Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Kharkevych, H., Kruhlij, O., Pechko, N., Sobol, N., & Shyba, A. (2024). Features of using innovative technologies in teaching English
language in higher education institutions. Revista Eduweb, 18(1), 93-108.
Features of using innovative technologies in teaching
English language in higher education institutions
Peculiaridades del uso de tecnologías innovadoras en la enseñanza del inglés
en instituciones de educación superior
Halyna Kharkevych
WoS Researcher ID: IQU-0953-2023
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages and Translation
Department, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine.
Olena Kruhlij
WoS Researcher ID: HZI-1038-2023
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Foreign Languages and Translation
Department, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine.
Nina Pechko
WoS Researcher ID: JEP-6117-2023
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages and Translation Department,
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Ukraine.
Nataliia Sobol
WoS Researcher ID: JFA-0905-2023
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages, Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine.
Alona Shyba
WoS Researcher ID: GLS-0952-2022
PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of English, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,
Recibido: 01/12/23
Aceptado: 02/03/24
The peculiarities of using innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education
have been clarified. The meaning of the concepts "innovation" and "educational innovation" is revealed.
The main criteria of manufacturability, which must be met by pedagogical innovation technology, are
shown. The main principles by which innovative activities are carried out in institutions of higher education
are highlighted. Approaches containing innovative technologies in teaching English are disclosed. The most
effective innovative technologies are grouped and effective technologies for teaching English are
considered. that deserve attention in teaching English in institutions of higher education (interactive
learning technology, distance learning, multimedia technologies, virtual environment technology). Taking
into account the peculiarities of the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education
institutions, microlearning (bite-sized learning) technology attracts attention, the content and advantages
of which are shown in the article. The advantages of using innovative technologies in teaching English in
higher education institutions are shown. The main tasks in high-quality English language teaching are the
development of the following basic skills: reading, listening, communication, and writing. The role of each
individual skill is shown and the content of technologies that can be applied for improvement and
development is revealed.
Keywords: innovations, innovative technologies, educational innovation, teaching English, institutions of
higher education.
Se han aclarado las peculiaridades del uso de tecnologías innovadoras en la enseñanza del inglés en
instituciones de educación superior. Se revela el significado de los conceptos "innovación" e "innovación
educativa". Se muestran los principales criterios de capacidad de fabricación que debe cumplir la tecnología
de innovación pedagógica. Se destacan los principios fundamentales por los cuales se llevan a cabo
actividades innovadoras en las instituciones de educación superior. Se revelan enfoques que contienen
tecnologías innovadoras en la enseñanza del inglés. Se agrupan las tecnologías innovadoras más efectivas
y se consideran las tecnologías efectivas para la enseñanza del inglés. que merecen atención en la
enseñanza del inglés en instituciones de educación superior (tecnología de aprendizaje interactivo,
aprendizaje a distancia, tecnologías multimedia, tecnología de entorno virtual). Teniendo en cuenta las
peculiaridades del uso de tecnologías innovadoras en la enseñanza del inglés en las instituciones de
educación superior, llama la atención la tecnología de microaprendizaje (aprendizaje del tamaño de un
bocado), cuyo contenido y ventajas se muestran en el artículo. Se muestran las ventajas del uso de
tecnologías innovadoras en la enseñanza del inglés en instituciones de educación superior. Las principales
tareas en la enseñanza de alta calidad del idioma inglés son el desarrollo de las siguientes habilidades
básicas: lectura, comprensión auditiva, comunicación y escritura. Se muestra el papel de cada habilidad
individual y se revela el contenido de las tecnologías que se pueden aplicar para la mejora y el desarrollo.
Palabras clave: innovaciones, tecnologías innovadoras, innovación educativa, enseñanza del inglés,
instituciones de educación superior.
1. Introduction
The relevance of this work is determined by the need for further development of the problem of introducing
modern technologies into the educational process. Computerization of educational institutions began
relatively recently, and teachers experience several difficulties caused by objective factors, among which,
students' insufficiently developed ability to use a computer as a means of working with information.
