Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Blinovska, R., Kudria, O., Yitong, L., Chalii, L., & Verbivskyi, D. (2024). Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine:
Trends and prospects. Revista Eduweb, 18(1), 109-123.
Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine: Trends
and prospects
Enfoques innovadores en la educación superior en Ucrania: Tendencias y
Renata Blinovska
National University “Odesa Maritime Academy”, Odesa, Ukraine.
Oksana Kudria
Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Poltava, Ukraine.
Lin Yitong
Izmail State University of Humanities, Izmail, Ukraine.
Liudmyla Chalii
Rivne State University of Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.
Dmytrii Verbivskyi
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
Recibido: 01/01/24
Aceptado: 02/02/24
Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine are crucial to address changing global education dynamics,
technological advancements, and evolving workforce needs. The primary aim is to assess the significance of
innovation in shaping the educational experience and teaching methodologies. The research employs a mixed-
methods approach, combining surveys and in-depth interviews with educators across various disciplines. The
collected data from 125 participants provide insights into their perspectives on the importance of innovation. The
results indicate a growing interest in innovative methods among educators and students, highlighting a desire
for continuous improvement in the learning process. Сhallenges related to the implementation of innovative
approaches are identified, including technological barriers, limited resources, and resistance from within the
academic community. In conclusion, while innovation remains a crucial component for advancing higher
education in Ukraine, strategic planning and targeted support are essential for successful implementation. The
study underscores the need for enhanced international collaboration, a focus on overcoming identified
challenges, and the development of a comprehensive support system for educators. These findings contribute
to the ongoing discourse on the evolution of higher education in Ukraine and offer insights for policymakers,
administrators, and educators seeking to foster a dynamic and effective learning environment.
Keywords: educational transformation, digital learning landscape, digitalization, innovations, technologies.
Los enfoques innovadores en la educación superior en Ucrania son cruciales para abordar la dinámica educativa
global cambiante, los avances tecnológicos y las necesidades cambiantes de la fuerza laboral. El objetivo principal
es evaluar la importancia de la innovación en la configuración de la experiencia educativa y las metodologías de
enseñanza. La investigación emplea un enfoque de métodos mixtos, combinando encuestas y entrevistas en
profundidad con educadores de diversas disciplinas. Los datos recopilados de 125 participantes proporcionan
información sobre sus perspectivas sobre la importancia de la innovación. Los resultados indican un creciente
interés por los métodos innovadores entre educadores y estudiantes, destacando el deseo de mejora continua
en el proceso de aprendizaje. Se identifican los desafíos relacionados con la implementación de enfoques
innovadores, incluidas las barreras tecnológicas, los recursos limitados y la resistencia dentro de la comunidad
académica. En conclusión, si bien la innovación sigue siendo un componente crucial para el avance de la
educación superior en Ucrania, la planificación estratégica y el apoyo específico son esenciales para una
implementación exitosa. El estudio subraya la necesidad de mejorar la colaboración internacional, centrarse en
superar los desafíos identificados y desarrollar un sistema de apoyo integral para los educadores. Estos hallazgos
contribuyen al discurso actual sobre la evolución de la educación superior en Ucrania y ofrecen ideas para los
formuladores de políticas, administradores y educadores que buscan fomentar un entorno de aprendizaje
dinámico y eficaz.
Palabras clave: transformación educativa, panorama del aprendizaje digital, digitalización, innovaciones,
1. Introduction
In the contemporary era, marked by constant technological progress, higher education emerges as a
fundamental pillar for social development and national success. In Ukraine, a country striving to improve
its educational standards, innovation in higher education takes on crucial relevance. Beyond being a mere
vehicle for knowledge transfer, higher education plays a vital role in promoting creativity, innovation and
training professionals prepared to face the challenges of the future (Behera & Karmakar, 2022; Onischuk,
This article addresses the need to explore innovations in Ukrainian higher education, examining in detail
the approaches, methods and trends that shape the country's educational landscape. Through a
comprehensive literature review, a critical gap in research is identified that analyzes specific innovative
approaches, their implementation, and their impacts on the educational environment and future prospects.
