Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Ivannikova, O., Marushko, L., Sokotov, Y., Tkachenko, A., & Romanenko, T. (2023). Enhancing the professional competencies of
future teachers through practice in schools. Revista Eduweb, 17(4), 197-212.
Enhancing the professional competencies of future
teachers through practice in schools
Mejorar las competencias profesionales de los futuros docentes a través de la
práctica en las escuelas
Olga Ivannikova
WoS Researcher ID: IST-3352-2023
Odessa Regional Academy of In-Service Education, Odesa, Ukraine; Municipal Institution "Balta Pedagogical
Vocational College", Balta, Ukraine
Larysa Marushko
WoS Researcher ID: I-4607-2018
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Lutsk, Ukraine.
Yurii Sokotov
WoS Researcher ID: JCN-4807-2023
Ternopil National Pedagogical Volodymyr Hnatiuk, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Anna Tkachenko
WoS Researcher ID: JMA-8779-2023
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine.
Tetiana Romanenko
WoS Researcher ID: JLM-1743-2023
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine.
Recibido: 03/08/23
Aceptado: 20/11/23
The article aims to explore the development of professional competencies in future teachers through school
practice, focusing on its effectiveness. Employing methods such as observation, comparison, and
performance coefficient calculations, along with the Whitney-Wilk criterion, the study achieved its objective.
It found that practical skill acquisition during school practice is highly effective (42%), enhancing
understanding of teaching methods. The authors propose four learning mechanisms to adapt theoretical
materials to practical education systems and introduce innovative lesson organization approaches.
Interactive technology use in education was facilitated through, Mova, Mozaik
applications, improving communication between learners and instructors. These mechanisms significantly
boosted efficiency in future Ukrainian language teachers (64%) and Chemistry/Natural Science teachers
(60%). The study results indicate that student skills in independence and innovative thinking were notably
developed, impacting the teacher's ability to provide linguistic and communicative functions. This study's
practical significance lies in its efficient mechanisms that aid future teachers in acquiring practical skills
during school practice, reflected in the overall efficiency of trainees across junior, middle, and senior grades.
Keywords: adaptation of theoretical materials, communication with learners, differentiation,
individualization, innovative approach.
El objetivo del artículo es investigar el desarrollo de competencias profesionales en futuros docentes a
través de la práctica escolar, enfocándose en su efectividad. Utilizando métodos como observación,
comparación y lculos de coeficientes de rendimiento, junto con el criterio de Whitney-Wilk, el estudio
alcanzó su objetivo. Se encontró que la adquisición de habilidades prácticas durante la práctica escolar es
altamente efectiva (42%), mejorando la comprensión de los métodos de enseñanza. Los autores proponen
cuatro mecanismos de aprendizaje para adaptar materiales teóricos a sistemas prácticos de educación e
introducir enfoques innovadores en la organización de lecciones. El uso de tecnología interactiva en la
educación se facilitó a través de aplicaciones como, Mova y Mozaik, mejorando la
comunicación entre alumnos e instructores. Estos mecanismos aumentaron significativamente la eficiencia
en futuros docentes de lengua ucraniana (64%) y docentes de Química/Ciencias Naturales (60%). Los
resultados del estudio indican que se desarrollaron notablemente habilidades de independencia y
pensamiento innovador en los estudiantes, impactando en la capacidad del docente para proporcionar
funciones lingüísticas y comunicativas. La importancia práctica de este estudio radica en sus mecanismos
eficientes que ayudan a los futuros docentes a adquirir habilidades prácticas durante la práctica escolar,
reflejado en la eficiencia general de los practicantes en niveles junior, medio y senior.
Palabras claves: adaptación de materiales teóricos, comunicación con los estudiantes, diferenciación,
individualización, enfoque innovador.
1. Introduction
The development of professional knowledge among prospective educators ought to be rooted in a
deliberate methodology that fosters the acquisition of practical skills. The process of training should be
integrated into professional activity to cultivate educators of exceptional skill. Achieving this objective
necessitates the organization of practical classes for students to gain the necessary experience directly in
educational institutions. This approach enables competitive professionals to demonstrate the relevance of
their chosen research topic.
The development of students’ professional competence through practice in schools of prospective teachers
contributes to training a specialist who is focused on innovations in the labor market (Essalih et al., 2023).