In modern society, the role of foreign languages is growing more and more. Knowledge of a foreign
language makes it possible to get involved in world culture, to use the potential of extensive Internet
resources in one's activities, as well as to work with information and communication technologies and
multimedia learning resources. In connection with this, there is a need to develop the methodology of using
informational computer technologies in teaching a foreign language. New informational pedagogical
technologies become part of the educational process. Therefore, computer technologies are an actual
direction in the methodology, which requires new approaches and non-standard solutions.
The implementation of modern approaches and methods, and innovative technologies is now an urgent
condition in the educational process of institutions of higher education, which contributes to the
Features of using innovative technologies in teaching English language in higher
education institutions. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. / 93-108
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
strengthening of motivation among students of education, increasing cognitive interest in learning the
English language, and effective formation of their communication skills and abilities. In today's information
society, knowledge of a foreign language is of great importance for the self-realization of an individual. The
use of innovative learning technologies, which is the optimal approach for high-quality training of a
competitive specialist, deserves special attention to solve this issue. In the practice of teaching English,
with the help of innovations, it is possible to determine the most effective methods of intersubjective
enhanced purposeful interaction between students and the teacher, the implementation of a consistent
process that creates quality conditions for their professional development (Efendiieva, 2017).
The study of the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education institutions was, is,
and will remain relevant since the integration of a foreign language into all spheres of life is a dynamic
process. Therefore, an extremely urgent problem today is the effective and correct choice of educational
technology. For the qualitative selection of the necessary content, it is necessary to apply the most effective
means and methods of education. This is the task of a foreign language teacher (Khrystych & Borysova,
We conducted an experiment that included a survey of teachers of higher educational institutions and
students to reveal their ideas about the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher
educational institutions, the specifics and significance of technologies, about the peculiarities of professional
2. Literature review
Training future specialists for the use of innovative foreign language learning technologies is a new aspect
of their professional training. It should be noted that the traditional approaches used for teaching foreign
languages are not always appropriate in the context of the teacher's activities. That is why an important
scientific task is the search for innovative technologies for training specialists, taking into account the need
for the latter to teach foreign languages.
The problem of training specialists for the application of innovative foreign language learning technologies
is quite complex, multifaceted and interdisciplinary. Various scientists contributed to its solution. Thus,
issues of professional education were studied in the works of O. Reida, K. Ivleva, & D. Hulieva (2020). They
singled out innovative teaching methods, with the help of which it is possible to increase the effectiveness
of the educational space of education seekers, modernize the learning process, increase the foreign
language level of education seekers, and provide an opportunity for teachers to improve and implement
new methods of work of future specialists. In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, the main
innovative technologies are considered in detail; the concept of "innovative technologies" is explained.
Various aspects of modern methods of teaching foreign languages in institutions of higher education were
studied by M. Kudria (2018). M. Kudria reviewed ways of using innovative multimedia technologies in the
educational space are revealed, which allows the learning process exciting, meaningful, interesting, and at
the same time continuous throughout the professional and personal life of the future specialist. E-learning,
which is carried out using mobile devices and which is implemented using special software based on
modular and interdisciplinary approaches, is considered.
The general methodology for applied research of innovative learning technologies is highlighted in the
works of T. Kapitan (2021). T. Kapitan considered the most popular and highlighted the main educational
concepts that should be applied in the process of learning a foreign language by students of education and
that exist inextricably with innovative technologies. Yu. Herasymenko (2021) analyzed the use of the
integration model of the interactive database, thanks to which a flexible model of the educational process
is created in different conditions; peculiarities of the organization of the educational process of teaching a
foreign language using innovative educational technologies; ways of expanding the functions of innovative
technologies, as increasing and maintaining the motivation of education seekers to study, as well as a tool
of the educational process, are considered; ways of implementing an educational virtual environment and
methods of its existence, including various Internet sources, are proposed; a comprehensive approach to
innovative technologies with the use of several resources is shown. O. Vasiukovych (2020), the increase in
the complexity and volume of the researched material is shown by the modification of the content of foreign
language learning; the main methods of using modern information technologies, which have become the
main tool in teaching ESP, are noted; in the teaching of professional English, the actual problem of using
innovative technologies is investigated; the effectiveness of innovative methods of the educational process
is shown; the main ways of implementation by teachers of technology integration into their courses are
emphasized, to bring them into line with the future professional needs of students.