The study aims to answer the following research question: What are the key innovative approaches,
methods and trends currently used in the Ukrainian higher education system and how do these strategies
contribute to the development of a dynamic, competitive and educational environment? adaptable?
To address this question, previous research by scholars such as Krymets (2022) and Iskakova (2023) is
examined, providing a solid foundation for understanding the Ukrainian educational landscape. The existing
literature highlights the importance of higher education as a catalyst for societal development and the
formation of a skilled workforce (Alvi, 2021). However, the need for more comprehensive research is
identified that comprehensively analyzes innovative approaches and their implications.
In this context, this article is structured as follows: the literature review, the methodology, the results and
discussion and findings.
2. Theoretical framework and literature review
Innovation is the implementation of innovative ideas, technologies, methods, or approaches with the aim
of improving and changing existing processes, products, or services. They have become crucial elements
Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine: Trends and prospects. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /109-123
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
in various spheres of modern society. Innovations in education may involve the integration of electronic
technologies, changes in curricula, the development of new teaching and assessment methods (Cheung et
al., 2019). The use of innovative approaches in higher education contributes to the creation of flexible,
adaptive, and interactive learning environments, fostering the development of students' creativity and
critical thinking. Thus, one of the key characteristics of innovation in education is the enhancement of
accessibility and flexibility of learning for various student categories (Alvi, 2021). For the other hand, Kang
& Lee (2020) described designing technology as important instrument of current education and usage of
computational thinking.
Contemporary researchers have demonstrated that the implementation of innovations in the educational
process may encompass changes in lecture formats, the use of electronic platforms for learning, and other
technological solutions. Innovations in education may also involve the creation of interactive online courses,
the use of virtual reality, and other advanced communication tools (Dzhym et al., 2023). Overall, it has
been proven that innovative approaches contribute to the development of students' independence, their
ability for self-improvement, and independent work on materials. Thus, innovations in education not only
enhance the quality of learning but also promote a creative approach to solving challenges and issues in
contemporary society.
This article by Alencar, E. S. d., Cunha, A. C. d., Figueiredo, T. D., & Miola, A. F. d. S. (2019) delves into
the nexus of teaching and learning with educational technologies. The focus is on the innovative use of
technology in educational contexts, particularly in the realm of mathematical education. While the precise
details of the content aren't explicitly mentioned, the source appears to provide foundational insights into
the incorporation of technology in pedagogical practices. Engel et al., (2016) focused on centrally assisted
collaborative telecare as a means of addressing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression among
military personnel attending primary care. The research underscores the importance of leveraging telecare
and collaborative approaches to address mental health challenges in specific populations, showcasing the
potential of technology in healthcare contexts. The work by Guimarães & Leal (2022) explores the role of
technologies in innovative pedagogical practices in the teaching of history. The article sheds light on the
multifaceted educational aspects impacted by technology, emphasizing its role in transforming history
education. It contributes to the broader discourse on integrating technology to enhance pedagogical
strategies in specific academic domains. Silva, F. S., Santos, L. C. d. S., Pinto, I. M. B. S., Uchôa, S. B. B.,
& Balliano, T. L. (2019) investigates educational technologies. The work likely explores future trends and
developments in the realm of educational technologies, providing a forward-looking perspective. It
contributes to the understanding of how technology might shape the future of education. Swaffield &
Thomas (2016) offers a comprehensive overview of educational assessment in Latin America. While the
exact connection to technology is not explicitly stated, the broader context suggests a potential exploration
of the role of technology in educational assessment practices in the Latin American context.