Accordingly, this is related to the possibility of forming flexibility in students and adaptation to dynamic
changes. Lane and Sorby (2022) hold that since the development of practical skills is aimed at finding
independent solutions for conducting classes, the format of teaching and learning, so while carrying out
their professional tasks, future teachers ensure the development of practical skills due to the
individualization of education. Students during their practice should autonomously resolve problematic
situations that arise during their lesson, thereby fostering a personalized approach to comprehending
practical information (Silva et al., 2023). At school sessions, students modify their means of conveying
information and devise novel educational frameworks that subsequently impact their comprehension of the
importance of specific assignments. In such a way, students can consolidate the acquired theoretical
knowledge in practice, which facilitates the understanding of approaches to their utilization. This method
contributes to strengthening of students' proficiency.
Enhancing the professional competencies of future teachers through practice in
schools. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /197-212
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
The direct acquisition of practical skills among school learners fosters the development of active thinking.
As a result, this enables the generation of novel ideas while promoting freedom in decision-making (Kurz,
Piva & Bedin, 2019). The approach holds a favorable meaning not only for the prospective instructor, but
also for learners with innovative thinking. The utilization of differentiation techniques in education can lead
to attaining an elevated level of professional proficiency. Given the above, differentiation pertains to
segmenting the pedagogical process into constituent elements. According to Kolesnik et al., (2023), this
can be realized due to the distribution of approaches to the presentation of theoretical information for the
learners. This can be manifested in the creation of trainee groups to master a separate topic. In this
connection Petrovych et al. (2021) maintain that focusing on further discussion in the classroom and the
prospective teacher's search for more specialized information that is not in the textbook fosters professional
self-improvement of prospective educators, intended to explore novel avenues for their career
advancement. As noted by Silva, Silva and Bilessimo (2020), engaging in school-based practice enhances
the ongoing education of prospective teachers and facilitates the attainment of more proficient expertise
by providing insight into authentic teaching methods.
Upon studying the theoretical material, it was discerned that engaging future educators in practical
experiences within schools is a prevalent approach. This method aims to enhance the quality of education
and cultivate a comprehensive understanding of the school education system during the training process
for prospective teachers. However, examining approaches to the adaptation of learning mechanisms in
schools, the development of appropriate methods is not sufficiently disclosed. Hence, the objective of the
current study is to discern the most advantageous methodologies for cultivating the professional
competencies of prospective teachers via practical experience in academic institutions while considering
the efficacy of the school learners’ education.
The objectives of the present study were as follows:
to determine the most favorable approach to ensure the acquisition of practical knowledge by pre-
service teachers;
to develop training mechanisms that will ensure the training of pre-service teachers in the Ukrainian
language and Chemistry / Natural science;
to evaluate the efficacy of the implemented training protocols for pre-service teachers and their learners
who have undergone instruction in Ukrainian language and Chemistry / Natural science;
to reveal the formed skills of pre-service teachers’ professional competence as a result of observation
during the educational process.
2. Literature Review
From the contemporary perspective, it is feasible to ensure the use of academic and vocational training for
the future teachers to acquire practical skills. The pedagogical methodology facilitated the formation of
self-esteem among prospective educators, as well as enhancing their analytical faculties towards a
descriptive-interpretative disposition. According to Martins et al., (2023), the aforementioned approach to
learning is an enriching experience that is reflected in the development of professional skills. The
development of professional competences during training is of crucial importance for sustainable
development during hands-on professional activity. Moreover, it is indispensable for future teachers’
formation of professional competences and development of their motivation. The findings indicate that
primary school educators exhibit greater proficiency in social and substantive domains, but are less adept
in pedagogical expertise. Nonetheless, the favorable impact on cultivating professional competencies
facilitates the enhancement of practical skills (Ammoneit, Turek & Peter, 2022). Enhancing the preparation
of future educators can be accomplished by fostering hands-on competencies via incorporating the
fundamental principles of professionalism in educational institutions. This will facilitate the cultivation of
critical thinking skills among prospective teachers, enabling them to scrutinize their pedagogical practices
and assess their efficacy. During the training period, future teachers can acquire knowledge and skills to
foster personal growth; the prospective educators will also understand approaches to the development of
professional and creative activity (Arbia et al., 2021).
Having probed into the conventional method of preparing prospective educators, certain competencies
proved challenging to attain. The findings stem from a study involving 25 instructors, where it was deduced
that insufficient pedagogical skills were obtained during their professional endeavors. As emphasized by
Aktan, Toraman and Koşan (2021), the knowledge acquired at universities proved insufficient in instilling
the necessary managerial aptitudes. The selected system of training future teachers has a direct impact on
the students’ performance level. To enhance the proficiency of prospective educators, it is imperative to
reconsider pedagogical approaches. Simultaneously, significant emphasis must be placed on
comprehending the fundamentals of educational process management and fostering teacher autonomy.
