Primary Education 26.95; students majoring in Secondary Education 29.02.
The indicator of risk acceptance of students majoring in Preschool Education was 12.05; students majoring
in Primary Education 12.25; students majoring in Secondary Education 13.70.
Accordingly, the indicator of hardiness of students majoring in Preschool Education was 73.18; students
majoring in Primary Education 75.34; students majoring in Secondary Education 81.70 (Table 1).
Table 1.
Indicators of students’ hardiness before studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection
Risk acceptance
Preschool Education
Primary Education
Secondary Education
The analysis of the data obtained by using Pearson’s chi-squared test (Table 2) showed that the empirical
values of the indicators of involvement in life situations, control and risk acceptance in particular, and
indicators of hardiness in general for the three pedagogical majors are less than the critical values, and,
therefore, correspond to the normal distribution law (Table 3).
Table 2.
Analysis of indicators of students’ hardiness before studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection
using Pearson’s chi-squared test
Risk acceptance
Table 3.
Assessment of the normality of the distribution of indicators of students’ hardiness before studying Life
Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection
Indicators of viability
Risk acceptance
Pearson’s chi-
squared test
Significance level
This means that the hardiness of future preschool teachers, future primary school teachers, and future
middle and high school teachers before studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection is not
statistically different.
Re-application of Muddy’s Hardiness Survey (adapted by Leontiev and Raskazov, 2019) after studying Life
Safety with the Basics of Occupational Safety showed that the indicator of involvement in life situations of
students majoring in Preschool Education was 43.04; students majoring in Primary Education 44.07;
students majoring in Secondary Education 47.04.
The indicator of control of students majoring in Preschool Educatio" was 31.98; students majoring in
Primary Education 32.05; students majoring in Secondary Education 34.07.
The indicator of risk acceptance of students majoring in Preschool Education was 16.95; students majoring
in Primary Education 17.07; students majoring in Secondary Education 19.13.
The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on
the hardiness of future teachers. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Accordingly, the indicator of hardiness of students majoring in Preschool Education was 91.97; students
majoring in Primary Education 93.19; students majoring in Secondary Education 100.24 (Table 4).
Table 4.
Indicators of students’ hardiness after studying Life Safety with the Вasics of Labor Protection
Risk acceptance
Primary Education
After studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection, all indicators of hardiness increased. In
general, the hardinness of students majoring in Preschool Education increased by 18.79 (by 25.68%);
students majoring in Primary Education by 17.85 (by 23.69%); students majoring in Secondary Education
by 18.54 (by 22.69%) (Table 5).
Table 5.
Increase in students’ hardiness after studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection
Before studying Life
Safety with the Basics
of Labor Protection
After studying Life
Safety with the Basics
of Labor Protection
Increase in %
25.68 %
23.69 %
22.69 %
The analysis of students’ hardiness indicators after studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection
according to Pearson’s chi-squared test (Table 6) showed that the empirical values are less than the critical
values. Therefore, there is compliance with the normal distribution law (Table 7).
Table 6.
Analysis of indicators of students’ hardiness after studying Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection
using Pearson’s chi-squared test
Risk acceptance
Table 7.
Assessment of the normality of the distribution of students’ hardiness indicators after studying Life Safety
with the Basics of Labor Protection
Indicators of
Involvement in life
Risk acceptance
Pearson’s chi-
squared test
As the indicators of hardiness before and after the study of Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection
corresponded to a normal distribution, the Student’s t-test was chosen for the dependent samples (because
the respondents were the same) to analyze the statistical significance of the change in hardiness indicators.
As a result, the change in hardiness indicators was found statistically significant (Table 8).
Table 8.
Analysis of the change in students’ hardiness indicators before and after studying Life Safety with the Basics
of Labor Protection using Student’s t-test
Indicators of
Risk acceptance
Student’s t-test
So, it was found that the average indicators of hardiness of future teachers students majoring in Preschool
Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education (by specialization) do not differ statistically both
before and after studying the Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection course. However, the study of
the Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection course has a statistically significant positive impact on
the development of hardiness of students of these majors.
So, the advanced hypothesis was confirmed.