Accordingly, studying the features of integrating innovations into education is a relevant issue for
contemporary scholars. In particular, Iskakova (2023) examined the features of applying electronic
technologies to facilitate individualized learning for individuals with special needs. Overall, this work defines
how technologies can contribute to the creation of an inclusive educational environment. Boichenko M.,
Kozlova T., Kulichenko A., Shramko R., & Polyezhayev, Y. (2022) described the features of developing
creative activity in Ukrainian higher educational institutions. This work explores the role of creative efforts
in academic conditions, providing insights into fostering innovation and creativity. Yuhan (2017) described
the use of multimedia technologies in teaching philology. Yuhan (2017) also studied specific pedagogical
approaches and strategies to enhance language learning using multimedia. The work of Kozlova &
Polyezhayev (2022) is dedicated to cognitive-pragmatic research on phraseology, contributing to
interdisciplinary understanding of language and cognition, providing insights into how certain language
teaching approaches are used in interdisciplinary discourse. Behera & Karmakar (2022) critically reviewed
the development of cultural diversity through global digitalization, with a special focus on its impact on
education. The authors discussed opportunities arising from digital technologies in preserving and
supporting cultural diversity. Herrera-Ligero C., Chaler J., & Bermejo-Bosch I. (2022) described the
possibilities of digital technologies in the education enhancement system in the field of rehabilitation. Also,
Hosseini S., Peluffo D. H., Nganji J., & Arrona-Palacios A. (2022) identified the role of digital technologies
in higher education. Meanwhile, Lazko & Tomashevska (2023) identified key trends in music education in
the context of higher education and digitalization. Specifically, the authors drew attention to the role of
digital technologies in shaping educational reforms in Ukraine. Onischuk (2021) described the main
innovations in the education of judges in Ukraine and outlined a strategy for their development. The author
also detailed the implementation of new approaches, technologies, and methodologies to improve
education in Ukraine. Thus, the problem of using innovative technologies is popular among Ukrainian
scientists; however, it is necessary to approach this issue comprehensively and thoroughly characterize the
main innovative approaches implemented and used in the higher education system in Ukraine.
3. Methodology
Research Design
This study employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods,
to ensure a comprehensive understanding of innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine.
Intersectional Design: The research gathers data at a single point in time to encompass the current
landscape of innovative practices.
Participants and Sampling Procedure
Sample size: the primary participants of this study are 125 teachers of higher educational institutions of
Ukraine. They have different levels of experience in applying innovative methods and approaches in the
education system
Inclusion Criteria
1. Participants must be actively employed instructors in higher education institutions in Ukraine.
2. Teachers from different disciplines, including humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and
technology, to ensure diverse representation.
3. Teachers of different ranks (e.g., assistants, associates, and professors), considering that educators at
different stages of their careers may bring diverse perspectives.
4. Inclusion is based on voluntary participation in the survey.
Sample Procedure
The study employs a stratified random sampling approach. Stratification is based on the academic ranks of
teachers, ensuring proportional representation from each academic rank to avoid bias. Simultaneously,
disciplinary stratification is used to ensure representation from various academic disciplines, reflecting the
diversity of higher education. Within each stratum, participants are randomly selected to eliminate selection
bias. Randomization is implemented using a computer-generated random sequence of numbers to ensure
an unbiased selection process.
Recruitment involves reaching out to potential participants through official channels of selected educational
institutions. Potential participants receive an email invitation containing information about the research, its
purpose, and the voluntary nature of participation. Informed consent is a crucial element, providing detailed
information about the research and its goals before participants decide to join. Once informed consent is
Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine: Trends and prospects. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /109-123
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
obtained, emphasizing voluntary participation and confidentiality guarantees, participants are enrolled in
the study.
Data Collection (Quantitative Data)
The survey questionnaire has been developed based on a thorough review of relevant literature and
consultations with experts in the field. The questions are structured to gather information on teaching
methods, technology integration, and attitudes towards innovation.
Data Collection (Qualitative Data)
Literature Content Analysis
Relevant scientific literature, including scholarly articles, conference papers, and comprehensive
monographs, has been thematically analyzed. The content analysis focuses on outlining new trends,
challenges, and perspectives of innovative approac The literature was selected based on clear criteria.
1. Relevance. The literature should demonstrate direct relevance to the current state of innovative
approaches in higher education in Ukraine, addressing contemporary issues and trends.
