Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Cómo citar:
Yeshchenko, T., Kushch, N., Yuldasheva, L., Gruba, T., Chernysh, A. (2024). The effectiveness of the project method for the
training of philology teachers. Revista Eduweb, 18(1), 139-151.
The effectiveness of the project method for the training of
philology teachers
La eficacia del método de proyectos para la formación de profesores de
Tetyana Yeshchenko
Doctor of Philology Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty
of Foreign Students, Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine.
Natalia Kushch
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, the Slavic Philology and Journalism Department,
Tavriya National University named after V.I. Vernadsky of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Liudmyla Yuldasheva
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, the Slavic Philology and Journalism Department,
Tavriya National University named after V.I. Vernadsky of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Tamila Gruba
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History and Philology, Department of
the Ukrainian Language and Literature, Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of
Economics and Humanities, Rivne, Ukraine.
Anna Chernysh
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Journalism and Philology, Sumy
State University, Sumy, Ukraine.
Recibido: 01/12/23
Aceptado: 01/03/24
The evolution of technologies and the current dynamic development of the education system require the
search for effective learning tools that will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge using technologies
and the ability to use them for future teaching. The aim of the research is to study the impact of using
project method for training future philology teachers. The study involved 398 third-year students. Students
studied Ukrainian (native) language (n = 132), English (n = 129) and French (n = 137). A total of 15
teachers with a PhD degree and at least 7 years of teaching experience participated in the study to develop
project topics used during training. The teachers developed 10 topics for projects that students who study
their native (Ukrainian) and foreign languages (English and French) performed during the academic year.
A questionnaire survey was used to determine the effectiveness of the project method. Eight hypotheses
were put forward regarding the effectiveness of the project method for language learning and the
acquisition of skills for further teaching. The obtained results confirm the advanced hypotheses, thereby
proving the effectiveness of the use of project method for teaching students future (foreign and native)
language teachers. Prospects for further research may be comparing the use of project method with other
pedagogical practices, determining the influence of different contents of the curriculum using project
method for students studying different academic subjects.
Key words: language teachers, students, training.
La evolución de las tecnologías y el desarrollo dinámico actual del sistema educativo requieren la búsqueda
de herramientas de aprendizaje efectivas que contribuyan a la adquisición de conocimientos utilizando las
tecnologías y la capacidad de utilizarlas para la enseñanza futura. El objetivo de la investigación es estudiar
el impacto del uso del método de proyectos en la formación de futuros profesores de filología. En el estudio
participaron 398 estudiantes de tercer año. Los estudiantes estudiaron el idioma ucraniano (n = 132),
inglés (n = 129) y francés (n = 137). Un total de 15 docentes con título de doctorado y al menos 7 años
de experiencia docente participaron en el estudio para desarrollar temas de proyectos utilizados durante la
formación. Los profesores desarrollaron 10 temas para los proyectos que los estudiantes que estudian su
lengua materna (ucraniano) y extranjera (inglés y francés) realizaron durante el año académico. Se utilizó
una encuesta por cuestionario para determinar la eficacia del método del proyecto. Se plantearon ocho
hipótesis sobre la eficacia del método de proyectos para el aprendizaje de idiomas y la adquisición de
habilidades para la enseñanza posterior. Los resultados obtenidos confirman las hipótesis avanzadas,
demostrando así la eficacia del uso del método de proyectos para la enseñanza de los estudiantes, futuros
profesores de lenguas (extranjeras y nativas). Las perspectivas para futuras investigaciones pueden ser
comparar el uso del método de proyectos con otras prácticas pedagógicas, determinando la influencia de
diferentes contenidos del plan de estudios utilizando el método de proyectos para estudiantes que estudian
diferentes materias académicas.
Palabras clave: estudiantes, formación, profesores de idiomas.
1. Introduction
The dynamic system of modern education requires a combination of traditional learning approaches with
new technologies. The availability of information on the network necessitates the development of students’
critical thinking, information analysis, the ability to create personalized projects, and other skills. It is
important for future philology teachers to learn specific skills and abilities, which leads to the rapid
development of translation technologies using artificial intelligence (AI), which helps in learning languages,
but does not replace the skills and influence of a teacher. Future teachers need to have the skills to navigate
the technology-enabled language learning landscape. Philology, as a subject deeply rooted in linguistics,
represents a unique field in which these technological innovations can be applied to improve the educational
process for teachers and students. One of the directions for improving the pedagogical process of training
future philology teachers is the use of project-based learning.