Urbani (2020) maintains that instruction should prioritize cultivating both formal and informal competencies
that will facilitate the learning experience. In order to attain an elevated standard of professionalism,
prospective educators must be granted the opportunity to instruct within educational institutions. To
facilitate this process, significant emphasis should be placed on refining pedagogical methodologies,
enhancing learning modalities and optimizing evaluative techniques. Management strategies ought to
concentrate on inspiring the trainees in their academic pursuits - an approach that according to Sabbah et
al., (2022) can positively impact the feasibility of integrating digital technologies into the teaching and
learning experience.
Employing a creative approach in education fosters the cultivation of vocational expertise and pedagogics.
Such an approach facilitates the development of professional skills and didactics. This methodology enables
the cultivation of ingenuity, development of pedagogic identity, as well as personal advancement. A creative
approach to learning engenders a sense of autonomy, enhances introspection and communication (Meltzer
& Schwencke, 2020). Prospective educators must cultivate their creative abilities, attain fundamental
literacy, and understand the principles of the learning environment. Drawing from the insights of instructors
who have utilized goDesign software, it is feasible to guarantee an exploration for novel approaches in
delivering hands-on classes. The use of innovative methods will ensure successful training, focusing on the
development of professional competencies (Wright et al., 2020).
A critical takeaway from the conducted literature review made it possible to determine that for the
development of professional competencies of prospective teachers it is imperative to prioritize the possibility
of using interactive technologies. However, the issues of ensuring future teachers’ participation in the
educational process at school are addressed by the scholars superficially, excluding the description of
particular mechanisms.
3. Methods
Research Procedure
Throughout the present study, the authors distinguished three principal stages. The first stage of the
research consisted in comparing different approaches to the acquisition of practical skills by prospective
teachers. Among the approaches, the division into the following subsequent groups:
acquisition of practical knowledge in the conditions of classroom sessions;
acquisition of practical knowledge in the classroom with further consolidation in schools during
pedagogical practice;
acquisition of practical knowledge mainly in classrooms (70%) and partially during the pedagogical
practice (30%);
acquisition of practical skills in schools.
Enhancing the professional competencies of future teachers through practice in
schools. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /197-212
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
An evaluation was conducted to determine the efficacy of four different learning methodologies
implemented throughout the academic year among prospective educators, who were subjected to these
pedagogical approaches. Based on the established results, the second stage consisted in creating learning
mechanisms for students to acquire practical skills directly in school institutions. The mechanisms were
aimed at future teachers of the Ukrainian language, Chemistry / Natural Science teachers for instructing
junior, middle and high school students, which entailed the participation of prospective educators in
instructing students at the primary, intermediate, and secondary levels. The mechanisms were aimed at
the development of professional competencies of future teachers, in which a greater emphasis was placed
on the development of linguistic and communicative competencies, since they enable prospective educators
to deliver accurate educational information presentations for effective student learning. They are also aimed
at receiving feedback from teachers, which contributes to the continuity of learning and students'
understanding of a particular topic. The training program spanned a duration of four months during the
year 2023.
The third stage of the research consisted in determining the overall effectiveness of training, the
relationship between the level of acquired knowledge of prospective teachers as well as their learners of
different grades. At this stage of the research, limitations that may arise in prospective students’ learning
during practice in schools, were determined. Furthermore, an assessment was conducted to ascertain the
proficiency level in professional competencies among prospective educators.
Formation of the Sample
Various cohorts of participants were engaged in the research. Cohort 1 (consisting of 56 individuals)
comprised prospective teachers specializing in diverse areas, who conducted practical classes in schools.
Cohort 2 (consisting of 127 individuals), comprised learners from grades 4 to 10. Their lessons were
conducted by prospective teachers and they had undergone this form of instruction for a year alongside
the first cohort. The study’s prerequisite was that all participants must have completed their training
through practical experience in schools across diverse grades of learners.
The second category of respondents comprised students (prospective teachers) and learners who had
previously undergone traditional schooling. Cohort 3 was composed of 154 students who graduated from
the Balta Pedagogical College, Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk,
and Volyn National University. Further, cohort 4 consisted of junior (3-4 grades; 67 individuals), middle
(7-9 grades; 83 individuals), and senior (10-11 grades; 80 individuals) school learners. The sample size for
this category was limited due to the lack of students gaining practical knowledge directly in school
classrooms. Also, the learners involved in the study were to be enrolled in schooling in accordance with the
traditional education system. All learners, as well as their parents gave written consent to participate in the
The value of a particular approach to learning for the performance of future teachers and learners was
based on the use of a general theoretical observation method (Hyseni Duraku et al., 2022). The comparative
approach facilitated the identification of the theoretical strengths and weaknesses inherent in each of the
suggested methodologies (Ortogero, Barcarse & Ray, 2022). The performance of students and learners of
different grades due to the implementation of a distinct methodology for attaining practical skills by future
teachers was also compared. The results were obtained from the analysis of university and school data
obtained after a year of training, based on various methodologies utilized in the study.
