Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Karabin, O., Hladun, T., Romaniuk, V., Vitchenko, A., & Hrytsenko, V. (2024). The impact of virtual learning environment on future
teachers’ professional competence in lifelong learning. Revista Eduweb, 18(1), 81-92.
The impact of virtual learning environment on future
teachers’ professional competence in lifelong learning
El impacto del entorno de aprendizaje virtual en la competencia profesional
de los futuros docentes en el aprendizaje permanente
Oksana Karabin
Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Methods of its Teaching, Faculty of Physics and
Mathematics, Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University of Ternopil, Ternopil, Ukraine.
Tetiana Hladun
Associate Professor of the Department of General and Medical Psychology, Bogomolets National Medical
University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Viktoriia Romaniuk
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, The National Defence University of Ukraine,
Kyiv, Ukraine.
Anastasiia Vitchenko
Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and World Literature Teaching Methods,
Faculty of Foreign Philology, Mykhailo Dragomanov State University of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Valerii Hrytsenko
Professor of the Department of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Bohdan Khmelnytsky
National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine.
Recibido: 08/12/23
Aceptado: 04/03/24
The study aimed to empirically test the impact of a virtual learning environment on the professional
competence of future computer science teachers in lifelong learning by conducting a survey and comparing
the professional competence of bachelor and master students, as well as their opinions on the impact of
the virtual learning environment on future teachers’ professional competence in lifelong learning. The
surveying methods were cognitive, motivational, activity-based, and value-based. A survey of students
found that a virtual learning environment has the most significant impact on the activity component of
professional competence, and most students are motivated to use virtual learning environments to improve
their professional competence. The survey of teaching staff revealed a positive attitude towards
professional development through virtual learning environments, the prevalence among students of high
and sufficient levels of professional competence and digital literacy. The obtained results can be used to
adjust the virtual educational process of future teachers’ professional training in the system of Ukrainian
Keywords: academic staff, computer science teachers, HEIs, lifelong learning, professional development,
students, virtual tools.
El estudio tuvo como objetivo probar empíricamente el impacto de un entorno de aprendizaje virtual en la
competencia profesional de los futuros profesores de informática en el aprendizaje permanente mediante
la realización de una encuesta y la comparación de la competencia profesional de estudiantes de licenciatura
y maestría, así como sus opiniones sobre el impacto del entorno de aprendizaje virtual sobre la competencia
profesional de los futuros docentes en el aprendizaje permanente. Los métodos de encuesta fueron
cognitivos, motivacionales, basados en actividades y basados en valores. Una encuesta entre estudiantes
encontró que un entorno de aprendizaje virtual tiene el impacto más significativo en el componente de
actividad de la competencia profesional, y la mayoría de los estudiantes están motivados para utilizar
entornos de aprendizaje virtuales para mejorar su competencia profesional. La encuesta al profesorado
reveló una actitud positiva hacia el desarrollo profesional a través de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje, la
prevalencia entre los estudiantes de niveles altos y suficientes de competencia profesional y alfabetización
digital. Los resultados obtenidos se pueden utilizar para ajustar el proceso educativo virtual de formación
profesional de futuros docentes en el sistema de las IES de Ucrania.
Palabras clave: aprendizaje permanente, desarrollo profesional, docentes de informática, estudiantes,
herramientas virtuales, IES, personal académico.
1. Introduction
Due to the continuous digitalisation of society and all spheres of human life and activity, the role of virtual
environments in the educational process is increasing significantly. Moreover, virtualisation has enabled the
educational system to respond adequately to the challenges posed by the global pandemic and the full-
scale military invasion. However, the introduction of virtual platforms and digital tools into the educational
process has increased the requirements for the teachers’ professional competence in terms of improving
digital skills, as the virtual space is dynamic today and requires constant changes from all its subjects. The
above makes it necessary to empirically determine the impact of virtual learning environments on teachers
in lifelong learning.