The issue of using innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages actively researched by
L. Konoplianyk (2020) shows the need for global changes in the field of higher education, the revision of
the education system, which is required by the globalization and integration of the European educational
space, as well as the rapid changes that exist in society and the processes of digitalization of the world,
which require significant modernization of the educational field. M. Shevchenko (2020) considered the
process of improving English language skills and highlighted the role of innovative technologies for higher
education students. Ways of applying various innovative technologies, which are part of the process of
learning and teaching a foreign language, are revealed, and innovative methods using the latest learning
technologies to improve language skills are proposed. N. Khrystych, & N. Borysova (2022) showed the
scientific results of the search for the selection of innovative technologies for the educational process for
quality training of future English language specialists.
In turn, scientists from Latin American countries consider the problem of the English language in universities
and pay attention to the importance of innovative technologies in teaching English in universities.
According to the scientists of Latin American countries, attention is focused on the need to use innovative
technologies in the entire educational process, which will make it possible to form a highly information
culture of the world's youth. The formation of innovative technologies in teaching English requires, first of
all, a high level of the teacher's information culture and methodical literacy in teaching English.
Scientists J. Cárdenas & I. Esteban (2021) emphasize that an innovative methodological vision in the
teaching-learning process of the English language focused on the inclusion of all its students in a
heterogeneous learning environment. J. Álvarez Martínez & J. Gómez (2023) in their article they focus on
the fact that E-learning and ICT have developed an innovative way of teaching English. To make sure the
learning of this foreign language is effective, educational establishments and universities adjusted their
infrastructure and technological devices. V. Zacchi (2018) rightly notes that digital epistemologies in the
area of literacies and language teaching are becoming increasingly important, due to the radical
transformations that our society is undergoing as a result of the advent of the new technologies of
communication and processes linked to globalization. It is a quite relevant and pressing issue since children
and the youth are coming to school in possession of a great deal of knowledge about and competence with
digital tools and discourses. On the other hand, there are still a great number of students who lack digital
literacy and face difficulties in reading from the screen. Connecting all these topics may bring innovative
results with the potential to be applied to English language teaching and teacher education and solidify the
research in this area.
However, even though various aspects of professional training of specialists are constantly in the circle of
scientific interests of scientists, the issue of training specialists pay insufficient attention to the application
of innovative technologies for teaching foreign languages.
Features of using innovative technologies in teaching English language in higher
education institutions. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /93-108
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
In addition, the relevance of the identified problem is enhanced by several contradictions between a public
order for the training of teachers capable of innovative activities in the educational process, and the
insufficient focus of higher education institutions on solving this problem; the objective need for the training
of specialists for the use of innovative foreign language teaching technologies and its insufficiently effective
implementation in practice in higher education institutions; the need to form the readiness of specialists to
use innovative technologies for learning foreign languages and the inadequacy of content-methodical
provision of such training.
Therefore, the objective need to solve the specified problem is insufficient theoretical and practical
development, the need to overcome the above contradictions determined the choice of the topic of our
Purpose: to find out the peculiarities of the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher
education institutions.
3. Methodology
The research is empirical.
The following research methods were used at various stages of scientific research:
theoretical- generalization and analysis of modern educational and methodological, psychological and
pedagogical, philosophical, sociological literature, dissertations, scientific works, articles in dictionary
editions with the aim of obtaining information about the current state of the problem and its development,
highlighting the main idea of the study, clarifying the essence of the problem , the selection of conceptual
ideas, which are the methodological basis and theoretical-methodological basis for the introduction and
development of innovative technologies in the teaching of English in institutions of higher education into
the educational process; empirical application of methods of observation, interviews, surveys,
questionnaires in order to study the research problem; conducting a pedagogical experiment to collect data
on the effectiveness of the developed approach to the problem; statistical: registration and processing of
experiment results using computer programs, in particular MS Excel and SPSS for statistical processing of
the obtained data; graphic: visualization of the results of experimental work: diagrams, tables; modeling
and synthesis, which made it possible to summarize information about the object of research, to form and
systematize the terminological apparatus of research.
The methodological concept reflects the ideas of forming the professional competence of education seekers
using innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education.