The development of learning mechanisms provided for the opportunity for prospective teachers to acquire
practical knowledge during school classes. The mechanisms were aimed at the possibility of studying the
Ukrainian language and Chemistry / Natural science for learners of junior, middle, and senior school grades.
The development of learning mechanisms was based on the identification of the most effective learning
approaches drawing upon evaluation of current educational frameworks (Palacios Ortega, Pascual &
Moreno, 2022; Myrzatayeva, Almetov & Tazhmukhanova, 2023; Ventista & Brown, 2023; Perrotta, 2023).
According to the methodology of Palacios, Pascual and Moreno (2022) provided for the use of STEM
technologies, the method of Myrzatayeva, Almetov and Tazhmukhanova (2023) was based on the
development of critical thinking, which involved the use of system integration to develop the individual’s
potential. Drawing upon the methodology of Ventista and Brown (2023), when developing practical skills,
it is expedient to focus on both systematic development and professional development. Perrotta's (2023)
system is intended to provide ambitious education, which facilitates focusing on the content of the
curriculum, the development of research skills. That being said, to implement learning mechanisms, it was
also indispensable to involve digital technologies such as, Mova, Mozaik. With that in
mind, to select digital technologies, the functionality of 30 applications was thoroughly examined, which
made it possible to choose the most effective ones for the proposed training system.
To address the research objectives, corresponding calculations were made to determine the correlation
between the level of attained knowledge of prospective teachers and their learners. Determining the level
of practical knowledge gained by the pre-service teachers became possible as a result of calculations of the
prospective teachers’ effectiveness coefficient, which was elaborated by the authors of the present article
(Formula 1):
the level of variation of theoretical information in practice;
level of communication with learners;
the level of creativity in conducting classes;
the overall level of attainable knowledge.
To determine the level of knowledge attained by the prospective teachers, their learners’ performance
coefficient was calculated. The coefficient was elaborated by the authors of the present article
(Formula 2):
 , (2)
assessment for understanding the subject;
homework assessment;
diligence coefficient (equalling from 0.1 to 0.3);
 overall performance indicator.
The gaps in the proposed methodology were identified through the examination of the educational system
by prospective teachers, thereby enabling the development of strategies to bridge them. Moreover, the
observation skills made it possible to identify formed professional competences among future teachers. The
level of professional competences was determined as a result of a comparison of learners’ primary skills
and those acquired after training.
Data Analysis
To confirm the obtained results and the possibility of conducting an accurate analysis thereof during the
study, statistical calculations of the Whitney-Wilk test were carried out (Du Plessis
et al., 2023)
(Formula 3):
Enhancing the professional competencies of future teachers through practice in
schools. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /197-212
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
, (3)
и critical parameters of calculated indicators;
number of criteria for calculation;
the reliability of the criteria determined in the table.
The ratio of the criteria will be observed if the calculated indicators are less than the values in the table.
If the calculated indicators are lower than the values in the table, in such case they are characterized by
the established ratio between them. However, it should be taken into account that the smaller the calculated
value of the criterion, the higher the probability that the calculated indicators do not correlate with each
Ethical Criteria
The research was based on compliance with ethical standards in accordance with The Norwegian National
Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (2016). The authors confirm the provision of
equal conditions for all study participants, which were agreed at the beginning. In accordance with ethical
norms, it was intended to preclude any potential infringement upon the interests of all research participants.
The authors confirm that these participants gave written consent to participate in the study.
4. Results
At first, the most efficacious approaches for acquiring practical skills were distinguished. The research
aimed to ascertain how a specific approach influences information perception and attainment of appropriate
levels of knowledge (Table 1).
Table 1.
The effectiveness level of different approaches to learning to attain practical skills
Variety of learning
Value of
Performance of
future teachers,
Performance of
Variety of attained
Acquisition of
practical knowledge
in the classroom
Advancement of memory,
creative approach
Acquisition of
practical knowledge
in the classroom with
further consolidation
in schools during
pedagogical practice
Logical thinking, memory
Acquiring practical
lessons mainly in
classrooms (70%)
and partially in
practice (30%)
Logical thinking,
management skills
Acquisition of
practical skills in
Independence, creativity,
enhancing comprehension
of the authentic
pedagogical framework.