Project-based learning consists of student-cantered learning that is organized on the basis of project
implementation. The acquisition of new skills and the content of the educational material occurs through a
project that students complete in groups (Guo et al., 2020). In other words, project-based learning is based
on joint research, during which students apply their knowledge and skills, working together to solve
complex problems (Markula & Aksela, 2022). Along with the influence on the knowledge of the language
and the study of its features, professional teaching skills are formed in future philology teachers through
the use of project method. This method allows students to actively interact with problems and challenges,
The effectiveness of the project method for the training of philology teachers. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /139-151
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
provides opportunities for a creative approach to learning. Future teachers need to develop organizational
abilities to use different educational technologies with students of different ages, in schools of different
levels. Therefore, the use of project method can transform future teacher training programmes, providing
ideas for language learning in the modern world, including the use of information technology (Berkeshchuk
et al., 2020; Valyukevych et al., 2021).
Many researchers from different subjects proved the effectiveness of the project method. However, the
conducted research in the field of training future philology teachers is insufficient. Taking this into account,
the aim
of the research is to study the impact of using project method for training future philology teachers.
It is planned to study the effectiveness of various tools and platforms of project method for philologists
who will teach Ukrainian, French and English languages. It is planned to study pedagogical strategies that
maximize the impact of using project method.
The following hypotheses were advanced in the study:
1. Project-based learning has a positive effect on student learning outcomes;
2. Project-based learning has a positive impact on the effect of training;
3. Project implementation of has a positive effect on the use of interactive technologies for education;
4. Project implementation has a positive effect on the students’ involvement in learning;
5. Project implementation has a positive effect on the students’ behaviour during their studies;
6. Joint learning during projects has a positive effect on teaching;
7. Project-based learning has a positive effect on future teachers; confidence in language skills;
8. Project-based learning has a positive effect on language teaching skills (in this study, on teaching
preschool and primary school children);
9. Learning outcomes resulting from the use of project method have a positive effect on future teaching
2. Literature review
An analysis of recent publications shows an increased interest in the implementation of project method as an
effective means of developing the necessary skills in students (Liu et al., 2019). The use of project method
allows enriching the educational process, developing studentscreative and practical skills. At the same time,
the authors emphasize the need to carefully study the impact of the use of project-based learning in each
case, taking into account the sample of students, the field of study, and other factors. Previous studies show
that the use of project method can contribute to the enhancement of students’ learning motivation, the
expansion of their worldview, and the development of critical thinking (Shpeizer, 2019). The integration of
project method has the potential to increase the effectiveness of educational work in a group, provides an
opportunity to gain practical experience that goes beyond the scope of traditional language learning. Project-
based learning allows students to gain unique practical experience, to bridge the gap between theory and
practice, using the acquired knowledge in real situations and contexts.
Conducted research on the use of project method for language learning shows that a proper selection of
project topics, matching the interests of students and the support of teachers contribute to quality language
learning, understanding of its aspects and the quality of education in general (Lushchyk et al., 2022). The
use of the author’s approach to the creation of an educational course, the high-quality rather than chaotic
use of technologies for learning contributes to the rapid completion of the tasks set before students, and
they better learn to use new interactive tools (Biletska et al., 2021). The impact on the motivational sphere
of students’ learning through the creation of a pleasant, interactive and interesting environment facilitates
the acquisition of knowledge and language skills. In particular, Zhyhadlo (2022) proved the effectiveness
of using gamified resources for language learning.
Reshetnyak (2017) recommends using information and communication technologies for project
implementation by students in order to optimize the learning process, make it interesting and creative. This
encourages the development of students’ cognitive abilities, the ability to find ways to solve problems with
the help of various types of activities. At the same time, it is necessary to use digital technologies
qualitatively so that they contribute to the development of the necessary skills and not hinder it as a
distracting factor (Haleem et al., 2022). The use of project method in education also eliminates distractions
and promotes focus on active student learning, as students need to develop, plan and execute an extended
project (Yuliansyah & Ayu, 2021). The development of technologies and applications, artificial intelligence
has affected all aspects of life. Learning in a virtual environment using digital applications significantly
optimize the language learning process, encourages dialogue between students and teachers, and
promotes the acquisition of new skills and abilities (Biletska et al., 2021). It is necessary to choose
appropriate applications and interactive programmes for students for the quality use of technology taking
into account their major, the subject for which the technology is used, and other aspects (García-Martínez
et al., 2019).