2. Alignment with the topic. The literature must specifically address innovative approaches in higher
education in Ukraine, providing insights into trends and prospects within this context.
3. Language.The literature should be available in Portuguese, English, or Ukrainian, ensuring accessibility
to a wider audience and facilitating comprehension for researchers and practitioners in these
4. Publication date. Preferential consideration should be given to literature published within a relevant
timeframe, ensuring the information is current and reflective of recent developments in higher
education in Ukraine.
5. Academic rigor. Selected literature should demonstrate academic rigor, employing sound
methodologies and scholarly analysis to support its findings and conclusions.
6. Authoritativeness of Sources. The literature should be sourced from reputable academic journals,
books, or recognized institutions in the field of higher education, enhancing the credibility of the
information presented.
By applying these criteria, we ensured a well-rounded selection of literature that is both relevant to the
current discourse on innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine and accessible to a diverse
audience through different languages.
Data Analysis
In this study, we employ an integrated approach by combining quantitative and qualitative methods to
achieve a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape of innovative approaches in higher
education in Ukraine. Our methodology involves a meticulous comparative analysis to discern potential
convergences or divergences between teachers' practices (quantitative data) and the overarching
educational discourse (qualitative insights).
Quantitative Analysis
For the quantitative aspect, data collection revolves around structured surveys and assessments distributed
among a representative sample of educators. Tools such as Microsoft Exel are utilized for robust
quantitative analysis.
Qualitative Analysis
In tandem, a qualitative investigation is conducted through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions,
and content analysis of relevant educational documents. Thematic analysis is applied to extract key
qualitative insights, providing a nuanced perspective on the broader educational discourse surrounding
innovative approaches.
Integration of Results
The quantitative and qualitative findings are integrated through a triangulation process, enhancing the
validity and reliability of the overall results. The comparative analysis aims to reveal any alignment or
disparity between the quantitative data reflecting teachers' practices and the qualitative insights derived
from the educational discourse.
Software and analysis tolos
To address the concern raised, it is pertinent to note that all quantitative data are meticulously analyzed
using Exel. This software ensures accuracy, efficiency, and transparency in the processing and
interpretation of quantitative results. Additionally, Exel may be utilized for qualitative data analysis,
providing a robust foundation for drawing meaningful conclusions.
In essence, this methodological framework guarantees a thorough examination of innovative approaches
in higher education in Ukraine, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative dimensions and employing
cutting-edge tools for meticulous analysis.
Ethical Considerations
1. Anonymity and Confidentiality: Participants are assured that their responses will remain confidential,
and no identifying information will be disclosed. Any collected demographic data is kept anonymous to
preserve confidentiality.
2. Voluntary Participation: Participants are informed that their participation is entirely voluntary, and they
have the right to withdraw from the study at any stage without consequences.
4. Results and discussion
The preparation of specialists in the innovative higher education system of Ukraine operates within the
organic unity of the general, specific, and individual domains. In the context of the general, it reflects the
regularities of higher education acquisition and is an essential part of the defined system. As the specific,
it has its characteristics determined by the specifics of future professional innovative activities. As the
individual, it anticipates the dependence of preparation on individual traits, knowledge levels, interests, and
inclinations. The core idea revolves around a systematic approach based on the synthesis of continuous
professional education and the principles of the individual development of a teacher capable of professional
innovative activities. The professional-pedagogical component of pedagogical education aims to unfold the
individual characteristics of the student for the purpose of their professional self-development. The diversity
of education, freedom in choosing its content and forms, is a crucial condition for its humanization (Krymets,
2022). Thus, the preparation of modern specialists in Ukrainian programs is geared towards developing the
capacity for innovative activities, mastering information technologies, and effective communication
(interaction with a team and various categories of students), which defines the fundamental innovations
(Herrera-Ligero et al., 2022). Therefore, innovative approaches in the higher education system of Ukraine
involve the application of creative and advanced methods to enhance teaching, learning, research, and
overall institutional effectiveness. These approaches are aimed at adapting education to the changing needs
Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine: Trends and prospects. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /109-123
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
of students, industry, and society. Modern Ukrainian educators who participated in the survey demonstrated
a high level of familiarity with the use of innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine. In particular,
when asked, ¿“How familiar are you with innovative approaches in higher education?” 59.2% (or 74
respondents) indicated that they are “very familiar”, while 38.4% (or 48 respondents) acknowledged that
they are “somewhat familiar”. Only 2.4% or 3 respondents indicated that they are not familiar at all with
innovative approaches (See Figure 1).