It was established that the most expedient approach to attaining practical skills is to ensure the study of
practical skills directly in school institutions. The advantage of the said approach is related to the possibility
to ensure active interaction of future teachers with their learners, which Expands to a comprehensive
understanding of pedagogical methodologies. The above approach contributes to the inseparability of the
educational process with real professional activity. This makes it possible to ensure the integration of the
educational process into the existing pedagogical system, focusing on purposefulness, self-actualization,
and socialization of students. Furthermore, it ensures the development of individuality of future teachers
for professional activities. From this perspective, conducting practical classes in schools has a comparatively
greater effectiveness both for prospective teachers as well as for their learners. This is attributable to the
potential for transformation and diversification of the pedagogical process, which manifests in the alteration
of the educational framework. For instance, when learning a language, trainees can perceive different
approaches to learning, which is reflected in their engagement.
The authors believe that the acquisition of practical skills by prospective teachers primarily in the academic
setting (70%) and partially in practice (30%) has numerous advantages over academic instruction only.
The results are related to the possibility of immersion in the real educational process, which allows to
expand the idea of pedagogical activity. Furthermore, conducting partial practical classes at school will
enable future teachers to consolidate their understanding of theoretical concepts and explore novel
strategies for addressing specific problems. Consequently, conducting practical classes in the classroom
has the least effectiveness, since future teachers do not understand the very mechanisms of practically
implementing the process of conducting classes. Moreover, it precludes any means of engaging in discourse
with students, leading to a lack of comprehension when attempting to tackle some specific issues. While
situational modeling can be ensured during in-person instruction, devising effective solutions may prove
divergent from theoretical approaches.
Gaining relevant expertise in classroom instruction augmented by practical application during pedagogical
training yields benefits over traditional classroom-only learning. However, this educational approach fails
to guarantee a practical comprehension of any given subject matter. This deficiency is manifested in the
overall grasp of teaching fundamentals within the school system. The efficacy of this approach is limited
as it solely fosters a general comprehension of the pedagogical process, failing to facilitate an in-depth
understanding of the intricacies involved in learning. Furthermore, students' academic performance may
significantly deteriorate as they engage in pedagogical practice, which can divert their attention from the
subject matter. Similarly, during the adaptation phase, students may encounter distractions that impede
their ability to effectively structure lessons owing to a dearth of practical knowledge on the topic at hand.
Since in the conditions of the first stage of the research it was established that the development of practical
competences has the greatest effectiveness as a result of school practice. As per findings of the initial stage
of the study, it was determined that practical competencies yield maximum efficacy through school-based
practice. Therefore, the second stage of the research involved the development of mechanisms to ensure
the possibility of learning practical skills in schools. The said mechanisms were aimed at training future
Ukrainian language teachers and Chemistry/Natural science teachers. In order to elicit high-quality results
from learners, it is imperative to establish a channel of communication between the instructor and a learner.
Therefore, the focus in devising mechanisms was geared towards fostering linguistic and communicative
proficiency (Figure 1).
Enhancing the professional competencies of future teachers through practice in
schools. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /197-212
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 1.
Mechanisms for training future teachers for the development of professional competencies,
including linguistic and communicative.
With all the mentioned aspects, it cannot be denied that in order to enable the development of practical
professional competences of future teachers, first and foremost it is necessary to ensure the adaptation of
theoretical materials to the practical system of education. The theoretical material presented in classrooms
should clearly correspond to real approaches to conducting lessons. The study of the theory should be
based on the search for more detailed and in-depth information. This will foster gaining more professional
knowledge, delving deeper into the existing laws and exceptions in the Ukrainian language or in Chemistry
/ Natural science. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge should draw upon the active involvement of the
trainees, which opens up opportunities for independent learning. Furthermore, it is expedient to ensure the
development of interpersonal relationships, which will allow the elaboration of group work principles.