Other specialists point to the use of project-based learning as one of the most influential methods in
translation pedagogy, which promotes the development of students’ translation skills and provides an
opportunity to gain real practical experience. Hastürkoğlu & Bayraktar (2020) proved that the use of
project-based learning had a positive effect on the development of students’ metacognitive knowledge and
skills, necessary for translators who are aware of their cognitive abilities. Zinchenko et al. (2021) also
proved the effectiveness of using project method in the training of philology teachers for deepening their
understanding of linguistic concepts and translation theory. This approach improves the students’ research
skills, promotes the development of communication skills in the training of philologists. Ivanova &
Vinogradova (2020) proposed the trajectory of the integration of project method into various types of
educational activities, as well as proposed the design of project implementation in the educational process
of bachelor students’ training.
The results of previous studies (Simonson et al., 2022) prove that project method is an effective tool for
training philology teachers with the right approach and creation of the educational plan. This will contribute
to the acquisition of appropriate teacher training qualifications, which is the task of higher education
institutions. At the same time, it is necessary to further study aspects of the use of project method for
teaching students of different majors, exclusion of negative effects and high-quality use of technology to
improve the effectiveness of student learning. Therefore, the use of project method in the training of
philology teachers is a relevant direction of research that needs further improvement and systematization.
3. Methods
Research design
This study was conducted using a quantitative method. The impact of the use of project-based learning in
the training of philology teachers in the study of the Ukrainian (native), French and English languages was
studied. The research participants will be divided into experimental groups that studied different languages
using project method, and control groups that studied using traditional methods.
The study involved students of V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Academician Stepan
Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, and Sumy State University. The study
involved a total of 398 third-year students. Students who studied Ukrainian (native) language n = 132,
English n = 129, French n = 137. A total of 15 teachers with a PhD degree and teaching experience
of more than 7 years were involved to develop the topics of the projects used during training.
The effectiveness of the project method for the training of philology teachers. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /139-151
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Experimental factor
The experimental groups studied during one semester using project method, which consisted in the joint
use of language learning applications, execution of joint online projects, participation in online conferences,
offline meetings and project discussions. The project topics are presented in more detail in the results. The
control groups studied using traditional teaching methods.
Research methods
To check the effectiveness of the use of project method in the training of philology teachers, a questionnaire
was used to assess the effectiveness of the use of learning technologies, adapted from the one proposed
by Lai et al. (2022). The questionnaire contained 28 items rated on a five-point Likert scale from 1 -
completely disagree to 5 - completely agree. The questionnaire is used to evaluate 8 dimensions of the
impact of the use of a certain technology on the educational process. A subsection called Further Teaching
Skills was also added to the adapted questionnaire, the questions of which make it possible to assess the
impact of the use of project method on the development of relevant students’ skills. All questions were
presented randomly to prevent biased answers. The survey was conducted using the Qualtrics online
Data processing
The data were processed using SPSS Statistics. The statistical values of the average indicators of the
evaluation of the quality of the use of project method for students - future philology teachers, the
relationships between aspects of learning were calculated, and the Cronbach’s alpha consistency coefficient
was calculated to assess the validity of the questionnaire.
The research was conducted in compliance with ethical standards, ensuring informed consent for
participation in the experiment, confidentiality of survey data and publication of survey results with
observance of data anonymity. Ethical approval from the Institutional Supervisory Board was obtained to
conduct the experiment.
The limitations are the choice of specific topics for the creation of projects, the selection of participants
from one country (Ukraine), the evaluation of the impact of the use of project method on the study of three
languages native Ukrainian, foreign French and English. Further research could examine the longer-term
impact of using project-based learning for other languages, over a longer or shorter period of time, and
take into account additional variables such as students’ learning motivation.
4. Results and discussion
The discussion between teachers regarding the choice of topics for project implementation, the specifics of
the use of technologies for their implementation, the deadlines and the number of participants in the
groups, gave grounds to determine the following project topics:
1. Literary project “Creating an overview of literary works”. Students choose certain literary works, reread
and make a short review from this work (minimum 1 - maximum 2 pages of A4 format, single-spaced,
12 font).
2. Linguistic project “Etymology and modern language”
Students are tasked with researching the origins and development of words to understand linguistic
aspects. Each student studies the etymology of selected words, researches their use in modern language,
developing a team presentation or publication.