The methodological concept is based on provisions about: dialectical connection of theory, practice, general
principles of cognition, definition of development, self-movement, sources of movement, self-development
of personality (philosophical level); components and nature of the process of knowledge of reality by an
individual using the principles of cultural appropriateness and humanization in the unity of ideas of personal,
systemic, competence, and personally oriented approaches, which illuminate the essence of the individual
in the process of the universe (level of general scientific methodology); the use of modern world
achievements of innovations in education and science for qualitative use of innovative technologies in
teaching English in institutions of higher education; the study of internal and external factors, to show the
innovative activity of an education seeker in society; inseparability of innovative technologies from the
training of a competent specialist, real life; understanding ways of using innovative technologies in teaching
English in higher education institutions; application in the educational process of modern innovative
technologies that have an impact on the formation of professional competence in students (level of specific
scientific methodology).
The methodical concept contributes to the coverage of a complex of diagnostic, monitoring, educational
and methodological, technological, didactic, and methodological support, the formation of competence in
education seekers, and the selection of innovative forms and methods.
The main function of the practical concept is to check the efficiency and effectiveness of the formation of
a system of using innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education.
The methodological basis of the study is a multi-level complex principle, approaches, methods, and
technological methods, which are methodological guidelines and tools of scientific research. Their use is
the conditional interdisciplinary nature of the work.
Experimental verification of the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher
education involved conducting a pedagogical experiment, which was considered as a leading research
method, which allows obtaining the most probable facts that objectively characterize the possibilities of
improving the process of professional training of students when using innovative technologies in the
teaching process of English in institutions of higher education.
The implementation of the pedagogical experiment was carried out in three stages: preparatory, main, and
At the preparatory stage, the purpose and tasks of the research were determined, the experimental plan
was developed, methods of measurement and processing of results were selected, control and experimental
groups were selected, and their homogeneity was checked.
At the main stage, an experiment was conducted.
At the final stage, the results of the experiment were analyzed, their reliability was confirmed, and
conclusions were drawn about the pedagogical effect of the experiment.
The reliability and validity of the obtained results, and the objectivity of their assessment were ensured by
the methodological soundness of the initial positions and the qualitative mechanism for evaluating the
quality under study, the use of a complex of complementary research methods, and the involvement of a
group of respondents from a higher educational institution in the analysis of its results.
To assess the homogeneity of experimental and control data, statistical processing was performed using
MS Excel and SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science).
4. Results and discussion
Nowadays, innovative approaches to education are an important feature of the accumulation and
understanding of best experiences, the formation of new approaches to creative self-realization, the
teaching process, and the development of teachers and students in the field of education (Кosharna et al.,
The pedagogical innovation technology should meet the following key criteria of technological relevance:
relying on a certain scientific concept to achieve the intended goals,
application and construction of various didactic materials and innovative visual aids that make education
more effective based on learning outcomes,
guaranteeing the achievement of a certain educational standard,
Features of using innovative technologies in teaching English language in higher
education institutions. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /93-108
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
predictability of possible diagnostic goal-setting, design of the educational process, planning, phased
monitoring, and variation of methods and means for correction of educational results (Efendiieva,
Innovations that are used in the field of education are called educational innovations.
We consider educational innovation as the process of spreading, creating, and using innovations for
pedagogical problems, as a novelty that significantly changes the results of the education process, and
innovativeness as an individual's attitude to new ideas, innovations in education, the susceptibility of
subjects to innovations, experience. Studying at a higher education institution requires the mandatory use
of active learning techniques, methods, and innovative technologies.
According to the logic of the research and the requirements for the organization of the pedagogical
experiment, the purpose of the research and experimental work was to study the effectiveness of using
innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education. The realization of the goal
became possible due to its decomposition into partial tasks, namely:
diagnosis of the levels of readiness of students to use innovative technologies in teaching English in
institutions of higher education;
the approbation of the experimental methodology, which reflected the peculiarities of preparing
students for the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education.
We used qualitative and quantitative methods in the research. Quantitative research methods presuppose
the presence of a specific standardized instrument (questionnaire), which, in turn, presupposes the
respondent's standardized answers to clearly stated questions. The availability of such a tool is a necessary
component of quantitative research since each question represents a certain parameter subject to
quantitative measurement. That is why in quantitative studies we paid close attention to the formulation
of questions.
Qualitative research methods, which assume a structured, but still free narrative (in the form of a
monologue or dialogue, discussion) on the proposed topic, provided us with objective results of subjective
activity. Thus, in qualitative research methods, it became possible to implement an expert professional
analysis of the products of the respondent's activity.