Figure 1.
Diagram of familiarization of teachers with innovative approaches.
Source: author’s development
Based on the survey, Ukrainian teachers employ various innovative approaches in their professional
activities. The survey data indicate the level of utilization of different innovative approaches in higher
education among the participants. Specifically, technology integration is the most widely used innovative
approach, emphasized by 88% of the respondents. This indicates a high level of technological literacy
among the survey participants. Project-based learning and competency-based education also have a high
level of utilization (79.2% and 62.4%, respectively).
It should be noted that project technologies relieve a certain psychological tension, since the relationship
between the student and the teacher (subjective relations) becomes electronic resource (objective
relations). Project work is a valuable way of real use of communication skills acquired in the auditorium.
Unlike traditional language learning, where all tasks are prepared by the teacher, project the work places
responsibility for their own learning on the students themselves. Projects motivate, stimulate, empower
and enthuse, which contributes students' confidence, self-respect and independence, as well as improving
students' speaking skills, deepening knowledge of the subject and developing cognitive abilities. Project
technologies are integrated into skill-oriented is the thematic block introduced as a separate sequence of
types of work with a more traditional approach. It requires multi-stage development to achieve success.
This suggests that many participants value practical experience and the development of specific skills.
Education for sustainable development is also noted for its high level of usage, reflecting a growing
attention to sustainability issues in educational programs (79.2%) (See Table 1).
Number of
respondents; Very
Not familiar at all;
%; Very familiar;
%; Somewhat
familiar; 38%
%; Not familiar at all;
% Number of respondents
Table 1.
Utilization of innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine
Number of respondents
Technology integration
Active learning
Project training
Flexible educational program
Competency-based education
Data analytics and analytical learning
Global and cross-cultural experience
Education for sustainable development
Source: author’s development.
Overall, the data indicates the diversity of approaches in higher education in Ukraine and a certain level of
acceptance of innovations in the educational process. Although the flexible approach to educational programs is
utilized to a lesser extent, it still receives significant attention, suggesting a demand for flexible learning
programs. Global and intercultural experience is less popular among survey participants, indicating a less
developed interaction with international aspects of higher education. Nevertheless, a crucial aspect is the
effective integration of modern technologies, promoting the development of digital literacy in students and
making the learning process more engaging and convenient for education seekers. A detailed description of these
innovative approaches is presented in Table 2.
Table 2.
Innovative approaches
Online and blended learning
. Using digital platforms to deliver the course, including fully
online programs and blended learning models that combine online and traditional face-to-
face learning.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR).
Integrating immersive technologies to
create engaging learning experiences, simulations and virtual labs.
Active Learning
Flipped Classroom. Taking traditional lecture content outside the classroom, allowing
classroom time for interactive discussion, problem solving, and concept application.
Problem-based learning
. focusing on real-world problems and encouraging students to
solve them together, developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Assignment of projects that require students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world
scenarios, promoting collaboration, creativity and the development of practical skills.
Flexible Curriculum
Offering flexible degree pathways that allow students to tailor their academic experience
based on their interests, goals and career aspirations.
Assessment of students based on demonstrated mastery of specific skills or competencies.
Emphasis on the development of students' practical skills and competencies.
Data Analytics and
Learning Analytics
Using data-driven information to monitor and improve student performance, identify areas
for improvement, and personalize the learning experience.
Global and Cross-
Cultural Experiences
Fostering international collaborations, exchange programs, and study abroad
opportunities to expose students to diverse perspectives and cultures.