3. Theatrical evening “Classical works on stage”.
The students choose an episode from a classic work written in the language they are studying and create
a theatrical scene with actors. Results are presented to teachers and other students.
4. Research “The influence of speech features on the perception of the speaker”. The students analyse
language-specific presentations on the TED platform, including native and non-native (accented)
speakers, studying specific pronunciation features and audience impact. The research results are
presented in the form of an analytical article.
5. Creation of a digital textbook for preschool and primary school students. Students jointly create a digital
textbook for preschool and primary school children taking into account the specifics of children’s
development at this age, the specifics of presenting educational material, using game exercises, video
lessons, songs for listening, drawing in the textbook for teaching writing, transcription of words and
others features.
6. Literary club
Students choose a certain work in the language they are studying, choose different chapters and read
them, then discuss together and complement each other according to the chapters they read.
7. Speech trainer of a philology teacher. Students prepare short lessons for use in preschool and
elementary school aimed at learning the basics of language (alphabet, basic words, phrases, and
sentences). Lessons should include elements of game, activation of attention and memorization.
Lessons are presented with other groups of students.
8. Grammar guide. Students choose a grammar topic (such as tenses or constructions with prepositions)
and create a step-by-step guide to explain that topic with exercises and practical examples. Then a
group of students presents their designed guides to other groups.
9. Film review. Students watch a film or series in the language they are studying and write a short review
identifying new interesting constructions and grammatical concepts.
10. Grammatical challenge. Groups of students develop tasks to learn the grammar of the language through
a game, which is then played in another group of students. The tasks of the game can be to create
more sentences using different tenses within a certain time limit, or to find the largest number of
synonyms for a certain word (pre-selected words with a large number of synonyms).
Descriptive statistics
After two academic semesters with the use of project method, that is, the implementation of 10 projects,
students evaluated the impact of the use of projects on various aspects of language learning, and on the
development of teaching skills. The results of the survey allow us to state that the vast majority of students
who completed a language learning course using project-based learning highly rated the positive impact
on various aspects of learning, in particular, on the results of language learning (Figure 1):
The effectiveness of the project method for the training of philology teachers. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /139-151
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
Figure 1.
Results of a survey of the impact of project-based learning on students’ learning outcomes.
Similar results were obtained from the analysis of the assessment of other scales that characterized aspects
of language learning. In particular, the impact of project implementation on the learning effect, active
learning of students, the design of the educational process, and the use of information and communication
technologies were highly rated (Figure 2).
Figure 2.
Results of a survey of the impact of project-based learning on the ability to use information and
communication technologies for language learning.
0,76% 1,52%
0,78% 1,55%
1,46% 1,46% 7,30%
I do not agree at all I do not agree Neutral I agree I completely agree
Ukrainian English French
1,52% 2,27%
1,55% 3,88%
2,19% 2,92%
I do not agree at all I do not agree Neutral I agree I completely agree
Ukrainian English French
Students also positively assessed the impact of project implementation on such aspects as the quality of
teaching during study, their own involvement and participation in joint learning, and what is especially
important for future language teachers on Further Teaching Skills.
A corresponding check was carried out to confirm the invalidity of the questionnaire after the introduction
of the author’s sub-scale Further Teaching Skills. The results are presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Checking the reliability of the model
Average obtained
Reliability of the
Cronbach’s alpha
Learning outcomes
Learning effect
Skills for future teaching
The Cronbach’s alpha exceeds 0.700, meaning that the developed questionnaire for evaluating the
effectiveness of the project method for training future philology teachers is a reliable and valid tool.
The advanced hypotheses regarding the positive impact of the use of project method on students’ learning
outcomes were tested. The obtained results are presented in Table 2.
Table 2.
Testing of the advanced hypotheses
Independent dimensions
t value
Project-based learning
Learning outcomes
Learning effect
Further teaching skills
Learning outcomes
Further teaching skills
Table 2 shows that the obtained results demonstrate a significant relationship between the use of project
method and learning outcomes (β=.325, t=8.232, p<.0.05), which confirms a strong and significant
correlation for the proposed first research hypothesis. In other words, all respondents who took part in the
implementation of projects assessed its positive impact on the results of language learning as a whole. The
next result, the impact of project-based learning on efficiency, also shows a positive and significant
correlation (β=.426, t=6.589, p<.0.05). This means that project-based learning has a positive effect on
the effectiveness of foreign (French, English) and native language learning.