Accordingly, this is aimed at the development of language and communication competence, since the
presence of a theoretical base will allow to ensure productive communication between learners and
Before commencing to acquire professional skills in practice, future teachers should determine an
extraordinary approach to the organization of lessons. This will make it possible to form learners’ interest
in studying the material and ensure compliance with linguistic and communicative competence. The
learning process can be based on differentiation regarding the study of a specific topic. This can consist of
dividing a single topic into additional subtopics that can be studied by different groups of learners. During
the training process, it is feasible to implement a gamified approach that can effectively identify a select
cohort of learners who achieved a more profound understanding of the subject matter. Moreover, it is
expedient to ensure the possibility of visualizing the learned information, for instance displaying
experiments in Chemistry or studying the rules of the Ukrainian language. This will also allow students to
develop their thinking and creativity as a result of adapting the source information to an innovative learning
approach. A lesson rooted in fantasy has the capacity to enhance the trainees’ engagement with learning,
thereby promoting their comprehensive understanding of a specific issue. Simulation modeling will allow to
provide individualization in the subject for the study of the problem-oriented tasks. Such lessons are bound
to form the extraordinary thinking of learners and students who have to respond professionally to the
former questions, thus enhancing their competence or practice mind-mapping which is an interactive way
Theory should correspond to real approaches to conducting
Active students’ engagement
To ensure the adaptation of
theoretical materials to the practical
education system
Differentiation of the studied topic
Gamification / brainstorming / simulation modeling / mind
To offer an innovative method for
structuring the instruction
Ukrainian:, Mova
Chemistry: Mozaik
To ensure the use of interactive
technologies during the instruction
A group approach to teaching
To ensure effective communication
channels between the prospective
teacher and their learner
to learn information. The process is based on the memorization of a specific topic due to the creation of
interactive approaches that are better perceived by learners in a video image than in spoken words.
Future teachers should be provided with the possibility of conducting lessons with the help of interactive
technologies. Digital technologies can serve as a means for both the acquisition of theoretical knowledge
and the facilitation of hands-on instruction. It is expedient to ensure the use of the most relevant
technologies, which will allow to eliminate problems in education, will ensure intrapersonal connections.
Furthermore, digital technologies will make it possible to form an inseparable connection between future
teachers and students to master certain topics, practising communication skills, receiving feedback. Digital
technologies should eliminate tension in learning, and be aimed at activating thinking, individualizing
learning. Given the above, it is feasible to ensure the use of the interactive resource
while learning the Ukrainian language. The resource is aimed at the possibility of creating interactive tasks,
which help to conduct classes in a gamified format. The digital resource contributes to the consolidation of
knowledge and the formation of engagement in learning. Using the Mova application will allow perceiving
the rules of spelling, study idioms, synonyms, exceptions to general rules, etc. The study of Chemistry can
be based on the use of the Mozaik software complex, which allows learners to focus on digital and 3D
lessons. The application allows the use of various tools for creating lessons, screening videos and
educational images, which contributes to the visual perception of the subject.
By adopting a group-oriented approach during classes, it is feasible to facilitate communication between
learners and their instructors. This can be manifested in the discussion with the teacher of a relevant topic
that forms the linguistic and communicative competence of future teachers. Additionally, providing a
personalized approach to each student, discussing the topic with each student will allow the prospective
teachers to form a strong bond. Consequently, this will allow students not to be afraid to seek for help from
their instructors when solving individual tasks. Further, the participants of the educational process will freely
express their opinion, which will assist in increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.
Further, the work determined the relationship between the level of acquired knowledge of students and
learners of junior, middle, and senior grades. The results were obtained as a result of calculating the
training effectiveness coefficients of future teachers and learners. Calculations of the Whitney-Wilk test
were used for comparison (Table 2).
Table 2.
Training effectiveness of teachers and learners of different grades after the practice
Indicator of the attained
knowledge level
The attained knowledge
level of future teachers of
the Ukrainian language
The attained knowledge
level of future teachers of
Chemistry/ Science
Junior learners
Middle school
Senior learners
tabular value)
0.21 (1%)
Enhancing the professional competencies of future teachers through practice in
schools. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /197-212
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
It was established that after completing the school practice, future teachers of the Ukrainian language and
Chemistry / Natural science were mostly able to achieve a high level of knowledge. This is related to the
acquisition of the necessary professional skills as a result of conducting practical classes during the
pedagogical school practice. Students were able to acquire knowledge on the intricacies of educational
process administration, understood the mechanisms of interpersonal communication among students to
facilitate the facilitation of instructional sessions. Moreover, during practical classes, students were able to
vary the acquired theoretical knowledge, which affected the quality of the educational process. Accordingly,
high scores were obtained by the majority of schoolchildren as a result of ensuring a well-thought approach
to learning. The use of digital technologies allowed the learners to achieve the highest level of knowledge.
The most advanced comprehension of the Ukrainian language was achieved by students in the lower
grades. This allowed students to master the softening consonant sounds, the spelling of prefixes. During
their studies, schoolchildren also gained knowledge regarding word formation, which allowed them to
correctly parse words according to their structure (e.g., determining the root, ending, etc.). Middle school
students achieved knowledge of the Ukrainian language and Chemistry at an almost equally high level.