Integrating the principles of sustainable development into the curriculum to prepare
students to solve global problems and promote environmental stewardship.
The use of gamification elements in education can stimulate the interest and motivation
of students. Rewards, levels, game challenges and competition can make the learning
process more exciting.
Source: author’s development.
Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine: Trends and prospects. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /109-123
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
These innovative approaches are not mutually exclusive and, in practical terms, can be combined to create
a dynamic and adaptive higher education environment that prepares students for success in a rapidly
changing world.
According to the results of the survey on the importance of innovative approaches for improving the
experience of teaching and learning in higher education, the majority of respondents (43 people - 34.4%)
consider innovative approaches to be important or even extremely important for improving the experience
of teaching and learning in higher education. The importance of this issue was also recognized by 70 people
(56%). 10 people have a neutral attitude, and only 2 people believe that innovative approaches are not
important (See Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Respondents' attitude to the importance of using innovative technologies
Source: author’s development.
Based on the survey, it is also determined that the implementation of innovative approaches in higher
education can have a positive impact on student engagement and improvement in learning outcomes from
several perspectives. Firstly, there is the issue of student engagement. The majority of teachers noted
(56%) that innovative approaches allow for the creation of educational content that is interesting and
understandable for students. Thus, the use of cutting-edge technologies, from interactive virtual lessons to
virtual reality, can make learning more attractive. On the other hand, adaptation to individual needs is
crucial. Innovative approaches enable personalized learning processes, considering the individual needs
and learning styles of each student (62.4%). Adaptive platforms and programs can provide students the
opportunity to learn at their own pace and choose topics of interest. At the same time, 79.2% of
respondents pointed out that the use of innovative tools, such as discussion forums, video conferences,
and collaborative online learning, stimulates active student participation and develops collaboration skills.
Meanwhile, modern researchers argue that the effective use of innovative approaches can influence the
improvement of learning outcomes. Contemporary educators identified that they have participated in
courses to enhance their digital competencies (33.6%). Additionally, others emphasized the significant role
of international internships in the implementation of innovative approaches, contributing to the exchange
Number of respondents;
Extremely important;
Number of respondents;
Important; Основной
Number of respondents;
Neutral; Основной
Number of respondents;
Not important;
%; Extremely
important; 034%
%; Important; 56%
%; Neutral; 8%
%; Not important; 1%
% Number of respondents
of experiences with colleagues, participation in practical-scientific conferences, and professional
development courses.
They also contribute to interactivity and practice. In particular, the use of innovative methods, such as
virtual laboratories or simulations, can facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject and enhance the
practical skills of students. Overall, innovative approaches can not only make learning more interesting but
also enhance the effectiveness of the educational process, expanding opportunities for the development of
creativity, critical thinking, and practical skills of students.
However, it is essential to consider that integrating innovations into the teaching process can be a
challenging task for modern educators. Overall, out of 125 teacher responses, certain difficulties were
identified during the integration of innovative approaches into teaching (See Table 3).
Table 3.
Challenges of implementation and utilization of innovations
Technological challenges
In 108 responses (86.4%), it is indicated that educators face difficulties in
mastering new technologies, especially when they lack sufficient training or
Lack of access to necessary
In 95 responses (76%), the absence of required technical and financial
resources is mentioned as complicating the integration of innovations.
Resistance from the teaching staff
According to 72 responses (57.6%), there is resistance from other educators
who are concerned about potential changes in their work.
Lack of time
89 responses (71.2%) pointed out a perceived lack of time to learn new
methods and technologies.
Inequality of conditions
54 responses (43.2%) highlighted differences in working conditions that
affect the effectiveness of integration.
Lack of support and training
40 responses (28%) mentioned the absence of support from the
administration and insufficient training opportunities.
Uncertainty of results
42 responses (33.6%) indicated uncertainty about the results and
effectiveness of innovative methods.
Ethical and privacy issues
In 28 responses (22.4%), concerns about ethics and privacy arise when
using advanced technologies.