Total virtualisation of the educational space poses new challenges to the pedagogical community. They are
professional mobility, a high level of mastery of digital innovations, readiness to work in a dynamic
educational environment, and constant motivation to improve one's digital competence. A decade ago, the
main thing for teachers was mastering the latest technologies, and today, the main thing is readiness for
constant improvement of skills and abilities of rational use of digital innovations in a multi-format
educational space: in face-to-face, mixed and distance learning formats. Digital innovations change quite
dynamically. And if a modern teacher does not have time to master them, he will certainly face the problem
of the inconsistency of the virtual tools he uses in pedagogical practice with the requests of education
seekers. After all, in today's conditions, students are well versed in digital innovations and know how to
use virtual educational opportunities properly. Therefore, for the virtual educational environment to function
effectively, pedagogical workers must master digital innovations at a high level and use them rationally to
solve educational tasks. This approach creates conditions for teachers' continuous professional
development throughout their professional career. Therefore, it is quite fair to assume that the virtual
educational environment has an effective influence on the professional growth of teachers.
The impact of virtual learning environment on future teachers’ professional
competence in lifelong learning. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /81-92
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
2. Literature review
Scientific studies dwell on forming and developing future teachers’ professional skills and competencies and
confirm the importan ce of creating a virtual educational environment, identifying the challenges associated
with changing the e-learning process, broadcasting engaging and interactive content to students, the need
to bring the competencies of teachers and students in line with the requirements of the virtual educational
environment, the importance of their readiness to work in a virtual academic format (Molotsi, 2020).
Researchers emphasise the need to update teachers’ digital competencies to meet the challenges of the
twenty-first century (Caena & Redecker, 2019) and claim that the use of virtual educational tools is essential
to improve self-efficacy and self-development and to educate students (Amhag et al., 2019).
The development of professional competence is often considered as a unity of self-identification, self-
esteem, self-determination, self-management, and self-development and as a means of successful
professional development (Torres et al., 2021). Professional self-development correlates with creating a
personality's individual educational and professional trajectory (Kravchenko et al., 2021) and continuous
professional growth in the sustainable development of education and science (Sydorenko et al., 2020). The
importance of professional self-development is increasing in the context of lifelong learning and the creative
self-realisation of specialists in any field of activity (Mushynska, 2018). Professional self-development is
related to spiritual and moral behaviour, the development of the person’s emotional and motivational
sphere, self-analysis skills, and the analysis of human relationships (Yekimov et al., 2020). In times of social
challenges and pandemic restrictions, it is essential to build a creative educational environment for
professional self-development in the context of modern trends in digital education (Bashkireva et al., 2021).
Researchers emphasise the significant role of self-education (Demchenko, 2019) and digital skills in
developing future teachers’ professional competence (Budnyk, 2021). All this confirms the complexity and
multifacetedness of continuous professional training of future teachers (Kanibolotska, 2020), the dynamism
of the “professional competence” concept (Koreneva & Kyryenko, 2023), and the determinism of a teacher’s
professional competence by modern information challenges (Voitovych, 2020).
Scientists stress the importance of a teacher’s professional competence and digital competence as key to
a teacher’s professional development in lifelong learning (Henseruk, 2019). Future computer science
teachers’ digital competence includes information, media, communicative and technical competences.
There is a clear correlation between the high level of a future computer science teacher’s digital competence
and the development of a teacher’s professional competence in general, as it consolidates knowledge, skills
and abilities to use digital technologies for the successful organisation of the educational process, critical
evaluation of information resources, their correct use in teaching activities, and readiness to introduce
technological innovations (Klieba, 2019). Forming professional competence in future computer science
teachers requires their enthusiasm for using digital technologies in education (Skaskiv & Hlad, 2021). The
academic component of this professional competence involves virtualising the educational environment to
ensure the continuous acquisition, mastery, formation and development of future teachersprofessional
competences (Karabin & Gromiak, 2022). Students’ professional competence is considered in the context
of informatisation and computerisation of the educational process (Isyanov et al., 2020), the ability to plan
their further professional development (Khasanov, 2022), the use of the latest digital platforms and tools
for future teachers’ professional training (Makhkamova, 2023).
Scientists claim that virtual learning environments benefit teachers’ continuous professional development
as they expand the use of formal and non-formal learning (Jafar et al., 2020).