Taking into account the outlined tasks, the experimental research was carried out in three interconnected
stages, each of which was characterized by certain goals and content, appropriate forms, and methods of
At the initial stage organizational and theoretical the analysis of the philosophical, pedagogical,
psychological, and acmeological discourse on the research problem was carried out, the general theoretical
and methodological foundations of the research were determined; ideas for the organization of
experimental work were developed; the purpose and tasks of the research were specified; the categorical
research apparatus was scientifically justified.
The second stage experimental provided for the implementation of the theoretical and procedural
development of the pedagogical experiment, the implementation of a complex selection of methods, the
implementation of experimental work on the need to use innovative technologies in teaching English in
institutions of higher education; systematization and analysis of the obtained results.
At the third stage the final stage the analysis of the materials of the experimental work was carried out
according to the topic of the study, and the general conclusions of the study were formulated.
We planned to divide the study groups into experimental and control groups. Thus, groups of students of
the V-VI years (before the experiment) were considered control (hereinafter CG), and experimental
(hereinafter EG) those groups that participated in experimental training.
At the beginning of the pedagogical experiment, pilot studies were carried out, which included a
questionnaire survey of teachers of higher education institutions and students to reveal their ideas about
the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education institutions, the specifics and
importance of technologies, about the peculiarities of professional training.
According to the results of the survey, it was found that the majority of teachers (92% of respondents) are
aware of the need to use innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education institutions to
successfully prepare students for their professional careers and ensure the competitiveness of graduates
in the labor market. Such an opinion is characteristic of both experienced teachers who have a sufficiently
long experience in scientific and pedagogical activity, and young teachers.
The following trend, which is followed by the results of the questionnaire, indicates a high assessment of
the importance of forming readiness for the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher
education institutions since the vast majority of teachers (75%) consider this problem about the most
important aspects of teaching activity, in particular: the formation of special professional skills (82%), the
development of students' life competence (analytical, critical thinking, the ability to build a life strategy,
etc.) (70%), the development of communicative competence, rhetorical skills (64%), etc.
The essential characteristics of the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of
higher education are revealed by the majority of teachers as a complex phenomenon, in particular:
implementation of professional knowledge, abilities, skills based on professional experience and labor
market requirements (53.1% of respondents); the individual's ability to design and manage technologies
in accordance with the level of professional competence (45.3% of respondents); an integrative
combination of personal traits and technologies that allow success in the profession (35% of respondents);
the process of internal development of a person, which includes the professional growth of students when
using innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education, accumulation and
development of competencies, external movement in the assimilation of the social space of not only one
profession or specialization, but also others (provided it is necessary to change profession) (62% of
Therefore, it is legitimate to state that the majority of teachers consider it necessary to use innovative
technologies in teaching English in higher education institutions. However, the majority of teachers at
higher education institutions (more than 60%) are aware of the broader meaning of a professional career,
which integrates the system of using innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education
institutions to obtain important qualities and professional competence.
According to respondents, targeted work on training students using innovative technologies in teaching
English in institutions of higher education for strategic management of a professional career should be
organized in the process of teaching professional disciplines (92%) and by modernizing the content and
tasks of assistant and scientific production practices (73%). The respondents also highly appreciate the
potential of introducing special selective educational disciplines (85%).
Among the types of educational activities of students that contribute to the formation of their readiness to
work well and are necessary in later life, the respondents assigned the greatest potential to training work,
educational project activities, and scientific and industrial practice (72% of respondents).
Features of using innovative technologies in teaching English language in higher
education institutions. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /93-108
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
In summary, we note that based on the results of empirical research, we have identified a trend that proves
the awareness of teachers of higher education institutions of the need, in addition to professional education,
to humanize the content of professional training, the importance of forming students' readiness to use
innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education institutions as a professional of significant
To find out in institutions of higher education the importance of using innovative technologies in teaching
English, we investigated the characteristic types of thinking of EG and CG students. For this, testing was
carried out, which showed the dominance of the analytical style of thinking among students, both EG and
CG. In particular, 17.6% demonstrated a very high level of analytical thinking in the use of innovative
technologies in teaching English; 56.5% high; 16.1% medium, and 4.8% low. Characteristically, our
empirical studies did not record a very low level of analyticity.