Source: author’s development.
These responses underscore the myriad challenges that educators encounter when endeavoring to
incorporate innovative practices into their pedagogical methods. Recognizing these difficulties is pivotal,
and there is a pressing need to proactively cultivate support systems and resources for teachers, thereby
facilitating their seamless adaptation to novel methodologies and technologies. In light of the distinct
challenges faced by teachers in implementing innovative approaches in higher education, several promising
avenues for their advancement can be identified:
Technological training and education
Introduce mandatory training courses and seminars focused on enhancing proficiency in utilizing modern
technologies in education. Develop online resources and self-study support to ensure educators have
continuous access to information and the latest methods.
Provision of financial support
Establish financing systems that allocate funds for acquiring technical equipment and software. Forge
partnerships with companies and foundations to secure grants or subsidies.
Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine: Trends and prospects. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /109-123
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Development of support programs
Form specialized teams or expert groups offering guidance and assistance to teachers. Conduct regular
training sessions and webinars on the implementation of new methods, with ongoing monitoring of their
success. Establish teacher support centers at each school or district level, providing personalized support
and resources.
Stimulation of team cooperation
Organize weekly or monthly meetings where teachers can share experiences, collaborate on tasks, and
form groups for joint implementation of innovations.
Creation of a flexible schedule
Consider the implementation of flexible working hours for teachers, allowing them to allocate time freely
for learning new methods and enhancing their skills.
Facilitation of Communication and Interaction.
Develop a virtual platform for exchanging ideas, posting materials, and discussing issues related to the
integration of innovations in higher education. Support teachers in creating virtual groups to discuss specific
Facilitation of evaluation and results determination
Implement a reporting system enabling teachers to assess the effectiveness of new methods and gather
data for continual improvement of the educational process.
These measures aim to foster a favourable environment for the successful integration of innovative
approaches in higher education, tailored to the specific challenges and needs of the teaching staff. Active
communication, ongoing professional development, and the exchange of experiences can mitigate
resistance, ultimately enhancing the success of integrating innovations into pedagogical practice.
The obtained results confirm the idea that innovation is an essential component of the higher education
system's development (Alam, 2021). The growing interest in innovative approaches in education indicates
the necessity to adapt to modern challenges and implement advanced methods to enhance student learning
and preparation (Sutherland, 2014). It is crucial to provide support and incentivize educators in the
implementation of innovations, thereby contributing to the development of a high-quality and competitive
higher education system in Ukraine. The results determined that the data obtained from the surveys
indicate the diversity of approaches to higher education in Ukraine. The most popular is the integration of
various technologies into the system of higher education. This is explained by the digitization trend, which
is now actively spreading at all levels of education (Luan et al., 2020). Active learning also plays an
important role in training future specialists. In particular, the use of the flipped room moves traditional
lecture content out of the classroom, freeing up classroom time for interactive discussions, problem solving,
and concept application. The topic of the use of artificial intelligence is particularly important among
scholars who investigate various practical, educational and ethical aspects of the use of AI in education
(Mohammed & Nell Watson, 2019; Renz et al., 2020).
One can agree with the statement of Lee & Lee (2021) that education for all age groups should prepare
society for the future and contribute to individuals' self-realization. Additionally, the idea that education in
the era of artificial intelligence (AI) poses both an exciting new challenge and a new opportunity is
supportable (Lee & Lee, 2021). New learning pathways are being developed, such as learning management
systems based on digital textbooks, personalized learning through big data analysis, interaction technology
with speech recognition and synthesis, and chatbot assistants utilizing natural language processing (NLP).