Researchers confirm the apparent correlation between the challenges of virtualisation of the educational
process and the needs and interests of modern students, who increasingly use digital tools, virtual learning
environments and social media (Lacka & Wong, 2021). But at the same time, it is inappropriate to overuse
those virtual learning formats that were acceptable in the era of the global pandemic, as the impact of
virtual learning environments on students’ achievement of higher education goals has not been studied yet
(Lacka et al., 2020). However, despite this, the use of “smart” virtual learning environments (virtual reality;
information, design, interactive, training, game-based and other learning) remains relevant for improving
the quality of education and the new educational paradigm (Odrekhivskyy et al., 2019). Teaching staff
worldwide use virtual educational platforms and immersive computer applications. Numerous surveys have
confirmed students’ satisfaction with new digital learning tools and their intention to participate in improving
virtual products used in the educational process (Bogusevschi et al., 2020). At the same time, teachers’
readiness to work with virtual educational platforms is a significant concern, as empirical research confirms
the insufficient level of teachers’ digital competence in the lifelong learning system, which hinders the
promotion of a new way of teaching (Garzón Artacho et al., 2020). At the same time, students are
dissatisfied with methodological approaches to teaching in a virtual learning environment. Scientists have
proven the importance of using virtual educational platforms for future teachers’ training. There is also
growing concern about the quality of education in the context of its virtualisation. It is necessary to develop
measures to improve the effectiveness of the virtual learning process, in particular for students to increase
learning motivation and self-discipline to participate in online classes and for teachers to improve the system
of formative assessment, introduce group activities (quizzes, competitions) to stimulate group exchanges
and develop social skills (Dung, 2020).
The studies mentioned above focus on the advantages and disadvantages of introducing virtual platforms
into the educational process and the importance of teachers and students’ readiness to use virtual platforms
to achieve academic goals. However, the impact of virtual learning environments on future teachers’
professional competence in lifelong learning has not been adequately studied.
The study aims to empirically determine the impact of virtual learning environments on the professional
competence of future computer science teachers in lifelong learning.
Research objectives:
to determine the educational and qualification level of professional competence of future computer
science teachers;
to determine the impact of virtual learning environments on future teachers’ professional competence
in lifelong learning (through a survey);
to conduct a survey of teaching staff in HEIs on the impact of virtual learning environments on the
professional competence of future computer science teachers in lifelong learning;
to make a comparative analysis of the level of professional competence of future computer science
teachers in terms of students’ educational qualification levels;
to make a comparative analysis of the impact of virtual learning environments on the professional
competence of future computer science teachers in the context of lifelong learning in terms of students’
educational and qualification levels.
The research hypothesis is that virtual learning environments contribute to the growth of future computer
science teachers’ professional competence and motivate them to continue self-improvement.
3. Methods
a. Research design
The empirical testing included the following stages: preparatory, empirical, and final. At the preparatory
stage, we formed a sample, selected research methods, and formulated the aim and objectives. At the
empirical phase of the study, a survey of respondents was conducted on the impact of the virtual learning
environment on the professional competence of future computer science teachers, diagnosing their level
The impact of virtual learning environment on future teachers’ professional
competence in lifelong learning. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /81-92
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
of professional competence. The results were interpreted at the final stage, and conclusions were drawn.
The pilot study was initiated by the scientific communities of Ukrainian higher education institutions: HEI 1,
HEI 2, and HEI 3.
b. Sampling
In total, 140 future computer science teachers bachelor and master students aged 23 26 years
participated in the study. The reason for choosing students of different educational qualification levels is
the need to identify students’ focus on continuous education, which should increase with the achievement
of the appropriate level of training. All students worked in the “Moodle” virtual environment.
The reasons for drawing such a sample are as follows:
1) Students’ involvement in the use of virtual learning environments in the educational process;
2) students have a long experience of acquiring competences in a virtual learning environment;
3) students’ readiness and ability to use the resources and tools of the virtual learning environment.
Fifty academic staff members aged 40 50 years, involved in training students of pedagogical specialities,
participated in the study.
All participants gave their voluntary consent to participate in the survey. The study was conducted during
extra-curricular time and did not interfere with HEIs’ educational processes.
c. Research methods
The following methods were used in the study: diagnostics of future computer science teachers’
professional competence, surveys, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data, and comparative
The diagnostics of future computer science teachers’ professional competence included a control test of
students’ knowledge, skills and abilities conducted by teachers of HEIs (the levels: high, sufficient, average,
and low).
The study also involved determining the impact of virtual learning environments on the professional
competence of future teachers in lifelong learning through a survey of students and teaching staff.
The respondents were surveyed using Google Forms, based on the author's questionnaire of bachelor and
master graduate students of pedagogical specialities. The questionnaire included 16 questions in four
blocks: cognitive, motivational, activity-based, and value-based (Table 1).