The next hypothesis was also confirmed: the positive impact of project method on student behaviour during
studies (β=.361, t=7.365, p<.0.05). Design technology has a positive effect on the study of the features
of using technologies for language learning (β=.415, t=6.586, p<.0.05). Students highly rated the impact
of using project method during language learning on the overall teaching process (β=.358, t=7.235,
The effectiveness of the project method for the training of philology teachers. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /139-151
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
p<.0.05), involvement in learning, and cooperation in the community (β=.326, t=6.965, p< .0.05). And a
special effect of using project method in the training of future philology teachers is that, in addition to
learning the language, they believe that it helped them to better understand and improve their ability to
teach language to children in future pedagogical activities (β=.422, t =7.326, p<.0.05). A positive
significant correlation was also found between how students evaluated their language learning and acquired
skills for teaching children using project method (β=.431, t=6.325, p<.0.05).
The obtained results give grounds to assert that the use of project method has a positive effect on the
results of language learning by students, provides them with valuable practical experience of spoken
language and the analysis of its various aspects (dialects, origins and different meanings of words, etc.).
The use of project method has a positive effect on relations with teachers and students, because students
are active participants in learning, searching for the necessary information, and not just simply learning it
from the teacher. The results show that the implementation of projects makes the educational process
more dynamic, interactive, and interesting for students.
A positive impact on students’ learning motivation is caused by the opportunity to freely express their
opinion and study certain phenomena. Participants expressed increased enthusiasm during learning, the
use of interactive technologies and active participation in learning contributes to a better understanding of
linguistic aspects.
The conducted research shows an unambiguously positive effect of the use of project method for the
formation of the necessary skills for future language teachers. The significance of the use of project method
is in the improvement of students’ language training, as well as in the acquisition of the necessary skills for
teaching in the future. Project method is one of the optimal approaches to the preparation of highly qualified
philology teachers. Training of teachers with appropriate qualifications is currently one of the main tasks
of higher educational institutions. Educators must know digital applications at a high level, and teach to
use them not as a substitute for language knowledge, but as a supplement and optimization of language
learning. Future teachers should develop this skills both to improve their own skills and those of their future
students. The main goal of this research is to study the impact of using project method for training future
philology teachers. For this purpose, the impact of the use of project method on various aspects of
education was investigated, in particular, the impact on improving joint learning and collaboration,
improving digital skills, information literacy, and future teaching skills. It is expected that students highly
rated the impact of project implementation on the development of relevant skills.
The proposed approach namely the developed topics of the projects and the conditions for their
implementation, helped to enhance philology students’ learning motivation, and to confirm the relationships
between the hypotheses advanced in the research. So, the implementation of projects contributes to
increasing involvement in learning, deepening the study of the subject, excluding the superficiality of
learning. This is one of the indicators of the effectiveness of the proposed methods in the educational
process, which, according to the results obtained by Granado-Alcon et al. (2020), positively correlates with
students’ educational performance. The project-based learning promotes involvement in learning, thereby
contributing to a tendency to improve one’s academic performance.
Knowledge of the features of certain methods, language and the ability to use these technologies is one of
the predictors of success in future professional activities (Fallucchi et al., 2020). Mobile technologies for
education need to be rationally used to engage students and enhance their learning opportunities (Bernacki
et al., 2020). The main focus of this research is to study the impact of the proposed approach of project-
based learning in the development of various aspects of learning, which increases student engagement in
learning (Granado-Alcon et al., 2020). According to the obtained results, project-based learning helps
students to navigate the challenges and complex situations of the daily work of future teachers, which
corresponds to the goal set in the work. Al-Busaidi & Al-Seyabi, (2021), Puspitasari (2020) drew conclusions
about the same consequences of using project method in education.
The obtained results show that implementation of the projects contributes to the improvement of teachers’
understanding, and has a potentially positive effect on the relationship between students and teachers. So,
teachers can use project-based learning to improve educational content and promote learning by increasing
active learning, independent information search, its systematization and generalization. The approach of
project-oriented learning has a positive effect on the cooperation between the participants of the
educational process, the training of digital skills, and increases the information literacy of philology students.