High school students achieved the highest results when composing dialogues, which was reflected in the
correct construction of sentences. The students also gained knowledge about the correct use of punctuation
marks in dialogue. While studying Chemistry, students gained the highest level of knowledge as a result of
examining the valency of chemical elements, which was reflected in the possibility of composing chemical
formulas. Also, the learners mastered the skill of creating ion exchange reactions. Likewise, high school
students were able to achieve higher mastery of the Ukrainian language as a result of writing essays on
the given topics. A small number of future teachers demonstrated average performance, which had a
corresponding effect on the performance of the learners.
During the study, the authors identified limitations that may affect the overall approach to learning. Also,
these restrictions are aimed at the possibility of ensuring the development of linguistic and communicative
competence of future teachers, which contributes to a better approach to the studentsmastery of the
applicable material (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Limitations arising during the study of theoretical information by future teachers via direct
exposure at school.
Superficial examination of
theoretical material
Inadequate access to
supplementary teaching
tools (such as digital
technologies, video
lectures, etc.)
Lack of interaction with the
Lack of interaction with the
The aforementioned limitations can be resolved through proper training organization and detailed
comprehension of all educational processes. Furthermore, prospective teachers ought to maintain
consistent communication with their colleagues in order to select the most relevant methods for conducting
classes tailored to learners’ needs.
In the course of future teacherspractice at school, the authors determined what professional competencies
they acquired, which are related to the effective development of language and communication
competencies (Figure 3).
The results of the study showed that the motivation of future teachers as a result of teaching in schools
became a crucial component in the cultivation of professional skills. First and foremost, students developed
independence as a result of individualization in acquiring practical skills. Focusing on the independence of
future teachers allows to ensure the most advantageous strategies for establishing relevent communication
between learners. Innovative thinking is an operational component, which is reflected in the search for
non-standard, differentiated approaches to presenting the material, which is necessary for the formation
of linguistic and communicative competence. Furthermore, future teachers mastered professional
communication skills, which was reflected in interaction with learners of different grades. This skill allowed
mastering professional vocabulary for the development of linguistic and communicative competence. In
addition, managerial skills were also developed among future teachers, but at a lower level than other
professional skills, as during the lessons preparation students were guided by the advice of university
Figure 3.
Professional competences acquired by future teachers after the practice.
5. Discussion
The development of professional competencies of future teachers is possible due to the use of STEM
technologies. With the help of STEM technologies, it is possible to ensure a profound understanding of the
relevant educational processes, to form the necessary level of skills and thinking. During the training
process, it is imperative to rigorously adhere to evidence-based methodologies in order to establish a high-
quality learning experience (Zhou et al., 2022). In this light, modeling processes can be used to develop
the professional competence of future teachers. The effectiveness of modeling is related to ensuring the
possibility of reproducing educational content, understanding the learning process, and ensuring continuous
23 19 21 17 20
Independence Creative thinking Innovative thinking Management skills Professional
Enhancing the professional competencies of future teachers through practice in
schools. - Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. /197-212
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 17, N° 4. Octubre-diciembre 2023
Eduweb, 2023, octubre-diciembre, v.17, n.4. ISSN: 1856-7576
access to materials. The implementation of modeling in education enables one to direct their attention
towards the continual refinement of competencies, as well as the capacity to deliberately oversee the
pedagogical procedure (Ammoneit, Reudenbach & Peter, 2023). The formation of practical skills of future
philology teachers can be achieved as a result of the use of gamification technologies. Elements of
gamification make it possible to develop systematic resources for creating motivating educational
strategies. The effectiveness of information assimilation is achieved as a result of utilizing the methods of
creative practice-oriented project activity. As emphasized by Petrovych et al. (2023), consistency should be
maintained during the training, which will increase student motivation therein. In contrast to the published
articles, in our work the emphasis was placed on the use of interactive technologies as one of the efficiency
elements. For the formation of professional competences, the authors elaborated four mechanisms that
contributed to the acquisition of knowledge of the Ukrainian language and Chemistry / Natural science.
The practical skills of future teachers should be formed as a result of the correct organization of the
educational process. This can be achieved as a result of understanding the relationship between
pedagogical and technological knowledge, integrating digital technologies into the educational process.