The analysis of the results of the student questionnaire made it possible to conclude: about a third of
students do not know the types of use of innovative technologies in teaching and learning English, and
they do not have information about the possibilities of career growth through the use of innovative
technologies in teaching and learning English; a significant part (about 2/3) claim that they either know or
have an idea about them, while only 13.2% of EG students and 12.5% of CG claim to have familiarized
themselves with ways of using innovative technologies.
We conducted a study of students to find out the self-assessment of the use of innovative technologies in
teaching and learning English. The results showed: that about a third of students have low self-esteem,
which leads to insecurity, timidity, excessive self-criticism, lack of initiative, and, therefore, difficulties in
realizing their abilities in the process of using innovative technologies in teaching and learning English. 16%
of EG students and 9.6% of CG students have a high level of self-esteem, which indicates that these are
self-confident people who correctly compare their opportunities and abilities, strive to realistically look at
their successes and failures, and set achievable goals for the use of innovative technologies.
The statistical processing of the results of the diagnostic sections based on the defined criteria and
indicators made it possible to determine the level of formation of each of the components of readiness for
strategic management of a professional career (table 1).
As evidenced by the data of the diagnostic sections, the level of readiness of students to use innovative
technologies in teaching and learning English in institutions of higher education of the control and
experimental groups is insufficient. A low level of readiness according to the personal-motivational criterion
is typical for the majority of students (76.56% and 75.0% of students). The levels of formation of the
following criteria substantive-practical and evaluation-productive were also low.
Table 1.
Formation of components of readiness to use innovative technologies in teaching and learning English in
higher education institutions (in %)
Experimental group
Control group
Levels of formation
Mobilization and
Strategic and
Reflexive and
Note: L low (passive) level; A average (conditional) level; H high (stable) level.
Following the criteria of readiness to use innovative technologies in teaching and learning English in
institutions of higher education, the current level of this education was analyzed as a generalized indicator.
The results of the analysis are presented in Fig. 1.
The obtained data prove that the percentage indicators of the levels of readiness to use innovative
technologies are approximately the same for students of both groups. Thus, 77.34% of EG respondents
and 77% of CG respondents are characterized by a low level of readiness. Indicators of the average level
of readiness to use innovative technologies also turned out to be insignificant (20.3% and 21.0% of
students in the experimental and control groups, respectively; 2% and 2.36% are stable levels).
Figure. 1.
Levels of students' readiness to use innovative technologies in teaching and learning English in
higher education institutions
77% 77,34%
21,00% 20,30%
2,00% 2,36%
passive level conditional level stable level
Features of using innovative technologies in teaching English language in higher
education institutions. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /93-108
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
In general, the results of the study allowed us to conclude that the real state of readiness for using
innovative technologies in teaching and learning English in institutions of higher education does not meet
the modern requirements of pedagogical practice and society, and therefore requires radical changes.
The experiment included the following methods:
empirical application of methods of observation, interviews, surveys, and questionnaires to study the
research problem; conducting a pedagogical experiment to collect data on the effectiveness of the
developed approach to the problem;
statistical: registration and processing of experiment results using computer programs, in particular MS
Excel and SPSS for statistical processing of the obtained data;
graphic: visualization of the results of experimental work: diagrams, tables.
According to the results of the research, it was established that the process of professional training of
specialists does not take into account the main criteria of technologicalness that pedagogical innovation
technology must meet, the main principles by which innovative activities are carried out in institutions of
higher education are not identified; approaches containing innovative technologies in teaching English are
not disclosed; effective technologies (interactive learning technology, distance learning, multimedia
technologies, virtual environment technology, microlearning (bite-sized learning)) and approaches
containing innovative technologies in teaching English are not disclosed; the specifics of the use of
innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education institutions have not been clarified.
As a result, the level of use of innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education
does not meet modern requirements. In the control groups, at the end of the experiment, the number of
students with low and medium levels of professional competence did not change significantly. According to
the results of the empirical research, we found a trend that proves the awareness of the teachers of the
institution of higher education of the need, in addition to professional education, to humanize the content
of professional training, the importance of forming the readiness of students to use innovative technologies
in teaching English in institutions of higher education as a professionally significant quality.