This emphasizes the positive results associated with an organizational approach to the training of students
future language teachers based on the implementation of project-based learning, which was
previously noted by experts (Rodríguez-Peñarroja, 2022), and also contributes to the acquisition of skills
necessary for future work (Musa et al., 2011; Konotop et al., 2022). Therefore, this study continues the
previously obtained positive results of using project-based learning in school Chen & Yang (2019) to further
use this technology with appropriate educational content and cognitive load on students. According to
Žerovnik & Nančovska Šerbec (2021) for the successful implementation of project-based learning, teachers
must adhere to the basic elements of project design description of the problem or issue, allocating time
to search for information, critique and revision through student-to-student feedback and teachers, and the
publication of the results of the project implementation. By using these approaches, students benefit from
a project-based learning by sharing information and thereby increasing their general awareness and
proficiency in the language and related skills.
Moreover, the obtained results emphasize the integral role of project-based learning for students and
teachers in the current conditions. This approach improves the learning environment and provides effective
learning management. The interactive nature of the implementation of projects on different topics allows
for the achievement of many academic goals and the improvement of relations between students (Belwal
et al., 2020). According to the data obtained in the research, the implementation of the projects contributed
to the improvement of the attitude of students future language teachers to pedagogical activities.
Students better understand the sequence of presentation of educational material for themselves and for
future students, understand the nuances of the necessary instructions for studying certain topics related
to language knowledge. Furthermore, it contributes to the expansion of their abilities and skills for future
pedagogical activities, the search for rational approaches to students with different levels of performance,
and the explanation of educational topics of different complexity.
Students are highly encouraged to find innovative solutions, perform authentic tasks and projects, which
promotes knowledge sharing, collaboration, and increasing the socio-emotional aspect of learning and
acquiring a quality learning experience (Ghosheh et al., 2021; Venn-Wycherley et al., 2023). At the same
time, further research into the long-term rather than one-time use of innovations in the education of
philology teachers is needed (Potvin et al., 2021).
The conducted study found no reliable differences between the indicators of the impact assessment of the
use of project method for the study and future teaching of the native (Ukrainian) and foreign languages
French and English. So, the implementation of the projects caused an increased effectiveness of learning
native and foreign languages, and a deepening of the ability to teach these languages to preschool and
primary school children in the future. All the advanced hypotheses of this study were confirmed with the
help of statistical analysis, which proves the numerous advantages of using project method for learning
native and foreign languages, acquiring relevant competencies with its use (Tseng & Yeh, 2019). The
obtained results show the importance of using project method for educational institutions that prepare
future philologists, using the previous high-quality training of teachers, developing the curriculum in
accordance with the students’ level of knowledge and skills. The use of project method during the study of
native and foreign languages plays an important supporting role in acquiring the necessary competencies
The effectiveness of the project method for the training of philology teachers. -
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. /139-151
Revista de Tecnología de Información y Comunicación en Educación • Volumen 18, N° 1. Enero-marzo 2024
Eduweb, 2024, enero-marzo, v.18, n.1. ISSN: 1856-7576
for future language teachers, and teachers should use project-based learning, recognizing its effectiveness
for enhancing learning motivation.
Prospects for further research
Further studies of the effectiveness of project method for language learning and the acquisition of
professional competence skills for future philology teachers may focus on different project plans on learning
outcomes, the features of communication with students during the implementation of projects, including
online communication and traditional communication in the classroom, a comparison of the use of project
technologies with other pedagogical approaches.
5. Conclusion
The use of project technology in the training of future philology teachers has great potential for acquiring
a high level of language proficiency and forming the necessary skills for teaching in the future. The use of
student-cantered learning and the use of digital tools allows for the creation of an interactive and interesting
learning environment that enables students to actively participate in language learning. The use of project
technology effectively complements the curriculum of future philology teachers, as it provides an
opportunity to develop critical and analytical thinking when creating projects, improve communication and
collaboration skills between students, and improves communication between students and teachers.
The results of the analysis and testing of hypotheses indicate that the impact of the application of project
method has a statistically significant impact on such aspects of learning as Learning Outcomes, Learning
Effect, Behaviour, Technology, Teaching/Pedagogy, Presence/Community, and what is especially important
on the development further teaching skills. The majority of students who took part in the study fully
agree with the statements that indicate the effectiveness of projects on these aspects of learning. Students
showed greater interest in learning using project method, increased their activity and independence in the
implementation of projects, and were active participants in the creation of projects.
Future research can be aimed at studying the use of project method by senior students, the implementation
of projects that are even more aimed at the development of teaching skills in future philology teachers
(creating educational materials or exercises for schoolchildren of different ages, studying certain aspects
of educational material).
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