This approach will ensure changes in teaching methods, in particular it is expedient to constantly monitor
possible changes in education to ensure relevant ways of presenting information (Bedin, Marques & das
Graças Cleophas, 2023). During the acquisition of practical skills of future teachers, constant monitoring of
the educational process should be ensured. This will allow to identify gaps in knowledge, as well as to
identify mechanisms for increasing the future teachers’ strengths. The reverse learning methodology fosters
the enhancement of cognitive abilities, flexibility, advancement of cognitive retention. and understanding
of future teaching strategies. It will also allow to provide interpersonal communication skills, which can
impact the enhancement of communication between the teachers and their trainees (Barraza & Rodríguez,
2023). The acquisition of practical knowledge of future educators as a result of teaching in schools can
contribute to reducing the gap between the acquired knowledge of pre-service teachers and the curriculum.
A positive influence on the development of the education system is formed due to the presence of feedback
from the learners, which affects the quality of the educational process. Enhancing the educational process
yields a positive impact on the efficacy of professional competencies’ cultivation (Orosz, Recino & Ochoa,
2023). In contrast to the analyzed works, in our article the emphasis is placed on choosing the most
favorable mechanisms for the development of future teachers’ practical skills, focusing on ensuring the
efficiency thereof as well as the efficiency of learners.
Acquisition of practical skills of future teachers should be based on innovation and development of creative
thinking. Achieving a high level of professional competence is possible as a result of ongoing discussion of
the educational process with peer teachers, which will allow choosing the most effective mechanisms. This
impacts the comprehension of the theoretical structure, which in turn affects the development of potential
value. Moreover, this procedure will manifest in the prospect of establishing systematicity and scientific
rigor throughout the educational process (Lane, Mcgarr & Nicholl, 2023). Innovative digital practices
contribute to the development of professional skills of future teachers. With their help, it is possible to form
awareness in the learning process, which affects the implementation of highly effective learning using active
learning tools. A systematic approach to learning will allow the enhancement of professional skills and
knowledge, which will be reflected in the pre-service teachers’ individual characteristics (Keengwe, 2023).
The analysis of literary works revealed that the acquisition of practical skills by prospective teachers can be
achieved through knowledge sharing with their peers. The use of digital technologies can also contribute
to this process. In our work, emphasis is placed on the possibility of developing professional competencies
as a result of acquiring practical knowledge of future teachers via direct classroom exposure, since as a
result of our study it was established that such an approach has the greatest effectiveness. During the
presentation of the educational material, the future teachers had to ensure the practical implementation of
theoretical materials within the educational system, to form an innovative approach to the organization of
lessons. Additionally, it was necessary to foster the use of interactive technologies during the shool practice
and establish effective teacher-learner communication. Such an approach to education influenced not only
high performance among the trainees, but also contributed to the formation of future teachers’ professional
competence skills.
6. Conclusions
The authors successfully achieved the outlined research objectives. An evaluation of diverse methodologies
for obtaining practical skills revealed that future educators were able to acquire such competencies upon
conducting classes within school institutions. Such an approach to instruction had the greatest effect on
the effectiveness of future teachers (4.7) as well as learners (4.6). This pertains to the facilitation of
personalized instruction as regards how pre-service teachers perceive information. The second most
significant aspect pertains to the methodology utilized in acquiring practical skills predominantly in academic
setting (70%) and partially during practice at school (30%). This methodology enables us to comprehend
the genuine process of acquiring knowledge (31%).
In order to ensure the implementation of the aforementioned approaches in the educational process, the
authors elaborated applicable learning mechanisms. The latter were intended to ensure the adaptation of
theoretical materials to the practical system of education, which affected the consistency of the educational
process. The innovative approach to the organization of lessons was aimed at forming the learners’ interest
in mastering the material. Conducting lessons with the help of interactive technologies involved
intensification of thinking as well as individualization of learning. To learn the Ukrainian language during
classes, the future teachers were encouraged to use the interactive resources of and
Mova. The study of Chemistry was based on the use of the Mozaik application. The school practice also
provided for establishing communication between learners and the future teacher. It was established that
the use of such an approach in education was reflected in the learners’ overwhelming attainment of a high
level of knowledge. A profound level of expertise for future educators of the Ukrainian language was
attained among 64% of teachers, whereas Chemistry / Natural science teachers comprised 60%. Further,
it was established that trainees also achieved high results. After completing the training, prospective
teachers succeeded in acquiring skills that contribute to the development of professional competence.
Among them are independence (23%), innovative (21%) and creative (19%) thinking, professional
communication skills (20%) and management skills (17%).
The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of introducing effective mechanisms for the
development of practical skills in pre-service teachers of the Ukrainian language and Chemistry / Natural
science. Research perspectives may be related to comparing the effectiveness of the future teachers
expertise as a result of their practice in secondary and higher educational institutions.
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