5. Discussion
Аuthors’ view of the importance of the role of hardiness in the face of current hazards is consistent with
the findings of Kuzikova et al. (2021), who argue that the current reality is uncertainty and instability. So,
hardiness plays a significant role not only in a personal but also in a professional context. This is supported
by Reupert’s (2020) opinion about changes and the need for adaptation to the new norms in the context
of the COVID-2019 pandemic, which was called unprecedented, extraordinary and unique.
The views of Tu et al. (2020) on the unlikelihood of the COVID-19 pandemic as the last health crisis are
relevant in the context of the current reality, as there have been 7 such crises in the world over the past
20 years.
In this context, Meltem and Karakurt (2020) conclude on the need to introduce hardiness education
programs for undergraduate students in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our conclusions that the vast majority of studies on hardiness building are currently focused primarily on
psychology students and related (psychological) majors correlate with the results of the study by Matušů
The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on
the hardiness of future teachers. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4.
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
(2020). According to it, the hardiness of future teachers is significantly lower than the hardiness of future
The results complement the findings of other researchers on the role of hardiness for teachers in the
context of preventing their professional burnout (Azeem, 2010; Chan, 2003); emotional control (Kokun,
2021; Azarian et al., 2016); stress resistance (Opeyemi, 2016; McCalister et al., 2006); impact on job
satisfaction (Jarvis, 1993), etc.
It was established that not only the emotional component, which is primarily realized through hardiness
training or the development of coping strategies. The content of training on safety in the social and
professional environment also plays an important role in building studentshardiness. This is consistent
with the views of Karpova and Gvozdii (2019) on the role of the content of security subjects in the training
of future specialists.
The theoretical significance of the study is substantiated correlation between the main provisions of life
safety and labor protection and of hardiness.
The practical significance of the study is proved statistically significant positive impact of studying the Life
Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection course on the development of future teachers’ hardiness.
The originality of the study. The authors of this research are the first to identify the connection between
the study of the Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection course and the development of future
teachers’ hardiness highlighted. We assume that the study of other safety subjects also has a positive effect
on the hardiness of future professionals, in particular, of other majors.
As the development of hardiness of future teachers is not one of the goals of studying the Life Safety with
the Basics of Labor Protection course, as evidenced by the analysis of relevant educational programs, we
consider the obtained results significant.
6. Limitations
Despite the statistical significance of the results, we are convinced of the need for a larger-scale test of
how the study of Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection course affects the development of future
teacher’s hardiness. We associate this need, first, with the novelty of the obtained results and with the
impossibility of comparison with similar results. Second, this is associated with the fact that the Life Safety
with the Basics of Labor Protection course for pedagogical majors has been taught relatively recently, and
therefore is still insufficiently developed. The result of its study by students largely depends on the teacher’s
professional competence. Third, the study was conducted in wartime, when the problem of security is of
paramount importance. So, students could have a higher motivation to study security subject than in
7. Conclusions
The results of the study confirm the validity of the advanced hypothesis and give grounds to assert the
Human hardiness is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that determines the quality of life and plays
a key role in difficult or critical conditions.
The basic provisions of life safety, occupational safety and hardiness are conceptually correlated, but their
methodological implementation in the training of future specialists is different. The implementation of the
basic provisions of life safety and labor protection, in particular, when teaching Life Safety with the Basics
of Labor Protection is fundamental under a knowledge-based approach. It implies that a person cannot
adapt to difficult conditions and preserve life, health and performance if he or she does not know how to
act correctly. And the psychological approach prevails in building personality hardiness: a person must be
psychologically ready for difficult conditions.
It was experimentally proved that studying the Life Safety with the Basics of Labor Protection course has
a positive effect on the hardiness of students of pedagogical majors (future preschool teachers, primary
school teachers, middle and high school teachers) and this effect is statistically significant.
The obtained results can be the ground for improving the professional training of future teachers
specialists responsible not only for personal but also for collective safety during the educational process.
This is relevant both for Ukraine in the context of the Russian invasion, and for the entire democratic world
in the context of the existence of totalitarian regimes on the planet, which is a source of potential global
Prospects for further research are related to testing the impact of studying security subjects on the
hardiness of students of other educational institutions and students of other majors in peacetime, not
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
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The impact of studying the life safety with the basics of labor protection course on
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