In the experimental group, a more significant progress in the formation of professional competence was
observed compared to the control group. This became possible thanks to our proposed method of formation
of readiness to use innovative technologies in teaching and learning English in institutions of higher
During the ascertaining stage of the experiment, the results of the study allowed us to conclude that the
real state of readiness for the use of innovative technologies in teaching and learning English in institutions
of higher education does not meet the modern requirements of pedagogical practice and society, and
therefore requires radical changes.
Therefore, during the formative stage of the experiment, we set the task of clarifying the features of the
use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education institutions; to show the main criteria
of manufacturability that should be met by pedagogical innovation technology; to single out the main
principles using which innovative activity is carried out in institutions of higher education; to reveal effective
technologies (interactive learning technology, distance learning, multimedia technologies, virtual
environment technology, microlearning (bite-sized learning)) and approaches containing innovative
technologies in teaching English; show the role of reading, listening, communication, writing and reveal the
content of technologies that can be applied to improve and develop the personality in high-quality teaching
of the English language.
Based on the results of the experiment, it can be concluded that the proposed technique is effective and
can be successfully used in educational institutions.
Therefore, in the article, we set the task of clarifying the features of the use of innovative technologies in
teaching English in institutions of higher education; showing the main criteria of manufacturability that
should be met by pedagogical innovation technology; identifying the main principles by which innovative
activities are carried out in institutions of higher education; to reveal effective technologies (interactive
learning technology, distance learning, multimedia technologies, virtual environment technology,
microlearning (bite-sized learning)) and approaches containing innovative technologies in teaching English;
show the role of reading, listening, communication, writing and reveal the content of technologies that can
be applied to improve and develop the personality in high-quality teaching of the English language.
First of all, let's distinguish the main principles by which innovative activities are carried out in higher
education institutions:
the principle of the necessary impact of innovation on the final result of the educational process with
a mandatory change of the final result of the educational process;
the principle of the necessary impact of innovation on the material, intellectual, and time costs of higher
education seekers (Shevchenko, 2020).
High-quality language training of university graduates in teaching English is impossible without the use of
modern innovative technologies (Suleman et al., 2019).
The most effective innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education are the
use of telecommunications and information technologies, project work in the educational process, use of
Internet resources, professionally oriented foreign language learning, multimedia systems (work with
educational computer programs for foreign languages), remote technologies in teaching English in
institutions of higher education, teaching a foreign language in a computer innovative environment (blogs,
forums, e-mail, etc.) (Kapitan, 2021).
Let's name the approaches that contain innovative technologies in teaching English in higher education
interactive teaching methods;
use of multimedia, computer teaching aids, and the Internet (technical teaching aids) for information
storage, knowledge control, and use of educational materials (Kudria, 2018).
The use of innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education determines the
constant improvement of educational and pedagogical activities (Vydaichuk et al., 2022). In innovative
technologies, developing and educational educational goals, methods, and forms of education, innovative
approaches to the organization of educational activities of education seekers are reflected and
implemented. The practice of using English language teaching technologies shows the existence of many
innovative technologies that help to diversify the educational process (Pudlo, 2018). The teacher has the
opportunity to choose innovative technologies for teaching English. It is necessary to take into account the
importance of innovative technologies, but also not to forget that no technology can replace a teacher, but
is only a means of strengthening and expanding the educational activity of students (Khrystych & Borysova,
Let's consider effective technologies that deserve attention in teaching English in institutions of higher
education (Efendiieva, 2017).
Features of using innovative technologies in teaching English language in higher
education institutions. - Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /93-108
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
The purpose of interactive learning technology is to create comfortable learning conditions, under which
every learner of the educational space feels intellectual ability and increases his success.
The essence of interactive learning is that the educational process takes place with the active interaction
of the students of education, and constant cooperation between the students of education and the teacher,
who act as equal subjects of the educational process (Kuchai & Demianiuk, 2021).
The use of multimedia technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education is an example of
the use of technologies for the individualization of the educational process; related to the creation of
multimedia products: encyclopedias, e-books, memory cards, databases (Juraeva, 2022). These products
will combine graphic, text, audio, and video information. Multimedia technologies allowed the audience to
attend the lectures of outstanding scientists and practitioners without leaving the house, made the
computer a full-fledged interlocutor, allowed participating in dialogues, conferences, and conduct
correspondence (Efendiieva, 2017).