Table 1.
The structure of the author’s questionnaire to determine the impact of virtual learning environments on
future teachers’ professional competence in lifelong learning
Diagnostic Method
Respondents’ orientation towards expanding their knowledge on the use of virtual learning
environments for professional self-development
desire to use the virtual learning environments for professional development
positive experience of using virtual learning environments for professional development
formation of a positive value attitude to the use of learning environments for professional
Source: author’s development.
To determine the impact of virtual learning environments on future teachers’ professional competence in
lifelong learning, we surveyed teaching staff, whom we asked to rate with a score from 1 to 12 the following
diagnostic indicators of students: formation of professional competence, digital literacy, readiness to use
virtual learning environments for self-development, understanding of the need for continuous professional
development, positive attitude to professional development through virtual learning environments.
The primary data was recorded in the Excel spreadsheet processor. Statistical processing of the research
results was carried out using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Cronbach’s analysis (with Cronbach's
alpha value 0.8) was used to determine the reliability of the author’s questionnaire.
4. Results and discussion
The data on the diagnostics of future computer science teachers' professional competence are shown in
Figure 1. As can be seen from Figure 1, a higher level of professional competence was found among master
students, which indicates their higher readiness for professional development in the framework of lifelong
Figure 1.
Professional competence of future computer science teachers, %.
Source: author’s development.
The survey results of all respondents in percentage terms for each block of the questionnaire are
summarised in Table 2.
17 10
22 25
High Sufficient Average Low
Bachelors Masters
The impact of virtual learning environment on future teachers’ professional
competence in lifelong learning. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /81-92
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Table 2.
Averaged data on the impact of virtual learning environments on the professional competence of future
computer science teachers in the framework of lifelong learning (%)
Categories of respondents
Blocks of the questionnaire
Bachelor students of HEI 1
Master students of HEI 1
Bachelor students of HEI 2
Master students of HEI 2
Bachelor students of HEI 3
Master students of HEI 3
Mean value
Source: author’s development.
As can be seen from Table 2, virtual learning environments have the most significant impact on the activity-
based component of students’ professional competence. This indicates that most respondents have positive
experiences using virtual learning environments to develop their professional competence and are
motivated to improve it. However, the students lack the knowledge, skills and abilities to use all the possible
advantages of virtual educational space in the context of lifelong learning. This is also the reason for
insufficient readiness to use virtual learning environments to improve future teachers’ professional
We conducted a comparative analysis of bachelor and master students regarding the impact of virtual
learning environments on the professional competence of future computer science teachers in the
framework of lifelong learning (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Comparative analysis of the survey of masters and bachelors on the impact of virtual learning
environments on the professional competence of future computer science teachers in lifelong learning, %
Source: author’s development.
As can be seen from Figure 2, master students have slightly higher scores than bachelor students. This
indicates that masters, compared to bachelors, have:
Cognitive Motivational Activity-based Value-based
70,3 75,6
Masters Bachelors
a more pronounced focus on deepening the knowledge of virtual learning environments for professional
more examples of positive experiences of using virtual learning environments for professional
a more pronounced positive attitude towards using learning environments for professional
They are also more likely to use the resources of virtual learning environments for professional
Based on the data in Table 3, it can be argued that most teaching staff note future teachers’ positive
attitude towards professional development through virtual learning environments. More than half of the
surveyed report the prevalence of high and sufficient levels of professional competence, digital literacy,
and understanding of the need for continuous professional development in students. At the same time,
students have an average level of readiness to use virtual learning environments for self-development,
which may be due to the lack of effective models for using virtual tools for professional growth.
Table 3.
The results of the survey of teaching staff on the impact of virtual learning environments on the professional
competence of future computer science teachers in lifelong learning (%)
Diagnostic methods
Formation of professional competence
Digital literacy
Readiness to use virtual learning environments for self-
Understanding the need for continuous professional
Positive attitude to professional development through virtual
learning environments
Mean value
Source: author’s development.
The study makes it possible to identify the main directions for improving the use of virtual educational
environments to develop the professional competence of future computer science teachers in lifelong
creating conditions for expanding students’ knowledge base on the use of virtual learning environments
for professional self-development;
increasing the level of readiness to use virtual learning environments to improve the professional
competence of future computer science teachers;
forming a base of positive experience in using virtual learning environments for the professional
development of future computer science teachers;
creating consulting platforms for future computer science teachers on the use of virtual learning
environments for professional self-development.