However, it is possible to disagree with the assertion that most artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have
significant applications in education and educational policies, as many of these technologies may not be
applicable in all educational domains or may require specific conditions for successful implementation (Lee
& Lee, 2021). Questions may also be raised about how effective predictive analysis technologies using AI
are in providing proper support to students with problems. For instance, these technologies might not
always accurately identify students' needs or offer individualized recommendations, especially in higher
education, where an individualized approach is a key element of success. In this context, we agree with
Sukhonos, V. V., Harust, Y. V., & Shevtsov, Y. A. (2019) that it is important to consider the ethical aspects
of using AI technologies in education and potential limitations in access to these technologies for all
students. The obtained results also determined that the implementation of innovative approaches in higher
education of Ukraine may face certain challenges and difficulties. This statement is also emphasized by
many modern researchers (Rossikhin et al., 2020). However, the results of the study contradict the
statement of Rossikhin V., Rossikhina H., Radchenko L., Marenych V., & Bilenko L. (2020) that in Ukraine,
the digitization process lags behind the best global educational practices. It is important to take into account
that not only in Ukraine, but almost everywhere, a number of circumstances can be found that indicate a
narrow approach to understanding the prospects and possibilities of digitization of education. In addition,
one should take into account significant problems in higher education, which the traditional system of many
countries of the world today does not solve, in particular, limiting and averaging the intellectual
development of the most gifted children.
To overcome these difficulties, it is necessary to actively interact with pedagogical teams, develop support
and training for teachers, as well as use the experience of famous universities in the world to implement
innovative approaches in a coordinated and successful manner in the Ukrainian higher education
The obtained results also emphasized certain prospects for the development of the process of
implementation of modern innovative approaches in the system of higher education. Effective technological
training of teachers, provision of financial assistance, development of support programs, creation of a
flexible schedule are particularly relevant. These aspects are also discussed in detail in modern literature
(van Hoof et al., 2015; Serafín & Depešová, 2018).
This study correlates with the results of Serafín & Depešová (2018), which demonstrated that digital literacy
is an important driver of the development of modern innovative education. The authors of this study support
this statement, however, special attention should also be paid to the development of material and technical
support. This aspect is not sufficiently covered in this work, however, this issue is described in more detail
in other modern works (Silva & Janes, 2023). In general, this work is notable for its novelty through an in-
depth analysis of innovations in higher education, a practical approach to studying and providing
recommendations for improving the educational process in Ukraine. It can become a valuable contribution
to the understanding of modern challenges and opportunities in higher education in Ukraine. In addition,
this study focuses on approaches to studying specific segments of higher education, such as the use of
technology in educational programs, the integration of international experience into the educational
process, and the development of key skills for successful adaptation in the modern world. Thanks to this
deep and multifaceted approach, the work not only identifies trends, but also reveals their practical
significance and potential benefits for all participants of the educational process in Ukraine. Such a research
approach contributes to the formulation of specific strategies for the further development of innovations in
higher education, contributing to the creation of a sustainable, progressive educational environment in
Ukraine. The limitations of this study are conducting a survey purely among teachers and considering only
Innovative approaches in higher education in Ukraine: Trends and prospects. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /109-123
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
modern literature. This approach somewhat levels the achievements of other scientists, however, it enriches
the research with relevant information.
5. Conclusions
Innovations play a crucial role in the training system for future professionals. The research results confirm
the growing interest of the pedagogical community and students in innovative approaches in higher
education. This indicates a commitment to continuous development and improvement of the learning
process. It has been identified that global and intercultural experience is less popular among survey
participants, casting doubt on the level of interaction with international aspects of higher education. To
overcome this challenge, it is essential to activate international partnerships and initiate efforts to ensure
a global perspective on educational processes.
At the same time, the research suggests that implementing innovations in higher education in Ukraine may
face certain challenges. This requires a systematic approach, active teacher support, financial backing, and
the development of necessary resources to overcome these challenges. Thus, innovations are a vital
component of higher education development, but their successful implementation demands strategic
planning focused on addressing specific challenges and ensuring alignment with international standards.
Overall, innovative approaches to higher education in Ukraine have significant potential for enhancing the
quality of learning and professional training. However, achieving success requires active collaboration with
all stakeholders in the educational process, addressing identified challenges, and providing necessary
support for both teachers and students. Only through such an approach can the effective implementation
of innovative approaches in higher education be achieved, ensuring continuous improvement of the system.
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