Let's highlight the advantages of multimedia tools for learning a foreign language (Herasymenko, 2021):
the method allows you to choose the pace and level of tasks, has a high degree of interactive learning,
improves the accumulation of vocabulary and the speed of assimilation of grammatical constructions;
makes it possible to effectively implement the principle of visuality, while demonstrating photos,
diagrams, and drawings on the topic of language communication;
makes it possible to use interactive audio clips and video broadcasts when teaching oral
enables the teacher to present information in an effective and new innovative form, to make it
interesting, more complete, and closer to the topic of communication being studied;
creates conditions for interactive communication (Kudria, 2018).
Taking into account the peculiarities of the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher
education institutions, microlearning technology attracts attention it is a strategy of the educational
process that serially uses short segments of content in combination with short-term educational activities
(Hattie & Yates, 2013). It is also called bite-sized learning because it uses small fragments of educational
material or educational activity, that is, it breaks information into manageable fragments, is small in volume,
and does not carry out a long continuous educational activity (Alqurashi, 2017). In the name of the bite-
sized learning technologies, the meaning of the word "bite" is embedded as a unit of information storage
and its measurement; bite, piece, fate (Shuliak et al., 2022). An important factor for this technology is that
any educational module is simple, small in size, purposeful, structured, and focused on one linguistic
phenomenon, one educational goal. Students have the opportunity to establish their connections between
individual modules and decide how one topic is related to another and in what sequence to view them
(Kharchenko & Hostishcheva, 2022).
Therefore, educational and innovative processes complement each other and are indivisible. The modern
educational space is aimed at the maximum use of innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions
of higher education to make the educational process the most effective, convenient, and accessible, and
such innovative technologies serve, first of all, as a support for the teacher himself (Efendiieva, 2017).
The aspects of the application of innovative technologies in the teaching of English in higher education
institutions analyzed by us make it possible to state that (Herasymenko, 2021):
1. The computer is considered both as an integral part of the educational process of the students of
education and the activities of the teacher and as a means by which certain skills are transferred to
the students of education.
2. With the development of innovative technologies in the world society, their inclusion in the educational
process of learning English has become mandatory.
3. Practical and theoretical learning of the English language can be combined through the use of
innovative modern technologies.
4. Institutions of higher education should modernize their technical capabilities by using laboratory
equipment to support the educational process of teaching English.
5. In the process of developing the language skills of students, English language teachers should involve
their students in the use of innovative technologies (Shevchenko, 2020).
An important factor in learning English at a high level is the desire of students to master a foreign language
fluently, by focusing students on the future, raising their level of consciousness through the successful
implementation of innovative technologies for foreign language education (Kulichenko & Polyezhayev,
2020). The European approach to learning a foreign language includes a practical professional,
interdisciplinary orientation of foreign language classes, where the learner is at the center of attention. The
purpose of this approach is to direct the educational process to the development and formation of basic
abilities and skills in professional and social communication, and the development of strategies for
independent study of foreign languages (Vasiukovych, 2020).
5. Conclusions
An important factor in learning English at a high level is the desire of students to master a foreign language
fluently, by focusing students on the future, raising their level of consciousness through the successful
implementation of innovative technologies for foreign language education.
The peculiarities of using innovative technologies in teaching English in institutions of higher education
have been clarified. The meaning of the concepts "innovation" and "educational innovation" is revealed.
The main criteria of manufacturability, which must be met by pedagogical innovation technology, are
shown. The main principles by which innovative activities are carried out in institutions of higher education
are highlighted. Approaches containing innovative technologies in teaching English are disclosed.
The most effective innovative technologies are grouped and effective technologies for teaching English are
considered. that deserve attention in teaching English in institutions of higher education (interactive
learning technology, distance learning, multimedia technologies, virtual environment technology).
Taking into account the peculiarities of the use of innovative technologies in teaching English in higher
education institutions, microlearning (bite-sized learning) technology attracts attention it is a strategy of
the educational process that serially uses short segments of content in combination with short-term
educational activities.
We see the prospects for further research in the detailed disclosure of approaches that contain innovative
technologies in teaching English.
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