The following measures can be proposed to improve the use of virtual educational environments for the
development of future computer science teachers’ professional competence in lifelong learning:
The impact of virtual learning environment on future teachers’ professional
competence in lifelong learning. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /81-92
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
1. Involvement of students in choosing different virtual educational environments to improve their
professional competence.
2. Use of various virtual educational environment tools in the professional training of future computer
science teachers.
3. Involvement of students in creating virtual didactic content for educational environments.
4. Avoidance of monotony in a virtual educational environment when conducting classes and monitoring
learning achievements.
5. Motivation of academic staff to improve the methodology of organising students’ work in the virtual
educational environment.
Scientists (Henseruk, 2019; Kanibolotska, 2020) have identified the importance of using virtual educational
environments in the professional competence development of future computer science teachers in lifelong
learning. Researchers also emphasise the need to use virtual instruments in the training of students and
the readiness of teachers and students to work in the new virtual format of an interactive learning
environment to be on par with their peers worldwide. Empirical research proves the convenience and speed
of using educational content in the virtual space and the role of virtual tools in developing digital skills
(Molotsi, 2020). Researchers note the impact of virtual learning environments on learners’ career
development (Caena & Redecker, 2019). A survey of teachers in Swedish educational institutions stated
the systematic need for teachers and students to improve digital skills in the context of education
virtualisation and the need for adequate scientific and methodological support for creating digital teaching
and learning environments (Amhag et al., 2019). While noting the predominantly positive impact of virtual
learning environments on the educational process, scholars identify problems that can hinder CPD because,
without a vibrant online learning community, any constructive CPD requests cannot be met (Toole, 2019).
However, it is necessary to avoid excessive use of virtual tools, so it is inappropriate to rely exclusively on
digital, virtual instruments in the educational process (Pererva et al., 2020). The students’ intention to
participate in developing and improving existing virtual learning environments used by HEIs has been
empirically proven (Bogusevschi et al., 2020). At the same time, some studies have revealed students’
dissatisfaction with the methodology of using virtual learning environments, which raises the need to pay
special attention to training teachers to use virtual educational platforms, as students believe that teachers
lack knowledge of using graphic editors, video editors, computer graphics editors, and the perfect use of
planning, monitoring and control procedures. Research by the University of Granada proved the need for
additional and thorough study of the opinions of students and teachers on the use of virtual learning
environments (Pererva et al., 2020), which was implemented in our research.
However, most studies focus on the advantages and disadvantages of using virtual learning environments
in developing future teachers’ professional competence in lifelong learning.
Our research is distinguished by a comprehensive approach to studying students’ opinions and the
parameters for assessing the impact of virtual learning environments on future teachers’ professional
competence, which we offered to students (cognitive, motivational, activity-based, and value-based blocks
of the survey) and teachers (formation of professional competence, digital literacy, readiness to use virtual
learning environments for self-development, understanding of the need for continuous professional
development, positive attitude to raising professional level through virtual learning environments).
Our research is essential due to studying the influence of virtual learning environments on future teachers
professional competence in lifelong learning.
The research gives grounds for developing future teachers’ professional competence in the virtual learning
space in lifelong learning.
5. Conclusions
The introduction of virtual learning environments into the professional training of future computer science
teachers has necessitated the study of the impact of this environment on the professional competence of
future teachers in lifelong learning. Virtual learning environments have been proven to affect future
teachers’ professional competence. After all, they motivate students to use virtual learning environments
for professional self-development. Working in virtual learning environments allows students to gain positive
experience and form a positive attitude towards using learning environments for professional development.
Virtual learning environments also positively impact the formation of professional competence, digital
literacy, readiness to use virtual learning environments for self-development, understanding of the need
for continuous professional development, and a positive attitude towards professional development through
virtual learning environments.
The research results confirm the hypothesis that virtual learning environments contribute to the growth of
future teachers’ professional competence and motivate them to improve continuously.
Further scientific research may focus on various models for developing future teachers’ professional
competence in virtual and lifelong learning. Of particular empirical interest may be determining the
parameters of a productive, rationally organised virtual learning environment as an essential component of
future teachers’ professional development.
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